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Monday, September 14, 2009

Top Ways to Get Strong Fast

By Curtis Joel

You have undoubtedly read some of the countless articles out there about creatine, HMB, periodization, thermogenics and more. So why is it -- with all of this information out there -- that you still don't have the body you want? The answer will surprise you.

You've gained knowledge about some of the components of the body transformation process -- not the entire picture. You just need to learn how to put all of the pieces together into a whole system.

It's time to take all of the bits and pieces of knowledge you have accumulated and link them together into "the plan that works!" In this series of articles, I'll help you design that plan.

In this first stage of your body transformation you're going to utilize a weight training technology I've termed metabolic shift training. It is the most effective method for building muscle, burning fat, and transforming the body that I've ever encountered.

I know you've been seeking out "the perfect routine" from friends, gym members, and magazines, and although you've tried many, none has really kicked in the way you hoped. That's really because "the perfect routine" for "everyone" doesn't exist.

The idea behind metabolic shift training is to get your muscles to leave their comfort zone. Then, when the body begins to adapt to that stimulus -- add a different challenge so that you don't overtrain and your progress continues.

While the general guidelines of muscle development apply to "all," you are an individual with individual strengths, unique recuperation and recovery abilities, and your own metabolism, therefore, once you understand and apply the general rules, you'll learn to self-customize the specifics of your training.

The way to literally design your body is to have control over the composition of it. The vital prerequisite to determining how much fat your body burns is a control of how much muscle covers your skeleton. If you want to chisel or sculpt a body, you first need to grow muscle.

Not only does muscle size allow you to ultimately shed fat to reveal a lean, muscular, impressive physique, but muscle itself is the site where fat is burned. Even if your goal is to shed that fat layer, the development of muscle provides a much enhanced furnace for fat incineration! A focus on weight loss or gain without a concern for muscle maintenance or gain is a sure fire path to frustration.

How did you get introduced to strength training? Three times a week, basic compound movements, resting every other day? At first that worked. Then you learned more and you may have met someone that trains legs on Fridays and chest on Tuesdays.

If you started with bodybuilder workouts you learned terms like supersets and forced repetitions. Then you further classified your body into sub-segments. Your chest now consists of upper, lower, inner and outer -- whereas before it was just your chest.

This is the progression for most people from beginner to intermediate phase bodybuilding. As you advanced, you may have noticed that your gains started to slow. Results start to diminish. - 17268

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Growing Taller Might Actually Be Possible For Some Persons

By Fiona Wyresdle

Genetically it is not possible for anyone to grow taller than their bodies have been programmed to grow. However many people want to know how to grow taller as short people often suffer from insecurities regarding their height. There are Russian hospitals you can go to, to have your legs broken and stretched, but do we really need to go to those kinds of lengths? (pun intended)

Genetically, people can be very short, I know because I am a genetically short person. My father is only 5'5", my mother 5'4, and I am 4'11', same as my grandmother. My poor daughter is only 4'7", so she really takes flack, but fortunately is 6 foot tall personality wise. Nutrition can also play a role in your height as can your personality, posture and nutrition.

Forget about the genetic factor, nothing can be done scientifically at this stage, it cannot be altered or controlled, but who knows what may happen in the future. You obviously have to work on the factors which you can control, such as your physique, nutrition, posture, exercise and mental outlook.

The law of attraction dictates that we can have whatever we want as long as we believe it, feel it and behave as if it already belongs to us. So what's a few little inches of height? Its nothing with the help of positive thinking, and taking the necessary action to achieve it! Many adults have already done this and there are even documented accounts of people growing up to as much as 4 inches taller. There are a number of techniques, and stretching exercises which have to be done, but his is a small price to pay.

By stretching and exercising in the correct way you can grow in stature and feel healthier too. These exercises may be included in your normal day to day routine, with barely a disruption. They can be done in the shower, when sitting in front of the television, or when relaxing in your garden. You don't need a special room or any special facilities either.

What you do need is a strong commitment that you will achieve what you want to achieve. Any kind of endeavor without commitment and a positive attitude is a waste of time. It does not matter what you do, the results you get are directly proportionate to the amount of effort you are prepared to make.

