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Thursday, April 2, 2009

How To Get A Six Pack - Lose Body Fat

By Jose Loni

If you want to get a six pack, you need to know the truth about spot reduction. The TV ads we see all focus on ab machines or ab exercises claiming fantastic results. The best way to actually get results is to boost your metabolism by working your body with resistance and eating healthy meals.

Spot reduction is always talked about, advertisements claim their products work and by training the abs directly, you will get ripped abs. But they are misleading you and spot reduction does not work. Defined abdominal muscles require general fat burning and not specific ab exercises. Ab exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't get them ripped.

Melt the body fat by simply increasing the body's metabolism. Resistance exercises are the most effective ways to kick-start your metabolism and burn fat.

This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.

A workout session can consist of lunges, chin-ups, squats or step-ups, which can be done with or without weights. These exercises are to be performed at high intensity for 20 seconds, moving from one exercise to the other with no rest, then resting briefly when the last exercise is done, then you repeat the sequence of exercises 6 times during each workout.

The great thing about this type of training is the body will work hard during the workout, but it also has residual effects and causes the body to work hard throughout the day burning fat and fueling muscle activity as the muscles are replenishing and repairing to prepare for the next bout of exercise.

Eating healthy is another factor to consider when getting six pack abs. Eat complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep energy levels constant and to control caloric intake. Avoid overeating and eating sugary snacks, sodas and fatty fast foods. The high calories from those foods will not allow our body to burn all the food and the excess will be stored as fat.

Increase the body's metabolism and have it working for you! Kick-start your metabolism and your body will burn the fat for you even while you are sitting at work, talking to clients or even sleeping. Regular exercise and healthy eating will get you six-pack abs! - 17268

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Rock Hard Abs - Muscle & Fat Loss

By Jose Loni

Work your muscles, lose fat and get rock hard abs. Everyday, we always see a new machine or ab exercise promising rock hard abs. Well, by increasing your muscle mass through weight training, you will lose fat and get rock hard abs!

Those machines and exercises we see on TV, give you the impression that by training the abs directly, you can spot reduce and have rock hard abs. They give the illusion that you will look like the heavily muscled or the super trim model that they have demonstrating the machine or exercise.

In reality, we will not look like fitness models in just a few weeks of using the product.

Approach it from another way, put on more muscle, increase your metabolism and burn fat so you will have overall less fat and rock hard abs!

When we train to build more muscles, we force our muscles to work at a harder intensity. The increased intensity causes increased metabolic activity within the muscles. With increased metabolic activity, the body must work even harder to provide energy to the muscles, which are working very hard to keep up with the intense exercise activity.

The body must then burn what we eat as fuel, then when we no longer have any food to burn as energy, the body turns to the its fat and begins to use that as fuel to provide energy to the muscles.

During training, the muscles are worked so hard that they function in a lowered oxygen state. The moment the body has a chance to bring oxygen to the muscles; it forces the muscles to increase its activity by nourishing and repairing the muscles as well as removing the accumulated waste products in the muscles.

This increased activity of the muscles will burn more energy, and at the same time cause the body to look for more sources to fuel the muscle activity. When this happens, the body ends up burning more fat throughout the day and continues this activity even after exercising.

Training causes the muscles to increase in size, which will proportionally increase the overall muscle activity and burn more fat.

Increase muscle, lose fat- when you look at it this way, it seems so simple and it is. It is a simple efficient way to train. By training one, you automatically train the other. It is the fast way to get rock hard abs. - 17268

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Then, Eat Modestly

By Dan Solaris

They're a favorite subject of mass media- fashion spreads and fitness magazines, infomercials, billboard advertisements, action flicks, even soap operas. I'm talking about people with gorgeous six pack abs and they're the envy of millions everywhere.

Watching movies that star Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hugh Jackman, it's easy to get the impression that lean and muscular individuals are a dime a dozen in the U.S. Strolling on American beaches during summertime however, one realizes that it's quite the opposite.

Recent data gathered by Center for Disease Control and Prevention brings disturbing news. As much as sixty-six percent of American adults are overweight and almost half of that number already obese. The hectic schedules and unhealthy lifestyles most people have been forced to adopt are mostly to blame. Working overtime in these lean financial times leaves not much room for regular exercise and healthy, well-balanced meals.

The market is chock-full of seemingly innocent munchies packed with flavor and loaded with calories. Ours has turned into a culture of fast-food and the surplus calories are showing-up on potbellies and lovehandles across the Western world.

