Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weight Loss Programs! A Must Read!

By Peter Clayton

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life! It truly is a breakthrough weight loss program.

Blowing the cover off of the best kept secrets in weight loss, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has forever changed the landscape of this industry.

Dr. Gudakunst declares --

"This is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first...but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

This same Arizona doctor went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plaque and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity.

She discovered that foods containing chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. create harmful crusty "plaque" that builds up in all of us over the years.

Dr. Suzanne also identified many specific species of "parasites" (i.e.--little worm-like, eyeless, fanged creatures) living inside 99.964% of everyone's intestines in the USA alone, and about 92.36% of people worldwide.

Parasites hinder you from absorbing the nutrition you require in two ways: They excrete an unsafe and toxic sludge that coats your insides. And, a coral-like barrier is formed by the fossilized remains of these dead creatures.

Over the course of six years, Dr. Gudakunst developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these harmful, life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites. When applied to even the worst-case patients suffering extreme obesity, she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

After borrowing from her studies on the excessively obese, Dr. Gudakunst decided to employ these same tactics to less extreme cases of overweight persons. The effectiveness and quality of her results were found to be same.

Conventional doctors gave her case subjects little or no chance of living normal lives. However, after employing Dr. Gudakunst's remedies, they were able to see a wonderful contradiction to these traditional diagnoses.

Her entire treatment is based upon natural "protection agents" scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts and organic constituents, which are found in a variety of plants.

When formulated using specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts, Dr. Gudakunst has been able to see incredible results.

Additional information is accessible in the author's bio below. - 17268

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Finding Advice For Your Natural Bodybuilding

By Dave Vower

Building those attractive muscles is not easy. If it was, all people you see will posses an Arnold Schwarzenegger look. Muscle building usually requires a lot of time and sweat, literally, just to gain those rock hard abs. Many even rely on drugs just to gain muscles a lot faster. This however is not a good practice for it poses some health hazards. That is why many people are asking for helpful advice from more experienced individuals so that they will be more successful in their workouts using the more natural way of packing on some pounds. The problem is how will you know that he or she is the best person to ask for advice? And is this advice accurate?

The first thing that you should do is research. Look online for some information about natural bodybuilding and what you can do for your muscles. You will find a great deal of information with the Internet. There are also many books that are written on the subject as well. Take a look at your friends and find out if they have used one of these programs and how it worked out for them.

You can also seek out the professionals on the subject and find out what type of programs they recommend for your natural bodybuilding. It is important that you determine if a program that worked for one person will work for you. Check out the body type and determine if your type is similar. You may be able to gage the kind of results that you will get from the program.

Natural bodybuilding will help your self esteem and also save you a fortune in the process.

One of the most important things that you can do for your natural bodybuilding is to watch the foods that you eat. If you concentrate on a healthy diet, you will be able to achieve great results from your workouts. Make sure that you are seeking low fat sources of protein and following a natural approach to the foods that you eat. Stick with chicken, fish, beef, dairy and eggs for your natural sources of protein.

Another natural body building advice is resting. What? Yes indeed, resting after workouts will allow your muscle to grow. You don't have to take this advice lightly. Coupled with proper food, your muscles will start rebuilding itself stronger and bigger only during rest periods.

There is plenty of advice out there for you if you are looking for a natural approach to your bodybuilding workout and regimen. You should make sure that you are following the healthiest approach to your goals and sticking with your program. - 17268

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5 hour energy against the Verve Energy Shot, no comparison

By Dr. Haywood Jablome

The energy shot market is huge as people are being depressed by all the crappy economic news. I am going to show the difference between market leader, 5 hour energy and newcomer, the Verve Energy Shot.

The 5 hour energy shot contains Vitamins ( Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folic Acid (Vitamin B9). The Energy Blend in 5 hour Energy is Citicoline, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Taurine, Malic Acid, Glucuronolactone, Caffeine.

Minerals are essential for life. The Verve Energy shot has Proprietary Plant-Sourced Mineral Blend: 956 mg Carbon (Organic), Calcium, Sodium, Sulfur, Magnesium, Chloride, Bromide, Fluoride, Iodine, Potassium, Niobium, Aluminum, Iron, Phosphorus, Silica, Manganese, Boron, Strontium, Titanium, Tungsten, Copper, Zinc, Tin, Zirconium, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Chromium, Selenium, Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium, Gallium, Barium, Yttrium, Neodymium, Hafnium, Cadmium, Thorium, Antimony, Cerium, Tellurium, Beryllium, Samarium, Dysprosium, Erbium, Bismuth, Gadolinium, Cesium, Lanthanum, Praseodymium, Europium, Lutetium, Terbium, Ytterbium, Holmium, Thallium, Thulium, Tantalum, Germanium, Gold, Platinum, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Scandium, Silver, Indium. The Verve Energy Shot contains Taurine 1000 mg Guarana Seed Extract (standardized extract yielding 120 mg of caffeine) 300 mg D-Ribose 50 mg Inositol 50 mg Choline Chloride 10 mg Vitamin A (100% as beta carotene) 2500 IU 50% Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 300 mg 500% Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 1000 IU 250% Vitamin E (as d- alpha tocopheryl acetate) 60 IU 200% Thiamin (as thiamine hydrochloride) 1.5 mg 100% Riboflavin (as riboflavin U.S.P.) 1.7 mg 100% Niacin (as niacinamide) 20 mg 100% Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg 250% Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200% Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 15 mcg 250% Biotin (as d- Biotin) 300 mcg 100% Pantothenic Acid (as calcium d-pantothenate) 10 mg 100% Selenium (as selenium amino acid chelate) 140 mcg 200% Proprietary Wildcrafted Mangosteen, Organic Glyconutrient-Rich Aloe Vera And Organic Green Tea Blend 25.2 g Reconstituted Mangosteen Juice (Garcinia mangostana L.) (fruit), Aloe Vera Gel (leaf), Green Tea (leaf) (decaffeinated), Mangosteen Extract (pericarp) (standardized 10% xanthones)

