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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Does Acai Berry Help You Lose Weight Quickly?

By Caitlin Ryan

Perhaps! You might be able to look fantastic at the beach after all! Acai berry can boost a healthy weight loss plan and offer faster results.

Diet pill companies might try to make you think that you can lose weight with a supplement like acai berry or a powdered acai berry, but you have to do more than swallow a pill or mix up an acai berry smoothie. That being said, acai berry can speed up the process.

What you need to do is realize that acai berry can boost your efforts, but it cannot help you solve the problems surrounding your weight issues.

There are some simple tips and tricks that can help you overcome some of those obstacles, and an acai berry supplement or powder is one of them. Let's go over a few of the other imperative things to keep in mind when you are trying to lose weight.

Set your mind straight! You are taking on a difficult, but important task. Surround yourself with positive people and stop making yourself feel guilty if you backslide a bit. Many of us are overweight because we eat for emotional reasons to quiet those negative voices about ourselves. Do not let guilt thwart your efforts!

You need to prepare your kitchen for your weight loss efforts by getting rid of the fattening junk foods. Even if you have children (perfect time to set them on the health path), you should still limit the amount of junk. Switch to nuts rather than salty, fatty snacks. Fruit is a great sweet tooth soother. Light ice cream is an option if you really feel the need to give your children dessert. Keep the portions at " cup and for you, try cup on a cake cone (around 10 calories).

Learn to love your veggies and fruits! Acai berry helps boost your weight loss efforts because it is loaded with antioxidants! So are fruits and veggies, and they are extremely low in calories. Though antioxidants do not directly promote weight loss, they do boost your health and energy levels.

Five servings of veggies and fruits is a good start, but adding an acai berry supplement to your weight loss plan or acai berry powder in a healthy breakfast smoothie can up your antioxidant intake that much more! You should never skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast will jump start your metabolism and help you burn energy more quickly throughout the day.

You must not believe those that tell you that you do not have to exercise to lose weight. It is simply not true. You do not have to become a fitness maniac, but you do have to get your heart rate up on a daily basis. This can be as simple as walking, biking or running up and down the steps. Or, it can be kick-boxing, a spin class or step aerobics. It is up to you, but if you want to lose weight, you have to burn calories! The acai berry supplement or powder will give you loads of energy, so use put it to good use!

Acai berry juice is available at the market, but make sure you check the label. Most juice is merely flavored corn syrup and water. It is high in calories and should not be on a weight loss menu. Stick with all natural acai berry supplements or powder instead! - 17268

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Is Wu Yi Tea Safe to Drink?

By Jared Rothe

Let's tackle the first question first. Is Wu Yi Tea safe? Definitely. The Chinese have relied upon this tea as a revered staple in their diet for hundreds of years. It is believed that this is one of the factors that contribute to their societal incidence of low body fat and long life.

The people of China have great metabolism and body composition. This is because of better dietary lifestyles, less stressful situations, and more abundant healthy foods. There have been many theories to explain what the difference is but most theories point to their diets.

If it is the traditional Chinese diet and lifestyle that impart that nation with good health and appropriate BMI's, those who wish to achieve improvement in their own makeup are well advised to "look to the east" for guidance. Wu Yi Tea is a staple in the Chinese diet and therefore has been proven to be safe and healthful.

The ingredients of the purest, traditional Wu Yi tea are pretty simply stated: Wu Yi Tea. The popularity of the diet, fast-paced lifestyles and the demand for convenience has resulted in an introduction of processed Wu Yi tea in powdered and encapsulated forms. When considering purchasing one of these alternative packages over the traditional loose-leaf version of the tea, it is critical to obtain verification from the manufacturer that the tea has not been compromised in processing and packaging.

When you get a form of wu yi tea that has been transformed or combined with other products make sure you check the fillers. Often caffeine and other additives will be put in the pill, caps, tablets, gelatins, or binders. Make sure you know what is going into your body before you purchase one of these products.

One last thing, if you take any form of medication for a specific condition make sure your medicine like high blood pressure meds, statins, and insuclin, do not interfere with the tea. Make sure you talk to your physician to see if wu yi tea is the best solution. Take care of your body and good health to you! - 17268

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Why You Are Having Difficulty Increasing Your Height

By Rodney Williams

If you or your child is short in nature, then you are probably well aware of the emphasis our society puts on height. Unfortunately, children of shorter stature are often made to feel insecure and possibly depressed. This can have long term consequences and prevent them from being fully productive adults. It is only natural for you to want to grow taller, but it is important that you understand the reasons behind short statures.

Your genetic composition plays the biggest role in determining how tall you will be. There are people who have other situations that keep them from growing to their full potential. Many of these situations happen during childhood, which is when your body does most of its growing. No one person has the same problem, so talk with your doctor about why you have a short stature and how you can increase height. When you talk to your doctor, he or she will probably explain the four basic reasons for stunted growth, familial, constitutional growth delay, growth failure, and idiopathic .

