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Friday, July 31, 2009

Fish Oil Treatment That Works for ADD

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil treatment for ADD works naturally. This is why and how.

Research reveals that children with ADD and ADHD show symptoms which are similar to the symptoms shown by people who are deficient of essential fatty acids.

An information published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that children "with lower compositions of total omega 3 fatty acids had significantly more behavioral problems, temper tantrums, and learning, health, and sleep problems than did those with high proportions of omega 3 fatty acids." [Vol. 71, No. 1, 327S-330S]

This is definitely good news for parents who are looking for a natural way to deal with their child who may have ADD.

Recognizing that there are several options, will make it much easier for them to decide. Parents are given the alternative to try the natural approach first.

Conventional medicines are of course available, but we need to be cautious of the serious side effects that it can give. As for fish oil, there are no bad side effects, only positive health benefits from childhood through old age.

This natural approach of treating children with ADD and ADHD are not being promoted by scientists.

Take for instance, a research publish in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, the authors specified that using omega 3 fatty acids as treatment for ADD and ADHD is "safe compared to existing pharmacological interventions" [Vol. 63, No.1-2, pp. 79-87]

It eventually got more exciting, when a scientist, made an effort of reviewing all presented studies on omega 3s and presented his findings to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry [Vol. 48:195-203], "that higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids (2 to 4g daily) may ameliorate the symptoms of several psychiatric conditions" ? includes ADD and ADHD.

It can really be a bold statement to make for a scientist. We do not normally see it daily in the scientific world that they became so excited and even used the word "ameliorate" to illustrate a natural nutrient found in food.

"Ameliorate" simply means to improve your health or make better (much like a "cure") and is often used only for prescription medicines.

Science supports your search for ADD fish oil treatment for your kid. And truly omega 3 fish oil can be a very easy solution. You just need to add more oily fish to your family's daily dietary intake to begin with.

But we do not mean fish sticks and fish patties. These are made of white meat fish, which are obviously low in omega 3s.

All that you need is to serve them with salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or herring. It would be good if you get to serve it as often as possible. It can really be challenging to get 2 to 4 grams of fish oil in your diet coming from eating those fishes.

You still have an alternative though, and this is to supplement your family's diet with good quality fish oil capsules.

If you prefer this natural approach over traditional medicines, you'll need to look for a fish oil product that is a 100% pure and free of toxins, a stable potency and contains all the eight members of the omega 3 family.

It certainly is a solution confirmed to work for ADHD and ADD fish oil treatment. - 17268

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Massage Chairs Give Natural Therapies

By Claudine Balsells

There is a huge trend for people looking for more natural healthcare. Unfortunately, most of Western medicine has not focus much on prevention. The majority of the health care and its associated costs are on very expensive surgeries and procedures. If people adopted more healthy and natural lifestyles then many of these problems could have been avoided. Massage chairs are becoming a natural ally in providing on-demand therapy when needed.

Did you know that massage therapy has been practiced for over 3000 years? Massage therapy has been found in the records of most ancient civilizations. People throughout time have always sought natural methods to increase their health and well-being. Massage therapy is one such technique which has developed independently in many different societies throughout the world.

Many different massage techniques have evolved independently around the world. Massage chairs have now integrated the most popular massage techniques into their programs. A typical massage chair may include shiatsu, deep tissue, Swedish, sports therapy and even reflexology.

There are a number of standard massage program integrated in today's massage chairs. It is typical to find shiatsu, Swedish and sports massage therapy. These are normally programmed as an automatic program. Push one button and it runs the entire massage chair.

The technology used in many massage chairs is a highly developed. The goal of these manufacturers is to replicate the movements to effectively stretch and pull the muscles and soft tissues. This helps to retain the flexibility of these soft tissue areas.

Many massage chairs will actually perform a body scan. They use sensors in the chair which will scan your body. This can tell the precise location of the back, shoulders and also acupoints. This information is then used to target your specific areas for a customized massage.

