Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weight Loss Tips & Tricks

By Marcus Werthen

Calories in, calories out. While weight loss plans might suggest that the formula is something much more complicated, the reality is that how much you eat is vastly more important than what you eat, and in what combinations. Eat fewer calories than you burn (through regular, daily activities as well as exercise) and you will lose weight. This truly isnt rocket science.

While many of us jumped on the low carb bandwagon in recent years, or even visited centers and weight loss programs to help us lose weight, what matters is how many calories we eat. These studies have shown that the reason people lose weight on a low carb diet isnt because they eat fewer carbs. Its because a low carb diet naturally decreases the amount of calories eaten as well.

Counting calories seems easy enough, and you might think that you dont need to follow any plan, that you can simply count calories. You can, but many of us might still thrive knowing that we are following particular guidelines set by a diet plan. You can save time if you follow a plan because you dont have to do the menu planning yourself. The final benefit is that following a plan ensures that you get the right nutrients, since menu plans you get from some third party sources are often formulated by dieticians with your health (as well as weight loss) in mind.

But you can certainly create your own diet too, that is based on the nutritional advice you might get from magazines or books. You can consult a dietician, and create your won menu plan based on your individual food preferences. But doing so can create problems if you arent careful about the nutritional content of your meals.

Its important when you count calories that you make each bite count. That is, each bite should include important nutrients. Because calories are restricted, there are fewer opportunities to get good nutrients in with the reduced calorie intake. The solution, then, is to ensure that each bite, that each meal, contains essential nutrients. Make sure theres a good balance of vital vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and fiber.

Diet experts say that people should count calories, but should also do this formally. That is, studies have shown time and again that people lose more weight when they count calories and record them. Whether that is through an electronic device (a calorie counter, or your iPhone, for instance) or by writing everything down in a notebook, the idea is that recording and counting calories reminds you of what you have eaten and what you can still eat each day. It also makes you accountable for the food you eat.

If you are dedicated to the job of losing weight and you are sure of your own ability to put up a good effort, all thats left is finding the plan. Its bit of a comfort to know that the plan isnt where its at. Simply cut calories and record those calories (thats the real trick) and the weight loss will happen. - 17268

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Using Weights Can Build Muscle Fast

By John Knight

You can build muscle fast the Spartan way! This is one of the secrets of how to blowtorch off your body fats and build natural muscles. But first you must have good diet and good heath to do this so you have the strength, stamina, endurance and power.

You look good when you get that lean athlete-looking figure. You also feel the power from within you and when you feel good, you look good. When you look good, you feel young. And when you feel young, you look young. You can always control your physical appearance and those dense functional muscles will make you look awesome. You can be proud to take off your shirt at the beach anytime to show those packs.

This is a regimen that also needs mental toughness. If your mind dictates your body that you are too tired to exercise then you really are too tired. Use your mind power to be optimistic. Always have positive thinking. You mind must rule on the positive aspects of your being. But before you go on any rigid exercise make sure you have a good heart condition. Never forget to ask the advice of clinical professionals or physical fitness instructors.

Self-discipline is very important if you want to build muscle fast. You need some weight to do these. Choose the weights which do not strain you. If you do these at least for five to seven days every time you wake up in the morning for at least three to five minutes you will see the difference. Using weights is one of the secret to build muscle fast.

You can build your home-gym and have your private physical fitness within your comfort zone. You do not need to over exercise for that can be fatal. Just use the weights that are comfortable for you for they can help build muscle fast. - 17268

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Common Fat Burning Foods

By John Knight

The importance of fat burning food to our body is tremendous. They offer bone protection and relieves asthma, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Some can reduce the risk of cardiovascular or heart diseases, control blood glucose, slow aging, sharpen brain function and improve vision. Most of these kinds of foods prevent certain types of cancers and diabetes, and aids in weight-loss management. These fat burning foods are very common and these are tomatoes, apples, white, and some spices like cinnamon.

Tomatoes: The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for your eyes. Lycopene is more easily absorbed by the body when tomatoes are heated, either during cooking or processing. One tomato contains vitamins C, A and K, and potassium and fiber. A medium-sized tomato may provide almost half of a persons recommended daily amount of vitamin C.