Your Familial history is the most common reason why you are as tall as you are. Familial height is decided solely by your genes. If you come from a shorter family, then you will probably end up as tall as your parents.

However, nutrition and medicine have advanced. Now there are ways for you to increase your height despite your Familial history. This includes eating the right diet, getting plenty of exercise, and sleep. Although there are some who would take artificial Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, this is not recommended in these cases. The best thing you can do for your body is to increase height naturally.

Constitutional Growth Delay means that your body does not grow when it is expected to, but catches up much later. Typically, a child will grow much less than the average child when they are young. The child will remain shorter than his or her peers until the onset of puberty. When the child reaches puberty, growth accelerates and the child will reach the genetically disposed height. This condition typically runs in families and is most common in children.

When Growth Failure occurs it is normally a sign of a greater problem in the body. There are generally three reasons for this problem. A systemic problem is when one or more of your body's natural systems, such as nervous or cardiovascular, are not functioning properly. An endocrine malfunction means that there is a problem with your system of organs, which release the vital hormones and enzymes you need to grow. Congenital disorders are those that are caused to the fetus in the womb. Unfortunately, these situations are not always treatable and you should see your doctor, or pediatric endocrinologist, to discuss your options.

The most inexplicable reason is Idiopathic Short Stature. Sometimes your body is working fine, no symptoms and no medical issues. However, you do not grow. This is not a very common condition. Also, it has not been proven that HGH can help promote growth in these situations.

Once again, only a doctor can tell you exactly why you, or your child, are not growing taller. While administering HGH might be discussed, it will be better if you try to naturally grow by eating right, working out, and sleeping. Also, do not smoke because second hand smoke may stunts growth. However, once you know the fundamental reason for your shorter stature, you can work to improve your situation. - 17268

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Faster Weight Loss With AcaiFit Supplement

By Jake Wakefield

Acai Fit is the newest weight loss drug and it hosts a great number of benefits.

If you want to lose weight, you should consider giving Acai Fit a try. Acai has been shown time and time again to be extremely important in encouraging healthy weight loss.

Acai Fit has many advantages over other weight loss products since it is completely natural and free of chemicals. The Acai berry has been consumed by humans for many, many years and is completely safe without any side effects.

Acai is filled with helpful nutrients like Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils. Additionally, one can find B vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and more. This is why many world class athletes use Acai Fit in order to stay fit during training.

Acai is found in the Amazon and is created by a special palm tree located there. It is high energy and consists of many monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytoseterols that help greatly with cardiovascular and digestive health.

Even better is that recently a study published in a University of Florida study was able to find that acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in 86% of leukemia cells tested in vitro, a true testiment to the healing powers of the acai berry.

Many users of Acai Fit report losing many pounds over routine use in as little as a few months. 20 pounds or more of lose weight is not unheard of.

If you want to shed some pounds and keep them off in a healthy manner, then you should check out Acai Fit. At the time of writing, Acai Fit is offering a free trial so you can take a look and see it work for yourself before spending a cent! - 17268

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Detox Your Body With A Natural Herbal Remedy

By Ron George

What is a weed to someone, can mean nature's wonder herb to someone else. You have perhaps heard of this weed which can tenderly detox your body and act as a herbal remedy for many health problems. It is dandelion. There is no difference between using dandelion and multi-vitamin and mineral supplements which are taken as a full body health supplement, because of the innumerable numbers of vitamin and mineral that dandelion contains.

It contains several essential vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, C and K, Choline, B-complex, iron, silicon, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and copper. It is normal for health aficionados to opt for the leaves to make a healthy salad.

Dandelion helps in detox of the liver and restores hormonal imbalance. This is simply because of the hormone metabolizing action by the liver. A healthy liver can help you to handle all symptoms of menopause, menstrual cycle irregularity as well as PMS.

Dandelion is one of the most effective diuretics and this action helps in losing weight. While it helps in weight loss without diminishing the potassium content of the body, it does not address the primary reason for weight gain.

So it turns out that dandelion could realistically deal with the underlying issue of weight gain if it is related to poor digestion. It helps in bowel movement with the ability of enhancing bile production from the gall bladder. If you are thinking of using it for this, take it for a few months to perk up your gall bladder and liver but the intake ought to be brought down. This weed energizes some natural actions and revitalizes many secretions of the digestive system like in indigestion. It retrains your digestive organs without you having to go through much effort. Some people have trouble digesting fat due to insufficient bile but dandelion will come to the rescue again.

