Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camu Camu Juice

By George Wilson

Camu Camu is an odd sounding exotic fruit found deep in South America that is demonstrating some remarkable qualities. Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) grows throughout the Amazon rainforest in swampy flooded areas predominately. The fruit is about the size of a lemon, orange in color and packed with huge amounts of Vitamin C.

Camu Camu fruit has the highest amount of natural full spectrum vitamin C than any other fruit. It can provide up to 500,000 ppm or 2 grams of vitamin C for every 100 grams of fruit. That's 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. Camu Camu also contains ellagic acid, Beta-carotene, calcium, leucine, serine, thiamin, valine, niacin, riboflavin, potassium and protein.

Although scientific studies on Camu Camu are few it delivers without a doubt more vitamin C than your standard ascorbic acid tablet alone. Because of that fact, Camu Camu has some very practical uses as an antioxidant, nutritive element and an astringent. Since Camu Camu is a natural source of this very vital Vitamin C it can and has been used for the treatment of colds and flus as well as for anti-aging, skin care, defending the nervous system from degeneration and anti-inflammation.

Camu Camus natural (not synthetic) vitamin C is a full spectrum vitamin C. A "full-spectrum" vitamin C is an all natural nutrient rich nutritional supplement that is highly absorbable by the human body using all of the natural cofactors required for nutrient assimilation.

Vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, even in small amounts it can protect molecules in the body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) from damage by free radicals that can be caused by normal metabolic processes and exposure to environmental toxins. Vitamin C is known to be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

Camu Camu is a most effective all natural anti-depressant. Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D. has named Camu-Camu at the top of his list of compounds with anti-depressant properties as well it's effectiveness against the herpes virus. Camu Camu juice is now available from Dr. Tims Juices.

They make Dr. Tims Amazon Camu Camu that is 100% juice with over 85% Camu Camu and the remaining 15% just a couple of other natural juices including Acerola. You can find it online at - 17268

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The Benefits Of Entering The Coffee Business

By Ali Bautista

A coffee business is a very lucrative industry as the coffee industry is currently going strong with no chances of slowing down in the immediate future. However as with starting any business you need to understand all facets of that industry as well as how you want to enter the industry. The coffee industry has several options as you can open a specialty store, coffee shop, coffee drive thru or coffee cart.

Specialty coffee businesses are one of the fastest growing industries and despite the recent set back in the economy it is still going strong. The coffee industry in the US is not expected to peak for another five years so now is the time to begin so you can take advantage of future growth. Specialty coffee businesses and espresso businesses in particular offer opportunities that are not present in other industries.

Typically when looking to start a coffee business you will need to have some cash as this is an investment of type. You may be lucky enough to have enough on your own, you may need to take out a loan or find other investors that can back you.

In general an investment of between $10, 000 to $100, 000 is needed though this number will depend on whether you are starting a coffee kiosk, coffee shop franchise, coffee drive thru or coffee cart.

The smaller the venture like a coffee kiosk generally the less money you will need, say about $10, 000. Coffee stores, chop franchise and other coffee drive thru will require a larger investment, upwards of $100, 000.

The coffee franchises has made it an excellent time to be in the industry as the large franchises stores are providing excellent information and educating the customers. You can still compete against a large franchise if you are willing to provide excellent service and perfect drinks, constantly change and evolve your marketing and make sure your staff are properly trained. It is very possible that you business will be much more successful than a major chain store if you are willing to put the work into your business. - 17268

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Health And Fitness - The Truth About Fat

By Jose Bautista

The amount of fat you eat and how it relates to your health and fitness is very important. To be healthy it is generally thought that you need to avoid fats of all kind but there are some types of fats that are very beneficial to your body and can help your health.

Certain fats should be avoided at all costs but there are some types of fats that are very important and your body needs to function properly. To be truly healthy and fit you need to make sure you are getting good fats.

Most people and scientists agree that saturated fats are not healthy. These fats are very rigid as they have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible on their fatty acid chain. The best types of fats for your body are unsaturated fats which can help your good cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

These saturated fats are typically found in whole milk, butter, fatty meats and cheese. Scientists have found that saturated fats will raise the amount of LDL or 'bad' cholesterol in your body and this increases your chance of developing heart disease.

