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Monday, June 15, 2009

What Is Body Building All About?

By Daniel Waser

Body building may be a favorite past time of many, but do you know what body building really is? Normally this is done for the purpose of competition or for vanity. Body building is a systematic way to develop a wonderful physique through the use of proper nutrition and exercise program that can sculpt strong, solid muscles. The result of these intensive training and dietary programs is visible in the form of strong and toned muscles, which creates a very attractive and sexy appeal for those professional and amateur body builders.

Is there a way that bodybuilding standards can be realized and how do you ensure the best way to achieve it? To begin the discussion on this interesting topic, you would need to realize that there are two parts to an effective body building program, exercise and proper nutrition.

Every successful body building program needs a systematic and effective weight lifting program. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts. Body building is a form of sport, but there are many who adhere to a strict body building routine for aesthetic purposes.

Weight lifting can assist those who need to recover from a serious injury, while toning and sculpting the body at the same time. If strict observations can be exercised, weight lifting may be useful to assist those who are recovering from illnesses or introduced as part of a rehabilitation program.

A good diet and nutrition is essential to ensure that you get the best out of your body building program. Maintain at least 40% protein, a 40% carbohydrate portion and 20% of good healthy fats in your daily diet to ensure adequate supply of muscle building nutrients and energy.

When selecting your carbohydrate foods, brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal are excellent choice to include. For a healthy bowel system, include a nice portion of fiber rich food such as vegetables and broccoli.

Remember to consume enough water to avoid the reduction in your muscle mass because of dehydration. It is good to drink water before and after every workout session, it can help you in reach your body building goals faster. You can even drink between exercises!

The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17268

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Acai Berry Diet For Controlling Cholesterol Levels

By Dana Hawkes

Everyone is aware of cholesterol. They know that cholesterol kills. But what they don't know is that there are two kinds of cholesterol in our body. One kind is harmful, which accumulates in the arteries causing atherosclerosis and also various heart diseases. However, the other kind of cholesterol is actually useful to the body. The 'good' cholesterol is scientifically known as HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) while the 'bad' cholesterol is known as LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins).

The gist is this - while the body wants none of the bad cholesterol, it cannot do without an optimum amount of good cholesterol. It is this cholesterol that helps in the transportation of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and the various fatty acids.

So, where does the acai berry diet come in this? The truth is that the acai berry is highly effective in correcting any cholesterol imbalance that might be frequent in the body. Due to our imperfect and unhealthy eating habits, most of us have dangerously high levels of bad cholesterol in our bodies. A regular acai berry diet can help in reducing these levels. At the same time, this diet can increase the concentration of good cholesterol, paving the way for good health.

Here is some acai berry diet information that everyone must have - the acai berry is very highly concentrated in antioxidants. It has a very high concentration of phytonutrients and anthocyanins. Experts have found out that these levels in the acai berry are 10 to 30 times more than those in other antioxidant-rich foods, such as red wine. These antioxidants work quite effectively in fighting free radicals that impair vital metabolic processes of the body, leading to accumulation of bad cholesterol.

There's another subtle point about the acai berry diet. The acai berry has very high fiber content. This helps food digest faster and, when it does, it dispels the undesirable cholesterol along with the waste material. This is a direct way in which the acai berry diet helps in cholesterol management in the body. - 17268

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Weight Loss Information

By Dean Marcus

What are the key steps to get and stay thin and in shape? Exercise and diet are the main factors in a person's weight. If you exercise regularly and eat properly you will keep yourself healthy but what if you're still having trouble loosing those extra few pounds? There genes we all have passed down from our family members that affect our weight. This simply means that some people are predisposed to being heavier than other and will have to work harder to loose that weight.

People who are naturally thin, the people who can eat fast food everyday and not gain a pound. They were born with "thin gene", get it thin genes? :P This is not fair but that's life. If you want to look like them you are going to have to work very hard. There are some benefits to working hard to keep thin. You will be much healthier than a person who is naturally thin because you will achieve your goals the right way, with healthy food and exercise.

For those of us who are overweight exercise and proper diet are the key to weight-loss. If you are naturally overweight it can be very hard to loose the weight and keep it off. Harsh diets work well but are almost impossible to stay on. If you set the bar too high, you are more likely to give up and fall back off the wagon.