There are certain conditions which warn you against using dandelion to detox, and they include allergy to the ingredient or inflammation of the gall bladder, intestinal blockage or obstruction in the bile duct. The usual recommended dose for adults is 250 to 500 mg three times a day with meals. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before you start with a new supplement. Nature has many ways to keep us healthy. - 17268

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Optimizing Your Nutrition Program - Tips and Strategies

By Marcus J. Dawson

A solid nutrition program, backed with knowledge on nutrition, is necessary for any serious bodybuilder. Many uninformed bodybuilders go to great lengths on their training and are often met with disastrous results. Stressed and fatigued bodies are the only outcome of wrong nutritional beliefs and practices. All a bodybuilder has to do to avoid this is to arm himself with basic knowledge on nutrition and practice it. Following a good nutritional program designed for an individual is just a matter of recording his food and caloric intake and matching it up against his recommended nutritional needs.

Many misconceptions surround nutrition. Fairly recently, high protein diets have become popular. However, limiting yourself to eat only protein has its downsides. Catherine Jackson in her book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete" maintains that a high-protein diet often causes irritability and lowers endurance in an individual. I'll list here some basic and valuable guidelines on nutrition to help you with your training.

Dwindling Strength - Insufficient protein is the culprit behind this. Strength is an important factor in maintaining a regular training program. Do not solely rely on protein drinks and bars for your daily protein supply. It would be better if you source your protein from organic products such as chicken breasts (or white meat), egg whites and soy-based products.

Moodiness or irritability - irritability is often the result of low blood sugar which means you might not be getting enough carbohydrates in your diet. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels by eating whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day, combined with protein to slow down blood sugar absorption. Not eating enough carbs can also affect your ability to concentrate and focus during your weight training routine, so eat healthy carbs at regular intervals throughout the day to optimize your results.

Getting sick more often - not eating a varied diet can make you prone to developing a cold or infection, which makes it very difficult for you to maintain a consistent workouts schedule. Getting a cold or catching a flu that doesn't go away could also be signs of a weakened immune system; make sure you're getting enough B-vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods to stay on the right track.

Decreased speed - if you've been focused on increasing endurance but can't get past your usual times on the treadmill or during your sprint sessions, you may not be fueling up properly before your workout. Some athletes don't eat anything for 2-3 hours before their workout, but if you're looking for ways to increase energy for speed training, you'll need to eat some type of carbohydrate at least 1 hour before your training session.

Eat right and rest - Lack of motivation is a sign of burnout. Give your body enough time for rest. Not eating right can also cause stress to your body. Experts suggest that we eat several small meals distributed over the day instead of a few heavy meals. Eating heavy will make your body work harder to digest all those food. This will also lead to an unstable energy level. Professional athletes are commonly known to eat mini-meals every 2 to 3 hours. This helps in maintaining a stable blood sugar level needed for training. - 17268

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Discover How This Muscle Building Program Will Give You 40 Ways To Build A Stunning Physique

By Yomi A

Today I'm going to share 40 secrets that natural bodybuilders use for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months - without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before. This muscle building program is great if you if you are a newbie or and experienced weight lifter.

Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of the techniques in this muscle building program will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you'll see a huge difference in your muscle growth - faster than before.

1. Begin with 3 full body weight training workouts every 48-hours.

2. Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 15 to determine your daily caloric intake if you want to gain weight.

3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you'll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.

4. Consume carbohydrates in a 2:1 ratio to protein after your workout in liquid form.

5. Perform each set to muscular failure.

6. Use a training journal and track your progress.

7. Drink at least 4-6 liters of water each day.

8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.

9. Focus on exploding up on the concentric portion of your movement and taking 3-4 seconds for the eccentric portion of your program.

10. Aim to build at least 5-6 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Anything more will be fat gain.

11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.

12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.

13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.

14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.

15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you motivated.

16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.

17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.

18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.

19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular growth.

20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.

21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most - breakfast, pre workout and post workout.

22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of growth hormone and testosterone.

23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on technique and form.

24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week, schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.

25. Train a muscle group through it's entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.

26. Use a 3-day a week 20-minute interval cardio plan, post-workout, to maximize the muscle to fat ratio while bulking.

27. Train your most underdeveloped muscle group first in each workout.

28. Avoid processed food, packaged food and fast food.

29. Avoid protein bars and any muscle building supplement that has sucrulose, aspartame, or other artificial or natural sweeteners.

30. Get at least 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

31. Don't be afraid to overload your muscles with maximal resistance and miss your goal reps.

32. Consume a combination of olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, mixed nuts and natural peanut butter each day to make sure you get ample healthy fats for testosterone and other muscle building hormone production.

33. Take a complete week off after 12-16 weeks of training.

34. Get a spotter to help you with your heaviest set.

35. Have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.

36. Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching before each weight training workout.

37. Schedule regular ART-therapy or massage therapy to avoid injuries.

38. Cold shower after every intense weight training workout. It sucks, but it works.

39. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.

40. The core of your workout should revolve around squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, pull ups, dips and weighted core work.

There you have it. 40 of the best techniques to help you build solid muscle fast in 6 months or less naturally. The key to any muscle building program is consistency and discipline. Do the following consistently and you should see noticeable results that will make you ecstatic! - 17268

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