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Monday, August 3, 2009

A Weight Lifting Program That Makes A Difference

By Emmanuel Palmer

Every massive, rock-hard physique out there can owe its thanks to a sound weight lifting program that translates your body's weight to big muscles and solid strength. What are the things one needs to know what makes effective bodybuilding workouts? These workouts are intense, varied and customized to meet the needs of a specific body type.

High intensity workouts are good for people who plan to gain a considerable amount of body mass in a short period of time. There are also others who are more comfortable in building up endurance and bulk over a period of two to three months. A better approach is to find the blocks that work best for your specific body type and integrate it into one. Give each session your all.

Even if you are in a hurry to get big, refrain from the urge to train every single day for a few weeks-this will do you more harm than good. You need to get quality sleep between the days you workout so your body can repair the muscle tissues torn during exercise. With proper rest, these will develop into bigger and much stronger muscles. An effective strategy is to split your weight lifting program into muscle groups that you can work on specific days.

This is an example of a three day split workout: Day one - chest, arms and abs Day two - back, shoulders and abs Day three - legs Another example is a five day split workout: Day one - legs Day two - shoulders Day three - back and abs Day four - shoulders and arms Day five - chest and abs Make sure you get a lot of good food and rest especially in the days between your training.

You don't really need a lot of fancy machines to have a successful workout. Even if you only have several weights of dumbbells, cables and a bench you have a whole catalog of drills you can base a program on. For the upper body try the bicep and triceps curl, dumbbell shrugs, lat pull downs and triceps kickbacks. Use the squats, calf raises, leg raises and squats for your lower body. Crunches will always be a staple that will work for anybody, but even then, you need to vary all these drills ever couple of weeks or so to challenge and push your body to its maximum potential.

When you begin to train, you will be starting with lesser weights and perhaps a higher number of repetitions. Gradually increase the weights so the muscle is stressed and stimulates accelerated growth. If you are training for bodybuilding purposes, use weights that give you a maximum of 7 to 12 reps until failure.

Lastly, do not forget to stretch well before starting your exercises and even between sets. Stretching raises your body's temperature level and makes you more flexible; both of which contribute to favorable physical conditions for training.

Bodybuilding workouts work only as well as the dedication and tenacity of the individual undertaking it. Practice safety and care while you train; and give it your all in each session. The winner in you will take nothing less. - 17268

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The Amazon Acai Fruit Story

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

For centuries, the Amazon rain forest has been believed to have a plethora of medicines within plants and herbs that could cure most ailments known today.

This syory has always been thought of as a myth until now! Deep within the Amazon rain wilderness lies a berry that has been an Amazonian treasure for hundreds of years. The Acai fruit sheds many answers to the myths of old.

The Acai fruit (pronounced Ah-sigh-ee) has been cultivated by the indigenous people of the Amazon rain forest for centuries. It has proven to be a panacea for everything from the common cold to diabetes. New scientific discoveries even link this tiny berry to curing cancer.

The story of the discovery of the acai fruit is an amazing one indeed--There was a tribe that had been blessed for centuries but now faced the threat of famine. The situation was so dire that the leader of the tribe, a proud man by the name of Itaki, made a law that all children were to be sacrificed.

Unbeknown at the time to Itaki, declaration would even infiltrate his own family. He discovered that his own daughter, Laca, was about to give birth, so she to would have to sacrifice her firstborn child.

The starvation and thirst caused the tribal leaders daughter to imagine that she saw her child outside. with haste, she ran out side toward a palm tree that she imagined her child to be at

The next morning, the tribe descended to this palm tree and discovered the dead body of the tribal chiefs daughter. As they looked up at the palm tree, they noticed clumps of blue berries, which later became known as acai berries.

This berry provided all of the nourishment need to save the tribe from famine and to this day has provided the descendants of the tribe an economic salvation that holds true today as the acai fruit is their primary export.

This fruit has proven to be a god send to the people as this tiny city still survives off of the mighty acai fruit of Brazil - 17268

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4 Things Not To Do When Reducing Caloric Load For Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you really want to tone up your arms, you have to reduce your caloric load. But don't think that more is better, because it's not!

