Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Choosing the Right Dog for Your Children

By sapibontv

When choosing the right dog to add to the family, it is wise to consider several things. You should think about how much space you have available for the new pet, how much time and attention can be devoted to him, and the age and personality of your children. Often, the first dogs to be considered are larger breed dogs, such as a Golden or Labrador retriever because of their reputation for being gentle and protective. But, a large breed dog is not necessarily the best pet for you or your children. If you live in a small space and you have children who want to take part in caring for the new pet, a wonderful choice is the Teacup Chihuahua. This tiny puppy will only grow to about six pounds, making it an excellent choice for a dog to be kept indoors. Below is some information about the Teacup Chihuahua to help you make an informed decision when adding a new pet to the family.

Size: 6-10 inches is height, not weighing more than 6 lbs. (the smallest dog breed in the world!)

Life Expectancy: Up to 18 Years

Temperament: Spirited, alert, and active, the tiny Teacup enjoys play and walks. Though very small, he is protective and eager to please. Teacup Chihuahuas make excellent lap dogs because they love their owners, and enjoy attention.

Grooming: Teacup Chihuahuas need very little grooming. All they need is regular brushing, nail trimming and baths.

Exercise: The perfect companion for even the busiest of households, this little dog will get plenty of exercise just playing in the house. They do enjoy walks though.

Health Concerns: Because of their small size, Teacup Chihuahuas are more susceptible to health issues, such as hypoglycemia and dehydration. They are also affected greatly by weather, and should not be allowed to get too cold.

Overall, the little Teacup Chihuahua is an excellent pet to add to your family. However, they are so tiny and fragile that they can be accidentally injured by very young children. Preferably, a Teacup should be considered for a household with older children of at least age eight. - 17268

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Double Standard: Presidential Exercise

By Dr. Bill

I just read an article that says President Obama works out 6 days a week, for 45 minutes, and this doesn't count the time he spends playing basketball. W used to work out every day too, and somehow liberals managed to criticize him for it.

During his recent appearance on Jay Leno, Obama told Jay that he likes to bowl, too . A funny scenario popped up in my mind, where the President plays a match against some of his liberal buddies. For every point over 129 that Obama bowls, I would be willing to donate a dollar to charity.

Its a good thing the new President is following in the steps of the old President by working out. Its no secret that this may be the most stressful job in the world.

Just to back up the theory about how stressful the job is on our Presidents, take a look at the photos from Inauguration Day and compare them to the photos shot on the last day of the administration. Looking at those exit photos, you are bound to see a much older looking man -- grey hair, dark under eye circles, and more wrinkles.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people tell me that they can't fit in the time to exercise in their daily lives.

Are you telling me that your schedule is more hectic than that of the President of the United States?

Others tell me it's too expensive.

The last time I checked, walking was free of charge.

People also tell me that they don't exercise because they feel they have no support from others.

This has to be something that you do for yourself.

Then I hear I don't know how!

Luckily there are so many, many ways to get help, and lots of them are free.

So here is what I have to say: Get started, and NO WHINING ALLOWED!

It doesn't cost you anything to get started on an exercise plan -- you can troll the Internet for workout tips, and if you need support, form a group! If our incumbent President and our last President, who come from completely opposite sides of the fence and have stress levels and schedules that are outrageous, can still find the time and energy to work out, so can you.

Here's a tip that will help you get started: take a pharmaceutical-grade, enteric coated fish oil.

Now this does cost some money, but in order to be a success, you have to invest in yourself, and this is a darn good way to do that. Medical professionals are finding more and more reasons to take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, every day and I tell those stories right here, on a regular basis.

I strongly recommend that you place an order for your fish oil right now, and put all self-defeating thoughts out of your head. If you start exercising and taking the fish oil right now, by the first of June, you could be 10 pounds lighter. - 17268

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The Best Muscle Building and Fat Burning Program

By Josh Owen

What exactly is the Weight Lifting Complete Program or WLC Program for short?

Many people know this program as the WLC Program. The Weight Lifting Complete Program is a muscle building and fat burning system. It's guaranteed to help you get the body you want in the shortest possible time.

Why is it so important to burn those fat rolls and add muscle to your body?

Body fat is dead weight that simply weighs your body down. Your entire body suffers from the extra body weight those fat rolls are adding. Body fat is unattractive and leads to many health problems including disease that leads to death.

