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Friday, May 29, 2009

What is a masticating juicer?

By Daniel Williams

As you will soon discover there are a number of different juicers available to purchase. These various juicers allow you to extract juice from fresh fruit and vegetables rather than purchasing that ready prepared in your local grocery store. Not only is preparing your own juice more beneficial to your health but can save you money as well. The types of equipment for extracting juice today are centrifugal or masticating juicers.

In this article we are taking a look at what the benefits of using a masticating juicer are over the other models on the market today. The first thing you need to understand is how the way such juicers operate. With the masticating type of juicer rather than the pulp of the food being shredded it is instead chewed at very low speeds.

These types of machines are fitted with either one or two cutters and the single blade versions tend to be the much cheaper ones. However, if you want a model that is able to extract the juice for hard fruits, vegetables or wheatgrass then you would better to go with those models that come with two cutters on them.

So just what are the benefits from having a masticating juicer instead of a centrifugal one?

1. First off because these operate at much lower speeds as they extract the juice from the pulp of the food they create far less oxygen as well. Because of this the shelf life of the juice that you extract using one of these juicers is quite a bit longer than if you were to use the more common sort of centrifugal juicer.

2. You will find that because there are a number of different stages involved in the extraction of juice with these machines they can much more effectively break down the fiber contained within the fruit or vegetables. This actually results in a juice that contains more nutrients as it is able to more effectively squeeze the juice from the pulp.

3. As mentioned these means can cope with any hardness of fruit or vegetable and even placing wheatgrass into the masticating juicer is not a problem. So rather than spending considerable sums purchasing a wheatgrass juicer instead you can employ the services of a masticating juicer instead.

4. Okay these machines are great for allowing you to extract lots of fresh juice for you to consume but people have found other uses for them. Today plenty of new mothers are using their masticating juicer as a way of preparing healthy nutritional meals for their baby to eat.

5. As well as these machines making a lot less noise than other kinds of juicers, they also make a lot less mess. Plus the masticating juicer is a lot easier to clean after it has been used compared to some of the other kinds of juicers you can buy.

As you can see from above there are many reasons why you should think about purchasing a masticating juicer over the centrifugal models. When you look online you will soon see just how many different models there are to select from and before you decide which one to buy you need to make a decision on how much you want to spend on one. - 17268

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Choosing the right Bodybuilding Routines

By BodyBuilding Guide

"Mike was getting uglier with the body fat and decided to join a fitness / body building program and guess what Mike is now awfully confused in choosing a fitness program as there are so many out there!". This article helps you in choosing right program for you which helps in effective Body Building.

Doing a basic analysis is a must before joining any fitness program as they may be less effective or use less . Don't be fooled by the false feedbacks. The proper way is to check and compare individuals who used that program and how effectively it worked for them. Later on , if satisfied you can enroll for the program.

Know some important details like goal of the program , few points about training loads, who monitors the program and recovery period . you can also assess a program with these finer details.

Factors such as age considerations and gender depend upon the type of program. See that the program fits your body , age and is not intense which leads to difficulties and ultimately causing one to drop the program.

The other factors such as recovery periods and periodic monitoring are important. One of the crucial factors and the easiest one is periodic monitoring which helps you to decide whether the program is working for you or not. You can consider taking measurements which include body weight, size measurements and one-rep maximums.

If you follow the above mentioned tips you stand higher chance of joining and choosing a effective Body Building Routines - 17268

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2 Things You Need to Know When Looking for Brita Water Filters

By James Dogwood Harry Osgood Peter Parker Sue Asnee

When most people think of a good and efficient water filter, Brita water filters often comes to mind to most people. Not surprisingly, Brita water filters are the best selling water purification system in the world today. Now, my question is " Is Brita the best choice available for customers today?

As someone who has spent a lot of time studying water purification techniques and analyzing the different types of water filters available on the market, there are two important points Ive noticed about Brita water filters that the average consumer would fail to notice. So please read this article carefully if you are someone who is either using or considering about using these water filters.

