Strep Rash - Common Rashes
Looking at pictures of skin rashes, youll see that many look similar which is why getting a diagnosis is difficult. That is why its best to see your physician to get a skin rash diagnosis.
According to the American Dermatology Association a strep rash usually appears about 12 and 48 hours after strep throat manifests. Some symptoms of strep throat include a headache, sore throat, high fever, swollen glands and infected tonsils.
Strep rash is a little similar to a sunburn rash. It manifests as small red bumps usually starting on a persons chest. After that the rash can expand into a groin rash, underarm rash, and even a rash on the face or a rash on the legs. Generally any sweaty area becomes more heavily affected by what is essentially an allergic reaction to the bacteria Strep produces. This can itch too.
A strep rash is red until you press on it, then it turns white. This type of rash could take up to 7 days to go away and the skin might peel a bit for a up to a month afterwards.
Scarlet fever rashes are most common in young people from the ages of 5 to 15. While its not as commonly seen modernly, sufferers will require antibiotics to clear up the strep throat. The rash will disappear alongside the infection, but the itchy skin without the rash remains. Some people use soothing natural lotions, compresses, etc. to ease that discomfort.
Most times a strep rash occurs after a contracting strep throat, however, is can also develop after a skin infection too. Thats why its important to visit a physician for a full diagnosis.
Strep rash is not infectious, but strep itself is very much so. People can lower the risk of getting strep by diligently washing their hands especially during cold and flu season and consider taking a herbal tonic to help boost the immune system and keep the hydrated and healthy. Anyone with strep should avoid contact with others until after having been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours. - 17268
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