One of those weight loss supplements is Clinicallix. This is a weight loss pill that can help you curb your hunger and keep up your energy so that you can make it through the day. Don't be scared of diet pills they aren't as harmful as you may have been lead to believe. Like any other medication these supplements are only harmful when they aren't used properly. You should only use the pills as directed and only while you are trying to loose weight. Diet pills are not a long term solution.

There are 3,500 calories to a pound. So for every 3,500 calories you burn off you will loose a pound of weight. This of course doesn't take into account how many calories you area taking into your body. So, if you want to loose weight make sure your burn more than you eat!

Oh, and don't forget that getting in shape and loosing weight is great for your health. There many heart problems that over weight people are more likely to have. Loosing weight and living a more healthy life will improve your energy levels and can help eliminate depression! It's all in your habits, they are what cause you to live less than healthy. You need to make exercise a habitual activity!

So don't burn your bridges and consider all your options. If you do choose to use a weight-loss pill to help you on your fitness journey, always do some research so hat you can find the best weight loss pill for you. - 17268

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What You Should Know About Detox Diets

By Ron Cripps

Do detox diets spring to mind when you see super models on television, notably as they appear to look outstanding and that they are in exceptionally good healthiness and do you desire that you could manage their lifestyles and appear that fine.

Even though it's accurate that a few models hold nourishing lives, the truth of the matter is that the necessities of the profession make them accept dreadfully unhealthy eating habits in bid to keep their bodies in that shape.

In actuality, being healthy is more about feeling well and being well inside. When our bodies operate well and are clean from toxins, we feel in good health. What many don't know is that, it shows on the outer surface, mutually through our bodies (the improving in the skin's condition is specifically remarkable), as in our character. In my humble view, this is much more attractive than an malnourished, slim individual that is complaining all the time.

In saying that, if you are short-tempered with a moral logic, or are in a bad mood especially often, or if you feel weary even taking into account a regular session of time-out or sleep, that's an warning that your body is suggesting you to take better consideration of it.

One of the greatest favors that you can do to yourself and definitely for your body is implement from time to time one of the several detox diets available.

As they are in fad, these detox diets are available in books, magazines, and even online. On the other hand, the simplest way to decide on one is to consult a health specialist that you trust. Then again you could also think about downloading our E-Book and Audio book Detox Diet 4 Idiots for a fraction of the price of a consultation and receive the exact same recommendation or better.

One more good preference is to speak with friends and relatives who have been on these detox diets to report to you about their experiences. I consider this is actually the best guidance you can get a hold of, as these individuals think about about you and don't take a fee or sale on what they say that could affect their advice.

The key part in doing a detox diets is the drinking of water. Consuming water has a lot of advantages to having a healthy body, including stopping dehydration, which can be damaging to the bodies functions. However, it's even more valuable when adopting detox diets for the reason that water is the natural means through which our body removes harmful toxins. As soon as harmful elements get treated by the liver detoxification process, they get expelled by means of the bladder or through sweating, both of which require water to effectively complete the process.

Detox diets also need complements or special substances to hasten the detox process. Most detox diets will comprise some variety of milk thistle, frequently in the form of tea or detox pills. Milk thistle is recommended as it reduces the liver's workload and makes it work more effectively.

To conclude, even the best detox diets in the world can't do a large amount if they're not complimented by some form of physical activity from walking through to aerobics training. - 17268

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Is a Good Tasting Natural Colon Cleanse Possible?

By Michael Richardson

Given all the toxins in today's world, just thought everyone would benefit from a colon cleanse, especially natural colon cleanse. However a lot of people don't even consider it because they assume that it tastes terrible and is hard to do.

While it's understandable that people might assume a colon cleanse with taste bad most are actually pretty good.

Some people are surprised to learn that spices have cleansing properties in addition to helping flavor cooking. The right combination of spices and herbs and a natural colon cleanse recipe can make for a very a good tasting cleansing indeed.

If you look at several natural colon cleanse recipes you'll see that they contain whole foods, many of which are high in fiber. High fiber aids in the effectiveness of the cleanse in doesn't necessarily detract from its taste

You very frequently will find spices and herbs as ingredients in homemade colon cleanse is. Since you use spices to season our food, it's not hard to imagine that some cleansing recipes might actually taste good.

Ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cilantro and garlic are some of the common ingredients in many cleanses. In the right proportions these can be very flavorful.

One spice I've been surprised to see in cleansing recipes is cinnamon. Apparently it helps modulate blood sugars as was clear toxins.

Some schools of cooking routinely use many different spices, so meals prepared in this tradition have cleansing properties just because of the spices and herbs used in the preparation of the food.

If you can develop a taste for Indian curries, you'll be doing yourself a favor. A traditional curries prepared by adding several different spices at different stages in food preparation. Many of these spices have both anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties.

Not only are the spices in the curry healthy, they are used to season wide variety of vegetables that have their own health benefits,

Some people think that Indian food is always very spicy and a sense of being hot. That's not necessarily the case, so don't let that concern keep you from exploring this healthful cuisine

After you have some experience with colon cleanses you recognize why a certain ingredients are included in a given cleanse. You be able to make substitutions that are more suited to your tastes and goals.

As an example, I replaced the maple syrup in the so-called "lemonade cleanse" with cinnamon and thought it improved the taste while eliminating some sugars.

For example, if you don't like the strong taste of raw garlic you can chop it and let sit for five minutes or so and then gently took it to soften its flavor. Part of garlic's healthiness comes from compounds that are formed when enzymes within the garlic are activated when is crushed or chop. If you cook the garlic you need the after chopping it, those enzymes are inactivated by the heat before they've had a chance to make the transformation. This simple step let's you get the benefit of garlic without as much of the strong taste.

Also keep in mind that just drinking plenty of pure filtered water is a good cleanse itself. And of course we should at least minimize if not completely avoid toxins such as alcohol at all times not just for doing a cleanse. - 17268

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Want A Brighter Smile?

By Jen Hosse

Everyone knows that as we age, our teeth slowly begin to yellow due to eating food, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or any other number of elements. As we age, this sort of exposure turns our white teeth into a yellow which is far from appealing.

Luckily, in recent times, we have come up with a solution to this problem of yellowing teeth and many people can now turn their yellow teeth back to a beautiful white. Now we can perform this just as easily as we deal with other anti-aging issues like wrinkles, poor skin or anything else that comes with age.

In past times, the only person who could offer you the service of whitening your teeth was your dentist. The dentist usually provided treatments with either lights or bleach or a combination of both. These procedures work pretty well but unfortunately they are quite costly and not very convenient as they require a trip to the dentist each time.

Now there are a variety of home treatments that you are able to employ to get your teeth whiter. In fact, so many products have come out that you might have trouble choosing the right one. There is, however, one product in particular that works quite well.

DentaWhite is at the peak of the teeth whitening product list. According to reviews and its site alike, your teeth can become whiter up to 7 shades so. This is a pretty big difference.

DentaWhite contains about 22% peroxide bleach which is completely safe and is also about the same amount of bleach that professional dentists use when performing whitening procedures.

Due to DentaWhite successfulness in whitening teeth, many news organizations have also picked up on this and reported it. Also, from reading users reviews, it is pretty clear that a wide variety of people have found this product beneficial in whitening their teeth.

So, if whitening your teeth is what you are looking for, you will want to strongly consider DentaWhite for its great reviews and usefulness. Additionally, at the time of writing, DentaWhite is offering a free trial of its product so if you are at all interested, by all means, go and pick up a trial! - 17268

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A Review of Winsor Pilates

By Steve Estes

If you haven't heard of Winsor Pilates before it is one of the best fitness programs around and has an excellent reputation with the worlds top flight exercise trainers. I doubt there will this big of a breakthrough in the world of offline AND online health systems for quite some time.

Many of the top Hollywood and business luminaries are seen exercising and sweating to Winsor Pilates routines in the posh health clubs of the country. There has developed a whole cottage industry revolving around this popular form of exercise. You have available at your finger tips such products as Winsor Pilates DVDS, books, videos, and even internet home study courses.

Just like all forms of popular exercise, Winsor Pilates has those who love it and those who don't. Although I haven't found many critics, Take a look at some selected features and try to tell id this system is the right one for you.

