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Monday, June 8, 2009

Acai Berry Diet - What You Must Find Out About Acai Berries Before You Buy

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries look similar to purple grapes. Also similar to grapes they have specific nutritional qualities and health benefits, but at amazingly elevated levels than most fruits.

Acai Berries are endemic in the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the natives of the region. Since Acai Berry is a drupe, its seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry resulting from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for usage in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Recently, Acai Berries have quickly gained popularity internationally. Acai Berries are filled with an astounding amount of antioxidants. Yes, ten times that of grapes and about two to four times that of blueberries. In addition, it is considered to have the best overall nutritional worth of any fruit on Earth.

Acai Berries are extremely rich in vegetable protein, which not like animal protein, do not result in cholesterol and are easier to take in by the body. They are also rich in carbohydrates which fuel your body during activities like working out. They also have very high amounts of essential fatty acids and omegas that lessen harmful cholesterol levels. The lavender color itself is not accidental. These are from anthocyanins, a kind of antioxidant that lends it its purple hue. Acai Berries actually have 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than Red Wine in terms of volume! The remarkably high levels of antioxidants help fight free radicals and prevent premature aging.

To summarize its healthy benefits, Acai Berries can help improve digestion; lose weight; promote better sleep; reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

Acai Berries even taste good! It has been described as something between a balance of berries and chocolate. Acai Berry is truthfully the number one super food of the world. - 17268

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Lower Ab Exercises- Bucks County Personal Trainer Explains Possibilities

By Jose Loni

Can doing lower ab exercises give us ripped abs? No, isolation through lower ab exercises is not the answer. The key to toned, visible abs is a faster metabolism via a smart eating plan and regular physical activity.

Localized lower ab exercises will just not do it. Doing them can help our abdominal, hip and back muscles get stronger to support our body's movements, but they will not help give us six pack abs.

Working the problem area in isolation is not effective and cannot burn localized fat. Instead, overall physical activity is required to get our whole body to use up excess fat.

We can raise our metabolism through disciplined eating habits that include consuming healthy foods like lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, which are used up more easily by the body. As a result, our body can now tap into the stored excess fats and use those up for any other energy needs.

Lowering caloric intake by eating small meals 5-6 times throughout the day helps keep our energy up and our blood sugar stable. Energy is used to digest food so the frequent meals help burn even more calories.

Another way to jumpstart our metabolism is through resistance training. Continually challenging our muscles results in hungrier muscles, leading to a greater consumption of energy. This means more excess fat is utilized to fuel those muscles.

Meanwhile, engaging in anaerobic interval training builds explosive and highly reactive muscles that require more energy. Thus, increased muscle activity allows our body to be more efficient in burning excess fat stores, leading to continued fat burning even hours after training.

The truth is, the idea of doing lower ab exercises to gain visible, well-muscled abs can be greatly misleading. The answer lies in increasing our metabolism through disciplined eating habits and regular physical activity. - 17268

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Treating the Knee Surgically: Total Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

MIS TKR - Minimally Invasive Surgery for Total Knee Replacement

For a better postoperative experience that includes reduced pain, a minimal hospital stay and quick recovery, patients are enjoying the benefits of minimally invasive surgery for total knee replacement. (MIS TKR).

A very small incision is all it takes to accomplish MIS TKR. Various factors about the patient determine the exact site of the incision; however, the incision does not involve the quadriceps tendon. This is the very large muscle that is located on the front of the thigh. Because of this reduced soft tissue trauma, the patient enjoys a quicker and easier recovery.

Dr. Tarlow has been using a combination of Computer Navigation and MIS TKR techniques since August 2004. This produces the most precise knee placement possible.

Many patients wonder if they would be good candidates for MIS TKR. A surgeon who is experienced in this procedure can determine this with an in-office evaluation and examination. Sometimes, the decision to use this procedure is made during the knee surgery.

Click here for more on Knee Arthroscopy.

Women are usually better candidates for MIS TKR. This is because they tend to have flexibility of the knee tissue, also called good soft tissue mobility. Additionally, they may tend toward a mild knee deformity - bowed or knocked knees, which is an advantage. Good preoperative ROM (range of motion) and BMI (body mass index) less than 35 are also helpful.

Men may not make good candidates for this procedure due to generally having a BMI of greater than 35 coupled with more muscle tissue and stiffness of the knee tissue. Multiple past knee surgeries often complicate the procedure for men as well as large knee deformities.

For error reduction, greater accuracy, and improved surgical outcomes, Computer assisted surgery is a boon. Additionally, computer assisted surgery helps to identify surgical anatomy during surgery.

