Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Noni, Ginger, Turmeric, Enzymes, and More for Your Health

By Lenette Nakauchi

Island Fire is a proprietary Noni juice product from Elements for Life. It is a raw, unpasteurized, Noni elixir with no added fruit juices or fruit sugars. Considered by health experts such as David Wolfe and Steve Adler to be the best Noni product on the market, it consists of Tahitian Noni, ginger, Hawaiian Turmeric, cayenne, lemon, apple cider vinegar, and trace minerals (both from colloidal, and plant and ocean-sourced ionic minerals). A shot or two in the morning will really get your metabolism and taste buds going! This is a daily health tonic focused on rejuvenation, detoxification, superior energy, good mood, and overall health.

David Wolfe, world authority on raw foods and superfoods, has referred to Noni as his favorites food and fruit of all time. The fruit is found all over the island of Hawaii and other tropical environments. For 15 years now, various companies have been trying to get Noni products out to people. But unfortunately, almost all Noni juices have been pasteurized and have added fruit juices and this undoes most, if not all, of the benefits of Noni.

Polynesian culture has used traditionally used Noni for thousands of years and is actually known in Polynesian lore as a "cure-all." Noni contains large amounts of sulfur and the highest natural concentration of polysaccharides. Sulfur is a beauty mineral and does wonders for our hair, skin, and nails. Polysaccharides are type of sugar that stimulates the immune system. If we have enough polysaccharides in our diet, body naturally becomes more resistant to viruses, bacteria, etc. Polysaccharides also stimulate the immune system to help ward off illness, aides in digestion and helps to cleanse the digestive tract. As we learn more and more about this, the future of nutrition may become quite focused on this type of sugar.

Noni has powerful anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. It can boost your immune system. There is no sugar stimulation with just a shot of Island Fire but a long-term energy that supports the immune system (there is just 1 gram of sugar per ounce serving). And because it's unpasteurized, or never been cooked, it is loaded with enzymes--over 140 bio-active enzymes. Enzymes are the workers that turn food into energy and unlock the energy for use in the body. They are essential to cellular function and health, they are what make our five senses happen, and they are what break down the food into nutrients and waste. They are vital for our health and energy levels.

What puts Island Fire Noni Elixir leaps ahead of other Noni products besides being unpasteurized and organic is its added ingredients such as Turmeric and Ginger (as well as cayenne, lemon, and raw apple cider vinegar). Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant. It is actually the greatest anti-inflammatory in the Ayurvedic System. This assists in reducing joint inflammation if youre injured or after a workout. The ginger, because of its high sulfur content, is also wonderful for muscle recovery and tissue repair. Sulfur also helps rejuvenate our skin and protect it from the sun, free radical damage and wrinkling.

This is really a powerful tonic to take everyday to support your overall health and immune system, as well as help in muscle recovery and skin, hair, and nail strength. There are several ways you can drink Island Fire. You can sip on it like you would a cocktail, alone or on ice. You could take a shot glass or two of it in the morning to wake you up and get your metabolism going. Or you can mix it with coconut water or some soaked and blended Goji Berries for a delicious superfood elixir. The smell and taste of genuine Noni Juice can be quite interesting for most people (like ripened cheese?) but it can grow on you after a while. Elements for Life has really toned down the bitter elements of Noni with all of these bonus ingredients too. It's wonderful that we now get to enjoy this superfood. - 17268

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Hot New Pink Kitchen Gadgets

By Lucy Ball

Having trouble deciding what present to get for the woman in your house? How about pink kitchen gadgets. These practical items were once a bad idea for gifts in general. Now, with hard times meaning more and more families have to cut restaurant meals out of the budget, pink kitchen gadgets are great tools for any fashionable girl with a kitchen. Here are some ideas for your life and home.

For healthy, easy, and quick, how about a Steamer? Steamed vegetables, chicken, or fish are healthier for you, and they're also packed with delicious flavor. A steamer is a health conscious person's best choice for cooking implements. You can have separate layers for cooking more than one item at once, and at the same time you can say goodbye to oily and greasy foods.

If you are going to have a quick yogurt shake or make a strong margarita, a blender is one of the pink kitchen gadgets you won't mind picking up. Think about all the soups, smoothies, dips, purees - the number of foods you can prepare with a blender is huge. You could use it to mix or blend ingredients for all kinds of foods.

Pink Mixers are all the rage. If you bake at home, you can use a mixer to speed up the process. Not only does it give you control over the sweets you make a part of your life, it saves you a lot of time, too. Baking without a mixer can be a real workout with all of that hand whisking!

I know you have already heard a lot about the fantastic bread maker. Make that a pink bread maker and you have a first place winner in any kitchen. There are so many amazing choices you can make when baking your own bread. Because it is homemade, you can figure out what your bread has for ingredients. At the same time you can save a lot of money on a daily basis.

