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Thursday, May 21, 2009

40 Tips To Use This Muscle Building Program To Build 40lbs Of Muscle In Weeks

By Yomi A

Today I'm going to share 40 secrets that natural bodybuilders use for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months - without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before. This muscle building program is great if you if you are a newbie or and experienced weight lifter.

Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of the techniques in this muscle building program will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you'll see a huge difference in your muscle growth - faster than before.

1. Begin with 3 full body weight training workouts every 48-hours.

2. Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 15 to determine your daily caloric intake if you want to gain weight.

3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you'll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.

4. Consume carbohydrates in a 2:1 ratio to protein after your workout in liquid form.

5. Perform each set to muscular failure.

6. Use a training journal and track your progress.

7. Drink at least 4-6 liters of water each day.

8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.

9. Focus on exploding up on the concentric portion of your movement and taking 3-4 seconds for the eccentric portion of your program.

10. Aim to build at least 5-6 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Anything more will be fat gain.

11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.

12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.

13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.

14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.

15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you motivated.

16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.

17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.

18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.

19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular growth.

20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.

21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most - breakfast, pre workout and post workout.

22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of growth hormone and testosterone.

23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on technique and form.

24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week, schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.

25. Train a muscle group through it's entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.

26. Use a 3-day a week 20-minute interval cardio plan, post-workout, to maximize the muscle to fat ratio while bulking.

27. Train your most underdeveloped muscle group first in each workout.

28. Avoid processed food, packaged food and fast food.

29. Avoid protein bars and any muscle building supplement that has sucrulose, aspartame, or other artificial or natural sweeteners.

30. Get at least 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

31. Don't be afraid to overload your muscles with maximal resistance and miss your goal reps.

32. Consume a combination of olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, mixed nuts and natural peanut butter each day to make sure you get ample healthy fats for testosterone and other muscle building hormone production.

33. Take a complete week off after 12-16 weeks of training.

34. Get a spotter to help you with your heaviest set.

35. Have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.

36. Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching before each weight training workout.

37. Schedule regular ART-therapy or massage therapy to avoid injuries.

38. Cold shower after every intense weight training workout. It sucks, but it works.

39. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.

40. The core of your workout should revolve around squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, pull ups, dips and weighted core work.

There you have it. 40 of the best techniques to help you build solid muscle fast in 6 months or less naturally. The key to any muscle building program is consistency and discipline. Do the following consistently and you should see noticeable results that will make you ecstatic! - 17268

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Stopping Joint Pain With Arthenol GS

By John Steely

As we get older, our bodies begin to age, too, and we begin to see the results of wear and tear from many years of use.

Among some of the more common problems are joint mobility problems. You may experience a loss of flexibility or pain when you try to move about.

It is often the case that these problems arise when we try to do something physical that we enjoy like playing golf, tennis, soccer or hiking.

Should you endure this pain or give up these activities? The answer is no. There are a wide variety of options for you today to overcome these joint problems and even fix them.

What you might be ready for is "Arthenol GS", a supplement designed specifically for joints.

Arthenol is considered to be the most advanced and complete joint support supplement available anywhere in the world at this time.

Its ingredients include the likes of Chondroitin Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid, BioCell Collagen II and Glucosamine Sulfate.

So, what can these ingredients do for you exactly?

They are extremely helpful in the act of helping your joints promote mobility, comfort sore spots, reduce the stiffness in joints, lubricate joint cartilage and nourish cartilage.

As you can tell, it is greatly helpful in helping joint mobility and reducing problems that may occur with problematic joints.

If you want to live a healthier, happier life without the pain and problems of bad joints, then consider Arthenol. At the time of this writing, Arthenol is even begin offered for a free trial so you can see the results for yourself before spending any money at all. Go sign up for your free sample today! - 17268

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The Nutritional Value of Acai Berries

By Carter Sinclair

You are probably wondering what the hype is about Acai berries and why you should eat them. After hearing countless friends and reports talk about acai there has to be something to this little berry. Many television commercials, magazines, and radio shows are talking about acai berry. So what is with this berry from the Amazons?

Grown in the Central and South America the acai berry is harvested from the acai palm. They have a very similar appearance to grapes and are dark purple in color. The pulp from the berry is what holds the most nutritional value. It is made into many different types of juices and drinks.

