Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Five Mistakes People Make Due To Fat Loss

By Tomuse Gospuse

Straight to the point, there are up to five different fat loss mess ups that I've seen men and women do everyday. Fix these mistakes now and you will lose fat.

1. No social support

Working out with no support is not how you should be exercising. Support from your family, friends, doctors is the best way to approach losing fat. Use 2 people out of the group who was successful in exercising for support.

2. Not following a program that will keep them on track

If you walk into the gym wondering what you are going to do first today then you should just leave because your wasting your time. Make a plan, understand what you got to do. Stay with it and complete it. Now you wont be walking around the gym figuring out where to start.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

No same workout should be continued for more than 4 weeks, especially if you haven't been receiving much results. Mix it up a here and there often, you will see awesome results and have more fun exercising.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.

5. Not knowing their limit to exercising

People ask me if doing more lifting and more cardio in their workouts would be even better, well it's a no, a big NO. Doing so is not recommended at all. People think the more the merrier. There is a limit when you workout, you can only do so much.

Your body will breakdown to fast due to to much working out, mainly when you are dieting. Training to much and a low calorie diet will not go together. This type of training will not optimize your engine and it won't run to its fullest.

Focus on your workout in quality not quantity. For many reasons stick to high quality nutrition and high quality training. The only thing that really matters is the results, not sore muscles or being exhausted after each workout, and not feeling like your lacking food. It is all about quality work and quality food for a better healthier body. - 17268

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6 Facts About Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Sprays

By Alexander Malroy

Our society is bombarded with messages of vitality and youth, and the reason is simple: everyone wants to look and feel as young as possible. The fear of growing old has produced a massive market for cosmetic surgery and dietary supplementation. One of the most popular dietary supplements out there is Human Growth Hormone and many people feel that it truly is the fountain of youth.

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The production of this hormone peaks during puberty which is why growth spurts frequently occur during this time period. As we age, our bodies produce less of this important hormone.

Various clinical tests have shown that HGH can reduce body fat, improve cellular regeneration and can even lower cholesterol. Recent studies have even linked HGH to improved mood.

There are three main ways to use HGH: supplements, injections and sprays. Of the three main delivery methods, sprays tend to be the cheapest and easiest way to use this amazing product. Human Growth Hormone is a drug that is regulated by the FDA, so make sure that which ever product you use is certified with the US Government.

All Human Growth Hormone Sprays are administered orally. There are some who claim that the molecules found in HGH sprays are far to large to be absorbed orally. However, all HGH sprays are homeopathic. The homeopathic nature of HGH sprays means that their goal is to effect the body with no side effects. The properties of an HGH spray are transferred, thereby making it able to be absorbed.

Most HGH sprays are meant to be taken two times a day. Each spray tend to have a low dose to insure that the user does not overdoes. Taking too much HGH can lead to high blood pressure, fluid retention and joint pain.

Human Growth Hormone sprays are delivered directly into the bloodstream via the mouth. This means of course the they bypass the digestive system, making it the optimal way to use them.

Exercise and proper diet are excellent ways to help keep your body functioning well and slow down the aging process. The HGH spray might be an extra piece of insurance to help keep you feeling younger longer. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Supplements, A Quick Review

By Ricardo d Argence

Lots of people want to look intelligent and have a muscular build these days. Everyone dreams of a body that is well built. Now, the question arises as how to built such a body.

The majority prefer to do their regular workouts in a gym. The building stones, the body building supplements, of a well built body are required to be taken besides from using exercise equipments.

The body uses these supplements and their mechanism in its own way. Muscle toning to achieve a symmetrical body and increased stamina are both benefits of the product. Along with this, some dietary cares are indispensably required. You should reduce your intake and eat only quality food and after you have exercised enough to keep your body fit and healthy.

