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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sports Massage Benefits

By James H Knolon

If you participate in sports of any type then sports massage therapy should play and integral part of your regimen. This should be done whether or not you are injured. There are numerous benefits to receiving frequent sports massage therapy. Most frequently cited is maintaining the body in better condition, boosting performance, increase flexibility and extending your sporting career.

Many professional athletes use regular treatments to maintain peak performance. They are typical regimen includes pre-performance massage as part of their warm-up routine. Post-performance massage treatments are also given to relieve tension and stiffness. This helps to regain flexibility and range of motion faster.

It is interesting that massage treatments have been used since the days of the Romans. The Romans used these treatments to help reduce fatigue, muscle pain and improve flexibility. Many distinct massage techniques have been involved in different parts of the world.

There are many different sports activities. Each sports activity uses different muscle groups and joints. Many of the massage techniques need to be targeted for the muscle groups in that particular sport. This helps to better optimize the effectiveness of the massage for the athlete in a specialized sport.

There are quite a number of physical benefits to the body from regular therapy sessions. It is widely known that these treatments provide the athlete with greater muscle and joint flexibility. Many report that they are in better physical condition, have higher levels of performance and longer sports life span.

The muscles and joints become stiff and tense under competitive conditions. Obtaining regular treatments helps to stretch the muscles and elongate the soft tissues areas. This is normally not obtainable through other means of stretching or exercise. It is important to maintain the flexibility of the soft tissue areas to minimize injury and enhance performance.

One of the more important reasons for sports massage is to elevate the performance of the athlete. Athletes need to perform at the edge of their capabilities. These types of treatments enable the body to extend its range of performance. Increase the flexibility of the muscles and joints is critical to elevating performance and minimizing the possibility of injury.

Keeping your body in competitive physical condition is important to sustain long-term performance. Sports massage should be integrated into the daily training regimen. It helps to improve blood flow, reduce the incidence of swelling, release endorphins for pain relief and help to flush out toxins from the body.

Sports massage when used as part of the normal training regimen helps to extend the athlete's career. The benefits of these treatments are when they are obtained on a regular basis. This helps to keep the muscles flexible, enhances blood flow, removes toxins and relieves swelling.

There are also physiological effects of receiving regular treatments as well. Athletes report decreases in pain and discomfort. Waste products from the muscles and general tension can cause pain. Receiving regular treatments helps to flush the waste products while releasing endorphins for pain relief.

The top athletes have a staff of trainers and massage practitioners. They are able to receive these treatments pre-event and post event. This enables them to get the enhanced benefits from periodic treatments. To take your game to the next level, you should add a massage chair to your training regimen.

Sports are becoming more and more competitive every athlete is looking for a way to outshine the next. Boosting your performance is the key to success in your sport. Up your game with a massage chair on your team and take your performance to the next level. Massage chairs provide you with convenient access to effective sports massage therapy. Get the benefits of receiving frequent massages to enhance your performance and extend your career. - 17268

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Can't Bruising Easily Be a Symptom of Diabetes?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are a person who has problems with easy bruising, you will find that it is essential to spend some time to determine what is happening with your body. Whether you've always dealt with the condition of bruising easily or whether you are just now beginning to deal with this situation as an out of the blue new development, you'll learn that the more information that you can obtain about this issue, then the greater your chances will be when it comes to determining how to go about finding a solution. Diabetes is frequently cited as one disease that comes with the symptom of easy bruising, and the advent of bruising easily is used as a way to detect the disease.

Are you a member of a family which has diabetes running through the family history? There is a particularly strong genetic link involved with this disorder, and if you have a parent who contracted it, there is a greater chance that you may end up contracting it yourself. Diabetes is generally defined as a condition of a disordered metabolism, where the individual is afflicted with unusually elevated blood sugar levels. The root of the conditions that are manifested in diabetes is normally a result of a flaw in the system for the secretion of insulin or in the way that insulin acts within your body.

Remembering the genetic linkage, why would you draw the conclusion that diabetes is tied to your bruising, or why should bruises unexpectedly showing up on your body be a reason for your concern? There are two situations that diabetes might cause your bruises to appear . The first condition is called acanthosis nigricans. In this situation, your skin will show black or brown discoloration in the creases and folds of your body. This generally occurs on the neck and in the armpits. This happens because excess insulin is spilling over in the skin, and it is often a significant indicator of Type II diabetes.

