Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, December 7, 2009

Enzyme Supplements - Promoting Health And Longevity

By Roman Reyome

The long-chained proteins are called enzymes and are held together in specific shapes. They are hydrogen bonded like a ball of string with very small strips of Velcro. If the Velcro bonds breaks the enzyme protein unravels and looses its shape. Without its shape it is ineffective. It is no longer an enzyme. It is simply a foreign protein.

Inflammation is the result of having foreign proteins in our bodies. This inflammation triggers the automatic immune response by our bodies. The body attacks itself and fights the invading foreign proteins.

The enzyme collapses if the bonds are broken and the enzyme can no longer do the job it was intended to do. This collapse of an enzyme is referred to as denatured. There are several reasons for an enzyme to become denatured. Drugs, fluoride, alcohol, food processing, free radicals, irradiation, canning and heating above 118F - cooking.

All foods that are processed have no enzyme nutrition, but contain an abundance of denatured, allergenic enzymes. The majority of which can be directly traced to processed food intoxication - food allergies.

What destroys milk is civilization: killing the enzymes by heat, adding antibiotics and hormones to the cows' diet, keeping the cows in a mineral deficient environment, and artificially preparing it for long periods of storage. (Price)

Eating In America: Most of us are aware of what we should eat. But in actuality, we eat foods that we crave. Which happens several times a day. We are bombarded with commercials for soft drinks, fries, burgers, sweets of all kinds, donuts and much more. As soon as we hear these commercials we can't help the desire to have them. These foods contain little or next to no enzyme nutrition. They contain no enzymes which means even when we do eat them there is no nutritional value in them. All the enzymes have been removed through the processing of these foods. The digestion process now becomes the burden of the enzymes in our own bodies. Foods are partially digested or not at all. These foods now become foreign, so processed with so many chemicals and preservatives. This processing of foods is relatively new to the humans. Our bodies are overstressed in its inability to metabolize them.

Natural raw foods have an abundance of nutrients. Vitamins, minerals and enzymes. While the description of process foods is devitalized. No nutrition to speak of and these foods are made to last a long time on the shelf and their nutritional value to humans is negative.

Garbage in: Undigested food, what happens to it and where does it go? A lot goes in and never gets to come out. Simply, the undigested foods remains in the intestines. According to the FDA the average thirty-five year old has between 4-22 lbs of undigested food in their intestines.

As noted above, this rotting debris doesn't just stay in the intestine, but can make its way intact into the bloodstream, to be deposited in practically any location of the body. Such food is foreign and may cause inflammation in any area where it becomes lodged. - 17268

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Body Fat - How Is Yours?

By Greg White

'Body fat' is a common term. However, many people link this term to obesity, cholesterol and an unhealthy constitution. While excess body fat content can cause many severe problems, the body requires a certain amount of body fat for various metabolic and structural functions.

Body fat is produced in the body through the absorption of fats present in the food consumed. As the body breaks down these fats, two byproducts are released into the body - glycerol and fatty acids. The liver processes glycerol into glucose and stores it as a stock of energy. Fatty acids provide energy for all major tissues, especially for the cardiac muscles and the skeletal muscles. So, it is very important to include appropriate amounts of fatty substances in the diet.

Here are a few major functions of body fats:

* Body fats maintain healthy skin and hair.

* Adequate body fat allows you to maintain the right body temperature.

* Body fats are the storehouses of energy in the body.

* Smooth functioning of cells is maintained with body fats.

* Organs and tissues are cushioned by body fats.

* Body fats are a shock absorber for bones.

* The body will not be able to absorb many vital vitamins like A, E, D and K unless they are able to combine with fats.

* Scientists believe that body fats act as immunity boosters to protect the body from ailments.

Excess Body Fat - Why Is It Undesirable?

While the body cannot function smoothly without body fat, you must remember that an excess of body fat can negatively affect the body. Very often, the fats absorbed by the body do not burn off but get stored in the body. Such accumulation of body fats may lead to obesity that can then set off many other health issues like breathing difficulties, arthritis and heart disease.