Apples: Loaded with flavanols, apples are a great source of antioxidants and nutrients. Besides keeping your skin from wrinkling and promoting hair growth, apples contain antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer development. Sprinkling some cinnamon on an apple or pairing it with cheese or peanut butter makes for a tasty and nutritious snack.

White Tea: White tea actually has more antioxidants than green tea, even though it comes from the same plant. White tea is produced from an immature plant bud still covered in fine white hairs, hence white tea. While green tea is produced from leaves that are more mature and dried out. Because white tea is handled more delicately, it retains more of the antioxidant content than green tea. Adding some honey or natural sugar will boost the sweetness of this delicious drink. Always remember that white is not and not green!

Spices like cinnamon have a hefty amount of health benefits for such a tiny grain. Cinnamon alone can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, as well as improve your bowel movements due to its fiber content. If you have all of these on a daily basis you will feel wonderful and these are the fat burning foods - 17268

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Hypnosis For Weight Loss- How To Lose Weight Made Easy.

By Cynthia A Williams

Using Self Hypnosis for weight loss is very easy because we all go in and out of trance regularly on a daily basis. Examples of when you experience trances include watching an interesting movie, finding your way home and not really remembering any part of the journey.

The experience of hypnosis is very similar to these trance states that we already experience on a daily basis but the difference is that we now use it in a conscious way to achieve our dream weight.

I use hypnosis on a daily basis to achieve my goals, see things in a more positive light, and relate better with people. The good thing about hypnosis is that you can use it for just about any aspect of your life that you would like to improve upon.

Using self-hypnosis for weight loss has many benefits. Firstly, it makes losing weight effortless and easy. This is because it goes right to the root of the issue, your subconscious mind. It changes the negative programming that has held you back and made weight loss difficult to a more positive one where you actually begin to enjoying losing weight.

It also helps you develop good long term eating and exercise habits, and let go of all bad habits and false beliefs. So apart from helping you lose weight you will begin to establish new beliefs and habits that will stand you in the stead of time and never to back to the days of yo-yo dieting.

Also using self hypnosis will help you develop a new self-image. One with improved self-esteem and self-confidence. In my experience, I have to say the greatest benefit that I have received from using hypnosis is the feeling of being in control. In control of my life, my weight and my eating habits.

I also find that I look forward to my listening sessions because it helps me relax. With just one session I become more relaxed and therefore get a better night's sleep. But I also get positive mental programming at the same time. Nothing could be easier.

We have looked at how self hypnosis for weight loss is easy to engage in and the benefits we can receive from using is it consistently. There are many so called Hypnosis experts out there, can you tell who is real or not? - 17268

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Michael Thurman Six Week Body Makeover - Basics of Food Composition

By Rico Kidd

Once you understand the basic chemistry of food, you will be able to understand what foods will help you lose weight. You will also be able to reprogram your metabolism to maintain your weight at the desired level. There are three main types of categories to foods as far as your body is concerned.

Carbohydrates have been given a bad name from popular diets like the Atkins diet. Carbohydrates are not your enemy; over consumption of carbohydrates is your enemy. Carbohydrates are the means to give your body energy. Food breaks down to sugar in your body and fuels your muscles and brain. Fruits, vegetables and grains like rice and pasta are forms of carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple or "fast" carbs are converted to sugar at a faster rate than complex carbs. Sweet foods like refined sugar, candy, honey or molasses and most sweet fruits are examples of simple carbs. Complex carbs are converted to simple sugars at a slower rate. Examples of complex carbs are potatoes, yams, rice and other whole grains.

Protein is the main building block for building and maintaining muscle tissue, hair and vital organs. Protein comes from animal sources such as meat, fish and poultry. There are non-animal sources of protein. You can consume soy, legumes, nuts and combinations of partial proteins to substitute for animal proteins. The easiest way to get protein is through animal sources. It is hard to get an adequate amount of protein from non-animal sources. Many people worry about the fat content in protein. This is why you should choose proteins that are low in fat. A great source of low-fat protein is egg whites, skinless turkey, skinless chicken breast and many types of fish.

