Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, May 25, 2009

Maximize Your Weight Loss At The Gymnasium Today

By Julia Flores

Many people want to get fit and lose some weight. Joining a gym and starting a good exercise program is a good first step but when you get to the gym you will notice that not everybody there is getting results. Going to the gym in not the answer but what you are doing once you get there is what will make the difference for you.

You are going to have to break a sweat in order to see any real results from an exercise program. You will need to get your heart rate into the training zone and make sure that it stays there for a time. There have been some studies in the past that have shown that exercising for longer periods of time at a lower intensity will actually burn more fat than carbohydrates. However good that sounds unfortunately it does not translate to fat loss.

Burning fat stores as an energy source when you exercise is not nearly as important as the amount of calories that you burn altogether. For instance you may burn 350 calories from fat during an easy 60 minute workout but if you add in some challenging high intensity intervals during that same 60 minutes you could end up burning 750 to 1000 calories or more and that will help your body lose weight much more efficiently.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short is one of the most effective fat loss regimens that you can use to lose weight. The idea is to maximize your heart rate to 90% or more for a period of 30 to 60 seconds and then bring it back down and repeat. Make sure that during your rest periods though you are still in the target-training zone, just at the lower end. When you incorporate HIIT you will be so much more efficient that you can even cut your cardio workout time in half and still have better results.

To determine your target heart rate training zone, take 220 and subtract your age, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This will give you an estimate of your target-training zone. You will need to keep your heart rate in this zone during your workout for the best results.

If you want to lose weight and drop fat for the long term, you will need to gain muscle. That means that you should pump iron. Muscle is a biologically active tissue. That means that you will burn more calories just in the process of living if you have more muscle on your body. Fat is basically an inactive tissue and it will not help your body to burn any calories at all.

But the most important aspect to getting results at the gym and losing fat actually happens outside of the gym. It has been said that 6-pack abs are not built at the gym but rather they are built in the kitchen. Diet is the most important aspect of any fitness plan. You can exercise all day long but if you have a poor diet you will not see any results. If you want to get into shape, make sure that you are consuming healthy nutritious foods on a regular basis and that you are avoiding the junk and nutritionally empty foods that are so prevalent in our society.

You can achieve maximum fat loss by following these few fundamentals. Incorporate some challenging HIIT into your cardio routine, follow a good weight-training regimen and improve your diet. You will start seeing the results before you know it. - 17268

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Cordyceps Extract and Erectile Dysfunction

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Aphrodisiacs and sexual potentiators have been all the rage since Viagra was introduced in 1998, and believers in natural remedies have been looking for herbal alternatives. The traditional Chinese 'herb' of choice for this purpose is called Cordyceps sinensis.

Naturally occurring only at high altitudes in Tibet and China, Cordyceps sinensis has none-the-less been collected as a medicinal mushroom since time immemorial. With our modern-day globalization of trade and information, this minute fungus from remote mountain areas of China is now miraculously becoming popular also in the West.

Since the time of Christ, Oriental physicians have administered Cordyceps sinensis to improve physical as well as sexual prowess and stamina. The earliest written record of this can be found in the book The Classic Herbal of the Divine Plowman. from around 200 A.D.

There is a reason why the common English name for Cordyceps is Caterpillar fungus. In nature, it grows as a parasite on silk-worm caterpillars, eventually killing them, and finally sprouting out of their dead bodies. Not very appetizing, is it? However, Cordyceps sinensis can now be grown on a rice medium and harvested free from any caterpillar carcasses, heavy metals, or contaminating bacteria and funguses. Cordyceps grown under these controlled conditions has been shown to contain the same therapeutic compounds as its wild counter-parts.

A Chinese study on Cordyceps sinensis, predating the 1998 release of Viagra by 13 years, found a 64% improvement in men with sexual dysfunction when they consumed 1 g of Cordyceps per day. (1)

Three possible factors may help explain why Cordyceps could have an effect on erectile dysfunction:

- Cordyceps sinensis has been shown to improve physical vitality and stamina in general. (2,3,4) In 1993, a group of nine Chinese women set world records at the Chinese National Games. When asked about the secret to their success, they attributed it to their use of Cordyceps. (5,6)

- Cordyceps sinensis helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow (7,8), which is certainly an important factor in erectile function.

- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there have been two research papers published that concluded that Cordyceps extract "significantly increased" testosterone levels in males. (9,10)

Note: This article is for scientific and informational purposes only. It is very important to always consult with a licensed medical doctor before using an herb to treat any medical condition. - 17268

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Cellulite in Men - Does it Happen?

