Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Georgetown Weight Loss Expert Takes On The Authorities

By Josef Brandenburg

Much is written about the war on obesity and, without a doubt, this is a war that is definitely a quagmire as most people wishing to lose weight simply cannot get the proper handle on being able to lose weight. Why is this? Have not there been many diet and exercise programs developed over the years? Yes, there have been many diets devised throughout the years but they are often removed from the basics. Getting back to the basics is usually the best, no B.S. approach to proper weight loss. Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation out there that needs to be debunked.

People who are basically looking to lose weight effectively should be careful of the popular myths which can misguide them.

First of all, there are better options to burn calories than an aerobic workout. While it is a well known fact that you can burn calories with an aerobic workout, one should also know that the calorie loss is not as huge as it is publicized. Your workout will prove to be less effective than you expected.

One need not work out for about one or one and a half hour to loose oodles of weight. It may not be a good idea at all due to non feasibility. No one has the time to workout one hour or so with such a busy lifestyle. Also it may be the worst option to consider for the reasons already discussed earlier. It is simply not as big a deal as it is made out to be.

The concept that a person might not loose weight due to genetic limitations is another myth. This could be such a morale buster as it may lead people to believe that they will never loose weight irrespective of the efforts them put in. This misconception needs to be dropped immediately as it is not at all true.

Performing a weight training routine will automatically raise metabolism can be considered a myth of false hope. That is because in order for muscle mass to raise metabolism, you generally already have to be ripped to shreds. If you are the beginning stage of your weightlifting journey, you probably will not experience a muscle mass induced raised metabolism. Again, to tell people otherwise would spread false hope.

The following fact may upset a few people in the weight loss community of Georgetown, but it doesn't make it any less true that almost all the Georgetown nutritionists and the registered nurses are incapable of giving you a proper diet plan. They might be knowledgeable but their skill set is inadequate to give to exactly what you need. Therefore you should not take their advice too seriously.

To save time and to save yourself a w hole lot of trouble the best thing for you to do would be to seek the help of a weight loss trainer. These qualified Georgetown professionals know their job pretty well and will help you achieve your target weight rather than people who just spread weight loss myths around. - 17268

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George Washington Weight Loss Expert Takes on Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

Losing weight is all about numbers; this myth is now being taken on by a person from the George Washington University area who is an expert in weight loss. For a long time you have been told that one pound lost on the weighing scale is equal to one pound of fat lost from the body. It is a myth and the worst misleading weight loss concept that if you weigh less, you will look better in a bikini. Look at it this way, a baseball is heavier than a beach ball, but a beach ball is pliable and soft, whereas the baseball is firm and hard. Now how would you like your body to be?

The truth about looking good and being healthy is less about how much you weigh and more about what comprises that weight. You can be 150 pounds but have 50% body fat and you can rest assured you will not look great naked! People have been so misled when it comes to weight loss that they will try unimaginable things just to get the scales lower. Thankfully, a George Washington weight loss expert has uncovered the truth about how to lose weight effectively.

Its a well known fact that the rate of metabolism of your body is determined by the muscle mass you have. This in turn will also decide how good you will look in your swimwear. Maximum weight loss plans emphasize on making the weight on the scales go down irrespective of whether it is fat or muscle that is lost. One needs to address this fundamentally wrong approach to weight loss. One should aim at loosing fat and not muscle mass as muscles help in burning down more calories. It also helps you achieve a toned look while wearing shorts rather than the fat. Assume that you have lost body fat, say about five pounds and gained the same amount of weight in muscle. In the mirror it would seem as though you have lost ten pounds but the scales will show no changes in your weight.

Now if you are all set to loose weight effectively you must follow the advice of the experts on losing weight from the George Washington area. Body composition should be measured as per their instructions given to their clients. It is simple and can be done privately at home with a measuring tape. It is recommended that you take regular measurements and track the inches lost and not the weight lost on the scale.

