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Monday, October 26, 2009

Cambridge Diet Review

By Tad Stephenson

The Cambridge Diet is a popular very low calorie diet (VLCD) that has a large number of followers throughout the UK. While this particular weight loss plan hasn't seen nearly the same level of popularity in the United States, this is still a viable weight loss and diet option for the morbidly obese.

This is a diet that isn't for losing those last few pounds, but one that is designed only for the dangerously overweight. Dieters who are seriously looking at the Cambridge Diet should be on the high level of the BMI scale.

This eating and weight loss plan is a tiered dietary system that begins as a very low calorie diet at the very beginning and slowly builds up the calorie levels until it reaches more of a maintenance level. The first level involves all Cambridge Diet supplements like porridge, shakes, soups, etc. With each tier the dieter gets to eat more calories and add more food as the weight loss continues.

There are some very important things that must be considered before anyone should go on this diet. The first is getting help from a professional. In the UK dieters who join the Cambridge Diet program have a doctor or expert coach to check in with them weekly and make sure the dieter's health remains good.

A second major concern for many dieters looking at this eating plan is the strictness of the low calorie plan. This diet only allows a very small amount of calories per day (450-650), and because of this many dieters don't have the discipline in order to stick with it.

There is still some controversy that surrounds the Cambridge Diet. Some diet experts simply don't like the sheer low number of calories being allowed. Related to this is the question about muscle loss or losing metabolism.

Defenders of this eating plan will point out that it has been used successfully in thousands of different instances. This is a plan that is designed for the heavily obese, and a long track record of success is hard to argue with.

Arguments about the Cambridge Diet might continue on, but this is a diet that will do well because of the sheer level of success stories. While definitely not for everyone, for the grossly overweight this could be a great solution. - 17268

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The Information Regarding Weight Loss And Bodybuilder Within Singapore

By Gillian Reynolds

So many standards and expectations have been set by the world of beauty that nowadays virtually everyone needs to look good. This is often exactly why the beauty business tempted so many people with top quality beauty merchandise, technological innovations, skin enhancement, whitening creams and most importantly, weight loss.

Undoubtedly, the most effective manner someone will look good is by built trim and fit. And moreover, staying slim not only causes you to look sensible but even makes you escape the harmful effects of excessive weight gain. More individuals are finding radical and controversial means to scale back weight by pushing the limit of the body and going underneath the knife.

Health professionals and specialists all opine that unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are the leading causes for fashionable day diseases and illnesses. Moreover, 1 of the leading causes of deaths in Singapore and that the United States are cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, only recently did health care professionals and government health experts declare officially that the number 2 killer of Singaporeans are cardiovascular diseases. Hence, it's not surprising that lose weight has become one of the the majority of important activities within the life of Singaporeans. Television programs, public media announcements and advertisements all have stressed on the importance of a healthier lifestyle to make sure a healthy and fitter Singapore.

Thanks to recent efforts from health care officials and health experts in Singapore, Singapore has now reached an elite cluster of some countries that's tackling the matter of weight loss from the grassroots level. For example, tackling the problem of childhood obesity. Thanks to these efforts, Singapore was in a position to effectively bring down the childhood obesity levels through successful campaigns favor physical activity programs and faculty nutrition. Sometimes even drastic measures were taken like reducing the quantity of food on the market in colleges to a suggested limit and strict exercise regimens in schools.

Moreover, Singaporeans do know that they can't lose weight overnight and hence such programs were initiated to instill in the youth of the country the advantages of sufficient exercise and a correct diet. Moreover, Singaporeans are therefore careful of what they eat currently, that they make sure they follow a sensible balanced diet that has all the mandatory nutrients the body wants to fight diseases and guarantee optimal body function.