It shouldn't be hard to find a large number of Pilates bloggers giving out their opinions on such things as Pilates machines like the Pilates Reformer or the Pilates Power Gym. Almost evey one that you will read speaks glowingly about using this equipment. I was hard pressed to find many negative reviews.

What Winsor Pilates does is powers up the core of your body, developing great posture and toning your muscles. Even digestion is improved by some because of the nature of the exercises.

It is obvious that Pilates focuses on total body development but what you find is that it seriously pumps up your thighs, butt, and abs. Clearly they specifically work your back as well. In that it is a complete exercise system you find yourself centering your body, mind, and spirit as well.

Finding any negative reviews was a much more difficult task. People just don't have a great deal of bad things to say about Winsor Pilates. I guess the one thing that seemed universal is that not everyone wanted to have to purchase Pilates equipment. And that is understandable. You start an exercise program and want it to be as inexpensive as possible.

There was a common complaint from the lose weight quickly folks. Apparently they don't relish the idea of sweating and working hard in order to lose weight. Even though working out is absolutely the safest way to drop the pounds, they'd rather choke down some watery shake or munch a bunch of chewable tablets than work hard. Clearly, Winsor Pilates is not for them anyway. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Benefits Of The Acai Berries

By Dana Hawkes

A little-known benefit of the acai berry diet is its assistance in muscle building. Most of the acai berry diet reviews speak about how an acai berry diet can help in weight loss, anti-aging, good vision, cardiovascular health and so on. But a very few reviews speak about the bodybuilding benefits of the acai berries.

Acai berries are good for bodybuilding, but you cannot depend on them solely. Probably that's the reason why there is less information in this area. Acai is not as support for building muscles as it is for some other things, but it does speed up the process all the same.

You demand proteins in order to build muscles. That is the reason you see all professional bodybuilders consuming a diet that is rich in proteins. However, proteins are not introduced in the body directly. They are introduced in the form of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Now, acai berries have a very necessary amount of amino acids. Hence, when consumed in the form of a diet, these simple-looking berries can actually produce chains of protein molecules in the muscles of the body.

There is more than 7.5% of amino acid content in acai berries. That's a significant amount. Also, since acai berry diet products are available in different concentrated forms, such as pulps, juices and powders, you can get a very good amount of protein through this food.

Also, the fact that acai berries remove bad cholesterol from your body helps. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, which assist the digestive process and remove the harmful LDL cholesterols from the body. The result is a trimmer figure, and it is easier to work on building a trimmer body than a flabby body.

And it is not just about building your muscles. Check out the huge amount of acai berry diet information that is so freely available on the Internet. You will find out that this diet does not just pump up those muscles but ensures good overall health. A sound constitution in a great physique - that's what regular consumption of an acai berry diet can give you. - 17268

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Weight Loss Research on Protein Diets

By Eddie Johnston

As you might have discovered, it is crucial to take in protein to sustain a wholesome diet. Proteins are the fundamental building block for numerous body tissues .Other components such as enzymes, skin, hair, nails, bones, connective and muscle tissue. Protein comprises anywhere from 15-20 percent of the average individuals body weight. It is very monumental to preserve this part in order to experience a healthy lifestyle.

It is crucial to confer with your doctor or other health care professional person to find out exactely what amounts of protein is suggested for you personally. Nevertheless, for the vast majority of people in America and Canada, the suggested day-to-day consumption is approximately fifty grams a day, based on a two thousand-calorie diet. The major sources of protein are found in foods such as meats, chicken, bean curd, and eggs. Protein is also be found in most dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. Many athletes, musclebuilders, and anybody who exerts themselves on a steady basis will need a lot more protein to help build up and preserve muscle. Naturally, many people may require more protein then others depending upon several personal aspects such as their food intake, diet, quantity of physical exercise, age and weight.

Want more protein and don't want to consume all the extra calories? Protein powders are a powdery mixture of dietary supplements and other ingredients such as whey, whey isolate, creatine, calcium caseinate, isopure and isapro. They are a great source of protein because they are easy to consume and digest. Just think, you can get the same amount or even more protein by just by drinking a high quality protein shake then by eating a steak dinner, or eating a bunch of eggs, but the protein shake is much easier to make and it is better for your digestive system. The protein powder is added to water, milk or any other favorite beverage to make a protein shake. You will be able to make a tasty protein shake by adding fruit or yogurt and milk.

