Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Vit B12: How to Prevent Vit B12 Deficiency

By Sonia Reece

The body requires a minimum dosage per day of Vitamin B12 in order to sufficiently prevent anemia and effectively produce red blood cells. In fact, B12 is one of the top 5 nutrients that your body needs to function at its optimum level.

Primarily, B12 is found in animal products such as cheese, eggs and milk. For those of you that are Vegan, you should look for food enriched with B12 or take a high quailty supplement.

What are the signs of being deficient in vitamin B12?

Defiency from B12 can be experienced if you are not eating animal products, like the ones listed above. Other signs of being deficient include, low energy, shores in your mouth, loss of appetite, dizziness, numbness and heart palpitations.

It may take years before signs or symptoms of this deficiency to manifest in your body. Being deficient in vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia and can eventually turn into Alzheimers, loss of memory, confusion and dementia.

Sublingual Vit B12 may be the best form of supplementation for seniors to absorb. Another reason for B12 deficiency can also be from malabsorption. For example, taking vitamin C can assist in the absorption, as well as coupling Vit B12 with folic acid, to really get superior benefits.

How do you know what the optimal amount is to prevent a deficiency in vitamin B12?

After referring to the National Institute of Health and doing some personal research, I've concluded the following.

-.4 mcg- 0-6 months

-.5mcg- 7-12 months

-.9 mcg- 1-3 years

-1.2mcg- 4-8 years

-1.8mcg- 9-13 years

-2.4mcg- age 14-older

-2.6mcg- pregnant adolescent females

-2.8mcg- lactating females

-25-100mcg-Adults over 50 (except if consuming fortified foods)

Dosages may vary slightly from experts in the field, but two parts were clear: Our bodies were built to absorb low levels of vitamin B12 at dosages between .1mcg-1mcg per meal.

Vitamin B12 deficiency also depends on environmental factors. For example, if we consume chlorinated water on a daily basis, B12 absorption would be low or diminished based on the toxic invasion on the body.

Also, consider the possibilites of pesticides and toxins from the plants and animals we are consuming and how that may to affect the absorption of B12. - 17268

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Prepare those Tasty Shrimps Using Easy Shrimp Recipes

By Doug Schlette

Shrimps were once thought of as a dish reserved for special occasions only but now it is one of the most commonly cooked foods in homes. Not only does it taste delicious and is easy to prepare but a 3-ounce contains less than 85 calories. Also, it contains fewer amounts of fat and lots of proteins. Although shrimps have high dietary cholesterol, it doesnt increase your blood cholesterol instead deep-frying in butter or batter is the culprit.

Easy shrimps recipes are widely available that can help you in preparing a shrimp dish. You can easily prepare tasty and healthy shrimps with these recipes. A perfect shrimp dish not only depends on the recipe used but the quality and quantity of shrimp as well. The most popular type of shrimps in the market is white, brown and pink shrimp. You will also find jumbo, rock and tiger shrimps.

Shrimps are purchased on number per pound basis. It is recommended that 1/3 pound per person. The more number of shrimps per pound the smaller their size is. You should buy frozen shrimps and then defrost them in the refrigerator at your home. Also, when you are planning to prepare shrimp dish using easy shrimp recipe make sure to thaw the shrimps before using.

Nowadays, you can get your hands on a number of easy shrimp recipes that lets you prepare delicious and healthy dish. The directions given in the recipe are easy to follow and one doesnt require high skills to prepare a delicious shrimp dish when following these easy shrimp recipes. Depending on the method given by the recipe you can either boil, partially cook or cook shrimps with other items.

Easy shrimp recipe alone cannot help you in preparing tasty and perfect shrimps but if you follow the useful tips then you can prepare perfect shrimp dish. Given below are some helpful tips: a. Never let the shrimps over cook or else it will dry up and gives rubbery feeling. b. After cooking shrimp rises to the top and starts floating. c. Peeling shrimp off is easier in raw state than when cooked. d. Smelly shrimps are a problem for some. If the shrimps are giving off lots of ammonia then you should dispose them off without second thought else incase giving off less smell, you should rub it with baking soda and let it stay in refrigerator for ten minutes. After this take off the soda completely and shrimps are ready for use.

There are a number of easy shrimp recipes that you can easily find. One of these easy shrimp recipes is given below.

The ingredients required for this easy shrimp recipe Marinated shrimp with lemon and garlic are: a. Garlic(minced)- 3 tbsp b. Olive oil-2tbsp c. Lemon juice- cup d. Parsley (fresh, minced)- cup e. Kosher salt- tsp f. Pepper- tsp g. Cooked shrimps- 1- pounds

Place oil and garlic in skillet over medium heat until fragrant. After this add parsley, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Transfer to a large bowl and add shrimps. Serve when chilled. - 17268

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Steps To Take To Ensure Safe Bodybuilding

By Colin Zane

The bodybuilding community has a famous saying that in order to get the most from your workouts, it must be "no pain, no gain". Unfortunately, anybody who abides by that is likely to cause long term and irreversible damage to their bodies through painful injuries. The only benefit pain has for us is telling us that we are doing something wrong and that it must be corrected, including bad form and dangerous exercises.

If you want to get the best results from bodybuilding, pain is wrong and safety is right. Apart from sticking to safer workouts and sound training methods, there are also a few important details to take note of in order to have a lifelong ability to bodybuild. They are:

1. Use free weight exercises as they are the only true safe movements that your body was made for. Exercises done using machines are mostly dangerous in a subversive way and it does not help that most mainstream exercise literature promote them. Machines force your body to move in unnatural motion planes that lead to injuries, while free weights force your body to adapt to pressure using movements that it is familiar with.

2. The exercises that you should do must make use of as many muscle groups as possible. These will include movements such as deadlifts, bench presses, shoulder presses and squats. They are difficult to perform at the start, but practice the techniques using little or no weight until you have mastered them, before moving on to adding weight. You will develop a well balanced physique that will help avoid injuries in the long run.

3. The minor muscle groups like biceps and triceps need to be worked on, but not as much. The major exercises will expose them to considerable amount of training. You can include a low number of sets of specialized exercises like bicep curls if required, but not too many so as to avoid overtraining.

4. Always get enough rest in between workouts so that your body is fully rested before taking on the next round of strenuous exercises. It is much more sensible and rational to workout two to three times a week with rest days in between, instead of five continuous daily trips to the gym. Be careful of burning yourself out which will be counter productive and can lead to injuries.

5. Do your warm up sets to get your body ready for the tougher sets. This prevents injuries from occurring as a result of cold muscles that might tear or ligaments that could snap if you head straight to a heavy exercise set from the get go.

If you follow the safety tips above, there will be less risk of experiencing pain and unsafe bodybuilding workouts. This in turn translates to better gains and results that not everyone else might enjoy. Thus, the right maxim should be "no pain, most gain", and safe bodybuilding will bring you the most benefits. - 17268

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