Filled with vitamins and minerals acai berry has many nutritional benefits. They contain fatty engymes (omega 3 and 6) and oleic acid (omega 9). They are helpful in reducing Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in the body. In addition they also contain many vitamins, calcium, and polyphenols. These polyphenols are very powerful antioxidants.

Because of the acai berries great nutritional benefits it is the main component of many people of the Amazons diet. The skin contains the powerful antioxidant found in red wine, anthocyanin. So not only does the pulp contain a lot of health benefits so does the skin of the acai berry.

Many researchers are discovering the acai berry is useful in many things in addition to its nutritional values. They have used it for dyeing agents for MRI scans, antibacterials, antimutagenics, and antiinflammatories. The acai berry has been surprising medical scientists as it is very useful in a number of medicinal purposes.

The acai berry has been developed and sold as powder, juices, smoothies, acai berry bars, and even capsules and supplements. You can have acai berry in litterly any way you choose. The health industry has made it clear to the public that this tiny fruit is very beneficial to our health and well-being. - 17268

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It's Time to Follow a Raw Foods Diet

By Thong M. Dao

Many individuals are interested in caring for their health. When it comes to our well-being a lot of us could use a small amount of work - remember this isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, healthy practices are often equated to some bad practices by some individuals.

For instance, the weight loss industry has no shortage of gimmicky diets that will let you quickly and easily drop a few pounds, but which will leave you subject to later well-being problems. This is the primary reason why many people are beginning to maintain a diet that is simple and healthy.

Among the best eating plans is a diet consisting mainly of raw foods. Feeding on uncooked fruits and vegetables always has made many people become healthy in surprising ways.

We are often surrounded by wonderful smelling food and that makes it difficult to eat this way. Lots of people plainly like to enjoy prepared and cooked food sometimes. What are ways that we can relish the benefits of eating nutritiously but not push ourselves to the extreme?

A common diet you may want to try out is the high raw one. It is where somebody will try to eat raw food the maximum time but they won't give up eating cooked food at times, sometimes on a frequent basis. You have the cream of the crop of both worlds.

You are having more than just the benefits from the raw food - you're also allowing yourself to live in today's world by consuming cooked foods from time to time. Your life could be reflected on the benefits of the food you eat.

Once you abide by this eating style, you'll be astonished at how rapidly you see positive changes. In fact, many people have enjoyed switching to this form of eating so much they would continue to do so even if the weight loss advantages were not there.

That is because they are experiencing the outcome on their general health. Therefore, a high raw eating style can assist you in the pursuit to be healthy while slimming down in the modern world. - 17268

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Remember 5 Little Things if You Want to Get Your Diet Right

By Thong M. Dao

If you are trying to lose weight, the correct diet is the way to go. Everyone has the inclination to cheat now and then, because we lead stressful lives, but it would be best to maintain a healthy daily routine.

Should you deviate from the ideal healthy eating plan, these five steps will bring you back on track and prevent your body from falling too far from your ideal weight.

1. Organic fruit. There should be at least two helpings of fruit in your diet on a normal day. If you find it hard to find the time to be able to snatch the fruit and go, try making a smoothie and breaking it into two parts for later. Not only is it delicious, it will help you stay on track.

2. Organic veggies. We should all consume veggies every day, it's part of the recommended daily rations. Fiber is taken in from veggies so this helps our bodies in lots of areas.

If you don't like consuming veggies, add some green leafy vegetables in with your daily smoothy. You would be stunned at how tasty this actually is.

3. Sprouts. Sprouting in reality is much simpler than people think it is. All you need to do is sprout some seeds such as lentils or wheat berries by soaking them up for a few hours.

If you moisten them twice daily they should rapidly sprout. Nibble on these whenever you are hungry for their fantastic health benefits.

4. Omega 3 fatty acids. Although you are able to get these through meat and fish, one of the easiest ways to actually get your omega 3 fatty acids is by consuming flaxseed oil on a daily basis. Include this into your regime and you'll be stunned as to the drastic changes it will have on your general health.

5. Even though it is not a solid food, water consumption is a fundamental part of a personal diet and health. Consume half of your body weight every day in ounces along with a pinch of sea salt for every 16 ounces.

You would be amazed at the difference that this will make in your overall health. Try it out for a week and see what happens. - 17268

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Organic Vegetable Gardening ? Eat Healthy Foods and Earn from Them Too

By John Dean

If you care so much about health and you want to make sure that the food that you and your family eat are good, you better go for organic vegetable gardening. This is going to be a very good idea especially now that we already knew that a huge percentage of modern farming use chemicals that may not be healthy to the body.

