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Monday, September 7, 2009

Popular Weight Loss Myths Busted by the Best Personal Trainer in Washington, DC

By Josef Brandenburg

Becoming familiar with the popular (and still widely preached!) weight loss myths can equip you in your search for the best Washington, DC personal trainer. These fallacies have been the training pillars of the pseudo-gurus of fitness, who has done nothing but pump out cash from their poor, desperate clients.

Myth #1: Aerobic workouts are the answer to weight problems.

Busted: USDA had recommended 60 to 90 minute aerobic exercise to lose fat in the year 2005. But the results later showed that the people who had done rigorous exercise for not less than 60 minutes per day for 6 days a week ended up losing only 6.5 lbs of body fat in a year.

Although aerobic workouts are helpful for endurance training they are not very efficient in losing body weight. Interval training on the other hand heightens you metabolic rate even after 12 to 36 hours of regular workouts.

Myth #2: Abdominal crunches will help in getting perfect abs

Busted: The best Washington, DC personal trainers explain that we naturally have nice abs hiding beneath the layers of fat snuggling in our tummies. The only way to reveal great abs is to throw the fat out of the window. You think an isolation exercise, such as crunches, can effectively do that?

The best way of getting rid of this unwanted fat, is by involving a larger number of muscles to use up a huge amount of energy. Isolated exercises only focus on a particular area in the body and if crunches are not done the right way you could end up hurting your neck or back.

Personal trainers at Washington DC feel that squats are a more efficient way to lose excess fat because they involve both upper and lower body muscles. This activity is highly useful in recruiting more muscles rather than just the muscles in one particular area. When this fat is burned, you will be happy to realize that you had wonderful naturally designed abs hidden beneath the fat all along.

Myth #3: By increasing reps, light weights will help in developing well toned muscles.

Busted: The only way to define both men and women's muscles alike is through a heavy weight period! A million reps with a 1-lb dumbbell is pretty much similar to propping yourself in a couch watching football on a Friday night.

Myth #4: Eat less and workout more.

Busted: Eat healthy food and do a lot of exercise. It is so disappointing to see people constantly going on and off crash diets. They skip meals in order to lose weight and only end up gaining it all back. Hence it is always advisable to eat more and exercise more. Complete starvation only makes you crave for more food, so you very quickly put back all the weight you lost.

Eat better foods, exercise more. Munch on better foods such as fruits and veggies, whole-grain foods, nuts and beans! - 17268

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Organic Gardening - How to Start a Successful Home Garden

By Rhonda Abrons

Avoid taking on too much at one time with organic home gardening. Knowing how to start a home organic garden right the first time is the best way to ensure success.

Start Small

Edible Landscaping " Plant your vegetable starts among your existing landscape.

Small Beds " Dont go larger than 10 X 10 foot beds at first. Smaller areas are easier to manage for beginners.

Containers " Plant starts in containers on your porch, balcony or around bushes.

Pick the Best Spot

Water " A nearby water source is imperative. Struggling to get water to your plants when you are new to organic home gardening will make you want to quit fast.

Close to Your Kitchen - While this is not necessary, it sure is nice to step out of your kitchen to grab your own freshly grown produce.

Compost - Having the luxury of a nearby compost pile or the use of a wheel barrow can definitely cut down on back breaking work.

Grow What You Want

When you are purchasing your produce at a store, pay close attention, these are what you want to grow in your organic garden.

Grow what is expensive " Are there certain vegetables you love to eat, but are very expensive in the store? If the plants will work in your climate zone, try growing them yourself.

Use Variety - Having your own organic garden allows you the opportunity to experiment. Go for it.

Make It Easy for a Start

Use Plants versus Seeds - Seeds can create frustration for any beginner. To ensure your journey is enjoyable and easy, try using starter plants from your trusted local nursery.

Amend the soil " Make sure you mix your soil with compost, peat moss or other amendments to keep good drainage. Compacted soil wont allow nutrients to the plants or allow the roots to grow. Soggy, clay will rot the root system.

Mulch - This promotes moisture retention as mentioned earlier. It also keeps those pesky weeds at bay. - 17268

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Keep Toxins Away To Fight Obesity

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Natural Purple Pigments In Fruits, Vegetables And Berries, like the acai berry, could assist in preventing obesity as scientists in Arkansas are reporting new evidence that natural pigments responsible for the beautiful blue,purple, and reddish color qualities of certain fruits and vegetables may help in preventing obesity.

