Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, September 25, 2009

Foods To Avoid With IBS - Discover 3 Simple Strategies To Help You Get Rid Of Your Symptoms Quickly

By Alison Harris

Imagine you are a party and so far you have been enjoying yourself mingling with friends and family and having a good laugh.

You really could not have wished for a better ending to the day, when of a sudden you feel a tightness in your stomach. It is such a strong pain that it grips the whole of your stomach and the next thing you think is "where is the toilet?"

Sadly you know what it is. It is the pain and diarhea associated with your irritable bowel syndrome. You know something you have eaten has triggered that pain and diarrhea but unfortunately you do not know which food it was.

You know right from that minute that your evening is over.

Later on I will reveal a resource that will provide you with the most comprehensive list of foods to avoid with IBS but we will look at 3 things you can you do to help your irritable bowel syndrome

1. Gluten: This is a protein that is commonly found in a lot of grains including wheat, oats, rye, spelt, and barley. The first thing you need to do is go on a gluten free diet for a few weeks.

This means you have to pay attention to the foods you eat and read food labels and even over the counter medications because some of the foods and medications that you least expect may contain gluten.

You should see a noticeable improvement in your symptoms once you eliminate this protein from your diet.

2. Coffee: I once suffered from IBS myself so I have experienced firsthand some of the symptoms e.g. gas, bloating, stomach making noises, spastic contractions of the colon, stomach cramps etc.

I noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms the very next day I stopped drinking coffee.

You see coffee is an acidic food and it will increase the acidity of your stomach. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, it is important that your stomach is not too acidic.

One of the easiest ways to reduce your stomach acidity is by consuming more alkaline foods.

3. Tailor your diet to your personal biochemistry: This means that you have to eat according to your nutritional type. We are not all designed alike and one diet does not fit all.

This means you have to know your specific nutritional needs according to your personal biochemistry,metabolism and genetic makeup.

We have touched on 3 steps to IBS freedom but there is a list of foods to avoid with ibs and other simple steps you can take that will ensure you never have to live with any of the symptoms of IBS again. - 17268

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My Formula For Building Bigger Pecs

By Frank Hommes

No one wants to be a shrimpy guy. Even if a guy is in relatively good shape, if he's too thin and doesn't have any muscle, then he can appear just as unattractive as a big fat guy. So what can you do if you want to bulk up without getting fat? Bigger pecs are one possible answer.

Pecs are the muscles, which are in your upper chest, and making them larger can give a man a broad and deep chested look, similar to what bodybuilders have. Building up your pecs isn't necessarily a simple thing to do, but as long as you approach it the correct way it is possible even for a scrawny guy to get impressive pecs.

Perhaps the most important thing for a skinny guy trying to build up his pecs is a change in diet. The best way to increase muscle growth for a person of any size is to start consuming more proteins. Lean meats and various beans, among other things, contain high protein content.

Protein is essential, because it provides your body necessary nutrients to build muscles effectively. It isn't necessarily how much food you eat that matters, it's which foods you choose that matters more.

Of course, if you're just eating then you'll only gain weight and not muscle. It's very important to build a solid exercise routine that focuses on the pectorals. Bench presses and flys are the best exercises for working this muscle group.

With that said, you should also be working out the rest of the body. If you concentrate on the pecs and nothing else, then you'll wind up looking out of proportion with too much emphasis on the chest area, which probably isn't something that any guy would want, so be sure that you alternate your workout routine and build all your muscles, rather than just the pecs. - 17268

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Nutritional Tips And Tricks For Arm Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It?s the small things that count when learning how to lose arm fat. And if you learn all the small things, your arm fat loss journey will be that much easier.

Unfortunately, you?ve probably been pitched everything from sleeveless snake oil to pills that get rid of parasites in your intestine that are responsible for weight gain. Could internet marketers get any more trickier?

Luckily for you, I?ve already sifted through all the nonsense and I know what works. And I want to show you what I?ve learned.

Thus, here are some nutrition tips for arm fat loss:

1. Have some saturated fat. We?ve been led to believe that saturated fat is bad for us. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that not all saturated fat is created equal. Plant saturated fat is actually very good for you and will help increase testosterone?an arm fat burning hormone.

2. Drink small portions throughout the day. You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that?s when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.

3. Have some caffeine. A little caffeine about an hour before working out will work wonders. Not only will it make the firing of your muscle fibers faster, but it will also increase your pain threshold. Just make sure that you don?t take caffeine later in the day as this will prevent you from sleeping well.