You need to limit the amount of fat in your diet as this is not an essential building block for your body. Fat is used as reverse energy in times where food is limited. However, in our society food is not scarce and is easily attainable. Many people eat too much fat and gain weight. Fat takes a long time for your metabolism to break down and generally gets stored in your fat cells.

Never fear, the Infinite Menu Planner in the Six Week Body Makeover kit will show you how to compromise a meal plan to integrate all of the essential food building blocks so that you won't have to worry about what to eat. - 17268

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Don't Let Housework Be A Pain In Your Back

By Dr Jason Fowler

Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you are careful, routine activities around the home" washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone" can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

But you can protect your back by knowing the right way to go about such activities, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Consider lifting. It does not matter whether you're picking up your child or a heavy bucket of water, you need to do it the proper way to avoid injury.

How? Bend from the knees, not the waist. As you lift, hold the item as close to your body as possible. If you have to turn to place it, step in the direction of the turn. That way, you are not twisting your body and straining your spine.

The American Chiropractic Association suggests the following do's and don'ts tips for saving your back while doing chores and relaxation:

When you wash dishes, open the cabinet beneath the sink, bend one knee and put your foot on the shelf under the sink. Lean against the counter so some of your weight is supported in front. When ironing, raise one foot a bit. Place it on a small stool or a book to take some strain off your back. To vacuum, use a "fencer's stance." Put all your weight on one foot, then step forward and back with the other foot as you push the vacuum forward and back. Use the back foot as a pivot when you turn. While talking on the phone, don't cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. That can lock up the spinal joints in the neck and upper back, and cause pain. Instead, hold the phone with your hand or use the speakerphone. While watching television or relaxing, don't use the sofa arm as a pillow. The angle is much too sharp for your neck. Use a cold pack if your back begins to hurt. Wrap an ice pack in a towel moistened with warm water. The warmth gives way to gradual cold, which likely will alleviate the discomfort. (No ice? Try frozen veggies instead.) If pain persists for more than a day or two or if you experience numbness, tingling or weakness in your arms or legs, see a doctor of chiropractic. A doctor of chiropractic is an expert in spinal health and can help identify and treat your problem. - 17268

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Mighty Memory - Martin Mak Mighty Memory Review

By Chris Jensen

The human brain is a fascinating organ, being the master control center of the body. It stores information that has been perceived by the senses. Human beings have the most highly developed brain of all. Thus, the human brain may be referred to as the "mighty biological computer". Among the many functions of the brain is storing and retrieving memories. But how does the "mighty biological computer" have a "Mighty Memory"?

Memory is not something we are born with. Instead, it is something that can be learned and trained. No matter how bad you think your memory is, you can find ways by which it can be improved.

The Mighty Memory System by Martin Mak provides effective tools for improving memory and learning. The package includes a main manual and an mp3 Alpha state recording. Alpha state brainwaves frequency ranges from 8 to 14 cycles per second. They stimulate intuition, imagination, and higher awareness; calm your mind and body while maintaining mental alertness; and improve mental processes such as concentration, clarity of thinking, decision-making, and memory. The package also includes freebies like the Guide to Mind Control, Speed Reading Monster, Study Secrets, and more.

The system trains the left and right sides of the brain and teaches techniques that help improve memorization. Moreover, it uses all your senses together with your brain to help store and retrieve information quickly and effortlessly. Whatever you read, see, hear, feel, or touch is recorded in your mind.

If you study hard but seem to retain only a bit of information or if you frequently experience information overload, if you forget things easily or if you constantly misplace your things, and if you can't learn quick enough or if you think that your memory is getting worse by the day, try the Mighty Memory System. Remember, there is no poor memory; there is only an untrained memory. - 17268

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How To Get Razor Sharp Six Pack Abs

By Robert Wilson

If you should endeavor to ask women what they believe to be the more attractive part within a man's body, it is more likely the response you'll receive is six pack abs, those abdominal muscle groups featuring beautiful, sculpted shape. A great toned and sculpted ab is the sexy thing which women simply cannot help but get naturally drawn to. Who would not when it is a representation of a man holding a fit, healthy, and a robust physical condition and an indication that he's fit enough to protect her?