An inch loss in men means the loss of 4-5 pounds of fat whereas in women it means 3-4 pounds. You should aim at maintaining your weight with a uniform inch loss from all parts of the body. To begin with, just measure all the areas and then start building more muscles in your body. Men can just measure their waist since men put on weight mostly on their waist. Women should measure their waist, hips and thighs. The measurement for women should be taken in the following manner:

*Hips- Measurement of hips can be taken while standing with a little distance between your feet which should be same as the hip width. You should take the measurement with the measuring tape placed around the maximum circumference area of your back.

*Thighs- Measure up six inches from the knee and then measure around your thigh

*Waist- Waist should be measured along the naval.

Ensure that the measurements are taken on a particular day of every week. Also, to ensure accurate results, you should visit the restroom before measurements are taken. This type of measurement will indicate actual fat loss and this practice is followed by almost all of the weight loss centers in the George Washington area. - 17268

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What A Washington, Dc Weight Loss Protocol Can Really Do For You

By Josef Brandenburg

Is there anyone who can say that they don't want to look good? We all want to be accepted by society and feel like we fit in. This is exactly why businesses like spas, gyms, cosmetic industries, dermatological procedures and different diet protocols do so well in this day and age. People are so obsessed with how they look on the outside, that don't think about what happens on the inside when they decide to go down the aesthetics and fat loss road. Horror stories of people taking in drugs that damage the liver and dying of liver diseases, implants and surgeries gone wrong, and gym workouts that provide temporary beauty " we've heard them all. You should take care of your health on the inside, while you make yourself look good on the outside by getting into a Washington, DC Weight Loss program.

1. A Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol can give you the body you want and lets you wear it forever: Yes, we have all gone through that horrible experience of the fit-and-fat cycle. Slimming down after a few weeks of gargantuous amounts of pills and eating once daily can be pretty frustrating because we all know that there will come a day that well wake up with our fat asses again. Keeping a fit and fab body entails hard work and a specific exercise program based on a correct science. Your Washington, DC Personal Trainer lets you in on an interval exercise program that promises to burn 450% of fat more than what your usual gym program or home TV shopping apparatus can give you. The common aerobic training takes up so much time with little weight loss results, and so the best exercise option is in the hands of a high-intensity training.

2. You can shake off the fat even after you are done exercising with a Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol: Everyone is always on the lookout for the most convenient way to lose weight and what could be more convenient than burning fat while you are sitting on the couch watching television? This is based on the premise that the afterburn comes in to effect, which can give your body a metabolic boost 12, 24 or even up to 36 hours after doing your interval training. It is no wonder why Washington, DC weight loss programs are all the rage these days.

3. A Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol helps you develop discipline and gives you an inner sense of peace: While you may be reaping a great deal of benefits from the program, we cannot deny the fact that we will ask some things from you in return. We will rip you off that unhealthy potato couch lifestyle, get a handful of bad stuff off your fridge, cut off a couple of hours you spend in the wee hours of the morning with your drinking (and smoking) buds, and a whole lot more. We will draw out from you self-control and discipline before you know it. Our program will not let you depend on pills and knives. Everything will be natural but the fruits of your hard work and sacrifice will be unmatched. You will attain peace of mind and a good sense of wellness in the course of the program. A sound mind reflects a good body.

Losing weight is not as hard as it used to be, because of the technology available to us today. If you can put in the hard work needed and if you have the will to go through the fit-and-fat cycle you can get the results that you desire. If you put in all the effort to get your new fantastic physique, you deserve to keep it, and with the help of your Washington, DC Weight Loss Program, you can. - 17268

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George Washington Weight Loss Expert Challenges Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

The myth that Weight loss is the game of numbers has been taken on by an expert in the field of weight loss. This expert from the George Washington University tells us that for years we have been made to believe that weight loss means loss of body fat. It is a popular myth that loosing weight will automatically make you look good in a bikini. For instance, a beach ball is much lighter than a base ball, but which one would you want your body to be like, soft and pliable like a beach ball or harder and firmer like a baseball?