According to the American Council on Exercise, body fat should ideally constitute-- - 17 percent of the total body weight of a man and for women, body fat should be around 21 - 24 percent of total body weight. Maintaining these levels will prevent problems associated with excess body fat.

With the various fat measurement techniques available today, it is very easy to keep track of your body fat percentage and take steps to a healthy lifestyle. Four fat measurement methods are Home Body Fat Scales, Navy Method, Hydrostatic Weighing and Skinfold Calipers. Knowing the exact fat percentage in your body can help in setting realistic weight loss plans.

Is Weight Loss the Same as Body Fat Loss?

Body fat loss and weight loss are two different concepts. Consider two individuals belonging to the same age group - an athletically built person and a normal person. Due to the extra weight of muscles, the athletic person may weigh more than his counterpart. However, the second person's weight may be related to a higher content of body fat. Obviously, this person will be more vulnerable to weight-related issues than the athletic person. Therefore, it is important to lose body fat rather than trying to lose body weight. With methods that measure body fat percentage, you can get an accurate report of your body fat and the amount you must lose or gain to remain fit and healthy.

When trying weight loss plans to lose body fat, it is best to adopt a plan that combines a good exercise regimen with a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and a minimum of processed carbohydrates. You should keep the body fat levels to the ideal percentage and enjoy more health and happiness in your life. - 17268

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My HCG Low Calorie Diet

By Amelia Handley

Today was my first day on the very low calorie diet portion of the homeopathic HCG diet. I'm not going to lie to you; it was really tough. I don't think I took in enough water. But that's something that I'm just going to have to keep working on.

First thing I did the day after Thanksgiving was weigh myself. I was up a pound (171). I figure that's normal since I've been loading for the last two days. I took my homeopathic HCG formula and my B-Total. Then I offered all the Thanksgiving leftovers to the kids for breakfast. After they took their fill I tossed the rest. That was a temptation that I wouldn't be able to stare at for the next several days without breaking.

Then I had some water. I tried some green tea sweetened with Vanilla Creme Stevia. It was alright, but I'm not attached. And it would definitely be nice if I was attached since it's basically the only freebie on the HCG diet besides water. But I figured I couldn't go wrong by drinking water since according to a lot of the homeopathic HCG reviews that's one of the easiest mistakes to make; not drinking enough water.

So by the time lunch rolled around I was starving. From now on I definitely need to make lunch before I'm starving. By the time it was done I absolutely scarfed it down. My kids are home from school for the holiday so it was an added difficulty to make their food (they wanted grilled cheese sandwiches).

But I stuck with my own lunch. I made myself I romaine lettuce and tomato salad. I sprayed a pan with non-stick cooking spray and threw some chicken seasoned with Creole seasoning (no sugar) in to cook. It turned out really good. I was starving, but I think it really was pretty amazing considering how simple it was to make. I'm really liking that Creole seasoning. With the chicken and salad I had strawberries.

Lisa came over and we made dinner together. (She's my competition during the 25 day diet; whichever one of us loses more weight gets a new pair of jeans courtesy of the other). We put together a recipe from the cookbook from HCG Diet Direct: Shake and Bake Tilapia. It was yummy. It wasn't just diet yummy; it was REALLY yummy. The non-dieters at the table agreed. I almost forgot...I also correctly took my HCG drops and B-Total sublingual vitamin throughout the day as I was supposed to according to the diet requirements. So for the first day of the low calorie diet I'm feeling I did quite well. We'll see how tomorrow goes... - 17268

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Health Supplements : What Acai Force Max Can Do For You

By Mike Ede

If you're seeking a loss in weight, coupled with a toned, honed body, then you're far from being alone - many people dream of achieving this. Wouldn't it better if were more than just a dream though? Well, put simply, it can be. Those you see around you with great bodies are living proof that it is possible to achieve the look you want. How did they get it? Well, hard work was part of it, a good diet was another factor, and the clever use of supplements played an important part too.

