Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Eating fat burning foods for healthy weight loss

By Foong

You need to eat right with a nutritious diet in order for you to lose weight effectively. You do not only need to limit your calories or do it the wrong way by starving yourself to lose weight. All you need is a nutritious and healthy meal plan filled with fat burning foods.

The ways to losing weight encompasses everything from a balanced and healthy diet of fat burning food to regular fat burning exercises. You not only need to eat right, you need to exercise right and even drink and rest right to achieve your goal in weight loss.

Counting calories and exercising are the two main ways to lose the extra pounds but the hardest has to be limiting our calorie intake. Dieters often find themselves cheating and consuming more calories than they are supposed to. So, instead of cutting down their food by calorie counting, they could choose to eat more fat burning foods. By eating foods that help them lose weight, they will be able to keep to their diet easily and simply.

You may be wondering if there are really foods that could help you lose weight. These fat burning foods are actually commonly found foods that you are probably eating already. And we are not even talking about diet pills or diet products and protein shakes. The foods that could help you lose weight are foods that you could possibly find in your fridge or cabinet.

An example of a fat burning food is oats. There are several types of oats and you should choose the organic rolled oats and oat bran. Oats are high in fibre so it could make you feel fuller longer and faster. This means it will in a way make you feel less hungry, suppress your appetite and thus, make you eat less. Oats are also known to bind with fat in your system and help your body flush it out of your system.

So, based on that example, fat burning foods are not only good to help your body burn fat but it could be foods that make you feel full or it can cut down your appetite or it can regulate your blood sugar level and cut down any unwanted cravings and binges on fattening foods.

Another example of fat burning food is the anti-oxidant rich green tea. This special Asian drink is really good for you as it keeps your skin radiant and young. It is known to be good for your heart. It is also known to boost your metabolic rate and is an appetite suppressant.

In conclusion, there are plenty of healthy food and drink choices out there so it is best to choose foods that could help your burn fat and lose weight and incorporated that into your diet. If you add in regular exercise which includes cardiovascular exercises and resistance training, you will be able to burn up more fat and lose the weight faster. - 17268

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Can Wu Yi Tea Work To Help You Lose Weight?

By Diane Keavy

By now, you've almost certainly heard of Wu Yi tea, especially in regards to its ability to help you lose weight. Does Wu Yi tea really work to make you lose those extra pounds? We'll answer that question in this article and look more closely at this ancient tea which has been making inroads as a sort of natural weight loss supplement as of late and look into whether drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss is something which can really work.

As it happens, it is true that Wu Yi tea really works to promote weight loss. By drinking Wu Yi tea regularly, you can lose weight, as long as you do this in conjunction with a regular exercise routine and eating a healthy diet. However, it needs to be remembered that Wu Yi tea is a not some sort of miracle cure for losing weight. That said, Wu Yi tea can give you the edge you need to get the most of your weight loss efforts and it can help you to keep off the weight once you do lose those extra pounds.

So how does Wu Yi tea work to help dieters get towards their weight loss and fitness goals? First, let's learn a little about this tea and where it comes from. All tea (except for herbal teas) come from the same plant, the Camellia Sinensis plant. The difference between different types of tea has to do with where it was grown and how the tea is processed after being picked. Wu Yi tea is actually a type of Oolong tea which gets its name from where it is grown - on and near Mount Wu Yi in southern China. It is thought that the rich soils of this region contribute to the high mineral content of this tea.

However, it is the process of drying and fermentation which helps Wu Yi tea work to help dieters lose weight in a safe, gentle way. The tea plant is rich in compounds called polyphenols. These compounds help the tea plant to carry out its own biochemical processes, including photosynthesis. Now this may not mean much to you, but these compounds have a lot to do with how Wu Yi tea works with your own metabolism to help you lose weight.

Wu Yi tea does contain a small amount of caffeine; like any tea. Caffeine produces a small increase in your metabolic rate, which helps you to burn off calories at a higher speed. However, the caffeine content in Wu Yi tea is not high enough to produce the kind of increase in energy expenditure which Wu Yi tea does. It is in fact the polyphenol content in this tea which makes drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss effective.

In one Japanese University study, subjects were given water, green tea or Oolong tea and then measured to see how many calories they had burned off in a few hours time. Compared to those who drank only water, the Oolong tea-drinking subjects had burned 10% more calories! The rate was actually a little bit higher in the first hour or so after drinking the tea - suggesting that before you work out, a cup of Oolong tea (especially Wu Yi tea) might be just the thing.