Honestly speaking a healthy body and good looks is all about the weight composition rather than the weight itself. One can weigh 150 pounds, however if the body fat contributes to 50% of the total body weight then you will most likely, not have a great physique. People will go to an unimaginable extent just to weigh less on the scales but it's a good thing we have a weight loss expert from the George Washington University area who has unveiled the truth about effective weight loss.

It is completely true that the muscle mass determines the metabolic rate of ones body and in turn decides how you look in your swimsuit. Most of the weight loss plans make you weigh less on the scales, however one might not be sure whether it is muscles loss or fat loss. This is a very fundamental mistake which needs to be corrected. One should not loose muscle mass as it helps in burning more calories and makes you look much more fitter in shorts than the fat would. If you loose fat, for example five pounds and in turn gain equal pounds of muscle mass then it would appear as if you have lost 10 pounds, but the weighing scale would not show weight loss.

If you are ready to lose weight in an effective manner do what the experts at many George Washington weight loss centers are now instructing their clients to do, measure your bodily composition. This is easily done in the privacy of your own home with a tape measure. Simply measure yourself consistently and watch for a drop in inches rather than pounds on a scale.

An inch loss in men means the loss of 4-5 pounds of fat whereas in women it means 3-4 pounds. You should aim at maintaining your weight with a uniform inch loss from all parts of the body. To begin with, just measure all the areas and then start building more muscles in your body. Men can just measure their waist since men put on weight mostly on their waist. Women should measure their waist, hips and thighs. The measurement for women should be taken in the following manner:

*Hips- Measurement of hips can be taken while standing with a little distance between your feet which should be same as the hip width. You should take the measurement with the measuring tape placed around the maximum circumference area of your back.

*Thighs- For measurement of thighs, first measure six inches just above the knee and at that point, measure with a tape around the thigh.

*Waist- It can be measured at the same level as the naval.

Ensure that the measurements are taken on a particular day of every week. Also, to ensure accurate results, you should visit the restroom before measurements are taken. This type of measurement will indicate actual fat loss and this practice is followed by almost all of the weight loss centers in the George Washington area. - 17268

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How Body Type Can Affect Your Body Building Program

By Kyle Peters

When starting out on a body building regime, a lot of people have found it useful to know their body type in order to maximize results from the weight training. Knowing it will help determine how well you are going to respond to exercise and make any changes necessary to increase your chances of success. Just looking in the mirror can give you a lot of information about your body type.

If you are tall and skinny then this would often mean you would be classified in the group known as endomorphs. These are classically hard gainers and if you fall into this group and have already started a training program you will know that no matter what you do, it is difficult to put on any weight or muscle.

The major advantage of being in this group is that although you may find it difficult to put on muscle it will also be difficult to put on fat. What this means to you is that when you do put on muscle mass it will be without a gain in fat tissue which will leave you looking very ripped. In fact you would not have to put on as much muscle to look bigger and toned as you will have superb definition.

The mesomorphs are the next group of people. Often they are naturally more muscular, short, squat and heavier. I have come across a lot of these people who say they only have to look at a weight and put on muscle.

For those with a mesomorphic physique then usually a less intense workout program is required. The biggest hurdle to face though is the issue of fat gain. As well as muscle, these types can also easily put on fat. It is vital to increase the proportion of protein intake in the daily calories to try and overcome this.

Ideally, endomorphs should consume about 2g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day and also increase the overall calorie intake to stimulate an anabolic or muscle building state.

Great gains can be had by both body types but those with an ectomorphic body will be required to work harder in the gym to stimulate increased muscle growth and increase their calorie intake. Those with a mesomorphic body type should be careful about increasing fat tissue and may find they cycle between bulking up by increasing muscle and fat and then cutting down calories to lose that fat. - 17268

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Resveratrol: Is It For You?

