Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Analyzing A Pair Of Popular Fitness Pieces Of Equipment

By Paul Philips

Every time I go to the gym, which is never as often as I'd like, I end up spending about a half an hour doing cardio exercises.

There are many reasons that I enjoy doing this. Aside from the health benefits and the fact that it's a surefire fat burner, I experience some other benefits as well. Most notably, I simply feel better and more productive throughout the course of any given day whenever I've run.

After listing those benefits, I have to wonder why I don't exercise like this every day!

As far as my cardio activity is concerned, there's one issue that I've wondered about for a very long time. I've never known whether the treadmill or the elliptical was a better means of working out, but I've learned a lot along the way. Which machine wins at the end of the day?

The best way to figure this out is by doing a quick pros and cons analysis. Here are a few key points about each.

First, let's take a look at the elliptical machine. The advantages of this as compared to the treadmill are pretty nice.

People really enjoy the fact that it's a low impact machine, meaning that your knees, legs, and back don't feel the impact that they normally would if they were running on the ground. If you're concerned about the durability of these body parts, you'll like the elliptical.

I'm also a big fan of the fact that you can add resistance to your workout, meaning that there's a better opportunity to build leg strength via this means of exercise.

Moving onto the treadmill, many will argue that this is the way to go. For one, you're not exactly running on an elliptical as you would on a treadmill, and some people think this takes the fun out of things.

There's also the issue of time. People can generally burn calories more quickly by running on a treadmill than they can on the elliptical. If you're on a tight schedule, you'll definitely benefit from the treadmill here. - 17268

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The Fastest Way To Gain Muscle

By Cliff Pape

The quickest way to gain muscle consists of many techniques. You will want to make sure you are doing a lot of research when you are looking to gain muscle mass. The last thing you will want to do is something that would be harmful to your body. Also, just because it is quick does not exactly mean it is harmful to you. You want to learn the good and bad things out there so you can gain muscle the quickest, and so yo are not doing more harm than good to your body.

Working on resistance is the best way to gain muscle mass, that is increasing the weight load while keeping the same repetitions. For example, on the first workout working with 100 pounds for 8 repetitions, and on the next work out, working with 105 pounds for 8 repetitions and then on the third workout, working with 110 pounds for 8 reps.

You also want to make sure that you are getting plenty of water, protein and vitamins in your diet. You also want to makes sure that you are staying away from the bad carbohydrates and overly excessive sugary foods. So many people end up focusing on their workout and think that they can eat and drink whatever they would like. While that may be true for those simply looking to not gain weight or get fat, if you are looking to quickly gain muscle mass, it is important to always make sure that you are watching your diet.

If you have the money, you may want to hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer can give you guidance and support all while helping you stay on the right path. While you have you routine in place, it is important to give yourself time to relax. Your muscles will grow while you are in periods of rest, so do not work out seven days a week.

So once you have done the research and separated the good techniques from the bad, you will be ready to quickly gain the muscle you have always wanted! - 17268

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HCG Diet: Day 17

By Amelia Handley

This is Day 17 of my 25 day homeopathic HCG weight loss program. I get online periodically to check out info on the diet and today I was looking through some diet pill reviews that were listed along with some reviews of the HCG programs out there. It made me more positive than ever that the homeopathic method of weight loss is far better than the alternatives!

It sounded like some of the popular weight loss pills have some pretty heavy duty health issues that are cropping up as side effects; at least that's what some of the diet pill reviews were saying. I, of course, forwarded all of the scary diet pill reviews to my HCG dieting buddy, Lisa's, husband. He was a nay-sayer when we were discussing doing the homeopathic HCG diet. So I wanted to remind him again how right I was and how wrong he was.

Lisa is my dieting buddy. (I'll just run you through a little reminder of the story in case you haven't read the previous articles in the series). When I decided to do the homeopathic HCG diet I asked Lisa to do it with me. I thought the competition would do me good. We decided to have a bet on the side to make it even more interesting. The winner gets a pair of jeans courtesy of the other.