Another issue that you might run into is the fact that normal healing can be slowed in people with diabetes. Your body's resources are being taken up in another way, and you'll discover that there are many different ways in which diabetes can make itself known due to this fact.

Even if you have noticed that you are finding bruises similar to the kind referred to above, and even if you have some of the other symptoms besides bruising easily, including weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, increased thirst, and frequent urination, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor for a determination on diabetes. Easy bruising in and of itself is not necessarily a sign that you have contracted diabetes, especially if there is no history of this condition.

If diabetes is eliminated as the source for your experiencing bruising easily, it could be time for you to examine a system like Bruises Be Banned. This new, completely natural product has been uniquely formulated to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether; so evaluate what their daily program could provide you. - 17268

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Poppy Seeds and All Its Goodness

By Amanda Rush

Are you fond of pastries? If yes, you are most probably well aware of the many food ingredients including the famous seeds baked in or sprinkled in your favorite pastries. If not, then clicking on this page will make you acquainted with important seeds whose facts are interesting enough to have this article devoted for them.

Poppy seeds are known by people who are fond of foods and who make a living through baking. Perhaps it will be correct to say that poppy seeds are barely known by most people. For this reason, it is a good idea to allot this page for the important information about these seeds. If you havent heard about poppy seeds, read on and find out their interesting facts.

Asias general climate provide for the most suitable temperature for the poppy seeds to grow. The seeds are actually taken from the head of poppy plants and are like nuts when tasted.

Although mainly used as food ingredient today, during the ancient times poppy seeds were popularly used as medicines. In Greece, they were introduced by Hippocrates as a remedy for insomnia. Today, health experts have found out the other medicinal benefits of poppy seeds. It is found out that poppy seeds are effective cure for coughs, earaches, toothaches, inflammation, fever, dysentery and the list goes on. For these, poppy pods are cultivated in many parts of the world.

Poppy seeds are most popular today as food ingredients in different pastries. Most of the time, they are sprinkled in cakes, bread or rolls. Aside from its nutty taste, poppy seeds are very enticing to eat because of the nutrients each seed contains. The seeds contain linoeic acid, oleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, the seeds have extracts that can be used in cooking and making soaps.

Aside from being a great health food, poppy seeds represent symbols. They are considered symbol of fertility and prosperity, hence used in rituals and used as amulets to fight off bad luck and invite love, money and luck. It is also a symbol for fallen warriors.

Poppy seeds may bring a lot of advantages, but they can also be dangerous when taken without knowing its negative effects. Aside from nutrients, poppy seeds contain alkaloids such as morphine and codeine which are addictive. According to health experts, poppy seeds can be eaten when ripe because at that stage alkaloids are only minimal and hardly detrimental to the body. Unripe seeds contain a lot of alkaloids, hence can pose danger to physical and mental health.

Getting all these facts about poppy seeds is definitely beneficial to be able to get the best out of the seeds and get rid of the threats they can pose to our mental and physical health. - 17268

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Treating the Knee with Surgery

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

ACL Reconstruction: An Overview

The knee is stabilized by the ACL. It is often torn because of the location of the ligament and the fact that external forces are often exerted on it by activities causing damage. Each individual makes the choice of how to treat damage to the ACL.

The choice is based on factors such as the extent of damage to the rest of the knee structure, the knees stability, the activity level and age of the patient. If the patient will be able to return to the pre-injury activity level, surgery is usually recommended.

ACL reconstruction can stabilize the knee and prevent further damage to the articular cartilage and the cartilage cushions, known as the menisci. It can also help in preventing premature knee deterioration.

Without exception, ACL reconstruction is performed arthroscopically. I personally prefer to use an autograft-tissue graft. Autograft is a graft harvested from the patient. An allograft, which is harvested from a cadaver is another possibility.

I think that using the patients own tissue results in a more successful reconstruction that yields better long term results. Specifically, I believe that by using the patients own tissue, ACL re-injury rates are lowered. Interestingly, there have been two scientific studies conducted in the past few years that indicate a high failure rate - ten to twenty-five percent - if a young patient (under 25) receives allograft tissue and also participates in an aggressive program of rehabilitation.

Click here to learn more about knee arthroscopy.

My preference is to use a Patellar Tendon Autograft combined with interference screw fixation when dealing with patients under thirty years of age who do not have any underlying patellofemoral disease. I also prefer Hamstring Autograft (semitendinosis and gracilis combined) using rigid extra-articular fixation (Rapid Loc or Toggle Loc) on the femur along with a Washer Loc on the tibia.

