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Monday, April 6, 2009

Avoiding Hot Flashes During Menopause with a Healthy Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

Menopause is going to happen to all women, even though it can be a very stressful time for them. The current level of discomfort is not necessary for most women.

Expect to have hot flashes when going through menopause, but there are ways to avoid them. By altering your diet a little you would be amazed at how rapidly the hot flashes go away.

Soybeans are rich in several estrogenic compounds such as daidzein and genistein. This helps to control hot flashes. Since the Japanese eat a diet that is abundant in soy, just 7% of women in Japan have hot flashes with menopause. Tofu is especially good for mimicking the activity of women hormones.

During excessive perspiration your body loses electrolytes. Adding sea vegetables to your diet can help replenish them. To help with your overall health you should also eat foods that are rich with vegetable proteins (instead of animal proteins) like tofu, fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fresh vegetables, calcium-rich foods, mineral-rich foods, and foods with high vitamin E content, such as green leafy vegetables, almonds, and nuts. Drinking a lot of water is vital for this same purpose also.

If you want to avoid getting hot flashes, then you should stay away from certain foods, however, you should also eat other certain foods. When you eat spicy foods, excess sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, and meat products the triggering of hot flashes, as well as mood swings can be more frequent.

Drinking alcohol and caffeine strains the liver by making it acidic and are likely to increase your hot flashes. If you smoke, it also worsens the effect of hot flashes.

Having a regular exercise routine is key to controlling your hot flashes. Menopause often causes women to feel depressed. It reminds them that they are getting older. If you exercise frequently, you will feel better. It doesn't matter how old you are.

Exercise can raise your estrogen levels, which in turn helps alleviate hot flashes, or at least the severity of them. Exercise also helps reduce the frequency of many of the other negative side effects of menopause like depression, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability.

Never allow menopause to dictate the quality of your life. You can't stop it from occurring, but you can manage how it influences your lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle and diet a little can help you endure this time in your life and end up happier and healthier than ever before. - 17268

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Benefits of Acai Berry Juice

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai Berry, a long reddish, purple fruit, originates from the South American rain forest; this fruit has long been popular with the natives. Since being introduced to North America, it has quickly become touted as one of the "super foods". Since being introduced to the United States, it has become a frequently listed ingredient in products such as health drinks, weight loss supplements and as an energy enhancer.

What makes this acai berry so special? This well kept secret is known for being one of the highest antioxidant containing foods available. In America, the blueberry has frequently been known for having an abundance of antioxidants, but the acai berry blows the content away. This has twice the antioxidant properties of the blueberry, and ten times the amount of grapes. The acai's berry popularity can be attributed to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, with his appearance on the Oprah show while he reported the amazing health benefits.

The acai berry has an extensive list of health benefits. While studies are still being conducted to find more information, there are things we do know already. The acai berry is believed to not only increase energy, but claims have also been made that it will help mental focus and increase stamina during high impact activities. People who use the acai berry also claim sleep is improved - that's something we can all use more of, since getting a good night's sleep is so essential for other elements of our health.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Anti-oxidants play a strong role in maintaining blood circulation. This affects not only heart health, but also overall well-being. Good blood circulation may also contribute to enhanced sexual performance, which has also been reported as a benefit of the acai berry.

Heart health and blood circulation aren't the only things that the acai berry aids. People suffering with digestive complaints have also found relief with the acai berry. This is believed to be due to the high fiber content, and it's definitely better than eating bran flakes.

Cancer fighting properties are also being researched. This elusive cure may be around the corner, as acai berries have been shown to actually destroy cancer cells. Not only a preventative, this brings the potential for a cure to an exciting new level.

When taking acai berries, how long do you have to wait until you experience benefits? Depending on which product you are taking, most people say there are visible results within two weeks to one month. Word of mouth from the tremendous health benefits have increased the sales of acai berry products. This well kept secret from the Amazon Rain Forrest may be the answer that the natives have known for years now: nature is the best medicine. - 17268

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Toned Abs, Nicer Clothes

By Dan Solaris

Western nations have long embraced drive through food, dial-up pizzas and chocolate bars. Unhealthy eating habits combined with activities which involve spending a greater part of the day sitting behind a desk are putting a toll on our bodies. Figures from a survey done by the CDCP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) say a third of the American population is suffering from obesity.