Lisa's husband on the other hand was not sold on the diet right away. He was pretty unsure of the benefits. He didn't believe me when I told him about the average weight loss numbers and the case studies. He eventually gave in, but I do continually remind him of the positives of HCG and the negatives of the alternatives just in case he starts to forget that I was right. So it's only natural that I would forward the negative diet pill reviews his way.'s day 17 and I'm so excited. But I didn't lose any weight today. Shoot! I'm still at 156. But I'm still doing great. At least I didn't gain any weight, right?

I took my HCG three times and my B-Total once. I'm back to taking it first thing in the morning. It's a good start to the day. I decided to go without Melba Toasts today since I seem to be stuck on a plateau. That's one of the suggested plateau breakers in the protocol book. I grilled a steak at lunch and had a small portion of it and stored the rest (leftovers are fabulous on this diet). I had some strawberries and some green tea with lunch. For dinner I made the chicken asparagus soup. It was really cold so it was the perfect dinner. I had more strawberries for a late night snack. I missed the Melba Toasts, but I managed. We'll see if it worked tomorrow. - 17268

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Lab Tests

By Dr. Jason Fowler

You are at the doctor's office because you think something might be wrong. Rationally, you know tests are probably necessary, but getting the tests done sometimes provokes a lot of anxiety in all of us. We want to know the results, but are very concerned about the outcome."You need blood work" your doctor remarks casually. Your insides do an immediate flip-flop and you feel as if you've just begun hurtling down a very steep roller-coaster.

And when the results come back, it is tough to understand the medical jargon, particularly if the tests are "positive". We've all had the experience of "going south" and not listening to another word that's said after the initial "your test results are positive". Our minds are racing ahead, imagining all the awful possibilities.

Rarely, a considerate physician will be able to put the lab results in a less-worrisome perspective for the patient. For patients, it is important to know some key facts - facts that will empower you any time you need lab tests done.

First, statistically one out of every 20 tests performed will be reported as "abnormal" - even though the result is "normal" for the person being tested. If you're perfectly healthy and have 20 tests done on your blood sample, one of those 20 test results will be "out of the normal range" based on statistics alone.1

This is because a normal test range is calculated by eliminating the top 2.5% and the bottom 2.5% of results for a large group of normal people. This leaves the "normal range" as 95%. So if 20 tests are done, statistically one will be "abnormal", because the results fall in the top or bottom 2.5%. The result is a normal report for you, but reported as "abnormal".

Other factors to consider are the sensitivity and specificity of the lab test.2 Sensitivity relates to the test's precision in detecting the disease when the disease is present. If a test for colon cancer was 90% sensitive, it would miss ten cases of the disease out of every 100 cases. Specificity relates to whether a positive test actually indicates the presence of the disease you're being tested for. If a test is 90% specific, in ten cases out of 100 positive results, the patient does not actually have the disease.

If a test has low sensitivity, actual cases of the disease may be missed. If a test has low specificity, test results reporting the presence of the disease may be wrong. All these factors need to be considered in accurately interpreting test results. Things are not always as they seem.3

Bottom line - test results always need to be evaluated in the specific context of the patient. An isolated lab result, or set of results, needs to be related to the patient's condition and circumstances. An accurate diagnosis is not based on lab results alone. That could be a big mistake. Similarly, x-ray, ultrasound, or MRI results need to be interpreted in context also. Trying to interpret an x-ray without any clinical information is likely to lead to a wrong conclusion. Context is everything. If you have questions, we will be able to explain why certain tests are necessary.

1Thomas SL, et al: How accurate are diagnoses for rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the general practice research database? Arthritis Rheum 59(9):1314-1321, 2008 2Friston KJ, et al: Classical and Bayesian inference in neuroimaging: theory. Neuroimage 16(2):465-483, 2002 3Kobayashi M, et al: Intraindividual variation in total and percent free prostate-specific antigen levels in prostate cancer suspects. Urol Int 74(3):198-202, 2005 - 17268

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Trampolines And Gymnastics- Things To Know About Them

By Dave Vower

The use of trampolines and gymnastics has been something that has been seen for many years. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. Many people do not know that there are different kinds of these items available. Having the purpose in mind makes the choice you need to make a lot easier.