One important element of help is stretching your body. Massage chairs have integrated traction systems. They have lower body stretching systems as well as upper body stretching systems. These help to elongate and pulled the larger muscles and joints of the body.

Heat is commonly used in many sports environments. Athletes tend to push their muscles and joints to the limits. This can cause swelling in the muscles and joints. Heat is commonly used to reduce swelling in the short-term. Massage chairs now have integrated heating systems to allow the targeted application of heat.

MP3 players with headphones are commonly found in massage chairs. Music is a vital element of a relaxation program. It is important to relax your mind in order for your body to relax. If your mind is ruminating about its problems, then it is hard for the body to release its tension. Music is a perfect way to relax the mind.

Need a reflexology foot massage? Of course you do. What could be better, then coming home kicking off your shoes and getting a foot massage? Massage chairs have reflexology foot massage capability. They use a combination of reflexology plates with specially designed airbags to provide a compression massage for the feet.

There are quite a few natural therapies integrated into massage chairs. In addition to an arsenal of massage techniques, you can find other natural therapies such as stretching, heat and even music. These additional treatments provide for a total massage experience. It is important that you are able to relax your mind. This helps to release the tension in your body which leads to a more effective and thorough massage. See how massage chairs can provide a range of health benefits for you. - 17268

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Finding A Natural Cure For Acne Prone Skin

By Jason Cartwright

If you are the kind of an individual who fights with acne and are worried you will have to rely on customary medicine, then there is a natural cure for acne that you can attempt right away. For a very long period, inhabitants have trusted various home medicines for the healing of acne prone individuals. Presently, this dreadful skin sickness has an effect on approximately 14 million inhabitants in the United States alone so there are a large number of options.

If you never knew this, your skin is a protective organ for your body, acting as a barrier against germs, dirt, and toxins. Within the dermis (the inner skin layer) is a gland which secretes an oil - sebum - helping to keep your skin and hair lubricated, and naturally keeping bacteria and pollution out.

As soon as the sebaceous gland gets overactive, generally the effect of the male sex hormone, androgen acne builds up. The hair follicle gets choked due to the oil and even though the sebum generally facilitates by eliminating dead skin cells in the hair follicle coating, it gets clogged. As a consequence, impasse takes place, which then becomes the reason of the trapping of germs and consequently, the beginning of acne and your exploration for an acne cure home remedy.

As a natural cure for acne and then to preserve fine, healthy skin, you can perform a lot of things at home. For beginners, enhance your water ingestion. Each person ought to drink between six and eight glasses of water every day to flush out the body.

Furthermore, you should be eating enough raw fruit and vegetables. Cleansing your face with an anti-bacterial face wash in the morning and evening is also a good cure for pimples. But always lather your skin softly, not to cause irritation and swelling.

Once your face is clean, you could make a natural cure for acne ointment basically by combining 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. This paste is then placed on the acne infected areas for half an hour. Both cinnamon and honey have natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, helping to clean your skin.

A further good home-based remedy for dealing with acne prone populations is to mix up 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Lemons are amongst the best acne cleanser choices, since they assist by eradicating dead skin cells. Actually, a few people will form lines or blemishes from the acne and lemon will benefit in lightening them.

Even a mixture of nutmeg and cold milk offers relief while diminishing the possibility of a breakout. A natural cure for acne that a number of individuals steer clear of, but it works, is to get a clove of fresh garlic and spread it straight onto the affected area. The reason this acne cure home remedy is so useful is that garlic has an antibiotic quality. So, any bacteria that your skin may be fighting is taken away.

Since you can notice, several natural cure for acne ways are offered consequently if you choose going the normal route excluding chemicals, you can. - 17268

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Ten Diet Tips to Help Lower Blood Pressure

By Esther Dacanay

Many treatments for high blood pressure focus solely on treating the symptoms, however there are alternatives such as diet and nutrition which focus on the underlying cause of this disease. There are some forms of hypertension that if diagnosed in its early stages can be reversed without the use of medications if a strict diet is taken seriously and followed on a daily basis. Everyone, whether experiencing hypertension or completely healthy will benefit from the dietary and nutritional guidelines listed below.