What better way to enjoy fresh juices and drinks than with your own juicer? Imagine using the new juicer to come up with your own exciting fruit drink blends. Make that a pink kitchen gadget and your pink collection will be complete.

and there you have it, a great list of pink kitchen gadgets. These handy gizmos will make you the envy of all your friends. Alternatively, they make great unexpected gifts. - 17268

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Maintenance To Delay Treadmill Belt Replacement And Repairs

By Chloe Adisson

Just like any other machine, the treadmill needs regular maintenance. When it gets broken, the most common repair is the treadmill belt replacement. But the degree of damage may vary for home and commercial use.

For treadmills that are used daily at home, usual lifespan would be between 2 and 3 years. For serious runners, the treadmill's life is shorter. So if you hope to make your treadmill's lifespan a little longer, it is important to maintain it properly.

Basic maintenance tips:

- Treadmills need to be lubricated at least once a year. This is if its usage is only minimal, say 3 to 5 times a week and you're only using it for walking and jogging.

- Lubricate your treadmill at shorter intervals if you're a serious runner. Depending on the nature of your speed, distance, and inclination, the average maintenance should be every 6 months.

- Use the appropriate lubricants. Every treadmill's manufacturer has a specific lubricant. However, there are also those that don't need any lubrication. Make sure to use the correct one or else, contact your dealer.

- Consult the user manual. This is very important. Proper maintenance and treadmill belt replacement procedure is found in the treadmill's manual for you to use. Take time to read it and understand.

Well-maintained equipment can save you a lot of trouble and a lot of money from repairs and replacements. In fact, maintenance is always an advantage as it prevents damages from happening soon. If ignored, you will find that a treadmill belt replacement can be very expensive.

Can you tell if your equipment is in top shape? Before a repair or a replacement or parts like the belt is decided, inspection is conducted. Below are some of the common and obvious things done in troubleshooting a treadmill.

- Belt and Deck Inspection - Centering and Tensioning Test - Belt Slip Test - Speed Test - Adjustments of the Belt

Of course, there are more parts. If you are not sure about how these things are done, it's best to call the repair center or customer service to assist you. It may cost you a few bucks but it's safer and reliable.

Not all repairs need replacement of parts, although a treadmill belt replacement is the common problem in problematic treadmill equipment. Here are some of examples below on repairs between those that need treadmill parts replacement and those that don't.

Repair of your treadmill needs parts replaced when:

- The running board is broken - The console is faulty - The motor (heart of the treadmill) is the problem - Belt is faulty

Repair of your treadmill do not need parts replaced when:

- The belt is just slipping - The belt is not centered and tensioned properly - The treadmill only needs recalibration

Ask for a routine checkup from the service center. Familiarize the type of replacements and repairs too. This way, you will understand the complexity your treadmill's problem better and perhaps delay the treadmill belt replacement even further. - 17268

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Fitness - Do You Need to Lose Weight

By Marc Bauer

Each day in the United States, million of Americans say to them "I need to lose weight." Are you one of those individuals? While many of the individuals who tell themselves that they need to lose weight do need to lose weight, not all do. So, the question that many ask themselves is "do I really need to lose weight?" If that is a question that you have asked yourself before, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many signs that you may need to lose weight is if you are obese. Many individuals do not realize that there is a difference between being overweight and being obese. While different healthcare professionals have different definitions for obese, it is often said that those who are thirty or forty pounds overweight are obese. If you are obese, you shouldn't only be worried about your appearance, but your health as well. Obesity has been linked to multiple health complications, including the primeval onset of death.

Another one of the many signs that you should lose weight is if you have been told that you need to do so. Whether your physician recommended losing weight or if someone that you know on an individualized level has, it is advised that you at least take their suggestions into consideration. Unfortunately, many individuals are embarrassed or become upset when they are told that they need to lose weight. What you need to remember is that the individual mentioning your weight to you likely isn't as concerned with your appearance as they are with your health.

Another sign that you may want to think about losing weight is if you are finding that your clothes no longer fit you. Of course, it is normal for some individuals to gain weight or to have their weight fluctuate, but you may want to think about joining a weight loss program or developing your own weight loss plan if you find that your clothes no longer fit or are difficult to get into. Unfortunately, many individuals do not just have a small weight gain. Small weight gain often leads to more, which could have a negative impact on your health. It is also important to mention the cost of new clothes, which you may not be able to afford.

If you find many simple tasks or activities, like travel up a flight of stairs, difficult, you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, becoming out of breath from simple activities may not necessarily just be a weight problem, but there is a good chance that it is. When you lose weight, even just a little bit of it, you will likely find it easier to do many of the activities that you love or even the tasks that you need to do, like take your kids to the park.