The study concluded that the extract form of these fruits a far more effective than eating the fruits and vegetables when it pertained to weight loss.

Dr. Prior who is part of this research team stated that a compound found in these purple fruits known as anthocyanins, prevented obesity when tests were conducted on mice fed a diet high in fat.

The mice also were reported to show other healthy benefits from the fruit. Anthocyanins are found in acai berries blackberries, purple corn, and many other purple based foods.

The study reports that researchers discovered mice that are fed a high-fat diet for 8 weeks, drinking water, and taking purified anthocyanins from blueberries and the acai berry gained less weight and had lower body fat levels than a control group.

The study found that anthocyanins extract proved to be the only way the effects of weight prevention could be met. When the mice were fed the whole berry, they tended to gain weight.

The article "Whole Berries versus Berry Anthocyanins: Interactions with Dietary Fat Levels in the C57BL/6J Mouse Model of Obesity" can be read in full in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Colorful pigments found in the skin of blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables may help prevent obesity, according to recent animal studies according to the USDA Agricultural Research Service. - 17268

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A Bowl Of Yoghurt For Long Health Is The Way To Go

By Anastacia Sampson

Longevity has been associated with regular yoghurt consumption. It?s worth knowing whether this is a myth or can be backed by sound based studies. It seems there is truth and what needs attention is the quality of the yoghurt.

Yoghurt is fermented milk with the milk being altered by acid-producing bacteria. Acid-producing bacteria ?eat? or feed on sugars and in milk the simple sugar known as lactose is converted into lactic acid. However all acid-producing bacteria do not only feed on lactose, milk sugar, but also alter other sugars and foods. The over consumption of high protein containing foods favours the less healthy bacteria in our colon by supplying more ?food? for those bacteria that oppose the acid-producing bacteria. All bacteria types build up an environment in the colon by eating and fermenting food they need. Generally the acid-producing bacteria do not need high protein but rather more carbohydrates (complex sugars).

It is after a course of antibiotics to apply the healthy policy of supplying what was destroyed. Sources of highly populated live acid-producing bacteria supplements supply what was destroyed. Antibiotics means against life and a general term to cover bacteria supplements is probiotics meaning pro life. It is within our colon that various and numerous types of bacteria all have their place to different degrees! Billions of live bacteria are needed to re-establish or improve bacterial conditions in our colon. It is through a viable supplement we do supply the bacteria, and regulation of contents needs rigorous attention and care to protect the consumers from misguided claims and poor contents.

Bacteria are needed in greater numbers due to their extremely minor size; we need those billions in dosages! Ideally plain, low-fat yoghurt with a guarantee of healthy live cultures or live bacteria is what we require for healthy living. Often to ensure that milk is safe from harmful pathogens, such as the tuberculosis bacteria, we process it before acid-producing bacteria are added! The threat of food poisoning can occur due to poor hygienic practices in the preparation of animal foods. To evade consumption of those pathogenic bacteria we need to wash all that is in contact with raw animal foods and heat the food to required levels. On the other hand bacteria that live in yoghurt have been shown to improve immune functions!

It means these bacteria may protect against auto-immune diseases, as well colds and flu from viruses. The history of live plain yoghurt in societies seems to have prolonged life in some areas of the world. Perhaps we should not mess around with a sound policy by adding flavours via flavourants and mixing in other odd preservatives and colourants. It is unhealthy to be mucking about with something that is healthy and natural. Know what you actually are feeding yourself by checking labels and the labels are hopefully complying with a quality guarantee by the manufacturer of the product. - 17268

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Strong Enough For A Women But Made For A Man

By Casy Wigwire

Weight loss and diet plans are an extremely effective way of losing excess fat and reaching your solid core that you've been dreaming about. BUT...Diet and exercise weight loss plans Start here.

Do you know why I can't lose weight? I've got a big problem with cravings: I simply can't eat diet foods when my family is eating all those good, delicious meals I like so much. Besides, I cook for them, so the temptation gets even bigger. Unfortunately, the other members of my family are thin, so I really can't put them all on a diet only because I need to lose 40 pounds. So, my problem with diets is their lack of variety in the first place. Second of all, I can't control my hunger. If I don't eat enough, I feel dizzy and I can't function properly. If I go to bed on an empty stomach, I find it impossible to fall asleep, so I need to get out of bed and grab something from the fridge. Under these circumstances, there's no wonder I'm overweight. An independent study done by National Business Research Institute in October 2008 has shown that you can't lose weight if you're hungry all the time.