Often those that are beginners in the sport will use mini trampolines. They can be a good way to get gymnasts used to the way that the trampolines work. This can prepare them for the time that comes when they will be using the larger trampolines in competitions.

These mini trampolines are found in various shapes and sizes as well. This is not the case with competitive ones as they need to stick to certain specifications for certain things like the Olympics for example. These specs help maintain equality and fairness for all the people that are competing.

Large trampolines are the ones that you find used in competitions like the Olympics. These are rectangular in shape and consist of a far heavier type of spring than what is used in the smaller trampolines people use.

The difference in the springs is what enables a person to get more height when they are bouncing. The height is what allows them to perform more complex stunts to thrill audiences and judges alike. These trampolines are also designed with portability in mind as they are needed in different places that competitions will be taking place.

Safety is crucial when it comes to using trampolines in combination with gymnastics. No one wants to see a person get hurt. This is why safety guidelines are strictly enforced by those that are involved in this sport. - 17268

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Weekly Body Building Workouts, Arms and Triceps

By Ricardo D Argence

Like any other body parts arms are made of muscles. Triceps are closely related with the movement of arms. As the name implies, triceps are comprised with three main muscles. It gives an individual the ability to lift heavy loads of the strong and big triceps. Characteristic of great and powerful arms also having well-developed triceps is a known. That is why so many people are seen doing military presses, bench presses and any other triceps exercises to develop lean and strong triceps.

Strengthening your triceps will make your arms stronger, in addition to developing a more aesthetic appearance. This is because the muscle takes 2/3 of the entire length of your arm. To end up having well rounded and proportionally developed arms and you also need to work out your biceps to end.

Dumbbell exercises, rope pull downs and push ups are some exercises your triceps work out must include. Before doing any of these, remember to have a proper warm up. Warming up is necessary before going for tough exercises.

Doing simple push up is the classic triceps exercise, it is the simplest and most effective in toning up the muscle. Using dumbbells for load or increased body resistance helps in intensifying any form of triceps exercise. But to tone the muscle, you can replace the rope pull down machine with a dumbbell, hold it in both hands and position it at the back of the head. Maintain a position and gently pull the dumbbell up and down and feel the triceps flex.

Rope pull exercise is basic exercise in triceps building. The machine works the triceps by letting you do exercises comparable to those you perform using the dumb bell. When doing these exercises always remember to maintain proper posture to ensure correct execution. Exercises are all for quality of movements and not the number of reps.

Advanced triceps exercises are usually designed to improve the mass and stretch of the upper and lower triceps. For mass, heavy weights such as the close-grip barbell bench and weighted dips may be used. For building upper triceps, doing dips and cable pressdown exercises will be helpful. For building lower triceps, weighted dips and dips was found to be effective, intensify the exercise by only going 3/4 of the way up force to fully concentrate on the lower triceps.

For getting good result for triceps building you should start while you are fresh. By supersetting triceps exercises, one can have an Olympia-quality arm. Usually, it is harder to build bigger triceps. It is the key to achieving well-proportioned body building results, as according to the priority principle of body building, targeting first the-hard-to-workout muscles.

Triceps strengthening also depends on eating a proper diet, receiving the proper nutrition and getting an adequate amount of rest. Diet is very important in exercise in order to go on with the demanding exercises. Exercise and nutrition is like science and fitness working together in achieving ideal results. To achieve long-term gains in weight training, you need an equal balance of exercise, rest and a well-balanced diet. - 17268

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5 Pre Workout Tips To Keep In Mind

By Ecasiaa Mantiu

Everybody wants to be healthy all the time. It is always true that eating the right nutrients alone is not enough to attain a healthy and attractive body. Health is important for the survival. Most of us are lazy to have a routine exercise plan for our self to follow. We are usually determined to workout with other people who does the same, right? We need to be energetic and lively all them time. However, it is not advisable to work out anytime you wish to. We always need to prepare our body when we want to do something stressful. We have to admit that working out is a stressful activity for our body. Timing and preparation is vital. Therefore, you have to bear in mind 5 pre workout tips to achieve maximum results.