4. Load up on Ceylon cinnamon. Put Ceylon cinnamon on as many meals as you can, especially the bigger ones. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and increases insulin sensitivity. And better insulin sensitivity translates into more calories going to active tissues while arm fat starves and disintegrates.

Following the above tips will give you an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. And doing small things like this over time can really add up. Before you know it, you?ll be well on your way to sexy arm stardom! - 17268

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Losing Weight Today

By Micheal Mclaughlin

Weight loss is never easy, especially if you have a lot to lose or medical issues currently put limitations on physical activities. Instead of giving up or assuming it will never happen for you, why not take baby steps until you get where you really want to be?

Setting goals are another important part as well. When you have goals their is something you have your sight on. Not only that, but there is more of a reason to stay committed as well.

Whatever you may have heard about it being impossible to lose weight fast and keep it off long term, rapid weight loss is entirely possible. The secret is you have to get your head just as much in the game as your body is.

Losing weight involves the reduction and burning of the calories that you eat. Most opt to search for a miracle diet that does not involve either, but in reality these two components are essential. Another important part, involves having support.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly you have to be prepared to deal with the emotional aspects. You have to be willing to think through impulse eating or urges to binge. What is really beneath the self-destructive behaviors? What thought patterns often lead to late night snacking or other problem behaviors?

Very few people can lose substantial amounts of weight and keep it off long term without dealing with some kind of mental or emotional issue. If you are aware of this aspect before you start trying to shed pounds, you are more likely to get through the process successfully.

Most of the weight loss diets are conceived to determine a massive weight loss, encouraging people to continue this approach. But those who do this will lose mostly water and muscle mass. The water will be replaced in no time when you'll start eating salted products or fast food.

That said, there is no miracle diet that is going to magically take all the pounds from your body and dump them at the curb forever. What leads to fast weight loss? Only a consistent lifestyle change can do that.

Because you want to eat more, your mind will make you believe that you're even hungrier; thus, the weight loss diet will become harder to follow.

If you want to lose the weight and waiting months and years for that body you will be comfortable with to emerge, you have to have a very focused plan and a lot of dedication.

Some people like going by point systems, while other like tracking calories. In some cases people do not like the idea of having to keep track of all of the calories that they eat. This is the reason that other options are available such as points. Which way you choose is up to you, but look for the best program which will work for you. - 17268

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Some Quick, Tried and Tested Bodybuilding Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

There is advice floating around both on and offline about how to build muscle fast. As a personal trainer myself here are a few little known facts, building muscle tips and secrets that I personally consider worth your while contemplating on your quest to build muscle mass:

I often overhear people saying that you should train each muscle group once a week only. While this may give good results for intense bodybuilders, this is not true for many people.

Certainly, you should stay away from overtraining your body, but like most things, if you do not practice, you cannot expect to improve. The same can be said to a certain extent about bodybuilding too.

Muscle groups should be trained no less than twice per week. In fact ideally you should push your body through periods of near overtraining an then drop off into periods of undertraining. This provides times when there is a lot of stress for the body to handle and other times when the body has more time to recover and build momentum for another push. Hitting training plateaus can be avoided by doing this.

Keep your workout program to no more than 45 minutes long. If you feel that time is too short, then your exercise program might be too long, or you are not working out deeply enough. 45 minutes is an adequate period if you focus on intensity and keep away from distractions.

If your workouts last longer then this then testosterone levels drop dramatically due to the increased production of cortisol which actually causes the body to eat muscle tissue and store fat. precisely the reverse of what we need.

You need to set cycles for your training, meaning that after sometime your muscle will not be urged into growing by the same regimens because the body will have become accustomed to the workout and can handle it already. Change up your regimen before your gains begin to lessen.

Additionally, you should try not to change your workout program too frequently either. Doing this can confuse your body?s muscles and it will stop progressing into a nice groove.

Significant gains will most likely not happen for you if you do not do the proper exercises. The traditional time proven muscle building exercises are the multi-joint exercises that are called compound exercises.

The best ones are: dead lifts, bench presses, rows, squats, pull ups, shoulder presses plus any exercise that moves your entire body through air ie, not just moving individual limbs. If you use these exercises, with a few of their variations and correct muscle building nutrition then you can?t help but stimulate muscle mass growth.

With the above recommendations in mind and allied to correct muscle building nutrition it is time for you to go get huge. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, Gain Weight Fast Metabolism With Cardio Exercise

By Ricardo d Argence

When you do cardio, you get your heart rate going and increase blood circulation throughout your body. Cardio exercise is basically whole body exercise that, ideally, should make you breathe harder than usual, get your heart rate pumping, and help you work up a good sweat. It is as necessary for overall health and fitness as anaerobic exercise is.