Variety: my brain gets bored if I feed myself with the same foods repeatedly. I need variation, I need creativity in all my life, meals included. That's why fad diets are a big no-no for me: who can eat cabbage soup for a month and not die of boredom in the 31st day? A typical Acai Force Max day could include a chocolate chip scone for breakfast, a vegetable beef soup at lunch, macaroni and cheese at dinner, pretzels for dessert and light yogurt with fresh blueberries as snacks.

I wouldn't feed those to my dog. What they do is convince your body that it doesn't need food. Basically painless starving. If you consistently continue to train your body in forgetting itself, how exactly is that going to help your success?

So a fat burner is the way forward if you want to increase the rate at which you lose weight but choosing the right fat burner can be complicated.Some men opt for powerful, high caffeine concentrated supplements like Acai Force Max which does deliver results but come with the treatment effects such as the jitters and light headiness.

Flexibility. Nutritionists say that weight loss plans need to be adjusted according to the age and the health status of the overweight person. For instance, mens weight loss diets should be totally different than womens diets. It's normal for a man to eat different foods than a women does, and that's a plus of the Acai Force Max program: it makes the difference between individuals.

Brad Pitt is one example of the success stories resulting from these new natural fat burners. Required to shred 5% of his body fat - 20 lbs - for his recent movie "Burn After Reading", his personal trainer put him on a workout plan accompanied with one of these new fat burning supplements in which he successfully reduced his weight in the required 8 weeks. - 17268

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Preserve Your Good Physical Condition With High-quality Nourishment And More

By Sharon E Robinson

Consuming a high nourishment diet is one of the best things you can do to accomplish and retain great health. Our bodies have not evolved enough to acquire our nutrition from the nutritionally bare foods that presently line our supermarket shelves. Our bodies are designed to eat the wholesome foods found in nature.

Without doubt the best thing that you can do to perk up your well-being and complete health is to eat a healthful and balanced diet. In spite of this, there are so many processed, packaged and convenience foods in our society that often we eat those instead of the authentic foods and our healthiness suffers for it.

But it can be fairly simple to get a proper nutritional balance if you merely take into account a few things. For example, you ought to always shop around the perimeter of the grocery store first. The healthiest foods are all found around the edges of the store. The produce section, the butcher block and the dairy case are all along the edges while the boxed, processed and packaged foods are in the center.

You ought to therefore make the mainstays of your diet the things on the outside and curb the consumption of the stuff in the middle. If it wasn't around to eat when your great-great grandparents were alive then you probably shouldn't eat it either.

Incorporate a healthful assortment of multicolored fruits and vegetables, beans and lentils, fish, poultry and lean meats into your every day food. If you prefer to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet that can also be a healthy choice but diversity is still essential.

Eat in moderation. Even the healthiest foods can cause troubles if you eat too much of them and all foods can be part of a wholesome diet if eaten only in moderation. Of course, it is always a improved option to eat too many vegetables than to eat too much chocolate cake but it is better to eat all in moderation and a few things sparingly. Apply your common sense.

Even the healthiest diets can be devoid of an adequate amount of sustenance so it is also intelligent to take a good daily multivitamin. A good multivitamin can help to fill in any nutritional gaps that may be present in your diet. There are also some other healthy supplements that you may want to bear in mind such as green drinks or acai berry products as the acai berry is one of the healthiest foods on the earth.

It is also significant to revive your body by getting enough slumber and make sure that you move about and get some exercise every day. Our bodies were meant to eat healthy, be asleep and restore on a daily basis and move about and get exercise. - 17268

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Ways to Lose Weight

By Hallie L. Willis

Other than physical appearance weight affects a person in many ways. This could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of positive changes once a person experience weight loss. It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.

