Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weight Loss and Some Reasons Why Diets Fail

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyday people are attempting to attain weight loss and instead they are failing. You know they are failing by the sheer number of new products that comes on to the market every day. Here we will examine just a few of the many reasons why diets might fail.

It seems that the most popular diets are geared toward eliminating entire food groups. No, fat diets, diets with no carbs and some diets with no food at all! It is little wonder that people cannot lose weight.

Our bodies are complex and require many types of nutrients to function properly. Eiminating a food group is not a healthy way to lose weight and the chances are good that your body will rebel leaving you with no weight loss at all.

Losing little weight and getting hardly any nutrients, starvation diets are worse. That is because your body will go into what is known as starvation mode. If your body detects that you are no eating, then it automatically slows down your metabolism and increases it efforts to store body fat. This is to prevent you from dying under extreme circumstances. You potentially may be at risk for health problems even if you are able to surpass your body's initial objections.

Effective weight loss requires developing and staying with a healthful, balanced eating plan on a daily basis. This means that you must partake of all the food groups. You can limit calories and still get nutrients by consuming smaller portion sizes, this is a better approach.

Fad diets have a large following because many of them claim you can lose weight without any type of exercise. This is plainly false, you must consume less than you expend and to do this while getting proper amounts of nutrients require some form of exercise. It does not have to be extreme exercise, anything that raises your heart rate and increases oxygen intake will suffice. Our bodies were not made to be sedentary they need movement.

The greatest weight loss aid is as close as your kitchen sink. Your body is composed of mostly water, about 61.8%. Needless to say, water has a large impact on correct bodily function. The recommended daily allowance of water is eight 8-ounce glasses, but that is only the maintenance amount, if you do any type of strenuous activity or perspire a lot you will need to take in more fluids.

To create a healthy weight loss program you should bring all the elements above together. Eat properly, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water and you have the best weight loss plan on the planet. - 17268

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Increasing Muscle Size And Strength Naturally

By Francoise A. Hale

Athletes, bodybuilders and those who lead very active lifestyles often rely on intensive weight training and exercise routines in order to stay in shape. Working out regularly puts a significant amount of stress on the body, but when the routines are coupled with a healthy nutrition and supplement program, the result is often muscle gains, increased strength and enhanced well-being. Still, many fitness enthusiasts support their lifestyle by taking steroids, a well-known muscle builder that can increase muscle gains in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, steroids have several negative side effects and can lead to dependency making it very difficult to stop the cycle once it's started. Are there alternatives to steroids for increasing muscle size and strength?

Muscle Gain Development

Muscle increase is achievable but with a certain degree of sacrifice. Staying in shape entails maintaining a high protein diet, having the right nutritional supplements, and the right amount of sleep. Some people, however, opt for an easier and less time-consuming process by turning to steroids.

The body naturally increases muscle size and strength after a challenging workout and adequate rest. The resting period is when the body can start rebuilding broken down tissue and cells, and rapidly increase the number of cells that create muscle fibers. This process is cyclical, and as the intensity of the workouts increase, the body responds by increasing muscle cells naturally.

Getting extra mile with the food eaten and fitness supplements also give way to muscle gains. Athletes and bodybuilders use alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine to prevent oxidative damage in cells and to regulate fat inside the body. When taken either before or after each workout, these supplements can allow the body to preserve lean muscle tissue and improve the cell rebuilding and repair process of the body.

Stemulite, a Good Substitute for Steroids

For quite some time, sports players and bodybuilders have taken into extreme measures in order to attain the desired muscle strength and endurance. Steroids were potent medications preferred while the all-natural supplements were not that appealing to many. Recently, a fitness supplement called Stemulite penetrated the market and is claimed to be making waves with active people due to its amazing health benefits. Without the potentially harmful effects associated with steroids, Stemulite is reported by athletes, bodybuilders, and triathletes to have positive results even for only a few weeks of intake.

As stated by Dr. Todd J. Cielo, a practicing Chiropractor and IronMan Triathlete,

"I have been able to achieve a deeper sleep. I wake up hitting the ground running. I noticed from working out my muscles are fuller, denser and harder. My endurance has increased 25%. There is something in Stemulite for everyone."