By eating well and exercising but not using supplements then you're not going to be able to reach your potential. The fact that so many people who use them see great results can't simply be a co-incidence. There are lots of supplements available though, and some aren't all that good at all, so only go with ones that have been recommended to you.

Acai Force Max is one supplement that you may want to consider. Why? Because it's based on a so-called super fruit. The fundamental ingredient of this fabulous anti-oxidant is the pigment of the Acai berry, which is well known and documented for its anti-oxidizing powers. It is manufactured and refined and made into a freeze-dried pill, the power of which gives protein to your system in a manner that overcomes the undesirable toxic wastes in your body. It is a wholly natural product that you can be confident in; it includes no chemicals, and therefore has no side effects.

Here's a brief outline of what it can do for you:

-Burning fat and calories will become easier.

-Food digestion will be improved as your metabolic rate will be increased.

-Your blood circulation will be improved.

-Harmful toxins in your body will be removed.

-You'll feel fitter and more alert, meaning you can exercise for longer.

Sounds good, right? And there are plenty of reviews and testimonials around to back it up too. - 17268

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Build Muscle Fast: The Secret to Knowing How Many Reps to Do

By Klint Newton

How Many Reps Should I Do? Many people ask this question, and there are as many answers to this question as there are people asking it. One expert will tell you one rep scheme will produce mass gains, and that no other scheme will work. The next expert will tell you that you need to do a completely different amount of reps to gain mass, and that any other amount of reps will not produce favorable results.

With so many ideas how do you know what's right? I'll give you the scientific facts, and you can decide for yourself.

Different rep schemes concentrate on different parts within the muscle structure, and different muscle types. To keep it simple, let's say there are basically two different types of muscle fibers, fast and slow twitch. We will also say there are three different types of rep schemes.

1. Low reps (3-5), very heavy weight (88-93% of 1RM)

2. Medium reps (6-8), moderate weight (84-88% or 1RM)

3. Many Reps (15-25), light weight (60-70% of 1RM)

The low rep, high weight rep scheme is for building strength but not muscle mass. Normally a muscle has to be engaged in 36 seconds of continuous tension to spark the muscle growing mechanism. These reps should be done repeatedly and explosively through the entire range of motion, focusing on maintaining form.

The next program is best for building mass along with strength. The weight should be lifted slightly slower than the first example, lowering the weight in four seconds and lifting in two, which passes the 36 second test. If you are using between 84 and 88 percent of your 1 rep max you will be stimulating muscle growth for fast twitch fibers.

The last example uses slow twitch fibers, it will increase endurance and aerobic fitness and is much easier to recover from. The reason for an increase in endurance is because of a lactic acid build up in your muscles, which usually fatigues your cardiovascular system before your working muscles.

What's best? It depends on what you want. There are two types of muscle fiber, Type I and Type II. They are also referred to as Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch. These muscle fibers usually are found in the bigger muscles like the pecs, biceps, and quads and are made for quick power. Most people focus all of their attention on the fast twitch muscles, as they have more potential for growth than slow twitch fibers. Just remember, your body adapts to your workouts in two to four weeks, so you need to change your rep scheme every few weeks to keep introducing new stimuli to your body. Also, changing up your workouts will eliminate any change of a plateau. Also, be sure to use proper form, and when you can't lift the weight for one more rep, the set is over.

One of the fundamentals for muscle building success is to have a plan from the start with different rep schemes so that you will be targeting fast and slow twitch muscles how and when you should be. - 17268

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Article 11, the HCG Protocol for Weight Loss

By Amelia Handley

Alright. So I told you yesterday that the package arrived. I told you about the products included. And I left you hanging with the promise that today I would share with you what was included in the HCG protocol for weight loss Instructional book. So here goes!

The booklet first provides some basic information on the HCG diet as a whole. Society in general has a problematic relationship with food. Bad habits, convenience foods, and large portions have created an epidemic. I've heard it called an obesity epidemic. They outlined the basic how and why of HCG changing the negative effects of society on the dieters relationship with foods and how their body handles fat. By following the HCG protocol for weight loss many believe that we could actually make a dent in the fight to decrease the negative effects our society suffers as a direct result of obesity.