Follow and instructions you are given and stick to them, if an exercise has been designed to make you taller, it won't make you taller if you don't do it correctly. Growing taller is like growing muscle, it doesn't happen without regular exercise, discipline and solid commitment. - 17268

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Gout Diet: Low-protein Foods as Gout Remedy

By Paul J. Easton

When you have gout today, you must ensure you avoid food that protein-based in your diet. The gout diet you must take must be low protein foods. That means you will need to avoid red meat as well as seafood. This gout diet might be strictly low protein and should be coupled with strong will power but this gout remedy is proven effective.

Seafood is amongst the food you should avoid always especially sardines, herring, scallops, roe, mussels, trout, and haddock. These foods must be avoided because they can make your gout worse. We are sorry if seafood is a favorite, but it must not be included if you want to avoid gout attacks.

Foods that are high in purine could cause a lot of pain. Want to have some more examples? Here is a list of food that is high in purine: Salmon, Veal, Turkey, Liver, Trout, bacon, Pheasant, Goose, and Yeast.

The next in the list is not really a food, but it is more of a beverage: all alcoholic drinks especially the fermented ones. If you are a regular drinker, this might cause you to be panicky, but it will help you out in the long run. After all, excessive alcohol intake can cause a lot of health troubles. Nonetheless, we will not delve on that deeper, that can be found in a whole other article. Anyhow, avoid the alcohol as much as you can to prevent your gout from worsening.

You must especially limit beer as this is high in yeast. Yeast, as mentioned, is one thing should keep off from. Any fermented food should also be taken away from your diet.

Finally, the food list to avoid with gout can be long. We have only covered some of the basic, everyday food that you must stay away from as this will only create bigger problems with your gout.

Looking for tips and advice with Joint Pains brought by Gout? Want to know more of Natural Cures for Gout the Natural and Effective Way? Check out these fresh information at Natural Gout Cures.

Check out more Free information with valuable tips for Natural Gout Remedies. - 17268

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2 Vital Elements to a Successful Abdominals Exercise Routine

By Travis Hunt

Many men want to know how they can start an abdominals exercise program to get toned, sexy abs, without spending all of their time at the gym. This article will show you how to get started building your abs in under an hour a week.

You need to consider changing your lifestyle if you want good results from your abdominal exercise program. If you want to stay in shape, you have to take the required steps to get the better of your daily routine. Besides, you need to bring good habits to your life to have GREAT (and in a flash) six pack abs.

Abdominal muscles are hard not to notice, especially if they're well-sculpted and cut. Men and women are generally considered hot if they have washboard abs.

Take the case of celebrities like Mark Wahlberg, Usher, and Brooke Burke; they work hard to maintain their bodies because THAT'S what people WANT. Toned six pack abs muscles are plain sexy. Everybody would want to look that good.

You are always anxious to find out the answer to this pressing question: What steps do I need to take to have ripped abdominal muscles? You are not alone; I have been bothered by the same question a lot of times before.

The answer is easy: maintaining an abdominals exercise program that is doable.

There's no need for any kind of miracle drug. You don't even have to spend on abs fitness gear that provide nothing but empty promises. Anyone with the right mindset and attitude can get six pack abs by simply sticking to a healthy daily routine.

The two most essential parts to an effective abdominals exercise programs involves dedication and hard work. Keep in mind that you don't get six pack abs instantly. Once your exercising comes naturally to you, then it should not be difficult maintaining your routine.

1. Follow a Healthy, Well-balanced Diet. The first thing to do is to generally eat healthy. Always be conscious of your eating habits and most essentially WHAT you put inside your body is the first step you need to take to a healthier you.

Dieting is not the enemy here; you should take this into full consideration if you want to eat better.

Your body has a tendency to burn existing stored fat if you continue to reduce your intake of bad fats. Saturated fat is commonly found in fast food and junk food so avoid it as much as possible.

Cutting back on carbs will also have a positive effect on your body. They are essential in ANY diet, but eating a lot of carbohydrates can only set you back. However, taking out carbs from your diet completely is just as bad as going on carb-overload.

2. Commit to a Challenging Exercise Routine. The second and last step to a fool proof abdominals exercise program is to EXERCISE. You need to have regular exercise and a healthy diet if you want to get the most of what your body is capable of achieving.