The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many signs that you may need to lose weight. Should you wish to lose weight, you are advised to proceed with caution. There are a number of weight loss products on the market, like diet pills or exercise equipment, which do not work. To save yourself money and to protect your health, you may want to consider consulting with your physician before starting any weight loss program, even one that you develop yourself. - 17268

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The Amazing Wheat Berry

By Scott Davis

Living our modern life of convenience and processed food we seem to have forgotten what it was like to eat natural foods. Simpler, whole foods seem to be such a thing of the past. Especially since anything that takes longer that 5 minutes to cook seems to be an outrageously long prep time.

Yet the ecological movement is reminding us that our environment is precious and that natural products, unrefined and sometimes uncooked, are what's best for our good health. Thus we should make wheat berries, also known as whole wheat kernels (the inside of a grain), an important part of our diet thanks to their wonderful nutritional properties.

Back To Healthy Old Ways

Whole wheat berries come in several varieties. Both hard and soft wheat berries can be used for baking and in every day foods. These wheat berries are filled with fiber, iron and vitamins B and C. They can be cooked and eaten whole, which is great for breakfasts or salads. Wheat berries can also be milled into healthy whole wheat flour. Then you can use that flour to make cakes, pastas, cookies or whatever.

All You Need Is Imagination

While it may be strange to start cooking with whole grains initially, with a little creativity you'll be on your way. There are tons of whole foods recipes to choose from. Just pick something that suits your fancy and that your family can enjoy. Getting children who are accustomed to processed foods eating whole foods may be difficult as your getting started. But starting children eating whole foods at a young age will get them into good habits while they are still young.

Wheat Berries All Day Long

This is the point where the whole foods junkies tend to scare people away by telling them that they should use whole grain foods and nothing else. This approach tends to seem a little extreme, especially for someone who is just starting to incorporate whole foods into their diet. Adding more whole foods to your diet is something that can be done gradually. It doesn't have to be a shocking, immediate switch. Start by switching white bread for wheat bread. Start cooking with whole wheat flour. Slowly as you become more and more accustom to cooking with whole foods, it will get easier.

Reviewing the Food Pyramid

According to the Food Pyramid you should have 6 to 11 servings of whole wheat every day. While that may seem like a lot, you should realize that 1 slice of bread or a half cup of grain or pasta each count as a single serving. So adding more whole grains in to your meals really isn't that hard. - 17268

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Safe diet pills, boost your energy!

By reklicom

Second, will you get rapid weight loss? How long is it going to take to lose weight? The longer a program takes to work, the more you are likely to spend. Find a weight loss pill that offers safe, yet rapid, weight loss.

The Hoodia Gordonii Plus diet pill has been around the market for quite sometime now and is one of the most effective, if not the most effective, appetite suppressant made from natural herbs. Aside from suppressing a person's appetite, it has the ability to boost the metabolism, burn fat and increase energy.

In order to effectively lose weight, here are 5 of the most recommended diet pills available in the market: Hoodia Gordonii Plus, Hoodia Chaser, Avatrim Dietary Supplement, Dietrine Carb Blocker, and Hoodia Balance.

Because of the sheer number of diet pills available online, it can be a daunting and overwhelming task to sort out the good ones from the not-so-good ones. The success of diet pills is really a case-to-case basis. It depends on the person taking them and how his or her body will react to the said pills. Nevertheless, extensive research and data findings gathered over time have given us a list of some of the most highly recommended diet pills that are available over the internet these days. Here are some of the results of these studies.

The top five diet pills that come highly recommended by health experts and satisfied customers alike are the following: Hoodia Gordonii Plus, Hoodia Chaser, Avatrim Dietary Supplement, Dietrine Carb Blocker, and Hoodia Balance.

Working with diet pills and the right kind of motivation can help you lose weight, gain confidence and look smart. Now-a-days, you can buy these diet pills easily as they are available in all medical stores as well as on online medical stores. The price of the diet pills may vary according to the salt used and the time they take to affect you.

Also non recommendation of secure diet capsules assist in swift mass loss in addition to frequently offered supplementary reduction of power and energy in the body. Safe and sound diet pills possibly will facilitate you to come across and undergo high-quality weight loss and make available you by means of additional power and energy to enjoy life.

Persons, who are overweight, plump, are always at risk of overweight or physical condition evils because diabetes might be able in the way of creating employ of diet medicines carefully. On the additional side, people who undergo uneven spirit beats and elevated blood force, active thyroid and glaucoma eye illness and particularly ladies who are expectant of a child have a more chances of using these lida pills.

Do you have flabby fat on your body? Is this fat becoming the reason to embarrassment in front of friends? Do you get depressed when you look at your self in the mirror? Having a weight problem can be a cause of a lot of problems in your personal as well as personal life. There are a number of ways you can lose weight fast and easily but the main thing you need is motivation to lose weight and a will to keep it that way after you loose it.

Are they safe?Diet pill side effects can range from dizziness, nausea, and increased urination. More severe side effects include chest pain, heart attack, liver and kidney damage, stroke, seizures, and even death. After a few months your body develops a tolerance for the pill's effects. In this fashion, diet pills are meant to be taken for a very short period of time. - 17268

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