Cardiovascular exercise gives your heart (the most vital muscle in your body) an excellent workout. When you increase your pulse rate and keep it raised for a period of time, you will increase both your health and your fitness level.

However, one of the most commonly noted and popular benefits of doing cardiovascular exercise is that it burns off excess calories and can help you lose weight. It'll also give you an overall "toning" for your entire body.

You will find the weight loss benefits of cardio workouts continue even after your workout ends. After you finish your exercise routine, studies have shown that your metabolism will stay at the increased rate for up to 18 hours. And done over a long period of time, because you are toning and making your body more fit overall, it burns calories faster just as a matter of course. As you get into better shape, you will build muscle (which burns calories even when you're not moving) while losing fat.

Endorphins are your body's natural opiates. They can also help ease depression. Another benefit of cardiovascular exercises is that it releases the so-called "feel-good" hormones called endorphins.

Before you start, make a visit to your doctor and make sure you're okay for vigorous physical activity. If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, go ahead; but, don't go full steam ahead. Start slowly by walking just 10 minutes at a moderate pace every day, the idea here is to get started and keep going.

You will notice improvement after approximately two weeks as your energy levels rise, your sleep improves and your junk food cravings lessen. Most of all, perhaps, you are going to notice that your mood is a lot more positive. That's great; keep going.

As you continue, you're going to have to give yourself greater and greater challenges to make sure you keep your fitness level up. Of course, once you embark on a good cardio program, you're only going to help yourself if you change your diet to so that you eat right, get enough sleep, drink enough water, and all those other good health changes, too. After all, once you start with cardio, you'll never want to look back. - 17268

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Slim Arms, Thin Arms And NES

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you have NES, thin arms will forever elude you.

And what exactly is NES? Also known as night eating syndrome, NES is a condition where you have extremely small quantities of food during the day and have extremely LARGE quantities of food at night. It also messes up your levels of arm-thinning hormones.

But before you get all worked up, you first have to figure out whether or not you even have NES. So do you present any of the following:

1. No breakfast and no lunch. If you skip breakfast and/or lunch, then you probably have night eating syndrome. Why? Because you're going to compensate for the lack of calories by gorging at night.

2. Reduced mental function. A poor mood with little ability to concentrate can be indicative of poor early day nutrition. When you restrict calories during the earlier parts of the day, mental functioning and mood will be greatly reduced.

3. Lots of late night awakenings. Perhaps one of the most debilitating aspects of NES, these late night awakenings will destroy your sleeping patterns. And they are usually accompanied by lots of carbohydrate consumption. Not good if you want to get slim arms!

4. Lots of carbs during the nocturnal feedings. Unfortunately, NES is characterized by depression, anxiety, and other mental maladies. And carbs provide a quick boost in mood. But they also provide a boost in arm girth

5. Have feelings of stress at night when you're eating. Stress hormones, anxiety, and depression are all characteristics of women with NES. If you are anxious or sad when eating at night, you could be compensating for emotional wounds.

6. A family history of NES. Unfortunately, NES runs in families. So if you know family members with NES, your chances of having it are that much greater.

Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to get thin and slim arms if you are suffering from night eating syndrome. Why? Because your body will most likely store all that late night food as arm fat. It's just the way the female metabolism works. So if you have night eating syndrome please seek professional help to overcome it! Only then will you reach sexy arm stardom. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Diets & Supplements, Glutamine

By Ricardo d Argence

It is very likely that if you are into any type of work out or you attend a gym, you have heard about Glutamine.

Now, just because you have heard the name before doesn't mean that you know all about the product and what it does. Below is a breakdown of what Glutamine is and what it does and you will also learn about what it can do for you.

If you were to look up the actual definition of Glutamine, you would see that is it an amino acid that is found in many animal and plant tissue as well as proteins. Manufactures produce this commercially for both biochemical research and medicinal purposes.

Some doctors have used it to treat alcoholism and depression. It is also used for nutrition therapy, as it is an amino acid. What people like the best of Glutamine is that is it an effective brain fuel.

Glutamine is well liked by people who are trying to drop a few pounds because it suppresses cravings for sweets. It also plays a very important part in building muscles and have effects on your metabolism.

To maintain their muscle mass, most bodybuilders like to take around 8 to 17 milligrams of Glutamine per day. This should be divided up in approximately 3 doses. This supplement has virtually no side effects, which is one of the best things about it. Some people have reported getting an upset stomach if they take too much but other than that, there really are no side effects.