So, it isn't shocking to see each gym full of men doing each workout possible to get those much-prized killer abs. Crunches, leg elevations, sit-ups, along with different types of body straining routines, these are what keep these men busy but unfortunately, many of them are not successful in rendering their ab muscles displayable or beautiful.

Normal Exercise is still the Best

There's lots of advertisements that present the adequacy of medicines and food supplements in giving definition to the abs but the truth is they hold elements that might detrimental to your well being. Primarily, going on with your normal exercise still ranks as the best method for enhancing and solidifying the abdominal muscles.

Good Nutrition Help

Combined with a frequent set of workout exercises, eating healthy and organic foods a huge role. You must stay away from those foods sold by fast food chains and processed ones as they'll just fill your body with garbage and thus pave the way to an unfit state of being so it's clearly better to carefully choose the food that you consume.

If you really wish to carve out that six-pack, you have to tone the abdomen muscle groups with a better incitement. This means, you have to look for a type of abdominal training featuring a great strength which would raise resistance to work specifically in the muscle groups surrounding the abdomen. There's varied resistance stomach workouts which will work for you to obtain your six-pack abs, so recognize when it's time for you to begin to work on your abdominal muscle groups. - 17268

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Charcoal Grilling Can Be A Lot Of Fun

By Ferdinand Emy

One of the basics of charcoal grilling that many people overlook is starting the coals at least 20 minutes prior to cooking time. Do not wait to start the coals right before you want to put the food on to cook. One of the first basics of charcoal grilling that should be followed is to make sure that you have placed the charcoals correctly on the grill, next, light the coals with a match. You should never serve meat that is done under the minimum temperature guidelines for the meat that you are cooking. When the proper steps for charcoal grilling are followed, the result can be delicious and moist food that will win rave reviews without running the risk of illness or injury.

Critical basics of charcoal grilling include ensuring that you never use anything but lighter fluid. The coals should be placed in a pyramid shape.Other crucial basics of charcoal grilling include making sure that you use lighter fluid to soak the coals.

Charcoal grilling can be a lot of fun and provide a host of tasty foods for a wide range of occasions, including major holidays. Never use anything like kerosene or gasoline as this can cause an explosion and result in serious injury. Unfortunately, each year many people are injured or become ill by not following the proper basics of charcoal grilling. This can result in serious illness and injury and potentially lead to death. Bear in mind that an outdoor grill should only be used outside.

The pyramid shape provides the critical ventilation that the coals need so as to catch fire. Charcoal grilling need not be difficult, but there are a few basic steps that should be taken into consideration in order to ensure that food turns out tasty as well as safe to eat. Use approximately half of a cup and then wait a minute or so for the lighter fluid to soak into the coals. Do not simply spread out the coals. You should never use an outdoor grill inside or any place where there is not proper ventilation.

When you start to grill the food, insure that you have a reliable meat thermometer nearby so that you can check the temperature of the meat as it cooks. In addition, there are some basics of charcoal grilling safety steps that should be considered so as to prevent accidents and injuries. - 17268

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Tips for Smart Stretching

By Dr. Jason Fowler

1. Why stretch? Stretching lengthens muscles and improves flexibility. Also, stretching the big leg muscles - the hamstrings, calves, and quads - simultaneously loosens and lengthens the muscles of your lower back. So, when you stretch, you are helping your back!

2. When to stretch? Recent exercise physiology studies show that static stretching is best done after exercise. Pre-exercise "dynamic warm-ups", such as torso twists, arm circles, and light jogging, prepare the body for work. Importantly, for those of us with back issues, it is still a good idea to do the familiar static stretches even before the dynamic warm-up!

3. Don't rush! Stretching is as important as what you are going to do after you stretch. And, if you rush, you might pull a muscle or worse. Be sure to include 10 to 15 minutes of stretching as part of your exercise time.

4. Stretch gently and slowly. You're not trying to accomplish anything while stretching. In other words, you're not trying to stretch "this much" or "this far". Nice and easy does it. Stretching is a Zen activity. There should be nor "effort".