Even body builder has jumped onto the bandwagon by stressing on the importance of exercise and rigorous workout routines. Fitness centers and gymnasiums are currently springing up in all corners of Singapore as of the govt's efforts to enlarge the importance of exercise in the general objective of weight loss. Some folks take shortcut routes to realize the perfect body and physique, but going below the knife and taking powerful diet pills is not recommended. Singaporeans consider that the simplest approach to lose weight while not incurring and drastic effects on the body is by following a balanced diet and routine exercise. Even, thanks to the success of the govt.'s health programs within the grassroots level, everybody expects that the youth of Singapore can be more disease free and healthier. - 17268

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Dont Let Eating Disorders Stop You From Living a Healthy Lifestyle

By Mark Davies

Having difficulty in getting over certain restrictions when it comes to having your favourite food? Facing any eating disorders lately? Cliffside Malibu can help you. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia.

So no need to sit and think about unsuccessful ways which never seem to get any results. Our expert staff will provide for remedies for eating disorders by employing a treatment program that is designed specifically for you and your needs. It also offers you the highest chance at a successful recovery.

This emphasis begins with a primary therapist who is assigned to each patient on admittance and works closely with them for the duration of their stay. You will also be exposed to a wide range of recreational activities, making your stay at Cliffside Malibu a happy one. Fresh and nutritious food is prepared by the expert chefs. So you can be assured of good health and safe recovery. Apart from these, you will also be welcomed to a world of private beach, heated lap pool, comfortable bedrooms equipped with modern amenities, fitness center and gym.

Yoga, acupuncture, massage and spiritual sessions are also on offer. Bulimia, Anorexia and other eating disorders can have a hugely negative impact on your health and when you beat the disorder, you will reap immediate and long-lasting health benefits.The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way.

Get acquainted with the experienced staff, the proven programs, after-care support and the exclusive facilities, and get cured immediately. And once this happens, you can then get back to your healthy, happy life, meet up with friends and relatives, and not worry about your addiction for the rest of your life. - 17268

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Choosing Between Fat Loss Supplements and Acai Berry For Weight Loss

By Travis Van Slooten

If you are looking into acai berry as a fat loss supplement, there are a few things you need to know first. The biggest thing that confuses many people is that acai berry is not a cure for obesity. Nor is it a weight loss drug. While some companies may market it like this, that is only because they are looking to capitalize on the burgeoning American weight loss industry. This can mislead many people into expecting something from acai berry that it simply cannot do. But there are some benefits to the fact that acai berry pills are not your typical weight loss drug. These benefits may get you realizing that acai berry is actually better in many ways than some of these fat loss supplements.

Losing Weight Fast

One tactic many weight loss drugs use is to claim that they help you lose insane amounts of weight very quickly. You need to know that losing weight fast is never healthy. It is a poor approach to health capitalizing on people who have body issues, but don't want to commit time to themselves.

Contrary to the approach used in fat loss supplements, acai berry products provide the user a way of getting into a natural weight loss program without missing out on the important nutrients needed by the body. Traditional diet pills offer fast weight loss but acai offers a chance to change one's lifestyle.

Safe Weight Loss

The United States has put stimulants like ephedrine that are found in many fat loss supplements under scrutiny. Supplements that contain stimulants can give immediate results, however, they do horrible damage to the body, and may even cause death. They starve the body of water which causes dehydration while throwing the body into full throttle. This does cause weight loss, but it can zap needed energy.

It's not surprising that so many are attracted to fast weight loss solutions but they should first consider the risks involved. Acai berry may not be the quick fix you hope for, but the results it produces are far more long-lasting because it does not focus so much on the weight loss but on achieving a healthy and active lifestyle. Plus, it has none of the chemicals other supplements have.

The Cost Matters

Pills that are formulated for fat loss rarely keep the weight off for long. This is because the supplements only got rid of the excess pounds but not the factors that caused one to gain weight in the first place. Plus, it's also a strategy for companies to keep the consumers coming back for more pills. You are therefore continually buying supplements (and costly ones at that) which have no actual health value.

