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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back Pain Risks

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Are there risk factors for back pain? And, if there are, what can I do to keep myself healthy and well? Your chiropractor can help answer these questions and more.

One primary risk factor relates to exercise. Everyone has heard, "if you don't use it, you lose it". If you are not exercising regularly, your back muscles are deconditioned and much more susceptible to injury - the strains and sprains we're accustomed to calling "back pain".

Muscles will get stronger when they're required to do work. Also exercise helps "train" the soft tissues around a joint - the ligaments and tendons - these supporting structures "learn" how to withstand mechanical stresses and loads without becoming injured. Basically, when you exercise - when you do any kind of exercise - your body gets "smarter" and you're less likely to get those annoying back problems.1

A related risk factor is weak abdominal muscles. When you were a kid, at some point one of your gym teachers probably told you to "suck in your stomach". Actually, it turns out that was pretty good advice. Your abdominal muscles support the muscles of your lower back. If your abdominals are weak or if you're not using them - letting them hang out and droop instead of keeping them activated - your body weight has to be held up by the muscles of your lower back. They're not designed to do that - they're designed to move your spine around. And eventually, these lower back muscles will give way under the excess strain. The result is a very painful lower back injury.

There are many easy-to-do exercises for your abdominal muscles. The key is to actually do them - and do them after you're finished doing the rest of whatever exercises you've scheduled for that day. How often? Three times a week is plenty. Abdominal routines are quick - no more than 10 minutes. And, remember to use your abdominal muscles throughout the day. Imagine your abdominals are being pulled in and lifted up. This is not a "tightening" - your thought should be "activate". Your body will know what to do, once you've started adding consistent abdominal training to your exercise routine.

Risk factors for back pain may also be found in your personal and family medical history.2,3 During your initial visit your chiropractor will ask you about accidents and surgeries you've experienced, and discuss any important elements in your family history. For example, surgery to remove an inflamed galllbladder or appendix or to repair a hernia may result in weakened abdominal muscles. A motor vehicle accident or a fall from a height may have caused injuries that healed with soft tissue scarring.

Learning about potential risk factors and taking appropriate action will help ensure a stronger, more flexible, and healthier lower back.

1Jones MA, et al. Recurrent non-specific low-back pain in adolescents- the role of exercise. Ergonomics 50(10):1680-1688, 2007 2Cherniack M, et al. Clinical and psychological correlates of lumbar motion abnormalities in low back disorders. Spine J 1)4):290-298, 2001 3Plouvier S, et al. Biomechanical strains and low back disorders. Occup Environ Med 2007 (in press) - 17268

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Pineapple Diet Overview

By Monty Dayton

There are many different types of diets out there, but there might not be any diet that is harder to pin down than the pineapple diet. There are many versions of this diet around online, but even the real one is fairly restrictive. But there's no denying that there is a great deal of interest in this diet.

Eating pineapple is obviously the cornerstone of this diet and eating plan. Pineapple is your snack, it's the main part of every meal, and only tuna and ice water act as supplements. There are many different versions of the pineapple diet, but all of them are based around the same ideas.

The pineapple diet is definitely a fad diet and should be undergone carefully. That said, does this eating plan help people lose weight? For many people, the answer will be yes.

Tuna is a great lean meat high in Omega-3s, protein, and low in calories. In addition to this, pineapple gives a ton of energy for a fruit. This, with water, guarantees a diet low in fat and salt. In addition to this, enzymes in the pineapple force the body to work harder to break it down, keeping the metabolism up. There are several concerns with this diet, however.

First of all, pineapple is a fruit that is high in sugar. In theory this could cause some concerns with diabetics who need to watch their sugar levels. Pineapple is also acidic, which could make it hard for some people to keep with the high levels of pineapple.

A common second concern with the pineapple diet is lack of nutritional balance. While pineapple and tuna are both very healthy foods, you're not going to get 100% of your daily vitamins from eating just that. A daily multi-vitamin is a very good idea.

Third, not all claims made about this weight loss plan have been proven. As with many fad diets, there's the claim from diet proponents, and then many of them simply aren't tested to be proved or disproved. This can be an issue for some people.

