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Monday, November 30, 2009

Explore the World of Banana Nutrition Information: Say Goodbye to Your Health Problems

By Diane Green

Banana is among those fruits in the world which are perfect friend of our health gifted by the Mother Nature. They have quite attractive features which really help us to master several health linked worries. Almost of us have bananas everyday, but fail to understand the latent potential in it which can shape up our inner health as a perfect one. For this reason, banana should be consumed in our required consumption list giving the fact of super-rich banana nutrition information.

Here is a list of banana nutrition information for a average sized ripe banana with the dimensions of 7? length and a weight of 0.28 pounds or 126 grams.

1. a) Amount of cholesterol: 0 gram b) Amount of fat: 0 gram c) Calories: 110 2. Amount of potassium: 400 mg which is 10% of total daily recommended value. 3. Amount of dietary fiber: 4 grams which is 16% of total daily recommended value. 4. Amount of sugar:--.8 grams. 5. Amount of protein: 1 gram which is 2% of total daily recommended value. 6. Amount of vitamin C: 16% of total daily recommended value. 7. Amount of vitamin B6 : 20% of total daily recommended value.

Bananas have a lot of heath benefits. The most essential among those benefits are:

1) These are good for the nerves and the heart of the eater. Bananas hold extremely high content of potassium. Potassium is quite useful for the heart and the nervous system. Moreover it plays a essential role in the ion exchange process within the body along with participation in other processes like muscle contraction, digestion, normal rhythmic pumping of the heart and muscular movements etc. Moreover, optimum intake of potassium via sources like bananas helps in the suppression of calcium excretion in the urine. This in turn highly reduces the risk of formation of kidney stones. In addition to this loss of calcium is also reduces with the intake of potassium via bananas ultimately decreasing the risk of osteoporosis. The above chart of banana nutrition info distinctly shoes the high contents of potassium in bananas.

2) Bananas are very strong and rich source of dietary fibers. Presence of fibers helps in the smooth bowel movements. Moreover such configuration is useful in the sense of lower risk of coronary heart disease and type two diabetes.

3) As already cited in the banana nutrition info, bananas have high doses of vitamin B6. It plays an essential role in the conversion process of tryptophan to serotonin and significantly helps in the formation of haemoglobin inside the body. Furthermore the process of antibody production and immunity demands the presence of vitamin B6.

4) Regular intake of bananas keeps the blood sugar levels in the body.

5) Bananas are more advantageous for the kids in their early developmental phase.

6) At times, bananas play the temporary role of mood swingers and rejuvenate the body within a short span of time.

After reading this surprising banana nutrition info no one can ignore the banana as a negligible part of the food-list. - 17268

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How to Find the Best Core Stability Exercises

By Thaya Kareeson

Core Stability Exercises are often confused with or mistakenly reduced to abdominal exercises. Mostly this is because strong, sexy "6-pack ABS" have been marketed into a major symbol for fitness and attractiveness for both man and women.

A proper core stability exercise routine should activate a larger set muscles. Choosing the right routine to improve your core stability can improve general fitness, improve athletic performance, and reduce back pain.

Generally what does the word "core" mean? Core stability exercises help strengthen all the muscles that make up the torso of your body. Stronger torso provide more support for natural day-to-day body movements and help prevent back and neck injuries from repetitively performing these day-to-day movements.

A strong torso is required to support strong arms and legs. Movements from strong arms and legs are not as effective without good base support for a strong torso. Because of this, core stability exercises are extremely important for improving competitive edge in any competitive sport.

So how can you go about building and maintaining your core stability?

Core exercise variation is key to achieving the best results. Some core exercises can be done without using equipment aid such as push-ups and crunches. Other exercises can be done using light equipment aids such as stability balls, balance balls, dumbbells, and medicine balls. You should definitely experiment with these light equipment aids as they are quite effective at delivering results.

Weight lifting machines such as machine assisted crunches, bench presses, or parallel bar dips can also be used to improve core strength, but at the cost of adding bulk. You want to develop core strength and stability, not just strength. Your best bet is to keep a good balance of these high resistance exercises with the low resistance exercises previously mentioned.