The first thing that an over-weight should do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss regimen. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique. And to lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

Here are fast tips that can change an over-weight's life:

First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consist of mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic approaches. The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

Third: Listen as the body speaks. Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction. Exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level. Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried. It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

Sixth: Takes lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started. - 17268

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Rotator Cuff Injuries and Repair

By Dr. Richard Edelson

One of the most frequent musculoskeletal injuries is the rotator cuff injury. Sometimes this type of injury is not associated with symptoms, but usually it is quite painful. A rotator cuff tear or rotator cuff tendonitis can cause you to experience pain and weakness in the shoulder when using your arms. It can be especially painful to lift the arm higher than shoulder level. Luckily, there are a number of ways to treat rotator cuff injuries - both surgical and non-surgical. The type of injury you have, your condition, and your age will be determining factors in deciding which type of treatment is right in your situation.

Rotator cuff injuries occur in two ways. You could either have rotator cuff tendonitis or a rotator cuff tear. It is important to realize that there are a few other conditions that can cause the type of pain one experiences with a rotator cuff injury. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to see your physician. The first step your physician will take is a physical examination. Following the examination, your doctor may inject your injured shoulder with a local anesthetic. This process will help your doctor in determining exactly what kind of injury you have. If your doctor decides that you have a rotator cuff tear, he or she may send you for some imaging tests. Imaging tests will help pinpoint the location of the injury and confirm whether or not the injury is a tear.

Rotator cuff tendonitis is more common than rotator cuff tear, but the treatment is similar for both. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, also known as RICE therapy, is prescribed for both conditions. Your doctor may also tell you to take an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen. You may also be referred to a physical therapist who will help you to understand how to modify your activities to avoid pain and may also give you instructions on exercises to help strengthen your shoulder. If these measures dont help, your doctor may give you a shot of a steroid/anesthetic mix. This injection will be made directly into the joint to help address your pain.

This sort of non-surgical intervention usually has a 50-50 chance of being effective. If it is to work, you will probably see results in 6 - 12 weeks. Using non-invasive techniques of this sort can be good in a number of ways. When you do not have surgery, you also do not have recovery time. Furthermore, you do not experience any of the risks commonly associated with surgery such as complications caused by anesthesia, permanent stiffening of the joint, or infection. One thing to realize, however, is that this approach can cause the original tear to increase in size. Additionally, even though there is not a set recovery time, you will be operating at less than your usual ability until you have completely recovered. Aside from these considerations is the fact that non-invasive techniques may not be effective. You may end up having surgery after all. If your injury is quite severe, your doctor may bypass the non-invasive option and recommend surgery right from the start.

Click here for more on rotator cuff surgery .

Rotator cuff injuries can be treated surgically in three ways:

The first way is open repair surgery. When open repair surgery is chosen, the surgeon will make a full incision into the shoulder. This large incision has the potential of leaving a large scar; however, this method allows the surgeon to have a great deal of freedom of movement.

Another method that utilizes both an incision and arthroscopy is called mini-open repair surgery. This is an outpatient procedure in which the surgeon makes a smaller incision and uses an arthroscope to see the interior of the shoulder structure. This procedure leaves a much smaller scar.

The third method is known as all arthroscopic surgery. This is the simplest option in that it is an outpatient procedure, and it also leaves the smallest scar.

The doctor will determine which procedure will work best based on the specific injury.

The majority of patients who have rotator cuff surgery experience a decrease in pain and an increase in ROM (range of motion) within four to six months following surgery. In fact, eighty to ninety-five percent of people who have this surgery report satisfaction with the results.

The success of your recovery is dependent on a number of factors. Among them are, your surgeons level of expertise, your fitness level, the severity of your injury, and your compliance with your doctors instructions.

Complications resulting from rotator cuff surgery are quite rare. The most commonly experienced complication is tendon re-tear. This is only experienced by about six percent of patients. Nerve injury may be experienced by one to two percent of patients. Infection may be a problem for one percent of patients. Fewer than one percent complain of stiffness. Less than one percent may have problems with deltoid muscle detachment. - 17268

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Cellulite Vitamin Supplements

By El Bilson

Taking vitamin supplements is one way to help get rid of cellulite. However, you should be aware of products that claim to be able to cure cellulite. Vitamin supplements are an important element in fighting off cellulite but there is no cure for cellulite to date. A low fat/high fiber diet, exercise, drinking plenty of water, and taking supplements are the most effective ways to reduce cellulite.

