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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Best Tips For Losing Weight Naturally

By Jim Evans

Losing weight naturally is the key to all healthy diets. Many people try using fat loss supplements that helps the body stabilize metabolism and suppress the appetite. Some supplements are good if taken the right amount of dosage and can be very beneficial. Food suppressants that help the body's desire to eat are also very good. Body builders should look more into non-stimulate fat burning supplements.

Water is very critical to the body if weight loss and be healthy is the goal. Consumption of one gallon throughout the whole day allows the kidneys to perform its task and even turn those fat cells into reliable energy. If water is not consumed enough then the liver will have to work more than usual to help the kidneys. That means your weight loss strategy is decreasing. Make sure to drink a lot of fresh water, our body is made up of more water than anything else.

When you start your body building diet, try your best to consume at least 5-6 small meals a day. By consuming these amounts you are speeding up your metabolism and burning more fat cells. Foods that are the most beneficial to your diet are ones that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Protein helps your body build and repair muscles and the carbohydrates give you the energy to do so. Foods that are rich in protein are fish, red meats, poultry, dairy products, beans and egg whites. Remember that as a body builder your food is more beneficial and healthier raw.

Stress is a very common thing in everyday life. This is also one major factor why so many people have bad habits that leads to eating too much because they are just careless. Always try your best to be very positive at all times and think about happy moments other than those drowning nightmare thoughts of things that shouldn't be around you. By eliminating stress, your digestive system doesn't have to shut down and store excessive fat that is hard to burn off.

Older people tend to walk more. Younger people if able to should jog. Jogging will help the diaphragm and lungs expand to breathe easily. Also, learn how to control the breathing. Do this exercise for a good while before achieving big results but it's way worth it. - 17268

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Burn Fat Fast with the Best Cardio Exercises

By Thong M. Dao

In order for cardio exercises to work, we need to understand how they work. A cardio exercise program allows the body to burn off fat. But we've always wondered what is the best cardio exercise that burns the most fat. Is it high intensity, or low?

Scientists first discovered that during intensive exercises, the body burns glycogen, which is a form of carbohydrates that are stored in the liver and muscles for energy. During low intensity exercises, the body will burn a lot of fat.

If you're wondering whether or not it works, the answer is no because there are so many obese folks still around, even though they are working out with low intensity routines. It still makes you wonder how it can be.

What scientists claimed about the impact of low intensity cardio exercises is true. These exercises, such as walking and swimming, are great fat-burners. But that does not mean high intensity exercises do not burn as much fat. They require a huge amount of energy from glycogen and fat.

But that's not the end of it. When you run out of glycogen, the body will use carbohydrates from food to recharge the battery, rather than turn them into fat. That means exercises which burn glycogen will help prevent you from storing fat.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up our metabolism even after we have completed our workout. What this means is that the body will continue to burn body fat hours after we have left the gym.

However, this is not the case with low impact cardio exercise which will not boost your metabolism that long. In short, chances are high intensity training helps burn more body fat than low.

We can add high intensity exercises into our cardio workout by introducing some interval training " one of the best cardio exercises. We can walk for 5 minutes or so, then break into some jogging for another 5 minutes.

Continue to rotate afterward until you're finished. For the best cardio exercises, I recommend you do a continuous routine of 15 minutes or more. If you do not like walking, you can use a cardio exercise machine.

What's best about cardio is the more we do it, the more energy we'll have. Cardio will help us burn calories, although it's more useful for keeping our energy levels high.

If you've never tried cardio before, give it a shot. If you like exercising, you'll find cardio one of the best ways to boost energy and stay in top shape. For those who are just starting out, go slow and keep your cardio exercises on track - as it is very tempting to overexert yourself. - 17268

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Keeping Alert On Food Allergy Symptoms

By Roger Calfsman

Watching TV, one might think the only reaction or symptom to a food allergy is immediate onset anaphylactic shock. Television has a tendency to over dramatize things and it isn't a surprise that food allergies are on the list of melodramatic moments of TV. However, not all food allergy symptoms work like they seem to on TV. Here is some info on food allergy symptoms to help you recognize and deal with your possible food allergy.

When Does The Reaction Occur?

The food allergy symptom is very related to the process of digestion. Because this is an awfully advanced process that works differently with different foods, digestion affects the location, timing, and symptoms of a food allergy. However, one way to know whether or not you are having a food allergy symptom does have to do with time. All allergic reactions to food will occur within an hour of ingesting the food.

