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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Side By Side Look at Elliptical Machines and Treadmills

By John Andrews

Elliptical machines are the "new treadmill." They provide a person with a complete cardiovascular workout. They can be bought as low as 400 dollars, or as high as 4 thousand dollars.

The elliptical machine combines skiing, walking, and bicycling in its design. These machines typically have screens on them that will display a person's heart rate while they are working out. Some elliptical machine screens display the calories that they have burned as well.

The best factor about an elliptical machine versus a treadmill is that they do not put pressure on the joints while exercising. When a person walks or runs it is constant pressure on the ankles and feet. With an elliptical machine this impact on the feet does not exist.

Elliptical machines can be used by seniors, or by injured people. People who have had feet or ankle injuries may find it difficult to run or put too much pressure on there feet. These people may find it hard to use a treadmill, but they could use an elliptical because it will not strain them.

Some seniors may find it hard to walk on the treadmill due to a fear of falling or sliding off of it. On an elliptical machine their feet are set in one place and it is impossible to slide off, and falling is unlikely. Most elliptical machines have different programs that a person can pick from.

Some ellipticals have up to 20 programs to choose from, but have fewer than 10 programs. The resistance levels can be changed so that more than one person can use the same elliptical machine. Ellipticals are said to provide a more efficient workout then a treadmill.

The word elliptical means oval, this is because the motion that the legs form when using the machine stride in an oval shape. The bigger the strides on an elliptical machine the more room a person will have to move around. Most ellipticals typically have 10 to 20 inch strides.

Elliptical machines come in many different forms. Some can fold up to give ma person more space, but most should be put together in the spot, which they are supposed to stay. When a person purchases an elliptical machine, they should ask themselves three questions, will it fit my budget, my house, and me?

Elliptical machines are found in all gyms nowadays and are frequently used by gym guests. Elliptical machines focus more on cardio and will help a person shed those unwanted pounds by burning fat without building too much muscle. Although ellipticals help to burn fat, they can be programmed to help build muscle if that is what the person wishes.

Another wonderful factor about elliptical machines is that they can be used without electricity. A person may not be able to see how many calories that they burned, but they could still use the machine and get a good workout. A treadmill can only work if it is plugged in to the wall.

Ellipticals provide a better workout then treadmills. They do not need to be powered in order to use them, and they do not affect the joints of the feet like treadmills do. All in all they better in many different ways than the treadmill. - 17268

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Getting Healthy Minerals Transdermally

By Lydia Peru

Many good things come from our oceans. Magnesium salts are derived from the ocean, a powerful source of many nutrients. You know how good it feels to walk along the beach, feeling the waves as they glide across your feet. Hey, dont tell the kids, that fun time playing in the waves is actually nutritious!

Most of us dont live near the beach though, and cannot take the time out of our busy schedule for that natural foot bath, but we can pull out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil after the shower and reap the benefits of the elements contained in the ocean.

Nutrition is a hot topic, but one that is full of confusion. When we think about what we eat we have to consider that its a two way street. Food nourishes, but it also takes vitamins and minerals to process those foods. That fast food diet, or that home cooked fried chicken may take more than it gives us. Visit any federally funded health site, and you will likely find data that shows that we are deficient in magnesium.

We really have two ways we keep magnesium in the body. About half our magnesium is stored in our bones, along with calcium and other minerals. Great, we want to maintain that storage for future use. Then we have our blood. Were going to find only about 1 percent of our magnesium in the bloodstream.

How do we keep up, and maintain healthy nutritional levels? Not too long ago I learned about transdermal magnesium. I tried it for the ache in shoulder, and the ache diminished. I gave some to my sister, and the pain in her knee was gone within the same day.

Magnesium deficiency has been associated with depression, mental fatigue, chronic tiredness, and even pain relief or release. Some say that they feel calmer and sleep better after a magnesium bath or by using the magnesium oil after their bath.