The pineapple diet is a weight loss plan that definitely is not not be for everyone. That being said, this diet and eating plan actually does help dieters lose the weight they're seeking to cut. - 17268

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Check The Most Vital Things To Look For In An Acai Product

By Maria M Miller

Acai berry products are plentiful on the Internet and at health food stores. It seems that the world has caught on to the truth that the acai berry has one of the utmost nutritional profiles of any food ever found on earth.

Many great products out there fully utilize the natural nutritional value found in the acai berry. However, some products out there have utilized low-grade processing methods. Therefore they will not give you the full nutritional benefits.

The acai berry is rich with good for you fats and therefore it is extraordinarily delicate. These berries must be processed within 24 hours of being selected from the tree or they will lose their nutritional integrity. There are two main methods of processing the acai berry, freeze-drying and spray-drying.

Freeze-drying is the best quality means of processing. The berries are removed from the tree and instantly flash frozen and dehydrated. The result is a powder that closely maintains the original nutritional value of the real fresh fruit.

Acai berries are also processed using a spray-drying system. Spray-drying uses heat, which compromises the nutrition and then it utilizes maltodextrin, a short-chained sugar starch, as a drying agent. Spray-dried acai berry is a intermingling of fruit and maltodextrin, rather than just the nutritious fruit.

A separate thing to look for on the ingredients list is the amount of the actual acai berry. If the ingredient list claims a "proprietary blend" that means that the company is not really telling you how much of the authentic berry is contained in the product. A blend would be a mixture of acai and other possibly inert ingredients. Look for a product that is explicit in how much of the actual berry is integrated.

Other things to be alert of are other ingredients such as magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, rice or silica. These are filler and flowing agents and they lower the actual nutritional value of the product by dropping the sum of authentic acai berry.

In order to receive the premier nutritional value make sure that the product you obtain is freeze-dried powder with the uppermost concentration of the authentic fruit. - 17268

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Total Knee Replacement & You

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Have you tried everything to get some relief from your knee pain? If you are no stranger to braces, canes, cortisone injections, and other methods of dealing with knee pain, yet you still have knee pain, you may want to consider total knee replacement. This successful, time-tested method of eliminating knee pain and returning mobility may be exactly what you need.

Knee pain that interferes with the simplest activities - standing, sitting, walking, climbing stairs, and even resting - needs to be addressed decisively.

Knee replacement surgery has been around since 1968. It has always been a successful surgery, and it was a huge step forward for orthopedic surgery. With advanced materials and techniques, total knee replacement is the most popular surgery performed today. In fact, there are more than 581,000 knee replacement surgeries annually in the U.S.

Have you spoken with your orthopedic surgeon about knee replacement yet, or are you just starting to think about it? Either way, you are sure to find useful information in this article.

Click here for more on total knee replacement .

Knee Anatomy - A Short Lesson

Made up of three main components, the knees are the largest joint in the body. The main components of the knee are three bones, the thigh bone (femur) the shin bone (tibia) and the knee cap (patella). In addition to being the largest joint, the knee is also the easiest joint to injure.

The bones of the knee are held together and stabilized by ligaments. These are called the medial and lateral collateral ligaments and the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.

Another important part of the knee is the thigh muscle. If the thigh muscles are strong, the knee will also be strong and more stable.

Articular cartilage is a substance that pads the knee and keeps the bones from grinding against each other. This smooth material forms a cushion that allows the parts of the knee to move freely. Additionally, fibrous semicircular rings of cartilage tissue called the medial and lateral menisci absorb shock and stabilize the knee.

All of the bones of the knee are lined with synovial membrane. This thin, smooth tissue makes a special lubricant that keeps all of the parts of the knee operating smoothly.

All of these parts should work well together and give you a lifetime of painless service. However, because the knee is the most used and most often injured joint in the body, this is often not the case. An injury or illness such as arthritis can throw this delicate balance off. This can cause you loss of mobility and strength, as well as a great deal of pain.

The average age of knee replacement patients is 60-80. But this is not a cut-off number. There have also been very young patients who have found relief from juvenile arthritis, as well as very old patients who have found relieve from degenerative arthritis. When you are evaluated as a candidate, your orthopedic surgeon will look at your level of disability and the amount of pain you are experiencing - not your age. - 17268

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Who Created the Nutrisystem Diet?