Have you discovered a different form of protein supplements called liquid proteins? Liquid proteins are made from collagen hydrolysate, or a fruit enzyme named predigested papain. Liquid proteins are protein molecules that have been broken down into free amino acids and polypeptides, which step-ups your protein assimilation. Liquid proteins are easily blended in with various foods and beverages. Some brands of liquid proteins on the health market these days are Pro-Stat, Isapro, Proteinex and, IsoPure. The primary benefits to liquid proteins is they provide huge amounts of good protein in a smaller amount of substance.

Another great way to find protein is in protein bars and cookies. Protein bars and cookies are tasty convenient for busy people looking for additional protein consumption. You should keep in mind that a major disadvantage to protein bars and cookies are they can be very high in fats and sugars. If you do not like the idea of protein shakes or liquid protein you can seek additional protein in other ntritional supplements. - 17268

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The Mysterious Fountain Of Youth From Diet

By Karen Lynch

Persons have long searched for the indefinable fountain of youth. Many have longed for the sensation cure that would immobilize all of the ordinary deterioration of aging. It may be unexpected to some but the fact is that we have had it all along.

To stop the progress of the standard declines linked with aging, one may have to look no further than the local supermarket, health food store or farmers market. Research now indicates that as much as 85% of all age-related illnesses can be avoided through outstanding nutrition and a good for you diet. A exceedingly healthful diet can prevent the predictable decay that is associated with aging.

Many of the top superfoods that can decelerate the deterioration of aging are foods that people have been eating for millennia. Some of these foods have been staple items in parts of the world and one of these foods has such a interesting saga that at one time it was practically completely avoided because it was believed to be fatal.

Berries show up on almost every list of superfoods because they are one of the healthiest foods ever found in nature. Berries are rich in the pigment that makes them the dark purple and dark red colors. This pigment is actually a sturdy flavonoid antioxidant called anthocyanins. The acai berry that is grown only in the rainforest in Brazil has the highest antioxidant capability as measured on the ORAC scale of any particular food. This little berry has been a staple food for the citizens of the area and throughout history it has provided as much as 45% of their nutritional regime.

Tomatoes are high in nutrients that can prevent the decline of aging. Tomatoes are abounding in lycopene, which is a robust antioxidant. Lycopene assists in the deterrence of heart disease by protecting the blood vessels from oxidative damage. Lycopene has also been established to avert certain types of cancer, including lung cancer and prostate cancer. Amazingly, the tomato is in reality more healthful when it is processed and heated, such as in spaghetti sauce, than when it is raw. Adding a healthy fat such as olive oil also boosts the nutrition because it is fat-soluble.

The tomato has an interesting saga as back in the 1500's most Europeans thought that the tomato was toxic because most of the flatware at the time was made out of pewter, which has a high lead contents. High acid foods such as the tomato would cause lead to leech out into the food, which resulted in lead poisoning and loss of life. The poorer people, who ate off from wooden flatware of course, did not have the same problem and as a result only the impoverished people of the day ate tomatoes.

Look for colors when you look for anti-aging foods. Greens, such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, Swiss chard and more are exceptionally nutritious. Orange foods like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes should be integrated. And beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, Tea, red wine and dark chocolate are also fantastic foods to thwart the tribulations of aging.

The elusive fountain of youth has been with us all along. We just need to incorporate more of the natural, good for you and whole foods that nature has provided us with and remove the processed and fake foods that are so common in our diets. - 17268

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Energy Conservation

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Renewability, sustainability, and energy conservation are all over the news. On every newspaper's front page and every television nightly news program features sustainability daily. These are important issues, not only for the health of our planet, but also for our physical health and well-being.

Physical health depends on how we maximize our available energy resources - how we use our body's stores of energy, how we replace and renew that energy, and how we practice conservation of our physical energy.

Interaction of all the elements of human physiology is exactly analogous to the interaction of ecosystems in the global ecology. It's an interesting and powerful comparison.

