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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fastest and Safest Way to Bulk Up

By Ricardo d Argence

The trend for young people today is keeping a well toned muscular body. This article will tell you a few secrets to build muscles in the fastest and safest way possible, in case you are also one of those who are inspired by the muscular physique of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone and want to develop a body like them.

Yes, you heard me right, there are safe and fast ways to gain muscles, but when I say safest and fastest, I don't mean easy way or a shortcut to achieve the same. As they say, there are no shortcuts to success. You have to put in the necessary hard work to get what you want. However, there are ways to build muscles safer and faster than usual for superb results.

To give your bodybuilding an adequate boost, it is of great significance that you follow the steps below.

Strong determination and will power, it is the first step to start working on your bodybuilding program. It is very important to have strong will power and determination to build a well toned muscular body. You need to accept the fact that building muscles is not an easy task. It often happens that people feel motivated in the initial days of their bodybuilding program and gradually the motivation fades away when they realize it takes a lot to achieve what they want. This happens to almost everyone and this is where strong determination and will power is required to keep you going.

Routine life is another very important factor that you need to keep in mind. Leading a haphazard life is not going to do you much good in your bodybuilding process. You need to follow a routine life to get the best results out of your bodybuilding program.

You cannot expect your muscles to grow unless and until you follow a proper workout program. Also remember, practicing the wrong workouts is not going to do you much good, so make sure you join a gym and follow the workout program prescribed to you by your instructor.

In case you think not eating and only working out will help you grow your muscles then let me tell you that you are highly mistaken. A proper and healthy diet is as important as a proper workout program. Consult you dietician, who is the right person to prescribe you the right diet plan that will help you enhance your bodybuilding program.

Something important for almost everything that we do in life is water. It also helps in boosting your bodybuilding process. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water per day is very essential. During your workout you lose a lot of water. Sweat is the way our body has to prevent over heating. Consuming water serves to rehydrate the body and assist in proper functioning.

Sleep is something that you also can not neglect. When you are sleeping your body gets the amount of rest that is required for repairing your tissues, your tissues undergo wear and tear while you are working out.

If you really follow what was said above, and you do this every day, you will surely see an improvement in your muscles. Again if you do this everyday, your muscles will change faster than you expect. Before to long you will see major improvement. - 17268

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Here's How To Build Muscle Quickly - It's Not Hard!

By Austin Smith

A Great Deal of our visitors have sent in questions asking how to pack on muscle fast. Especially with the summer months around the corner, more people are hoping to get ripped and look better.

You should be happy to hear that there are particular measures you can take to jump-start your exercise efforts and begin building lean muscle quickly. If you are serious about getting in shape and looking magnificent, you will get some sensational results by observing the right measures.

Going to the gym a minimum of four times a week is vital to gaining muscle fast. Your exercise sessions should take no more than one hour - if they take more time you will not be using the additional time effectively.

It is so key that you always have good form when lifting weights. I see far too many guys trying to lift way more weight than they should which makes them throw their body around. By using the right form you will develop muscle a lot faster. It doesn't matter that you might be lifting a touch lower weight because you will see far better gains by following this advice.

It's a smart idea to use a three day rotation for your workouts. Organize your routine so that you exercise each muscle group during the three days. This lets you work all muscle in only a three day period.

Lastly, you need to make sure you eat well and eat frequently. It's essential to eat at least six meals a day. Of these meals, three of them should be your main ones and make the other three smaller ones that have about 250 calories.

Supplementing with a protein supplement is a good idea - you must be getting lots of protein to give your muscles the ability to repair themselves rapidly. If you don't use a protein supplement, make a point to eat lots of high protein foods if you don't (cottage cheese, chicken etc).

Building muscle quickly and transforming your body fast is possible by being dedicated and using the above techniques. - 17268

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The Most Effective And The Best Ab Exercises

By Harvey Wolfe

The best ab exercises according to one study were those that showed greater effectiveness in the abdominal muscles. When doing abdominal exercises you can feel it in your muscles but to really give you a great ab workout, you want to use those abdominal exercises that are the most effective.

So what are the best ab exercises you ask? If you are thinking it is the traditional crunch you would be wrong. In a study conducted by the Bio-mechanics Lab in San Diego the traditional crunch came in at the bottom three. The study included thirteen common abdominal exercises including some using abdominal exercise equipment.