How many times have you heard of someone going on a 1000 or 1200 calorie diet? This is extremely common and very unhealthy.

So by how much should you cut calories? No more than twenty percent. If you go further, expect a decrease in hormonal output. Said output burns through arm fat like a knife through butter.

And keep in mind that cutting calories does NOT have to give you a drop in energy. In fact, if you do it the right way, you can have an INCREASE in energy. So here are 4 things you shouldn't be doing when cutting calories to get toned arms:

1. Using supplements to substitute whole foods. Strive to eat as much whole food as possible. Don't fall for the marketing hype. Whole food will leave you feeling fuller and will leave you much healthier. Also keep in mind that very few supplements actually work.

2. Only eating once or twice a day. This is a horrible method for reducing caloric intake. In reality, increasing meal frequency becomes more relevant when restricting calories to get toned arms.

3. Staying out of the gym. Muscle needs to be fed lots of calories and your body doesn't like that-especially when it's being deprived of calories. So the best way to make your body keep your muscle when dieting is to lift weights.

4. Eating unbalanced meals. Don't simply cut out carbs or fats to reduce your caloric intake. Balanced meals are crucial for accelerated arm fat burning. And vegetables are really important for slowing down digestion which in turn speeds up fat loss.

If only we could eat everything under the sun and get toned arms at the same time. Unfortunately, the reality is that we have to control what we eat in order to optimize arm fat loss. The good news is that it doesn't have to be painful or ultra-restrictive. And if you follow my above tips it will be that much easier! - 17268

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How Juice Fasting Can Detoxify the Body

By Jay Collins

Many people who are looking to detoxify their body are looking towards juice fasting. A lot want to get rid of the toxins in their body so they can feel healthier. These toxins often make people feel sluggish and can affect the immune system. Any detoxifying or cleansing method such as juice fasting can help people to feel healthier and give them more energy. Juice fasting is good because it is easy to do and the fruits are readily available.

Starting slowly is advisable if you are just embarking on your fruit fasting quest. You have to remember that you will be limiting yourself to fruit juice for one whole day. Diabetics need to take extra precautions as fruit is high in sugar and could affect the glucose levels. It is important to consult with your physician first before embarking on a fast. Also, I would advise to keep to a fruit juice fast for no longer than three days. Again, seek medical advice first if you plan to pursue a fast for longer.

I have compiled some good recipes below which are great combinations of fruit and vegetables to get you started on your fast:

Recipe 1: The is a vegetable juice combination of half a beetroot, three carrots, one celery stick and two swiss chard leaves. Add to this a few sprigs of watercress. Make sure to wash them initially, dice and then put them through the juicer.

Recipe 2: Again wash with distilled water, cut and put through the juicer three green apples, one carrot and a few fresh basil leaves. This is simple and one of my favorites.

Recipe 3: This is a carrot juice with a little extra. Mix together a handful of dandelion leaves. mint, basil, one kale leaf, four carrots and coriander leaves and just juice for a quick drink.

Recipe 4: Adding four peaches into the juicer makes a very simple but surprisingly cleaning juice.

There are many types of juices you can make to fast with. Some fasts recommend just fruit and others just vegetables. It does not really matter at the end of day. you will soon start discovering your own favorite combinations. - 17268

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Is the 6 Week Body Makeover a Scam?

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

One un-happy person that has done the program can make thousand other people not buy the program. All they have to do is post their negative opinion on a consumer review website and people will flock to the site, read the post, and ultimately be discouraged that the program doesn't work. Note that in any program, you will always find people that can point out the imperfections. Some people are just born to complain.

I would like to give a fair review of the of the body makeover program as I am currently on this eating plan and have enough knowledge to give an un-biased review. I can say that my review is un-biased because I'm not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any affiliate links to a product within this article (this diet does not have an affiliate program). There is absolutely no benefit for me, except to share a rebuttal towards all of the negative complaints towards this program.

Does the program work? Will you lose weight? The plain and simple truth is, yes, you will lose weight. Matter of fact, you might lose a lot of weight. I've been on this diet for over three weeks and have lost around five pounds. Five pounds might not seem like a lot to you, but I can tell that I've lost fat weight and have put on muscle. My goals are different from other people and if your goal is to lose a lot of fat weight, you will have the ability to do so.