Because of the complexity of all the muscles that should be addressed with a good core stability exercise program, the training should be monitored by an experienced trainer for best results. Considering the goals for the training as well as personal preferences that can be discovered in the program can be a major long term success factor. - 17268

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Thermothin Plus: Get The Diet Results You've Been After

By Tommy Patrick

Everyone has known for years now that carrying extra weight can be a health problem, but not everyone knows that even 10% of extra body fat can land you with some serious medical consequences like

* Hypertension * Depression * Type 2 Diabetes.

The Center for Disease Control has made it very clear that carrying any extra weight at all can be an obstacle to your enjoying a full and happy life. That's why you need the benefits of Theromthin Plus. This is a revolutionary new weight-loss supplement that combines the antioxidant power of the Acai berry with Western scientific knowledge. It's important to remember that even a 10% weight loss will improve your overall health and even losing those pesky love handles will give you a better outlook on how you think and feel.

So the question is on everyone's mind who is very serious about losing those extra pounds is, 'Does thermothinplus work?" All the skeptics need to do is take a quick look at their website to realize quickly that the testimonials supplied there answer the question with a resounding yes.

Western Scientific Knowledge And The Acai Berry.

It's in the ingredients of thermothin plus with Acai that the success of the product is founded. Beyond the Western scientific knowledge and green tea extract that is used in this product, the Acai Berry that has been harvested by Brazilians for hundreds of years lends Thermothin Plus With Acai the power to help you take weight off and keep it off.

The antioxidant powers of the berry have been well known in Brazil for years now. This is the product that has a four pronged approach to its success. First off, Thermothin plus works by suppressing hunger. That means that the pill actually helps to curb your appetite. Then it boosts your energy levels so that you can burn off more energy. Finally Thermothinplus burns your belly fat so that you can lose weight naturally.

The experts all agree that anyone will see a drastic change for the better when they lose even 10% of the extra weight they are carrying. Of course the smart consumer will want to be sure they get the best product on their side and that's Thermothin Plus With Acai. - 17268

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Before Starting the HCG Detox

By Amelia Handley

If you've been following the daily articles regarding my preparation for starting the HCG diet you already know that in addition to the HCG Diet Direct Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula I decided to use B-Total Sublingual drops and the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook. The B-Total seemed logical since it's an effective weight loss method on its own and would definitely increase energy levels while on the very low calorie diet. And the cookbook seemed like a no brainer...anything to make it feel like I'm getting to eat full meals with some variety, right?

But I didn't want to leave all the other products out in the cold. So I thought I'd focus on the products I didn't choose for a bit! Yesterday's article discussed the benefits of the HCG Diet Metabolizer and Energy Supplement. It is apparently very beneficial during the diet as well as during maintenance and afterwards, as well.

HCG Diet Direct also offers Remote Doctor Consultations. The remote doctor consultation is purchased online. The buyer receives an email requesting a time to set up a phone conference time to discuss questions and concerns. The live question and answer session is helpful to many dieters.

It is suggested that you write down all your questions before the phone call so you don't miss anything. And you should also take some notes during the call so you can really remember and use the information you receive. You wouldn't want to get all those answers and then not remember what they were after you hung up the phone!

While many avoid the hcg diet clinics and weight loss specialists due to the cost of in office visits...some really appreciate the opportunity to get a doctor's opinion. They can ask the questions that are on their mind and know they have a qualified medical professional on hand to provide them with the exact answers they need.

This option seems like a good choice if you are unsure about any specific situations and the possibility that they could be effected by the HCG diet program. Whether your questions have to do with medications required for personal medical situations, family history, or the effect of limiting your foods while on the diet...the Remote Doctor Consultation seems the perfect way to go. It will provide you with accurate answers specific to your situation in the most economical, convenient way. So while I didn't choose to make it a part of my HCG detox plan if you have any desire to hear a doctor's opinion about your plan to engage in the HCG detox...I'd suggest you give it a try. - 17268

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The Physique Of A Body Builder And Keeping It That Way

By Jason Curtis

To maintain a muscle-builder's physique you need to keep yourself on a very strict diet. The meals you consume should be heavy in protein and complex carbs. Both these are what your body burns the maximum of when you're exercising. Foods with good for protein are fish, meats, milk, cheese and yogurt.

Protein rich power shakes are consumed by many body builders to maintain the level that their bodies need, as well as to create muscle mass. You must also consume 5 or 6 daily meals to raise your metabolic rate and afterwards increase the quantity of fat that you burn. If you go for hours without eating, your body will naturally start to produce fat and consume muscle. To keep your physique, it's crucial that you consume the correct foods during a given point period.