While some foods can inflict immediate and extreme food allergy symptoms, many are not as noticeable. Some can begin with an itching in the mouth or a slight difficulty in swallowing or breathing. Later, as the food starts to be digested in the belly and guts, other symptoms may start to appear.

The individual may be nauseas, he or she may barf or have diarrhea, and intestinal pains are common. All these symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or just eating your food too fast. If you've had a food allergy test during the past, know you are allergic to something, and are having these symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

Lesser Known Food Allergy Symptoms

An itchy, distended throat, stomach irritability, and abdominal pains are all relatively common food allergy symptoms. However, there are some other food allergy symptoms that aren't as well known. For example, many people relate hives to outdoor allergens. However, once allergens are absorbed and enter into your bloodstream, they will eventually reach the skin.

This creates hives or eczema on the surface of the skin. When the allergens reach your airway, it can induce asthma or asthma like symptoms. An allergen in the bloodstream may also cause lightheadedness, anaphylaxis ( a unexpected drop in blood pressure ) and weakness generally.

These symptoms may not easily be related to food allergies, so if you're subject to food allergies or know that you have one, make efforts to contact your doctor immediately. Even food allergy symptoms that start off as mild can rapidly progress into a life-threatening condition. - 17268

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America's Favorite Burger Joint

By Max Tanner

There are scores of fast food burger chains throughout the country. It seems that every city or town has its share of a bunch of them. Whether it's McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Sonic, Checkers or another regional chain like In N Out Burger, it seems like there are a ton of fast food options to choose from.

No nation loves a good burger as much as we do in the USA. Not only are burgers abundant throughout the country, but there are a number of different styles to choose from. Whether you're looking at a chain burger or a kobe beef burger, you can find almost anything.

Today we're going to look at some of the best burgers in the country, narrowing down the favorites of Americans. If you live in a town or a city, it's not really realistic for us to cover these all so we're really going to be concentrating on chains here.

I've eaten more burgers than I can count in my life and I've made it a point to try as many new ones as often as I possibly can. From my own experience and the feedback of others, I'll be choosing these best burgers.

Are you thinking that McDonald's or Burger King may have won it here? Perhaps Wendy's? Well it's none of those. The award goes to In-N-Out Burger, one of the most successful fast food franchises, but by no means one of the largest.

With fresh food and reasonable prices, people love the taste. If you've ever been to one, you've probably seen the lines.

It's true that this might be the favorite of Americans, but unfortunately you'll only be able to get to one if you're on the West coast. If you're located on the other end of the country, Five Guys doesn't do such a bad job either, and this gets our number two chain.

While many other chains are loved by Americans, these two have done the best in recent years. Can any of the other giants catch up? - 17268

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Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula in Utah

By Amelia Handley

Homeopathic HCG weight loss formula is apparently THE way to lose weight in Utah. It's recent popularity has left many with the impression that it's a new method, but this is not true. Dr. Simeons actually introduced the basic concept half a century ago. He called it a cure for obesity. Since then it's been around, but only to very exclusive groups in very exclusive settings. It's also carried a hefty price tag that kept it exclusive. Those who could afford it were very few. Rather than recent discovery...the recent popularity of this weight loss formula is actually due to its introduction to the masses through online availability in affordable packages. And Utah is apparently one of the most adept at recognizing a good thing when they see it because they are definitely embracing this as the most effective form of weight loss on the market.

Interestingly...Utah falls at a relatively healthy level (in comparison to other states in the nation) when it comes to obesity. Utah is ranked #42 with an 18% obesity rank. This is very good news, but doesn't mean there isn't a problem worth solving considering the overall state of the nation's obesity statistics. Many are calling obesity the most rampant epidemic of our time. Although the low ranking paired with Utah's high numbers of homeopathic hcg dieters indicates that this region is particularly aware of getting their money's worth. They're definitely getting the most weight loss for the least money with the formula.

The homeopathic HCG weight loss formula comes with average weight loss of one to two pounds per day. And it is a homeopathic method. This makes the weight loss results particularly amazing. Its affordable price in comparison to other methods with similar results also set it apart in a flooded market. This formula has been embraced not only by those struggling with obesity, but by those who are overweight and those who are attempting to avoid negative health risks that run in their family, etc. Regardless of the amount of weight loss desired the formula adequately fills the needs of the dieter.

Utah is among many states that have experienced an increase in homeopathic HCG popularity, but in comparison to its obesity rates and its population it is definitely seeing above average use of the formula. Some are obtaining information and treatment through traditional weight loss medical centers, but the majority of dieters are accessing the formula conveniently, easily and affordably through online portals like HCG Diet Direct. This isn't a shock considering that online availability has been deemed one of the main reasons for the recent weight loss trends.