Looking at the two ingredient lists, it doesn't take very long to think, "What the heck am I paying $4 for a 5 hour energy shot?" The truth is, the Verve Energy shot is a complete liquid nutritional supplement as well as an energy booster.

Comparing the price of these two shots, the Verve Energy shot is actually less expensive than the 5 hour energy shot. The Verve Energy shot retails for $3, the 5 hour energy shot is usually selling for around $4.

Comparing the packaging of the two products, I think the Verve Energy shot has a much more appealing bottle. It looks like a skinny oil can and has a very neat shape to it. At retail next to a cash register, the Verve Energy Shot Bottle will stand out.

I tasted both and hands down, the Verve Energy shot tastes way better. The Verve energy shot tasted better cold, but wasn't too bad at room temperature as well. The 5 hour energy taste wasn't bad but had a strange after taste.

After looking at both of these Energy Shots, I think the Verve Energy shot has a shot at taking some market share from the 5 hour energy shot. Comparing ingredients, packaging and taste, there is a massive difference. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Techniques and Exercises

By Wakelin Smith

Weight lifting is a popular strength training activity for people who want to lose weight, improve strength and bone density, increase muscle tone and build muscles. Many people who weight lift do not know how to do so safely.

Lifting the appropriate weight is one of the most essential things you should do when weight lifting. You should make sure that the weight you lift is comfortable when you do it at least 15 times. Doing a basic set of 15 repetitions at the correct weight amount will help you quickly build up your strength. The surefire way to hurt yourself is by trying to lift the wrong amount of weight.

When working with your weight lifting techniques, you may want to skip your warm-up. This should be avoided because lifting weights is the same as other sports. With all sports activities, you need a period where you allow your body to stretch out and warm-up to avoid injury when you start weight lifting.

Proper form should be mastered while utilizing the correct weight lifting techniques. If you don't have proper form you can risk injury. In addition, the exercises will not be effective and may work against you. Good form is essential to building muscle mass correctly, and it proper form is one of the core principles of the sport.

If you have pain, don't attempt to work through it. Pain is a sign that something is going awry. As you progress in your workout, pain should not be a part of your practice. It usually means you are not dong something properly, and you should stop the lift, lower the weight value, wait for later or seek out someone more experienced for advice.

Do not overwhelm your muscles by working the same muscles every day. If you intend to lift weights everyday you should balance your workouts whereby, the different muscle groups will be worked out each day or you can work the same muscle groups every other day. Allow your muscles at least twenty four to forty eight hours rest and recovery time, in this way you reduce muscle fatigue.

Regular breathing is very important during weight lifting. Holding in your breath during lifting can result in your blood pressure increasing to levels that can be harmful to you and your body. Breathe out as you are lifting weights and breathe in as you are bringing the weights down.

Practicing all these techniques is a way to pick up a sport and build muscle. If you work out everyday and you aren't seeing the desired results, you may need to consider your workout strategy. It might not be correct. Avoid overdoing anything and get plenty of rest as you learn. Remember not to work if you're in pain and always lift the correct amount of weight with the correct number of repetitions for maximum results. - 17268

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The 6 Meals A Day Myth

By Caleb Lee

Do you really need to eat 6-8 small meals to keep your metabolism revved up so you burn fat all day and keep a steady stream of nutrients flowing to build lean muscle?

If you've been around the fitness scene for any amount of time, or have read some diet books or articles, you would think the solution to this one is a simple yes " but the reality is

The 6-8 meals a day Advice Is A False Report!

The advice is based on studies done around the thermic effect of food (TEF). You see, whenever you eat, your body uses about 10% of those calories (total) to provide energy just to digest the food

When this was realized, people misunderstood the research by saying the more you eat (frequency) the more calories you'll burn all day but then again this was an error for the reason that the math doesn't work out.

* Six small meals of 300 calories (6-300) = 1800 calories total.

