Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Healthy Food Choices " Where it All Begins

By Thong M. Dao

Eating healthy is something we all would like to do, though it can be hard. Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices. Eating healthy is all about a healthy eating menu and healthy food meals, which makes the choices very crucial to our results.

Here's the list you might have been looking for.

1. Grains. We should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this, we can eat whole grain cereals, breads, rice, crackers, or pasta. We can get an ounce of grains in a single slice of bread.

2. Vegetables. These should be varied, as we should eat two cups and a half of them each day. We should start eating more of the dark vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach. Carrots and sweet potatoes are good as well. We should also eat more dry beans like peas, pinto beans, and even kidney beans.

3. Fruits. Watermelons, grapefruits and apples are just some examples of healthy food choices. Note, fruit juice is great but don't overdo it. I recommend 2 cups of fresh fruits a day.

4. Milk. Milk is our calcium rich friend. 3 cups is the ideal goal for adults and 2 cups for kids. When choosing milk products or yogurt, always go for fat-free or low-fat. Those who don't like milk or can't have it, should opt for lactose-free products or other sources of calcium such as fortified foods and beverages.

5. Meat. Broiling, baking or grilling is the key to a healthy meal plan. Select lean protein meats like chicken, turkey and fish, to name a few. 5 ounces a day is enough.

When cooking food, don't forget to limit solid fats such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard. These may add flavor to our dishes but they can also raise our cholesterol as well. Therefore, it's advisable to limit these foods and any foods that contain them.

When you shop for foods, take the time and look at the nutrition label. Each item has its nutrition label located on the back or sides of package. High saturated fat, trans fat and sodium are what we need to avoid.

By picking the most healthy foods for our healthy meal plans, we'll control our lifestyle. Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfectly with healthy food choices. No matter what our age may be, eating healthy will help us keep the active lifestyle and good health for years to come. - 17268

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Easy Steps to Supplement Your Way to a Fit Body

By Thong M. Dao

The supplements that we use help us stay in positive health, not just the workouts we do. True, not all of the supplements are of equal value, so consuming the appropriate ones can do a good deal to ensure the health and balance of our bodies.

Let's consider for a minute or two about the foods we eat which can help us here. You might be surprised to find out that one of them will work for you as well.

You can find supplements in the market that will arouse your metabolism in a natural way and result in weight loss. You may decide to try employing something that will help lower your need to eat naturally.

Green tea does a lot for your metabolic process and helps you burn fat on a consistent basis. One cactus that lives in some desert areas of Africa is Hoodia Gordonii. Basically acting as an appetite suppressant, this plant will force your brain into thinking that you're no longer empty.

It may likewise be necessary for you to equalise your body out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Most of us are having vitamin inadequacies unless we have been using supplements for a period of time.

There are 2 things that you have to ensure in your diet plan: vitamin B and vitamin C. Not only will these help to keep your body in order, they will also go a long way in assisting you with your physical fitness goals. Continuing to take them everyday will guarantee that you do not lack minerals and vitamins.

Supplements can also help to flush free radicals from your body. They are in your system as a result of bad eating choices as well as your exposure to the environment around you.

They can be very damaging to your cell tissue as well as flip your system out of balance. Employing powerful antioxidants, for instance, green tea, will help make the body physically fit and well, along with working out. - 17268

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Which Are The Healthiest Fruits?

By Rachel Greene

Virtually all fruits are very healthy in food terms. The vitamins, minerals and related nutrients that they supply, for example, can go a long way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body.

But, as with all other food, not all fruits are equal. Some will give specific health benefits from a vitamin perspective, some may be low in carbohydrates and some may be high in fiber, for example. So, what you get from any fruit intake may vary depending on the actual fruit that you choose to eat.

So, in no particular order, let's take a look at some of the healthiest fruits that you can eat:

#1 Bananas -- bananas are incredibly high in potassium and also contain a range of vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of fiber and are digested easily by the body. #2 Kiwi Fruits -- kiwis are a good source of vitamin C and vitamin E. These fruits are also rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. #3 Apples -- people think that apples are primarily useful because of their vitamin C content but it also their mix of insoluble and soluble fibers that make them a really useful fruit for your system. #4 Apricots -- well known as being a good source of fiber, apricots are also a good source of vitamin A. #5 Grapefruits -- grapefruits are one of the vitamin C 'power' fruits, supplying a high amount of this particular vitamin. #6 Mango -- a mango can help with your vitamin C intake and can also supply your daily requirement of vitamin A into the bargain. #7 Red grapes -- red grapes can help protect you from heart disease as they contain high amounts of flavinoids, anthocyanins and resveratrol. #8 Blackcurrants -- blackcurrants contain high levels of antioxidants and are high in vitamin C content. #9 Oranges -- like grapefruits oranges are high in vitamin C and are also a good source of folic acid and potassium. #10 Blueberries -- viewed by many as a 'super food' nowadays blueberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

One of the great things about eating fruit is that you can choose to eat specific fruits that will give you an additional health benefit over and above the overall advantage that you get from eating these foods in general. They can, for example, help ward off specific diseases according to some experts or they can simply help you with a physical need or deficiency that you may have at any given time.

So, for example, if you are low in potassium then eating bananas can help. If you are having problems with your bowel movements and find that you are constipated then fruits with high fiber content such as prunes or apricots can help. And, if you suffer from certain types of digestive problems then pineapple may be an option worth looking at.

Do bear in mind, however, that eating fruit is good for you but eating different types of fruit is even better. This will give you the maximum nutrient uptake possible to help you stay fit and healthy. - 17268

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