Studies done all over Asia, Europe and the US have established that Wu Yi tea really works to promote weight loss. Every study has shown the same thing - drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss on a regular basis helps people not only to lose weight, but to keep it off!

So why does Wu Yi tea work better than regular Oolong tea? While all Oolong tea contains a lot of polyphenols, Wu Yi tea is an especially good source for these natural weight loss compounds;;but how do the polyphenols in Wu Yi tea work to produce this weight loss effect?

Polyphenol stimulates your body to produce enzymes which break down fat and cause it to be burned as energy in a process called lipolysis. Wu Yi tea works with the natural fat burning processes of your own body to help you lose weight in a healthy way, unlike many diet pills out there. If you're looking for an all natural, safe product which can help you to shed those extra pounds, Wu Yi tea is for you. Wu Yi tea really works; as long as you aren't expecting an overnight solution - but good things do come to those who wait and with a tea that tastes as smooth and rich as Wu Yi, the wait will be a pleasant one. To Your Health! - 17268

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Natural Remedies for Menopause and Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

For many women, menopause is a challenging transition period after the child-bearing age. A woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month in preparation for pregnancy,menopause occurs when female hormones naturally decline.

Regrettably, menopause may be very difficult for some women because it is often uncomfortable symptoms. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Another frequent consequence of menopause is unexpected weight gain.

Even women who don't change their eating and exercise habits during menopause may experience weight gain. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. Weight gain can also be a result of hormonally triggered overeating. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. When a woman's metabolic rate slows during menopause, any extra calories ingested have a far greater effect than they did pre-menpausal.

Estrogen and body fat work together in a unique way. Body fat helps regulate the production of estrogen, which declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and the fat in body is linked together in complex which affect in gaining weight through changes in appetite, digestion, and metabolism.

Try using a more natural antidote to increased weight and other the negative symptoms of menopause, instead of turning to hormone therapy that is now linked to problems such as breast and reproductive cancers. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant and stress alleviator; and chasteberry, for moodiness and general hormonal imbalance.

Many women make the mistake of thinking that these remedies will prevent weight gain and other menopause symptoms on their own. The truth is, the best thing you can do to prevent or reverse weight gain in menopause is through healthy diet and exercise.

Regulating hormone balance naturally by eating a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet is a far more effective approach than herbal remedies. While herbal remedies can help supplement a good diet and exercise plan, many women find that a healthy lifestyle will alleviate symptoms without the need to spend money on these supplements and herbal preparations.

Eating a nutritious diet involves avoiding bad fats, and instead eating heart-healthy fats in moderation. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Avoid food alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine if these exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and of course, avoid fried or fatty foods, excess sugar, and junk in general.

If you drink 8 cups of water daily and work out for approximately a half hour as many times as possible weekly, then you will be making progress towards losing a lot of weight, even if you're going through menopause. As you adopt a healthy diet and exercise plan that keeps your hormone levels on an even pace, you will see that the symptoms of menopause will lessen. - 17268

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Should You Buy A Gym Membership Or Just Exercise At Home?

By Brian Newsomb

Are you at the fitness fork in the road of exercising at home or the gym? Don't make this decision hastily. The wrong choice could leave you stuck in a fitness rut.

Before choosing where to exercise, you should first write down your objectives you hope to achieve in exercising. Determine whether your goal is to bulk up in the muscle department or simply to keep tone. Once you have set your goals then you can go about deciding which location will help you reach your goal.

There are obvious advantages and disadvantages in exercising at home versus the gym and vice-versa. Let's talk about the advantages of working out at home. The first and most favorable advantage to exercising at home is the savings. A gym membership can become quite costly over time. Don't fool yourself though; working out at home can cost you a pretty penny upfront. If you want to build muscle you will need to invest in a good weight set. Looking to do cardio? Unless you can afford a treadmill or elliptical; you may have to settle for a cardio training DVD.

I think you're beginning to get the picture. If your fitness needs require more than a simple exercise routine; the gym may be the place for you. Though joining a gym involves a membership fee, the expense may just keep you motivated. No wants to throw money away and there's nothing worse than paying for a gym membership and not going. No doubt the biggest advantage in joining a gym is the equipment. You will have the newest fitness equipment at your disposal at most gyms. A gym also has added perks including, various cardio classes, personal training and in some cases even pools and spas.