5. Pay attention! If your mind drifts, you're headed for a pulled muscle.

6. Visualize! See (in your mind) what you're doing. Hold a mental visual image of the muscle group, where it comes from, where it goes. Visualization helps establish a brain/muscle connection, making your muscles much smarter!

7. Stretch your hamstrings first. Lie on your back with one knee bent [start with the left leg bent; you'll be stretching the right hamstring]. The left foot is on the floor and the left knee is bent approximately 90 degrees. Holding behind the right knee, gently bring that knee to your chest. Alternate this chest movement with a movement that begins to straighten the right leg in the air. The eventual goal on straightening is to achieve a 90 degree angle (or close to this) between the leg and your torso.

8. CAUTION - Progress may be quite slow. Remember - you are where you are. Stretching is gentle and slow. Alternate the bending and straightening movements gently, achieving a slightly greater straightening each time. You should work each leg for between three and five minutes.

9. Calf stretches - face a wall and place both hands lightly on the wall. Keeping both feet facing front, bend the front knee and place the foot of the leg to be stretched directly behind you. Your weight is being supported by the front leg. The back knee is pretty straight and the back heel is on or close to the floor. Maintain the stretch for 10 seconds, feeling the stretch in the calf as the back heel reaches toward the floor.

10. Quad stretches - stand on your left leg, placing a hand lightly on a wall to support the upright posture. Grasp just above the right ankle with your right hand and bring that heel close to the right buttock. The quadriceps is stretched by bringing the right thigh in line with the left thigh, just as if you were standing on both legs. The knees should also be close, in a line. You should feel a stretching sensation down the right thigh. Imagine a straight line running from your right hip socket all the way to the floor. Ferreira GN, et al: Gains in flexibility related to measures of muscular performance. Clin J Sport Med 17(4):276-281, 2007. 2Peeler J, Anderson JE: Effectiveness of static quadriceps stretching in individuals with patellofemoral joint pain. Clin J Sport Med 17(4):234-241, 2007. 3Behm DG, et al: Effect of acute static stretching on force, balance, reaction time, and movement time. Med Sci Sports Exercise (36(8):1397-1402, 2004. - 17268

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Knee Replacement: An Overview of the Most Frequently Asked Questions

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

What's involved in knee replacement?

Having your knee replaced involves having arthritic and damaged parts removed and replaced with artificial prosthetic joints.

Your new, efficient, artificial prosthetic joint will perform just like a young, healthy, undamaged, natural joint. You will be able to enjoy physical activities without fear of pain.

Must my knees be in severely bad shape before I can have them replaced?

You are the only person who can make this decision. Once you have an evaluation by an orthopedist, you will just need to consider the procedure and the effect it will make on your life, and decide for yourself.

If you are having knee pain every day, you may respond by resting your knees. When you do this, the muscles around the knee become weaker. That means that you will have more knee pain.

If you have tried all the other options, like bracing, physical therapy, and medication, but they have not helped, it may be time for you to consider knee replacement.

Click here to learn more about surgery for ACL tear.

Innovative MIS (Minimally Invasive Knee Joint Replacement)

Specialized techniques are used when performing MIS. That is what makes it minimally invasive. With MIS, a very small incision is made, so there is far less trauma to soft tissues.

When MIS is used, it has many benefits over standard knee replacement surgery. Patients who have MIS experience shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery, and little, if any scarring. MIS is not, however, the appropriate choice for all patients.

Your orthopedist is the only one who can really tell you if MIS is the right procedure for you.

What are the risks of MIS?

Even though, MIS is much less invasive than standard surgery, it is still a major operation.

Any time you have a major surgical procedure performed, there may be complications. However, most of the time, these can be avoided or dealt with successfully.

As for driving and working, how long must I wait to return to my regular daily activities?

Consulting with your doctor, orthopedist, and surgeon will help you to arrive at an answer to this question. It depends on your physical condition, the demands of your daily life, and the advice of your health care professionals.

Click here to learn more about knee arthroscopy. - 17268

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