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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The 6 Hurdles You Must Cross In Order to Gain Height

By Rodney Williams

A person's height is determined by many factors. Therefore, there are also many things that can stunt growth. Your body is like a machine with great potential. If you care for your body, it can increase your height. However, things like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, posture, exercise, and sleep dramatically impact your level of growth. If you wish to make yourself taller, it is important that you master these six obstacles.

Over consumption of carbohydrates is one of the biggest setbacks to growing taller. This is why Asians, with traditional diets consisting mainly of carbohydrates, are generally smaller in size than the Western cultures who balance their diets with protein. Carbohydrates are most commonly found in foods like cereal, breads, potatoes, and rice. Foods consisting mainly of carbohydrates are typically high in calories. Eating too many calories causes weight gain, which makes you appear shorter and negatively affects the spine as it grows. If your diet consists mainly of carbohydrates, then you are counteracting your efforts to grow.

A diet with too many fats can also work against you as you try to become taller. Although your body needs some fat for insulation and to promote metabolism, too much will cause significant weight gain. There are basically two types of fats, saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are found in items like butter, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and the fat on meat. They are high in calories and quickly cause weight gain. Also, the cholesterol in saturated fats can cause heart disease. Unsaturated fats, found in vegetable oils, are healthier because they are lower in cholesterol and calories.

Too little protein can be as harmful as too many fats and carbohydrates. It takes a lot of protein to make your body grow. Your body breaks down protein to form amino acids. Human Growth Hormone is composed of amino acids derived from protein. This is the hormone that triggers growth in your entire body. Protein aids metabolism and the creation of many of the other enzymes needed for your body to grow. Ideally, your diet should include protein-rich food such as meats, dairy, and legumes.

If you do not get the right amount of sleep you will also hurt your efforts to grow. Sleep helps you gain height in two ways. First, as you lay down horizontally you give your body the opportunity to counteract the gravity that has compressed it all day. Once you lay down, your spine begins to decompress and stretch. This optimizes your spine for growth. Additionally, when you sleep you give your body the chance to use the Human Growth Hormone released during the day and trigger growth in your bones and muscles. It is essential that you sleep long enough to both decompress and grow. This is typically eight hours. If you sleep too long, you might become lazy and gain weight. Make sure your spine is supported by a firm mattress as you sleep. You want to keep your spine straight to maximize growth.

Exercise is critical if you are trying to improve your health and gain height. Exercise makes your body generate and release Human Growth Hormone. Also, when you stretch you can increase your cartilage to support the decompression and growth of sleep. Exercising also increases your metabolism which helps your body better use the nutrients in your diet.

Sleep, diet, and exercise are nothing without posture. Posture plays a major role in height and many people are shorter than they should be because of poor posture. Your spine must be kept straight in order to take advantage of all the work you have done towards a height gain. If you hunch over, have rounded shoulders, or other forms of poor posture then you are compressing your spinal column. When your spine is supported correctly throughout the day and night, it will be able to grow to its full potential.

It is very likely that these six obstacles can stunt your growth by several inches. By making some simple changes in your life you will have the amazing ability to overcome these problems and increase height. Discipline yourself to get the right nutrition, sleep, exercise, and posture. This discipline will lead to a healthy body that can reach its full height potential. - 17268

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Picking Home Cardio Equipment - The Two Best Pieces

By Gabriel

A good number of people like to have at least one piece of home cardiovascular equipment in their home gym. Picking out home exercise equipment isn't forever the easiest task, however. This is one state where a commercial gym has the leg up; you can just walk in and have your choice. However, at home there are generally the considerations of space and budget. That means that you require to be careful when you're picking your equipment.

Home decorating can make developments to any area in your home. Decorating your home gym is probably not at the top of your list but why not add some life to the room which is meant to be motivating and full of vigor.

The cause for that is the element of resistance it gives as well as it utilizes a great deal more muscles at one time over a treadmill or bike. You'll be able to achieve more of a workout, in a natural motion; in a lot less time than if you were on another piece of cardio equipment. Rowers can usually be obtained for a lot less than a treadmill or stationary bike because of their lack of fame and lack of electronics.

If you are having trouble coming up with ideas for decorating your home gym, you may desire to seek advice or flip through a few home decorating catalogues.

More convenient, perhaps, is to procure a DIY kit. These kits have everything precut, so that all you require to do is put everything together. Follow the detailed instructions included and screw in nuts and bolts. Just a little time later on and there you go. These kits can be both robust and cost effective, and of course they're much simpler than building your own from scratch with your materials. You do have choices as to what type of materials you desire to build your kit from, including wood or metal, for example.

These kinds of home units will have doors that have a good seal so that the steam will not get away out of them. This is good because you wish to make sure you get the most out of your sauna and not waste energy. The doors themselves are usually made from wood and/or glass.

Like the rowing machine it's simple to find a good quality stair climber at a fairly reasonable price relative to treadmills and exercise bicycles. They aren't as admired and so the demand price is lower. They do tend to be more costly than rowers since they have more electronics and mechanical parts. - 17268

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Does Oolong Tea Cause You To Get Headaches?