Brita has two types of water filters " pitchers and faucet filters. These two types of water filters are quite affordable. A significant unique selling proposition for Brita, I must say. People from all walks of life are able to afford them as these water filters are fairly cheap. Now, on to my first point.

The initial investment as far as Brita water filters are concerned is very cheap indeed. Their pitcher model costs just under $30 and their faucet model costs just under $40. But water filters are not just about the initial costs. You need to take the ongoing costs, or the maintenance costs, into consideration as well. Let us take a look.

Where Brita makes up for the low cost of their filters is made up in the cost of their replacement filters. A filter cartridge for the Brita pitcher pour through filter costs about $8. It is capable of producing 10 gallons of pure water after which it should be replaced. Similarly, a filter cartridge for the Brita faucet filter costs about $20. It is capable of producing up to 100 gallons of pure water after which it should be replaced.

Now, depending on the size of your family and your daily water consumption, you can do the math. Even if you consume only two gallons of water every day, the cost per gallon, as far as Brita water filters is concerned, is somewhere in the range of $0.20 to $0.25. This is way more than the average cost per gallon of their competitors, which lies in the range of $0.08 to $0.15. So, my point is " these water filters are definitely not the cheapest on the market.

Now, let me make my second point.

When it comes to effectiveness, I have a big problem with Brita water filters. These filters, though certainly effective to some extent, are not capable of removing harmful contaminants such as volatile organic compounds, cysts, certain types of pathogens, and some harmful byproducts of chlorine. Conversely, Britas competitors such as Aquasana produce water filters that are capable of removing all of the mentioned contaminants.

So, where does this leave you, the consumer? As far as I am concerned, it is very clear. When it comes to water filters, Brita water filters are not the cheapest and they are certainly not the most effective as well. So, all I want to say is very simple. Do not go by popular perception. Learn about the different types of water filters available on the market, their efficacy, cost, and all other related factors and then make an informed decision. - 17268

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The Health Aid That Ionized Water Can Achieve

By Chris Channing

The health industry has been active in rumors of how ionized water has become the next health fad. But consumers who are now finding out about the new fad aren't exactly chemists themselves- so who should they trust? The science behind water ionization is actually easy to pick up if you keep an open mind.

When we speak of ionized water, we are referencing water that has been made to be either acidic or alkaline. An ion is simply an atom that is charged either negatively or positively, which is used to achieve a certain balance of acidity. Alkaline water is the product we are striving to obtain during the process of water ionization, and not just to help remove harmful acid from drinking water.

Alkaline water is particularly helpful, since it is said to carry more oxygen than acidic water. Oxygen is required to prevent the buildup of acid in our cells as a result of cell aspiration. In allowing for more oxygen to be present, it is said that the hydration effects of the water are increased to a certain extent.

We are all familiar with the fruit craze, which goes hand in hand with the antioxidant buzz. Antioxidants are particularly helpful since they help rid our bodies of toxins that may have built up. Ionized water is considered to be an antioxidant due to its abundance of electrons. Antioxidants are known for their ability in keeping cells from being damaged by free radicals.

Ionized water is achieved through a process called electrolysis. This method allows the breakdown of water particles to make a "wetter" water. It is also said that since the atoms in the water are more compacted, you can gain more hydration from less water. This could be of benefit to those who practice sports, but also in applications such as keeping hydrated for a speech or important meeting where faltering could be critical.

The process of creating ionized water has been perfected, but the science behind it has not just yet. There are many claims of benefit that ionized water was attested to, but some argue that the sciences behind water ionization have yet to be confirmed. As more studies are conducted in the meantime, it's helpful to read other stories of how water ionization has helped out the lives of thousands all over the world since its debut.

Closing Comments

The cost of ionization machines is a bit steep, but worth it when considering the level of boon that they allow for. Ionization machines can be easily found online, where a large selection of devices and designs is available for consumers with different price ranges in mind for such machines. - 17268

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Product Review for the Sanyo DR 7700 Massage Chair Recliner

By James Knolan

Our goal is to present a potential massage chair buyer with a comprehensive and unbiased review of a given massage chair. We have developed a 5 category system to evaluate a massage chair. We give equal weight to each category and give 0 to 20 points rating and then add them up to present an overall score. Our categories include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. This systematic approach forces us to a disciplined method of evaluating a massage chair to help guide anyone looking at massage chairs. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K shiatsu massage chair price is in the luxury range of $4,000 to $5,000.