1) High Fiber - Low in Fat - This diet consists of plenty of oat bran, fresh fruits containing pectin such as apples, bananas and melons as well as vegetables such as peas, beets, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, prunes and spinach.

2) No on Salt - A high intake of sodium can promote the retention of fluids and increase blood pressure. A large reduction of salt in your diet can help alleviate this problem. Furthermore, you should double-check food labels and watch for the symbol na or the word sodium in products. Monosodium glutamate is found in some canned vegetables, soups, ibuprofen medications, diet sodas, meat tenderizers, most sugar substitutes, soy sauce and softened water. Definitely watch for this!

3) No Sugar - Some studies show that ingesting white sugar can increase sodium retention and can also stimulate adrenaline production, which can cause blood vessel constriction.

4) No Blowing Smoke - Studies show that smoking can cause high blood pressure, but not only that, all things smoke are bad for you. Apparently, studies show that even smoked or aged cheeses and meats are bad news right along with animal fats, gravies, broths, processed foods and CHOCOLATE!

5) Celery - Recent studies show that celery stalks contain properties that are highly beneficial in lowering blood pressure. It seems that Chinese physicians and folk healers were ahead of the game as they have implemented the use of celery seeds and oil for the treatment of high blood pressure throughout the ages.

6) Choose Oils Wisely - It is no secret that hydrogenated fat and margarine is extremely unhealthy, however there are some oils that contain beneficial properties. Olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil are just a few of these healing oils.

7) Red Meat Bad - although we love to partake in a delectable burger or a juicy steak, it is very important that these delicious treats be limited to a once a month regimen. Lean white meats and coldwater fish are excellent in fighting the battle of high blood pressure.

8) Say Yes to Garlic - Many studies have shown that garlic is extremely effective in lowering high blood pressure; however it is also highly beneficial in decreasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. While garlic is a fantastic element, most people do not ingest enough on a daily basis in order to experience its benefits, so an odorless capsule is highly recommended. In addition, onions also contain some of these extraordinary properties as well.

9) Become a Vegan - Recent research studies show that people who live a strict vegetarian lifestyle have significantly lower blood pressure than those who partake in meat in their diet. Many people experiencing hypertension can decrease this disease by implementing more vegetables and less meat into their daily diet. Furthermore, adopting a vegan diet is the most effective, rapid, safe and permanent way to eradicate high blood pressure.

10) Try the Dash Diet - This diet is a formulated plan specifically designed for those with high blood pressure and is highly recommended as the first course of treatment by physicians. The medical community recognizes that high blood pressure is not only dangerous to the body but can affect the functionality of other life giving organs as well. It is for this reason that the Dash Diet is endorsed by such organizations as The American Heart Association, The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the U.S. Guidelines for the Treatment of High Blood pressure. - 17268

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Bill Farley Finds Success With Zrii

By Kelly Harris

Bill Farley, bought his first company in 1976 and has built and grown many companies and familiar household brands over the years. Throughout most of his career, Bill Farley has been involved with leveraged buyouts, acquisitions and has been considered a turn-around business expert. Passionate about health, wellness, fitness and nutrition, Bill Farley founded Zrii and is currently the President and CEO.

Coming from humble beginnings, Bill Farley realized his financial ambitions through hard work, courage and determination. He was raised by a factory worker mom and a mailman dad and is a true "American Dream" story. Bill Farley used to earn his living by delivering Sunday newspapers before finding success with major companies and ultimately with Zrii.

After learning of the amalaki fruit, Bill Farley engaged a team of doctors and nutrition experts to create the Zrii product that would revolutionize the world of nutrition and wellness. Zrii amalaki juice is one of the best-known natural health supplements available in the market. Amalaki fruit is traditionally known as the great rejuvenator, and amalaki juice from Zrii may be more beneficial compared to other products in its class.