Of course, we're not at all helpless and we can still do something to fight of the dreaded flab. All it takes is determination, will-power and a little knowledge on anatomy and the human body's metabolic process.

Conventional strength-building exercises with the use of free weights or machines have a heavier effect on six pack ab formation than you may think. Adding muscular tissue to one's frame actually increases our basal metabolism or our metabolic rate when we're at rest. Experts say our basal metabolism accounts for 75% of our caloric usage in one day!

Increasing our BMR through strength-building exercises is an optimal way to achieve six pack abs because it leads to faster fat loss. The amount of muscle tissue we have on our physique dictates how high our metabolism is. The higher our metabolism, the more calories and fat we eliminate.

When we do intense strength-building exercises and our BMR is at a high enough level, it's even possible to gain a six pack without dieting! For people with low will-power when it comes to gastronomic delights, all that's needed is to get rid of excess calories by working-out harder in the gym. We gain flab because the excess calories we still have are converted into body fat. - 17268

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Is acai supreme a good supplement?

By Casandra James

If your looking or an acai berry supplement then you need to continue reading this review of Acai Supreme. If you have ever been wandering what makes one acai supplement better then the other one, your questions will get answered now.

Acai Supreme is the most effective acai berry supplements on the market today. The results reported by most users of Acai Supreme surpass the results reported by any other acai berry product online, including juices, pills, and powders. Acai Supreme has more dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin E, amino acids, and healthy Omega fats than any of the competing Acai Berry products.

If you are looking at a fast shipping time from an acai supplier who actually has stock on the supplement, hen you should be impressed with the 3 to 5 shipping days from Acai Supreme. You get a full months supply to try out for just the cost of the shipping and handling fee's, then after the trial is over the cost for a one months supply climbs up to seventy nine dollars and ninety five cents which is on the high end of Acai supplements, but as with most health related products, you get what you pay for when it comes to the Acai Berry.

While using Acai Supreme, users experienced weight loss, a noticeable improvement in skin tone and decreased acne, and a higher metabolism with less fatigue throughout the day. These results were noted within just 2-3 days after starting the supplement. Average weight loss seems to be between 6-8 lbs after the first week of taking Acai Supreme.

If you are looking for an improvement on your current formula, you cant go wrong with Acai Supreme, that is, if you have tried one before! - 17268

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7 Fat Burning Foods that Burn Your Body Fat Inside Out

By Thong M. Dao

Scientists believe there are two essential elements in fat burning foods. One of them is fiber. Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber. Consuming fruits and vegetables gives a filling sensation and the best part is a decrease in caloric intake.

The second element is protein. One of the best fat burners, I might add. Protein does not only burn fat, it curbs the hungry feeling in your stomach. So, there you have it. Both fiber and protein are fat burning nutrients.

Protein also has the same power, and can slightly boost our metabolism in the process. But its imperative that we choose your proteins wisely, because like all other foods, if were eating more than the body needs, itll show up on the scale as a gain, instead of a loss.

The list of smart, low-calorie fat burning foods is as follows.

1. Green tea. Green tea is a great drink, hot or cold. It contains catechins which may help jump start your weight loss. Catechins are helpful phytochemicals which motivate the body to burn calories and decrease body fat.

2. Tomato- or Broth-based soups. These soups are perfect snacks between meals as they make you feel full.

3. Low-calorie green salads. Let's start off by saying "please, do not load your low-calorie salads with croutons, fatty dressings and cheese", or it will be counter-productive. I highly recommend you add high fiber content such as sunflower seeds. This way you will curb any cravings later.

4.Yogurt. Not any kind, but low-fat yogurt. It is a great way to help you out with those stomach growling moments. Low-fat yogurt offers the protein and carbohydrates that your body needs as you are heading down the path to a healthy living.

5. Beans. If you're looking for something that has fiber and protein all in one, I'll give you beans. Plus, they keep the hunger at bay between meals.

6. Water. You may know water takes up most of the earth. And it's the same for your body. Without water your body will dehydrate. If you don't like water by itself, try adding the following items: lemon, lime, watermelon, or unsweetened flavoring. Remember to ask yourself, as you're heading to the fridge, "have I watered my body properly today?".

Water also flushes unwanted toxins produced in the body. And when your stomach start crying out, drink a glass of water. Just think, a glass of water could save you from rummaging in that fridge and cabinets. Your body will thank you for that.