In Utah...most people have heard of HCG. They know what it is even if they haven't benefited from the formula. They often know someone who has benefited from homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. And they've heard the basic info. This is word of mouth advertising and its rampant in Utah. It's one of the best advertising methods known to man and one of the oldest. HCG Diet Direct loves word of mouth advertising because in the weight loss industry there isn't any better kind of advertising than seeing someone who looks happy and fabulous and is dropping recommendations for how they were able to do it. HCG Diet Direct encourages their dieters to discuss the formula, their progress and their goals online. It's a perfect way to keep track of progress, receive encouragement and announce your success.

Obesity and overweight issues are overwhelming. They often require such a drastic change in lifestyle. But a lot of Americans are seeing the need to get drastic in order to get healthy. And it's not just those in Utah. Homeopathic HCG weight loss formula from HCG Diet Direct is the best weight loss method offering the most results for an affordable price. And it's available to us all! - 17268

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What You Should Know About Free Acai Berry Trial Offers

By Travis Van Slooten

If you are interested in acai berry and have perhaps done some digging up on what these supplements can do, it's likely that you have come across sites that are promoting free acai berry trial offers. It's easy to get lured with these free trials especially if you just want to give acai supplements a try. Before you take up these seemingly attractive offers however, you should know that these may simply be scams in disguise. If you are not careful of what you sign up for, you could end up paying a considerable amount instead of the free products you expected.

Whenever a popular product releases, especially a product that is easy to fabricate or produce cheaply, scam companies are going to do their best to get a piece of the money buyers spend. But they certainly aren't going to do it lawfully. They bait their hooks with tasty offers like free acai berry trials and dangle their lure in the waters, just waiting for someone to bite. And when someone does, they end up in a whole world of trouble.

Not so long ago, a very popular company was sued by irate customers for swindling them out of their money. When the buyers signed up for the free trial they were also signed up for numerous subscriptions to other products. While the acai berry was free, these other offers certainly were not. Customers were being charged huge amounts of money and when they tried to cancel the subscriptions they were put on hold or delayed for months. The charges just kept coming in while e-mails were ignored and phone calls were put on hold. In the end, the company was forced to pay out $350,000 back to customers they had scammed. But not all victims are so lucky.

The chances of a scam company being able to pay you back are quite slim so your best course of action would be to avoid these types of offers altogether. If something in your gut tells you a deal seems too good to be true, it'd be wise to heed it because in most cases, it is. The truth of the matter is, a high quality supplement like acai berry pills, can't be just given away for free. Unless an outright condition is given like a free bottle with a 6-month order, it's likely that a caveat is hidden in the fine print.

This is not to say though that you should be wary of all acai supplements. There are still a lot of decent companies that give the right value for your money. While you may not get a free trial, you can at least be confident that you will be getting all the nutritional benefits that should come with it. What it all boils down to is whether you are willing to try out these free acai berry trial offers at the risk of losing your money and losing out on the real health advantages of acai. - 17268

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Reducing Stress and Extreme Tiredness through Safe Zones

By Cecil Kelly

Scientists learn more everyday about the dangerous affects of stress on the human body. Stress can cause very serious health conditions. It is also the cause of severe fatigue.

Stress can come from many things in your life. Deadlines, pressure from your boss, and office politics can increase stress at work. Bills, household chores, and family issues cause stress at home. Even fun events like a vacation or a family gathering can increase your stress. Stress is a constant in your life and it can be easy to let it take control. This drains your energy and gives you constant tiredness.

A great technique to eliminate excessive tiredness is to create a safe zone. This is a very easy thing to do. When you do it correctly, a safe zone can be a very good way to reduce your stress and your fatigue.

Safe zones are 70% mental and 30% physical. A safe zone can be created anywhere and works best where you are most stressed. Safe zones can be in your car, office, kitchen, or wherever you need it. It is best to create a safe zone where you are stressed, such as in your office, versus changing locations, such as stepping out into a hallway. Changing locations sends a "retreat" signal to your bran that will actually increase the release of stress chemicals. Instead, try to take a mental stand against your stress.

The next step to creating a safe zone is to control your breathing. Shallow breathing signals "danger" to your brain, increasing stress, and deep breaths signal "safety", reducing stress. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and breathe slowly through your nose. Consciously make yourself breathe slower and deeper with each breath. Slowly, try to focus on slowing your heart beat and releasing your muscles with each breath.