The Zrii brand was officially launched in October 2008 with Bill Farley leading the way, and with the full endorsement of the Chopra Center. The Chopra Center's logo is on the side of every bottle of Zrii juice. Bill Farley points to the authenticity of the Zrii product and company as key factors in receiving this notable endorsement.

Bill Farley took wellness to another level with Zrii juice and worked to ensure his team of executives found health and success and had a full understanding of the ayurvedic approach. Delivering health and wellness to the masses is exactly what the Zrii product was formulated to do. Bill Farley knows that liquid nutrition is the wave of the future and has surprised everyone with his amazing business plan and high quality Zrii product.

If you are looking for financial freedom and success, Zrii offers a unique opportunity to become part of the business. Bill Farley offers an outstanding program for those looking to become independent, home-based distributors. For those seeking residual income and overall health and wellness, Zrii provides a generous prosperity plan.

Managed by the dream team of network marketing professionals, Zrii CEO, Bill Farley has created an amazing organization. He is a self-made business success, which is apparent in his dedication and preparations he made when launching the Zrii product. Zrii has become very important to the network marketing industry in a short period of time, surprising even professional long time analysts in the industry.

Bill Farley considers Zrii will be his best and largest legacy and was committed to starting his own company from the ground up. The Zrii product found success because Bill Farley has every leadership quality necessary to make it happen. He wants to turn Zrii into the biggest network marketing company on the planet and leave is legacy in Zrii as being a product that he manifested out of thin air. - 17268

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Work Smarter Not Harder When Wanting Six Pack Abs

By Tim Williams

Looking for better results with your abs exercises? Try to change up your routine. This article is intended to help you discover how to get a six pack fast through using a workout that provides high intensity stabilization techniques. I like to give my readers better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs.

I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite ab workouts that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises).

The workout:

1a. Renegade Dumbbell Rows

1b. Front Squats with Barbell

1c. Mountain Climbers on Floor

A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Instead of reps for mountain climbers, you can do them for a time interval (30 seconds).

To do renegade dumbbell rows, start in a pushup position with your hands on two dumbbells. Then, row one dumbbell up while keeping your body stabilized with the other arm.~ Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. So how does this work out my abs you may be asking? The stabilizing effect during the rows it what creates work for your abdominal. Dont think your abs are getting a workout, wait til you feel it in the morning!

Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. Set the barbell on your shoulders with your arms crossed and push your firsts into the bar against your shoulders, keeping your elbows out in front.

You may need a little practice to do this work out in proper form. Be sure to take your time in getting the form and technique set properly. You may want to consult a trainer to help you with getting your form straight. You abs are working through the extreme stabilization your body is going through as the weight shifts to the front of your body creating this strenuous stabilization strength effort. True that it is primarily a leg exercise, but youre abs are getting just as much a workout!

Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It simulates climbing a mountain, hence the name for this workout, mountain climbers. Mountain climbers is one of the best way to lose belly fat as it burns off body fat.

After finishing each exercise, rest about 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating.

In spite of the fact that there are no direct abs exercises involved, this is one of the best abs exercises you can do. Do the workout and youll become believer too! - 17268

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The Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Women

By Michael Byrd

Are there advantages of using fish oil on women exclusive to the fairer sex?

Taking into consideration that women are smarter than men, are stronger emotionally and smell much better too!

However, with these differences, women do still suffer from health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis depression. The only point where men suffer more than women is in PMS. (My wife gave me a go signal to say it, provided I say it tenderly.)

Handling these health issues is all up to us.

There are two ways, to wait until you have some degenerative disease then get treatment (list what most men usually do), or you could do something before you get that problem.

If you prefer to do the second option, then you can get specific health benefits of fish oil for women ? meaning lesser PMS and menopause symptoms and of course a reduced risk for breast cancer.