By Jesse Regan

Among all the many varieties of weight-loss and diet programs and trends, how would you know which one would be the best one to choose? If you are looking for a hassle-free diet and weight-loss program that is really easy to do, then the Nutrisystem diet is the best choice for you. The Nutrisystem diet is the ultimate in customer ease and convenience. It is the perfect choice if you do not want to have to do all the meal planning, shopping for special foods while taking note of the calories each one has, cooking, and most especially portion sizes.

How does it work? The NutriSystem Program gives you a list of a variety of food available to choose from, suited for even the most discriminating palate. Once you have picked your choices, they deliver a month's worth of the food in ready-to-cook pouches. You just pop them in the microwave and in a snap you are good to go. Each delicious meal is pre-portioned and the calories calculated according to the system that will enable you to lose the specific amount of weight you want. You get all this with no bother on your part.

Now the next question is who is the mastermind behind this easy and revolutionary diet program? NutriSystem, Inc. can be given credit as the one responsible. The company was founded in the year 1972 and is currently based in Horsham, Pennsylvania. They started out as a producer of a liquid protein diet but quickly abandoned it when the concept proved to have far too much competition and became less profitable. They started another kind of weight loss program, but that did not pan out as well. They then opened up several chains of weight loss centers where dieters came in to be weighed in and then subscribed and purchased pre-packaged portion-controoled meals to bring home.

Incidentally, the company went bankrupt in the early 1990s. However, in 1999 they restarted the company and reinvented themselves as an online meal delivery service.This proved to be a great plan because they soon developed the innovative diet program called the NutriSystem Diet. In the early 2000s, the company expanded so that the customers could order their meals by monthly assortements not only online but over the phone as well.

NutriSystem Inc.s next brainchild was to extend their key demographics to include male and older customers. This caused the program to boom, as it acquired more customers. In the year 2008, NutriSystem Inc. renamed the program to NutriSystem Advanced. They then created a partnership with the popular television-marketing program that airs its 90-minute infomercials, QVC.

What sets this company apart from the others is that in its advertising and marketing strategies, they made a point not to hire celebrity endorsers. Instead, they focused on real women living normal lives. This made its consumers " who are mostly women " have more realistic model and inspiration to continue with the program and losing weight. For someone who is too lazy or even unable to really take time to exercise, and for those who think that depriving themselves in order to lose weight is a really bad idea, enrolling in the NutriSystem Advanced Diet Program is the best way to lose all that extra weight, with no hassle at all.

There goes a sample of some great information about weight training diet that you access free online. - 17268

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The Features to Look For When Buying a Juicer

By Layla Smith

There are so many juicing machines around these days it is difficult to choose a suitable one. I initially became addicted to juicing when I purchased a Lalanne Power Juicer. Many people frequently buy a juicer that is not suitable for their needs.

Before going out and buying a juicer it is important to decide what types of food product you want to juice. Since fruit and vegetable juicers are quite different from wheat grass juicers it is important to know the differences between the two. I would advise writing a list of the features you want before going out and buying.

There are various varieties of juicers available in the shops. Choices such as a masticating juicer, centrifugal juicer and a twin gear appliance can often be confusing. By far the most common and most affordable are the centrifugal appliances. Due to their high speed they are most suitable for processing vegetables and fruit. They should not be used for products like wheat grass, spinach, and lettuce.

Juicers with single or twin blades are often advised in order to avoid any juice going to waste. For these varieties, special kinds of juicers are available. The Miracle-mj 500 electric juicer is one of the types widely available in the shops today. They are cheap and contain no aluminum parts, making them particularly easy to disassemble and operate. Low speed machines reduce the oxidation of the fruit and make a higher quality juice.

Before buying the juicer you should properly check the guarantee that is being offered. A warranty of 5 to 10 years is often available on most quality juicers. It is also advisable to check the blades before purchase as they will often require replacing after 2 to 4 months of normal usage.

Take a look at the yield of the appliance. This should give you an idea of the output and efficiency. The appliance should give more juice and less waste. A motor rating of around four hundred and twenty watts is advised as heat from using a much higher power rating motor can destroy the product due to oxidation.

A branded machine such as the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better investment than a non-branded machine. This is because, spares and replacement parts and accessories are easier to find.