Life as we know it today is indeed on a faster track and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find time to work-out the extra calories we get from the fast, convenient but high-calorie food we dine on. As a result, a lot of folks are forced to wear loose slacks with elastic waists- not really considered avante garde in these times.

Keeping our weight down through constant exercise is the fastest way to trim the inches around our bellies and fit in those favorite pair of denims exiled deep in our closet. True that maintaining a regular workout regimen seems impossible with our hectic schedules, but with the myriad of benefits we get through regular exercise it's ridiculous not to.

Regular exercise not only gives us the obvious benefits of toned abs and a lighter, better-looking physique. Making it a point to work-out everyday lowers blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension while boosting our immune system.

Regular exercise is also a perfect stress reliever- quite useful in these financially hard times. Hypertension brought about by too much stress is one of the major causes of death right now in the world's top urban centers. Aside from lengthening our lives, working-out and getting lean will give us a more positive outlook because of endorphins released by the brain after intense activity. Remember- positivity begets productivity and happiness.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

Cardiovascular exercises have long been known to be the best way to burn calories from body fat, but one needs to keep at it for at least an hour in order to burn enough calories and facilitate fat-loss. For folks whose schedules are packed, intensifying cardio and muscle-building routines will let them reap the same weight-loss benefits for less than an hour each day.

Kicking-off an aerobic routine by doing it at a high intensity (90% of the maximum heart rate) will immediately boost the metabolism and facilitate immediate body fat burn. Shortening the periods of rest in between sets in a weightlifting session will also increase cardiovascular intensity and let you burn more calories while training for strength and muscle. The glycogen stores depleted by doing high intensity exercises can be easily replenished by eating the right foods after your workouts, so you can reap the benefits of lengthy cardio sessions in half the time. - 17268

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The Health Benefits Of Coconut

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Coconut is one of those unique foods savored by man since the earliest ages. Even today, coconut is widely used in many recipes to add flavor. Coconut is the most widely used food on many islands even today. Almost one third of the world's population relies on coconuts for food and financial systems.

In the earlier times, coconut lost its fame because it was thought to have a very dangerous level of fat. Today, research has shown that although coconut has fat, that fat can actually promote weight loss. The reason for this surprise is that coconut has fatty acids which are not absorbed in the bloodstream like other fats, but rather they are transferred directly to the liver, broken down to produce energy.

Coconut has a very high nutritional content. Moreover, it has amazing healing properties which make it a widely used herb in modern medicine. Traditional medicine valued coconut oil greatly but today modern science is not behind in recognizing its worth. It has the ability to help with herpes, hepatitis, measles, influenza and AIDS viruses. It provides help against osteoporosis and stomach disorders. It improves digestion and bowel function. It also helps prevent the risk of getting breast, colon and other destructive cancers.

Coconut is not behind even in the field of sports. Athletes have realized its value where performance level is concerned. It strengthens the fortitude, toughens the bones, boosts energy levels and restores tissue damage. For those wishing to lose a few pounds, coconut aids in losing weight by shooting up the metabolism rate.

Coconut is also a useful food when it comes to skin care. It balances the natural chemical of the skin, preventing aging and skin spots. It also lessens the dryness and flaking in the skin and keeps the complexion fair and shiny. If applied on the skin, it can give protection from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. It can also help with various skin disorders like eczema and dermatitis. It is expedient even in the use of hair. It promotes the health of the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Heart patients can find quite a lot of relief by eating coconut because it maintains the blood pressure of the body and keeps the cholesterol level under control. Clogging in the arteries is also reduced and health of the heart promoted through improved blood flow. Diabetes patients can also enjoy its benefits as it regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

For those suffering with dental problems, coconut can give relief as it prevents tooth decay and strengthens the teeth. Coconut oil is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. It improves the immune system of the body. Coconut oil is the most widely used massage oil. Patients who have suffered from a stroke can find relief if the affected parts are massaged with coconut oil.

The pioneering evidence today shows that coconut and coconut oil weigh the scales heavily when it comes to healing advantages. Though coconut has many advantages, its oil is said to take the lead. So set on today to use coconut daily to gain optimum results. - 17268

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Acai Berry: Royalty among Purple Fruits!