With proper nutrition and consistent exercise, you are on your way to getting six pack abs. Do some research using widely available online resources for a start and get the advice of a trained fitness professional regarding personal abdominals exercise program. - 17268

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Maintaining a Healthy Heart through an Effective Diet

By Jesse Regan

Our heart is considered as one of the most vital organs in our body system. It is an amazing type of muscle called myocardium which is responsible of supplying oxygenated blood throughout the entire body through the veins and arteries. In every heart beat, a blood pressure is being exerted through these veins and arteries and it is vital to regulate it. Low and high blood pressure are both unhealthy for all of us so it is important to keep maintain it in the prescribed healthy level. Aside from various exercises particularly cardiovascular ones, heart healthy diets also help keep one's heart in its best condition.

In actuality, everything we eat has a significant effect to the heart. So it is important to have a sufficient knowledge on the types of food that are appropriate in keeping the heart in its healthiest condition. By doing so, this will help a person avoid various serious diseases that directly involve the heart. Whats worse is that most of these diseases are often fatal if not treated immediately.

Fortunately these days, there is a wide variety of diets that everyone can choose which greatly emphasizes in keeping the heart healthy. Although these diet programs differ in various ways, they are all meant to share one common goal and that is to best condition the heart. What really counts is the guideline that provides an effective knowledge support for every heart healthy diet. Through this guideline, a person is able to distinguish the right foods from the wrong ones.

When it comes to the amount of the daily intake of saturated fats, 8-10% of your daily total calories is good enough. Furthermore, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are better to be taken in greater amounts than saturated fats. All in all, your total amount of daily fat intake should not exceed 30% of your daily total calories.

Another important thing that should be watched out for is the amount of daily sodium intake. To protect your heart, 2,400 milligrams of sodium a day is good enough. Your daily calories should also just be in a moderate level. This will significantly aid you in maintaining a healthy weight as well as lower your blood cholesterol level.

Based on the facts presented above, you will then realize the main key towards a healthy heart is through acquiring the right set of knowledge. It would be better and wise if a person is able to find ways in gaining additional knowledge of the given subject. In the first place, the significance as well as the general effect of a heart friendly diet will be probably lost without ever understanding the main essence of the whole program. Now you have there trustworthy information about weight lifting diet . - 17268

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Artist Conk Mushroom vs. Diabetic Complications

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The white underside of the mushroom Artist Conk (Ganoderma applanatum) turns brown when bruised and can be intricately etched into detailed carvings, hence the English common name of this ubiquitous American tree fungus.

Artist Conks can live for 50 years and grow to arms width or more. David Arora of the mushroom identification guide Mushrooms Demystified says that along with the Red-belted Conk (Fomitopsis pinicola), Artist Conk is "the most common conk in our area [USA]." [400]

Artist Conk can be found growing on practically every species of hardwood tree, plus many conifers, including Douglas Fir. Arora says, "The only regions where it seems to be absent are those where there aren't any trees!" [400]

Our ancestors would burn Artist Conk because it produced not only a pleasant odor but an insect repelling smoke as well. [25]

In 2008, a study by Jeong et al. stated that an isolated compound from Artist Conk "significantly inhibited the growth of solid tumor [Sarcoma-180] and increased the natural killer (NK) cell activity." [401] NK cells, or Natural Killer cells, are white blood cells that form a vital part in the human immune system's cancer fighting arsenal. At least four additional studies have also reported positive findings in regards to the anti-tumor properties of Ganoderma applanatum. [402, 403, 404, 405]

Another area of interest in the study of Artist Conk extract has been its effect on blood sugar and potential to inhibit some of the complications of diabetes. A study in 2007 found that a compound extracted from Artist Conk was able to lower the glucose levels in body fluids by 22.0%, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 20.3%. [406] The glucose lowering effect of an alcohol extract of Artist Conk was previously noted in a study by Jung in 2005. [407]

Perhaps of even greater interest than the blood glucose lowering effect of Artist Conk is its potential to help inhibit diabetic complications, which was the main focus of the 2005 study by Jung et al. It is commonly believed in the scientific community that the enzyme aldose reductase is largely responsible for the organ complications seen in diabetes. No less than three studies on Artist Conk extract have reported that it powerfully inhibits aldose reductase activity, thus suggesting a potential protective effect against diabetic complications. [407, 408, 409] "These results suggested that G. applanatum [Artist Conk] might possess constituents with anti-diabetic and inhibitory effects on diabetic complications," concludes Jung.