By El Bilson

Wondering if cellulite in men is common? Cellulite is mostly a problem found in women, but men can get cellulite too. Ever wanted to get rid of all those lumpy layers of fat in your thighs and buttocks? Or do you simply want a more attractive, trim physique? Whatever it is, it can help to learn more about cellulite if you want to get rid of it for good.

Cellulite is the display of fatty deposits under the skin. Cellulite is mostly harmless, although it can cause circulation problems on occasion. Everybody can be a victim to cellulite accumulation, and it doesn't matter what race, age, sex, or body type you are. This includes men and women who are on the thin side - cellulite is often associated with overweight people although anyone can get it.

It was once thought that the principal cause of cellulite accumulation is obesity. However as we study cellulite more, we find that it is the weakening of blood vessels that bring nutrients and remove waste products and toxins from certain parts of the body. Cellulite in men is less likely because they have fat cells that are deeper than those in women. Fat cells in men are also structured differently than fat cells in women.

Though cellulite formation can be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet plan, exercising on a daily basis, and drinking plenty of water, cellulite accumulation is sometimes inevitable. This is due to the fact that appearance of cellulite is often based on your genes. If your mom or grandmother had cellulite, odds are good that you too will experience it. Cellulite is also affected by hormone changes in the body. In addition, poor lifestyle choices can also lead to cellulite formation.

There are a variety of ways to get rid of cellulite, and exercising is probably the best idea. Exercising burns excess calories, consequently burning fat and helping cut down on cellulite. Toned muscles provide a smooth place for the skin cells to rest - this can help improve the appearance of cellulite. Exercise has many benefits -it helps blood circulate more freely by eliminating fat around the arteries. It will also help you feel better by improving the shape of your body, toning your muscles, and eliminate unwanted overall body fat.

Liposuction is another method that has proven to be succesful for some people who want to get rid of their cellulite. Liposuction is a surgical operation designed to remove fat from different parts of the body. It should be noted however that like any other surgery, liposuction is associated with risks and could result in death. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the surgery, or you run the chance of seeing cellulite come back.

Taking snythetic pills is another popular way to try to get rid of cellulite. One of the more popular brands of these pills is Cellasene. Doctors often warn that cellulite pills can be harmful. Many also feel that they provide very little benefit and are a waste of money.

Overall, exercise coupled with a healthy lifestyle is still the best way to get rid or prevent cellulite in men. Exercise will also help clear out blocked arteries and improve blood circulation. Make sure to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. Also it is important to maintain a healthy diet - make sure to get plenty of veggies, fruits, lean meats and whole grains.

Cellulite in men can be a little easier to deal with because men in general can exercise more easily. But this doesn't mean you can take it easy - painful cellulite can lead to other medical conditions down the line if left untreated, regardless of what your sex is. If your experiencing pain due to cellulite, make sure to seek medical attention immediately. - 17268

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Food Labeling Deception: The Lies They Tell You

By Curtis Ludlow

Are you tired of being lied to?

Everyday you purchase food items that you think are good for you. You probably base your decisions on the food labels themselves. The problem is that there it is very difficult to monitor and enforce misrepresentations about food claims that restaurants and food manufacturers make.

There are seven lies that they tell you. Here they are.

1. "carb smart," and "carb free lifestyle".

Many people purchase items with these labels thinking that "carbohydrates are bad". Lables will often say that they're carbohydrates will have "a minimal impact on blood sugar". Remember, they still are sometimes high in calories that can make you fat.

2. "Low fat": Most foods may be described as "low fat" if there are no more than 3 grams of fat in a standard serving. Standard servings have been established by the FDA to reflect the amount of food that is typically consumed. Since will often be served foods much larger than the standard serving, a "low fat" food typically will contain large amounts of fat.

For example, ice cream may be called "low fat" as long as there are no more than 3 grams of fat in a standard half cup serving.

You are very often offered portions much larger the typical serving size. So a two cup serving of "low fat" ice cream would contain 12 grams of fat!

Be sure to keep in mind that even a small servings of "low fat" main dishes like pizza can have more than 3 grams of fat to a serving.

And remember, "low in fat" does equal "low in calories."

3. "Light": "Light" is commonly used to mean many different things.

Food labels must clearly indicate what "light" is intended to convey. If the meaning is not clearly explained, you should seek clarification. If "light" indicates a reduction in calories, fat, or sodium, information about those nutrients should be provided.