It also warns us all that the way the HCG causes weight loss will result in some days with no marked weight loss and others with drastic drops. This is because the HCG and the 500 calorie diet result in fat being burned for energy. Fat being burned for energy results in empty fat cells. Empty fat cells are often filled with water until the tissue is finally broken down and the water is liberated. (There will be frequent bathroom trips during the diet, apparently).

The next section in the booklet is filled with useful information. They called it the Helpful Hints & Products section. I'll share a few of the "hints" that stuck with me. They mentioned that dieters should watch their salt intake; it increases water retention. They also mentioned lotions and moisturizers. You're not allowed to use them on the HCG diet. They contain oils and fats that your skin will absorb and the whole point of the diet is that you're not providing it with fat. They also mentioned buffalo as a very healthy alternative you can use to mix up your protein regime. And I have to admit that it does sound interesting. I'll have to check out the cookbook and see if I can find a recipe for buffalo. I might just get tired of chicken and lean cuts of steak.

Now for the basic HCG protocol for weight loss...sadly diet soda was specifically mentioned. There's no gum. There's no mints. You can't have any lotions or moisturizers containing fats and oils. You can't eat or drink 15 minutes before or after you take the oral drops. (It's supposed to help them absorb). You can't have any diet soda or Crystal Light due to the type of sweetener used. (I'm so sad about this one that I might email them for verification. Dang it!) And there's also no butter, oil or dressings with oil or fat.

I'll have to save some of the other goodies for mention on another day, but I will say this...I'm liking this company. They're straight forward and they don't waste their breath. Well, I guess I should say they don't waste their paper since I'm not talking to someone. I'm reading what they wrote. But you know what I mean. - 17268

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Stay Calm with L-Theanine

By Keith Woolley

Feelings of anxiety and stress can regularly go hand in hand with our busy 21st century lifestyles. Whether it's sitting in rush-hour traffic, long days at the office or family pressures, as a society we seldom get time to unwind and relax as much as we should to benefit our contentment.

Some people can cope better emotionally with stress, however for many it can take a heavy toll on health, work performance and personal life. Excess stress could also affect sleep quality, mood, libido, concentration, immune health and weight-control.

Though there are several natural 'mood enhancing' additions available to ease the side- results of stress, a number of these are shown to contradict with other medicines and can also take a number of weeks to show benefit.

A comparatively new, medically analyzed 'stress-reducing' natural supplement called L-theanine, has shown in controlled studies to improve feelings of calm and relaxation ( without fatigue ) within forty - 60 minutes of ingestion. This soothing cure may be employed as and when needed and has changed into a popular choice for managing anxiety, stress and scared defects, or merely to calm nerves and help the brain stay centered for job interviews, work shows, flying and even first dates!

Where does Theanine come from, and how does it work?

Firstly it is an amino acid found in miniscule doses in green tea leaves and certain mushrooms. Please note, there isn't any caffeine found in L-theanine supplements.

It is absorbed simply in the bowel and then transported directly to the brain where it stimulates alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves indicate that we're in a warning, yet calm and relaxed state - like meditation.

It is shown to cut back the brain's beta brain waves ; too much beta waves are associated with nervousness, anxiety, scattered thoughts and hyperactivity.

Lift your mood : L-theanine influences the release of brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. These 'feel good' chemicals are needed as a stimulant to raise mood and feelings.

Study and work performance : L-theanine has effects on the release of brain chemicals that support memory and learning ability. Studies indicate that L-theanine can help can be helpful for those that need to maintain mental lucidity and perform under pressure.

Relax : L-theanine is excellent to help soothe away work fears and ease travels tensions at the end of a busy day. The calming properties of L-theanine will not cause direct drowsiness, though thanks to a more relaxed mind state, improved sleep quality may also be achieved.

Solgar L-theanine is suitable for vegetarians ... vegans.