1.Consume carbohydrate-rich protein meal for you to survive the intense training that you will have. Carbohydrates are believed to be helpful in providing energy and endurance that every person will need in the training. You need to eat for you to have the right nutrients in doing weight lifting. Remember to consume your meal 2 hours before the workout.

2.Lower your stress hormones in the body. It is not advisable to work out after a fight with your partner. This is also the reason why you need to eat before your training. During training, you exert effort in lifting up and an added stress is not anymore helpful.

3.Get rid of free radicals in your body by taking in pre work out supplement that can boost your immune system. One good example of these supplements that can be taken daily are Vitamin C and Vitamin E. If you don't intend to buy these supplements, you may eat green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruits like mangoes and papayas. These antioxidants supplements will help you optimize your workout recovery and performance.

4.Hydrate yourself always. Avoid working out if you do not have enough fluids in your body. Remember that in working out, you burn fats and looses water due to sweat. We always have to replace these sensible loses that we have. When you are dehydrated, you tend to be weak in performing working out activities.

5.Perform warm up exercises to prepare your body. Even we engage in stressful exercises, we do not want to experience muscle cramps, muscle fatigue, injuries, and soreness the day after the training, right? So you have to heat up your body to send a message to your brain that you are about to perform a stressful exercises.

Again, before going to the gym, you have to make sure you practice these 5 pre workout tips for you to maintain a healthy body. In every battle, you need to be prepared in order to survive such battle. - 17268

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What Is Acai Berry And What It Does For You?

By Aaron Silverton

Ever wonder what's acai berry? Acai berry is an excellent source of antioxidants, which are molecules capable of warding off or obstructing the oxidization of some other molecules. Acai berry is legendary for lessening free radical in your body because it has exaggerated levels of anthocyanins, which help shield your body from peroxyl or free radicals. Additionally, acai berry has a couple of sorts of antioxidants, which is absorbed by the body through acai berry juice and pulp. Its plant has been proved to yield big amounts of antioxidants, which is higher in comparison to the amount red grapes produce.

Many of us are using products incorporating acai berry as it is great-tasting. In truth, the flavour of acai berry is similar to that of red wine mixed with chocolate. As such, many folks are inspired to eat, drink, or take acai berry products not only to benefit their health but to obtain pleasure as well .

So, what's acai berry and what can it do for humans are the common questions that folk new to the antioxidant typically ask. Acai berry not only have massive numbers of antioxidants. It also contains several nutrients, which are all required by the body to function well. More so, acai berry has anti-aging characteristics, which can help maintain a youthful as well as more radiant look. Based on several studies, acai berry has the capability to decelerate aging process through helping in the skin cell regeneration. Aside from this, acai berry also is capable of skyrocketing the levels of energy, forestalling lingering and deadly illnesses like cancer and diabetes, and improving or boosting stamina. The acai berry also does remove poisons that can weaken or maybe poison the body. This is the reason why it is now being called one of the super foods of nature as it can definitely provide many health advantages to each individual.

One of the most popular varieties of acai berry is the Amazon acai berry. It is packed with enormous numbers of antioxidants in order to keep the body safe from unwanted elements such as toxins. It also has high concentration of nutriments, which are required for the body to work fine.

The Amazon acai berry comes from the palm trees in the rain forests of the Amazon as well as Brazil. Folks from these areas crop acai berries and keeps them frozen as quickly as they have picked them so the nutriments remain intact. These acai berries have enormous amounts of fiber, omega 6, omega nine, protein, and necessary fatty acids, which help the body, become fitter.