By Jane Soreau

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Toxin Eliminators

Your body's organs are under constant attack by toxins referred to as oxidants. Oxidants and the endless war against them engenders wrinkles on the surface of your skin, while beneath that surface organ damage and even cancer are products of these toxic invaders. There are, however, naturally occurring substances-antioxidants-that can and will preserve the body's cells, organs, and organ systems, especially the nervous system. Furthermore, these antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body, both inside and out.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is perhaps one of the strongest antioxidants that modern-day researchers have discovered. Resveratrol is effective at slowing the aging process because, when taken in large quantities, it energizes genes that each of us possesses called "Sirtuins." A Sirtuin is able to halt the weakening of cells caused by aging and to rebuild injured cells. Consistently consuming resveratrol allows a person to be less fatigued, more energetic, and to see his or her wrinkles softened, the age lines smoothed.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Natural Solution

Did you know about resveratrol before you began reading this article? Did you know that you may have already consumed some today? It's true! Used consistently for years and years in Asia as a remedy for a multitude of ailments, "ko-jo-kon," as resveratrol began to be called in 1962, is found in Japanese Knotwood. This Knotwood is so vivacious that it has not only crossed the Pacific, but is known in many parts of the United States as a weed that has the ability to kill and overrun other plants quite quickly. Its capacity to do this is directly correlated to the vast quantities of resveratrol that Knotwood has within itself. In fact, Knotwood contains large enough amounts of resveratrol to be grown for profit by companies that have begun manufacturing resveratrol supplements. Other people simply use it rather than rhubarb in numerous tasty recipes.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

Do you drink red wine? If so, then you are drinking resveratrol. Back in 1992 scientists discovered that grapevines contained copious amounts of resveratrol. Thus drinking red wine is a heart-healthy choice for many of us. Even so, it's important-given all the benefits that resveratrol has to offer us-to remember that a single dose of a resveratrol supplement contains the equivalent of almost one thousand bottles of red wine! - 17268

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Exercises For Back Pain Can Ease Your Pain; Discover Lower Back Pain Exercises

By Celestine Nell

Have you come to the internet for lower back pain exercises? We all know that this is one of the first places that people come to when they are searching for lower back pain exercises or any other type. Research shows that more and more people are suffering from back pain these days.

If you are waking up with back pain; then you will definitely want to read this entire article. We wanted to explain the importance of exercises for back pain and how they can help your back feel better. While lower back pain exercises can help you feel better it is vital that you understand how to implement them into your routine.

The great thing about doing exercises for back pain; is that they can be done right from home and do not take very long. We all know that in today's society we are suffering from back pain because of the habits and lifestyle that we have acquired.

Chances are you may be experiencing these problems as well. If you want to get started with lower back pain exercises then here are some tips that you can begin using to get the relief that you desire.

1. Patience: I know that the first thing on anyone's mind who has ever had back problems is how to get rid of it quickly. However as long as you continue with a back exercise program on a routine basis; you will begin to notice results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.

2. Avoid Pain: If you are doing your lower back pain exercises correctly it is not uncommon to feel a slight discomfort when stretching; however you never want it to be painful. Avoid stretching your muscles further if you are feeling pain; this can cause more damage and will not get rid of your back ache.

3. Walking On A Regular Basis: If your job requires that you sit behind a computer on a regular basis; then it is extremely important that you begin stretching your muscles on a daily basis. Walking has been proven to be one of the best ways to ensure that your muscles do not become tight with tension.

Yes you can learn more about exercises for back pain; all you have to do is visit the site below and discover which lower back pain exercises are going to help you feel better. - 17268

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Barrys Bootcamp DVD The Perfect Workout For You

By Sonya Hartley

If you would like to burn off a thousand calories and enjoy doing it, try Barrys Bootcamp DVD. Doesn't that sound great? The midsection where the belly fat dwells is hard to keep under control but with this DVD you will lose the belly fat and end up with a tummy that is flat and toned. As a bonus to this DVD there is a gold resistance band. Hollywood has dubbed Barrys Bootcamp DVD as its Best Kept Secret. Many celebrities depend on this exercise workout like Katie Holmes, Teri Hatcher, Christina Applegate, Eliza Dushku and Jamie Lee Curtis for example.

