Five Mistakes People Make Due To Fat Loss
1. No social support
Working out with no support is not how you should be exercising. Support from your family, friends, doctors is the best way to approach losing fat. Use 2 people out of the group who was successful in exercising for support.
2. Not following a program that will keep them on track
If you walk into the gym wondering what you are going to do first today then you should just leave because your wasting your time. Make a plan, understand what you got to do. Stay with it and complete it. Now you wont be walking around the gym figuring out where to start.
3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks
No same workout should be continued for more than 4 weeks, especially if you haven't been receiving much results. Mix it up a here and there often, you will see awesome results and have more fun exercising.
4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well
If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.
5. Not knowing their limit to exercising
People ask me if doing more lifting and more cardio in their workouts would be even better, well it's a no, a big NO. Doing so is not recommended at all. People think the more the merrier. There is a limit when you workout, you can only do so much.
Your body will breakdown to fast due to to much working out, mainly when you are dieting. Training to much and a low calorie diet will not go together. This type of training will not optimize your engine and it won't run to its fullest.
Focus on your workout in quality not quantity. For many reasons stick to high quality nutrition and high quality training. The only thing that really matters is the results, not sore muscles or being exhausted after each workout, and not feeling like your lacking food. It is all about quality work and quality food for a better healthier body. - 17268
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