Additions that are beneficial to your well-being as a muscle builder are Glutamine, Creatine and Branched Chain Amino Acids. Glutamine is released into your body through your immune system when your body becomes stressed from unrestrained exercise or stern dieting. If your body is low on Glutamine, it'll prevent muscle growth. It is critical to you as a muscle builder to any constraints to your muscle expansion, and taking Glutamine supplements will do precisely that.

Creatine is a supplement that helps your body produce adenosine troposphere, the source behind your body's strength. Using Creatine as a supplement with give you double the strength and help your body to endure the excessive amounts of training every day.

During a workout, you want to perform a range of activities to exercise each muscle of your body. The purpose of cardiovascular coaching is to extend your body's endurance and energy, as well as to burn the calories. The purpose is not to extend muscle mass. It's urgent to raise your weights and perform more repetitions if you want to build your muscles. These goals can only be accomplished with discipline and inducement. You need to persuade yourself to the limit and always increase how much work your routines comprise. Your muscles will only gain mass if you have discipline and inducement.

There are lots of other programs that teach muscle building but one that many advocate is Truth About Six Pack Abs. Not only is it great, it's backed up by many expert reviews. All guides and information everybody learns has been studied and taught several times over. - 17268

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Why Is Nutrition Important?

By Juliette Crane

There are many changes that occur when your body begins to age. Many times activity levels slow as does the metabolism and bit of rounded belly begins to show. Foods that you once hated now sound appealing because your sense of taste and smell diminish through the years. Your body doesn't process the food as well since stomach acid and saliva production diminishes and vitamins like B6, B12 and folic acid diminish because of reduced absorption. The body slows or ceases production of many enzymes and coenzymes that create needed building blocks or aid in the digestion of food. If this all sounds way to grim, don't worry. There are simple remedies to keep you in the pink and get your body up to optimal operation.

You know that it is essential to eat a healthy and balanced breakfast but it is easy to forget to look after yourself the way you have looked after others. A light healthy breakfast including fresh fruit, whole grain cereal such as oatmeal, toast and juice (or a cup of tea or coffee) can give you a healthy and enjoyable start to the day.

Create a fruit kabob made with a halved strawberry, small slices of cheese, and grapes as a snack for later in the morning. One of the keys to healthy living is the consumption of smaller more frequent meals. Since the digestive system slows, the smaller meal allows the food to be processed more easily. The more frequently you eat small meals, the more your blood sugar levels out and reduces the hunger pangs.

As well as a good breakfast and a healthy morning snack, a light lunch is important to keep you feeling well. Healthy wraps, salads and soups are good choices for your midday meal. However, it is a good idea to avoid creamed soups and other foods containing dairy. The body produces the enzyme lactase which is necessary to break down lactose or milk sugar. As you age, your body produces less lactase and consequently it becomes more difficult to digest milk products. Cheese which has been aged for more than sixty days contains a minimal amount of lactose and is usually fine.

Our ability to process different foods in general can change over time. If you begin to experience symptoms which you interpret as a food allergy, you may be experiencing a digestive problem. For example, many people become gluten intolerant as they age. Gluten is found in many grains including wheat. If you bloat or have stomach cramps or nausea after eating anything containing grains, it would be helpful to get tested for gluten intolerance.

Supplement your diet with additional vitamins and minerals. Several companies produce vitamins created specifically for seniors. Try capsule forms for easier absorption. There are abundant amounts of coenzymes and enzymes that are available for purchase. One particularly interesting coenzyme is CoQ10. The Co stands for coenzyme. This is normally produced by the body but the production diminishes as you age. Many studies found this beneficial to those on cholesterol lowering drugs and people with beginning Alzheimer's or heart damage. Even though there has been no harmful side effects reported, it is always best to consult your doctor, particularly if taking other medications.

Keep your processed sugar intake down as each year passes. When you ingest sweets, make them healthy and in the form of fruit. When you eat right, your body tells you with increased vigor and stamina. Add a bit of exercise, whether it be walking, biking, yoga, swimming or anything else to grease the joints and you find that you feel a lot fitter.