7. High-fiber, whole-grain cereal. Whole grains in general help boost fiber and the nutritional value of our meals. One of the easiest ways to give the daily diet a whole-grain boost is to have a bowl of high-fiber whole-grain cereal as breakfast or a snack.

Give this fat burning foods list a try, you will be surprised. - 17268

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Hip Recall Puts Thousands at Risk

By Maxwell Schmickman

If you're over the age of 60, it's very likely that either you or someone you love has had a hip replacement. These operations, around for almost 40 years, have become increasingly more common as seniors live longer, and want to live healthy and active lives.

These are operations that have been performed for almost forty years, and while invasive, have great results. With a standard replacement however, it will need to be replaced, usually within ten years. The Zimmer hip implant promised to change that, making hip replacement a viable option for younger seniors. However, their claims have not held up. This has led to a massive hip recall.

For some older Americans, a hip replacement, like those which are a part of the hip recall, can be the perfect solution to their pain and mobility issues. As we get older, body parts that have served us faithfully begin to wear and break down from use. For many, this leads to pain that is manageable. But for some, the pain can be unbearable. Why is this an issue? Because in the last fifty years, Americans have made incredible gains in their lifespan. Because of this, parts of our body that worked great for sixty years are being pushed far beyond that point.

The hip recall is targeted to a device made by the Zimmer Durom company. This device was used for those needing a hip replacement at a younger age than is normal. For most of those receiving a hip replacement, their lifespan will not be longer than that of the normal device, which is about ten years. But for those in their fifties and sixties, the possibility of outliving an implant, and needing it replaced with more surgery, is high. Therefore, the device in the hip recall was marketed as having a much longer life, meaning it would be much less likely to need replacement during a users lifetime.

These claims were actually false. At a clinic where many of the devices were installed, a doctor noted that twelve percent of patients who received the Zimmer Durom implant needed to have them surgically replaced within two years. This number is much higher than it should be given their claims of longevity, and it much higher than that of even a traditional implant. The discrepancy led to calls for a hip recall. Zimmer Durom claimed that the high failure rates at the clinic were caused by doctor error, but in fact, in their own internal study, seven percent of the devices failed within two years. Because of this high number, the company pulled the hip replacement device in July 2008.

If you or a loved one received a hip replacement at any point before July 2008, contact your doctor immediately to see if it is part of the hip recall. If it is, even if you do not need an immediate surgical replacement, you may be qualified to join a class action suit against the Zimmer Durom company. - 17268

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Fast Abs Workout - Core Strength Counts

By Dan Solaris

The hugely successful food industries in North America and Western Europe have caused approximately 65% of their populations to become overweight, statistics show. Efficiency in food production- especially in meats and sweets has made it difficult for most people to maintain healthy eating habits.

The only thing that can counter the nutritional quagmire that we're in is constant exercise. Sadly, a lot of people find it a challenge to stick to a regular exercise program and thus are suffering from all sorts of health problems from diabetes to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.

A majority of gym goers or fitness aficionados start workout programs to lose body fat and get flat six pack abs. When results come too slow, this results in boredom and because they become disheartened, a lot of people give up exercising regularly.

It's been found that abdominal and back exercises done on round, unstable surfaces (like a Swiss ball) are most effective in developing the core muscles. Doing these along with weight-training and high-intensity aerobic exercise can pave the way to rapid calorie-burn and melted belly fat.

The core of the human body refers to the muscles in our center. That means the upper and lower abs, the obliques on either side of our midsection and the lumbar muscles. Most fitness buffs make the common error of putting too much focus on the abdominal muscles and ignore the muscles on the lower back. A highly-developed abdomen would be useless without an equally strong back because injury can result from this imbalance of support.

Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.

Another advantage to doing core exercises on a curved or round platform is a higher amount of calories burned. It's been proven in a study using electromyography that more muscle fibers are active when doing crunches and similar exercises on a round surface. More muscle effort spells more calories used-up and more belly fat burned. - 17268

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What Does Research About Acai Berry?

By Ron Duckett

Many people remain oblivious to the facts about the Acai berry even though they have been featured many times in high rated television programs as well as in magazines and the Internet. To help people understand more about this, a research was conducted by several organizations in the world, each aiming to expose the mystery behind the fruit and the related products. This was triggered by the thirst of the people to gain more knowledge about them and also for those who have no clue on the subject.