Supplements for bodybuilding come in different forms including capsules, tablets, liquids and powder. Body muscles are boosted by proteins, vitamins,carbohydrates,fats, hormones and other such things which are basically present in body supplement. Most importantly it is necessary to know and understand the way of dose administration. If these supplements are taken appropriately, and in the correct amounts, results will appear quickly.

Creatine is among the most popular leading muscle building supplement today. It can be from natural or manufactured sources. In its natural form it is found in red meat. The manufactured creatine comes in tablets, liquids, serums and even injections. All these provide much needed energy for the muscles. Creatine can also aid in the chance of cellular dysfunction.

Glutamine has become a popular source with body builders these days. It's properties generate quality muscles. Glutamine comes in a soluble powder and helps to stock up non-required amino acids. Leucine and Glucosamine are amino acids that are well used supplements by body builders. These are taken during extensive workout periods. Those allergic to seafood are advised to avoid Glucosamine as it is an amino sugar.

Multivitamins are also being used as a muscle building supplement. There are plenty multivitamin products available and these help in accelerating the muscle building process. These vitamins are very efficient as they bring out the energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein. As an antioxidant they help the body get rid of free radicals.

Muscle building supplements are necessary for any muscle builder to accomplish his goal of growing muscles in an efficient manner. For the different training points of your body various supplements are prescribed. Many times all muscle building supplements will be needed simultaneously. Consumers should follow the directions of physical trainers and fitness experts when taking supplements. - 17268

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The Evolution of Physical Fitness

By Jesse Regan

The primitive man would have laughed at the idea of you lifting weights or running stationary on a treadmill. Physical fitness as a distinct activity was unthinkable then and even in later times. Nevertheless, its existence nowadays cannot be attributed to anyones gifted mind for it just developed through time alongside mans effort to survive and prosper. The primitive man may snort at the thought but he contributed to it too unconsciously. Physical fitness evolved from the dawn of man and is still evolving even in this very day.

Early human activity would not require them to appropriate time for exercises to keep fit. To survive against the elements of nature and to feed themselves, men had to hunt using very backward instruments. This would entail applying every piece of muscle they have just to have meat for dinner. The women also worked heavily in agriculture. Their kids were also trained early in hunting and, later on, rudimentary agriculture. This definitely was not the time of chemical-based preservatives and bad cholesterol. The food was always fresh and, although they gorge on meat heavily, every piece of fat just melted away with the extreme physical labor they do.

To live comfortably by making production stable man began to develop elementary implements for agriculture. Soon, they stuck with planting food crops and hunting became what you would call a mans sport. Simple manufacturing took place centuries later followed by the advance of industrialization. Then, only in the previous century, automation gave industrialization greater strides. Today, you can get food by just dialing the phone or clicking the mouse. People of industrial countries have thrown away the idea of a muscled worker. Your image of a normal employee is the Homer Simpson or Dilbert stereotypes.

Todays typical food makes matters worse for someone who spends most of his time sitting inside an office. While it lacks the vital nutrients, it is usually rich in bad cholesterol, harmful preservatives and other inorganic ingredients. One can argue though that the primitive diet of raw meat might be just as loaded with fat as the average burger.

However, he would lose easily all the fat he had taken by just hunting for the next meal while fast food cholesterol just settles comfortably in you as watch television. Every modern household has, in fact, a fridge loaded with bad cholesterol, making it any fitness buffs forbidden zone.

Todays diet problem and physical inertia are the latest bases for the development of physical fitness as a necessary human activity. The importance of physical fitness is now being addressed by many workplaces to ensure the wellness of its employees. Training programs are being developed to that effect. These are also combined with other activities aimed at relieving them of mental stress. Physical fitness experts are introducing the latest techniques in achieving a fit and healthy body. You can just go to the nearest gym or surf the internet to get the help you need for this purpose. You can find some more of these valuable facts about fitness online. - 17268

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Cat's Claw Extract Supplement: Take That Natural Approach