Most of all stay active, positive and enjoy life. Sometimes a change of mind creates a completely new outlook. Focus on healthy eating as a challenge and develop interesting menus and new ways of looking at food. Remember, you are the power generation that changed the face of youth; it's time to change the face of aging. - 17268

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Does It Take Long To Build Muscle With Vince Delmonte's Muscle-Building Fitness Program?

By Caitlin Ryan

Have you longed for the perfect beach body? Ripped arms and six-pack abs? Maybe you are tired of your wife or girlfriend staring longingly at guys like Matthew McConaughey. You would not be the only guy out there to wish you could build muscle mass. You also would not be the only one to worry that it will take too much of a commitment. How long does it actually take?

Vince Delmonte's fitness program was created with guys like you in mind. You are busy and have little time in the gym. Vince figured out a way to minimize your time by maximizing his time spent working out and lifting weights.

Tired and fed up with his body, Vince began studying fitness and working out. He learned quickly that supplements promising to bulk him up were bogus. In fact, many of the men's muscle building magazines are owned by supplement companies!

In fact, many of the bodybuilding supplements make the users feel bloated and ill. They only improve muscle-building by 5% and ONLY if you really work out hard!

Vince was tired of working six days a week in the gym and not seeing any results. What was worse, he would see guys work out less than him and bulk up quickly. What was he doing wrong, and how did he finally figure it out and go from a--9-pound weakling to over 200 pounds of sheer muscle and less than 10% body fat?

What he uses is progressive overload which is a way to lift weights used by some of the top body builders. However, Vince knew that he could not commit to such lengthy workouts, so he minimized the system, perfected it and the results have been outstanding. You sort of fast-track your results by continually increasing the weight so the muscle is constantly challenged.

He also learned about eating in the best way possible to achieve fat loss yet continue to build lean body mass. He uses clean foods and gives you sensible ideas to incorporate this way of eating into again, your hectic schedule.

Vince's muscle building system helped him gain 41 pounds of rock-hard muscle in less than 24 weeks. He went on to win 1st place in the Canadian Fitness Model Championships in Windsor, Ontario.

Along the way, you will find out the number one secret to bodybuilding that you cannot afford to not know. He will also show you how to combine foods. No more stuffing yourself with tons of food only to gain fat rather than muscle.

The No-Nonsense Muscle Building program allows you to average around three hours of weight training per week with only 2-4 muscle crunching sets. These allow you to train each muscle only two times every five days, yet it produces results in less than six months. - 17268

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Materials For A Quality Boxing Punch Bag Filler

By Jesus Caceres

The Internet is filled with information about boxing punch bags, and all of it is at your fingertips if you perform a simple search on Google. The most popular question is unquestionably how to fill a boxing punch bag.

People have differing opinions of which material is the best. Water is liked by some, as is sand, or even grass.

The first two choices will work well, but depending on the bag you're using, what the shell is crafted from, and the weight of your bag. Filling a regular boxing punch bag with water is not a good idea unless you love mopping.

Grass, on the other hand, is not a good choice regardless of the bag you're using. By filling a boxing punch bag with grass, you're guaranteeing yourself a bag that is far too soft to serve as any kind of conditioning tool.

Do consider that when it comes time to fill your boxing punch bag, you'd be best served by purchasing an empty shell from the store rather than letting your aunt sew some kind of material for you.

If you're going for something cheap, you're going to get what you pay for -- your mom is not going to be able to sew you a bag that will last any time whatsoever, and you'll throw a boatload of time and money out the window.

What can you do in place of sewing one yourself? One thing you can't do is buy a sack and go with that. The kind of punishment you unleash on a boxing punch bag is not going to translate well to a sack, since it's not made to withstand daily assault.

Do yourself a favor and purchase a boxing punch bag with no fill and avoid a load of problems down the road. The good part to buying an empty shell is that boxing punch bags with no fill are quite cheap, since it's the insides that make the difference between a TKO or Aries and an Everlast.

There are numerous materials with which you can fill a boxing punch bag. Rather than picking just one, the best, time proven method is to use several different materials and combine them for a nice mixture for your bag.

Some ingredients you can use to fill your boxing punch bag include:

* Anything cotton

* Yarn or cloth made from wool

* Normal air

* A mattress' foam

* Water or other liquid

* Unwanted or used clothing

* Saw dust or shreddings

* Pillow or any other type of feathers

* Dry rice

* Varieties of sand

* Packing material, such as styrofoam

* Rolled tight and packed up garbage bags

* Tires that have been shredded, or rubber of any type

Here is what your dojo does, something that you'll probably never hear from anyone, even after requesting an honest answer. The formula is as follows.