Thus, the answer to the question, what's acai berry is plain and easy. It is a super food that helps keep the body away from unwanted elements like poisons. Acai berry products can be bought in different health stores as well as other food shops. You may find online outlets offering different types of acai berry products. However , you need to make sure that these retailers are bonafide and reputable. - 17268

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Hemorrhoids Pain Relief - Tips To Soothe Painful Piles

By Rand Fortescue

Although it may be an embarrassing topic, millions of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. Contrary to popular belief, almost anyone can get hemorrhoids. There are many different ways that you can get hemorrhoids. Literally anyone can get hemorrhoids. Sometimes they are temporary while other cases are permanent. If you are one of the unfortunate individuals suffering from hemorrhoids, you are surely seeking hemorrhoids pain relief.

Pregnant women experience hemorrhoids due to the amount of pressure being forced down on their pelvic muscles. The unborn child shifts its weight and pushes down in sharp motions, forcing the hemorrhoids further out. Typically, once a woman gives birth, the hemorrhoids will go away. However, there are times that women may not see them disappear after birth. The strain of bearing and pushing down during the child birthing process may cause permanent injury.

Those who are obese often suffer from hemorrhoids, as well. Years of over eating and eating the wrong foods can cause constipation. Constant issues with bowel movements in addition to too much weight resting on the pelvis and rectum can give you hemorrhoids.

There are twp types of hemorrhoids and are usually called internal or external hemorrhoids. Both types can cause terrible pain, burn and itching. Typically problems with elimination, usually constipation, can lead to hemorrhoids.

Don't let the name fool you, if you've got mucus and blood on the toilet paper after you have a bowel movement, you may have internal hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoids remain soft and though they are very painful, they are not as serious as external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids never go back up into the rectum and can cause infection and bleeding if not attended to.

What kind of hemorrhoids pain relief you use depends on what kind of pain you have. You may start out using one treatment and have to work your way through others before you find one that truly works. The painful burning sensation and itching may not be solved by the same treatment, either. To make sure you don't suffer any more than necessary, use a stool softener. You will prevent further pain if you don't have to bear down to have a bowel movement.

Diet and exercise play roles in your digestive health, too. Make sure to eat plenty of nutritious foods with high fiber content. Drink lots of water and other fluids that don't contain sugars throughout the day. If you can't get a break from the pain of hemorrhoids, you may need to see your physician. Your MD can get you hemorrhoids pain relief via a prescription. The biggest problem with taking prescription pain medication for hemorrhoids pain relief is that many medications can also cause constipation. Be sure not to make your problems worse by using the wrong pain medications. - 17268

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Muscle Building Diet

By Vonsee Helburee

It is proven through several studies and masses experiences that diet has a huge affect on an individual's muscles building, lose fat and build muscle by eating the correct diet. To gain an ideal shape, one must know about the most suitable diet plan for him/her. It is a general concept to stop the use of fats and include high proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. Although people do not have the right knowledge about what are the sources of proteins and carbohydrates?

Proteins - For a healthy life style, one should add up an excessive quantity of protein rich food in the diet. Proteins help you in many ways regarding your health. Fish is a very good protein rich food to add up in your diet. If we go for low cost fish then to cook Tuna Fish is always a good idea. There are proteins containing drinks that should be consumed to add required amounts of proteins to your diet.

We cannot avoid the role of dry fruits to obtain proteins. Although dry fruits are higher in cost but they are nutritious with too much protein. Give priority to eggs in your diet. Eggs are rich in protein and fats too. However, it is important to get protein of an egg; because it has far greater benefit than the harm of fats it has.

How to get carbohydrates - In order to have enduring power for building muscles you should add adequate amount of carbohydrates in your meals. Carbohydrates are very common usual meals, just the matter of fact is, we all are not aware about the nutritional value of what we are eating. You can get ample amount of carbohydrates from potatoes, pasta, oatmeal, bread, wheat, buckwheat, barley and rice. So just eat what your taste bud really desires.

Right Eating Schedule - You should plan your schedule to have your meals at appropriate timings. Usually people have a daily schedule to have their meal 3 times a day. This is just not more than a false impression to limit your diet. Instead of taking a large amount of food 3 times a day you can make 6 to 8 portions of your food. But, keeping in mind these portions should consist of smaller food each time. That will absolutely help you out to remain healthy and active.