Warranty & Customer Service: Warranty and customer service come from the company that makes the massage chair. A warranty protects the customer and customer service must rectify issues one may have. With the HEC-DR7700K, Sanyo covers 3 years on the roller mechanism, 1 year on parts, 1 year labor and 1 year in-home service. In most cases, Sanyo has 1 year covering shipping. Sanyo covers the roller mechanism for 3 years, but other parts and labor is only 1 year. Sanyo forces the customer to purchase an extended warranty for additional protection that other manufacturers already. On the customer service side, Sanyo overall is available 24/7 and has average competence and average turnaround times. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K is a 14 in Warranty & Customer Service.

Comfort & Ergonomics: Comfort and ergonomics are important design characteristic with a shiatsu massage chair. Sanyo designed the DR7700K to compete in the luxury class known for comfort and relaxation. This shiatsu lounger is well padded with nice upholstery. The armrests are padded and comfortable. The Sanyo DR7700K is a bit restrictive to accommodate taller users. Sanyo designed this chair for the Asian market and is importing it here without modifying it for the taller American market. The Sanyo DR7700K is a 15 in Comfort & Ergonomics.

East of Use: With the advance of electronics, the controls and features can just be overwhelming unless you work for NASA or JPL. Sanyo has made the controller fairly simple to use compared to what is out there. There are 4 automatic programs where one can select and just sit back and relax. There is one button to take you to Zero Gravity which is nice. A side panel contains many manual controls with basic controls for the massage techniques and the lower body air system. The sub-remote allows the chair to be raised or lowered and has the stiffness detector built in. Our rating in this category is 19.

Key Features: The important features of the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K are the GK Rollers which is designed to provide over the shoulder massage in a third dimension. The other key feature is the Zero Gravity which takes the weight off you spine. The jointed massage heads of the GK Rollers push out and over the shoulders in a gripping action. Most rollers move in the X and Y coordinates, Sanyo has added the Z coordinate to add a real third dimension to robotic massage. Zero Gravity is a comfortable position with the body weight evenly distributed across the back. Overall Rating for the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K for features is 18.

Massage Therapy: The massage functions are included in the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K includes Four automatic full body programs, 5 different speed settings and a 83 combinations of manual massage courses. The automatic massage functions include the following: Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping, and Kneading & Tapping. Sanyo equips the HEC-DR7700K with its GK Rollers providing a gripping action to the shoulders and neck regions. The lower body has 24 airbags of coverage. The airbags provide an undulating sole shiatsu massage. This shiatsu massage chair is overall very solid giving good massage therapy and variety. Overall Rating for the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K massage recliner for massage therapy is 19.

How does the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K rate? Overall, our rating of the Sanyo is an 85/100. The technology of the massages for both the back and the lower body are solid and thorough. The controls are easy to use and intuitive. The main drawbacks with this Sanyo shiatsu massage chair are first it has a weak warranty for the price of the chair. Second, the footrest cannot be adjusted, which limits the size of who can use the chair. Comfort is important because the massage helps one to relax. All in all, this is a solid chair with many interesting and novel features. You will not be disappointed. - 17268

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Losing Weight With Resveratrol Ultra

By Jane Louis

In the media as well as the news, resveratrol has been making a huge splash.

It has been covered extensively by the media and has been featured on shows like Oprah as a recommended supplement by Dr. Oz.

Resveratrol was first investigated on television about 17 years ago on the show, 60 Minutes, where it was looked into why the French were able to stay so thin despite a diet high in foods like cheese. Red wine, in particular, was shown to show a very large role. As it has been found today, red wine is a huge source of resveratrol.

Even clinical studies show the results of resveratrol. In one study, two mice were raised and given a high carb diet. However, one of the mice was also given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not.