* Every meal you burn 10% of calories = 30 calories burned with each 300 cal meal

* Total cals burned because of TEF = 180

Thus differentiate that to a normal diet of 3 large meals:

* 3 Big Meals of 600 calories (3-600) = 1800 calories total.

* Each meal you burn 10% of calories = 60 calories burned with each 600 cal meal

* Total cals burned due to TEF = 180

So you see, if the calories are alike, it doesn't matter how you divide them up " you're still burning the same amount of calories and altering your metabolism the exact same way no matter how you eat regularly.

Will Eating More Often Lead To More Lean Muscle Gain?

The short answer is no. Eating protein constantly actually causes your body not to synthesize it as much. Eating more total calories WILL lead to building more muscle but the meal frequency has little to do with it.

More crucial for lean muscle gain is the timing of your meals, particularly the post workout meal needs to be excellent to make a big thing that you're getting superior nutrients into your body when it needs them the most.

Will Eating Less Meals Produce Muscle Loss?

Lots of guys who lift weights believe (and I used to) that not eating 6-8 meals per day will put your body into a catabolic state. Which means because you're not eating a lot of food and keeping the levels of amino acids in your blood high your body will use your muscle tissue as fat.

This is not true either nonetheless not as far as you've heard. Because although you just eat one large meal each day, it can take up to 12 hours to digest" gradually releasing amino acids into your bloodstream the whole time.

When Would You Eat 6-8 Meals

To obtain a LOT of weight " you need to improve your calorie intake to gain weight and put on muscle, therefore if you're a huge guy and you have to eat 5,000 calories a day to put on mass it might be easier on your stomach and digestive system to consume 5,000 calories broken up into a group of smaller amount of meals.

If you're making use of loads of energy " If you're a top athlete who burns a ton of energy like Michael Phelps who consumes to 12,000 calories each DAY and eats like an elephant. Likewise guys in the military in boot camp frequently eat as much as possible when they get the chance but still turn out losing weight

If you love it - A number of people may possibly feel more satisfied 6-8 eating lesser meals each day grazing for their food intake. I'm not one of those people but more power to you if you are.

I guess being knowledgeable about this will definitely help you feel enriched in your chase for better fitness, I know I believed this false report for a LONG time because practically the whole world put in a good word for it.

What Do I Do For Myself?

I execute infrequent fasting. And I ENJOY it. I vary between a warrior diet style eating schedule (when I'm keeping my weight) and the lean gains eating style when I'm concentrating on gaining muscle mass. - 17268

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Natural Diets For Individuals With High Blood Pressure

By Michael Byrd

Individuals having high blood pressure must exercise natural diets.

That is, if they desire to live a happy, healthy, and longer life.

The reason is foods having poor nutrients that lead to high blood pressure also cause other health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis.

So, let us begin with the fundamentals. Note that the less-processed a food is the healthier it is for you. All most all of the processed food is stripped of nutrition that you need.

Plus, almost all of processed foods are injected with unhealthy ingredients that are proven to be unhealthy for you to consume like preservatives, food coloring, and chemicals.

This is why I always have this idea: Eat whole foods

Since they are naturally rich of needed nutrients, whole foods are generally much better for you as well as being better tasting.

This supports the fact that unprocessed foods help to prevent high blood pressure.

So, what are the best natural diets for persons having high blood pressure? Consider the simple set of ideas below.

To start, we have this unprocessed whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat and non-GMO soy.

Aside from having a better taste, it also provides important fatty acids and phytosterols. Studies reveal that these vital nutrients can help enhance your cardiovascular system. [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 5, 1159-66]

Absolutely true; you can lessen your level of cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and LDLs by putting unprocessed grains as alternatives.

This is probably a good time to discuss the benefits of not eating high glycemic foods, instead the low glycemic ones. For high glycemic foods to increase the sugar level while the low glycemic ones don't.

Discussing more about sugar, insulin converts excess blood sugar into fats when it is secreted and these fats are stored in your body.

This accumulation of fats and repeated insulin secretion cause damage on your arteries which leads to hardening and increase of blood pressure.

Low glycemic foods can significantly help to halting this cycle.

Aside from omega 3, oily fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and herring also contain vitally important fatty acids. The omega 3 fish oil found in fatty fish has been proven by endless researches to give health benefits to your heart and lower blood pressure naturally.

Eating omega3-rich foods like fish can bring a real benefit to your health.

Finally, the increase of the quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables for your consumption brings additional benefits for your health.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes-necessary for your health.

Essential vitamins such as C complex help to improve the ability of your arteries to do a recovery from a certain damage and B vitamins which reduce stress. Both contribute to stabilize your blood pressure.

Phytonutrients are found in veggies and fruits that contain carotenoid, flavonoid and cruciferous compounds. These are known as special antioxidants which help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and several inflammatory problems. More phytonutrients are found in veggies and fruits which are more colorful.

So, this is what natural diets can contribute for people with high blood pressure.

It is up to you to take it easy or jump right in. Your blood pressure may just be in your control without you noticing it ? the natural way. - 17268

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