Organic vegetables are pure stuffs. They were never touched by commercial fertilizers and other materials that can be harmful. Because of this fact, you can expect that they are healthy to take in and they are tastier. Many consumers in different parts of the world have switched to organic foods because they are proven safe and delicious.

Compared to the usual vegetables that we can find in the market, the produce of an organic vegetable garden is quite costlier. If you have a green thumb, you can save on the cost if you will just work on having your very own. If you have this type of garden in your home, there?s going to be healthy food within your reach.

Health conscious people love the thought that no harmful chemicals ever touched the crops which were yielded by organic vegetable gardening. All the materials that were used on them were organic. Instead of using substances that can be harmful to people?s health, animal manure, composts, organic fertilizer and the like were used. These materials are friendly to the environment, to the plant and to the consumers.

If this is your first time to try it, you can download some materials from the net which will guide you on how to do the task. These materials are also good for those who have tried this before but weren?t able to attain much success. These reading stuffs were written by experts who were able to put up and maintain an organic vegetable garden.

You can do your very own organic garden at home assuming that you know how to do it. This is quite doable when you have a space where you can place it. You can also choose the types of vegetables that you want it to grow. The most common area of a home that is being used for this is the backyard. Just make sure that the plants will be exposed to at least 6 hours of sunlight everyday. It should also have access to water.

Aside from the fact that you can get healthy foods anytime that you want, organic vegetable gardening within your reach will give you extra income. You can sell some of the produce that it will yield to your neighbors or to other people who will be interested. That way, not just you and your family will be healthier --- you will share the health benefits to others.

Go to my blog now to get some more ideas about organic vegetable gardening. - 17268

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Oprah And The 10 Super Foods

By John Bardt

Oprah Winfrey?s show on How to look 10 years younger in 10 days created a huge buzz. Her show simply focused on eating commonly known foods. The benefits from eating healthy foods are remarkable and often overlooked. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look better and age gracefully! According to Dr. Perricone eating what he deems to be "super foods" isn't too hard. Oprah Winfrey wanted to look 10 years younger in 10 days and took the challenge.

What are the 10 Super foods? And are they easy to find? If the foods needed to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days are hard to find the it will be hard to keep at it. As luck would have it the foods are moderately common and some can even be found in pill or powder form which makes things even easier. The following is a list of the super foods that are supposed to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days as seen on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

1) Anything in the "Allium Family" - Scallions, chives, garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots are all health boosters. They all can assist your body to eliminate toxins and carcinogens. Each of these foods can be used in a myriad of ways. A few chopped up can be added to any sauce or dip. As a food group these are inexpensive and very easy to find.

2) Barley - Barley is an old-fashioned staple food. This grain can be used in many ways including as a breakfast cereal, as a rice or other starch substitute and in stews and soups. Barley is also high in fiber which helps manage and metabolize cholesterol, fats, and carbohydrates. . Barley is quite inexpensive and easy to locate.

3. Acai fruit - This little berry is one of the most nutritious, powerful and hyped foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in natural food stores. Prior to the Oprah Show I had never heard of the acai berry. I will check at my local natural food store to find out about availability and pricing.

4) Green Foods - Green Foods help immune response, and also help to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Wheat and barley grasses may not be at your local grocery store but spinach and other greens like swiss chard are easy to find. Green foods like wheat and barley grasses can be bought in powder, pill or juice form, and offer greater levels of nutrients than green leafy vegetables.

5) Buckwheat: Seed & Grain - Buckwheat is loaded with protein. It also stabilizes blood sugars and is high in amino acids. Buckwheat is inexpensive and very easy to find. It does have an acquired taste though and is my least favorite of the super foods intended to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days..

6) Yogurt and Kefir - Yogurt and Kefir are cultured foods that contain healthful bacteria that aid immune function. Slightly more therapeutic and healthy than yogurt, Kefir supplies a complete protein, essential minerals, and some B vitamins. Yogurt is easy to find and inexpensive but make sure you buy yogurt with no added sugar. Kefir is slightly harder to find and slightly more expensive.