However there are some saturated fats that are worse than others. Interestingly enough a saturated fat in beef and dark chocolate, stearic acid does not affect your LDL cholesterol at all. So stearic acid doesn't help your body but it doesn't hurt it either. Another saturated fat, lauric acid, while raise your LDL cholesterol but it also increases your HDL or good cholesterol. It can be concluded though that too much saturated fat is a problem so eat your chocolate and beef in moderation.

However this can be a bit complicated and to keep things simple you should try to avoid saturated fats. Most saturated fats are solid at room temperature, such as butter and lard, while unsaturated fats are liquids at room temperature, such as olive oil. Try to include good fats in your diet such as fats found in avocados, vegetable oils, fish, olives and nuts. - 17268

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Basics of Rotator Cuff Injuries

By Dr. Richard Edelson

One of the most frequent musculoskeletal injuries is the rotator cuff injury. Sometimes this type of injury is not associated with symptoms, but usually it is quite painful. A rotator cuff tear or rotator cuff tendonitis can cause you to experience pain and weakness in the shoulder when using your arms. It can be especially painful to lift the arm higher than shoulder level. Luckily, there are a number of ways to treat rotator cuff injuries - both surgical and non-surgical. The type of injury you have, your condition, and your age will be determining factors in deciding which type of treatment is right in your situation.

Rotator cuff injuries occur in two ways. You could either have rotator cuff tendonitis or a rotator cuff tear. It is important to realize that there are a few other conditions that can cause the type of pain one experiences with a rotator cuff injury. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to see your physician. The first step your physician will take is a physical examination. Following the examination, your doctor may inject your injured shoulder with a local anesthetic. This process will help your doctor in determining exactly what kind of injury you have. If your doctor decides that you have a rotator cuff tear, he or she may send you for some imaging tests. Imaging tests will help pinpoint the location of the injury and confirm whether or not the injury is a tear.

Rotator cuff tendonitis is more common than rotator cuff tear, but the treatment is similar for both. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, also known as RICE therapy, is prescribed for both conditions. Your doctor may also tell you to take an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen. You may also be referred to a physical therapist who will help you to understand how to modify your activities to avoid pain and may also give you instructions on exercises to help strengthen your shoulder. If these measures dont help, your doctor may give you a shot of a steroid/anesthetic mix. This injection will be made directly into the joint to help address your pain.

About half the patients using this kind of non-surgical treatment experience an increase in ROM (range of motion) and a decrease of pain within 2 or 3 months. This kind of treatment has several advantages. First of all, non-invasive treatment avoids surgical risks such as infection, anesthesia complications, and permanent stiffness. Second, there is no recovery time involved. Of course, there is also a downside in that this route could lead to an increase in the size of the tear. Additionally, the patients activity level may be decreased during the healing period. And, there is the risk that a non-invasive method may simply not work. If this is the case, and the non-invasive option fails, then surgery may be the alternative. The doctor may also decide that surgery is the better option if he or she feels that the injury is severe enough to merit it as the first option.

Click here for more on rotator cuff surgery .

When rotator cuff injury is treated with surgery, there are generally three options.

The first way is open repair surgery. When open repair surgery is chosen, the surgeon will make a full incision into the shoulder. This large incision has the potential of leaving a large scar; however, this method allows the surgeon to have a great deal of freedom of movement.

The second method is mini-open repair surgery. While this method is similar to open repair surgery, it differs somewhat in that it utilizes arthroscopy. The use of arthroscopy allows the surgeon to make a smaller incision, leaving a smaller scar. This method is an outpatient procedure.

All-arthroscopic surgery is the least invasive surgery. It is an outpatient procedure that leaves a very small scar.

After examining and diagnosing your injury, your doctor will be able to make a sound decision as to which method will work best for you.

After rotator cuff surgery, most patients have decreased pain and an increase in range-of-motion. Recovery is usually complete within 4 to 6 months. Results are usually quite satisfactory, with 80 - 95% of patients reporting good results.

The success of your recovery is dependent on a number of factors. Among them are, your surgeons level of expertise, your fitness level, the severity of your injury, and your compliance with your doctors instructions.

