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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Surprising Coffee Health Benefits For Women

By Kirsten Whittaker

Coffee and tea drinkers rejoice - there are coffee health benefits to be had.

New studies confirms your wise choice of beverage!

It looks like endometrial cancer risk could be reduced by drinking more coffee or tea on a daily basis, a cancer of the reproductive organs that's unfortunately quite common.

In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimates, over 40000 women would be diagnosed; about 7,400 will have died from it.

The elements that increase the risk of this cancer are well understood.

Being overweight, getting older and being exposed to higher levels of estrogen, like early periods, infertility, late menopause and estrogen therapy afterward are all considered risk factors.

, but the impacts seem to be less clear than other risks. This research found answers to the role popular drinks might play in cancer risk.

The hospital based, case controlled research involved a survey of nearly 1,100 women; 541 patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

It was shown that those who consumed coffee and black tea had a lower risk of uterine cancer.

Women who drank 4 cups of coffee or tea/day were only half as likely as those who didn't drink these drinks to have endometrial cancer.

Women who drank tea only (over 2 cups/day) had a 44% lower risk of disease. The lower risk was there for women who just drank coffee (over 2 cups/day), at only 29%, though this figure was not considered statistically significant in terms of research.

The researchers are fast to show that part of the benefit they saw for drinking coffee or tea might be affected by body mass index. The reduction in risk of endometrial cancer, even in tea drinkers, was limited for those women who weighed more.

Subjects included decaffeinated coffee as one of the drinks they drank, but when they looked at decaffeinated coffee, there wasn't a link between the drink and the risk of endometrial cancer.

Previous studies have shown that caffeine can induce certain enzymes to neutralize certain cancer causing substances.

If it isn't the caffeine, there are some other helpful compounds that might be at work. Tea and coffee have antioxidants, flavonoids, catechins and isoflavonoids which may also help in the fight against cancer.

Your choice of drink is of course not a guarantee of protection despite the coffee health gains and and should never take the place of proper diet and medical care, a healthy diet and other careful lifestyle choices. - 17268

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How I Stopped the H1N1 Virus with Gene-Eden, a Natural, Antiviral Nutritional Supplement

By Mark T. Johnson

A new press release sent out by the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease announces that Gene-Eden, an antiviral supplement, may protect against the swine flu virus (H1N1 virus). The antiviral Gene-Eden was formulated and introduced to the market by polyDNA, a science-based biotechnology company that develops and markets nutritional supplements. Gene-Eden is an all natural, broad range, antiviral nutritional supplement that targets viruses during their latent or chronic phase.

The formulation of the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden is based on five ingredients. These ingredients were identified by the scientists at polyDNA. To arrive at the specific formulation, the scientists downloaded thousands of scientific papers, analyzed these papers with the polyDNA proprietary in-house bio-informatics-based computer software, and then, based on the results of the analysis, identified the most powerful, yet safe ingredients.

Some of the laboratory and clinical studies, which were published in scientific journals, and show that these natural ingredients have a strong antiviral effect, are presented on polyDNA's website. Since launching Gene-Eden, users of the antiviral supplement report better health and stronger spirit.

The following is the content of the press release.

"Everyone is looking for ways to protect themselves against the swine flu virus. Let me tell you about my personal encounter with the virus. About three months ago, I read an article on Dr. Hanan Polansky's book, where he describes his discovery of the relationship between chronic viruses and chronic disease. After I read the article, I started taking Gene-Eden, a broad range antiviral supplement, to reduce the number of chronic viruses in my body. My decision to start taking Gene-Eden had nothing to do with the swine flu virus. However, about two weeks ago, a lady working in my office was diagnosed with the swine flu. The poor lady was struck hard. She stayed in bad for a few days with high fever. She had a sore throat, muscle aches, was coughing, and felt completely drained. I was worried. Since we share the same office, I was certain I was next. About a week and a half ago, I started feeling a tingling in my throat. My first thought was "Here it comes!" But than I remembered that Gene-Eden targets many viruses. So I carefully read the label on the bottle, and decided to increase my dosage to the highest recommended one, two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I was amazed at the results. The tingling in my throat disappeared, and now, ten days later, I am completely healthy, no swine flu, no soar throat, no fever, nothing. Together, Gene-Eden and I beat the virus, and it surly feels great."