This is an excellent solution to not only ridding your body of that unwanted fat but toning up as well. If you have tried workout programs in the past and have had trouble staying with them, you will find yourself looking forward to this workout each day because it is so much fun it goes very quickly. One hour a day with this bootcamp workout and your body will be transformed.

This is a new way of using FIT or Focused Interval Training techniques. This combination of training techniques makes your workout burn fat nine times quicker than other comparable workouts. The celebrities agree that this is a quick and effective solution to losing fat and toning at the same time. Once you begin this workout you will be amazed at how your energy level is increased. The secret to Barry's Boot camp workout is you are not working harder but smarter. His more efficient program leads to a more effective way to spend your workout time.

After moving to Los Angeles, Barry Jay who is the founder of Barrys Bookcamp, took a position working for a fitness studio located in Hollywood. In just a year he had developed a program that was so successful that his classes were sold out. By 1998 the workout became known as Barrys Bootcamp and grew in fame world-wide. It is now called the Best Workout in the World. What makes this workout so successful is the combination of Barry's drill-sergeant tactics, the enjoyable atmosphere and the motivational tactics used by the professional trainers.

Those who use the program and talk about what it does for them all agree it makes them do more than they thought they were capable of doing and they love the music. They all say it is like having your own private trainer.

The DVD Bootcamp workout includes cardio and weight lifting working all the muscles at once. The philosophy of the workout is it should be fun combined with discipline. Consistency is the key. It makes you feel good about yourself once you are finished and good about yourself for the progress that you are making. The program is designed to help you work your way up to a greater endurance.

As you watch the DVD you will see real people working out at different levels just like you will see when you go to a real gym. The group is in unison only when the instructor asks for a count. Just like in the infomercial, the music is excellent. The entire body is addressed by different phases of the workout so you can pinpoint any areas you wish to address with each phase beginning and ending with the warm-up exercises.

It's all here in Barrys Bootcamp DVD. There is expert instruction, motivational techniques for losing fat and toning the body plus enjoyable music and fun routines. To have your own personal trainer, being using Barrys DVD and watch your body become toned. - 17268

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The Knee: Function & Anatomy

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The Way Knees Work

Joints are made up of at least two bones connected by ligaments (thick bands of tissue). The largest joint in the body is the knee. The knee is composed of 3 parts:

The patella, which is better-known as the kneecap.

2. The shin bone (tibia).

The tibia, which is the upper end of the shin bone.

The long muscles at the anterior of the thigh are called the quadriceps. They help make the knee stronger.

Articular cartilage forms a covering over the surfaces of the bone where they touch each other. This cushions the bones.

Additionally, the knee mechanism is lubricated by fluid that is generated by the synovial membrane. This thin, smooth tissue liner covers the remainder of surfaces within the knee. It prevents the end of the joint bones from rubbing.

How is Knee Pain Caused?

When the cartilage lining of the joint wears away, the bones rub together and pain and swelling result.

This situation is usually caused by osteoarthritis. This is a condition in which there has been knee injury or trauma. When there is no cartilage, there is nothing to absorb the shock between the bones that make up the joint. When this happens, the bones become stressed and painful.

Click here to learn more about total knee replacement procedure.

A Few Ways to Treat Knee Pain

Pain relief may be achieved through the use of steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. You could also try bracing, physical therapy or cortisone injections. If all else fails, you may want to look into knee surgery. This will definitely alleviate the problems brought on by having to limit your activities due to pain.