Other de-stress tips:

Reduce intake of tea ... coffee - look for caffeine free alternatives Eat 3 meals limiting packaged foods Eat quality protein with each meal to keep blood sugar balanced Increase your consumption of necessary trans-acids Take a b complex with breakfast to restore energy levels and mood Walk for 20 mins every day and target breathing efficiently. - 17268

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Eating To Build Muscle

By Gerrad Mills

So, you have decided to work out to try and build some good muscle mass. Unfortunately, making the choice is not the most straightforward part. There are so many factors that go into muscle building, weight gain, and weight loss. Just look around you and see so many folks aren't in the shape they would most need to be in. If it was simple, we'd all be there. Building muscle is going to be a result of both working out and eating right. Your work out is vital because you're taxing the muscles and getting them to grow to reply to the amount of work you are having them do. Eating is similarly important, because without the correct amount of calories you will not be in a position to feed the muscle to sustain its expansion. The most frustrating thing for a body builder isn't getting plenty of calories and having their body burn off their hard-earned muscle.

Here, we are going to talk about your eating habits. Everybody knows that you are going to require to lift some weights, but it isn't quite so clear what sorts of foods you'll need to eat to get that muscle. Building muscle means more meals each day. 5-7 small meals a day will give your body the extra calories you will need for working out and building lean muscle mass.

Without this energy, there's no way you will be in a position to stay abreast of your rigorous work out routine. The meals should be little, otherwise you will find yourself putting on fat rather than muscle. Occasionally, folks will just attempt to gain as much weight as they can, and then trim down, but here we want to teach you to put on nice, lean muscle mass and do it right the 1st time. Naturally, preprocessed food and fried foods will not do your muscle building program any good. You must cut these foods out totally. Cheating isn't to be suggested, but a little break in routine often can help your morale and is something you can work off swiftly. Just be sure your break doesn't last longer than intended.

You'll have to start drinking much more water than you almost certainly do now. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. The body needs water, and your workout won't last long before you are exhausted. Your meals should consist of fifty p.c carbohydrates, 30 % protein and 20 % fats. This is a general guide which has worked for most who are building muscle. You would like to start to know your foods so you can recognize what will help you and what will obstruct you. Some of the top protein foods include turkey, chicken, eggs, fish and dairy. A number of these are high in saturated fat, so choosing the leaner meats is better for helping you to avoid putting on weight. A good way to spot lean red meat is to look for the words, round or loin on the package. Non or reduced fat dairy foods can be consumed, and white of the egg might be a more sensible choice than full eggs. Proteins contain amino acids, which are crucial for muscle building. Here are some details on a couple of the protein sources. One egg contains six grams of proteins and also many vitamins. The protein can be simply soaked up by the body, but anybody working on their muscles should take away the yolk and eat only the white. Tuna is low on cost and fat but high on protein. It is great on a sandwich, but might also be whisked into a salad for a juicy dinner option. Milk is a great protein and is packed with vitamins and also contains calcium that can help your bones in the demanding workout sessions. It's best to go with skim milk as you truly don't need the extra fat. Excellent carbohydrate selections include bread, bagels, pastas, rice, oatmeal and potatoes. Try and go with slow burning carbohydrates as frequently as possible . Use things like wholeweat rice or pasta to get the most impressive results. Fruits and sport drinks and good for providing fast boosts of energy. These are customarily best used as pre and post workout meals because they give your body what it needs straight away. Be cautious though, as quick boosts of energy will feel good in the short-run, but provide no help in the long term. Fats will be included in the food that are debated above. It's also a brilliant idea to add nuts to your diet. They are a great fat source and also contain fiber, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, magnesium. They're also tasty too! Also know that veggies are a great source for minerals and vitamins. Try to include them in each meal. Taking a multivitamin will also help you if you are not so hot on vegatables. Other supplements can also fill out the openings in your diet plan, and help you to get even more energy.

Be sure to eat meals before your exercise sessions and before bed. You'll need energy before you exert yourself and before you spend a considerable time of inaction. You do not need your body to waste away while you're sleeping. It is also good to have a huge breakfast for restoring the energy lost while sleeping. The muscles will shrink if you ignore these key eating hours. - 17268

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How To Prevent Getting Sick

By Isabelle S. Mihajlov

Simple healthy living tips to follow.