The section in the quotation marks is a user testimonial on Gene-Eden. This testimonial was gathered in a study conducted by the CBCD. One question in the study asked the participants to describe their personal experience with the antiviral supplement. The quoted text is the answer of one of the participants.

For more information on Gene-Eden, visit the Gene-Eden website. Gene-Eden is available on

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) is a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. The center's mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. - 17268

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What Exactly Are Acai Berries? And Whets All the Fuss about?

By Rebekah Galafinakis

Acai berries are making the health food industry and consumers stand up and pay attention. Why? Because these little acai berries, which are deep purple in color and the size of a small grape, are rich in vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for good health. These little purple acai berries promise the consumer everything from extra energy to anti-aging benefits.

They also carry levels of Vitamin E in the fruit which helps the immune system to function more efficiently and some health food companies claim the acai berries helps with a steady natural weight loss. In part, that gives you the energy boost similar to caffeine like effect but without the jitters. The fruit is also a more natural form of caffeine that gives you an energy boost but unlike, say coffee for example, you dont get the jitters just more energy and for longer periods of time.

Some people use the acai berries as a facial astringent because the fruit has high anti-bacterial properties and leaves the skin feeling bright and soft. Because acai fruit is such a high source of antioxidants, health food stores are selling many versions of them. Health food stores across the country sell Acai extract that can be mixed in smoothies and drinks, and in pill form.

There is little doubt that this amazing fruit has a promising future in the medical world, health food industry and with consumers. While more study needs to be done to prove the effectiveness of some of these claims, its best to speak with your health food store professional for more information.

With all these amazing health benefits, no wonder acai berries are sometimes called the "power berry." And that, my friend, is what all the fuss is about. - 17268

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Unearth The Healthy Superiority Of The Acai

By Donna G Thompson

A tiny, little berry grown only in the Amazon rainforest can offer you a wealth of health benefits. This amazing little berry is jam-packed with antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. And it tastes like a delicious berry dripping in dark chocolate or maybe a cross between a blueberry and a raspberry with the tang of grape mixed in.

The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is rather rare as it is only found in the Amazon rainforest, however, it is one of the healthiest nutritional discoveries of this century. It has more antioxidant capacity than almost any other food, it boasts a collaborative combination of healthy fats and an just about perfect essential amino acid complex.

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. While oxidation is crucial to life, it can also damage our cells, which can lead to premature aging, many diseases and even being overweight. This is why nature has given us so many healthy foods that are loaded with antioxidants. The acai berry has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food on the planet.

Food can be measured by antioxidant capacity. This measurement is termed ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The acai berry has 10 times the ORAC as red grapes, 2 times the ORAC of blueberries and even 10-30 x that of red wine. In fact, the acai berry has the highest ORAC of any other berry found so far.

It is unusual for a fruit but the acai berry also contains essential fatty acids. The acai berry is high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is like that in olive oil. Oleic acid helps make the cell membranes more supple, thereby assisting all of the hormones, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors throughout our bodies work more efficiently. Poor insulin receptivity has been linked to many diseases, most notably of course, diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome and the related afflictions caused from that.

Research on the acai berry is proving that it is a dietary powerhouse, even a superfood. Superfood is a term coined to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits as a result.

The acai berry definitely fits into the definition of a superfood as it has been proven to be advantageous in the prevention of diseases, weight loss and the prevention of decline associated with aging.

The acai berry is only accessible throughout the world in its processed forms because it is extremely perishable. You cannot enjoy it in its fresh form unless you are in the Brazilian rainforest but you can enjoy the processed forms including juices, supplements and extracts. - 17268

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How To Gain Weight Naturally

By Joe Mizel

Eat correctly is a key element when it comes to bulking up your body mass with muscle. If you have been attempting to bulk up for several months and not seeing the results you want, then it may be time to review your bulk-up plan. The basics of gaining weight is to simply consume more calories then you are using. Sounds simple enough right? Well, not so it seems.

So what kind of meals should you be eating to gain weight? Glad you asked. First, you should start with consuming low saturated fat. You will also need complex carbohydrates to allow your muscles to recover after you have had an intense gym workout. Some examples of complex carbohydrates you can take are rice, potatoes or pasta. You will also need plenty of protein " this is what will allow your muscles to grow.