By using computer based tools it becomes easier to reliably repeat procedures in surgery. These tools increase accuracy and improve quality in surgical procedure. Oddly, these tools are not widely accepted in the US. In Germany, computer based tools are used in surgery forty percent of the time. In the US, this is true only three percent of the time. Technology variations, cost, efficacy and surgeon preference may be the cause of this discrepancy.

The coordination of surgeons, government, and industry to develop computer-assisted surgery and imaging standards will help this new technology to become very beneficial to society.

Click here for more on Dr. Stefan Tarlow, a leading Phoenix knee doctor. - 17268

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Types of Calcium

By Alyssa Devan

Calcium is an element that is needed for stronger bones and teeth. The main structure of our body is our bone that is comparable to a car's chassis. If our bone is weak, it can result to several health problems. Our ability to move is affected if we have weak bones. Our teeth also need calcium to make them healthy and strong. Tooth decays and cavities can result from lack of calcium.

There are different types of calcium, though their differences are not exactly in their chemical components. The calcium types can have an added component making them different from one another. The main calcium structure's percentage is an issue in itself.

Calcium Citrate

This type of calcium is acquired by combining calcium with citric acid from citrus fruit. It helps the reduction of stomach acids to improve calcium absorption. It also helps enhance the flavor of food and is used as preservative or food additive.

Calcium Lactate

This type is used mainly as antacids and is derived from a combination of calcium carbonate and lactic acid. It can be found in aged cheese and is also used as baking powder. It can also be added to xylitol to regenerate the enamel of the tooth through the remineralization process.

Calcium Carbonate

This calcium is used as a supplement. This can be found in most calcium pills in the market. For better absorption, it's best taken after meals. It is also used as an antacid and in toothpaste production. One thing about this calcium is that it needs to be used in the right dosage to prevent harmful effects to the body such as hypercalcemia, vomiting and altered mental status.

Calcium Citrate Malate

It is the most absorbable calcium known and is a combination of calcium carbonate, citric acid and malic acid. This type of calcium can help women aged over 50 to address their bone problems. Aging women, and even men, can have bone problems as they grow old. One such problem is osteoporosis that can be prevented or cured by taking calcium supplements.

Calcium Phosphate

Calcium phosphate is used mainly for fertilizer production but, like the others, it can be used as a nutritional supplement and in cheese products.

Calcium Gluconate

It can be used as a nutritional supplement to help make bones stronger. However, it has little amount of elemental calcium so more pills should be taken to address calcium needs.

Various researches have proven the effectiveness of calcium in making bones and teeth stronger. We get our calcium needs from the food we eat as well as from calcium tablet supplements. For some, the taste of calcium pills may not be tolerable so calcium capsules can be taken instead.

There are different types of calcium and they vary based on their components so consult your doctor for calcium supplement that's right for you. - 17268

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What Is this Acai Berry Diet All About?

By Dana Hawkes

The Acai berry diet is not a diet - It is a way of life!

The Acai berry diet is gaining popularity because it offers a wealth of nutritious substances to the body, enhancing over all health in the process. The Acai berry diet affords its users a variety of benefits, not only to weight loss, fat loss and the suppressing of your appetite, but also in a number of different ways as well, including but not limited to the following:

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure: Your bad cholesterol levels will also be naturally lowered and blood pressure will be naturally lowered

Immunity and Sight: Your body will be protected against many illness including arthritis, diabetes and some cancers and your visual acuity will be naturally improved.

Skin and Immunity: Your skin will be naturally made healthier as well as younger looking and immune system will be strengthened so that you can stay healthier longer.

Blood and Inflammation: your blood circulation will be naturally improved for better health and your body will experience less inflammation for better circulation and less pain.

Digestion and Overall Health: Digestive function in your body will be greatly and naturally improved for better health and your body will be naturally cleansed and detoxified as a result of the Acai berry diet.

Sleep and Energy: The Acai berry diet will help you to sleep better to feel more energized and less stressed out and it will naturally and safely boost your energy levels when you need it most.

Health: The Acai berry diet promotes overall health, natural weight loss, a healthy appetite and the loss of fat rather than healthy muscle, making it an excellent dietary supplement.

When you understand the nutritional makeup of the Acai berry, it should make understanding the Acai berry diet information a little easier, because you will understand how you are benefiting nutritionally rather than simply that you are. - 17268

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What is the Oolong Tea Diet?

By Jared Rothe

From the Wuyi Mountains in China there oolong tea is grown. An age old weight loss diet has recently hit the US and is causing quite a stir. It deals with drinking oolong tea to increase metabolism. The oolong tea is the newest weight reduction product on the market.