After an extended period of time, the body masses of the two mice were measured. The mouse that had been taking the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner!

About 40-50% of the nutrients in food is asorbed by our bodies when we eat. The excess is stored in fat cells for example. This often results in toxins being present in our bodies.

Resveratrol is a very strong anti-oxidant and is able to go in and destroy these toxins so that they do not damage our bodies. Even if you only use resveratrol for a little bit, you can receive many benefits.

For this reason, if you want to try out resveratrol for yourself and get these great health benefits, then try a resveratrol supplement like Resveratrol Ultra. At the time of this writing, Resveratrol Ultra is even being offered for free so you can try it out before spending any money on it. - 17268

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Get Into Bodybuilding Routines for Building Muscle Mass

By Wakelin Smith

Any newbie who seeks to get into bodybuilding needs to understand that it is not a hit and miss affair. It requires the right determination to do effective bodybuilding routines. Together with the determination to carry out the right workout, the proper way of doing them will surely result in building muscle mass.

Every bodybuilder, whether a beginner or a professional, must keep in mind that results from weight training do not happen overnight. It needs the determination and patience to keep with a program that is designed to gain the muscle size and strength. It also helps a lot if he makes his weight training routine a priority. This means that right attitude helps in a successful weight training program.

Also, efficiency is important in an effective workout. Keeping this in mind, he must develop an efficient workout program that trains all the muscle groups as well as develop strength. To be able to do an efficient body workout, a weight lifter does not have to spend 3 hours a day in the gym to build muscle mass. In fact, that much time spent inside the gym while exerting the muscles will likely result in overtraining. Look at it this way, if a weight trainer keeps his weight training workouts under an hour and a half (or better yet, and hour) yet performs them 3 or 4 times a week then his body will get sufficient rest to grow his muscles bigger and stronger.

Here are some important tips. One, an ideal workout is between 45 to 75 minutes maximum while the best should be 60 minutes being best. This is guided by a simple reason. The levels of muscle building and fat burning hormones that the body produces begin to drop after 75 minutes. This is one occasion when doing more does not actually the body any good. So it is best to keep the workout within the ideal time.

Two, rest in between sets should be kept to a minimum and the ideal is 90 seconds or less. This does not only help the bodyperform a lot of work and still finish within the 75 minutes, but it also helps improve the cardiovascular system. Also, this kind of training stimulates growth hormones output the most.

Third, the sets should be between 8 - 15 repetitions for muscle mass gains while for body sculpting purposes it must be 15-25 repetitions. Some reasons support this range in reps.

The best blood pump into the muscle cells within these repetition ranges. Considering that nutrients that nourish the muscle cells are pumped along with the blood come nutrients and that this blodd pump help them recover and rebuild bigger faster, then this rep range is very important. To add, there is less probability of injury since the body will be using a weight that it can control. Also, it has been shown in studies that muscle building and fat burning occur best at these repetition ranges.

Lastly, a weight trainer ahs to keep his training varied and cycled. It is not wise to get stuck with the same routine because this results in zero muscle growth. Therefore, proper bodybuilding routines must possess four characteristics, namely; right duration, enough rest, proper reps, and variation. - 17268

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Organic Vegetable Gardening ? Giving You and Other People Healthier Food

By John Dean

If you want to eat healthy food all the time, one of the best things that you can do is get yourself involved in organic vegetable gardening. This is a very good thing to do especially now that issues about dangerous chemicals which are being used on crops are heightening.

When we say organic food, it refers to a food where commercial fertilizers and harmful substances were never used. You wouldn?t worry about anything because it is absolutely safe to eat. You will also be surprised about the quality of the taste. It is truly delicious. Many people who have tried organic vegetables have decided to stick to them because the taste can?t be compared to commercial ones.

Foods from the organic vegetable garden are more expensive than the usual ones that we can find in the market. For this reason, it will better to put up your own to save on the cost. This however is applicable only if you have a green thumb, or someone in the home does. What?s good about this is that there?s food around your home.

In organic vegetable gardening, you will not use any chemicals and other substances that can be harmful to the plant and to the environment. You must only use materials that are intended for organic soil conditioning. Such materials can be composed of organic fertilizers, animal manure, composts and so on.