By Matt Foster

Cat's claw, known as una de gato in Spanish, is a herb derived from a vine-type plant which grows widely in the countries of Central and South America, and is particularly common in the Amazon rainforests and Peru. So vast and botanically rich are the wilds of the Amazon rain forest that many herbal practitioners still look to it as a potential source of powerful, but as yet undiscovered, herbal remedies. Although this hope might seem to some like wishful thinking, the example of cat's claw suggests that it may not be entirely fanciful; because although the herb has only very recently become known in the West, it has been used as health tonic and treatment by the indigenous peoples of the region for many centuries. But the claims made for the benefits of cat's claw need to be treated with some caution, because there are those who would have you regard it as something akin to a miracle herb or universal panacea; and orthodox medicine, as always, is rightly sceptical of the wilder claims of the herbal or "natural" remedy lobby.

Rendered into liquid form, however, extracts of cat's claw have been found to have potent adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, and these are therefore used by herbal therapists to tackle a wide variety of common ailments. The anti-inflammatory qualities of the herb indicate potential benefits in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and bursitis; as well as digestive problems and ulcers, whilst as an adaptogen and anti-oxidant cat's claw is believed to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and even help in the fight against cancer.

Serious research into the benefits of cat's claw has been underway in Europe since the 1970s, and although, as noted above, conventional medicine remains reluctant to confirm the herb's therapeutic value, the fact that cat's claw is only available on prescription in certain countries is a clear indication of its biochemical potency. Cat's claw's power as an immune system booster appears to be related to unique properties in the alkaloids derived from it, certain of which appear directly to enhance the ability of the body's white blood cells to destroy potentially harmful foreign matter. These alkaloids also seem to stimulate the production of the vital T4 lymphocyte and leucocyte immune system cells which are crucial in fighting viral infections.

Why they started to move that fast? Because the recent studies about this herb extract shows that its effects are huge. The change of a patient who is taking cat's claw could be notorious.

The active substances in Cat's Claw are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals. Some of the alkaloids have been proven to boost the immune system. The major alkaloid rhynchophylline has anti-hypertensive effects and may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, reducing heart rate and controlling cholesterol.

Individual plants are never completely harvested. Only one third of their roots are collected at any time and then no more root is harvested from that plant for the next ten years, allowing re-growth in the remaining root. Because the Ashaninka are a generous people, they see no benefit in hoarding the cat's claw for themselves. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by deforestation, they want to make sure that the plant's healing properties continue on.

Some cat's claw roots have good spirits, POAs, while others tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids, TOAs, which do not help the immune system at all. Since Uncaria tomentosa plants look almost identical, it is hard to tell if they contain healing properties or non-helpful properties. Plants containing POAs one year may contain TOAs the following year because their alkaloid chemotypes change at will. After scientists discovered that they could "see" the presence of TOAs using the HPLC technology, they gained the ability to harvest cat's claw root extracts with POAs consistently. Because buying products that contain TOAs will only benefit the cat's claw distributor due to its canceling effects on POAs, it is important to read the label of the cat's claw root product you are considering buying.

European clinical studies have used the extract from the bark in combination with AZT in the treatment of AIDS. It is also used in the treatment and prevention of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as diabetes, PMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and prostrate conditions. - 17268

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Weight Loss For Obese People

By Karl Stone

How many times have you heard someone say they had to stay away from fast-food so they can lose weight? The problem is that fast food is more convenient. It saves money, time and it is fast.

Eating fast food can cause your calorie and fat intake to increase considerably, but it doesn't have to. There are alternate choices that can be made if you have to feed yourself on the go and still stick to your diet. Stop asking for any extra sauce.

In fact, any sauce that come with your meal, ask to keep it on the side as a different approach. You can dip it lightly and still have the flavor. You just get a fraction of the calories.

Watch what you choose to drink when you decide to eat fast food. Drinking water cuts some calories in your meal of fast food. Try unsweetened tea or diet soda instead. Even salads can contribute a significant amount of calories and fat. This is especially true if you use all the dressing. Ask for light dressing.