Looking at other research on Artist Conk, a 2005 study reported a polysaccharide extract of Artist Conk as strengthening the gastric mucosa barrier, useful in cases gastric ulcers. [410] Other papers have reported Artist Conk extracts as anti-viral, [414] anti-bacterial, [411, 412, 413] anti-parasitic and diuretic, [415] antioxidant, [416] and immune boosting. [25]

In addition, Paul Stamets also lists respiratory conditions and inflammation as areas where research has shown Artist Conk extract to be beneficial, in his book Mycelium Running. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by a medical doctor. - 17268

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Cooking With Chimichurri Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

Chimichurri sauce is usually utilized as a marinade for meats, as well as topping for grilled dishes. Originating in Argentina, this sauce has gained fame as a healthy way to add flavors to meats. As it is very simple to prepare and may be made at low cost, it has gained popularity across the world.

Before you begin making your Chimichurri sauce, you'll wish to make sure that you are well prepared. While preparation is simple, having your ingredients ready will cut down on the chance of error and let you finish your sauce speedily.

The Ingredients:

Olive Oil Lemon Parsley Basil, Thyme, Oregano or any combination of the three Cilantro Garlic Shallots or Onions (or both) Salt Pepper Tomatoes


There is no advanced preparation needed to make Chimichurri sauce. This sauce must set for 2 hours after completion.

Time to Make: 10 Minutes.

The simplicity of Chimichurri sauce has a great deal to do with how positive its. Combine the ingredients and permit to set. The preponderance of the make time is due to chopping the herbs, shallots and garlic.


The beauty of Chimichurri sauce is that you may modify the recipe as you see fit. If you prefer the flavor of garlic, you can add as much garlic to taste as you like. For those who are just beginning to learn how to cook, Chimichurri sauce is a good way to learn as regards the relationships of herbs and spices. Many recipes for Chimichurri sauce are basic guidelines to assist you attain the original flavor of Argentinian food. The presence of tomatoes, onions and other spices are dependent on who has made it at any given time. Olive oil is the base for this recipe and is Always included.


The origins of Chimichurri sauce are under dispute, though it is accepted that the unusual name is a reference to whoever created it. The most renowned version of the story is that the creator was a man from Ireland named Jimmy McCurry. As the name was challenging for natives to pronounce, the sauce obtained the name of Chimichurri. There are many other men similarly thought responsible for the creation of Chimichurri sauce, including James C. Hurray and Jimmy Curry.

Influences on Chimichurri Sauce:

Like numerous other dishes, Chimichurri sauce has influences from many places in the world. Notwithstanding, it is most commonly linked to Spain and Italy, as the common elements in Chimichurri are common utilised in these two countries. Chimichurri likewise shares characteristics of Genoese pesto and French persillade. - 17268

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Tips to Increase Your Fruit & Vegetable Intake

By Nanci S. Guest MSc, Registered Dietitian

1. Add fresh produce to foods you already eat - like berries or bananas to yogurt & cereal; your favorite veggies to pasta, pizza, soups & casseroles; and spinach leaves, tomato, cucumber & onion to sandwiches; fresh strawberries or raspberries with peanut butter on toast (my favorite!)

2. Keep fruits/veggies easily accessible by pre-cutting (99% of nutrients remain for days) and keeping them ready to go in the fridge a. pre-made fruit salad: grab a scoop to toss over cereal, blend in a smoothie or mix with low fat yogurt in plastic container - breakfast to go! b. Keep pre-portioned veggies in baggies to grab on the run - keep in car, office fridge, school/gym bag

3. Make homemade vegetarian pizza with tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, onions, sweet bell peppers or any other veggies (pizza can be topped with anything - get creative!), or if ordering pizza ask for triple veggies and skip the pepperoni!

4. Pack ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables for a convenient snack on the go, such as an apple, pear, banana, grapes or baby carrots (if you pack it, you'll eat it!)