According to Dr. Cielo, using Stemulite in just five days gave him better sleep, better form in his regular weight lifting, and a dramatic change in his muscle endurance. He notices that this revolutionary supplement can be used by all other kinds of people that include busy parents and not only those engaged in bodybuilding or sports.

If you are looking for a healthy and risk-free fitness supplement, then Stemulite is for you. It is a safe and effective choice compared to many supplements available in the market that are health threatening. With Stemulite, one can achieve improved muscle performance and have a good physical and mental shape. - 17268

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Healthy Verve Energy Drink With Natural Energy

By Julieanne van Zyl

A healthy energy drink has natural energy from nutrients in addition to an energy blend provides prolonged energy. The majority of energy drinks are soft drinks, formulated especially to increase energy levels, and there are hundreds of various kinds on the market today. Some are high caffeine drinks, others are enhanced fruit juices, and others contain additional nutrients to improve health.

Most folks take some kind of drink during the day and quite often at night also, to give them a boost in energy. The traditional tea and coffee has been drunk for a lot of years for this reason. Energy drinks came into existence over the recent 20 years, and a lot of of these are essentially soft drinks with Caffeine or Guarana added to them. Youths and teenagers tend to prefer high energy drinks more than tea and coffee, although folks of all different ages are now drinking energy drinks also.

Caffeine has the benefit of stimulating the central nervous system, and increasing metabolism. Guarana contains the active constituent Guaranine, which is nearly identical to caffeine. Nutritionists believe that the Guarana seed may be supportive for weight control, fatigue and athletic performance.

Most non healthy energy drinks have a high sugar content, and the sugar causes the short lived energy and the crash once the sugar works its way out of the bloodstream. So, these drinks are sometimes made with less sugar or a sugar substitute

The ingredients in energy drinks differs enormously. Some have natural ingredients like Ginkgo, Ginseng, Yerba Mate and Guarana and others have added nutrients like vitamins. For example, HiroEnergy, Monster Energy, Red Bull and XS Energy Drink Root Blast all contain B Vitamins.. The Verve Energy Drink, which is based on an existing dietary supplement and contains contains plus an energy blend.

Drinking a healthy energy drink gives more energy that lasts much longer, because the extra nutrients improve the body's cardiovascular and immune system, which assists in preventing prevent sickness. The nutrients also play an important role in protein and carbohydrate absorption and metabolism, along with supporting the digestive system. In addition, healthy drinks usually contain antioxidants, which help prevent damage to our bodies from stress and being exposed to dirty air and environmental pollutants.

It should be okay for athletes to drink a healthy energy drink without being afraid of their performance being affected.. It is best to always check the label to make sure you know what ingredients are in the drink. - 17268

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What Omega 3 Fish Oil Daily Dosage Is Ideal?

By Michael Byrd

The omega 3 fish oil daily dosage needed by your body totally depends on you.

It must be grounded on the level of well-being that you want in the future, your current state of health and what you eat.

So enough with those health guidelines that are set up by those mighty guardians of the "daily allowance" and on to what is sensible and realistic.

We'll be able to know the omega 3 fish oil daily dosage that's suitable for you as soon as we unveil your lifestyle. Now let's proceed with basic nutrition 101.

What you put into your body by and large will make or break your health in the future.

We may get illnesses like diabetes, heart disease or cancer as a result of the choices that we make over time.

Now get your pen and paper out and note all the health descriptions that you would like to have when you reach the ages of 80, 90 or 100 years old. These may include words like healthy bones, strong, energetic, pain-free, great memory and sexually active.

If your list of words is lower than optimum health and you don't care to stay fit then you only have yourself to blame if you wake up in the morning with a degenerative disease.

On the other hand, if you wish to have optimum health then you need to check on what you are eating now and you have to know if these foods, white bread, sodas, desserts and snacks will help you achieve your health goals in the future.

If they don't, then now is the time to make more than a few changes.