Muscle tissue is the exact opposite of body fat. Your muscle mass works for you and helps you in every day life. You use muscle all day, every day. You sure can't say the same thing about body fat. Who couldn't use more muscle mass?

Muscle not only makes your life easier, but it makes your life more fun. Imagine your new levels of energy. You'll want to get out more and have fun with your family and friends. Watching TV all the time will be a thing of the past. You'll actually be proud of your lean and muscular body.

How does the Weight Lifting Complete Program help you get a lean and muscular body?

Let me warn you before I go on. It does take hard work and dedication to get a lean and muscular body. The WLC Program is not difficult to learn, but you will have to work hard throughout the program. Hard work and dedication along with a step-by-step approach will get you very fast results.

You'll learn step-by-step how to gain muscle mass and lose fat. The WLC Program teaches you how through 8 different components. Each component is a very important piece of the muscle building and fat burning equation:

* Weight Training

* Nutrition and Diet

* Cardio Exercise

* Measuring Progress and Making Adjustments

* Rest and Recovery

* Gaining Muscle Principles

* Fat Burning Guidelines

* Planning and Goal Setting

The program teaches you everything you need to know to get the body you've always wanted. You won't find another program in the world that's so complete in every aspect. Try finding a program that includes all of the components above. You won't!

And that's why it's called the Weight Lifting Complete Program. It's a complete muscle building and fat burning program.

You'll soon have the keys to your new dream body. Congratulations. You no longer have to search and hunt for the information you need to make progress. You won't have to learn through trial and error experiences any more. I spent 10 years of my life learning so you don't have to.

Make progress starting right now. Get your copy of the WLC Program today. Get instant access at the link below. - 17268

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Have you ever done this yourself? Well, Im here to tell you that spot reduction (attempting to burn fat in just that one little --or big-- spot on your body that you are unhappy with) does not work.

By Curtis Ludlow

Did you ever see doing thousands of crunches, ab exercises and moves all in trying get a smaller waist line, or to burn fat solely around their midsection?

Have you ever done this yourself? Well, Im here to tell you that "spot reduction" does not work.

If spot reduction did work, chewing gum would give you a skinny face, right? What you really need to do is to focus on what does work. If you want your body to burn fat around your midsection, then the latest ab crunch device isnt going to do it.

Here are 3 things you can do right now to burn more fat:

1. Maintain the muscle you have now.

Within the framework of your personal transformation program, you must work to maintain the muscle that you already have. This is important to you because muscle is a metabolically active tissue.

The bottom-line is that when you have more muscle, you burn more calories, and you can potentially burn more fat.

2. Eat "thermic meals".

Eat a small meal every 3 " hours that contains a lean protein, fibrous carbohydrate, and starchy carbohydrate. Doing this will keep your blood sugar levels stable, which will give you more energy, and burn more calories, paradoxically. It will also keep you satiated and you will never feel like you are dieting or depriving yourself.

3. Use interval strength training.

An interval training program is any program that alternates high and low intensities of exercise. A professional athlete might have to sprint uphill for 30 seconds, whereas a grandmother could be performing a "high intensity" interval by doing five body weight squats.

Interval training has been conclusively proven to be the most efficient way burn more fat and keep your metabolism high even after the training session has been completed.

Remember, you must take action if you expect to see and feel physical changes in your body. Reading this article will have been a waste of your time, UNLESS you DO SOMETHING about what you just learned.

What can you do right now?

You must examine your beliefs about what is possible in your life. You must develop a strategy to acquire your goal, or maybe find a personal trainer who already has a proven strategy to attain a similar goal.

You are not limited to your current state -- you can change anything and everything as long as you first accept who you are at this moment.

It happens the instant you decide that you are fed up and NOT going to settle for anything. Never settle for anything less than you can be. Make up your mind right now and set a physical fitness goal for yourself.

Make your personal training goal challenging yet attainable. Set a deadline for its achievement. Think of the real reason WHY you want it. And take action now! Get up and move! You do have time! Create the body and life of your dreams now! - 17268

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Does acai berry really work?

By Jackson Fernandez

Acai is a smallish berry that's purple in color, and it's native to the rainforests of the Amazon, especially in Brazil. The natives of Brazil have known of the wonderful benefits of acai for many years, and now you can experience the renewed vitality that acai brings. The acai berry has a lot of benefits, like a drop in blood pressure, and an increase in energy. Some even believe it's an aphrodisiac.