By Jared Rothe

The tea oolong is a mixture of green teas and black teas. It has been around for centuries and many actually drink oolong to relieve and cure headaches. To understand what causes headaches and why you may have gotten them after drinking lets look at what makes up oolong.

All teas go throught a fermentation process. Black tea goes through the process and through that black tea contains about 40mg of caffeine per cup. So this type of tea should be drank in limited quantities. It so happens that oolong tea is made up of some black tea. So if you drink a lot of oolong tea headaches can occur.

Green tea is the second ingredient in oolong tea. It is processed to contain about 20mg of caffeine per cup. Green tea contains many antioxidants that fight of free radicals and help to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Many people of china drink tea for medicinal purposes. One such treatment it is used for is to cure headaches. Researchers believe that when you have a headache tea helps to reduce the problem. It depends on your weight and genetics with how much you should drink.

People will become dependent on the caffeine from tea if they drink too much. Sometimes headaches occur when you go through withdrawals by not drinking enough tea or caffeine. On the opposite if you never drink beverages that contain caffeine you can also shock your body and headaches can happen.

One of the many benefits of Oolong tea is that it has many antioxidant properties as mentioned above and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for years. When a person drinks Oolong tea their body begins to flush out toxins and free radicals that cause damage to the body. This process of cleansing and flushing these harmful agents from your body can actually cause a headache. So it is not actually the Oolong tea that is causing the headaches it is your body's defense mechanism as harmful toxins are flushed out.

So does Oolong tea cause headaches? Not in the essence that it's the tea that is causing the headache, it may be one of the underlying reasons mentioned above. - 17268

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What is the Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

The acai berry is a small, round, and purple berry that grows on the acai palm tree. These trees are native to Central and South America, and are especially well known in Brazil. The fruit is about one inch in diameter, and looks pretty similar to a grape. However, one main difference is the fact that the acai berry has an incredibly large seed, which makes up about 80% of the whole fruit.

Since there is so little edible fruit on the berry, it is necessary to use many to get any usable amount of pulp. Luckily, each tree can produce up to 900 berries, which can be harvested twice each year. Even the large seed does not go to waste. Instead of being tossed aside the seed is ground up and used to feed livestock, made into jewlery, and of course used to make more acai palm trees.

South American countries have used the Acai berry for years as a powerful source of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. This makes it a very high-energy superfood. The Acai berry is also rich in iron, protein, and fiber. It could very well be one of the most nutritious foods in the world!

In a recent test on the ORAC scale, the acai fruit came out on top. The ORAC tests the antioxidant capabilities of all types of foods. Antioxidants help repair the day to day wear and tear our bodies cells are faced with. This means that they help ward of cancer and other diseases, boost the immune system, and help restore a youthful appearance. The Anthocyanins found in acai help improve eyesight and protect the nervous system.

The high protein levels in the Acai berry could be very beneficial in lowering cholesterol. The amount of fiber in the berry is great for aiding the digestive system.

The berry contains Omega 3, 6, and 9. This helps absorb many different vitamins, as well as helping to protect against hypertension.

It wasn't until Brazilian surfers revealed that acai was one of their secrets to success in competitions that the rest of the world caught on to this amazing fruit. In fact, it can still be very difficult to get your hands on pure acai pulp (the most potent form of this fruit) in the United States.

Research is just beginning on all the benefits of the Acai berry, but enough has already been done for us to know that this is a very powerful health food. - 17268

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Some Clear Information on Body Building

By Amanda Gamdana

The allure of developing a great physique may have prompted many to head to the nearest gym for a body building session, but do you know what body building really is? It is a term used to describe how people use the right foods and proper exercise to develop strong, muscular bodies for the purpose of competition or to look good.

Perhaps the most notable characteristics of such an intensive effort is the development of strong, toned muscles which creates the desired aesthetics effects. Is there a way that bodybuilding standards can be realized and how do you ensure the best way to achieve it? You need to ensure that the right amount of exercise and the intake of highly nutritious food is observed in order to achieve all of the desired results.

Let's start by taking a closer look at the first element, weight lifting. You need physical endurance and strength to undergo a rigorous weight lifting session, which normally includes the use of machines and equipments. Weight lifting may originate as a form of sports, but there are many who choose to take up weight lifting to develop attractive bodies. The effect of weight lifting on the entire body has attracted many to start their own program, especially those who need to recover from a recent serious injury. Weight lifting can be incorporated as part of a health or rehabilitation program.

It is imperative to observe a good dietary program to make your body building program a success. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1. The best form of carbohydrates would be complex sources.

There are plenty of delicious carbohydrates for that fast energy action such as brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potato. Fiber is essential in body building, it helps to remove unwanted toxins and increase intestinal health.

You need to drink plenty of fresh water during your body building program to help hydrate the cells and prevent your body from using your muscle mass. One good habit to follow is to start each session at the gym by drinking plenty of fresh water and end each session with some fresh liquids as well. You can even drink between exercises! Often, the presence of a good instructor would be necessary to teach you the way to lift weights and how to perform proper stimulation for the body parts without creating any damage to the ligaments and tendons. - 17268

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