Of all the people who use Glutamine, bodybuilders are on the top of the list because it helps to reduce the amount of muscle deterioration.

Bodybuilders put their muscles under a great deal of stress, and by taking glutamine, they can help to replace the amount of Glutamine that they use that is stored up in their muscles. This will help to keep their muscles from breaking down. It really helps a great deal to supplement the Glutamine so that they do not use too much of the Glutamine that is stored in their muscles.

If you are into bodybuilding then supplementing with Glutamine may be something that you will want to look into. As with any type of supplement, you will want to check with your doctor before starting use of it. You want to be sure that you are doing what is right for your body. You want to be sure that this supplement will not affect any current medications that you are taking or any conditions that you may have.

Glutamine is the body building nutrient supplement you should use, if you decide to use one. The benefits to your body are great while the side effects are little to none. - 17268

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Why Colon Cleaning Should Be A Part of Your Regular Health Maintenance Plan

By Hatfield Horton

There are plenty of health benefits associated with colon cleansing. It may be one of the best things you can do for yourself. Always consult with your doctor first, but know that it's a good way to cleanse the body from all toxins.

Toxic waste trapped inside your colon will cause a host of health problems so it's best to rid it as soon as possible. Colon cleansing is a good way to release these toxins and enjoy a disease free lifestyle.

Food you digest can putrefy and ferment in your system and fats turn rancid. This disgusting process can be detrimental to your health.

Your intestines are exposed to these harmful toxins and put you at a greater risk of developing a host of diseases. In fact, if you are experiencing some health problems today, it may be directly linked to a toxic colon.

Are you sluggish, tired and lack energy most of the time? Chances are you need a colon cleansing. No one should experience fatigue each and every day. This can cause major difficulties on a daily basis.

A colon cleanse will not only reduce the fatigue and increase your energy, but will prevent colon cancer in your body.

Many report that their level of energy has increased so dramatically that they have joined a fitness center for the first time in years.

Colon cleansing also benefits those who may suffer from acne problems. Reports are positive with fine lines, wrinkles and age marks actually disappearing! Healthier looking skin is only a colon cleanse away.

For those who suffer from constipation, diarrhea or abdominal discomfort and pain, they can also rid those problems with a colon cleanse. And if you need to shed some pounds, yep you guessed it, weight loss too!

Start your day with a simple pill that is jammed pack with benefits and have a healthy start in a natural, herbal supplement today. - 17268

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What Foods Change Your Life

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

A USDA study done by scientist recently discovered that top foods with the disease-fighting compound of antioxidants were the acai berry, beans and artichokes.

The new found discovery that Russet potatoes, pecans, and cinnamon contained high amounts of antioxidants was unknown until this study was done--confrmation was also given that . Antioxidants are important as they are thought to fight cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

"The bottom line is the same--eat more fruits and veggies," says Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D., a chemist and nutritionist with the USDA's Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock, Ark., and lead author of the study. "This study confirms that those foods are full of benefits, particularly those with higher levels of antioxidants. Nuts and spices are also good sources."

This is the most comprehensive and complete study ever done on foods with antioxidants as the USDA used high tech equipment and analyzed more foods than in the previous studies. The researchers analyzed over 100 foods like acai berry, fruits, vegetables, spices and nuts.

The foods were analyzed and measured for the concentration levels of antioxidants and the capacity per serving of the antioxidants. Research showed the top fruits were the acai berry, cranberries, blueberries, and black berries. The highest levels found in the nut category were walnuts, hazelnuts, and pecans--Russet potatoes, beans, and artichokes were found to have the highest level antioxidant concentration in the vegetable category.

Spices are normally consumed in tiny increments, yet many are high in antioxidants. In terms of antioxidant concentration, ground cloves, ground cinnamon and oregano were the highest among the spices studied.

This study should prove helpful for people who are looking to add antioxidants to their diet. Please note that the total capacity of antioxidants found in foods does not indicate necessarily the potential health benefit--this depends on how the food is absorbed by the body.

At the moment, there are no government guidelines for people to know many antioxidants to take and what kinds of antioxidants to consume in their daily meals--this is also the case with vitamins and minerals. A major barrier to such guidelines is a lack of consensus among nutrition researchers on uniform antioxidant measurements.

USDA officials consistently to encourage people to eat a variety of fruits like the acai berry and vegetables like potatoes for better health. - 17268

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How To Get Skinny Arms With Water

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you aware of the importance of hydration? Do you know how to properly manage your hydration? Well, learning how to optimize your water intake is essential if you want to maximize arm fat loss and get thin arms. Yet it can be very confusing.