Be sure to evaluate what motivates you. Motivation plays a major role in sticking to your routine. Making the wrong decision when it comes to exercising at home or the gym can kill your routine. Who hasn't decided to exercise at home and instead end up in the kitchen raiding the fridge. On the flipside there are others who join a gym, but after the initial excitement wears off they quit going after a couple of weeks. No one knows you better than yourself, so be honest with yourself. You know what drives you. If you've tried to workout at home and always end up on the couch watching T.V.; join the gym. If instead of going to the gym you find yourself too busy with other things or just can't get up in the morning; exercise at home. You may find that exercising at home allows you to do so at your convenience.

Making a commitment to exercise is half the battle. Whether you exercise at home or the gym; stick with it. Stay motivated and soon you'll reap the benefits. - 17268

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Free Weight Loss Tips

By Ron George

What's the method to lose weight for free? Is it a mystery beyond the pyramids, UFO's, ghostly apparitions, or the missing sock? But it's no mystery when people see themselves in the mirror. They're too heavy. But it's pretty plain. Here are some ideas.

Catch a virus. No really, get ill. Critical illness has been a effective way to lose weight, provided there's a recovery. Individuals tend to lose weight while in the hospital. That's as outlandish and silly as it seems for a weight loss strategy. So let's get to some real fat loss tips.

Losing weight is a snap if you severely restrict calories. That means eating fewer calories than you burn. Drink nothing but water to influence your body to draw on fat reserves. If you have the patience to do this for weeks or months at a time, even better. Seriously, though, consuming less than you use is the way to go. It can't be just water, but replacing soda and juice with water will save you 90,000 calories, or 25 pounds, each year. Smaller portions, a lesser amount of soda and juice period.

Exercise every day until complete exhaustion. That means don't stop until you can't even crawl. Were any of the slaves who built pyramids in the Moses movies over weight? Back to reality, exercise and burning calories is important to losing weight. It doesn't have to be hours and hours each day, but 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week is terrific. If you can't keep it up for seven days a week then six is better than five and five is better than four and even one is better than none.

Bodybuilders burn more calories just standing around. So hire a personal trainer, preferably one that really dislikes you, and have them push you to at least three hours a day, seven days a week of gut wrenching muscle building. Become the world's strongest woman. Or, more practically just exercise in moderation and at your own pace. Between three to five days a week of weight work should e sufficient to build lean muscle that will help you to keep off the weight. Muscle does not by any means relate to a higher metabolism, and in the long run it means less work because you're burning excess calories even while standing still or sitting at your office desk.

You don't need Amazing diet shakes or fad diets to lose weight. Your budget can even be 0. Lose weight for free through exercise and healthy eating. Eat less than you burn and weight loss will follow. - 17268

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Wedding Weight Loss, Do's and Dont's

By Ricardo d Argence

For most people, your wedding day is the best day of your life. But some people get stressed out, attempting to be sure they've got every detail exactly right and that they're able to fit into the perfectly customized clothes.

Looking good on your wedding day is important, and everyone wants to fit into their dress before the big event. It's right to want to be healthy for your wedding, and getting healthier can take away some of your stress. There are some do not do things when it comes to wedding weight loss, as well as the must do things.

If you are trying to lose too much weight before your wedding, you'll end up being more stressed. So don't set yourself goals that you can reach, never try to lose more than you are capable of losing healthily. You can accomplish this by talking to your doctor and discussion your current weight, how much you would like to lose, and how long you have until the wedding. Then, you can set a reasonable goal and your doctor can help you work to achieve it.

If you want to lose weight in the time before your wedding, avoid starvation diets and other weight loss fads. You are stressed and not eating will only make it worse. You'll be crabby and worse, you'll be unhealthy. Your immune system may become weakened making you sick and potentially interfering with your wedding plans.

Try to be consistent in your portions - you shouldn't overeat, nor should you undereat. Stay the course by eating regular portioned meals and try to divert your nervousness into positive energy you can use to exercise.

Working out is the best way to lose weight for your marriage day. You probably already have all of that nervous energy, so put it to good use and keep moving. You'll get in better shape and you'll also be doing something productive for the wedding as well,working out with your spouse to be can be a great way for you to keep doing things together, and if you do something like ballroom dancing lessons.

Do find a good balance when it comes to food. Eating healthily is a great idea, but that shouldn't mean that you aren't allowed to eat the cake when you go to test out your wedding cake baker. Enjoy those snacks at your bridal parties, and have those drinks with your girlfriends as you do your last night out. The most important thing about your wedding is that you are happy and healthy, and someone who is happy and healthy is going to be a much better bride as well. - 17268

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