How To Get A Six Pack - Lose Body Fat
Spot reduction is always talked about, advertisements claim their products work and by training the abs directly, you will get ripped abs. But they are misleading you and spot reduction does not work. Defined abdominal muscles require general fat burning and not specific ab exercises. Ab exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't get them ripped.
Melt the body fat by simply increasing the body's metabolism. Resistance exercises are the most effective ways to kick-start your metabolism and burn fat.
This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.
A workout session can consist of lunges, chin-ups, squats or step-ups, which can be done with or without weights. These exercises are to be performed at high intensity for 20 seconds, moving from one exercise to the other with no rest, then resting briefly when the last exercise is done, then you repeat the sequence of exercises 6 times during each workout.
The great thing about this type of training is the body will work hard during the workout, but it also has residual effects and causes the body to work hard throughout the day burning fat and fueling muscle activity as the muscles are replenishing and repairing to prepare for the next bout of exercise.
Eating healthy is another factor to consider when getting six pack abs. Eat complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep energy levels constant and to control caloric intake. Avoid overeating and eating sugary snacks, sodas and fatty fast foods. The high calories from those foods will not allow our body to burn all the food and the excess will be stored as fat.
Increase the body's metabolism and have it working for you! Kick-start your metabolism and your body will burn the fat for you even while you are sitting at work, talking to clients or even sleeping. Regular exercise and healthy eating will get you six-pack abs! - 17268
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