Acai berry pills promise you nothing more than health benefits that can keep you in good health. Even if you don't lose the extra pounds instantly like you would with a fat loss supplement, if you get into the habit of eating the right foods and getting yourself physically fit, you would be able to achieve this goal eventually. - 17268

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Biggest Myths about Six Pack abs

By S Kumar

There are numerous six pack abs products in the marketplace for building lean and toned abs.These products claim results which are quite amazing and hence create a dilemma in the minds of people trying to purchase them.This makes it quite difficult for people to make a right choice and get the best results.

The main reason behind this is the amount of over exposure that we are subjected to through magazines, newspapers, TV and the web.These products promise fantastic results but it is common knowledge that many of our acquaintances have failed to get any appreciable result by using these products.In this article let us try to understand the the pitfalls to be avoided and the proper course of action to be taken in order to be able to build lean and toned muscular abs.

To make a right beginning we must understand the basic facts about body building and not fall prey to the myths. But this is what happens with most of us.The most common myth that is believed is that working out everyday is very essential to gain toned abs,but the truth is that you have to give time for your body to recover after you complete a workout which helps in the proper growth of muscles and also helps the body to repair the damaged tissues.A 3-4 day workout schedule in a week is sufficient to achieve desired results.

Another common misconception is that it does not matter if we take Junk Food as long as we do an exercise workout immediately after taking the Junk Food.Majority of us believe this to be true due to the logic behind it,but in fact one has to give up the Junk Food in total if they wish to develop a six pack that they can exhibit with pride. Also the diet should be planned and balanced.

The biggest misconception about the six pack abs is that one should concentrate on and do sit-ups as much as possible to gain toned abs.The truth is that it requires a total body toning exercise and not a concentrated abdominal workout.By only doing the abdominal exercises one can never gain six pack abs.When the full body fitness action is followed, the fat deposited in the body is fully utilized.One of the major zone of fat deposit in the body happens to be the abdomen.

The qualified nutritionist and renowned personal trainer Mike Geary has formulated a an effective strategy for success as follows: * Fad dieting, pills and drugs are not needed in order to gain six-pack abs. * People looking for the 'lazy way' to get six pack abs will never succeed. * His manual explains the 'secrets' of exercising to lose fat in the region of stomach and the science behind why these methods work. * He also provides a diet course which which does require you to starve and explains how to smartly choose the food which does not contain fats. * It is designed for both men & women covering all ages and the body building starts with beginner,intermediate & advanced levels to get maximum results.

If you are planning to build a six pack abs please be aware of the misleading myths about toning your abs and follow a properly designed scientific training program so that you will be able to develop a well toned lean muscular body in the shortest time possible. - 17268

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How To Control Insulin To Accelerate Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is one single hormone you need to focus on if you really want to lose fat once and for all. It is the hormone responsible for most fat loss failures. Why insulin? Because it is the gatekeeper of fat loss.

So no matter how much you exercise and sweat, if levels of insulin are not low you will not lose weight. Crazy, but true.

Thus, here is how to lower insulin for better weight loss:

1. Stick to low GI carbs. Carbohydrates by far have the biggest impact on insulin levels compared to other macronutrients. So if you have anything white in your diet or if drink a lot of liquid calories, it is time to start phasing these foods out.

2. Get in shape. Paradoxically, you need lower levels of insulin to lose weight, and you need to lose weight so that insulin decreases. In other words, the more fat you lose, the less insulin your body will produce to function properly. This is one of the reasons why thin people can eat a lot and not gain weight as fast as heavy people.

3. Say goodbye to the dopamine rush. Carbohydrates and their broken down form, sugar, increase levels of dopamine in your brain (a feel good hormone). Once you drop the sugar, you will miss this rush more than anything else. The best strategy here is to distract yourself by doing involved activities.

4. Avoid the whole grain mentality. We have been told for far too long that whole grains are healthy. And while they do contain more fiber than sugary foods, they are still NOT optimal for weight loss. We did not evolve over history to eat whole grains.

5. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol does so many harmful things in your body that I could write a whole book on the subject. In terms of weight loss, alcohol provides an obscene amount of calories while increasing levels of stomach fat. And this type of fat leads to more insulin.

If you can control insulin, you can lose as much body fat as you want. Period. I believe the biggest hurdle most people face is dealing with the dopamine withdrawal that is accompanied by the absence of sugar. So follow the tips in this article so that you can be one step closer to reaching your goals. - 17268

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Five Weight Training Tips To Pump Up Those Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

The following five weight training tips are critical if you want to learn and understand how to lift weights correctly. When you choose a weight training program, stay with it for at least four months and make a serious commitment to that particular program. Take a seat, and note down your weight gain goals.

If you are new to weight training, do not rush into the gym and start throwing around weights until you know what you are doing. Seek advice from a staff member on the correct technique to use and the routine that would work best for you. Ask them for some weight training tips that will help you get quick results and spare you from injury.

It's also a good idea to keep records of your repetitions and weight used so you can track your progress and plan your routines.

1. Goal Setting: It is what will keep you focused on the end result thus your goal setting is very important. To get you down to the gym three or more times a week and keep you highly motivated, you need your short and long term sensible goals set in place.

When you achieve a short-term goal, have a celebration, then head back to the gym and keep plugging away towards your end goal. Having many easily achievable short phase goals along the way will motivate you to train hard.

Break down your long-term goal into smaller increments. For example, if you want to gain 50 pounds of muscle over the next year, then you could make your first short term goal to gain five pounds during your first month of weight training.

2. Make A Vow: Do not let lack of commitment be the reason you fail to pack on muscle. Do not let confusion lead to lack of commitment. Get a hold of a good weight training course so you have a step-by-step plan to follow on your way to achieving your muscle building goals.

Choose a weight training system that is in alignment with your end goal whatever that may be. It will save you a lot of uncertainty plus you can feel confident you are going about your muscle-add program in the right way and will achieve results as long as you stick to it.

3. Learning: For the most effective workout, learn all you can about bodybuilding and how exercises affect your muscles. Knowledge is power when it comes to getting ripped muscles. There is much to learn and most people have no idea how to go about it. Becoming knowledgeable could mean the difference between having a sculpted body at the end of six months and barely being able to see any progress. Sources of information are readily available in books, on the internet, and in weight training courses put together by experts.

4. Correct Technique: Because it's no fun tearing a muscle or crunching cartilage, correct method is very important. The main advantage to proper technique is more muscle gain other than safety. To have the most benefit to your muscle growth carry out an exercise the correct way and that's what we are after, right?

It is not as simple as lifting as much weight as you can bear, because too much weight causes you to lose proper form. Only use the max amount of weight you can handle while still maintaining proper technique and you will have optimal results.

5. Development: To this maxim, Inch-by-inch life is a synch, something to think about.Take it on board and store this statement into your mind set. Just take one step at a time, and once you have the end result in mind it won't seem as daunting. Which aim sounds more accessible? 5 pounds in the next four weeks? or trying to build 50 pounds by the end of the year? The 4 weeks option is what appears to be a little easier, hence inch by inch life is synch. I hope this article and it has given you some concepts to think about. - 17268

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Muscle Building Formula

By Jason Myers

If you are tired of being faced with confusing recommendations from magazines, online forums, TV, etc, then recognize that there is just one totally efficient formula for muscle development.

This formula exists and it has been consumed for many ahead of the game muscle builders that ran into success by natural ways (without steroids, chemicals or anything dangerous).

This muscle building formula relies on a couple of things. Perseverance, which comes from your determination to improve muscles and work hard for that. And also from the correct information, which is knowing exactly what you must do in order to make the better use of your time and energy during the process of building muscle mass.

As your hard work is combined with the right knowledge, the outcome is incredible. See, most individuals visit the gym and begin working out by essentially doing random routines. They lift weights without rather knowing what they're doing, what is the goal, etc.