If the patient is under age 25, I have been known to use an allograft as long as the patient guarantees he will not engage in aggressive, competitive sports for a full year following the surgery. This period of time gives the allograft a chance to heal. Also, I will use allografts when there is more than one ligament that needs to be reconstructed.

The ACL acts to provide stability for the knee and to keep stress at a minimum across the knee joint:

The ACL prevents an excess of forward movement of the tibia (lower bone of the leg) in relation to the femur (thigh bone).

Excessive knee rotation is also kept under control by the ACL.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Stefan Tarlow, a leading Phoenix Knee Doctor. - 17268

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5 Tips For Weight Loss At George Washington University

By Josef Brandenburg

When you are attending George Washington University, weight loss is something that might be on your mind. Maybe you'd just like to trim off a few of those winter pounds or maybe you feel that it is time for a whole new you! The truth of the matter is that weight loss is difficult and doing it when you have a plate full of academics and activities can be difficult. If you want to keep off the infamous Freshman Fifteen or you want to start losing, there are a few ways that you can get started.

1. Exercise: Do you get as much exercise as you need? It is very likely that you will not be getting the right amount, because walking all over campus just isn't enough. You should give the gym on campus a try or maybe even take a Phys Ed class. Make the most of the amenities available to you as a George Washington University student. If you have a good time while exercising and raising your metabolism, getting in shape will be a piece of cake.

2. Get a good nights rest: Your eating schedules can go haywire because of your Irregular sleeping habits. And your sleeping habits are effected when you lose track of the time when you are out with your friends or when you are cramming for a test, but you need to sleep the right amount, by going to bed early so you can get up early. Good sleeping habits will help your body cope with weight issues.

3. Eat healthy: You need to take some time to consider your food choices on your way to the cafeteria at George Washington University. Are you going to take the high road and go for the salad bar or are you heading for the junk food and deserts? Living on your own at dorms leads you to make important decisions about your eating habits for yourself. It is up to you to make the right choices that will not lead you to put on weight and that are good for your body.

4. Control your stress: Stress is a fact of university life, but it can lead you to all sorts of bad things, including strange body issues and weight loss problems. Whether you get stress out by walking, by reading a good book or simply getting on the phone with friends from home, control your stress if you want to control your body.

5. Try Cross-training: Doing any exercise over and over again will lead to it losing its effectiveness. Give some thought to the various exercise options available to you to make sure you find what works best for you. To fully benefit from your exercise routine and to keep yourself from getting board try out different exercises to find ones that most effective. - 17268

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The Truth About Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250

By Chito Moreno

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 is a pre-workout drink. The basic use of the said drink is to drink it before doing work outs and then you'll see results from these sessions quickly. Its quietly the same thing as any other product in the market and now I have the pleasure of reviewing it for your knowledge.

The Good

There are simple many things to love in the new Superpump 250. First, there are independent studies which proved that the data you find in Gaspari's website are true and accurate, meaning, you don't have to worry a thing when you consume this wonderful pre-workout drink.

This drink has been analysed doubly in two distinguishable trials from recognized bodies in the scientific profession. And it surely has no problem in passing those tests. The product have been affirmed and substantiated by autonomous bodies making it reliable on its claims for good condition issues.

Its time for additional concentrated workouts now!

From that, you will be able to really reason that the autonomous tests are the mainstay on the claims of the company about this product. Including the claim to acquire brawn mass in a small time period and naturally the power to last lengthier when performing intense work outs subsequent from drinking this exquisite beverage before commencing.

There are a lot of additional welfares that Gaspari assures, all of which were examined and found to be demonstrated in the independent trials mentioned. For that grounds, the Superpump 250 is a product that not only has the power to render on what it assures, but it also has the power to assist you raise your physical fitness to the next tier.

The Bad

If you would like to purchase this product, don't waffle because luckily there's nothing bad to say about the Superpump 250. One matter that annoys some physical experts though is the deficiency of fact about the product's elements. There's a trifle of truth about the measure of these ingredients but the mixture have been hidden attributable to corporate grounds.

This is quiet understandable for the company but it would be concealing facts from the public consumer. However, due to the presence of the independent studies, the doubt of the consumers have been eliminated even there is no info about the proprietary blend of the product.