This study included 30 healthy men and women. They ranged from 20 years old to 45 years old and ranged from little or no activity to daily exercise routines. Each person was given a chance to practice the abdominal exercise before performing 10 to 12 repetitions. The study used an electromyography to measure the activity in the rectus abdominus and the oblique muscles.

How to do the Bicycle Crunch

1. Lie flat on your back and place your hands loosely behind your head. 2. Raise your left leg and bend your knee at a 45 degree angle. 3. Lift your other leg off the floor keeping your leg straight. 4. Lift your body up slightly touching your right elbow to your left knee. 5. In a bicycle motion with your legs, switch your left elbow to your right knee. 6. Repeat this motion for 10 to 12 repetitions.

How to do the Captain's Chair

This abdominal exercise requires a "captain's chair" which can be found at most gyms.

1. Firmly grip the handles with both hands and place your elbows flat against the padded arm rest. 2. Start with your legs dangling. 3. Slowly lift both knees towards your chest. 4. Slowly return both legs to the starting position.

For a slight variation to this exercise, when bringing your knees up twist slightly at the trunk.

How to do the Exercise Ball Crunch

1. Sit on the exercise ball with your feet flat to the floor. 2. Let the ball roll back slightly and lie back until your thighs and torso are even with the floor. 3. Raise your torso to a 45 degree angle while pushing your naval towards your back contracting the muscles. 4. Repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions. - 17268

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LearnHow To Reduce Cholesterol

By Danny Lewis

If you have been told that you have high cholesterol levels, one of the first things you may want to consider is learning how to reduce cholesterol naturally. Of course this is something that you will need to discuss with your physician, but at the end of the day more often than not they will recommend statins to control cholesterol levels, and while they will most certainly do the job, unfortunately they do have some pretty nasty side effects that come with them. Therefore, if you can learn how to reduce cholesterol naturally you can hopefully prevent yourself being on a lifetime medication of statins.

One of the first ways to lower cholesterol is by exercising. By exercising I'm not insinuating that you need to go and take out an expensive gym membership and go crazy in there everyday. Researchers have discovered that it is not the intensity that is key but the duration, so doing something as simple as walking briskly for 30 minutes on a daily basis will help you to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Although food does not play a hugely significant part in cholesterol levels, there are a couple of foods that you can cut back on that will help. First of all you want reduce the amount of saturated fats that you consume, these often found in red meats and dairy products: but more importantly you want to cut back on the amount of trans fats that are consumed. Researchers found that trans fats can cause a significant spike in the LDL cholesterol in the body; you will normally find trans fats in fast food's and also ready-made meals. When buying ready-made meals if you see the words hydrogenated or part hydrogenated vegetable oils on the labeling then put it back as these contains trans fats.

Another way how to reduce cholesterol naturally is to increase your intake of omega-3, in particular omega3 from oily fish such as salmon. The reason behind this is because this kind of omega three not only helps to reduce the LDL cholesterol but at the same time it raises HDL and also reduces triglyceride levels. By creating these reactions within your body it can significantly help to reduce the chances of heart disease, which of course is one of the effects of high cholesterol levels.

One final way helps reduce cholesterol levels naturally is to use what is known as a naturally blended supplement. These are supplements that will contain various ingredients have been blended in a certain way that helped to keep cholesterol levels under control and are as effective as using statins but without the negative side effects. In fact, from my research into natural blended supplements I have yet to find any negative side effects to be reported. - 17268

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Step By Step Healthy Eating Diet Uncovered

By Antonio Khatemi

The best healthy eating diets are those that include a variety of key elements - protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals include: salt, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc chromium and selenium.

To know how much of each of these elements, and especially vitamins and minerals, that you need each day depends heavily on your individual preferences, height and weight. But the bottom line is that the healthiest eaters use a variety of vitamins and minerals, limit their intake of processed foods and white sugar, and see many fruits and vegetables on their plates each week. This kind of intake on a regular basis offers the body the nutrients it so desperately needs to keep it running in tip-top shape.

I am a 245-pound male, 6 foot 2.5 inches and a very active person.I probably eat six or seven meals a day.I don't like special diets. I don't believe in the all-fruit diet or the all-vegetable diet. Instead, I think a balanced selection will give the body all it needs.