Water Intake - Water is the simplest yet effective diet to be added in your daily diet plan. Large quantity of water is highly desirable for people looking to build their muscles. It helps in flushing out traces of harmful toxin from the body. Drink plenty of water right after you wake up in the morning. Avoid water just after your meal.

For building up strong muscles the best tip is to take a healthy food daily with an adequate amount of proteins and carbohydrate. Moreover enough water plays an important part as well. Therefore your daily diet should consist of adequate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and of course water. - 17268

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Trampolines And Gymnastics ' A Great Combination

By Dave Vower

Trampolines were invented hundreds of years ago. They are still popular today as a fun pastime as well as a more serious activity. During the last decade there has been a resurgence in the number of children and teenagers interested in trampolines and gymnastics. The health benefits, as well as the joy that can be achieved through using such a device, is becoming better known.

Basically, a trampoline is like a spring board. They often are rectangular in shape and will have a tough elastic material stretched over a strong metallic frame. There should be protective pads along the edges and on the floor to help minimize the risk of injury.

You may have noticed that there are more trampolines in neighborhood gardens than ever before. Today there are many options available; the latest models come in all shapes and sizes. If you have young children then you could choose a small low lightweight option for indoor use. If your garden is big in size then why not consider one of the larger ten foot by ten foot models. These have an added security feature of netting to prevent you from jumping out and breaking a leg.

If you like to watch sports on TV then you may have come across gymnastics. Since the Olympics in Sydney in 2000, trampolining has been recognized as a professional athletic activity. To be at the level of the performers in international competitions takes years of hard work and practice. Another place you can see such performers is in the circus. The circus acrobats will leave you stunned by their trampoline abilities.

It is also well known for being a great way to stay in good health. If you use a trampoline on a regular basis then you will be able to enhance you leg and abdomen muscles as well as improving your cardio vascular system. Always warm up for a couple of minutes before working out as there is the risk of damaging a muscle.

No matter whether young or old you will find a trampoline great fun. It is a wonderful way of getting rid of stress and improving health. - 17268

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Making Fitness Training More Fun

By Jason Thompkins

When you ask someone to workout with you, you will usually hear the word "no". Besides, working out is boring. Maybe even you will consider that working out is boring and rather do fun things than spending time at the gym doing some boring workout routines.

Though it may be boring, there are many people that will put that aside, the fact that it may be boring but they know they are treating their body right, fighting the chances of getting heart disease and such. The better you treat your body, the better you will feel.

If you really want to live healthy you must make that choice to participate in muscle fitness at least a couple times a week. No one else can do this for you, you must make a commitment an stick with it, if you do this you will see and feel results in a couple of weeks.

So, while you are still not experiencing diseases because of being overweight, such as diabetes and heart diseases, you have to start doing fitness workout in order to keep your body healthy plus give you the benefit of having a great looking body that you can show off during summers at the beach.

However, if you find regular fitness workout routines very boring, there are quite a lot of fitness workouts that you can do to make workout more fun. There are fun activities that you can do where you can definitely enjoy and at the same time, give you a great quality fitness workout experience.

First of all, most people consider that fitness workouts are only limited at the gym. However, you have to consider thinking out of the box and start being creative. Active sports such as swimming, golf, tennis, football, and basketball is a fun sport that can give you great quality fitness workout experience.

If you are not sports minded or you can't think of any sport that can be fun for you, you can also consider dancing as a great fitness workout experience. You can try and enroll in dance classes. Although some people think that dancing is easy, you have to consider that it's not.

Dancing is a great cardiovascular workout, and the longer you do it the better results you will see. Dancing is also a great way to connect with your partner, and it will also increase your reflexes along with your overall physical muscle fitness.

A couple of other great fitness workouts that you can make fun are hiking and rock climbing. These are just some of the activities that you can do for fun and get into shape too. Just pick something out that you will like and not hate, be creative and you will achieve your fitness goals. - 17268

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