Every top cause of death on women has two common factors, degenerative and preventable.

We will no longer discuss rankings because it won't matter whether it's the leading top cause of death or not. It is not really a thing that needs competition for it is not something we would like.

However, there is a dietary ornament that you will want to include in your nutritional attire, and this is the most remarkable form of prevention for women ? the omega 3 fatty acids from fish.

Every day, research has been continuously confirming the strength of these simple, natural nutrients.

Surveys tell us that a supplement of omega 3 helps in preventing heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, PMS, memory loss, dry skin and lots more.

One of the most important reasons why fish oil fatty acids can help you to become healthy is the way it helps in regulating and decreasing inflammation of the body - whether externally or internally.

The latest research shows that degenerative diseases arise when the body's inflammatory cycle is disrupted. This usually happens when a person lacks specific omega 3 fatty acids.

Scientist refers to this as an "inverse relationship", but this is actually very simple. If you have more omega 3 fish oil intake, the lesser your chances of developing degenerative diseases.

But if men think they are not exempted, they better read this. The theory applies to both sexes. The lesser intake of omega 3, the more chances of dying due to a preventable disease.

It's so effortless.

Omega 3 fatty acids are abundant in cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring and mackerel.

To be able to get the complete health benefits of fish oil for women (and men), try to add omega 3 fish oil in your daily food intake and supplement with pure fish oil capsules from a reliable source.

Yes you ladies will certainly have to show to guys that you are smarter by making sure you get more fish oil on a daily basis. - 17268

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Home Acne Treatments

By Rose Williams

Every body understands the value of our facial appearance. The better it is, the more advantageous it gets. More than anything else, it is the very first thing that others look at when they look at you. In general, our confidence depends on our level of contentment with our physical appearance. When one knows he or she looks good, confidence really zooms.

While we are growing up, especially in our teens, the outbreak of acne or even pimples is a major concern. If you do not have an issue concerning your face, then congratulations. On the other hand, if you are one of the majority who do have an issue with it, there is a solution to the problem!

Is acne one of your concerns? Are you spending too much money on chemical acne remedies? Do you want to apply a remedy but you are afraid that it may be too harsh on your skin? Then try a more natural way of treating your acne. You do not have to go very far to do it, because the treatment is right there in your own home. The physician is within you. The most effective beauty advice of all time is: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Hydrating your body will help you wash away your toxins. Take care of your body and take care of your skin.

Healthy and clean habits can also help. Make sure that you do not leave make-up on your skin since it adds to the clogging of your pores, thereby causing even more pimples and blackheads. Never sleep with your make-up on. Furthermore, always keep your hair away from your face, because hair contains natural oils that may create outbreaks of acne in your skin.

Put your pillow case and face towels in the laundry often. Daily, if possible. They are absorbent and they also hold acne-contributors like oil and bacteria as well. Lastly, never, ever scratch your acne or pimples, since you do not want the dirt from your fingernails inside your face, do you?

You should eat healthy, natural food when you have acne, because you should try to cleanse yourself not only outside but also from the inside. It would really help too, if you could lessen your intake of oily, fatty food. Eating food rich in fibre helps|is a remedy, since the fibre helps clean your body of poisons too. Furthermore, eating food that is considered anti-oxidant would help a lot in order for you to maintain a healthy skin. Moreover, food rich in Vitamins A, B and D, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride, magnesium, zinc, iron and sodium is also a great help too.

Follow a diet, which is high in beta-carotene and zinc is a great aid not only in the prevention, but as well as in the healing process and anti-scarring by acne. Yes, beauty is only skin deep, but having beautiful skin also makes you feel more beautiful and confident in your self. - 17268

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What You Really Get Out Of A Washington, Dc Weight Loss Protocol

By Josef Brandenburg

Is there anyone who can say that they don't want to look good? We all want to be accepted by society and feel like we fit in. This is exactly why businesses like spas, gyms, cosmetic industries, dermatological procedures and different diet protocols do so well in this day and age. People are so obsessed with how they look on the outside, that don't think about what happens on the inside when they decide to go down the aesthetics and fat loss road. Horror stories of people taking in drugs that damage the liver and dying of liver diseases, implants and surgeries gone wrong, and gym workouts that provide temporary beauty " we've heard them all. You should take care of your health on the inside, while you make yourself look good on the outside by getting into a Washington, DC Weight Loss program.