My balanced diet is not just balanced in nutrients but it's balanced throughout the day too. Here's how it typically goes - 5:45 a.m. - Two scoops of High Protein Whey Rapid Absorption by ProtovWhey and sixteen ounces of water. - A whole grain raw almond sandwich with bananas. - Green tea is always ready to drink too. 9:30 a.m. - A six egg white, one egg yolk omelet stuffed with veggies. - Two pieces of whole grain chapatti. 11:30 a.m. - A vegetable drink mixing leafy green vegetables, one organic apple, one beet, and a scoop of whey protein in a blender. - Nordic Naturals Pro-Omega (1000 mg) and two fruit capsules. 2 p.m. - Another veggie shake before the gym and one after. - Half a banana plus two scoops of whey protein. Dinner - Salad and my favorite protein - egg whites. - Green tea. Before Bed - Glucosamine supplement. - ZMA supplement. - One more pro-omega. - Two vegetable capsules. And don't forget to drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day!

And here are some of the things I often include in my healthy diet each day: - Two scoops of High Protein Whey Rapid Absorption by Proto Whey and sixteen ounces of water. - Whole grain raw almond sandwiches with bananas. - Green tea. - Omelets made with six egg whites and one egg yoke and full of vegetables. - Whole grain chapatti. - An all-veggie drink of dark green veggies, organic apples, whey protein and beets. - Nordic Naturals Pro-Omega (1000 mg). - Fruit capsules. - Half a banana with two scoops of whey protein. - Salads. - Proteins of my choice. For example, egg whites make me feel great! - At least eight glasses of water. - Glucosamine supplements - ZMA supplements - Vegetable capsules.

I do this to stay healthy, to stay away from doctors offices and because it helps me enjoy my life that much more. Making sure my body receives all the nutrients it needs makes an incredible difference in my life, in how I feel and in keeping my body at its best. Start eating healthy today and enjoy life that much more! - 17268

Impact of Alcohol on Building Muscles

By Homaide Germaico

Consumption of alcohol can be extremely disastrous in the effort to enhance your muscles. It can ruin your desire to achieve a muscular and in-shape physique. It can significantly slow down the muscle building process and can completely stop it even. So at best its consumption should be avoided or at least it should be reduced to a bare minimum level.

Everybody should be aware of the fact that muscle building is dependent upon the evasion as well as ingestion of diet. Alcohol is also a dietary element but its evasion at all costs is a must for those guys who're in the process of bodybuilding. In most of the cases, it is found deadly and it can damage your muscles too.

The basic issue regarding alcohol is the lack of knowledge in people. Most of us are not aware of the negative effects caused by alcohol. The actual knowledge regarding the harmful effects of alcohol is still unknown to many people. Stopping the usage of alcohol in your life is not only better for your health but also for building muscles.

The below factors along with their explanations describe the influence of alcohol upon the development of muscles and how does alcohol drive down this process:

1.Affects on protein synthesis: Massive alcohol utilization can inadequately hold up the process of protein synthesis with at least 20%. Because our muscles are fabricated of proteins, thus we can see that how this can impede in muscle enhancement process.

2.Estrogen & Testosterone Levels: Testosterone is a very important hormone that enhances muscles. Reduction in its level can be very costly in our effort to develop strong muscles. It is because testosterone is the most important entity which determines that what exactly the range of our muscles for expansion is. Moreover, estrogen level should always be on a lower side.

3.Alcohol may bring about 'Dehydration': Kidney in human body is aimed at sorting great amount of water that falls down level of alcohol and saves the body from dehydrating. H2O is well thought-out a major factor in the process. Astoundingly, 70% of its reservoirs in the human body make up a muscle. Consequently, even a minor dehydration can also be catastrophic.

4.Vitamins and Minerals Presence in the Body: Vitamins A, B, C, calcium and phosphorous get drained out from the body due to alcohol intake. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can be extremely harmful for the muscle building process as they are responsible for most of the processes to function.