Be sure to pack your boxing punch bag tight with cloth until there is no looseness remaining. Be careful here because if any looseness remains, your bag will be too soft and it will become deformed by punches.

What can you do to stop your bag from becoming misshapen?

Simply pour fine sand into the bottom of your bag to keep your boxing punch bag weighted and of the proper shape. Line the outer wall of your bag with cloth, sleeping bags or even army sacks if you have them.

Finally, pack in that core with rubber and feathers -- shredded tires work well too to achieve good consistency. - 17268

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How To Get Thin Arms-The Psychology Of Long Term Motivation

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Learning and applying how to get thin arms can be quite the challenge even when you are using an effective program. For the most part, diet and exercise are NOT the culprits. It's your ability to stay motivated for extended periods of time that will guarantee success.

Unfortunately, this is where most thin-arm hopefuls fall off the wagon.

You see, it's easy to start working towards a goal with oodles of motivation, but as time goes by that motivation begins to fade. Eventually, some women simply abandon their thin arm goal altogether.

Therefore, here are some tips to stay motivated in the long haul when learning how to get thin arms:

1. Train your mind every day. The most successful entrepreneurs do it, so why aren't you? Many women decide to read the self-help book or seek advice once they feel bad. But this is like expecting to get in shape by simply working out really hard for one day. Your mind needs consistent motivational exercise to stay on track.

2. Don't become reliant on superficial strategies. Many women simply listen to a motivational speech and expect to have oodles of endless willpower. Most times, however, the aftereffects last days. If you really want to maintain lasting motivation, you have to attack your complex thought processes at the root level.

3. Keep a log. There will come a point when negative thoughts begin to pop up into your head when learning how to get thin arms. There is no way around this. The best approach here is to keep a log of them. Then you can dissect them later on.

4. Do a reality check. Most times, you will greatly overestimate how hard something is. The best way to keep this effect in check, is to log perceived levels of effort and actual levels of effort. Before doing a task write down how hard you think it will be. Then, once completed write down how hard it actually was.

Unfortunately, no matter how well you are at motivating yourself, you will fail. The key here is to get right back up as soon as possible. In other words, speed of resiliency is the name of the game. The most successful women that figure out how to get thin arms have the fastest speeds of resiliency. - 17268

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The Best Food To Weight Loss

By Josh Wintrop

The body loses weight as a result of change in mass of its overall lean tissue, fluids and fat. This can take place as a result of suffering from a disease or over all ill health. The body also goes through weight loss when it is initiated through change in diet.

There are numerous methods used to bring about weight loss. Using natural food or diet is one method used to achieve this goal. A good benefit of such a plan is that weight is lost safely while minimizing chances of suffering from side effects. It is possible to maintain the new weight if the same plan and habits are followed.

It is ideal to have a diet that has suitable energy sources. These foods include substances such as wholesome bread, rice, natural grains such as corn, unprocessed potatoes, yams etc. They supply useful compounds that generate power in the body. They also contain natural substances that enhance digestion. Eating small quantities from this group is ideal so as not to fill the body with excess calories than is needed.

A reduction in body weight is effected when nutritious muscle building foods are eaten regularly. This group is known as proteins. They are helpful in developing and maintaining the health of muscle tissue. They function to create and use excess energy in the body which brings about weight loss.

Aim to have both animal and plant proteins in your weight loss diet. Animal protein includes fish, poultry, lean meat, dairy products and eggs. These contain essential amino acids which are vital in developing lean muscles in the body.

The body benefits from legumes and beans as they are packed with less energy which is important in a weight loss plan.

Naturally available plant food substances include fruits and vegetables. These have potential effects on health and weight loss plan. The reason is that the body uses nutrients available as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and natural carbohydrates. You can eat them to suppress feelings of hunger when on a weight loss plan. They have the least amount of calories which allows you to manage your caloric intake.

Fruits benefit the body the most when taken in their fresh and ripest form. It is advisable to eat fruits that are in season as they guarantee freshness. Steaming or cooking vegetables in light heat preserves most of their nutritious benefits. Serve as much as you can from these foods as they also have a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body.