Almost no other food on Earth can match the potent antioxidant levels of acai berries. Antioxidants are well known to combat the detrimental effects of free radicals.A lot of purple berries, like raspberries and blueberries, are good sources of beneficial antioxidants, and acai is right at the top of the heap.

Acai skins are loaded with anthocyanins. These are very powerful antioxidants, that are also found in large quantities in red wine and red grape skins.. Berries from the acai plant are packed with fiber, plant sterols, fatty acids, and polyphenols.

If you're struggling with high cholesterol, acai's plant sterols can possibly help bring your levels under control. No food can solve every medical condition, but there's a lot of evidence that supplementing your diet with acai can make you feel better and have more energy.

The ways to consume acai are only limited by your imagination. There's acai juice, which is delicious by itself, or you can mix it with other fruit juices like cranberry or cherry, or perhaps stir a bit into a glass of tea. If that's not your style, you can get any one of the many available capsule acai supplements or even an acai-packed nutrition bar.

There are numerous studies that tout the many health benefits of acai berry. A 2006 study by the University of Florida proved that acai berry could kill off human cancer cells in lab tests. Research into the cancer-fighting properties of acai is ongoing.

You may have seen acai in the news or on TV....on the Oprah show, Dr. Mehmet Oz did a segment on the many benefits of incorporating acai into your life. If you'd like to try it for yourself, acai is readily obtained in health food outlets, grocers, and drugstores. It doesn't matter how you consume it, but you simply must try acai- it's both tasty and beneficial! - 17268

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Making Your Life Better Choosing a Good Detox Diet

By Chris Marex

Tips for choosing a good detox diet can benefit a person who's finally made the choice to attempt to clean his or her body of accumulated potentially-harmful toxins and impurities. The name given to the procedure which has as its aim the excision of all these toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and other substances from the body is "detox," or more formally; detoxification.

Unfortunately, people can sometimes become confused when it comes to a detox diet. This is mainly in the area of thinking a single detox will permanently repair all of the damage done over a lifetime. They're only partially correct, however, because no single treatment can return a person to a feeling of once-lost vigor. A partial restoration is possible, of course, but it'll take a while and maybe a consistent and regular schedule of detox before full cleansing will take place. Still, a little bit is better than nothing at all.

Irregular detoxification is only a halfway-serious way of trying to cleanse a body of collected impurities and the like. It's really the case that a consistent, scheduled and logically laid-out program of detox should be entertained. It should also be a component of a change in diet and lifestyle in order to ensure the beneficial effects of detox aren't ruined by a return to poor eating and such. Benefits, after all, are then sustainable.

In regards to a detox diet, what are the kinds of foods and liquids - singly or in combination - which needs to be included? Usually, the top diets have a pair of phases that can assist in bringing about complete recovery when dietary and lifestyle changes are also made. The effect will only be temporary, though, if more permanent modifications in diet, for example, aren't forthcoming after detox.

The initial phase is usually referred to as a flush. This phase hits the body hard and fast in terms of taking in the right blend of juices which are mixed together with the aim of detoxification. In most cases, they're taken orally, though there are other methods of introducing the mix into the body. This would depend, of course, on the body systems or organs to be flushed. Colonics are an example of this.

Detox diets can be designed to hit at certain systems and parts of the body. A popular detoxification involves going in and cleaning out the body's bloodstream. Most of the diets aimed at cleaning out blood are called "blood cleanses." They usually attempt to clean the blood of toxins and other substances in the blood from meals that were eaten in the recent past.

A blood cleanse, though, isn't considered a complete detox. And it does nothing to help excise certain chemicals like mercury, which can build up in the tissues and organs in the body over the years. The kind of detox which aims to help to detoxify these tissues and organs is called a chelating treatment. Most of the time, this is phase number two in a detox diet. People who undergo chelating are advised to keep in mind that they may feel a bit worse, at first, after the process. That's because all those chemicals and substances have to be run through the kidneys and liver before excretion.

Effective detoxification aims to help a person deal with all of the problems created by poor diet and the introduction of others substances into the body which have occurred over a lifetime. To obtain the most effective results, it's always a smart thing to change diet permanently, and well as certain other lifestyle choices, like putting down cigarettes for good. - 17268

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7 Key Points to Lose Fat and Get Fit Quickly

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that it has no calories at all.