There are specific reasons why vitamins and minerals work against the appearance of cellulite. Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins you can take for cellulite. Vitamin C helps strengthen the skin and is a powerful detoxifier. Good food sources of Vitamin C include berries, asparagus, tomatoes and onions. While these sources of Vitamin C are good, one of the best sources of Vitamin C is citrus fruit. The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is 75 mg. for women and 90 mg. for men. Smokers should add an additional 35 mg. per day because their metabolic turnover of Vitamin C is more rapid.

Another vitamin supplement that can be used to combat cellulite is Vitamin E. Found in oil capsules, Vitamin E improves circulation in the body and helps improve the appearance of this skin. Nuts are a good source of Vitamin E and are high in protein. However, nuts also have a high fat content. If you are on a low fat diet, limit the intake of nuts and add a vitamin supplement of Vitamin E instead. Green leafy vegetables are another good source of Vitamin E and do not contain much fat at all.

Selenium can also help get rid of your cellulite. This supplement works by improving the action of vitamins C and E. Broccoli is one vegetable that is an excellent food source of selenium. Broccoli contains lipoic acid, which helps prevent the hardening of collagen in the skin cells.

In addition to selenium, calcium is another vitamin supplement that will assist in reducing cellulite. Calcium is important for fighting body fat and providing strong bones. Some good food sources of calcium to add to your diet are plain, low fat yogurt, skim milk, spinach, cottage cheese, and baked beans.

Many health specialists recommend that adults between the ages of 19-50 should have approximately 1000 mg of calcium per day. For adults over 50 years of age, the RDA is 1200 mg. per day. It is often difficult to get the RDA of vitamins and minerals just through your diet alone. Vitamin supplements can help assure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight cellulite and other health problems. You will start to notice a difference a few months after taking them.

Scientists feel that there is no one method that cures cellulite. However, vitamins and minerals are crucial in increasing the bodys ability to maintain healthy skin elasticity. When the collagen, septa and other components of healthy skin are properly nourished, then the appearance of cellulite can decrease eventually. A long-term change in lifestyle and diet is necessary to maintain healthy, cellulite free skin.

Proper diet, exercise, drinking an adequate supple of water and adding vitamin supplements are the lifestyle changes that need to be made in order to have perfect skin. Lifestyle changes such as reducing intake of alcohol, quitting smoking will help reduce cellulite. Also exercises such as yoga that increase blood circulation will help reduce cellulite. In addition, there is the extra-added benefit of having a healthier body over-all with these healthy lifestyle changes. - 17268

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Natural Herbs for Impotence: Natural Treatments

By Eric Dawson

There are a variety of supplements used to increase the male libido or sex drive and many of these pills are known to contain one hundred percent (100%) natural herbs and do not have any trace of harmful chemical substances.

In fact, there are certain foods found to contain important substances that can alter the way couples and partners enjoy their intimate experiences together. In the past, people would choose to remedy their concerns with herbs known to have potency in sexual urges.

One of the more common libido enhancing herbs are found in various spices. Although these are known to lend more flavours to dishes, these spices can also be used to increase sexual desire. For many generations and established in many countries around the world, spices are one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

Although the effect is more on the psychological side, the physical effect happens when more heat is being distributed throughout the body, thereby enhancing sexual urge. Heat is associated with aggressiveness, and spices are known to bring about more interest and spark.

Next the most famous Chinese herb Ginseng which is a great tonic herb and helps sex drive in several ways. Chemicals in Ginseng are thought to stimulate the production of hormones that stimulate cell growth and natural healing in the sex organs. It also promotes better blood circulation within the body as a whole and the genitals and finally, enhances mood and energy levels.

Bananas, which have compounds that increase libido, can be representative of the male organ, penis. The common aphrodisiac, oysters, are believed to resemble the female genitalia or the vagina. Foods that have physical semblances to certain human parts are believed to help individuals attain better sexual lives.

Kava Kava: apart from increasing the male libido this herb can also be used to treat nervousness and depression because it is known to contain compounds called "pyrones". Pyrones contain sedative and tranquilizing effects on its users and because depression is one of the major causes of low sex drive, this herb extract is sure to get you back in the mood for love.

The above combination of herbs, will if taken in sufficient strength give you stronger erections for longer naturally by, increasing testosterone, nitric oxide realize, encourage stronger blood flow and lift overall sexual stamina. So if your libido is a bit low and you want a boost and a stronger erection for longer try the above combination and you maybe glad you did. - 17268

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Body Building Supplements, Basic Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight trainers often take supplements while in training because they increase muscle mass and reduce fat absorption. They also raise your performance level and cut recovery times.