After you are controlling your breathing, begin to clear your mind of negative, panicky, scary, or tense thoughts. Instead, think positive and attainable thoughts. Try simple thoughts like "I will be okay," "I can handle this situation," "Things will get better soon," and "This will be over soon." Begin to feel yourself take control of the situation. You will feel safer, calmer, more rational, and can begin to resolve the problem without stress.

A safe zone can be a place to mentally retreat and regroup. It can be a miraculous refuge away from stress and will improve the way your brain responds in these situations. It will also help eliminate stress-related toxins in your system.

Once the amount of stress-related toxins in your system begins to decrease, you will feel better. You will also be able to control your stress, achieve your goals, and face your problems. In fact, the safe zone technique can not only give you more energy, it can improve your quality of life. - 17268

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Natural Immune System Boosters for Strength

By Travis Van Slooten

Before we delve into finding the most effective natural immune system boosters, let's have a quick lesson on the immune system first. People possess what is called an adaptive immune system or immunological memory. In layman's terms, this simply means our body has a way of recalling which viruses have been to the body before. But while knowing the adversary can very useful in combating it, the body still needs the ammunition to fight these everyday enemies known as viruses and diseases. This is where immune system boosters come in handy ? they give the body's immune system the tools to perform at its peak at all times, therefore effectively warding off any harmful invaders of the body.

The first vital step to a healthy immune system is getting adequate rest. If your body is in a constant state of fatigue, it can't fight energy-zapping viruses. It is very important to get plenty of sleep. Additionally, sleep can assist in fighting stress which also is a culprit of a weakened immune system.

Secondly, make sure you are always hydrated. This doesn't only mean taking in lots of water everyday, but also limiting one's sugar intake. Instead of having sugar-rich coffee or canned juices with your breakfast, why not just drink water instead? The usual belief is that coffee gives you that extra jolt to jumpstart your day, but what it actually offers is nothing more than a temporary rush. Water makes up for about 60% of one's body, so you'd want to make sure it stays that way. Adequate water, plus acai berry supplements, is one of the best natural immune system boosters.

In order to function properly, your body of course, needs proper nutrition. Vitamins and nutrients are the power houses for the body's systems. You can use a supplement like acai berry to enhance vitamin A and vitamin C within your body. It also provides antioxidants that battle free radicals that are produced from pollutants.

It is true that we eat more fat and carbohydrates than the much needed building block known as protein. But as protein is just as important as these fats and carbohydrates and we can't always include a good source of protein into our meals, finding a protein-rich supplement is a must. Acai berry is the smart choice for a health supplement that can boost your body's level of protein which helps with building muscle and maintaining your immune system. As a general rule, your meals should be balanced with protein and carbohydrates, but if you lack in the protein area, you can always find that in acai berry supplements.

Strengthening one's immune system is not that hard to do if you just follow the above tips for healthy living. In fact, the benefits would go way beyond just building up your immunity against illnesses but would also promote your overall well being. For many people however, eating right is not always possible because of the demands of everyday life. If such is the case, the best way to increase your body's defenses is by taking acai berry supplements. Acai can fill in whatever nutrients may be missing from your usual diet, making it a great immune system booster too. - 17268

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A New Tradition of Exotic and Classic Coffee Flavors

By Damian Papworth

Because coffee has a certain bitterness in its most natural form, it could be said that coffee?s an acquired taste. However, with a bit of milk or sugar added, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The reasoning behind flavored coffees is the same: Take a product with natural caffeine and health benefits and add some sweetness or flavor to create a different dimension. It?s no surprise that the amount of coffee flavors continues to increase on a regular basis.

Previously, the most popular flavor to be added to coffee was chocolate (often called mocha) in cafes. Adding chocolate to coffee was a natural progression, especially in European cafes which primarily serve espresso. Hot chocolate is usually on the menu, so making the cafe mocha is just an added ingredient away. Beyond the now-ubiquitous caf? mocha, it is by no means uncommon to see different types of syrups added to coffee drinks. Many syrups, like amaretto or Irish cr?me, mimic the flavors of liqueurs, a more traditional form of coffee flavoring. Others are added as shots to coffee drinks in the way bartenders would make a cocktail.

Of course, if you are looking for coffee flavors without adding anything after brewing, you can find flavored coffee packaged and ready to go. Hazelnut, mocha and other flavors can be added to the coffee in bean or ground form. Clearly, it?s impossible to grow coffee with a flavor present in the bean, so any type of coffee with flavors has to be altered after the harvest. Despite the use of an artificial flavoring process, the flavors themselves need not be artificial.