Consider using only part of the salad dressing rather than the full packet. Ask if there is a light dressing available. Choose grilled options rather than fried whenever possible.

The bread and eggs are the fast-food breakfast. Avoid bacon and extras, and the choice will still fit in your diet plan.

It is easy to be tempted if you're looking at all that food. Stay away from mayonnaise and salad dressings, croutons, fruit juice and soda. Do not supersize anything.

You don't have to give up fast food completely if you are dieting. But, be smart about it and only have it once a week and be careful with your choices. Choose grilled chicken sandwiches over greasy burgers with cheese; pick chili or salad instead of fries.

You do not have to completely abandon the regime of fast food. Be smart and eat only once a week. Be careful with your choices.

These are all ways that you can still stick to your weight loss plan. You can still rely on the simplicity of fast food every now and then. Just be smart about it. - 17268

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How Important is Protein in the Bodybuilding Process

By Ricardo d Argence

Any person who wants to have a strong body and build his, or her, muscle power needs to take proteins. There are many varieties of proteins. The benefits of taking them are many and each type of protein has certain benefits. There are protein foods and protein supplements that can be included in a person's diet, enhancing the benefits of body building.

Body building foods are available in the form solid food itself. This included in the regular diet gives excellent results. The natural foods which contain proteins include whey, egg white and soya beans. These three build your muscles and make you fit.

Proteins contain indispensable amino acids that are very crucial for the growth of all the cells, tissues and muscles of our body. Those who are active in sports and high intensity exercise need body building foods to improve muscle and overall body strength.

Bodybuilding foods eaten after a workout help repair muscles and make them stronger. Proteins are not only needed for sportsmen and athletes, people of all age groups need body building foods. An essential part of our daily diet should be body building proteins.

Natural form of protein varies. Many use whey protein, derived from milk, to build muscle. It has a lot of amino acids and potassium. It can be had as a supplement because it is very useful as a body builder. If you want the greatest form of protein available this is it.

A great source of an all natural protein is the white part of the egg. Not only does it aid in body building, but it is also readily accessible. Soya beans is considered to be a crucial source of proteins. Vegetarians use it as a meat substitution.

Nowadays, many of the protein supplements are found in the form of powders. They are either found in the form of drinks or in the form of pills. It is easy to use and the benefits are many. People who exercise or train regularly need to take body building foods as they lose a lot of essential vitamins and minerals during workout.

When such people take protein supplements it helps in the growth and repair of muscles. It helps the athlete to recover fast and resume their training faster after strenuous exercise.

Proteins helps in the rejuvenation of the impaired muscles. If you think you should have supplements, include proteins drinks and powders to a protein rich diet. This will definitely make a person stronger and healthy. A protein rich diet is very beneficial. - 17268

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Buy Muira Puama Herb: Tired of Being Sick? Try Herbs Natural Herbal Support

By Dwight Diem

This Brazilian herb Muira puama, also referred to as murapuama, is mostly known for its effective help with erectile dysfunction and increasing libido and as an aphrodisiac - but is also an excellent tonic for increasing general well-being and mental tiredness.

Muira puama is a bush / small tree up to 5 meters in height and produces pungent flowers with a jasmine like fragrance.

Although the frequency of erectile dysfunction increases with age, it must be stressed that ageing itself is not a cause of impotence. Although the amount and force of the ejaculate as well as the need to ejaculate decrease with age, the capacity for er ection is retained. Men are capable of retaining their sexual virility well into their 80's.

Murapuama has been used as a herb in Europe for some time and is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, a source on herbal medicine from the British Herbal Medicine Association, and is recommended for the treatment of dysentery and impotence.