Since our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself, many people can experience no illness for years despite unhealthy choices. Some people take their health for granted until they get sick then they desperately search for a quick remedy. Those who depend only on doctors or medications are sometimes frustrated when they temporally feel better and seem to continue to get sick or start developing chronic conditions.

One way to experience great health is by consistently following these healthy living tips.

Exercise Proper Body Preventative Maintenance

Total body cleansing (which may include your colon, liver, kidney, and gallbladder) is essential to vibrant health. Our bodies need to properly eliminate the toxic build up that has formed in our intestines (colon), which may lead to sickness and disease. By being free of toxic build up our body organs and tissues can function optimally and also help our bodies to receive the essential nutrients our bodies need.

Eat Living Foods, Avoid Junk Foods

Quality food plays a major factor in keeping our cells healthy and our immune system strong. Food not only provides energy to your body, but all the nutrients that are essential for a vibrant health. Unfortunately, our modern society has created an unhealthy demand for on-the-go, heavily processed foods. These are stripped of vital nutrients and are overloaded with refined sugars, refined grains, chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Additionally, many foods today contain excessive amounts of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, artificial substitutes, and heavy metals. "Junk" food may taste good, but it will provide little energy nor give our cells what they need to work efficiently. Alkaline forming nutritious foods like organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, millet, buckwheat, and oats are a valuable source of the vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Exercise Proper Body Preventative Maintenance

Our Creator God has given us all the power of health and healing within our own bodies. Illness and disease cannot invade the slightly alkaline body that has a healthy immune system. In order to experience vibrant health, we must deal with the root cause of sickness and disease, and not just treat the symptoms. Regular activities like getting moderate exercise, a healthy deep sleep, properly dealing with stress, personal hygiene care, and a spinal adjustment all help promote vibrant health. Ok, this tip is not new, but are you doing anything to practice these activities?

To enjoy optimal health, knowing these healthy living tips is a start and will lead to consistent vitality. But, you must take responsibility for your own health and apply these tips before you start experiencing any symptoms. It may include many lifestyle changes, but I am sure you will agree, great health is always worth it! - 17268

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Methods Which Help To Prevent Bruising Yourself

By Jan Doan

As a person grows older, the structure underneath the skin changes causing them to be more prone to bruising. There is less protection for the capillaries that are just under the skin. Most of the time a bruise does not offer any serious health challenges and require no special treatment to eventually heal, however you can take some steps to prevent bruising and to promote healing.

Protective clothing can help to prevent bruising. Long sleeve shirts and long pants provide protection to arms and legs. Sometimes this is all the extra padding that is needed. If you find that you are often bruising your hips, wear long sweaters that cover the hips. Wear your shoes to prevent bruising your feet and your toes. For forearms and thighs look for protective pads that will cover these areas at the drug store.

Sometimes it only takes a increase in the vitamin K to increase the clotting that will prevent bruising. You can get vitamin K from leafy greens and the members of the cabbage family. For some people vitamin K supplements will help, however if you are taking blood thinners, talk with your doctor before taking these supplements.

To help with the healing of a bruise, use fresh parsley leaves that have been crushed and spread over the bruise. The leaves will promote healing and help to get rid of the marks of the bruise. They can be held in place using gauze and tape or an adhesive bandage.

Make sure that you are taking the right amount of aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner and often prescribed for persons with heart conditions. If your doctor has recommended that you take aspirin on a regular basis, then you should only take a baby aspirin (81mg) every day, not an adult aspirin.

A good multivitamin supplement may also help. In addition to providing the vitamin K already discussed, it can provide vitamin C. These vitamins can help to keep your body healthy and avoid bruises.

If you do discover a bruise, remember the acronym RICE. You need to rest the injured area in order for it to heal. Ice causes the capillaries to shrink and can help to prevent further bruising. Compression and elevation work together to cause the blood to drain out from the injured areas. Following this procedure can not only help to prevent further damage to the tissue, it can also help to heal the damage that has already been done.