4. "Cholesterol free": "Cholesterol free" claims are very popular but can also be very misleading. Keep in mind that:

"Cholesterol free" does not mean that it is a healthy food.

Foods like veal, foul, and scallops contain cholesterol -- even if they are cooked in "cholesterol free" oil.

Saturated and trans fat can raise the level of cholesterol in your blood:

"Cholesterol free" foods often contain saturated fat. The FDA says that foods low in saturated fat must be described as "cholesterol free," but watch out -- most restaurants and manufacturers do not comply with this requirement.

The FDA allows foods with abundant amounts of trans-fats to be called "cholesterol free." To avoid trans-fats and limit your consumption of foods prepared with vegetable shortening or partially hydrogenated oils.

5. "Sugar free": Keep in mind that "sugar free" does not mean "calorie free" or "fat free." When foods are described as "sugar free" it does NOT mean that it is not low-calorie or reduced-calorie.

6. "Healthy": Food described as "healthy" must be low in fat and saturated fat and may not be high in cholesterol or sodium. However, there are no limits on the amount of sugar or calories that a "healthy" food may contain.

7. "Heart" claims: Claims like "heart-healthy," "heart smart," and "heart" imply that the food will be low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and not high in sodium. - 17268

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Reishi - A Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb

By Markho Rafael

Reishi is the most searched medicinal mushroom on the Internet, used in China for at least two millennia as a panacea to alleviate things from everyday nuisances like the common cold or skin disorders to terminal conditions such as cancer.

One of the most ardent proponents of reishi is Dr Fukumi Morishige, a Japanese medical doctor working with the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine in researching the use of reishi for cancer.

The following case reports were given by Dr. Morishige in a speech re-printed in the periodical, Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III.

Being a native of Japan, Dr. Morishige was familiar with reishi before becoming aware of its potential in cancer treatment. But his attitude was essentially the same as any other trained medical professional. He believed it might have some marginal effect on certain non-terminal conditions but dismissed any claims regarding cancer as exaggerated. That is, until two of his cancer patients related their stories of using reishi to self-remediate their conditions.

The first case he encountered was a woman in her late 30's with lung cancer. A number of hospitals had told her the cancer was too advanced to be treatable. There had also been secondary complications in the form of edema of the chest. However, when she came to see Dr. Morishige half a year later, all those symptoms had disappeared. The woman insisted her recovery had come as a result of 4 gm of reishi administered daily by her husband.

The second case was a young boy suffering from congenital liver cancer. At the age of 5, his attending physician determined that the condition was terminal and discontinued any further treatment. At 9 years of age, the boy's parents brought him to see Dr. Morishige who could then find no remaining traces of the cancer. The parents explained to Dr. Morishige that they had been feeding their son reishi via a naso-gastric tube. It was at this point Dr. Morishige determined that reishi's effect on cancer deserved further study.

The following are five of his case studies using reishi and Vitamin C (for prevention of side effects):

Case 1: A patient with a 5 cm (2 in.) brain tumor who had lost consciousness was placed on 6 gm of reishi per day in June of '86. By September, this 70-year-old-male patient had emerged from his comatose state. The reishi was decreased to 3 gm per day. Another three months later, December of 1986, scans showed diminishing size of the tumor. After it shrunk to 1 cm (0.4 in.), the hospital released the man to return home and live with his family.

Case 2: A patient with lung cancer, a 50-year-old female, was coughing up blood. Dr. Morishige put her on a daily dose of 6 gm of reishi. In six months, the tumor vanished. The woman, among other things, had regained her ability to climb stairs without suffering shortness of breath.

Case 3: Patient with breast cancer that had spread to the bones was in unbearable pain and immobilized below the head. An initial dose of 9 grams of reishi daily was increased to 20 grams per day. Two months later, the woman was pain free and released after demonstrating improvement in her ability to walk.

Case 4: A male patient with rectal cancer and liver metastasis began using 6 gm of reishi per day. After six months, CT scans showed diminished tumor size and patient demonstrated improved general health.

Case 5: A male patient aged 60 was diagnosed as having terminal pancreatic cancer and short life expectancy. Dr. Morishige placed him on 9 gm/day of reishi plus 30 gm/day of Vitamin C. A year later, the man was free of any symptoms and back working. After leaving the hospital, he continued taking 5 gm of reishi per day.

End Note: This article is for informational purposes only. This product has not been tested by the FDA and it is highly advised not to use it for self-treatment of cancer. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb for medicinal purposes.

Reference: Morishige, Fukumi, 1987. Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III, Page 12 - 23, ISBN4-88580-053-6 C-0077 - 17268

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