This is the mistake that many so called formulas for developing muscle mass make. They never consider the correct information. They just inform people to consume formulas and send them to the hard work. If hard work was the only aspect of success, then you could fire all the engineers and let the hard workers do the task. This formula isn't only for exercise. Your diet also needs the proper information. Mainly if you're a thin guy with problems of gaining muscle mass. The ideal muscle building formula study all the factors of bodybuilding (planning, resting, working out, diet, scheduling, etc), but it all boils down to having the right information and persistence to keep applying it. Remember for that, it can be useful for you just as an energy drink that keeps you up whole day! - 17268

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Reduce Man Boobs Without Surgery

By Steve Brodie

The clinical term for the growth of breast tissue in men is known as Gynecomastia, from the Greek 'gyne' meaning woman and 'mastos' meaning breast. Ancient Greek aside, it is commonly known as man boobs. Man boobs can result from different issues in the body but mostly from either an excess of fat, such as in obese men or from a hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal imbalances can be from natural causes such as puberty. Sometimes adolescent boys will notice small lumps under or near their nipples and buddy breasts appear, but this usually goes away with the passage of time. Overweight boys are more susceptible but even active fit youngsters can experience breast development. There are generally no associated health risks for adolescent man boobs except the social stigma often associated with the condition. Teenagers that experience breast development will often feel embarrassed about it, and feel isolated from their peers, who can sometime exacerbate the social stigmatisation, especially when sports and swimming (involving removal of the shirt) are involved.

Gynecomastia may also come from taking certain medications, from excessive beer drinking and alcohol intake, from marijuana and methamphetamines as well as underlying illnesses like liver disease and even some cancers.

One source of man boobs has been causing somewhat of an epidemic and creates man boobs that are far more persistent and permanent, sometime leaving surgery as the only option to remove the male breasts. Of course it is anabolic steroid abuse, which is a huge cause of man boobs and is leading to increasing cases of the condition. Steroids wreak such havoc on your hormones that they cause man boobs far quicker and more drastically than natural hormonal fluxes. Steroid induced man boobs are also far more persistent and hard to get rid of, and some that have been left untreated can require costly (risky, painful, etc) mamoplasty - not something any man wants to go through.

It is really not that uncommon for steroid using men (especially young men) to find that what they wanted to give them big strong bodies actually gave them feminine breasts, oh dear. Steroids really disrupt the balance of testosterone and estrogen in the body, and this is why breasts develop. Because steroids inhibit testosterone production naturally, when stopping a steroid cycle if a user doesn't add testosterone to the body the levels of estrogen will rise dramatically and a feminization of the body can occur - budding breast and shapely hips. Not exactly the look steroids users would be going for, but a result of steroids nonetheless.

After taking steroids it can take a while for the body's natural testosterone production to begin again and even when it does and hormones go back to normal the breast that have formed often remain. Man boobs from steroids are famous for being harder to get rid of than man boobs from other causes.

There is one very easy solution, and that is to stay right away from steroids, and if you think about the other associated risk like shrunken testicles, looking like a stocking stuffed with tennis balls and our lovely flabby boobs there are plenty of good reasons to do so. For those who insist on taking steroids there are drugs available to block estrogen levels in the body and they can help stop man boobs forming. Body builders often use estrogen blockers, however there are not sufficient studies on the side effects to know for sure they may not just cause another kind of problem further down the track.

If you suffer from man boobs and haven't taken steroids, rest assured there are plenty of treatment available to naturally reduce man boobs and give you back the flat muscles that once reigned over your chest- given the right diet and lifestyle advice man boobs can be history. If your man boobs are steroid induced still don't rush into surgery that may not even cure the problem - it may take a bit more time but natural remedies can still cure your man boobs. - 17268

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Tips And Advice For Dieting Teens Wishing To Overcome Weight Loss

By Josh Wintrop

Even though we rarely take time to consider it, teenagers often struggle with weight issues just as much as adults do. When we hear about new diets or weight loss plans, we automatically think of adults who may be trying to lose weight. The following article provides weight loss advice for teens who are overweight.