1. A Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol can give you the body you want and lets you wear it forever: Yes, we have all gone through that horrible experience of the fit-and-fat cycle. Slimming down after a few weeks of gargantuous amounts of pills and eating once daily can be pretty frustrating because we all know that there will come a day that well wake up with our fat asses again. Keeping a fit and fab body entails hard work and a specific exercise program based on a correct science. Your Washington, DC Personal Trainer lets you in on an interval exercise program that promises to burn 450% of fat more than what your usual gym program or home TV shopping apparatus can give you. The common aerobic training takes up so much time with little weight loss results, and so the best exercise option is in the hands of a high-intensity training.

2. A Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol lets you shake off the fat even after you exercise! This effect is probably what keeps most clients gaga over a Washington, DC Program. Since everyone's freaky over losing weight in the most convenient way, why not get something as good as losing weight while seated on a couch surfing channels? Of course, this comes with the premise that this great afterburn, as we call it, comes in after doing your interval training. We promise that your body can undergo either a 12-, 24- or even a 36-hour metabolic boost post-exercise.

3. You can develop discipline and get an inner sense of peace with a Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol: This program will benefit you immensely, but you are going to have to take a few steps and make a couple of changes. Getting away from your inactive lifestyle, throwing away the unhealthy stuff from your fridge, cutting down the number of hours you spend partying, drinking and smoking with your buddies are just a few of the changes that you are going to have to make. The effort and hard work that you put in will be greatly rewarded with peace of mind and a good sense of wellness. You will also have self-control and be disciplined and everything will be natural, you wont have to depend on pills and knives.

Losing weight is not as hard as it used to be, because of the technology available to us today. If you can put in the hard work needed and if you have the will to go through the fit-and-fat cycle you can get the results that you desire. If you put in all the effort to get your new fantastic physique, you deserve to keep it, and with the help of your Washington, DC Weight Loss Program, you can. - 17268

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Defeat Acne and Other Skin Related Disorders

By George Alarcon

Before treating acne, it is important to understand the main causes of acne. There are three main causes " stress, skin irritation, and genetics. Obviously one may not change their genetics, but stress and skin irritation are easily controlled using a variety of methods.

The cause of acne comes from excess oil in the skin that eventually clogs pores. As it deepens, those clogged pores can cause lesions which cause the acne to spread to other parts of the skin, creating a chain effect of bacteria.

Typical, blue light treatment consists of eight sessions given over a period of four weeks. A normal treatment session lasts about 15 minutes. Side effects are mild and can include temporary pigment changes in the skin, swelling around the treatment areas, and skin dryness. Studies have shown that 55% of treated patients see noticeable improvement.

Getting regular exercise is another fantastic way to get rid of stress since it stimulates an endorphin release in the brain. Exercise consistently and soon you will find it hard not to exercise.

Also take a look at your vitamin intake. The wrong foods can cause outbreaks in your skin. Greasy foods, or foods filled with lots of acid are hard for your body to process and cleanse from your system. These foods can cause a surge of insulin which makes your body work harder and therefore creates more waste products. Excess insulin can also cause an increase in male hormones which leads to acne. Healthy foods loaded with B vitamins help to purge free radicals from the body keeping acne clear from your skin. Carrots and foods containing vitamin A are another healthy source of keeping the body clean.