By Caitlin Ryan

Who does not want tons of energy, gorgeous skin and thick hair? Are you interested in slowing the signs of aging and feeling younger? The solution to many of these issues lies with the royalty among purple fruits otherwise known as the amazing acai berry!

It was not long ago that I was feeling tired and sluggish. I was noticing more lines on my face and my hair began thinning and had a high amount of breakage. I could not figure out what was wrong. I ate as well as possible trying to get enough fruits and veggies, but it is not easy to get eight servings a day as the FDA recommends. I even exercise often.

My doctor could not find anything wrong with me, so I decided to find a solution on my own. Looking into natural supplements, I found many products that might help, but I decided on the acai berry because it contained antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and essential amino acids.

There are so many supplements on the market that it can be difficult to decide what to buy. What I wanted was something simple. I did not want to take tons of pills or spend a bunch of money. Acai berries contain essential amino acids that are nearly as complete as animal protein and highly powerful antioxidants.

In fact, when measured using Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), the total antioxidant power of Amazonian acai berries is 90,000 while blueberries are 2400. Blueberries have been touted as being a fantastic food source of antioxidants, so imagine how great acai berries are! They simply have more antioxidant capabilities than any other source!

The benefits of purple fruits and plants have been studied extensively. The phytochemicals that give purple plants their color and high antioxidant quality are called anthocyanins. High amounts of anthocyanins have been found in acai berries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, plums and herbals such as bilberry and elderberry.

One of the most compelling actions of these highly powerful antioxidants is their anti-inflammatory ability, which lab studies have found to prevent a number of health problems.

In instances where animals were given anthocyanin supplementation, excessive inflammation was prevented thus preventing blood vessel damage (as in atherosclerosis), lowering allergic reactions, reversing age-related neurological deficits and reducing capillary malfunction that occurs in diabetes. Anthocyanin has also been found to inhibit human tumor cell growth making them highly promising in preventing cancer.

All antioxidants, especially anthocyanins in acai berries, are capable of fighting aging and improving health because they are able to destroy free radicals (which promote aging and disease) and repair the damage that free radicals incur.

When I began offering my body acai berries and their vast array of health benefits, I had more energy within the first week and better skin quality and thicker more radiant hair within a month.

Acai berries are not a quick fix for energy such as caffeine. Acai berries will not cover wrinkles or give your hair volume immediately like mousse. What they will do is work to improve your health from the inside out, which will in turn make you more energetic and improve tissue health.

These are just a few of the amazing benefits of acai berries and more are bound to be found. - 17268

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A Little Flab Can Steal a Lot of Years

By Jimmy Warren

There was a study that took place involving 900,000 people that confirmed that weighing too much can reduce your life span by 10 to 15 years.

Being over weight by 40 pounds or more may reduce your life span by three years, mostly by stroke or heart disease.

"Obesity can cause diabetes, heart disease or stoke as a result of an increase in blood pressure & cholesterol", as said by Gary Whitlock, study co-author and an epidemiologist at Oxford.

As per the inputs by Gary Whitlock, study co-author and an epidemiologist at Oxford, Obesity increase blood pressure and blood cholesterol and also triggers diabetes causing heart disease and stroke.

The overweight & obese count has gone up to 66% in the USA. One third of the population confirmed to be obese, meaning their body mass index is 30 or more. BMI is measurement based on height & weight.

As per the findings reported online and in an upcoming edition of The Lancet:

As per the details from soon to be released edition of The Lancet & online services:

People who are not obese but are over weight, with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 may have their life span reduced by a year.

A years life span may be affected for the people who are overweight but not obese.

The vice president of epidemiological research at the American Cancer Society, Michael Thun says, This study has helped us understand the different level risk involved in being over weight.

To worsen the situation of one third of the adult population being obsessed, few of them are still not stopping to gain weight, says Michael Thun. It is easy to gain more weight then to lose once you are obsessed. To stop gaining weight should be our motto.

The situation at hand says that almost one third of the US population is obese. Plus few of them are continuing to put on more weight. It is very easy to gain weight in this obese condition as compared to losing. - 17268

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The Best Antiaging Diet Care

By Marianna Pells

Many anti-aging products nowadays guarantee customers with favorable effects. However, what these customers don't know is that if they are to maximize the effects of these anti aging diet care methods, they must do their share of limiting themselves to eating healthy foods, lowering calories, and increasing their fluid intake.