Many people who are unhappy with the program have actually stated that they lost A LOT of weight. They were just un-happy with the program because it was too restrictive to them. These people quit half way through the program and ended up gaining all the weight back. They claim that they lost mainly water weight due to the restricted sodium intake (salt and sodium is very restricted on this program). Yes, you will lose water weight; however, you are supposed to be drinking at least 100 oz. of water a day on this program so you can't blame all of your weight loss on water weight loss due to retention.

The 6 Week Body Makeover focuses on eating foods that help you metabolize calories at a faster rate. In order to do this you have to eat more food throughout the day. However, the portions that you consume tend to be smaller than what you're currently used to. Also, the food is rather bland as you are not allowed to add salt or oil to any of the food you consume. The Infinite Meal Planner and recipes cards help you create meals that taste decent while restricting sodium intake. Another complaint is that the meal planning process and preparation is tedious. This is true in the fact that it will require you to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. I tend to think of things positively as I realized that I ended up saving a lot of money eating meals at home (lots of leftovers). Also, when you think of what you're going to eat ahead of time, it actually causes you to eat healthier. When you are eating whenever you feel hungry or on a sporadic time schedule, you tend to grab food that is convenient. Convenient food tends to be pre-packaged, processed, high-fat, high-sodium and generally un-healthy food.

How badly do you want to lose weight? I have to admit that I do not like dieting (I think no one in their right mind does). However, I do love the end result of losing 10 pounds of fat and gaining 10 pounds of muscle. I love that I can fit into my pants that were once too tight for me. There are small sacrifices that have to be made in order to lose weight and get that beautiful body you've always wanted. You are not a victim and neither are the people who haven't lost weight on this program. They are the people who reached for that extra donut instead of reaching for the carrot. - 17268

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Joint Pain - Why Are We Suffering?

By Mitchell Tyrell

The body's joints endure the majority of stress in every move we make. Basically, each joint is a shock absorber withstanding every jolt, twist, turn and motion the body can make. Due to this, joint pain is a general complaint, especially among older people. Several causes exist for joint pain.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is the cushioning between the bones in a joint. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage to wear away. Once the cartilage is gone, the bones rub together. Bone spurs often develop at this point. This illness eventually affects everyone to one degree or another. However, after the age of 55, more women are affected than men.

Ligaments are fibrous tissues that connect the bones. Ligament damage is another cause of joint pain. If a ligament is overused or overextended, tears or other damage can occur. When a ligament is injured, it swells. This causes pain in the joint, especially during movement. Ligaments can be injured in two ways. Strains occur when the ligament is stretched too far or overused. Sprains happen when the joint is forced into a position it would not normally go.

Another general cause of joint pain is injury to the bones in a joint. Fractures and breaks are caused when too much stress is placed on the bone. Although something as simple as stepping wrong can cause damage to the bone, the more common causes of fractures are car accidents, repetitive motion, and falls.

The above are just a few causes of joint pain. They are also some of the most common causes. However, many other causes also exist. Septic arthritis occurs when a bacterial infection affects a joint. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis cause a great deal of joint pain. In addition, tendonitis, usually caused by repetitive motion, can cause a great deal of joint pain. Obviously, joint pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is imperative that you seek medical help if you are experiencing pain in any joints. - 17268

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How To Choose A Mineral Supplement

By Neil Butterfield

You know to stay healthy you need to take vitamins and minerals in the proper amount. However, the problem is proper amounts are very difficult to get from normal foods. It can also be harder than you expect to get it from a chelated (pill) supplement. You are about to find out what to look when choosing a vitamin/mineral supplement.

Most people buy a multi-vitamin/mineral by going into a vitamin store and choosing one that has a 100% or more. But if this multi-vitamin is a pill, (even chelated) you're getting less than 25% of what's listed on the bottle. Shocking isn't it? You thought that little multi was giving you all you needed.

Not even all liquid supplements or other supplements are created equal; liquid Ionic mineral supplements are actually the best. That is because they are water-based so your body absorbs them more readily. In fact, these type of supplements almost 100% absorbable.