Many juicers are multi-functional as they can be used for making different foods besides juicing vegetables and fruit. They can be used to produce pasta, nut butters and ice cream as well as many other foods. They really are quite versatile machines. - 17268

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The Importance Of Eating Vegetables

By Holly Hanson

The new trend lately is getting healthy and feeling good about yourself. When it comes right down to it the best way to do that is going to be through exercise and healthy eating. It is not a healthy idea to think that diet pills and supplements will solve all over your problems. These pills hold no magic at all and will only take up your hard earned money. Eating vegetables and living a healthy life is what will actually make a difference in your life.

The internet and the world are full of ways to get healthy and stay in shape by eating right. The truth is most of us would rather grab a bag of salty chips than a bag of fresh vegetables. The food pyramid tells you that you must eat a certain amount of veggies, fruits, grains, etc. At the very top of the pyramid you will see that a minimal amount of sugar should be eaten.

Fruits and vegetables have many natural sweeteners that you can easily enjoy. A nice ripe apple is a great way to start your morning. Having a light salad for lunch is also a great alternative to a fatty cheeseburger. Why not add a few more years to your life by making some food changes right now.

Eating vegetables are very convenient. Most people like to grab their food and go. Now you can just grab a bag of fruits or vegetables and go on your way. Stores have precut carrots now as well as cut up fruit salads. These choices are simple and very convenient. Once you try these you will always have a taste for taste fro healthier choices.

Keeping regular is a great way to prevent colon cancer. But if you do not take the time to eat the foods that you need to eat then you will run into some issues. Vegetables are a great way to clean out your system. They have plenty of agents that will allow you to get the fiber that you need each day and stay regular.

People spend hundreds of dollars on foods that make them look incredibly unhealthy. The fact is you can save a lot more money in the long run by purchasing fresh food. Frozen and processed food may last longer but it may not be worth the price that you have to pay.

For the most part you can look at vegetables as a natural way to detoxify your body. There are various antioxidants that have been proven to keep your body up and running. Your immune system will be incredibly strong and you will wake up every morning feel refreshed and ready for the day! - 17268

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Personal Training - Why It Is Worth Your Money?

By Elizabeth Mason

People in their quest for the perfect figure mostly engage in dietary limitations, reducing their intake of food and doing away with some types of food completely. Such extreme measures may lead to reduction of weight for a brief period, but create serious health risks if continued for a long enough time. Thus, it is much more advisable to spend a part of your day indulging in some form of workout, and hiring a personal trainer is even better.

But people are usually doubtful about the efficacy of such an arrangement and are uncertain whether it can bring the benefits that it is meant to. There are, actually a whole lot of reasons to engage a personal trainer.

First of all, a personal trainer will develop an elaborate exercise plan for you and this will motivate you to attain your health objectives. This will drive you towards the kind of hard work you are capable of putting in to look after your health and fitness.

Secondly, the expertise of a personal trainer will allow you to learn the right exercise techniques, and will offer you a personalized exercise and diet program, which will perfectly fit your needs. Thus, you can shift from unfocussed exercising and crash dieting towards a routine that really gets results for you and does not do you any harm.

Thirdly, a personal trainer is more sincere to you than you tend to be with yourself, and can give you a correct picture of your fitness and health standards. Your road to a better and healthier life will also be cleared by a personal trainer who will plan for you mechanisms to battle against typical ailments.

Fourthly, avoiding a serious injury and rapid recovery from an injury can also be taught by a personal trainer, and he can make you knowledgeable enough to continue with your workout without his instructions.

Lastly, a personal trainer ensures that you are more committed towards your deadlines and routines so that you can be steady in your efforts to maintain the good health you've recently gained.

Personal training ensures that the concentration of the trainer is completely on your health and fitness standards. A good idea of your health requirements and fitness objectives is the first step towards ensuring a successful personal training program. Moreover you can cross check references, qualifications and experience of the trainer in advance, and work out a good way to communicate once training begins. If you work on all of these suggestions, personal training can perform miracles for you. - 17268

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Why you Need Detox Recipes

By Ferdinand Emy

In this era of light products and feel better attitude, it can be confusing to know which products are good and which ones are bogus and are just trying to get your hard earned money in exchange for nothing.