For those of you who are gifted (or cursed) with fast metabolism, you might have problems getting this to work. Why is this so? Well for the skinny guys you already have problems gaining weight naturally. This means you will have to consume more calories and with greater frequency. Remember the key is to take in foods there are calories dense.

Take healthy foods and not junk foods! If you have problems getting enough calories throughout the day, you might want to consider protein shakes. These pack quite a handful of calories and you will not feel full after drinking it, so it is a good way to consume more calories than you would otherwise with normal foods.

So there you have it, some quick tips on how you can gain weight. Once you are able to follow through and tweak your results, you will finally be able to get that muscular look you've always dream of. Going down to the beach for a stroll with only your shorts on will not be a problem anymore.

Imagine enjoying the attention you get from other people and the confidence you've gain from discipline and attainment of your hard work from dieting and working out. It will definitely be a great feeling once you have achieved your bulking up goal. - 17268

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Moms and Dads and HCG

By Amelia Handley

The number of adults who suffer from obesity have been rising drastically throughout the last several decades. We're aware of this and as a whole...we don't seem too worried about finding a solution in the near future. But adults aren't the only ones suffering. The percentage of children suffering from obesity is also on the rise.

Things just aren't the way they used to eat a lot of ready made meals. There are a lot of latch key kids out there that are taking care of their own meal preparation resulting in a lot of meals out of a box. Most kids left to fend for themselves just don't have the know how or the desire to put together healthy after school snacks or a healthy dinner.

Kids are also spending a lot more time inside in comparison to "back in the day." Parents aren't comfortable sending their kids to "play outside." There are safety issues that can't be ignored. There are many who don't have an "outside" to refer to because they live in the middle of the city with little or no safe, outdoor recreational areas. Carefree, roaming kids are a thing of the past because it's just not safe to send kids out unchaperoned anymore.

Considering seems only natural that our children are having higher and higher percentages of obesity as the years pass. Parents with children struggling with their weight often don't feel they have the ability to aid them as their child is spending two out of three meals at school. The only meal left in the parent's strict control is dinner. And even then...many parents just don't know how to prepare a healthy, low fat meal. And some find that they just don't have the time.

HCG Diet Direct urges dieters to share their new knowledge of healthy foods with their entire families. Family members not on the diet should not be limited when it comes to portion size and they shouldn't be required to limit their intake to the items on the HCG approved food list, but incorporating HCG approved foods into the diet of other family members is a great idea and can only benefit the spouse and children of the dieter.

First, you get to enjoy time together as a family during meals when you're all eating together. There are countless studies that point out the widely varied positive results of spending meal times as a family. Second, parents can teach by example. If kids see their parents enjoying healthy foods they are more likely to see it as a viable option in their own lives. And third, children will become accustomed to eating healthy foods. The general rule of thumb is to serve a dish 3 times and even if it wasn't particularly enjoyed the first's typically fully incorporated after the third introduction. Teaching kids to know and enjoy healthy foods will go a long way towards eliminating the issue of obesity; and its an issue that is best nipped in the bud. - 17268

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All about Weight Loss Shakes

By Samantha Reis

About Weight Loss Shakes

Have you heard about weight loss shakes? Or you are currently taking them. What kind of weight loss shakes is your favorite? Generally weight loss shakes is a kind of meal replacement. They are used to replace normal meal like lunch and dinner. Weight loss shakes also called as weight loss meal replacement shakes or protein shakes.

Ingredients Of Weight Loss Shakes

Weight loss shakes contained high health value. They include nutrients and fiber that beneficial for health. These nutrients inclusive of like vitamins, mineral salt and amino acid. However protein still is the main ingredient of weight loss shakes. Apart from that, weight loss protein shakes contain low calories. Each sachet of weight loss shakes powder only comprises of 50 to 120 kcal. Thus they are also low in sugar and sodium.

Weight Loss Shakes Vs Fat Burning

Weight loss shakes effectively cut down calories intake of your body. They help to burn fat while maintaining muscle. Thus fat elimination factor inside the weight loss shakes play an important role to eliminate fat molecules from our body. Once fat molecules have been removed, your weight will start to reduce.