Many Americans have used knee surgery successfully. In fact more than a quarter of a million annually have knee replacement surgery. This surgery was initially performed in 1968. It commonly restores joint function and relieves pain.

Click here to learn more about partial knee replacement. - 17268

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Best Acne Face Wash - Doing Away With Pimples For Life

By Jason Cartwright

Obviously, you would desire to purchase the best acne face wash offered in the market to cure acne. The tough challenge is that there are several acne face washes, declaring to be the "best". The well-being and attractiveness trades have manufactured so many acne and skin care products that no one could ever use.

Just have a look in a magazine or on the TV and you will see how many beauty products are marketed. While the majority of them will help in the treatment for cystic acne, some work better than others. Actually, some products can do more damage than good to your skin, and lead to more acne breakouts.

That is why, it is crucial that you prefer quality to quantity, even if it costs you somewhat more money. The best acne face wash must not only check the acne but also squeeze and tone the skin, providing you a new, young appearance. Sorry to say that youth are not the only people who fight with acne but elders are also struggling to cope with it.

All people have epidemics at some duration of time. The main point to keep in mind when picking an at home acne treatment is not to believe everything you examine or hear. Clearly, some businesses will promote materials with unreasonable claims. Unhappily, you will find that you have spent your hard-earned money for a useless thing.

You can certainly talk to your local pharmacist or dermatologist to find products that will work, although you should also do some research online to pinpoint ingredients proven to help. Of course, always ensure you read the labels, identifying every ingredient.

One of the top ways to pinpoint an excellent product is from family or friends who have had challenges with acne and discovered the best acne face wash that works. Now, not everyone responds to products the same way, but your chances of success would be better.

A potent medication that is very popular for acne sufferers is Accutane. This medicine generally helps 4 out of 5 acne cases, but it can lead to dry, red skin, so it may be better to try a homeopathic acne treatment first. Nonetheless, Accutane could permanently clear your skin after about 5 weeks of regular treatment.

Other than prescription drugs, you could try some of the best acne face wash products, like Burt Bees, Klear Action, Neutrogena, Murad, Proactiv and Desert Essence. Regardless of which one you choose, it should contain about 2.5% of benzoyl peroxide.

These skin care lines not only unclog your pores, but they can also help mend damaged skin. Another treatment for cystic acne that you could try is Body Acne Combo, or Derma Cleanse, to help purify your pores and freshen your skin.

As soon as acne starts, you should use the best acne face wash for your skin condition and type, before you are left with unsightly blemishes and scars. - 17268

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7 Reasons Why You Should Not Deprive Yourself Of Food To Tone Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We would all like to tone arms, and we would all like to do it fast. In this day and age, we expect lightning quick results.

The sad truth is that many women have fallen under the false belief that extreme caloric restriction produces the fastest results. Perhaps you 're considering going on a very low calorie diet because you're fed up with having flabby arms. But before you do, consider the following 7 pitfalls of extreme caloric restriction to tone arms:

1. Malnutrition. Many women who eat an EXCESS of calories are malnourished because their food lacks nutrient density. Put yourself in a massive deficit of calories and your risk for malnourishment is even higher.

2. Decreased bone density. Because of fluctuating levels of estrogen (among many other things) women have to be especially vigilant of their bone density. Hence the popularity of the calcium supplement viactiv. Restrict calories too much and your bones can become less dense.

3. Decreased strength. A loss in strength and muscle translates in a decrease in metabolism which translates into less calories burned even while you sleep. Not a good situation.

4. Suppressed hormones. If you really want to tone arms, you need hormones on your side. They are the most powerful substances for burning arm fat. Period. Unfortunately, massive caloric restriction and hormonal production do not mix well.

5. More sickness. Being sick is not fun. Being sick will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds. And to fight off sickness, your immune system needs a bare minimum amount of calories. My worst cases of flu and fever came when I was dieting too hard.

6. A loss of period. Cut calories too much, and it's very likely that you'll lose your period. Without enough food coming in, the body shuts down the reproductive organs.