When you increase the intensity of your training, it's important to take vitamin supplements the be sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs during such increased activity. You may not have the energy necessary to do bodybuilding, which is a strenuous exercise without these.

To grow muscle, you require protein supplements like, for example, creatine and whey protein. Taking vitamin and mineral supplement during training will be sure that your body does not lose them in the process. The food eaten by us is converted into energy by vitamins and minerals. Vitamins also help with muscle building and burning fat.

There are certain protein supplements that can help you build muscle along with a training program you may have, such as creatine, amino acids, testosterone boosters, and whey protein. These proteins sooth muscle soreness and build healthy muscle tissue.

Carb blockers, fat burner supplements, and appetite suppressants will help you along with burning excess fat. Antioxidants such as green tea are good for a natural energy boost. There are many energy boosters and supplements on the market to help give you more energy and stamina during your training program.

You must eat balanced healthy meals before anything else. Supplements are necessary because it is difficult to get sufficient nutrients from our overprocessed, over-cooked food choices. Being it is not easy to get the correct nutrition from foods because the foods are over cooked, cooking, as well as other factors, it would be good for us to take supplements.

It takes much more than vitamins and minerals to build strong, healthy muscles. Hard work and commitment are required in order to build up lean muscles and reduce fat deposits. If you do not ingest a supplement with your diet and training, you will have a very hard time building muscle.

Bodybuilding is not a good time to begin using steroids. You will build muscle at record speed; but you will sacrifice your health and well being. It is hard for the tendons and ligaments to keep up with the muscles which are fast in growing, which creates body builders who use steroids to be more susceptible to injury.

They also cause extreme aggressiveness, affect liver and other essential functions in the body. There is not a magic pill that can make you build muscle and lose weight without a lot of hard work and dedication. These products can also be dangerous.

Always remember the fact that supplements only work when your diet and your training program are desirable. They are the fundamental to your success. A poor diet and incorrect training cannot be compensated for by supplements, no matter how many you take. - 17268

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Cellulite Diets for You

By El Bilson

Can't wait not not only shed those pounds, but have smoother skin as well? A cellulite diet plan will help you get the body you've always wanted!

Are you always trying a different cellulite diet plan in hopes of finally getting rid of your cellulite? There are many different diets on the market today. How do you know what will work the best and fit your individual needs?

It isn't that are to figure out what diet is best for you. The best diet for you is the one you will stick with for your whole lifetime. If you are always craving foods on a certain diet, eventually you will give into your cravings. A good diet plan is one you can follow for life and gives your body the necessary nutrients it needs to survive.

Various popular diets on the market right now include:

Diets involving low fat foods

Diets involving low carb foods

Diets involving low glycemic index foods

South Beach Diet

Foods featured in the Atkins Diet

Foods featured in The Zone Diet

Foods featured in the Weight Watchers Diet

Foods in a low sodium diet

High Fiber Diet

There are many other diets not mentioned above that involve the same principles. Eventually, you need to find something that does not totally restrict certain foods that you may enjoy but arent healthy. By eating the foods you enjoy in moderation, you will be able to stay on track with your diet. A healthy diet will not only improve your skin, but it will enhance your overall health and well being. You will have more confidence and feel better both mentally and physically.

However at a certain point in your quest for perfect, cellulite free skin, you may want to consider doing a detox. Detoxing has been around for years but has recently become popular. Lots of people have seen amazing results from taking a little bit of time to rid their bodies of harmful chemicals and toxins.

Detoxing is rather easy to do, and there are many different ways you can accomplish good results. One of the most popular detox methods is a liver cleanse. If a liver cleanse doesn't appeal to you, colon and kidney cleanses have also been shown to produce healthier bodies. A break from your normal routine on a regular basis to do a detox diet should be considered part of your overall cellulite diet plan.

A different part of your cellulite diet plan should include avoiding certain foods that you may be sensitive to. Various foods can affect people differently. The results are often seen with weight gain, skin problems and decreased energy. Foods with large quantities of salt can increase the amount of cellulite you have. Pay attention to what you put in your body, and how you look and feel after eating.

Remember " the best cellulite diet plan is the one you will stick to! - 17268

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