The Interesting

So far a number of fitness athletes have use the Superpump 250 in their work out regimen and they can vouched for the effectiveness of the product regarding giving the vascular look that the physical buffs wants and also the excess energy they get to last longer in training holds true. So for me, I will recommend this beverage for those who wanted to have a very active and fit lifestyle. - 17268

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The Best Dieting Approach to Get Ripped Abs

By George Green

Nowadays many people want those sexy ripped abs and chest muscles we see all over the magazines and television. To achieve this appearance, you are going to have to remove this layer of fat that lies over the abdominal muscles. It is this layer of fat tissue that hides away those muscles and gives your abdomen a loose, flabby look.

Increasing the calories burned and lowering your calorie intake is the usually the best way to get rid of this fat. In this article I'm going to focus on lowering your calories so you will know how to get ripped.

You only need to look on the bookshelves or in a DVD shop to find a lot of items about dieting. This can be very overwhelming. Reducing the calorie intake, however, is the main focus of the majority of these products. The main problem most people face though is staying motivated and keeping on the diet. To achieve your goal of getting rid of that fat and keeping those abs requires a change of lifestyle and a long term view.

The question that we need answered, therefore, is how do we stick to reducing our calorie intake and keeping motivated? I have found that the best way to achieve this is to set short-term goals and not look beyond that short-term goal. Many sporting disciplines such as weight training can benefit from this stepwise approach.

If you were to plan to lift a certain heavy weight you would not just go for it straight up. You would build up gradually over many weeks. The sensible approach would be to gradually increase the weight lifted each week. Then after a number of weeks you would gradually reach your goal. This approach can also be applied to dieting.

I have found that setting a goal of around four pounds in over one month to be the most successful. I know most people would say this sounds very little compared to the huge amounts promised in those dieting books. However, with these types of diets, which usually involve some form of crash dieting, you can very quickly become demotivated. They also slow down your body's metabolism making it much harder to lose further weight.

The important thing to remember is that if you were able to lose 4 pounds in weight a month, that is a huge 48 pounds over a twelve month period. Now that is a very serious amount. Remember, lots of small losses quickly add up into large losses. At the end of each month I usually set the target for the next month with a general outline of a plan which I often find goes a long way to keeping me motivated.

So if you are looking to get rid of fat or following a fitness program to get a set of sexy ripped abs or to just look and feel more healthier and slimmer then a smaller stepwise approach is the best way to go. - 17268

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Isnt There a Link Between Anemia and Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you determine that you are in a situation where you are discovering new bruises essentially every day, you will learn that there are a variety of medical explanations that can be offered to explain your bruising. One of the first answers that you'll hear will be associated with anemia, so you need to know about the relationship between anemia and easy bruising. Does easy bruising automatically mean that you should start researching what anemia is and how it might be affecting you? The truth of the situation is that this is a difficult question to answer without gathering some pertinent information right in front of you.

In the first place, let's do a little research into anemia. Anemia is defined, at the most basic level, as an unnatural reduction in the quantity of red blood cells contained in your body, although it can also be defined as a condition where you simply have a deficiency in the amount of hemoglobin contained in your blood. Other definitions may refer to various other types of hemoglobin deficiency. The overall result is that your body is experiencing difficulties transporting oxygen from your lungs to your tissues, and because of the fact that your cells cannot survive without oxygen, there are numerous clinical results that might be inferred.

There are three distinct classes of anemia, and they are defined by deficient red blood cell production, or excessive blood cell destruction, or excessive blood loss. Some of the most recognizable forms of anemia include aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, and anemia that participates with a number of other chronic diseases. Depending on the type of anemia, the individual who suffers from it, and the severity of the problem, anemia can exhibit a wide variety of appearances. A condition as simple as iron deficiency or menstrual bleeding can actually create the condition of mild cases of anemia in some people.

With that in mind, why is anemia linked to easy bruising? Because anemia is something that can very easily lead to a decreased number of platelets in your body (the things that heal you up) or to problems with your blood's ability to clot, there is a good chance that you might see easy bruising if anemia were the problem. However, easy bruising is not the only symptom of anemia, and unless you are also evidencing the pale skin, fast heartbeat, chest pain, cognitive problems, diarrhea and weight loss that accompany it, there is a good chance that your bruising is unrelated to this issue. Take a moment to figure out exactly what is going on with your body, and if you still feel that anemia could be an issue, speak to your doctor.