Now that the analysis has been uncovered, many of you may not believe it but the fruit indeed contains a lot of benefits for our bodies. Remarkably, the Acai berry includes plenty of antioxidant concentration, which could eventually combat the untimely aging of our external appearance as well as our inner body. As a matter of fact, there are about ten to thirty times compared to that of red wine. In addition, there are even healthy or monounsaturated fats found in the Acai berry research so you would not have to worry for your diet. Along with that, the fruit also contains dietary fiber as well as elements such as phytosterols, which promote the betterment of the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive system.

Because of these advantages, many companies took the opportunity to launch their own line of Acai berry products such as Acai berry juice, pills, pulps and others. Additionally, specialists have found out that the items even contained trace minerals that are truly valuable along with essential amino acids and other vitamins that help the muscle contract properly and the regeneration of cells. It is quite undeniable that there are many who believe that this is nature's perfect food.

The Acai berry juice and the others have assisted people in taking care of their health and utilizing their energy as it should be. When the results for the Acai berry research came out, people found ways on how they can maintain and even enhance their physical conditions. More people are improving their lifestyle and including the Acai products whenever they have a meal. Obviously, there are a lot of things you can gain that you will surely be pleased about.

The research also gives away the facts that they are good sources for anthocyanins, which is a part of the flavonoids division. You may notice his in fruits that have red or blue phenols, which indicate that there are antioxidants present in the product. Red wine also contains this, which have been part of the French paradox that affirms that the people there are invincible to heart problems.

Moving forward to the future, we undeniably require protection as we battle against diseases. The Acai berry juice and other products will provide just what we need. - 17268

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ABC Beginners Guide to Weight Loss

By Jay Bonaretti

Weight loss...doesnt that term scare you? Does it seem like something that has plagued your life for all eternity? Well, this article will discuss the basics to weight loss, why you have to quit trying the easy way out and get on top of your life once and for all!

The first problem is the dieting industry. Have you tried every diet under the sun with no avail? If thats you (and I know there are plenty of people falling under this category), then do yourself a favour and do not try another one. They are all the same and will all yield the same result - sudden weight loss and then rapid weight gain thereafter.

Exercise machines advertised on TV are practically all the same - promise a lot yet deliver very little. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. These machines are absolutely no exception to the rule. Unfortunately they play of peoples misunderstanding of how to tone, shape and sculpt the body. By performing a certain motion, this does not necessarily yield the desired result.

Oh and a quick mention on supplements. Supplements can be of great value, but if you havent got a sound exercise and nutritional foundation, they are a waste of time and money for long-term success.

Believe it or not, lifestyle is the key factor to weight loss in most individuals. So, if we make some changes here, big weight loss will be induced in the long-term!

For starters, exercise is a key ingredient to maximum weight loss. Yes, this is common sense, but many people avoid exercise like the plague.

Now by exercise, I do not mean Biggest Loser Style. This is extreme and definitely not suitable for the majority of people. Instead, begin by doing something extra every day that you have not done recently. This could be as simple as a 20 minute walk. You could join a sports club, or go to the gym. Whatever you enjoy.

Dietary intake, as I am sure you would be aware, is very important. So, watch what you eat. You know the drill, eat a variety of foods that are healthy. But to lose weight, you just need to take in less kilojoules than what you presently consume. So try making your portion sizes smaller as a start.

And now for the final thought. Integrating a healthy food intake and physical movement into your daily routine will prime your body for weight loss by encouraging a calorie deficit. It is not rocket science. You need to find something that you can adhere to in order to make big sustainable results. - 17268

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Toned Abs In 8 Weeks

By Dan Solaris

People generally hold those with well-build physiques and tight, toned abs in high regard. In this day and age, being able to maintain a fit body with tightly toned abs takes a great deal of will-power and dogged determination. Having a lean, healthy physique can do wonders for self-confidence and improve one's outlook on life.

There are a lot of reasons toned abs are becoming harder to come by these days. Hectic schedules and extended working hours, unhealthy eating habits and inadequate rest leading to slow metabolism- these are all responsible for the excess flab we're carrying around.

Though people are snapping-up diet schemes, fad workout programs and abdominal exercise machines, 66% of Americans have still become overweight. Evidently, most of these usually overhyped products are ineffective in helping people control their weight and get nicely toned abs.

A great number of those that take-up aerobics and weights classes give-up after a few months because of slow gains from their efforts. Most of the time, it's because they're not maximizing their workouts for rapid calorie-burn.