Weight Loss Shakes Vs Detoxification

Weight loss shakes help to detoxify our body. As far as concern, detoxification is crucial for dieters during weight loss period. Thus fiber inside weight loss shakes accelerates the elimination of the residues of fat metabolism. Furthermore it enhances the bowel movement inside colon. Unwanted toxin can be effectively trashing out from our body.

Weight Loss Shakes - Meal Substitution

People also called weight loss shakes as meal replacement shakes. This is because of weight loss shakes use to replace your normal meal. They contain all the minerals and nutrients needed for your body for each meal. These shakes help to lose weight as they contain low calories. Thus they effectively filled your stomach for you to not feel hungry easily.

Homemade Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes

If you refuse to buy convenient pack of weight loss shakes, you can always preparing it yourself. It does not required expensive materials and complicated steps. Generally recipes of homemade weight loss shakes include materials like low fat milk, sugar free pudding and fresh fruit puree. You can either make it as cold or hot drinks.

Weight Loss Shakes - Where To Get?

There are many types of weight loss protein shakes offered in the market. You can select the best that suits your taste. However it is always advisable to go for weight loss shakes that contain low calories and low sugar. Make sure you choose the right shake for the right reason. - 17268

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IBS Nausea - A Surprisingly Simple Way To Eliminate This Troubling Symptom Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

By Alison Harris

What if you could get rid of the painful and uncomfortable feeling of nausea that comes with irritable bowel syndrome? How differently would you live from day to day knowing that you never have to deal with the IBS again? This article will reveal some simple strategies that will make living ibs free a reality.

Finding the exact cause of nausea in IBS sufferers can be difficult because each person have his or her own individual triggers. The result is that what triggers the nausea in person A is not likely to be what triggers the same symptom in person B.

It is therefore very important that if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome that you know the foods and events trigger your symptoms. One of the best ways to achieve this is to keep a food and symptoms diary.

You simply note down everything you eat on a daily basis for about two to four weeks and also note what symptoms you get and when you get them.

But what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It is as a functional disorder of the digestive system. This means that the digestive system of the sufferer is not functioning normally as it should although there are no identifiable physical causes or reasons to explain why.

So if you were to take a peek inside the digestive system of a sufferer it would look perfectly normal and without any defects.

Apart from IBS nausea, other common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include bloating, flatulence, constipation or/and diarrhea, abdominal pain and spastic contractions of the colon.

We discussed earlier it was important for you to know what your triggers are because prescription drugs such as anticholinergics only mask the symptoms of the ailment, once you stop taking the drugs, the symptoms return and usually with a vengeance.

The second thing you can do to get rid of your IBS Nausea is to use pure peppermint oil. Peppermint is known to have anti-spasmodic action and analgesic (pain-killing) properties to help soothe your digestive tract, ease any tightness relieve abdominal pain, and stop you from feeling nauseous. - 17268

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Nutrition And You What You Should Know

By Morgan Davis

What you will be getting from fried foods or fatty processed foods such as chips and margarine is called trans-fatty acids. These fatty acids solidify in the body and upbeat your chances of getting a heart attack or arteriosclerosis.

To build your body successfully, you will need to know your body weight This understanding enables you to weigh the amount of nutrients to take in daily to compliment your body weight.

A research conducted by the Purdue University led to a discovery that boys with low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids have a greater frequency of Attention Deficit Disorder. This implies that fatty acids must be taken in proper levels for the successful treatment of such disorders.

Being healthy is simply a matter of discipline that enables you to turn your back on meals you know will do you no good and lets you focus on meals that are nourishing to your body.

Scientic study has linked poor diet to pain, discomfort, fatigue, depression, allergies and anxieties; it goes without saying then that, good nutrition solves a host of problems.

Fats can be gotten from grass fed animals like cows and goats and a host of other sources like fish, flax seeds, borage oil and vegetables and are essential for the general health of the body.

Your body ultimately recognizes your diet plan, this is not only a decision as to what you will eat It is also a decision to eat what is good for you constantly so that your body can adjust.

It is recommended that a daily intake of 300 grams of protein be taken by people who weight 200 pounds in order to stabilize and build their body weight.

Flax seed is a natural product from which flax oil is extractedthe oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and is renowned for its ability to combat attention deficit disorder; it can be mixed in meals like yogurt or fruit smoothies without changing the taste.