Besides the most basic coffee flavors, you can find pistachio, white chocolate, almond, orange and more topping the list at cafes right there with hazelnut or mocha. In fact, if there is a flavor that can conceivably be matched up with coffee, you will find it, maybe even in organic form.

Enjoying a caf? mocha is in many ways enjoying flavored coffee at its most natural and best. There are varieties of pure chocolate, even in powdered or syrup form, that can be mixed with coffee to enhance the natural properties of both.

Coffee drinkers will also see more autumnal flavors like cinnamon and pumpkin popping up in your favorite caf?, to the delight of many.

While it may be a new and pleasant experience for some people, coffee drinkers should remember the difference in calories from a basic cup of regular coffee when compared to a drink in which syrup is added along with whipped cream and other sugary embellishments. You will see sugar and fat contents rise considerably, so take note of your expectations from coffee drinks.

For most coffee purists, the more you see tampering with the basic coffee form, the less appeal it will have. For those with a sweet tooth who aren?t crazy about traditional coffee, different flavors will add a significant amount of appeal and probably keep you going back to your favorite corner caf? for some time. - 17268

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Workouts To Burn Fat: Essential Tips for Muscle Gain

By Brad Morgan

Life can be hectic, and our busy world demands that we juggle taking care of children, going to work or school, and meeting other obligations. And we're supposed to exercise too! When can you find time to burn fat?

Many people opt to do shorter workouts throughout the day, such as doing three or four ten minute sessions instead of one long one. Does this work?

But wait. If your body needs about twenty minutes of activity before it kicks into fat burning mode, will short workouts even do anything? If you need to burn fat and don't have a lot of time, what do you do?

According to the American Heart Association, you can receive the same benefit from several shorter workouts as you do from one long one. This is true if they add up to the same amount of time.

So, if you are doing four ten minute sessions, you're body is getting the benefit equal to one forty minute session. The AHA also found that vigorous exercise is much more effective than moderately paced movement.

Moderate exercise won't cut it for your short workouts. You need to make them challenging. Try the following tips to get the most from your mini workouts.

1. Pick up the pace. A lot.

With a short workout, go faster than you normally do during a long workout. Run for ten minutes at a fast pace. If you prefer to walk, go much more briskly than you usually do. The key is to get your heart going.

2. Do a gym machine for ten minutes.

You probably don't want to drive back and forth to the gym four times a day, but if you're there anyway, hop on a machine and push the intensity.

3. Run up a hill or a set of stairs.

Run up some stairs or a steep hill. Walk down and repeat. Do this for ten minutes to burn fat.

4. Try some jumping jacks.

5. Try jumping rope.

Basically, anything that is intense and hard work for your body can make a good ten minute workout. And don't forget your strength training!

Make sure you include strength training in your short workout routine. Your body needs the variety in order to keep challenged and burn fat. Do a quick warm-up before you do the following:

* Squats: these are the moves to get the most out of your workout. They are very effective.

* Lunges

* Bicep curls

* Lunges

* Squats. Squats are one of the most effective moves to tone your lower body.

Do a few sets each, or better yet, combine the moves (compound moves work more effectively and build more muscle). You can try squats with overhead presses, lunges with chest presses, knee lifts with tricep kickbacks, and more.

Even short workouts need warm up and cool down periods, but they can be as simple as walking. Walk briskly for a few minutes to warm up, and walk at a slower pace to cool down. Stretching is also important so you don't strain your muscles.

The important thing with exercise is to do it. If you can do four ten minute workouts per day, that is great. You will see results, and you will burn fat.

It is also easier to stick with a program that allows such flexibility. Knowing you can do ten minutes and have it ?count? is very motivating.

Your busy schedule may be a valid excuse for not doing a long workout each day, but not with short workouts! You can always find ten minutes somewhere. - 17268

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A Brief History of Tea and Coffee

By Damian Papworth

Coffee isn?t just a beverage. It?s an art form. The same goes for tea. Tea and coffee are both social beverages which have depth and history behind them. Here?s a look at the two drinks in all their caffeinated glory.

As old time legends have it, the origins of coffee can be traced to Ethiopia, where it grows copiously, and in the wild. Shepherds were apparently the first to discover its stimulating effects after their flock nibbled on some and couldn?t settle down for the night. Another ancient tale tells of a man who was shipped out to the desert to starve to death. In the desert, the man could only find the coffee plant, so he took chance, boiled it and lived. He then made it to the neighboring town of Mocha; the locals there thought his survival was a miracle.