A lot of folks have a common misconception about attaining a tight six pack. They do countless abdominal exercises- leg raises, crunches, etc. and still see minimal results from their efforts after years of working out. Doing all the right things on all fronts- diet, exercise and lifestyle will raise metabolism and let you get tight, toned abs in 2 months!

Most people would we surprised to know that it's actually possible to lose body fat without dieting. Working-out intensely enough can still let you burn more calories than your daily intake from food, but results will come faster if we monitor what we eat. Avoiding highly-processed foods and candies while eating loads of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can help in rapid fat-loss and a lean body.

Schedule too tight for working out? It's actually possible to burn enough calories to facilitate loss of body fat by maximizing our workouts. Starting-out aerobic sessions at high intensity for the first 5 minutes will kick-start our metabolism and let us burn more calories in less time. Doing core-based exercises for both strength and cardio training will also get more muscle groups working resulting in more calories at once.

Strength-training workouts can be intensified by keeping the rest periods between sets short. This enables you to get the benefits of added muscle and cardio exercise simultaneously, raising metabolism even higher and prolonging the body's calorie-burning process. - 17268

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The Ab Diet- Choose Exercise, Not Dieting

By Jose Loni

Readers, take note: The abs diet does not work in isolation. To successfully attain six pack abs, we must commit to a lifestyle change that encompasses a healthy eating habit, daily physical activity, and relaxation techniques to lower life stress.

Following fad diets and relying on restricting your food is not effective. When we deprive our body of food our body will go into starvation mode and store more fat, this fat will be used as energy in case of emergency. Dieting just leads to frustration and failure.

Smart food choices include lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, which your body primarily prefers as its main efficient energy source. The calories from these foods are quickly used up allowing your body to now burn excess fat to fuel its needs. Moreover, energy requirements to digest small, frequent meals throughout the day burns more calories and also stabilizes our energy and blood sugar levels resulting in less food cravings.

Training with resistance will help to increase our metabolism. Not only will we sculpt our bodies, but it helps our body to optimize its fat burning capacity. When we train with weights, and in quick interval bursts, we can increase our metabolism to burn fat. In addition, the muscles we develop will need more energy to function, which increases the body's overall metabolism.

And because muscles, by nature, require more energy to "run", your body now has to provide more energy sources for them, which it can now get from excess body fat stored in the stomach area. Fat is then continuously burned even hours after the physical activity.

Relaxation techniques to lower stress like yoga, tai chi, and deep breathing exercises have been found to effectively combat and manage stress levels. Less stress means less Cortisol (a hormone that stores fat in our stomach area) released into our bloodstream.

There is no ab diet that will get us ripped abs. Instead of dieting, choosing exercise, watching what we eat, reducing stress from our lives will get quicker longer lasting results, which will give us the six pack abs that we want. - 17268

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Get Great Abs Fast With A Laser Targeted Exercise Program

By Jose Loni

Stuff that works! It's true; get great abs fast with a method that actually works. This method is a general training program that has such precise results that it's like a laser that cut and sculpted your abs. You don't directly work your abs, but rather you train your whole body to increase its metabolism to get the abs that you want.

Training the whole body will give you an overall fat burning effect. By training the body to burn fat, your abs will be visible in no time. By training this way you will increase the body's metabolism and force the body to burn more calories.

The ads showing ab machines and ab exercises, all claim great results when you directly train the abs. Spot reduction does not work and the advertisers are misleading the consumers. The ab exercises will get your abs stronger, however it won't make them more visible.

Scheduling a program that works is the best way to start. Plan a program of exercise 5 times per week. Then make sure the exercises focus on multi-joints and many muscle groups per movement. Increase your exercise intensity at each session to really force the body parts to burn large amounts of calories.

Exercises that work are exercises that have multiple moving parts and muscles such as: pull-ups, push-ups, split squats, dead lifts, lunges and squats. Perform these exercises at high intensity for 30 seconds, continuously going from one exercise to another, with a rest period of 1 minute after the last exercise is completed. Complete this series of exercises 5-6 times per training session.

Working out several times a week will have you burning more calories. When you train hard, the body reacts by working harder repairing and replenishing the muscles and getting them ready for the next bout of exercise. This results in increased metabolism.

The high intensity training makes the body work harder and increase its metabolism of fat to provide more energy to the muscles. The more calories the body consumes, the more fat the body will also burn to fuel the increased physical activity.

The proven method of training has a general approach but a very precise result. Turn your body into a fat burning machine and your abs will be visible in no time. - 17268

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