If this is your first time to try it, you can download some materials from the net which will guide you on how to do the task. These materials are also good for those who have tried this before but weren?t able to attain much success. These reading stuffs were written by experts who were able to put up and maintain an organic vegetable garden.

You can place your own organic garden in your home as long you?ve got a space where you can put it. The backyard is the most advisable area or anywhere else where the plants can be exposed to sunlight for 6 hours or more. You should also make sure that there is enough water. Having your own garden like this will give you the chance as well to decide on what vegetables to grow.

Aside from the fact that you can get healthy foods anytime that you want, organic vegetable gardening within your reach will give you extra income. You can sell some of the produce that it will yield to your neighbors or to other people who will be interested. That way, not just you and your family will be healthier --- you will share the health benefits to others.

For more information about organic vegetable gardening, take a look at my blog. - 17268

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Strength training and its benefits.

By USGSF Staff

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some muscle building activities into your training. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss success.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind of lifting weights in the gym. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights and resistance bands. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. However, they do not consider adding muscle endurance. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. One final note about going to an instructor lead strength training class: they can ensure that you are doing the exercises with the correct form to help you avoid injury.

So you do not care for classes. Thats ok, there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly without injuring yourself.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For example, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. The days off are critical in the time your body needs for muscle recovery. During this recovery period is when your muscle structure develops and grows...its your body's way of saying "Hey I need to be read for the next time that physical event happens. - 17268

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Hypnosis Stimulates Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

Because most people are deeply indulged in the same old daily routine, it often leads to the health and appearance being overlooked. Making matters worse, most people cannot tell the difference between good and bad food therefore leaving them with weight gain. Unfortunately this eliminates your chances for fast weight loss.

Most people are enthusiastic about losing weight so they count their calories or follow a stringent diet plan. In search of fast weight loss a lot of us resort to dangerous medicines and surgery. Although some are successful, they need to make some lifestyle changes and learn to change their eating habits.

It would seem like a wonderful scenario to take a pill or have a simple surgery and a lifetime of weight problems will be over. If you are looking for fast weight loss then consider hypnosis. The process of hypnosis has been in existence for thousands of years. It has been a very effective tool in helping people use their minds to gain control of their bodies.

Just like any major problem, the first step is acknowledging that you have a weight problem. This is necessary step in losing weight. Living in denial about your weight issue is common but until you face it, your weight will not magically lose itself. Programming the subconscious mind using hypnosis and start the life that you have been dreaming of can attain fast weight loss.

If you are looking to attain fast weight loss, hypnosis is the most powerful way to fulfill your goal. Many, especially in the area of weight loss and diet control, underestimate the power of hypnosis. By changing the way you think, your body will respond in a positive way. Remember that in most cases it has very little to do with what you are eating but rather what is eating you.

As you reach a comfortable state in hypnosis, you can be given suggestions to lose your cravings for improper foods such as sugar, and be given suggestion to start drinking more water. Hypnosis is a fun and easy way to be programmed for weight loss, making losing weight something that your body really enjoys.

Given suggestions while in hypnosis can have a lasting effect and there is no limit as to what can be accomplished through ongoing programming. Suggestions that are not reinforced have a tendency to weaken after four days. To prevent this from happening and experience fast weight loss, reinforce a new behavior on a daily basis. This can be achieved by listening to a hypnosis CD everyday.

Thirty minutes of hypnosis will create a deep level of relaxation that is equivalent to two hours of REM sleep. By programming your mind for fast weight loss while you are asleep, your mind and body can work together to create the ideal image that you always dreamed of.

By listening to a hypnosis CD daily, you dramatically increase your ability for successful weight loss. Through ongoing reinforcement you can dramatically increase your willpower, eliminate harmful foods, lose weight, and enjoy exercising. This combined effort on and ongoing daily basis will cause fast weight loss the shortest amount of time. - 17268

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The Unique Benefits of Ecklonia Cava Extract

By Mason Ballenger

ECE, or Ecklonia Cava Extract, comes from the brown algae known as Ecklonia cava. This algae lives in large colonies in the ocean, and ECE is a standardized extract of molecules derived from this water-based plant. Ecklonia Cava Extract contains phlorotannins, a unique type of polyphenols different from those found in land-based plants. Phlorotannins are thought to promote unique biological benefits within the body.