Historians believe that coffee was first drank around 1000 AD. In Yemen (southern Arabia), Sufi monks apparently brewed the drink within their monasteries. The drink traveled to Yemen and Egypt via Ethiopia. As with so many other inventions, we can credit the Arabians for introducing the roasting and brewing technique we are familiar with in these modern times. From the Middle East, the plant spread to Northern Africa by around 1450. It then took off in Europe by way of Italy; from there it spread to Indonesia and then eventually America.

The Arabians weren?t keen to share their precious coffee beans; so in order to make sure no one else could grow them, they cooked or boiled the beans, making them infertile. However, according to one tale, an Indian by the name of Baba Budan smuggled out some fertile beans by taping them to his belly. This way, coffee arrived in Venice and spread all around Europe.

The Dutch began growing their own coffee plants and cultivating the beans in 1616 despite the Arab prohibition on exporting beans. Dutch coffee was thus taken to Java and Ceylon. According to historians, by the early 1700?s Indonesian coffee was being drunk by Dutchmen and women by the cupful.

Today, coffee is ubiquitous. You really can?t go anywhere without seeing it. The art of brewing the perfect cup is something that is prided by many.

Tea has an equally colorful and varied history. It all starts back in old China. Some 5,ooo years ago, according to ancient tales, the wise emperor Shen Nung happened upon tea somewhat by accident. Shen Nung, being a wise emperor, required that all water be boiled before drinking. As the story goes, on a journey in a distant land, Shen Nung and his court were resting and water was to be boiled by the servants. Some dried leaves from a bush fell into the boiling water, rendering it brown. The emperor, a curious man, tasted the beverage and found it to be refreshing. Thus tea was born.

Tea was big in ancient China. Lu Yu wrote a comprehensive book on tea in the year 800 AD describing cultivation methods, tea drinking practices and rituals. The book became very popular.

Japan was introduced to tea by the priest Yeisei, who is now known as the father of tea in the country. After he brought tea back to Japan via China, it became an instant success.

Europe came to know tea by way of a Portuguese priest who brought the drink back by way of the East in 1560. Since then tea has become very popular. - 17268

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Fructose Intolerance is as Big a Problem as Lactose Intolerance

By Kathryn Barry

Fructose Intolerance is just like lactose intolerance, where sugars are not properly digested in your small intestine.

Fructose needs a specific enzyme in order to be used by your body and when your body lacks this enzyme fructose will be useless to your body.

As this sugar ferments when it reaches your large intestine, you will probably experience gas, bloating, diarrhea and pain in your abdominal area.

Fructose Intolerance is much more common than previously thought.

What is Fructose Sugar?

Fructose is classified as a simple sugar. All fruits contain this sugar, most vegetables, practically all sweeteners, and grains such as wheat.

Your favorite sweeteners high in this sugar would be high fructose corn syrup, fructose sugar, invert sugar, sucrose, honey, agave syrup, fruit juice concentrate, and maple syrup.

Fructose Can Create Fatty Acids

After being absorbed through your small intestine, fructose goes directly to your liver to be processed into glucose.

However, if your body does not require anymore glucose at the moment, the fructose will get turned into glycogen instead of glucose.

Glycogen is converted into glucose when your body requires more energy and when glucose levels in your blood sugar drop.

But, your liver can only store so much glycogen at one time and will be forced to convert the remaining fructose into triglycerides or fatty acids.

Fructose is metabolized to fat much easier because no other cells or organ in your body can metabolize fructose.

This means that when you over consume foods high in fructose, you are more likely to see an increase in body fat.

Fructose Health Concerns and Issues

Your triglyceride levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and your risk for cardiovascular disease increases along with the fructose you consume.

Fructose is perhaps 10 times worse than glucose in the production of AGEs or Advanced Glycation End Products in our bodies.

The first thing that eating fructose does is cause an increase in uric acid.

Fructose is also associated with high blood pressure and hypertension problems.

Insulin resistance is a result of high fructose intake diets which produce too much insulin.

Increases your risk of contracting Diabetes.

How to Best Deal with Fructose Intolerance

Figuring out how intolerant you are to this sugar will determine how much you can ingest without creating major problems.

Taking a Breath Hydrogen Test can determine if you are intolerant to this sugar and other sugars.

For really sensitive people, a fructose free diet may be in order.

The greatest threat is consuming soft drinks and desserts with high amounts of fructose or high fructose corn syrup. - 17268

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