Studies have shown that reducing foods with high calorie is one of the best first step to start in the fight against aging. High calorie in our body can increase the risks of health diseases which are mostly associated with aging. Thus, reduced calorie in our body will mean reduced chances of developing diseases and deficiencies that come along with age.

Studies conducted on the relationship between aging and calorie intake shows that people in their 50s with restricted calorie intake have blood pressures of a ten-year old, are more physically active and have lesser chances of getting heart failures and hypertension. The same laboratory experiment conducted on animals also show the same positive results.

According to Hormesis Hypothesis of calorie restriction, the amount or level of calorie in our body affects our stress tolerance level. Since stress is one of the primary causes or factors of aging, people who are aiming to delay aging should also necessarily lower calorie, consequently increasing stress tolerance and delaying aging.

Other than reducing calorie intake, one effective way of aiding any anti-aging diet care method is having good health food diet. A healthy food diet should include a well-balanced diet and a daily or regular dose of fruits and vegetables as these contain anti-aging properties. Below are also some of the more examples of food that will aid you in your fight against aging:

Berries - These are rich in flavanoids, antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging cells.

Avocados - Avocados contain potassium that regulates high blood pressure. It also contains monounsaturated fat which can help lower the bad cholesterol in your body as well as Vitamin E which is necessary in replacing dead skin cells.

Nuts - Nuts contain high levels of protein and minerals that strengthens the body's immune system. It also helps repair damaged body cells, making it an excellent diet for those on an anti-aging diet care.

Garlic - Garlics are known to reduce risks of heart failures.

Cruciferous vegetables - Broccoli, cauliflower and radish are a few examples of cruciferous vegetables that are said to prevent cancer.

One of the more common health practice that help delay aging and strengthens one's immune system is the hydrotherapy or drinking lots of fluids, especially water. Since dehydration causes stress-induced damages on our body's cells, replenishing our body adequately with the water it needs can effectively help flush out wastes and toxins and rejuvenates dehydrated tissues.

Fasting, or the deliberate avoidance of any kind of food and drinking only water for a considerable amount of time, is also an excellent way to help you in your anti-aging diet care plan. Keeping the body hydrated but free from any solid food once in a while can help detoxify the body, thus, ridding it of toxins that hastens aging. - 17268

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Fitness Tips - Weight Loss Cleanse

By Gregor Mahrer

If you have not, you may want to take the time to examine them. Colon cleanses are mostly used to remove unwanted toxins from the body, but they can also be used in weight loss. That is why it is sometimes possible to find colon cleanses being referred to as weight loss cleanses. If you have never tried a colon cleanse before, namely to lose weight, you may be wondering what you should look for in a colon cleanse. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on. Outlined below are a few of the many points that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy a colon cleanse.

It is important that you find a colon cleanse that is safe to use. Colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses are made and sold by a number of different manufacturers and distributors. While many colon and weight loss cleanses do work, you will find that not all do. In fact, there are even some colon cleanses which can put your health at risk. That is why it is important that you review each colon or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in buying.

When it comes to researching colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses, you have a number of different options. Perhaps, the easiest way to review this popular weight loss tools is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to perform a standard internet search with the name of the colon cleanse that you would like to try. You will want to examine all information that you come across, especially product reviews. Another way that you can determine if the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in trying is safe is by consulting with a healthcare professional, like a dietician or your primary care physician.

Another factor that you will want to take into consideration is the length of the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse in question. When examining the length of the colon cleanse in question, you will find that it often depends on the type of cleanse that you are using. You should be able to find colon cleanses or weight loss cleanses that are in pill format, those that are in ready-to-drink format, as well as those that can be mixed into a drink. For the most part, you will find that drinkable colon cleanses require shorter use times, like for two or three days. It is common to find colon cleanses, especially those in the pill formats, which need to be taken for up to thirty days or more.

The directions of the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you would like to try is also important when choosing a weight loss cleanse. As with the length of a colon cleanse, you will find that the directions of each cleanse also varies. For instance, there are some colon cleanses, namely those in pill formats, that allow you to go about eating your normal diet. On the other hand, there are some colon cleanses that require you to limit your food and drink intake, often to specific products. If you choose a colon cleanse that requires you to only eat certain foods or go without eating for a day, it is important to make sure that you can follow those directions. If not, your colon cleanse may not work as intended and you may not be able to lose weight.