Many potential users of herbal supplements such as Extagen are initially put off because these supplements do not have legal status as medications and are therefore not typically independently tested. Fortunately Muira Puama, like many of the other herbal ingredients in Extagen, has undergone numerous studies regarding its effectiveness.

vAlthough many people are skeptical about sexual stimulants or "herbal viagra" as such, the muira puama herb has been shown by Dr. Jacques Waynberg, a world authority on sexual functioning, of the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, that it is effective in assisting in increasing sexual desire as well as attaining and maintaining an erection.

Like with any medication, there are potential side effects of Muira Puama. The most commonly noted side effect is insomnia. Some users have reported feeling jittery and having increased occurrences of muscle spasms. No serious side effects have been reported.

Presently, the mechanism of action of Muira puama is unknown, From the preliminary information, it appears that it works on enhancing both psychological and physical aspects of sexual function. Future research will undoubtably shed additional light on t his extremely promising herb for erectile dysfunction. - 17268

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Catuaba Bark Extract: Good Deals And Quality Service.

By Matt Foster

Erythroxylum catuaba is a vigorous-growing, small tree that produces yellow and orange flowers and small, dark yellow, oval-shaped, inedible fruit. It grows in the northern part of Brazil in Amazonas, Para, Pernambuco, Bahia, Maranhao, and Alagoas.

This catuaba tree belongs to the family Erythroxylaceae, whose principal genus, Erythroxylum, contains several species that are sources of cocaine. Catuaba, however, contains none of the active cocaine alkaloids.

Erythroxylum catuaba and Trichilia catigua are the preferred Brazilian herbal medicine species, with the longest documented history of use as "big and little catuaba." Both types are used interchangeably in Brazilian herbal medicine systems for the same conditions.

Indigenous and local peoples have used catuaba for generations. It is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiac plants. In the Brazilian state of Minas there is a saying, "Until a father reaches 60, the son is his; after that, the son is catuaba's!"

The study found that the pathway of catuaba's anti-HIV activity stemmed (at least partially) from the inhibition of HIV absorption into cells, and suggested that catuaba had potential against opportunistic infections in HIV patients. A U.S. patent was granted (in 2002) to a group of Brazilian researchers for a catuaba bark extract (Trichilia catigua).

Its patent refers to animal studies it conducted that reported that it relieved pain and relaxed and dilated blood vessels in rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. A study published in 1997 reported that catuaba bark had significant pain relieving activity in vivo.

To date, no toxicity studies have been done on catuaba - but its long history of use in Brazil has reported no toxicity or ill effects. In fact, according to Dr. Meira Penna, the only side-effects are beneficial - erotic dreams and increased sexual desire! While no clinical research has validated the traditional use of catuaba as an aphrodisiac, it continues to be used widely for its ability to enhance sexual drive and increase libido in both men and women.

According to Michael van Straten, noted British author and researcher of medicinal plants, catuaba is beneficial to men and women as an aphrodisiac, but "it is in the area of male impotence that the most striking results have been reported" and "there is no evidence of side effects, even after long-term use. - 17268

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Food Alkaline is better!

By Anthony Gutierrez

Food can be either acidic or alkaline and it is hard to tell which it is. An example of this is when lemons are digested the are more alkaline. Lemons are acidic before this digestion. To have a balanced raw food diet it is important to eat a significant amount of alkalizing foods.

Wild edible grasses are alkalizing along with spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens and broccoli which are also alkalizing agents.

Alkalizing foods such as parsley, cilantro, basil, garlic and grasses such as wheat and barley grass, sprouts and sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, spirulina and blue green algae are good foods to consume. Shitake, maitake, and reishi, medicinal mushrooms, help make the body more basic.

Balance is all about life. When speaking of body pH levels the universal truth is profound. The human body needs to stay at a certain pH level. To measure the levels of Ph you would use a scale from zero to 14, where zero is very acidic, 7 is neutral and 14 is very alkaline.