Many scientists believe that Ecklonia Cava Extract is a unique type of antioxidant. They estimate that ECE is stronger than green tea extract by a factor of 10 to 100 times. It is also 40% fat soluble, which lets its effects be spread throughout more of the body than other antioxidants. It also stays in the blood significantly longer than other antioxidant compounds - up to twelve hours, by some estimates. The ORAC value, or antioxidant score, of ECE is also very high: 8300 mol TE/100g.

Ecklonia Cava Extract is known as a superantioxidant. Its polyphenols have up to eight interconnecting rings, compared to the four rings of green tea catechins. This contributes to its powerful free-radical scavenging ability. Also, it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Ecklonia Cava Extract has demonstrated powerful activity against two suspected enemies to human health: peroxynitrite and oxidized LDL cholesterol. Peroxynitrite is a dangerous free radical that has been implicated in multiple chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other conditions. Oxidized LDL cholesterol particles have been linked to conditions such as metabolic syndrome. It is also believed that Ecklonia Cava Extract contains powerful inflammatory mediators.

In a study done on a group of established fibromyalgia patients, Ecklonia Cava Extract showed great promise. This 8-week double-blind placebo-controlled study showed that participants fell asleep faster, and their overall sleep time was increased. They also reported greater energy levels, improved soundness of sleep, more good days per week, improvement in general condition, and a reduction in pain.

ECE has been shown to be beneficial in fighting obesity, promoting weight loss, and providing cardiovascular benefits. Ecklonia Cava Extract contains heart-healthy compounds that scavenge free radicals in the bloodstream and promote healthy cholesterol levels. Its weight loss benefits have also been studied in rats and humans. Laboratory rats given ECE showed greater physical activity and decreased body fat. Young adults given a drink containing Ecklonia Cava Extract showed decreased body fat and increased muscle mass.

Improvements in brain function have also been demonstrated with subjects given Ecklonia Cava Extract - notably, memory, relaxation, and alertness. It has been shown to increase blood flow in the carotid artery, increase alpha waves in the brain, and prevent sleepiness during daytime activities. Ecklonia Cava Extract has been shown to protect neural cells and enhance brain activity in regions related to memory formation. In a rat study, Ecklonia Cava Extract inhibited beta-amyloid formation in the brain, a substance which accumulates in Alzheimer's disease.

ECE is certainly a unique substance and warrants further study. There may be even greater benefits that we are not currently aware of. Ongoing studies indicate that ECE may help treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, inflammation, allergies, asthma, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. - 17268

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Acai Fruit Pulp As An Antioxidant Source

By Carter Sinclair

In Central and South America a fruit with powerful antioxidant properties grows. The acai berry has been called a miracle fruit for health. It is about the same size as a grape but is a darker purple color. The acai berry is grown on the acai palm and grows in clusters of 3 " 5 berries. This little berry is one of the best sources of antioxidants known to man.

Antioxidants protect our body from free radicals. Free radicals cause aging, tissue damage, cell mutation, and can even cause diseases. The acai berry contains anthocyacin which is the antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.

Anthocyacin is the man antioxidant found in red wine. Acai berries have thirty three times the antioxidant levels of grapes antioxidants. In addition, acai fruit pulp contains polyphenols which is another powerful antioxidant.

Not only do these powerful antioxidants fight off and slow aging they also help to fight bacteria, repair tissue cells, and boost your cardiovascular system.

In addition to an antioxidant, the berries are used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimutagenic. And these are just a few of the great benefits!

The fruit pulp contains many nutrients, but one of the most beneficial reasons to add it to your diet is the antioxidants it contains. By doing something as simple drinking acai fruit pulp in juice, you can fight free radicals and help keep your body healthier and happier. - 17268

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