5.Increment in the fats: When we start using alcohol in our diet, it affects fats burning in piece meal manner. Ultimately it creates lots of trouble in our body and fitness. So in order to build muscle, simply you need to quit the consumption of alcohol as there are lots of bad impacts of it. - 17268

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Spontaneous Fat Loss For Losing Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms without a treadmill or weights? Surprisingly, the answer to this question is yes.

It is possible to tone your arms without exercising. Now don't get me wrong, exercise is great for you and it will accelerate progress. Nonetheless, there are alternatives to spending all day in the gym.

You do it with spontaneous fat loss. This type of fat loss refers to reductions in caloric intake that are unconscious. In other words, there are certain environmental factors you can manipulate that will automatically reduce the amount of calories you eat.

So without further ado, here are 4 ways to tone flabby arms by entering spontaneous fat loss:

1. Keep junk food in places that are not visible. A landmark study showed that an individual will eat 300% more candy when it's close and visible. So keep the junk at a distance if you want to lose that arm flab. And also make sure to keep healthy food nearby.

2. Use smaller eating devices. A really cool study showed that people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream when using jumbo spoons and bowls. This happened because the scoops of ice cream looked much much smaller next to the large eating devices.

3. Use tall and thin glassware when drinking calorie-laden liquids. People will poor up to 30% more liquid when using short glasses versus tall glasses. You see, a volume of liquid looks much smaller in a short/wide glass versus a tall/thin glass.

4. Use the same plate when at a buffet. If your table is constantly cleared at a buffet, you'll eat 25% more. This happens because as the plates are taken away you forget how much you have eaten. In other words, you lose your visual point of reference.

Figuring out how to tone flabby arms doesn't have to give you a massive headache. In fact, it can be much easier than you think. With the above tips I have given you, the process will become that much easier.

Now it's vitally important that you take action on this information or it will be rendered useless. After all, rapid and massive action is the key to sexy arm stardom. - 17268

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Green Tea - Cancer Fighting Nutrition Tea

By Aoife Joyce

For years Green Tea has been the best nutrition tea out of all tea as far as the Chinese are concerned. They have been acknowledging, its amazing powers and capabilities of healing and illness prevention for over 4,000 years now. I will be discussing these powers in great detail in this article...

To begin with, Green Tea stands out against all other teas in that its production is different. The leaves of the plant that green tea is made from, Camelia Sinensis, are steamed dry in production. This steaming action prevents the precious antioxidants in the leaves from being destroyed or changed in any way. Teas like Oolong and White Tea are produced by fermentation, which changes the vital antioxidants into other forms. The key antioxidant that Green Tea has that brings the most benefits is a catechin polyphenol called Epilgallocatechin Gallate, or in short EGCG.

EGCG is basically a flavanoid, and is similar yet more powerful than its cousin flavanoids found in broccoli, red wine, grapes and green cabbage. EGCG is capable of binding itself to protein cells that are found on tumour cells and dramatically slowing down their growth. A receptor found on the surface of cancer cells called Laminin, was treated with EGCG concentrate and the results of this showed significant reduction in further cell growth. This finding was revealed in April's issue of Nature Structural and Molecular Biology magazine. It was also stated that the concentration of EGCG's that showed these results were the same amount you get from drinking just 3 cups of Green Tea a day.

Another discovery, by Dr. H -H Sherry Chow of University of Arizona, Tucson showed that the body creates a detoxifying enzyme naturally, called Glutathione S- Transverase (GST). These GST enzymes assist the body in defending against cancer causing compounds and other toxic substances. Dr. Chow's study showed that GST enzymes were stimulated by EGCG. With a group of people who showed lowered levels of GST , a concentrate of Green Tea extract was used to test these claims. The group had an average of 80% increase in the production of GST. Accordingly their strength in defending against cancer was heightened spectacularly. The Green Tea extract that was used in these tests was more potent than what you would get on a daily basis from having a few cups of this nutrition tea, however it is clear that by introducing Green Tea into your diet, or by increasing your intake, that you will build up your GST enzyme levels over time and help keep them activated, growing and defending for you.