Since easy bruising is usually a condition that simply occurs as we age and our bodies become more fragile and frail. If your bruising condition occurs due to normal aging, do some research into the Bruises Be Banned daily program, which consists of a uniquely formulated, all natural means to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

By Bangang Nkouppitt

Hypertension is a common disease nowadays, which, if it?s not treated corectly can cause many damages to the other organs of the body. People who suffer from high blood pressure need to lower blood pressure in order to neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body.

What if you had high blood pressure? There is the threat that you could be put on medication, which could be for the rest of your life. That doesn't sound very appealing, in fact, in reality it is not very appealing, especially when you take into account the amount of possible side effects that you could suffer from as a result of having to live with taking medication on a daily basis.

After studying the effects of several types of food on blood pressure, scientists have developed an eating plan called DASH " Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. DASH states that you should eat only fruits, vegetables, grains, fish and low-fat dairy products, and very few red meats, sweets and other foods that are rich in fats.

Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh tomatoes, you not only a good dose of this powerful antioxidant, but also took significant steps to reduce your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed that the hearts of healthy Italians have known for centuries - tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Despite what you may have heard, prescription medications are not necessary in order to lower blood pressure naturally. There are dozens, if not hundreds of little things you can do to improve your cardiovascular health and improve your overall physical fitness.

Work with your doctor to determine just how much weight you need to lose in order to see the most benefit, especially if you are extremely obese or have any other medical considerations that need to be taken into account.

The natural cure high blood pressure is much better than the medical alternatives. It is amazing how many medicines that are supposed to help you feel better actually make you feel much worse. This is why so many people are turning to natural cures for hypertension, and if you are reading this article I can demonstrate exactly what you need to do to get started.

For almost all of us high blood pressure is related to weight and diet and this is a big problem today when two thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Additionally, the majority of Americans get much too much salt in their diet and not enough of the many other beneficial vitamins and minerals which can actually reduce blood pressure. In a nutshell, you can eat your way to a lower blood pressure, if you know how to do it. - 17268

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About The Achilles Tendon

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Treating Achilles Tendon Injuries

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon, and it takes the most stress. Located at the back of the lower leg, the Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the calcaneous, or heel bone. This location makes the Achilles tendon especially susceptible to injury during sporting activities due to pivoting and other pressures exerted on it.

The Achilles tendon is especially prone to two types of injury:

First is overuse inflammation, known as Achilles tendonitis.

#2 The Achilles tendon can be torn during strenuous activity.

Achilles Tendonitis Information

Achilles tendonitis is caused by a sudden increase in the intensity of activity to which the Achilles tendon is subjected. So, for example, if you suddenly change the type of training you are doing or greatly increase the intensity of your existing training, you are likely to experience Achilles tendonitis. This is why you must take great care when adding very strenuous exercise to your routine or when returning to exercise after an extended break.

You may experience Achilles tendonitis as mild pain after exercise that worsens as time passes. Several hours after completing your exercise routine, the pain may become severe. After rest, you may feel stiffness, tenderness, and swelling. Movement may improve these symptoms.

If you tear your Achilles tendon, you will probably need surgery. With surgery, torn, fibrous and toughened tissues can be removed. After your surgery, you will be sent to rehabilitation to quicken your recovery and prevent ankle weakness in the future.

Click here to learn more about total knee replacement procedure.

Torn Achilles

During strenuous activity, it is quite possible to tear the Achilles tendon. This is especially likely to happen while participating in sports. When the Achilles tendon tears, you may actually hear an audible snapping or cracking sound. You may have a partial or complete tear. This injury usually occurs just above the heel bone.

You may be unable to walk normally or bend your foot downward if you have ruptured the Achilles tendon. You are sure to feel a great deal of pain and experience swelling around your heel.

If you have a complete rupture, you will probably need surgery. Following surgery, you will need to use a cast or walking boot to keep your ankle stable. This will last about 3 months.

Torn ligaments can be treated non-surgically by using a below-knee cast; however, this is not as effective as surgical treatment. It takes longer, and the healing is not as complete. You are more likely to have problems in the future when you allow the tendon to heal naturally.

With surgery, there is a much better chance of recovering fully. This is why athletes prefer to have the surgery. It allows them to return to their former level of activity with confidence after an Achilles tendon injury.

Click here to learn more about orthopaedic and knee surgery. - 17268

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Drop 6 Pounds in 7 Days

By Patsie Adams

Are you trying to lose 6 pounds? It is actually possible to meet this goal in one week. There are several strategies to follow. In this article, I am going to show you 6 ways to lose 6 pounds in just one week.