The tea raises your metabolism, helps to curb your appetite, and controls obesity. It does so with the use of a compound known as Polyphenol which is in abundance in oolong tea.

The oolong tea diet is formed from the antioxidants it contains. More than green tea and black tea because of the different processing stages it goes through. It's roasting is less than black tea which leaves it with more nutrients and minerals. The taste is generally richer and is a darker color because of where it comes from.

The oolong leaves can be used multiple times and the flavor gets better each time, as opposed to green tea leaves, which lose their strength after the first brew.

How does Oolong diet tea work?Because it contains polyphenol which helps speed your metabolism and burns calories more efficiently and anti-oxidants which help in cell regeneration and flushing toxins, such as fat from the body, it is an effective weight loss tea. The polyphenol activates an enzyme that dissolves triglycerides and the anti-oxidants help flush them from your system. Making the digestive process much easier for your body.

Also, the oolong diet tea helps you feel fuller, and most people will drink five to six glasses per day, mainly half an hour before meal time, and then they eat less. - 17268

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Get Taller Today With This Helpful Advice

By Shaun Davids

If you have always struggled with your height and wanted to get taller, do not lose faith. There are thousands of us worldwide that think we are stuck with our current height. But this is not true.

In fact, there are a number of steps you can take to increase height and strengthen your bones. These two factors are very closely related.

First, let us talk about the growth of our bones. As infants, most of our bones are in fact cartilage. That is why babies have more bones than adults.

When we begin growing taller, a lot of our cartilage moves and bonds together to become tough adult bone. Most of our growth during puberty is caused by our cartilage growth plates. So during this time a good dose of exercise and nutrition can help a lot to increase bone length.

Why is exercising when you're young important? For one thing, it releases height growth hormones, which makes you get taller faster and more effectively. Just as important, though, is that it keeps your bones healthy and strong by allowing them to grow to the most of their potential.

If you want to grow tall, you also need to have a balanced diet. If you never knew this, having a poor diet can actually reduce your growth! As children and young adults, we need to be getting enough amino acids, protein, carbohydrates and calcium in our diets, so that we have energy to move and grow.

These substances also help our bodies replace old, dead cells with new ones. And when we hit puberty, our bodies work overtime and require more nutrients to get taller.

But even during adulthood, what we eat and how often we work out, still play a crucial role to increase height and stay taller. But, do not believe anyone that tells you certain exercises or stretches will make your bones longer even after can no longer grow. This is not possible. Nevertheless, a good diet and exercise keeps you fit and lean, making you look taller when you're dressed up.

Furthermore, by getting enough calcium in your diet, your bones will be much stronger and will not shrink so much as you grow older.

And these are some of the helpful ways to get taller naturally. So start using them now in your attempt to growing taller! - 17268

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What You Want to Know About Reflexology Massage

By Claudine Balsells

Reflexology is another type of massage which is supposed to relieve tension in the body. Another name for reflexology is zone therapy. Reflexology is more focused on the hands and feet. It is believed that by massaging certain points on the hands and feet that it will induce relaxation to other parts of the body. There is no unified theory of reflexology massage so there are different practitioners work reflexology massage and different ways.

However, there are some common areas that are acknowledged. Most practitioners agree that certain areas of the hands and feet correspond to different parts of the body. Reflexology targets these particular areas of the hands and feet. It is thought by manipulating these areas that they can affect other parts of the body. Reflexology is classified as an alternative health since there are no practical studies that have been undertaken to validate these traditions.

It is interesting that many of these traditional, natural therapies have not been studied by Western science. Reflexology has been traced back to the ancient Egyptians and been practiced for many generations. Clinical studies are expensive and are normally pursued for proprietary procedures and for patented pharmaceuticals. This is perhaps the biggest hurdle for traditional therapies to be validated.

The Ingham method of reflexology is used primarily for releasing tension in the body. This method is good for reducing stiffness from stress. Many health professionals agree that stress is one of the biggest contributors to health problems. This method of reflexology is used improve nerve and blood supply while also relieving stress.

Reflexology is a natural thing which applies particular massage movements to stimulate major organs throughout the body. There are no known side effects of getting a reflexology massage. When these reflexology points are stimulated, its corresponding organ is relaxed.

Certification and reflexology massage is not mandated by any laws. There are certification programs and boards such as the Reflexology Association of America. Students must meet the minimum criteria in order to receive a certificate in this program. This includes book study as well as hands-on practice.

Reflexology massage is interesting assets only apply to mainly the hands and feet. This has made it somewhat difficult for practitioners to only specialize and this technique. As massage gains more notoriety as a natural treatment, reflexology will also increase in popularity.