The benefit of taking water is that it allows vital functions to take place effortlessly. Muscles which use and create energy work better which brings about weight loss. Drink as much as you can as it also has a natural cleansing effect on your system. - 17268

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What You Need To Eat To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

By Haymerae Freend

The most leading feature of our appearance is the body shape we have. For having the perfect body we need to build muscles properly and attractively. This will really create a great impact of ours. For accomplishing the goal to get great muscles what you just require is proper workouts and more importantly a nutritious diet. But in order to have attractive body shape you must struggle a lot with patience and fortitude.

Food is very important for losing fat and building muscles. But if the focus is on Abs, then there are specific abdominal exercises to look for. Considerable results are expected in 6-weeks provided that diet-care and exercises are done regularly.

You must eat foods enriched with calcium, proteins, and fiber. Also, give preference to the carbohydrates and other unsaturated diets. Do include fruits, green vegetables, yogurt, bread, beans, milk, oatmeal, and wheat in your menu. Also avail fresh juices or shakes along with the carrots.

Also there are many foodstuffs that play an extreme adverse role in the course of building muscles. Foods that include fats in large quantity must not be added up in your diet like unnatural sweetened and red meat. Stay away from drinks especially fizzy drinks and also from alcoholic drinks. The use of such drink is most horrible.

Water consumption in large quantity is highly desirable. It is one of the most efficient things that contribute to your muscle building process. Two-to-three glasses of water early in the morning could be a lot beneficial than anything else. It helps in flushing out traces of harmful toxin from your body and eventually boosts up your muscles.

Declining level of fats makes you look good and tense-free. A large number of fats may gather near your digestive system that cannot be reduced comparative to the fats in other body parts. So, taking precautionary measures on early stages always makes you feel good and it does not allow fats to worsen your condition.

Factually, those who have slim and smart body always enjoy their life as compare to people with obesity. In addition, slim people have minor possibility of getting different kinds of sickness. They are also following good lifestyle, with good quality food and daily workouts.

Being slim and smart is not just a trend, but an essential requirement for your health. This will keep you away from health issues and will bless you with a healthy body and life. According to your body type, you must uphold a fixed weight. Remember it is truly achievable; you simply need to make a routine of good balanced diet and proper workouts. - 17268

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 6 - Seeking Prevention Instead of Treatment!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who bruises easily, you probably find that people are too often asking you what could you have possibly been doing all weekend to get all those bruises on your arms? Easy bruising is a condition that can affect almost anyone; and because there are a variety of possible causes for bruising, you might be so overwhelmed that you don't attempt to pursue an actual prevention solution to your condition.

Being someone who has a tendency to bruise easily, you need to form a plan for how you are going to be able take care of your existing bruises. While participating in an exercise program and following a good diet are important steps in bruise prevention, remember that you are sometimes going to pick up bruises, and knowing how to treat existing bruises is going to be quite important also.

When you are considering how you should deal with existing bruises, remember that it is important to treat them as quickly as possible after the bruising occurs. The application of cold can be beneficial because it will reduce the inflammation of your skin, but remember that too much cold can damage the delicate, injured tissue. Likewise, using hot water is not advisable because it can increase the tissue inflammation.

Remember to be mindful of the bruise and that the less time you spend bumping it, the better. You don't need to baby it, but being a little mindful goes a long way. When you consider the many causes of bruising, it can seem a little bit inevitable, and even if you are doing much better job of prevention, some bruises are bound to happen.

To deal with bruises after they show up, remember that you should not pay attention to old wives tales. Butter, for instance, is not going to do anything for your bruise besides make you smell vaguely of old cheese, and that rubbing an ice cube on a bruise can damage it as well. Leave the steak for your bruise in the refrigerator, and look for a cool cloth instead.

When you want to treat bruises, there are definitely some over-the-counter remedies that can help, but remember to choose carefully. Sometimes, all they are going to do is to give you a tingly sensation and then their relief stops there. Remember that specialty remedies can be extremely beneficial and that sometimes, if you can't prevent it, you need to treat it.

We should all feel that if prevention is the goal, adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned may be a good choice. This uniquely formulated combination of essential elements is intended to help treat existing bruises, but more importantly it is designed to help you reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising from occurring at all. - 17268

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