First, let's get our numbers straight. To lose 6 pounds in one week you have to burn an extra 3000 calories than what you take in. This amounts to burning an additional 475 calories a day. You can get rid of this 475 calories by taking it out of your diet. You can exercise it off as well. The best is to combine both diet and exercse.

Here are some ideas to get your body moving to burn up those calories:

1. Give your house a thorough general cleaning. Youve been delaying it for months or even years, but getting to finally do the job will definitely burn you lots of calories. Cleaning house extensively burns 575 calories an hour. Nearly 500 calories will be burned off with5 hours of cleaning. But, careful not to overeat after being worn out and hungry post-cleaning session. Take note: calories burned still have to exceed calories taken in by about 475 calories.

2. Go skiing. Skiing is a fun activity to do in the winter. But, what is more, it burns a lot of calories. A 165 pound person will burn more than 12 calories a minute. Four hours of actual ski time (not including time spent on the lift or loafing in the ski lodge) will help you lose 6 pounds. Thats the best excuse Ive ever heard for a ski holiday!

3. Dont just sit at your desk. Many Americans today are desk-bound. They sit in a chair at a desk in front of a computer to do their work. But, most people have options. For instance, when you are making phone calls, stand up. Not only will it make you a more persuasive speaker, youll also be burning calories. Instead of sending an email, walk over to the persons cubicle. And, dont let anyone stop you from fidgeting. This burns calories too. While these kind of strategies wont help you in one week, they will be effective over the long run.

Now that weve discussed ways to lose 6 pounds through exercise, well look at ways to lose through reducing food:

4. Try the Cabbage Soup Diet. Most people can lose 6 pounds or more in a week on this special diet menu. You can have all of the cabbage soup you want each day along with a specified group of secondary foods. The cabbage soup is clear broth or V8 Juice, lots of cabbage, and your own choice of non-starchy vegetables.

5. Go on the Grapefruit Diet. This program completely bans carbohydrates. Each meal has to end with eating half a grapefruit - therefore its name.Breakfast consists of bacon, eggs and coffee. Lunch is a big salad and some meat. At dinner you can have more meat and non-starchy vegetables. Before retiring for the night, you have to drink 8 ounces of milk or tomato juice. Most people can lose up to 10 pounds on this program that can run to a maximum of 12 days. You should be able to lose 6 pounds, seven days into the diet.

6. Be a vegetarian for a week. Skip all kinds of meat and animal fat and you will lose weight quickly. Instead of meat, you can get protein from legumes or beans. You can eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can. Starchy food like pasta, rice, and bread you can enjoy but control portions.

So, there you have it, 6 ways to lose 6 pounds in a week. - 17268

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Lower Your Dietary Fat with the Right Food Preparation and Choice

By Ian Bowers

If you are embarking on a fitness program like the Vince Delmonte Fitness program, whether it be for a specific sport or putting on muscle, such as body building, it is vital to address your diet. It is important to eat a healthy diet even if you are following diets like a high protein diet.

It is important even for those dieting, on a weight loss program. Most diets for sports are not always healthy ones. A particularly important area is fat intake. The following provides tips and advice on which foods to buy and how to cook them in the best way to reduce fat intake:

Foods to buy:

Find out if there are alternatives to the food you normally buy by checking the labels and choosing low saturated fat ones.

If you are buying poultry such as chicken or turkey, buy it without the skin on.

Lower fat content foods often come in fish or vegetarian alternatives.

Choose low fat varieties of dairy foods, such as semi-skimmed milk and low-fat yoghurts.

A pie with only one crust on the top is lower in fat.

Check your cut of meat and the amount of visible fat. Look out for lower fat alternatives of meat such as lean mince meat. Check the visible amount of fat on the meat.

Food preparation in the Kitchen:

Use unsaturated oils instead of unhealthy saturated oils. Sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil are popular types. These are a good alternative to lard, butter and ghee.

Grill your meat instead of frying it. The fat is allowed to run away off the meat when grilling. Removing the fat from the meat before cooking will lower the fat content.

Using a non-stick pan can allow you to avoid using fat or oil altogether.

Using low fat spreads when making foods such as mashed potatoes is a much healthier alternative.

If you are on a fitness plan then a more healthy alternative can be substituted. If you add all these small amounts of advice together it can amount to big changes in your diet. Consistent small changes can soon add up to large differences. - 17268

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