The organization does publish research related to reflexology. Most of the research published is regarding either pain control or not see a control. This research looks at the connections in the body for pain and not in control. There are some proponents that believe reflexology may also plans the body of toxins, increase blood circulation and could even assist in weight loss.

For further research, look for pain control or nausea control. Many times reflexology is used as part of a variety of treatments. Reflexology is good for reducing stiffness and tension in the body. It will be quite exciting to start to see some clinical studies being done for reflexology. There are many natural treatments that have yet to be validated by medical science.

Reflexology is a very interesting field. It has long-standing traditions which were initiated in Egyptian times. It is quite fascinating to see how much our predecessors knew about the relationships of the body. It seems that Western science has much to learn from these ancient practitioners. - 17268

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Where to Buy Acai Berry Pills? - Acai Berry Health Benefits As Seen on Oprah TV

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are small fruits of the Acai Palms, 8 species of the genus Euterpe which are local to tropical Central and South America. The tree itself is appropriately named, Euterpe was the muse of delight in Greek Mythology, and without a doubt the fruits of the Acai Palms are delightfully good for you.

Acai Berries are actually from Acai Berry Palms (Euterpe oleracea) which are endemic to the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the natives of the region. The Acai Berry itself is what is called among botanists as a drupe. The seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry derived from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for use in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Searching for this - Order Acai Berry? Maybe you are interested in Acai Berries because you saw it on television, right? Lately, Acai Berries are fast becoming popular internationally, and was even featured on TV and popular shows like Oprah Winfrey. Understandably. Acai Berries are filled with an astounding amount of antioxidants - ten times that of grapes and about two to four times that of blueberries. In addition, they are considered to have the best overall nutritional value of any fruit on Earth.

Acai Berries are very rich in vegetable protein, which not like animal protein, do not result in cholesterol and are easier to take in by the body. They are also full in carbohydrates which feed your body during actions like working out. They also contain very high amounts of essential fatty acids and omegas that reduce harmful cholesterol levels. The violet color itself is not accidental. These are from anthocyanins, a kind of antioxidant that lends it its violet hue. Acai Berries actually have 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than Red Wine in terms of volume! The astonishingly high levels of antioxidants help combat free radicals and prevent premature aging.

So what precisely does its antioxidants and nutritional value help with anyway? Why is it becoming so popular? To put it simply, Acai Berries can improve digestion, help in losing weight, promote better sleep, reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

And the greatest thing about the Acai Berry Diet Oprah Show - Not like other common health food like wheatgrass, Acai berries actually taste good. It has a distinct flavor that has been described as a mix between berries and chocolate. The only downside is that the Acai berries spoil very quickly after harvest, so they are not readily obtainable in fresh form unless you dwell somewhere in Latin America. Luckily, they are now rather easily obtainable in supplementary forms. The most usual being the bottled Acai fruit juice or Acai Berry pills as health supplements. - 17268

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Why Use Shoe Lifts When You Can Increase Your Height Naturally?

By Shaun Davids

Do you really want to wear shoe lifts the rest of your life? Or would you rather want to discover how to grow taller naturally? Are you worried about how tall your child will grow up to be? Despite the fact that many aspects affect how tall you are, especially your genes, you can still grow taller now.

Are you aware that a person can gain a natural height for about two inches (which is for about five centimeters), or if the person is more devoted to the task for about four or more inches (which is equivalent to ten centimeters)? Well, it is not necessary to accomplish hard tasks for this anyway, what the person needs to gain height is devotion of time on the activities that has to be done, determination, and a lively interest. No longer will you need shoe lifts.

The main thing that we have to focus on, are the bones, especially the spinal column and the legs. These two have the capability to increase height because it has properties that are capable of being easily stretched through proper posture and exercise.

The first set of bones you should work on, are in your spine. Inbetween these bones (or vertebrae) are soft cartilage discs that can be lengthened to help you gain a few inches in height. Working on your back is better than relying on shoe lifts which can actually cause back problems.

For growing taller, aside from stretching and exercising, one has to maintain a good posture when standing up and sitting down. Another is that, the person needs to straighten the back when sleeping, this allows decompression on the spine which would make the spinal column longer and even stronger.

On the other hand, the legs also has the capacity to stretch out, and that is within the shine bone as well as the thigh areas. Do you know that bones have gaps? Through frequent exercises, probably for about 45-75 minutes a day, let's say for about six to seven days a week, a person may be able to lengthen those bones in an effective manner in just a short period of time and stop having to rely on shoe lifts.

Taking this advice to heart is a great start for you to grow taller naturally. Once you have the energy, enthusiasm, motivation and dedication, you could reach you rideal height within a few months and never rely on shoe lifts again. - 17268

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