Another find showed that EGCG has the power to react with Leukemia cells and halt communication between cells. This deters them from growing and multiplying to any further extent. On this note I would also like to point out that, regardless of the multiples of Green Tea products that are available to buy for your skin, or supplements with Green Tea extract- a freshly brewed cup of Green Tea is the best way to gain the powerful antioxidants it holds. As I stated earlier, the leaves are steamed dry during production, which saves all antioxidant concentrates. When the leaves or tea bag are soaked in hot water, this allows the antioxidants to disperse in the water. Therefore this is the best way to take full advantage of the potency right away, before it is produced again to make an extract or a cream. Get it in its finest state! - 17268

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Thermogenic Foods - Top 15 Foods Proven to Zap Belly Fat

By Travis Hunt

Strong fat burning foods, also referred to as thermogenic foods or spices, have been scientifically proven to help raise up metabolism. If you're determined to lose weight, working out as well as eating the right kinds of food are an advantage. You can certainly speed things up just by introducing these 15 fat burning foods into your regular diet.

* Peppers - These are probably the most recognized fat burning foods in existence. They may be no bigger than an eraser, but they're crammed with thermogenic properties like no other.

* Garlic - These powerful bulbs of spice add a kick to any meal. If you don't like them, chop them into little pieces and add them to your food anyway. If you cook them real good, you won't even notice that you're sinking your teeth into them.

* Ginger - This is another fat burner that can easily be added to your favorite drinks and food.

* Parsley - Among other benefits, parsley is quite good for your circulation. Keeps your breath minty fresh, too.

* Berries - They please your taste buds while decreasing calorie absorption.

* Cabbage - Perfect for soups, cabbage is said to be a longevity food that's rich in fiber.

* Lemons - Just a teeny tablespoon of its juice everyday will help you balance your cravings and insulin levels.

* Brussels Sprouts - These cabbage-like thermogenic foods are filled with vitamins and fat burning properties that boost your metabolism.

* Cauliflower and Broccoli - These calcium-packed faves are great sources of thermogenic properties (and they taste good, too).

* Green Tea - Before any meal, take a decent serving of hot or iced green tea. It will help in the digestion of your food and you'll be left feeling quite refreshed.

* Apple Cider Vinegar - Take full advantage of apple cider vinegar's fat-burning properties.

* Mustard - It's the perfect alternative to ketchup. Thermogenic foods like mustard are usually overlooked, but their fat burning properties are simply astounding.

* Cinnamon - Add a full stick to your tea or chop them up and mix them with whole grain cereals. You've got yourself a fat burningly healthy yet delicious dessert.

* Vinegar - Occasionally used in metabolic disorder therapy, vinegar increases metabolism quite effectively.

* Water - Who knew that drinking water, preferably ice cold, has a positive impact on your metabolism, too? While your body warms up the cool liquid, you're essentially burning some calories.

You can easily buy these thermogenic foods anywhere. Before you head out to buy some, make sure you don't already have them in your kitchen. Include these fat burning foods in your diet and you'll burn that fat right off in no time. - 17268

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Recent Medical Studies How To Lose Body Fat

By Pamela Smith

Recent medical studies have discovered that the best way to lose body fat is to be on a full-protein diet. The diets consisting high protein create fullness, greater satisfaction and fat loss success. The feeling of fullness and satisfaction contributes greatly to lose body fat without tremendous efforts.

It is normal for people to eat when hungry but with a diet such as, this you will crave less for food because of the fullness that you feel. According to latest medical researches, going on a full-protein diet is found to be the best way to lose body fat. With high protein diet you do not have to worry much with those calories and fats.

The human body is in need of ample protein supply which is very important for the maintenance of a healthy immune system. When the immune system is working perfectly, you will feel your energy level at its best and you feel great. It is very common for people to avoid foods containing fats and cholesterol like meat and cheese. Unknowingly, these foods that they are avoiding to eat are the best sources of high-quality protein.

A sufficient supply of protein is needed by the human body which is highly vital for a healthy immune system. Protein also provides a big boost for a high energy level which is functional at its best. Most people avoid eating foods containing fats and cholesterol such as meat and cheese which are sources of this important element.

It is a common mistake of most people to avoid eating foods such as meat and cheese which they think contain fats and cholesterol. Without their knowing these foods are good sources of a very important element known as protein. Your body is in need of sufficient protein for this is very basic for a healthy immune system and boost of energy level to the optimum.

Protein-rich diet is highly recommended to lactose intolerant individuals. Most medical doctors, nutritionists and nurses normally recommend protein diet to lactose intolerant patients. There are some people who think that a lactose diet is the best alternative to eating their regular meals.