7. Mood swings. The female body needs calories (and carbs!) to stay mentally balanced. A massive drop in calories increases your risk for depression.

Going on an extreme diet to tone arms is simply not worth it. Not only will you be at risk for a whole host of issues, but you will also rebound once you get off of said diet. And who wants to go through the pain of excessive caloric restriction only to gain everything back? Don't go around in circles and follow a prudent way of eating that focuses on balance. - 17268

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Perfect Acai Review - Is This Brand Really A Cut Above The Rest?

By Travis Van Slooten

The aim of this Perfect Acai review is to find out how close to perfection this brand of acai supplements really is. In an industry riddled with scams and substandard products being passed off as genuine ones, it helps to know that there are still some established and trusted brands that can be found like Perfect Acai. But what makes Perfect Acai worth giving a shot?

Acai Berry Basics

The acai berry itself is obviously crucial to the outcome of the product. And not all acai berries are the same. Initially, all wild acai berries have the same basic properties. They are purple and roughly the size of a grape. However, their skin and fruit contain an unprecedented level of antioxidants and healthy nutrients. But some companies choose to grow their own acai berries rather than harvest them from the wild. Acai berries which are grown on farms are more likely to contain chemicals for growth and insect repellant. Naturally-grown, organic berries are substantially more desirable. The berry must also be process within 24 hours of being harvested, or it spoils. To ship to the United States, the only way to preserve the nutrients is to freeze-dry the berries. Because of this, many Americans will never get to have a fresh acai berry. But if you buy from the right company, you can still get all the nutritional value.

What to Avoid

In the acai supplements market, scams can be found everywhere. Smart consumers can spot one a mile away but those who are just trying out health supplements should be more careful. By all means, avoid free trials. Another thing you should also look closely into is the quality. The acai may be very promising, but you may not realize these potential health benefits if you get a supplement that's just full of additives like sugars and caffeine. Always check the label for the list of ingredients. You'll find that Perfect Acai only has 100% pure acai in it.

Another product to avoid is an extract. The acai berry is healthy in its entirety, so why would you want to take an extract of only part of the fruit? Perfect Acai offers the entire fruit of the acai berry and all of its benefits. Well, they don't process the entire berry, but that is a good thing. Some companies will include the seed in their acai supplement. While the seed is harmless, it composes a majority of the acai berry and has no nutritional value. This means you are getting half the benefit for the full price. Perfect Acai gives you only pure acai berry fruit, so you get the most bang for your buck.

What to Look for

Some of the tricks that companies use to hide their production methods aren't printed on the label. For instance, it is widely known that the only real way to preserve the values of the fruit and still ship it overseas is to freeze dry it. This process locks in the nutritional properties of the acai berry, meaning freeze-dried acai products contain as much as 50 times the level of antioxidants as spray-dried products.

Spray drying means they use heat to remove the liquid from the berries and then spray it with maltodextrin. Maltodextrin is absorbed by the body as glucose, a sugar. And as a bonus for the shady companies, maltodextrin does not have to be included as an ingredient since it is added during the manufacturing process. Perfect Acai states from the outset exactly how they manufacture their product. They only freeze-dry their acai supplement and they never add fillers.

Perfect Acai doesn't stop at making their supplement top quality. The devil is in the details, after all. Most companies package their supplements in gelatin capsules which are often made from cowhide! Not only is this unacceptable to vegetarians, but many people can have allergies to these capsules. Perfect Acai uses capsules made from an easily-digestible vegetable cellulose.

It is important to remember that many companies, which are trying to take your money with little concern for giving you a quality product, are not going to tell you that their product is inferior if they don't have to. You have to know what to avoid, but just as importantly, you have to know what you want in your supplements. Fortunately, with Perfect Acai you get up front information about the product and why it is superior. You also get to deal with an established company which has a history of success based on producing a quality supplement at an affordable price. - 17268

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