It is rare to experience complications with rotator cuff surgery. Tendon re-tear, which is the most commonly experienced complication, only occurs in about 6% of patients. One or two percent may have nerve injury. As little as one percent of patients may contract infection. Detachment of the deltoid muscle and/or stiffness are experienced by fewer than one percent of patients. - 17268

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Maintaining a Good Health Diet

By Jesse Regan

If this is the first time you have gone into a diet, then you must have some doubts about the idea. Like others, you may have some misimpressions of dieting itself. Therefore, even if you are into it, there can be times that you wish you could just stay healthy without dieting. Then you must be educated all over again of what good dieting does to you if only it is done properly since the very first day you start out with it.

Dieting does not require someone to forego meals or reduce food intake dramatically to the point of near starvation. Otherwise, it will only take a week or more when the effort of dieting is ceased due to the physical and psychological trauma brought by about by the self-inflicted hunger. Even foregoing a meal may not do favor for the objective of losing weight. After a skipping a meal, there is always the possibility of eating more in the next one regardless of what food there is.

To maintain a health diet that is expected to do wonders for the body, making the choice whether one should eat or not must be avoided. Dieting is not about when is eating can be done but it is about what should be eaten. The correct diet plan, therefore, does not involve a timetable alone. It must, principally, be based on a list of the kinds of food that can be eaten as well as those that should not. The best shot at losing weight through healthy diet is one that is painless but effective.

Of course, to stay on the course of dieting consciously, a plan must be made. Without one, dieting can just last for a couple of days or a week at most. Writing the plan and the policies and having it posted conspicuously wherever the tempting appetite is strong will help much. The plan does not control the dieter though. There are times when the dieter must adapt to situations and, therefore, must be flexible enough. Sometimes, eating a little of those taboo food in the plan may help in avoiding a breakdown, a situation when the dieter gives in to the cravings for good.

Anything with high cholesterol and too much sugar are the only kinds of food you must avoid to make your diet work. Keep yourself away from most animal meat like chicken, pork, and beef since these are loaded with cholesterol. Cholesterol is harmful to your cardiovascular system. Keep check also of your sweets since this could give you the risk of diabetes and overeating.

On the other hand, the healthy food that should be included in the list is those made from whole grains, fresh and unsweetened fruits, and vegetables. For the necessary protein intake, fish and lean meat or even beans will do. There can be more allowable food that can be included in the list but the dieter must take caution at the amount he eats. These are only a sneak peek to many information you can find online about weight loss . - 17268

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Restricted Diets

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If you are among the ever increasing number of people who must restrict their diet due to food intolerances, you will know that staying within the guidelines can be tough.

Even though all of our packaged food is labelled with detailed contents, it is still very difficult to avoid particular food stuffs. Common intolerances such as Gluten and Dairy are relatively straight forward to avoid most of the time, and only really becomes an issue when eating out. The problem that many people face is that many chefs dont understand the implications of a specific ingredient on a person suffering from an intolerance.

It is quite common for a chef to add a little flour to a sauce to thicken it up, believing that the intolerant person will not notice or be affected by such a small amount. And if the sufferer doesnt explode there and then (and usually they dont) then the chef believes that he got away with it and that the person indeed is not suffering from that little amount. What they dont realise however is that the intolerance usually comes into effect as the food is being digested an hour or two later and the effects can then last for days.

Eating out is therefore very difficult for people with intolerances to common foods and as it is very difficult to find good food that doesnt contain the common foodstuffs that people are intolerant to, you will soon find that eating out becomes a bigger and bigger risk and so dont be surprised of the amount of invites you get to come out to dinner drop significantly.

For the sake of your health, it is of the utmost importance that you avoid all foods that you have an intolerance to. It is very hard work for your body to process these foods and so to allow it to recover, you should stick to foods that you know your body can handle. Having said that, if you start eating just a few foods that you know arent going to upset you, you may find that you begin developing intolerances to them as well.

This can and does happen so its important to keep track of what you eat and try to eat as many different foods as possible. Most of the time that thought doesnt appeal to people with intolerances because the wider range of foods they eat, the more likely they are to eat something that upsets them, however if you choose a few foods that you are ok with, and stick to them, you could end up intolerant to them as well, so maintaining a wide diet is important. - 17268

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