Among these new techniques to become healthier, detox recipes are becoming increasingly renowned. They are peculiarly sought after by people who don't have time to do exercise or go to the gym or the sauna, but who would like to get rid of the toxins in their body.

Detox recipes are given by numerous health specialists and nutriologists. They're also very easy to find on Internet or on health books in bookstores.

Because there're so numerous of them, it can be challenging to say the detox recipes that work, from the ones that don't. If you are considering|reflecting|deliberating|contemplating|taking into account|pondering|chewing over|weighing up|cogitating|ruminating detox recipes as an choice for getting rid of all the toxins in your body, here are some useful tips.

Foremost of all, trustworthy detox recipes will include their nutritional values. These include number of calories, also as quantity of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc. Detox recipes that work will have all these values obtainable to you. This will permit you to see that you are receiving all the nutritional elements that your body needs. Plus, these values are very simple to verify. That means that its very trying to lie and exaggerate or diminish a value in order to make the recipe more fascinating.

On the other hand, detox recipes that lack this data can pretty much sell you anything they wish, without any accountability for end results. This can be frustrating, to say the very least.

A lot of detox recipes will similarly recommend a good number of supplement or products to take. These might be pills, or teas, or anything in between. You might want to check the ingredients of these products. Some of them are simple and organic and they will pose no problem. Others will have chemicals and you must decide how much you trust the person that's prescribing them before taking them.

In fact, one of the safest ways to decide which detox recipes are OK is to demand as regards the experience of individuals you trust and who have followed such recipes. Since these individuals care for you and are not interested in any commission or profit, they are probably the most reliable source you can have regarding detox recipes.

In Conclusion, do not forget that detox recipes are not meant to be taken permanently. The detoxification of the body should not take more than a few days, and then normal eating habits should be taken. Unquestionably, try to keep good eating habits and you won't have to go through a detoxification process as common. - 17268

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Do You Know These 5 Dieting Myths

By Cracky McMerlot

There are numerous dieting myths flying around the internet and in the magazines. Everybody seems to have a different opinion when it comes to losing weight and dieting. Many unhealthy diets are talented at disguising themselves as good for you. Here are only some dieting myths you should avoid:

1) Honey has fewer calories than sugar: many suggest that you can replace sugar with honey in your diet. While a spoon of sugar contains 15 calories a spoon of honey contains 65 calories. As you can see the reality is that honey contains much more calories than sugar. But it is also true that honey has much more sweetening power. This makes it so that you need far fewer honey to make your coffee taste sweet. In the end it seems that honey remains a good beneficial substitute for sugar but not because it contains fewer calories.

2)From all the meats you can eat fish is the less full of fat choice:it is wide spread the idea that the fattiest fish meat that you can consume contains fewer fats than any low fat meat. This just isn't true. For example tuna contains 13 grams of fats per 100 grams while 100 grams of turkey meat contains merely 3 grams of fats. You should still eat fish even if it is fattier and contains extra calories because the fats it contains are good beneficial fats. Fish contain omega 3 fats which help you prevent cardiovascular diseases.

3) The best source of iron is spinach: this dieting myth is as old as the world. We know it form out mothers and our mothers know it from their mothers. Spinach contains 90% water and only 4 mg of iron are found in 100 grams of spinach. Unfortunately spinach isn't the greatest source of iron. There are foods that contain much more iron. From 100 grams of parsley you will get 10 mg of iron and form 100 grams of liver you will get 15 mg of iron. And there are much extra foods that contain more iron than spinach does .

4) If you eat less food your tummy will get smaller in time:this dieting myth is as naive as untrue it is. You can starve yourself for 1 week and you won't get a smaller stomach. All you succeed in doing is starve your body which is always bad. Your stomach is a muscular and elastic container. Your stomach expands when your eat food and regains its initial size after the digestive process is over. Regardless of how much you starve yourself your stomach won't become smaller. But you will harm it because all that gastric acid will start eating your stomach and you will suffer form stomach problems in time. Plus hunger is very painful. So don't do it.