The above mentioned factors are a few of the many that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy a weight loss cleanse or a colon cleanse for yourself. While some colon cleanses are not marketed as weight loss products, you will find that many do result in weight loss. - 17268

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How Is Cinnamon Good For Type 2 Diabetes?

By Jake Ryan

Lately, everyone has been talking about cinnamon in their diet. It has been something that everyone wants to include into their diet because the healthful properties it contains. People with type 2 diabetes are wondering if it is good for them as well.

Cinnamon has been reported to improve your cholesterol and glucose levels if you have type 2 diabetes. The main reason people have been afflicted by diabetes is due to their body's glucose levels.

Type 2 Diabetes comes about because your body's blood sugar levels are unstable. Most of this can be handled with diet, but it is not uncommon to need medication to help manage your illness. However, most individuals would prefer to handle their diabetes with their diet, and is cinnamon something that can help with that maintenance?

There has been a lot of research to see how a diabetic's diet is effected by the addition of cinnamon in the diet. A lot of the studies have shown an decrease in glucose levels with the addition of cinnamon in their diets. However, even with the research that has been completed the information is still inconclusive and will need more tests.

There has been research that cinnamon creates the same effects that insulin has. However, the main thing cinnamon does is help your body process glucose. When suffering from diabetes this is the main concern for your body to stay healthy.

If you maintain a healthy diet and exercise program then that is the main element in managing your type 2 diabetes. Your diet needs to be balanced and full of nutritious foods. You need to have a diet that contains vegetables, healthy fruits, complex carbohydrates, and low fat proteins. Most of the time eating the correct carbohydrates is the most difficult to manage in the diet. There are two different carbohydrates and it is easy to confuse which is which. White flours and sugars all contain simple carbs. Whole grains are complex carbs and are harder for your body to process. Your body has to work hard to digest complex carbs and they have a longer lasting effect on your body as an energy source.

It is tough to answer the question, Is cinnamon good for type 2 diabetes. It has been shown to help in a type 2 diabetes diet. However, the results are inconclusive but they have not been harmful. With all the positive benefits it has shown from research it would be something to ask your doctor and test for yourself. - 17268

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Knowledge you Must Have to Lose the Fat Reasonably

By Matthew Roberts

Your health is the main concern when trying to take off those extra pounds. However, in a desperate attempt to shed weight many people use methods that are not safe. In order to lose pounds and remain healthy the weight should not come off too quickly. Rapid weight loss is unsafe and the odds of regaining it are considerable.

Unfortunately one such method for rapid weight loss is practically a starvation method. This is a difficult way of losing weight and it is extremely dangerous to the body. Results of this method can cause the body to lose nutrients as well as skin disorders and a pronounced lack of energy.

You need to follow a reasonable diet plan that does not endanger your health. These diets are less stressful and you can still eat a nice meal. Simply eating lettuce every meal will not satisfy your food craving. It is no longer considered attractive to look as if you are starving to death; an athletic figure is the trend now. A healthy look is attractive and easy to achieve by exercising and burning calories.

Getting the proper exercise is very important when trying to lose weight. Your energy will increase once you begin to exercise regularly. You do not need to follow a strenuous exercise plan to lose weight, just try to become more active such as walking more, using stairs, or even using weights when doing housework.

Exercise can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further from the door when going shopping and adding arm weights or leg weights when doing household chores. Get motivated and come up with a health plan for exercising and adhering to a weight loss regimen that will allow you to keep the weight off once it is gone.

Losing weight is easier than most believe it to be. You simply cut back on your consumption of calories and keep active. Your body will begin to burn excess fat once you are using more energy than is provided by the food you take in. Follow a healthy diet, count your calories, and follow a regular exercise routine to burn off fat and calories.

It may be hard to get started on your diet plan, but it is worth the effort to follow a healthy plan as you will not be taking unnecessary risks to your health. Do not lose faith in yourself and you will have success. Once you get started, the hard part is over. You will continue to enjoy good health as you diet because you will get the proper nutrition you need for a healthy body.