Skin irritation is easily solved by keeping yourself fairly hygienic and not picking at your acne. A shower every day and washing your face gently with soap will work wonders. Picking at your acne may be a great instantaneous cure, but it is so much worse in the long run. Popping zits and especially cysts can cause nasty, unattractive facial scars which may never fade away. I know what it is like to have a big nasty pimple on your face that is so tempting to pop, but if you allow it to go away naturally you will thank yourself in the future. - 17268

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Fish Oil Used as Treatment for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

The use of fish oil as treatment for psychosis is definitely an interesting topic.

A lot of scientists are really impressed by what they are now discovering, and most probably you will be too.

The Medline Plus encyclopaedia gives a definition of psychosis as a "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)."

Psychosis is a very general definition of a mental disorder and it can include conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, hallucinations, dementia, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, illusions, abnormal emotions, confusion and delusions.

If the mentioned descriptions are found in you, do not go and immediately get a diagnosis. Just remember that psychosis is a condition wherein the symptoms are often consistent and is always chronic.

The use of illegal or prescription drugs, alcoholism and other conditions that may cause damage on the brain and causing it to not function correctly, like stroke or Alzheimer's Disease are some of the major causes of psychosis.

People believe that the food that we eat has nothing to do with psychosis, but that is like saying that man can live on junk food alone and still stay healthy and live a long life. Of course we all know that would be impossible.

What does the research reveal?

Some new research has revealed that fish oil gives major health benefits and it includes psychosis treatment. Here is what they found out.

The Journal of Affective Disorders reported a research that says "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

In other words: a diet rich in fish oil fatty acids will make a person less depressed.

Another research conducted amongst patients with major depressive disorders was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and it concludes that, "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

In other words: fish oil offers great health benefits in a matter of 3 weeks.

The Archives of General Psychiatry published a research by Harvard University which found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

In other words: Patients with bipolar disorder had their conditions improved after taking fish oil.

Another research reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry concludes, "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

In other words: Fish oil can help women with extreme personality disorders.

The researchers in the department of psychiatry at the UK University of Sheffield also reported in the Journal of Affective Disorders that, "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

Meaning: Depression can be minimized with a supplement of good quality fish oil.

That's the rundown ? short, sweet and to the point. The above researches should help you make your decision on using fish oil as treatment for psychosis and minor depressions.

The health benefits that fish oil can provide speaks for itself ? naturally. - 17268

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How Glutamine Can Help You in Muscle Building

By Ricardo d Argence

If you work out, you may have heard about glutamine. However, do you know what it is or what it does?

Let's discuss it a little bit, below. You'll learn about what glutamine can do for you if you work out.

Glutamine defined is an amino acid that found in both animal and plant tissue. It's also found in protein sources. Glutamine is manufactured commercially for medicinal purposes and for biochemical research. It's also used nutritionally, as an amino acid supplement.

Most importantly, many people think it's very effective as brain "food." In fact, it's been used by doctors to treat depression or alcoholism.

Glutamine may also help you lose weight, because it reduces cravings for sweets. It also helps build muscle and may alter how your metabolism works, to your benefit.

Most body builders like to take around 8 to 17 milligrams of Glutamine per day to maintain their muscle mass. This should be divided up in approximately 3 doses.

One of the great things about taking this supplement is that there really are no side effects. Some people have reported getting an upset stomach if they take too much but other than that, there really are no side effects.

Although glutamine is used in a number of areas, bodybuilders are among its top users. That's because it helps keep muscles from deteriorating.

Bodybuilders who work out a lot put their muscles under a lot of stress, which means that muscle deterioration is likely; glutamine, however, can help keep muscles from breaking down because it replaces what's lost in muscle stores during workouts.

If you are into bodybuilding then supplementing with Glutamine may be something that you will want to look into. As with any type of supplement, check with your doctor before starting use of it.

You want to be sure that you are doing what is right for your body. And that this supplement will not affect any current medications that you are taking or any conditions that you may have.

If you decide to supplement with any type of body building nutrient, then Glutamine is the way you should go. It has little to no side effects and it can have great benefits for your body. - 17268

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