5) Butter has more calories than margarine:if you are on a diet you should avoid eating them both.But if you just have to gobble one of them you should know that both have about the same caloric value, 360 calories per 100 grams. What differentiates butter from margarine is the quality of the fats they contain. Margarine contains vegetable unsaturated fats which are unhealthy while butter contains only saturated good for your health fats. Your body has an easier time using the saturated fats, but if you like margarine you can eat it because they both contain about the same amount of calories. - 17268

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A Peek at the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym

By Trent Adams

Almost all of us want great, toned, and ultra buff bodies. Except for sumo wrestlers and other people that need those extra pounds mandated by their culture, that is. Most of the time, we are subjected to strict muscle and body building workouts and strings of gym equipment. But that said, there are fitness machines designed to enable us to do more than just one work out.

The Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is that equipment. Among other things, what makes this equipment a must have for people working out at home is that this machine was engineered for home use. Once you have this at home, there is no reason why you can't have those abs and chiseled biceps even without leaving your home.

As the name suggests, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym allows you to do multi-exercises with one single machine. You can do weight lifts, heavy squats, and other weight training exercises. Even if you are training with heavy weights, you feel at ease because of the machine's overall durability and secure structural design. After all, it bears the Earthmover logo.

This three-station home gym boasts of its capability of giving you dozens of weight training workouts in leverage form. The whole design of the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym are backed by systemic research and physics and engineering. The key to its design is the lever arms, which allows you to do more than one strength exercises

These lever arms are secured by pillow block bearings, rendering the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym as one of the most durable home gym equipment in the industry. Since the machine is not using any cables or pulleys, the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym is basically maintenance free. Without a doubt, you'll save a lot of money for repairs and maintenance.

As for the frame and overall structure, you have the strongest when you opt for the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym. Made from high quality and durable materials, you could not go wrong with this baby. As for the design, the the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym looks great on any domestic setting.

The structure flaunts a solid 3x2.5-inch steel tubing and a 12-gauge wall thickness. If you really want your money's worth, then check out the Powertec WB-MS Multi-System Gym. This machine is truly a worthy investment if you want to really have those great body. - 17268

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Lose Weight With Healthy Weight Loss Diets And Programs

By Pearlie Marks

What are your reasons for thinking you may never achieve the level of weight loss you see others achieving? Is it a lot of failures in the past? A sheer love for food? Maybe a health condition that limits your physical abilities? Whatever it is, there is only one missing piece that will help you see past the issues and lose the weight once and for all.

Having a goal give you something to work towards. Additionally, you have something to be committed to. With the two factors together, you give yourself a better recipe for reaching your goal.

Take a look to the great variety of diets, conceived both by experts and ordinary people to lose weight quickly. Most of them promote starvation and the lack of essential nutrients, such as proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. The results are often far from our expectations, as we get bored and give up the diet. Is it possible to get rid of the extra weight in a healthy manner and fast? So, what's the answer? Read further and figure it out by yourself!

What thought patterns, attitudes, or mental focal points do you think may have led to your weight gain? It is often these aspects that derail a program that would otherwise lead to losing weight. You have to get your head in the game if you want to beat the odds.

Starting a diet in conditions of intellectual or physical stress will cause the lack of energy and fatigue, leading to undesired side effects. The right time to follow a weight loss diet is in the holiday or vacation, when the body is relaxed.

People tend to choose fast weight loss diets especially before going to certain events: weddings, a special dinner, class meetings, etc. Unfortunately, the results affect their health on long term.

What this means is that most weight loss diets promise a spectacular weight loss, due to the amount of water and muscle mass lost. Worse of all, the water is replaced once we start drinking liquids, eating salty foods or fast food.

When you stop eating you slow down your metabolism, fasting does nothing other than make your metabolism work even slower. Cutting stuff out is also another thing that you should not do. Everyone needs certain nutrients in order to survive and you should not take these things out of the diet that you eat.

The kind of lifestyle that you have should effect the program that you choose. Some of the kinds of programs do have more options when it comes to customization of the program. Many programs offer additions options such as attending meetings and other things to guide you through your weight loss.

Counting calories is common with many of these types of programs, which does not work for some. This is something that some don't have the time for or simply do not want to do. With that in mind, other companies offer things such as point systems to help so that a person does not have to track the calories that they eat.

Once you get your head in the right place, you just need a plan that you can reasonably follow for the rest of your life. Rapid weight loss can be done, but you have to be willing to go through the process and not lose that head strong dedication. - 17268

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