Few would argue that having the right daily servings of fruits and vegetables is a good way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals and that this option is far better than taking a vitamin or mineral supplement.

However, even in a diet full of fruit and vegetables, these foods no longer contain the nutrients they should.

Micronutrients are what vitamins and minerals are often called. Your body doesn't have any micronutrients of its own and it can't make any, so it relies on you to give it high quality food and supplements. A liquid ionic mineral supplement is the best way to get these critical nutrients

Whole foods are your best source for both vitamins and minerals. The offer a greater nutritional value because they are complex, and they also provide the necessary fiber that is part of a healthy diet. Lets also remember that they provide the nutrients our body needs to build a healthy immune system and protect us from illness and disease.

So who should take a mineral supplement? If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, have a diet high in whole grains, lots of fish, and lean meats and if you do this every day you may not need a supplement. But if we are being honest, most of us dont eat right every day and so for most of us a mineral supplement is necessary.

You should definitely take liquid Ionic mineral supplement if you:

*Stay on a calorie restricted diet (under 1500 a day) *Are allergic to many foods *Have digestive problems, including ever had surgery in it *Don't eat like you should *Eat vegetarian/vegan *Bleed heavily during 'that time of the month' *Are pregnant, could be pregnant or are breastfeeding *Started menopause *Take medications that interfere with the absorption of nutrients *Often get diarrhea

Always read the label before buying any type of supplement. Especially with liquid supplements, you want to follow the dosing instructions carefully. Don't forget, with a liquid ionic mineral supplement youre getting much more effectiveness than with a pill. That's good for your body, so protect your health today. - 17268

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Tips To Teach Your Child To Accept Healthy Eating

By James Zane Johnson

We read a lot about healthy eating in the media. There are many TV shows and radio broadcasts devoted to the topic also. Despite the great awareness raising about the importance of a healthy diet, many people are yet to comprehend exactly what is involved to really benefit from healthy eating.

Introduction to a healthy lifestyle should be made right from the beginning of a person's life. Many people do not appreciate for example the role of breast feeding in tuning a child's taste buds for life. Studies have shown that babies whose mothers ate a lot of spicy food while breast feeding were more ready to accept spicy foods after weaning than other children. The flavours of the spicy food passed into the mother's milk and the babies had already grown accustomed to the taste.

Similarly, a baby can develop a taste for very salty and sugary foods if that is what the mother consumed a lot of while breast feeding. If you do not want your baby to eat too much sugar and salt when they grow older, you can do a lot to affect their choices right from this early stage of development.

Breast feeding is important but it is once a child embarks on a diet of solid food that lifelong habits begin to form. Children can be trained to practice healthy living if they live in a family that practices a healthy lifestyle. From the beginning it is important to introduce your child to a diet that has a high content of fresh fruit and salads. Also if you have a diet that is rich in whole grains and oily fish, your child is likely to continue eating these things into adulthood.

If a child lives in a family where the diet mainly consists of processed foods high in saturated fats, refined sugars, salts, refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta and too much red meats such as steaks and burgers, that child is liable to form lifelong eating habits that are far less than optimum.

Many parents make the terrible mistake of eating fairly healthily themselves but providing their children with a diet that they think children like. Worse still, some parents end up adopting a diet that they have geared toward their children's perceived preferences. It is very common to find a mother overdosing on pizza and fries, packet breakfast cereals and sugary deserts just because these are the things she has loaded in her grocery trolley for the children.

Parents should maintain a healthy diet that does not consist of commercialized products and take a stance to resist the onslaught from advertising companies. If the parents eat only healthy food they will find that their children will learn from them and are more likely to be influenced by parental eating habits than what they see on TV. It is a mistake to adopt a diet suited to your child's tastes. It is better to let your child grow to accept eating what they see you eating and not vice versa.