Developing a regular exercise regimen is one natural way for teenagers to lose weight. In this day and age, many teenagers spend most of their spare time playing video games, watching television, and surfing the internet. Almost every household in America who was a teenager also has some sort of gaming system and a home computer. This leaves teenagers very little time to concentrate on regular exercise habits.

When we engage in regular physical activity, or exercise, calories are burned. Thus, when teenagers follow regular exercise programs, or engage in regular physical activity, it aids in natural weight loss. On the same note, if exercise is not done regularly, there will likely be no results.

It is okay for teens who are trying to lose weight to start out slowly and increase their work outs as time passes by. Low impact exercise is much more effective than no exercise. Regular exercise can be achieved by performing simple tasks such as walking to school every day instead of taking the bus or climbing the stairs instead of taking an elevator.

When teenagers are looking to lose weight naturally, they can also be more careful with their daily calorie intake. By monitoring how many calories they are consuming, and decreasing that value, teens will lose the pounds they have been trying to lose.

Many teens who are in high school enjoy leaving school for lunch to partake in a meal consisting of fast food. Other way that overweight teenagers can lose weight naturally is to eliminate fast food from their diets. The food at school may not taste as good as a greasy hamburger and oil soaked fries from a local fast food restaurant, but at least it is somewhat healthy.

School food will never win the most appetizing award, but it is far more healthy than food offered at most fast food chains. However, high calorie content is not the only problem with items available at fast food restaurants. Most items on the menu are full of fat and cholesterol, too. By cutting fast food out of their diets, teens can increase their chances of losing weight the natural way. - 17268

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Read About Healthy Fats and Ending Constant Tiredness

By Cecil Kelly

You may have made the common mistake of thinking that fat results in fatigue. You know that excess body fat increases tiredness. However, dietary fat is not causing your extra weight or your lack of energy.

When you asked yourself "why am I always tired," you probably never expected one of the answers to be a lack of fat. It has been proven that a lack of fat, the right fat, in the diet can cause burn out and chronic fatigue. This is because your body interprets the lack of fat as a form of malnutrition. It begins converting other foods into fat and storing fat. You actually gain stored body fat because you did not eat enough fat.

Eating plenty of healthy fats, however, can end your cravings for sugary foods, stop your weight gain, and increase your energy. Healthy fats are composed of fatty acids that fuel your metabolism longer. They act like a slow-burning log to provide continual sustenance. The more energy you lose the more essential fatty acids you will need. While you can get essential fats through supplements, it is best to get them naturally in your diet.

A key to consuming healthy fats and preventing extreme tiredness is to eat them at the ideal temperature. Certain types of fats, along with other foods, lose their energy increasing qualities when they are heated. This is because the heat destroys the fatty acids and turns them into a form that is unusable or toxic. Once this kind of fat is heated, it will remain unhealthy even after it is cooled down.

Toxic and fatigue causing fats are almost always present in processed foods. Avoid these foods at all costs. Also, certain oils should be avoided when heated. This includes canola, peanut, corn, cottonseed, safflower, and sunflower oils.

Some of the most beneficial forms of oil must stay cool or at room temperature. Almond, sesame, grape seed, avocado, primrose, and flax seed oils are just a few of the oils that only offer healthy unsaturated fats at room temperature or cooler. Omega 3 rich oils, such as salmon, pumpkin, and walnut, should also remain at room temperature to prevent extreme tiredness.

There are other healthy fats that can be heated. Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids and can be used for cooking. Fats from fowl like chicken and turkey are very good for you and can be cooked. Natural butter, shea nut oil, palm kernel oil, sour cream, and cheese are all a great source of healthy fats and great to cook with.

It is time to stop avoiding fats. Doing so is making your extreme tiredness even worse. You already know that eating right is a key to having more energy. Including healthy, essential fats in your diet might mean the difference between feeling invigorated and being fatigued. - 17268

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