5. Eat dried fruit instead of candy (be aware: dried fruit calories can add up if weight loss is goal)

6. Make a smoothie by combining fruit (frozen berries, banana,) yogurt, juice and ice 7. Make homemade salsas/dips with tomatoes, mangoes, avocados, red onions, cilantro, & lime juice - enjoy with baked tortilla chips

7. Add bell pepper strips, broccoli florets, carrot slices, or cucumber to pasta salad or potato salad

8. Purchase pre-cut vegetable, fruits and salad mixes (convenience helps improve intake and research shows that very little nutritional value is lost)

9. Add apple chunks, pineapple or raisins to chicken or tuna salad.

10. When grilling, include vegetable in aluminum foil, or grill skewers of pineapple, eggplant, zucchini, or cherry tomatoes

11. Add fruit to your cold or hot cereal (sliced apples & cinnamon in oatmeal - yum!)

12. Try a new fruit or vegetable every week (get creative with new foods)

13. Choose juices whose labels claim: 100% fruit juice, or invest in a juicer and juice your own

14. Use bell peppers sliced in half as a pocket for tuna, salmon or egg salads - a nice change to bread and a good dose of nutrients to go with it. - 17268

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Treadmill...Be Gone!

By Amelia Handley

We all know what we're supposed to do on a treadmill. We're supposed to get on it, turn it on and go for a run (preferably for a substantial amount of time). But there are a large number of us out there (don't worry...I'm not pointing any fingers) that definitely find "other" uses for the treadmills in our lives: clothes hangers, door stoppers, sun blockers, etc.

So...since we're all so proficient at ignoring the treadmills in our lives...wouldn't it be utterly divine if that was what you needed to do in order to lose a bit (or a lot) of weight? And yes! I am implying that you can simultaneously ignore your treadmill and lose weight. Easy, right?

It just might be. When individuals looking to lose those last, stubborn, 10 pounds find HCG most are absolutely ecstatic that the program requires them to cease any rigorous physical training schedules while on the diet. (The diet itself is so effective that adding an additional expenditure of calories is not necessary, not recommended and actually discouraged).

The diet was originally introduced over 50 years ago as a cure for obesity, but its recent introduction to the general public has proven its worth as a weight loss aid not only for obese individuals, but for those who are overweight. The negative health consequences of extra weight may seem slight, but over the course of a lifetime it takes a definite toll in shortening the length of life and lowering the quality of life.

So the popularity of HCG is not a surprise to those who have seen the results. The average dieter loses a pound a day on the diet. And the average dieter successfully manages to make it through the maintenance period without gaining any weight back. And the average dieter continues to function in a healthy manner post HCG without returning to unhealthy weights.

So ignoring the treadmill can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals. Go for it! The homeopathic HCG drops are accessible online and are easy to administer. So feel free to take advantage of all it has to offer. - 17268

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Artificial Sweeteners and Natural Sweeteners Have Side Effects

By Jamis Hartley

It's easy to see that too much sugar is causing our world a fair amount of grief. With the wide variety of sugar substitutes many are choosing to reduce their sugar intake or eliminate it completely. The hard part is finding a sugar substitute that will work for you. There are natural sweeteners and synthetic sweeteners. Some cause side effects such as tooth decay, headaches or digestion problems. In this article you'll find a few quick things to keep in mind while trying to find the right fit.

There is a very important decision you should make at the very beginning of your search for a sugar substitute. You'll be faced with the choice of whether you are going to go with a man made artificial or an all natural sweetener. We human beings have been able to engineer some pretty miraculous things and it is no surprise we can make a chemical that will sweeten our food and avoid some side effect for which it was invented to avoid. Mother nature has also provided several options for us to choose from. My suggestion is to stick with mother nature on this one but remember there are side effects to both.

Artificial sweeteners are products you may have heard of such as sucralose or aspartame. These are sweeteners designed to have zero calories and beneficial for weight loss. They seem on the surface to be a great product, but there are many reports of pretty serious side effects. The reports are still contradictory from one to the other, but the majority are reporting side effects such as migraines, headaches, stomach upset and even seizures in some people. In addition to the effect on our bodies there are some physical properties to consider. Aspartame cannot withstand heat and breaks down making it not suitable for cooking. Sucralose itself is suitable for cooking but it has to be mixed with filler that will leave your baked goods sweet like it should, but dry and quite different than you might expect. Artificial sweeteners are big money makers for many companies so be careful not to be tricked by clever marketing. Study both sides carefully and consider the long term affects before choosing to go with something artificial.