If you want to experience the full benefits of healthy eating then you must be prepared to make a nutritious diet an integral part of your daily lifestyle. Don't expect miracle results from an occasional salad. If your diet consists of some raw food every single day year in year out then you will really be giving your body some of what it needs to function at optimum performance. - 17268

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The Authorities Tackled By Georgetown Weight Loss Expert

By Josef Brandenburg

One will find a lot of written material on the war of obesity. And there is no doubt that it is a war, looking at how we are perplexed about selecting the right plan to loose weight. Why is it so difficult? Have we not seen and heard about the multiple diet and exercise plans produced over the years? The answer is yes. We have heard about these diets and plans but the problem is that they are nowhere near the fundamentals. So it is better to revisit the basics rather than to take a crappy approach for effective weight loss. However there is a lot information that needs to be clarified, because there is too much misleading information floating around.

The following are certain misleading concepts that people who are looking out for effective George Town weight loss should be aware of.

To begin with, aerobic activity is not the most effective method to burn calories. Although it is a fact that aerobics burns calories, it is equally a fact that it does not burn as many calories as we think it does. Hence aerobics workout sessions tend not to yield the desired results.

It is also not necessary to work out with an aerobics session 60 - 90 minutes per day in order to drop a great deal of weight. There are many reasons why this is not a good idea and the most common reason would be that it is simply not practical. Really, who can dedicate that kind of time to aerobic activity? Worst of all, as we previously mentioned, aerobics are not the best way to drop weight in the first place. So, consider this strategy a whole lot of very little!

The concept that a person might not loose weight due to genetic limitations is another myth. This could be such a morale buster as it may lead people to believe that they will never loose weight irrespective of the efforts them put in. This misconception needs to be dropped immediately as it is not at all true.

Weight training raises the body metabolism automatically, is another myth that needs to be addressed. Muscle mass can generally raise metabolism only if you are already ripped. If on the other hand, you are a beginner who has just started the weight training then it is impossible for you to experience increased metabolism due to muscle mass. People should be aware of this, so that they do not carry any false hopes.

The following fact may upset a few people in the weight loss community of Georgetown, but it doesn't make it any less true that almost all the Georgetown nutritionists and the registered nurses are incapable of giving you a proper diet plan. They might be knowledgeable but their skill set is inadequate to give to exactly what you need. Therefore you should not take their advice too seriously.

You can save your time and prevent your weight problem from getting worse, by seeking help from a professional weight loss trainer in Georgetown. Such people are well informed and can help you loose weight unlike the others who simply keep adding more myths related to weight loss. - 17268

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Muscle Building: How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

By Chris Tan

Building muscle mass and doing quickly requires extreme commitment and dedication. Anyone can choose to follow a path to building muscle, however there are many who jump in full throttle without doing the research first. This mistake leads to a plateau which in turn leaves the person frustrated, and eventually they quit. Below, I will show some important tips to build muscle mass quickly, correctly and most importantly; safely.

A good foundation for muscle growth.

The dreaded plateau is commonly reached within two to three months of the day the workout or muscle mass training begins. The reason for this plateau is that the proper foundation has not been laid out. In order to achieve the ability to increase the weights used in a workout, the bodybuilder must first incorporate a series of ten strength training workouts. These workouts allow the body to become prepared for more intense workouts by gradually increasing the weights as well as more rapid repetition, which will then create muscle mass.

Focusing solely on the upper body.

Next, one of the most commonly found mistakes that lead to a plateau are that most bodybuilders only focus on training their upper body. The upper body consists of our arms, chests and abs. These are the favorite training parts of bodybuilders as they are more noticeable. However, you need to train up your lower body as well in order to consistently increase the weights you use throughout your muscle building routines. Lower body muscle groups like our thighs are huge muscles that should not be left out.

Focusing only on isolated exercises.

Exercises that train only a certain muscle group are called isolated exercise. This is another common mistake beginners make. Bicep curls and tricep extensions are a couple of examples of these exercises. In order to achieve muscle mass, the entire body must be included in the exercise regimen. Therefore, compound exercises must be implemented. These exercises allow the muscles to achieve higher weight which in turn forces them to adapt to the increase and grow.

Are you guilty of these common mistakes? Have you reached the dreaded plateau? These tips are very important in achieving your quest for muscle mass. Having the proper workout, technique and doing the research needed in order to do it correctly is the only way to acquire your goal. In addition, don't hesitate to ask an experienced bodybuilder for tips; they will be more than happy to share the knowledge. - 17268

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What are the REAL Health Benefits of Acai Berry?