A variety of websites now offer information about where to get fresh unprocessed products that are good for your health. They include; and - 17268

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Antioxidant Rich Foods May Lose Nutritional Value Over Time

By Kirsten Whittaker

If food and drinks are stored that are rich with antioxidants too long they can lose their health benefits.

One study looked at the organic compounds that are found in green tea leaves. These are known technically as catechins and are believed .

As this type of tea stays on the shelf for a long time, a team from the Western Regional Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture checked to see if the levels of catechins remained stable over time.

There was a reduction in catechin levels even after short term storage, but there was a progressive reduction over time. By the end of six-months of storage the levels have gone down by about 32%.

In addition another study from the University of Foggia in Italy evaluated a few varieties of olive oil that had been produced within a day of the olives being taken from the fields in the Apulia region of Italy. The team ensured the production was consistent across each batch of olive oils.

This amazing oils has been implicated in reducing the risk of stroke, helping with heart health and maybe even reduce the risk of some forms of cancer. Once Antonella Baiano and her team analyzed the oils during both production and packaging, they found that antioxidant activity remained unchanged during the initial 3 months of storage. But, by the 6-month mark, most of the oils had lost about 40% of their antioxidant properties.

This means that even if the food is stored correctly it can lose its nutritional benefits. So, antioxidants are more fragile than initially thought, and the fresher you eat your food the better.

Choose containers that are tinted, which will reduce the chance of the antioxidants being broken down. - 17268

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Acai Berry Select Losing Weight

By Louise Spade

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you. - 17268

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Alternative Medicine And Natural Pain Management

By Richard Ealom

Chronic Pain conditions are an increasing problem in the United States. And while the discussion still rages concerning whether or not chronic pain should be managed as an independent condition or just a sign of a different problem it is obvious that pain managing has become a booming sector of the healthcare industry.

Consequently, the usage of pharmaceutical drugs for pain management has also reached an all time peak. Drugs like Oxicontin, Vicodin as well as methadone, are front page news in causing Americas latest drug crisis, as a result, the use of cocaine and heroin have also attained levels not seen in this country in 30 years.

Owed to the economic and scientific phenomena of the pharmaceutical transformation of the 20th century, thousands of years of knowledge were abruptly abandoned. Herbal medicine has safely and efficiently treated pain for millennia, and is far safer than the synthesized, processed medications that todays MD's seem to be all too willing to hand out like so much candy.

In the realm of alternative medicine, there are many types of natural pain management that are in actuality, the source of where many of our oh-so-well-liked pharmaceutical drugs come from.

Codeine and morphine are opium derivatives that may be useful but are also extremely addictive, and even aspirin is a derivative of willow bark. Scores of other plants have been used in natural pain management since olden times, such as lavender and chamomile for minor pain issues and these plants have the additional advantage of also assisting with the emotional element of pain such as apprehension and difficulty sleeping. Plants like henbane and mandrake are so useful that they are even used extremely effectively throughout labor to ease the pain of childbirth.

Some wonderful and effective herbal medicine can also be found in the spice cabinet. Spices like turmeric, and ginger are 2 of the most powerful anti- inflammatories on the planet. These plants are natural COX-2 inhibitors; they are the alternative medicine response to the popular pharmaceutical drugs Celebrex and Vioxx. In the middle east, India and all over Asia where the diets are loaded with spices such as turmeric, and ginger and cayenne, where life is also far less handy then our own, people have a far less incidence of arthritis and chronic back pain, but continue to work very labor intensive jobs such as farming and agriculture work even into their 90's.

There has continuously been an accepted school of thinking in allopathic medicine that it is all right to damage one segment of the body to heal another, thus even everyday over the counter NSAID pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can bring about long term injury, acetaminophen to the liver and ibuprofen to the kidneys, in natural pain management many plants, roots, barks, and other herbs not only antistetic in nature but they are in addition anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic as well, and herbal medicine is kinder on the system and is more synergistic with the body allowing for superior assimilation of the necessary constitutes.

So you see that alternative medicine goes further than the usually established ideal of treating merely the symptoms and goes farther to treat many of the fundamental causes as well as some of the other components involved in recurring pain conditions.

More and more of us are turning to herbal healing methods to treat medical troubles while alleviating dangerous side effects posed by chemical pharmaceuticals. These methods have been utilized and confirmed effective, for thousands of yrs. - 17268

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