Natural sweeteners you may have heard of are Xylitol, Stevia, Mannitol, Sorbitol and Erythritol. Just as with anything we put in our body there is going to be a result. After looking over the specifics not sited in this article there are only three that stand out as a real decent substitute for sugar; Stevia, Xylitol and Erythritol. One nice benefit to Xylitol and Erythritol is they do not promote tooth decay. Unfortunately, Xylitol doesn't digest too well and Stevia seems to get mixed results with different people, Erythritol will leave your stomach feeling no pain. These are all lower than sugar in carbohydrates and calories, but Erythritol stands alone as calorie free.

Erythritol is found in many fruits and vegetables and is about 70% sweet as sugar. As mentioned earlier it has zero calories and digests in the small intestine leaving your body through your urine not causing gas pains like many other natural products. Erythritol is also a great choice for diabetics because it will not cause a rise in your blood sugar levels. You can find Erythritol online or in a store and use it alone as a sweetener with great benefit. There are also a few companies now that are finding super sweet natural ingredients and blending that with Erythritol to bring the sweetness up to that of sugar. Because if its physical properties it is also great for cooking and can in fact be measured cup for cup like sugar.

The above paragraphs are very basic and only a glimpse into the world of sugar alternatives. There are a lot of factors to consider and huge number of opinions to filter through. Hopefully the thought process shared in this article will help you get a little closer to finding the right fit for you. - 17268

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The Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym: A Review

By Trent Adams

Almost all of us want great, toned, and ultra buff bodies. Sumo wrestlers would be the exception in this case. Most of the time, we are subjected to strict muscle and body building workouts and strings of gym equipment. But there is one machine that fuses several workouts into a single package.

The Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is that equipment. Among other things, what makes this equipment a must have for people working out at home is that this machine was engineered for home use. Once you have this at home, there is no reason why you can't have those abs and chiseled biceps even without leaving your home.

As the name suggests, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym allows you to do multi-exercises with one single machine. You can do weight lifts, heavy squats, and other weight training exercises. Even if you are training with heavy weights, you feel at ease because of the machine's overall durability and secure structural design. After all, it bears the Earthmover logo.

The Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is virtually a three-station home gym. The whole design of the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym are backed by systemic research and physics and engineering. The key to the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is its lever systems.

Pillow block bearings keep the lever arms in place, which makes the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym a very durable home gym equipment. Since the machine is not using any cables or pulleys, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is basically maintenance free. Undoubtedly, the savings you will be raking is huge since you will not spend much on the repairs and maintenance.

As for the frame and overall structure, you have the strongest when you opt for the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym. Made from high quality and durable materials, you could not go wrong with this baby. The design is also worth a mention, which really looks great on your residential setting.

With a solid a solid 3x2.5-inch steel tubing and a 12-gauge wall thickness, there is nothing stronger than that. As for the money, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is worth all the penny. Overall, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is a worthy investment if you want some muscles in that body of yours. - 17268

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Learn How to Build Pecs Safely

By Frank Hommes

If you're a beginner to weight lifting, you may feel like you're not doing something right when you're trying to learn how to build your pecs. You may see yourself doing all of the same exercises you see other people doing, but you're still having trouble getting your pecs built up. What you missing, is the understanding that's not just about the exercise itself, there's other things involved.

1. The first tip is to eat the correct types of food, because this is just as vital as doing the proper exercises. The reason for this, is that muscle can't be built without certain types of nutrients. Muscle is composed of protein and in order to build up the muscle properly, you should be eating food with a lot of protein. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can also help, because they give the body extra energy during the workout.

Overall health is an important part of how to build pecs, so having a well balanced diet will be very helpful to you. Along with consuming a lot of protein, you should be eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. As long as your body is healthy, it will be able to focus on building new muscle.

2. The second tip is to stretch. If you're trying to build up your pecs, you should be doing stretches which get the upper chest ready to do some tough work. You can do something as easy as doing a push-up motion while standing, to stretch out your pectoral muscles.

However, you should avoid overworking your pecs for the same reason you should stretch. An over amount of activity on your pecs can strain the muscles causing them harm as opposed to helping them get stronger. It could also result in overly pronounced pecs which isn't necessarily a good look.

3. The third tip is to perform the proper types of exercises if want to build up your pecs. An exercise such as push-up, can properly work the pecs and can be done right at your home. Also, if you have access to a weight lifting bench you can do bench presses in addition. - 17268

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