Finally, eat citrus fruit every day. While you can get some vitamin C from a supplement, citrus fruit can also help to strengthen the walls of the capillaries. As the capillaries are stronger, they are less likely to leak and there is less bruising. Vitamin C is also instrumental in healing in the body. A daily dose of citrus fruit can help to prevent and heal bruises.

While most bruises may not be harmful, they can be both painful and ugly. Take the correct steps to prevent bruising and heal the bruises that do occur. This can stop the pain and prevent further complications from developing. - 17268

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Recent Healthy Living Advances

By Connor Sullivan

Constantly new crazes become popular surrounding individuals' eating habits and new miracle edible solutions. One of the most recent fads among in the realm of healthy eating is only eating raw food. People who choose to do a raw food diet do not eat anything that is processed or cooked, and usually choose to buy organic foods. This trend is quite popular among individuals who already have decided to be vegetarian or vegan and believe it has a lot to do with personal wellness. Recently habits promoting total natural eating habits have become very trendy. Another popular trend is finding natural replacement for chemical substitutes that have been used in the past. A lot of places are offering natural cane sugar as well as the artificial sweeteners. A number of newer products have had the artificial sweeteners replaced with natural ingredients before the company releases them.

Another recent trend with in the health market is the use of certain fruits because of the craze surrounding antioxidants. Pomegranates became very popular in all sorts of products. Consumers everywhere can now find pomegranate drinks, snacks containing pomegranate or pomegranate flavors, body wash products containing pomegranate, and candles or other home products with pomegranate scents. Another fruit that was virtually unheard of and suddenly became popular is the acai berry. Now it is being used for weight loss and became very popular quite quickly.

When specifically discussing trends on dietary habits, organic products have become quite the popular commodity. Especially when discussing meats, there has been a demand to know where and how the animal was raised. Many individuals choose only to buy free range meats, which is to say the animal was not contained, but was able to graze freely. Choosing to purchase only organic foods, has also become quite popular as mentioned above. Because of this new organic population of shoppers, companies are creating a wide variety of organic products.

One trend that has become more popular especially in regards to the issue of child obesity is incorporating fitness into technology and fun. With the creation of interactive video games that require the player to get up and move, fitness games have become quite trendy. They are finding a way to create a product for all sorts of individuals by creating fitness games that cover an number of interests including yoga, snowboarding, dancing, basketball, archery, and many others. It can become an expensive investment to purchase the game system, equipment, and games, but they still seem to sell in large numbers especially, but not exclusively, among youth.

In the fitness world, companies are starting to release more creative options. Videos for step aerobics and other workouts are being replaced by newer more creative ideas, specifically involving dance. A lot of individuals are more motivated to work out by videos and classes that involve cardio workouts put to music and using dance steps. Just like incorporating technology in fitness, creating a fun alternative to the typical cardio workouts results in more individuals are willing to invest time and money into these products than the more traditional types of fitness. - 17268

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Juicing Changes Health for The Best

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. Your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste that triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

Digesting food takes the first priority in the body mind. Looking for nutrition or cleaning up bad food is the body's first job. I'm searching for ways to emphasize that because it's very important because there in an intense cycle that repeats itself. To understand the cycle allows for healing or disease. When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

Illness used as an opportunity to heal the entire Being, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is the life altering miracle that some people write about. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

There are many great books on health food store and the Amazon shelves about juicing. Grab a few and use them until the pages look like the juices you're making. Here are a few simple mixes I love: 1. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale, 3. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites

Juicing cuts down on the energy the body expends in the digestive process. Always use organic. To do otherwise will make you ill as your body tries to push through the toxic chemicals that are used to spray conventionally grown foods.

Although you can have some lifeless in your diet; make 75% real and live food. As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. Remember that the middle isles of stores contain lifeless food. Eat around the periphery of any store. Quality life as we age depends on replenishing the body storehouses of minerals and enzymes.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

Here's to a Healthy You, Ellen Valentine - 17268

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