A slightly alkaline level of 7.35-7.45 in the human body is where the blood must remain. Some of the body's other fluids are maintained at different pH levels to keep you healthy and maintain the blood pH. The cells and organs are constantly working and filtering what is eaten to sustain pH levels throughout the body.

Bacteria, viruses, yeast and other harmful organisms thrive when the blood system is more acidic. It is important that the pH is balanced for your total well being. If the pH balance is on the alkaline end of the scale it creates an uninviting environment for things that make you ill. Consuming more alkaline foods than acid foods is important and beneficial to your overall fitness.

The specific ratio of alkaline foods to acid foods determines pH balance and good health which is what consumers find out when they learn more about nutrition. Human blood registers about 7.4 on the pH scale. What this means is the blood is naturally alkaline. Proper balance of alkaline foods to acid foods is what the body needs to maintain this level. - 17268

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Colon Cleansing Herbs: The Optimum Prescription

By Marcus Harrison

Drug and alcohol dependency is a major health concern all over the world as it is very difficult to treat and cure. Addicts are known to use even detoxification drugs to get their daily dose of high. A new trend is being noticed all over the world as natural detoxification herbs are being used to treat and cure a person of his/her addiction.

Some detox herbs are better for the immune system than others, and there are a number of definite considerations for any detoxification programme. Psyllium seeds can be used to promote a healthy bowel and generally help maintain its condition, helping with problems such as diarrhoea. It is also a good herb for detox due to its sponge-like absorption properties, which helps to soak the toxins from within the body.

Another herbs which is a natural laxative and is good for flushing the system is cascara sagrada. This goes some way to help strengthen the colon and related muscles, and is often used along side psyllium seeds.

Another extremely valuable substance is milk thistle, which is frequently used to effect in the liver where it simulates the synthesis of proteins. It is also particularly effective in soaking a variety of toxins from alcohol and drugs, which can be damaging to the body.

It is here that Chinese traditional herbs can make a difference by treating addiction problem without any harmful side effects. Chinese traditional detoxification herbs help to you to bury the habit once and forever without messing up your body or making you dependent on these herbal medicines.

Chinese traditional medicine works within holistic parameters where each individual is examined as an individual case and treatment is holistic in nature involving not only the body but also the mind and spirit. It does not believe in generalizations. Chinese herbs are prescribed to normalize imbalanced energy, or Qi (pronounced 'chee'), that runs through invisible meridians in the body.

The use of herbs as part of a detox programme is not a new idea, and the healing and cleansing properties of these plants have been known for thousands of years. They are only now beginning to see more mainstream acceptance, and be used to detoxify patients worldwide. The detox is a particularly important concept in today's environment, with dirty polluted air and processed foods full of toxins. By making use of these natural resources, you can effectively flush out your system, leaving you looking and feeling a great deal better, with fewer and less severe illnesses as a result of a strengthened immune system.

Chinese herbal medicines are mainly plant based, but some preparations include minerals or animal products. They can be packaged as powders, pastes, lotions or tablets, depending on the herb and its intended use. At Longevity Herbs you will find a wider range of products that can help in detoxification, namely Detox Combo and Detox Kit. It helps to regulate and eliminate bodily toxins and waste and has Reishi, Qi ju di huang wan (chrysanthemum/lycium blend) and a gentle laxative called ma zi ren - 17268

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Toughen Muscles with Proper Protein

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

If you want to get big and strong, don't forget to take your protein powder. Bodybuilders have long relied upon protein powder to make sure they get the high level of protein needed to beef up their bodies through lifting weights and exercise.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is incredible stuff. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Whoa! Nearly every bodybuilder knows the importance of protein supplementation.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Protein powders are made from four basic sources: whey (from milk), egg, soy and rice.

Whey protein is very, very important for bodybuilders, dieters, and shoot, just about everybody! Since athletes and bodybuilders work out often, protein levels become depleted.

By being a direct precursor to building muscle and essential amino acids.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17268

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