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has recently jumped into the health food market with a splash and the health benefits of acai berry are are receiving a great deal of attention. Celebrities and doctors are all promoting the acai berry as the new number one super fruit. There are many different ways in which the ingredients in acai berries are thought to improve quality of life. While the berries themselves are still being studied, they contain many beneficial elements which have been studied for a while.

Fighting Disease

Acai berries are known to contain an incredible amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants have long been known to slow the progress of free radicals. Free radicals are atoms which are missing an electron in their standard pair. They make up for this by stealing electrons from other atoms. If you have an overabundance of free radicals in your system, you are at higher risk for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and certain types of cancer. While acai berries do not offer a cure for cancer, anything that could potentially reduce the risk for such diseases is welcomed by consumers.

Boosting Your Body

The weight loss market in the United States is worth billions and it is fairly obvious why. Our nation suffers from some of the highest rates of obesity in the world. Acai berries contain a large amount of fiber, long known to lead to a healthier lifestyle. Fiber can lead to better digestive health and helps the body pass fats better. Acai berries also contain unsaturated fats, known as good fats. These are a terrific source of Omega fatty acids. These cannot be manufactured by the body and must come from the food you eat. They are also essential to many of the body's natural processes. Another potential health benefit of acai berry is the ability of certain vitamins though to increase the body's metabolism.

Staying Young and Looking Young

Another compound found in acai berries which is also vital to our bodies are the anthocyanins. These are the same substances found in grapes and subsequently, in red wine, which have helped lower the incidence of coronary heart disease among the French despite their high-fat diet. Pure acai berries contain a good dose of anthocyanins without the damaging effects of alcohol. Anthocyanins are also known to help keep the skin healthy.

While the acai berry is sometimes incorrectly marketed as a cure-all for your problems, it should not be underestimated. It will not rid the world of disease and obesity, but there is a chance that it could be one of the most powerful supplements on the market. If you are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you may be interested in the health benefits of acai berry. - 17268

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Women's Fitness: How to Get a Great Body Safely and Quickly

By Chris Tan

A fitness routine geared specifically for women is an excellent way to lose weight and gain a healthier you. However, it is important to remember that with any fitness regimen, hard work and dedication are needed for success.

One of the number one reasons women fail at working out is time. In today's rushed world, women are constantly on the go, leaving little time for anything extra. It is also for this reason that many women turn to quick fixes such as diet pills and teas. However, these generally don't work, are unhealthy, and won't exhibit results without an added exercise routine.


The amount of intensity used in your workout, whether it is cardio or weight training will determine the amount of calories burned as well as the amount of weight loss you experience. If a woman jogs for five days a week, she will lose less weight and burn fewer calories than a woman who jogs for only three days a week. This is a perfect example of how intensity affects the body and your workout.

In order to maximize the intensity of your workouts, do short sets of exercises. A perfect example of this is to do short sets of sprints then rest instead of doing long distance jogging. The reason for this is that long distance jogging does not allow the heart rate to increase as much as short sprints do. In addition, high intensity workouts alleviate the need for unnecessary hours of workout time in order to see results.

Add Weight Training.

Training with weights is the best way to increase your metabolism. In weight training, the heavier the weights and the more lifting you do, the more your metabolism increases. In addition, the higher intensity of your weight training will increase your metabolism for twenty-four hours.

The best workout is a combination of both cardio and weight training. All of this may seem daunting and sound like hard work, but you will be rewarded with changes in your body every week.

Eat a Healthy Diet.

It is said that you are what you eat. This statement could not be truer. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats your body ingests at each meal determines how your body will be.

To maximize your workouts, it is recommended that you implement a healthy diet. Here are some examples.

Eating foods high in protein rather than carbohydrates is the best way to see results. Proteins allow your body to feel full for longer while carbohydrates create excess energy that the body will store, thus creating fat.

Another suggestion is eating smaller meals. Implementing multiple, smaller meals into your day tricks your body into thinking youre eating more, thus making it work twice as hard. This is the reason starvation diets don't work. When the body is starved, the metabolism has to work less in order to store energy. - 17268

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