Why is hydration management so confusing? Because of caffeine. Caffeine intakes in this day and age make it very difficult to predict just how much water your body is absorbing.

In fact, I believe that most women are victims of low-level dehydration without even knowing it.

So without further ado, here are 5 solid reasons for learning how to manage your water intake for getting thin arms:

1. Heat dissipation. Once your body gets hot it's a downward spiral. Overheating makes you fatigue very quickly. And fatiguing quickly translates into less exercise time.

2. Less blood. Blood carries nutrients to all the tissues in your body. And the biggest component of blood is water. So if you're dehydrated your body will get less fuel when it needs it.

3. Waste buildup. The cells in your body need water to excrete waste. Without enough water you'll suffer from toxic buildup. Not good!

4. Metabolic drops. Your metabolism dictates how many calories you burn even while you sleep. If you're dehydrated, expect a decrease in metabolism.

5. A decrease in mood. Water effects your mood. And this is probably the most overlooked aspect of dehydration and it's also the most detrimental. Anything that decreases motivation and worsens your mental output must be avoided like the plague.

6. Less work capacity. Muscles are mostly made of water. So what happens when you're dehydrated? You can't exercise as hard! Then end result? More arm fat!

Water does many more things in the female body. So please do not assume that this list is comprehensive! Ultimately, your body is mostly made of water so any level of dehydration is likely to affect many systems. So make sure you carry a source of water with you at all times and slowly drink from it during the day. - 17268

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To Build Muscle You Have to Eat Properly

By Ricardo d Argence

Now that you have decided to bulk up with additional muscle mass you must have a plan that works. Weight training is essential if you want to add muscle to your body. What is not as obvious to most people is the need for correct, healthy eating. It takes healthy nutrition to build the muscles that you want.

The following suggestions will help guide you through the basics of a diet that is designed for muscle building success.

You need to eat regularly if you want to build muscle mass and get stronger. The best plan is for you to switch to 5-7 meals each day. Muscles burn more calories than fat and you need to keep your bigger muscles supplied with the fuel they need so that they can grow even larger and stronger.

There is no way that your body can build muscle if you are not providing enough calories. Making the jump from 3-4 meals to 5-7 is easier to do if the meals are slightly smaller, but still nutritionally rich. Then you are fueling your body but you are not stuffing yourself to the point of being uncomfortable.

Secondly, you will need to cut out a lot of the junk food that you are probably eating at the moment. Go admit it, we are all at times prone to eating junk food at some time and it is these meals that we need to cut out.

Make sure that you increase the amount of water you drink each day. A good way of doing this is to make sure that you have a water bottle handy whenever you go to work or head to the gym. Adequate water is necessary to rid the body of the waste products that body building routines can create. You also need to drink enough water to keep your body from becoming dehydrated during long, strenuous workouts.

Make sure that your daily meals contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. All of these nutrients are necessary when you are trying to build more muscle mass. Your usual meal should contain at least 30% protein and 50-60% carbohydrates. The additional 10-20% should be from healthy fats.

If you want to be successful when it comes to building additional muscle you must know what foods are best to eat. These are some great foods that will help you bulk up your physical frame.

Use poultry, seafood, red meats and dairy items as your protein sources. These are perfect muscle building foods and should be included in your daily diet.

Be aware that these are high in saturated fat so you would be wise to mix them with the following foods that supply protein but with much less fat: Egg whites, Lean meats like poultry and fish, Non-fat or low-fat milk and dairy products (skim milk and cottage cheese are terrific foods), Turkey breast, Lean cuts of red meat and skinless chicken breast.

If you feel the need for a quick burst of energy you can eat some fresh fruit (apples, raisins, figs, citrus or grapes) or drink one of the sports drinks with high amounts of carbs and proteins.

There is no need to try and target certain fats for your diet, because there is adequate fat in the food choices that are listed. If you eat a well balanced meal the required amount of fat will be included. Do not neglect to include some green and yellow veggies because these are high in vitamins and other nutrients. You might also consider purchasing some of the muscle building supplement products that are currently available. These contain vitamins, protein, creatine and fatty acids that your body needs.

The timing of meals is important if you wish to build muscle mass. You can bulk up faster if you pay attention to the times that you eat. You need to eat before you go to bed and again when you wake in the morning. It is also highly recommended that you eat within the 1st hour of completing a heavy workout. If you follow these basic suggestions you will soon see how easy it is to build muscle mass onto your body. - 17268

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