Protein provides the human body with the vital nutrient it needs. This type of food intake helps in reducing your weight and provides for an overall healthy immune system. In fact, nutritionists, nurses and even medical doctors recommend this type of diet to their patients particularly to those lactose intolerant people. Nutritional researches have found that lactose intolerant individuals do well with a diet based on protein.

Protein-rich diet is in truth and in fact the most effective way to gain an attractive and youthful appearance. A regular exercise must also be considered to have that body and muscle tone that you desire. It is good to maintain a regular physical fitness program to attain the figure that you long for. Regular fitness program also offers you good stamina and glow. Having this good combination of diet and exercise you will sure have a graceful way to lose body fat. - 17268

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Things You Can Eat That Protect Your Liver - 10 Healthy Liver Foods

By Veronica Carrillo

During my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I found it was very hard to get all the essential vitamins and minerals I needed. For one thing, I was extremely busy with two kids, husband and a full time job. Creating healthy meals three times a day with all the vegetables we needed was just close to impossible. That is when I discovered a quick remedy, vegetable and fruit juice!

What are energy drinks? Developed in the late 90's, energy drinks are a new alternative to traditional "pick-me-ups". They usually contain a blend of ingredients that act quickly to give you a boost of energy. These ingredients include many traditional items like caffeine and sugars as well as nutrient blends including B vitamins and sometimes other natural supplements. The sizes of these drinks usually range from 8-24 ounces.

Heat First off, many high level juicers are expensive, you can look to pay close to $800 for a top of the line juicer, and the truth about these centrifugal juice machines shocked me even more than the sticker price. A juicer like the Angel turns at amazing speeds, which in fact heats up the vegetables and resulting juice damaging the nutritional value! When you think about the speeds these juicers are turning at it is not so surprising, 1,000 - 24,000 revolutions per minute is bound to heat something up.

Clean Up Another thing that really surprised me about units like the Angel was the amount of time it took to clean the thing up after use. After burning up thirty minutes of my precious time trying to clean this complicated machine I decided maybe, making my own juice simply was not worth it!

Also, beware if the item lists saturated fat in the label description. Try to reduce or avoid consuming products with high levels of saturated fat. The nutrition facts label not only helps you to identify the elements that you want to reduce (i.e. sugar, salt, and fat), it also tells you the nutrients that you should be consuming more of (i.e. vitamins and minerals).

Therefore, the nutrition facts label serves great importance as it is a nutritional guide for consumers in many of their food purchase decisions. - 17268

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Do You Want to Know? - The Truth About Six Pack Abs

By Veronica Carrillo

If you are working towards getting six pack abs, let me tell you that nothing could work to your advantage better than taking steps to lose the stubborn belly fat. Yes, I know that the fat on the belly is the toughest to budge, but believe me unless you make concentrated efforts to get rid of it, the horrid layer of flab would never let your carved out six pack abs to show. Let us take a look at how that belly fat can be got rid of then (because that would ultimately lead to those chiseled abs).

When someone who's never lifted weights before, or hasn't lifted weights in a long time, starts a resistance training program, they almost always see very rapid gains in strength without much of a corresponding gain in muscular size. This is because the body very quickly becomes more efficient at telling the muscle to contract.

The neural pathways the body uses to tell the muscle to contract adjust very rapidly. But once they have adapted, strength gains rapidly stall, and the weight lifter is left with increasing muscle size as the method of getting stronger.

The only way to induce muscle growth is to inflict damage on the muscle. This damage is cause micro-trauma. This micro-trauma is actually an injury, and the body's response to this injury is to make the muscle better able to handle the stress the next time it occurs. It does this by increasing the size of the muscle.

So even if you are enthusiastic about your workouts, do not overdo them as that would bring harm. Understand that the results would not come overnight and if you know of the right exercises to do, even 2-3 hours of workout in an entire week would reap the desired results in as little as 3 months.

That doesn't mean that this is the only way to gain size, but it seems to be the method that works best for the most amount of people. Once your beginner gains have faded, it's up to use to use your familiarity with your body to figure out what works best for your personal size and strength goals. Good luck and get bigger! - 17268

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