2. Have a glass of water while you eat as well. Take a drink after each bite and you will feel full more quickly so you can leave the table feeling satisfied without feeling bloated. Drinking water while you eat will also help your food to settle more quickly, which also helps you to feel full faster.

3. Fruit juice isn't as healthy as most people think either. Juice actually has a lot of sugar in it as well. Instead of drink fruit juice, eat more fruit. Fruit provides your body with much needed fiber as well as vitamins.

4. Increase your fiber intake as much as you can. This usually means eating more fruits and veggies.

5. Watch what you eat. Keep a watchful eye on every thing that goes in. Sometimes the garnishes can richer than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that it is the easiest thing in the world to eat something without realizing that it was something that you should not have eaten. Selective memory you know.

6. Eat only when you are hungry. Be sure to drink a glass of water first to determine if you really are hungry or if you are really thirsty. Many people have the tendency to eat when they see food. It doesn't mean they are hungry; they just want to eat it. Don't eat anything you're offered unless you really are hungry. If you feel you must eat it out of being polite, just nibble, don't have a meal.

7. Go easy on coffee and tea. They are safe by themselves. It is if you add the sugar and cream that they get fattening. Do you know drinking a cup of coffee or tea that has at least 2 cubes of sugar and cream is as fattening as eating a large piece of rich chocolate cake? - 17268

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6 Killer Tips to Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Ease

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Eat only when you are hungry. Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day's party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely bit just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.

2. Veggies make great snacks. They can get you through the hunger pangs if you are having them. Carrots are great because they satisfy hunger and they are packed with nutrients.

3. If you must have your tea and coffee, try to drink it black. Black tea or coffee actually has health benefits to it as long as you counteract the caffeine in your body with a nice big glass of water. Caffeine is also not good for you because it makes you irritable. Another type of tea that you can drink freely is green tea. Green tea has been used as a medicine in China for over 4,000 years. It aids the digestive system and can help ease an overly full stomach and it has been linked to a reduction in cancer risk.

4. Work off the extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel you have splurged too much this week, be sure to get to the gym or go walking a little longer to work off those extra calories you have consumed.

5. Don't skip meals. You should have, at the very least, three meals a day, but preferably five small meals. This will keep you from getting hungry during the day and overeating out of starvation.

6. Don't eat more than one egg yolk per day. It is best if you can reduce your egg yolk intake to three a week. - 17268

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Lose Weight By Exercise And Optimum Food

By Melissa King

Fatness and being overweight is reaching endemic proportions in the United States presently. Our inactive lifestyles and the Standard American Diet are making us fat, lazy and out of condition. We don't exercise and we don't eat right.

All through times past our bodies evolved in such a way as to make sure continued existence. This means that our bodies biologically preserve energy and fat to protect us in times of scarcity. The problem today is that the only famine we ever truly live through is the self-imposed one that we get when we go on limiting diets.

But our bodies do not make a distinction between a limiting diet and a shortage. We go on a diet and our bodies impair our labors by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one of the reasons why it gets more grueling to lose weight with every subsequent diet.

A big part of the answer to this dilemma may be to just stop dieting and start eating. Begin working with your biology instead of against it by discontinuing the outlandish diets and eating like you are supposed to.

The answer encompasses more than just eating though. The Standard American Diet or the apropos acronym SAD is to a great extent contributing to our tribulations with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were never intended to eat the unhealthy, nutritionally void and processed foods that are so abundant in our society.

As humans we are intended to eat the nutritious, beneficial, natural foods that come from nature. The earth naturally supplies the foods that are optimal for our bodies and that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. It does not include the foods that are found in a box in the middle of your neighborhood superstore. The less processed and more natural a food is the better it is for our bodies.

Our bodies were also designed to be in motion and work out. Our ancestors spent most of their days up and about, moving around and our bodies are designed for that. If you intend to lose weight and become healthier the solution is to include both a healthy diet with optimum nourishment and an exercise plan.

If you want to combat obesity, drop weight for good and create optimum vigor start by altering your diet to include the healthiest foods from nature and integrate an exercise plan into your days. Your body will thank you and the pounds will drop off. - 17268

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