There are many products, including pills that are said to help increase the odds of losing weight. The use of fat blockers as well as binders are some that are being promoted. Keeping the body from getting as much fat from the food consumed, the basis for this method is ensuring the intestines do not break down the fat. This keeps the body from taking it in; instead it flushes it from your system.

This causes the fat to stick together so that the intestines cannot take it. It may seem to be a good plan but there are down sides to this method. Taking fat from the body using this method is not healthy. Disadvantages can include diarrhea or evacuation which has a bad odor. This most certainly is a negative effect on the body. - 17268

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Keeping Up Your Nutrition While Pregnant

By Corey Hatfield

You are about to go through the best nine months of your life! Truly wonderful, these nine months will be filled with happiness, joy, excitement, changes in your body and diet and other mixed emotions. No matter, this period of your life is definitely something you will not forget and you will retell to your child over and over. As exciting as this may be, there are a lot of precautions that you have to take because you are pregnant, especially with what you eat.

Many women think that once they are pregnant, they will be free to eat anything they want. This is a common issue. Actually, when you are pregnant, you should be more wise with what you eat because this goes to your unborn as well. Your babys development is affected by the food you eat so eating right is certainly something you should do.

Because of your pregnancy, you are at risk of getting gestational diabetes. Be careful with not to eat a lot of sweets. Caffeine should be avoided as well. Artificial sweeteners are not a good idea as there are studies saying that it could impair your babys development.

Even some fruits like mangoes should not be eaten. These have a lot of natural sugar content that is not good for your child. Choose things like bananas because of their potassium. You also should have fiber to help stay regular.

Make sure that you have at least 2 glasses of milk daily. Your doctor may also recommend milk specifically designed for pregnancy. This has all the nutrients that you need and calcium which is helpful for your babys bone and brain development.

Oily food should be avoided. Similarly, intake of salty foods should be minimized as salt retains water. You can get edema, or swelling of ankles and feet, because of the water retained in your tissue due to the salt that you take in.

Finally, it is good to know that eating right while you are pregnant includes drinking correctly. Take at least 8 glasses of water daily. A baby floats in water and if you are dehydrated, they may not have enough of the fluid they need everyday. Just remember, that the better you eat, the better your baby will be. - 17268

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Sulfur Stinks! What Can It Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you want to prevent bruising yourself so spectacularly and so easily, you'll find that one possible cure that we should look at is sulfur. For the most part, we do not come across sulfur unless we are reading about it in the context of sulfur, fire, and brimstone or other things that smell vile, so what does sulfur have to do with serving as a means for bruise treatment? The simple truth is that sulfur can play a large part in helping to heal bruises, and simply by remembering some relevant information in mind, we will be able to see why this is so.

The foremost question that you are going to ask when you want to discover why sulfur makes a good bruise treatment is what sulfur really is. When you are examining sulfur, you are looking at a nonmetallic element that is found in a great many forms and compounds. When you put it into a human context, it is most often used in the form of sulfides and sulfates in industry, but you need to keep in mind that it is an important part of all living things. You may also be surprised to learn that sulfur is actually odorless, despite the bad reputation that it has gotten. When you hear that sulfur smells rotten, you'll find that you are probably smelling hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide, which are very common compounds that have sulfur in them.

When you ingest sulfur from your food and from supplements, it is extremely safe, and sulfur is an essential part of your diet. One variety of sulfur that is very important for you to get when it comes to healing bruises is called Bromelain, which is extracted from the family of plants that includes pineapples. The supplement known as Bromelain has enzymes which contain sulfur and they actually help digest proteins. This is important for people who suffer from a lot of bruising in that it helps your body digest the blood seepage that actually forms a bruise. The quicker the blood goes away, the faster your bruise will heal, and the faster you will stop getting those concerned glances from family and friends.

Another form of sulfur that is important to keep in mind for bruise treatment purposes is called Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM for short. MSM has been shown to help us recover from soft tissue injuries, which is one concern when you are bruising a lot. In addition, it can speed healing because it acts as an anti-inflammatory, bringing the swelling of the bruise down and allowing it to heal more quickly. These two variations of sulfur are very important elements to think about when you are looking into healing bruises.

There are many foods that contain sulfur with pineapple and garlic as just two examples of them. You may also discover that it's a good idea to start taking sulfur supplements, though you should always examine the warnings, take them seriously and consult with a doctor if there is any doubt at all. - 17268

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