7. Nuts & Seeds - Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, macadamia and pistachio nuts contain Omega 3 fats, which are great for your heart. Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are healthiest. Nuts are easy to find and are moderately inexpensive. I use 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds in a number of different dishes I make for my family. Sesame seeds are the best when they are slightly toasted. Toast sesame seeds over low heat in a dry frying pan for about 2 minutes.

8) Beans & Lentils - Beans and lentils are an easy way to get folic acid, antioxidants, and potassium. Try kidney, pinto, chickpeas, black, navy, soybeans, peas and/or lentils.. Lentils and beans might be the easiest way to enjoy a super food as was discussed on Oprah Winfreys show on how to look 10 years younger in 10 days. Hummous, bean salads, falafel, etc are some of the many interesting ways to enjoy beans..

9. Hot Peppers - Both bell peppers and chili peppers contain antioxidants and have twice the Vitamin C as citrus fruit. Best yet, they work as great fat burners. In moderation hot peppers had a delightful zing to most dishes. Bell peppers are a great addition to most dishes or salads.

10) Sprouts - There are numerous varieties of sprouts. They are both a great source of both Vitamin C and protein. Sprouts add a tasty crunch to any meal. These are both inexpensive and easy to find. The least expensive way to get spouts is to sprout your own from any type of bean. - 17268

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Colon Cleansing - Its Benefits and Side Effects

By Jessica Matias

Why is Colon Cleansing Done?

The removal of parasites and harmful toxins from the body is the main objective of colon cleansing. This will facilitate proper digestive process and help improve absorption of nutrients by the body. The colon is an important component in ensuring a good bowel movement. Waste and harmful toxins, the by-products of the food that we eat, should be released from the body.

The colon is the major part of the large intestine. It's main function is to absorb water and to remove toxins and waste. When the colon does not function properly because it's blocked, toxins and wastes will remain in our body.

The toxins and wastes left inside our body will continue to circulate. Constipation, bloating, acid reflux and hyperacidity are some of the health problems associated with those toxins and wastes. Other serious complications and cancer may also arise, thus, we should always keep our colon clean. Getting your colon cleansed once a year is advisable.

How Can the Colon be Cleansed?

Colon cleansing can be done using a special diet or a colon cleansing equipment known as "colonic irrigation". You can consult a hydro-therapist or buy your own equipment for home use. The equipment can only clean the large intestine. This therapy involves attaching a device to the anus and then gently flushing warm water into the large intestine.

There is another colon cleansing method known as enema. It is similar to colonic irrigation but it only effectively cleanses the lower part of the intestine near the anus. It's done the same way as the irrigation whereby water is gently flushed into the intestine through the anus to clear the bowel or fecal matters.

Laxatives that are taken orally also help clean the colon. They help loosen the stool and promote bowel movement through muscle contraction in the intestines. Fecal matters are not, however, effectively removed and laxatives can only be used for certain cases of constipation.

The most effective method known today is the use of oxygen-based colon cleansing. The cleanser is in capsule form and is taken orally. It can remove build-ups of fecal matter and can remove toxins as well. You can use it to maintain a good bowel movement.

Colon Cleansing Benefits

Colon cleansing promotes good bowel movement which eventually leads to good digestion. Digestion involves breaking down the food we eat and then absorbing the nutrients from it. Any problem within the entire process can cause discomfort or health problems. The usual problem that will arise if digestion is not good is constipation. Improper digestion can also trigger acid reflux and hyperacidity.

Major problems, such as colon cancer, can be prevented through regular colon cleansing. Hyperacidity, if not given proper attention, can lead to ulcer. Hemorrhoids may result from frequent constipation which, although not serious, can cause discomfort to anyone affected by it.

Colon Cleansing Side Effects

The intake of medicines or flushing of liquid or water from the anus to the intestines is often required in the colon cleansing process. We can, thus, normally expect some side effects during colon cleansing. Side effects can, of course, be expected from the removal of fecal matter and toxins from our intestines, much like there are sometimes side effects when we take medications for our illness.

The side effects of colon cleansing can be one or a combination of the following:

1. Diarrhea

2. Body aches

3. Head aches

4. Bloating

5. Nausea

6. Fatigue

Those are really very minor and bearable side effects and there are available medicines to counter them. During the cleansing process, it is not advisable to overeat. You are also required to relax and drink lots of water to aid your digestion and the colon cleansing process. You should keep in mind that while colon cleansing can make us healthier, we have the responsibility to keep our body healthy at all times. - 17268

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