Energy resources in our body consist of nutrients obtained from food, oxygen, and stored energy in the form of sugars (glycogen) and fats. We gain energy by eating good food and balancing our nutritional choices from all the major food groups.1,2 We gain energy by having efficient and well-toned cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We gain energy with strong muscles. And we gain energy by getting sufficient rest.

How we use these resources depends on instructions from the nervous system. Being able to use these resources efficiently depends on the underlying tone of our cells and tissues, which in turn depends on normal flow of information in the nervous system.

Hyperactive nerve systems and sluggish nerve systems - due to a variety of causes - create imbalances up and down the line.3 Systems perform abnormally. Your metabolism slows down or speeds up. You don't digest your food properly. You use too many or too little resources for a given task, and the job doesn't get done properly. Muscles get tight. Joints get stiff. You have pain. You get sick.

In these cases you are using more energy - due to inefficient systems - than you are taking in. You're not sustaining your resources, you're depleting them. Sooner or later, your entire system will begin to breakdown. You have chronic pain, you're tired all the time, you toss and turn when you should be sleeping, and you're irritable during the day.

Energy is not renewed. Your body's out of balance, physically and metaphorically.

Chiropractic treatment directly addresses these energy concerns. Chiropractic care is all about energy management and conservation of resources. Gentle chiropractic treatment focuses on restoring balance to nervous systems, muscular systems, and physical structure. Energy begins to flow to where it's needed most, chronic pain begins to resolve, and you begin to sleep more restfully. You have a greater focus and get done the things you want to get done during the day. Your relationships with family and friends are more enjoyable, and life itself becomes much more fun.

Your chiropractor - your energy conservation specialist - is an important natural resource for your well-being and your family's well-being.

1Katona P, Katona-Apte J The interaction between nutrition and infection. Clin Infect Dis 46(10):1582-1588, 2008 2UNESCO, Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific: Population, nutrition, and health. Bull Unesco Reg Off Educ Asia Pac 23:260-268, 1982 3D'Melllo R, Dickenson AH: Spinal cord mechanisms of pain. Br J Anaesth April 15, 2008 - 17268

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Low Calorie Diets are Not the Way to Go

By Thong M. Dao

Are you planning to follow a low calorie diet plan in order to lose weight fast? Before you do, read this article to find out why low calorie diet plans don't work.

I cannot tell you how many folks used to follow popular low calorie diet plans for a few weeks only to find out that they didn't lose much weight. As a result, they felt that weight loss is impossible and quit the diet program altogether!

The prime reason low calorie diet plans are unsuccessful: your body becomes malnourished which makes you feel ill and tired. I myself tried a low calorie diet and found it difficult to accomplish my daily activities, let alone going to the gym.

All these happen because your metabolic rate is low. If you want to lose weight successfully, keep these two things in mind:

1. Many people believe calories are the problem. That's not true. Calories are our friends, they supply our body with the necessary nutrition and energy. Enough nutrition helps increase our metabolism which leads to weight loss.

However junk foods, such as cookies, fried foods, or donuts are bad calories. While at your next cookout, I would recommend not to consume that entire double chocolate fudge cake, that will surely get you fat. Instead try the Jello or fresh fruit.

You need to let go of empty calories foods (i.e. junk food) and hold on to negative calories, like fruits and vegetables.

"Negative calories" doesn't indicate that there is no calories in those foods; it only indicates that in order to absorb themselves, they will require your body to burn more calories than what they provide. This caloric shortage will allow you to lose weight.

2. You must build muscle. Are you aware that in order to maintain themselves, your muscles will burn a lot of your calories? In other words by building our muscle, we will get rid of unwanted weight more easily.

To build lean muscle, you should consume protein-rich foods along with regular exercise routine. Another advantage of consuming protein-rich foods: your stomach will not be talking to you as often, in return you will not be overeating.

When you eat low-calorie foods, you're not able to build muscles; instead you LOSE them. When your body doesn't have enough lean muscles, it can't burn fat since your metabolic rate remains at an abnormally low level. So that's one more reason why low calorie diets don't work.

Most of these low calorie diets will only help you lose water and muscles. While you may believe that you have actually lost several dozens of pounds, you have not lost the single most important thing that is keeping you from becoming slim: FAT. Unless you lose fat, you can't be fit! - 17268

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