This is exactly what I meant with omega 3 fish oil daily dosage depends on you. If you want and decide to live a healthy life and make a positive commitment in achieving that goal then you will start eating only what is needed by your body.

Since there is confusion as to how much omega 3 is needed by our body then here are some helpful tip that you'll be able to follow as long as you are committed to your future health.

Studies show that those who eat between 1 to 3 servings of fish in a week are able prevent or reduce nasty diseases by a small percentage while those who eat between 3 to 5 servings weekly are able to do even better.

Take note however that in order to reduce health risks you need 5 or more servings of omega 3 fish oil daily dosage every week taken from oily fish.

Other studies on ADHD, heart disease, depression, cancer and more indicate that the optimum daily amount of omega 3 fatty acids from fish is between 1g and 3g.

So now is the time to make that decision.

If it's adequate and not optimum health that you want then you only need to have around 1 to 5 servings of fish weekly.

But, if you want to have optimum health, to look great, feel best and stay fit then you need to eat lots of fish and supplement this diet with pure, high quality omega 3 fish oil in capsules of 1g to 3g. - 17268

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The Best Eating Regimen for People with Osteoarthritis

By Michael Byrd

The best easting regimen for people with osteoarthritis is a complete food regimen. Nevertheless, while you think this sounds easy, let's understand it more.

In essence, "whole food" should never be equated to processed food. Processed food does not have nutritional value anymore because processing strips off its nutrients, leaving natural food useless.

Take for example carbohydrates, whole grains enriched with protein, and important fatty acids. When these foods are processed into flour, pasta, or bread, certain nutrients such as fatty acids are removed. This does not necessarily mean that fatty acids were removed because they are bad. They are removed because fatty acids will only aid spoilage.

This only aids in lessening the shelf life of the product, which will, in turn, harm the manufacturer's bottom line. That's why it is best to remove these essential nutrients from breads or pastas.

With these, you can clearly understand now why you have to eat foods as natural as possible. This will guarantee nutritionally-packed foods including vitamins, minerals and essential acids that contribute to your well being.

Since you are all set to eat whole foods, it is time you learn what to choose for osteoarthritis.

Apart from consuming a balanced mixture of fresh fruit, whole grains, dairy, and lean meat, it is best that you focus on certain foods that develop collagen, prevent inflammation, and encourage the development of strong bones and cartilage.

Among the different foods included in the anti-inflammatory group, oily fish is considered the primary source. So it is best that you consume two to five servings in a week and additional fish oil consumption everyday to help you overcome chronic inflammation.

Next to oily fish, red and black grapes, citrus, garlic, beets, and blueberries are also included in the anti-inflammatory group.

Foods that belong to the citrus family are known to enhance collagen, an element known to provide the tissues more strength and elasticity.

Solid amounts of collagen are needed for stronger bones including calcium from eggshells and dairy and amino acids from good sources of protein.

And lastly, if you want to ensure your keeping your joint cartilage in the pink of health and to readily fix any problem in your bones, you need glucosamine. The best source of glucosamine is the shellfish including the shell.

Of course, it's not easy staying healthy and eating healthy but you really have to if you want to avoid health problems like osteoarthritis. And if you really want to solve this problem, you really should maintain a diet with natural food based supplements.

To help you prevent and relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis, you need to consume more glucosamine hydrochloride and omega 3 fatty acids. The first can be found in shrimp and lobsters while the second supplement can be found in fishes. Glucosamine hydrochloride is known to protect your cartilage while omega 3 fatty acids are known to relieve inflammation.

Together these things work to create great results. And if you want to get easy supply of glucosamine, get it from supplements instead of from shrimps and lobster.

Calcium and vitamin C complex are important tools in supplementing the body's need to promote stronger bones and healthier collagen. This is especially important among women.

Now, it is clear that the only best source of solution for people with osteoarthritis is whole foods. So any form of processed foods must be thrown away. - 17268

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5 Tips for Fast Weight Loss - Guaranteed

By Deen Dragonovich

Fast weight loss is a dieters dream and is much easier to do than most think. However, the problem with losing the weight fast is that most will gain the weight back almost as fast as they lost it. Following a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to successful weight loss.

Follow these 5 tips and you will easily reach your fast weight loss goals.

1. Limit carbohydrate intake. It's best to eat carbohydrates before and after working out. By dropping carbohydrate intake you will lose weight easily because of its diuretic affect. Carbs should be in the form of fruits and vegetables. Try eating no more than 50g a day.

2. Drink lots of water. Contrary to popular belief, drinking a lot of water actually flushes the system. When you limit your water intake your body actually tries to hold onto it. Drinking less water causes water bloat. Drink 2 gallons of water a day to flush out excess water.

3. Eat more protein. Protein boosts the metabolism. Many studies have been done that show a high protein and low carbohydrate diet helps the body lose fat easier. An added benefit is that protein gives you a sense of fullness. Each meal that you eat should contain protein.

4. Give strength training a try. If you already train with weights, ramp it up a notch. Training with weights is one of the best ways to burn fat. Having more muscle gives you a huge metabolic boost. That's why bodybuilders are so efficient at burning fat.

That is simply not the case. Don't be afraid to lift heavier weights. Do reps anywhere in the 5 -12 rep range. Weight training will not only help you lose fat fast, but you'll have a much toner and fit body to boot.

5. Do high intensity interval training (HIIT). Have you ever seen a fat speed skater or sprinter? Probably not. Compare the physiques of sprinters versus marathon runners. Notice how much more muscular sprinters are. Although marathon runners look skinny, often times they carry around double digit body fat percentages.

The difference is in the way they train. Marathon runners train for the most part at a steady pace, where as sprinters run at near maximum effort for short intervals. This type of training has been proven to burn much more fat than steady state cardio. Here's how to do it: Pick your favorite aerobic machine. After warming up, exert 80-90 percent of your maximum effort for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 - 60 seconds and repeat 8 -10 times. That's it. Do this twice a week and you'll be a fat burning machine.

These are 5 surefire ways to lose fat fast. Follow them and you'll be rewarded with a sleek and trim body. - 17268

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Natural Bodybuilding, The Best Muscle Building Method

By Ricardo d Argence

When you are in a place where you want a better body and just to be healthier all around, it is time for you to take a look at Natural Bodybuilding. Natural Bodybuilding is the process of losing fat, gaining muscle and generally being healthier without resorting to things like anabolic steroids or HGH.

You are putting your health and your progress on the line when you take a substance. Whenever you want to see an improvement in the ability to maintain the shape that you are in, you must turn to Natural Bodybuilding

Natural Bodybuilding can be a considered a return to something much more basic to our bodies. After all, in nature, we do not require steroids or HGH to build up our muscles. We developed our muscles because we needed them and because the things that we eat can encourage the growth of our muscles.

With that in mind, it is easy to see why Natural Bodybuilding is so good for you. You are taking things at a pace that your body can process and you are also in a place where you can make sure that your body is going to be able to move forward and really keep the shape that you get it into.

Remember that Natural Bodybuilding is something that takes a holistic approach towards the work that you are doing. You need to make sure that you are monitoring what you are eating and how it is affecting you. For Natural Bodybuilding, you'll find that for the most part, your foods will break down into 30% protein, 20% healthy oils and 50% natural carbohydrates.

You'll also find that you will be avoiding things that are overly sugary and overly processed as well. When you eat too many sugars and consume too many processed foods, you will find that you will be putting on fat rather than muscle. Instead, concentrate on proteins and what they can do for you. Natural protein is literally the only way that you can heal up the torn muscle fiber that results when you work out a lot.

When cosidering Natural Bodybuilding, you should remember that there are not any shortcuts. Contrarily, you acquire a lifestyle program. You will make real progress, rather than something that is going to disappear when you break a cycle.

By doing this, you are building strength in a healthy way. You are not hurting or damaging your body, and this is important to take into account.

It is very important to work towards the body that you want, and while there are a lot of different ways to get there, make sure that you take a look at Natural Bodybuilding and see what it can do for you! - 17268

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