We named a few symptoms that can be associated with a mineral magnesium deficiency. There are actually over 300 biochemical actions in the human body that are dependent on magnesium. Over 300, that really makes me wonder. Perhaps we need to focus on the basic building blocks in life, such as our mineral balance in the body. - 17268

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What Is Acai Brazilian Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

The acai berry is the fruit that comes from the acai palm. This fast growing tree is found in Central and South America, including Brazil. And it's the Brazilian berry that seems to be gaining popularity among those that have added the acai berry to their diets. But just what is the acai Brazilian berry?

The acai berry is very small in size and grows in clusters just as grapes do. It is grown in floodplains and swamplands in Brazil and is starting to be grown in forests too.

One of the major differences is that the acai berry has a larger seed than grapes. In fact, the seed is about eighty percent of the entire berry. The berry is also much darker than the grape, and almost black in color.

The power of the acai berry comes in its nutrients and antioxidants. Anthocyanin, which is found in high concentration in the acai berry, is also found in red wine. This powerful antioxidant helps fight free radicals in the body, which can cause tissue damage and premature aging.

It also contains iron, fiber, vitamin E, and calcium, which supply the body with much-needed nutrients. Because of its nutrients and antioxidants, the acai berry is considered one of the most nutritious fruits in the Amazon. It is a major percentage of many diets for native tribes.

The acai Brazilian berry can be found in a lot of places. It has generated a lot of popularity so you can see it sold as a drink, smoothies, supplement, powder, and many other products. Acai is very good for your health so in any form it will be great for your diet. Next time you go shopping don't be afraid to add this extraordinary fruit to your shopping cart. - 17268

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Liquid Vitamins and Minerals

By Claude Edwin Theraiult

The convienience of an easy to carry pouch alone instead of capsules . Makes the liquid vitamin mineral supplement a great way to get massive easy to absorb nutrition. As opposed to conventional capsules and tablets that simply do not cut it in the mega performance delivery department.

All food supplements are not created equal however, the majority of companies are still cranking out the same old tables and capsules ,since people are still in the same old established habits of buying them. While a good research on Web 2.0 can show new innovation in nano technology and it's micro encapsulation of a multitude of nutrition.

With it's micro molecular liquid structure of highly purified liquid clusters nano technology supplements surpass the binders and fillers form of capsules and tablets, or even the sub-lingual products.Having the real nutrition absorbed and utilized so much quicker and more completely by our body. Nothing out there surpasses it since it is so tiny and easy to sbsorb.

Plain fact and plain truth is that today's food is an over processed under nurishing mess, it really is. It is a basic prerequisite that we simply need to supplement our diets with food supplements to survive the pace of our non stop gogo lives.

All food supplements are not created equal however, the majority of companies are still cranking out the same old tables and capsules ,since people are still in the same old established habits of buying them. While a good research on Web 2.0 can show new innovation in nano technology and it's micro encapsulation of a multitude of nutrition. - 17268

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What Is The Best Fat Burning Workout?

By Christina Carey

Millions of people would love to know what the best fat burning workout is. The information highway if full of advice about the best fat burning workout and how you can begin shedding those excess pounds today.

If you have come to the internet in search of the "best fat burning workout" then this article my the most important thing that you read today. We will be sharing some great tips and information that will help you get back into shape and get rid of all the fat from your body.

So what is the best fat burning workout that is guaranteed to help me lose weight? Is it really possible to drop the weight without diet pills and struggling everyday?

We all know that the only way to get the extra weight off your body is to get out from in front of the television. When you begin taking the time to do some type of daily exercise and get your heart rate beating; then you will begin to notice that the weight will begin to fall off your body.

Some of the best fat burning exercises are cardio and interval training. Research studies have proven that when people take the time to implement them into their daily routine; then your body is more prone to begin burning fat than with any other type of exercise.

Do not forget to visit our site below and get some great advice and another great fat burning workout that will help you melt that fat away. Get your FREE ecourse that is filled with valuable tips and information on how to get rid of fat and stay healthy. - 17268

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Program Yourself Thin - Discover How to Lose Weight In No Time

By Chris James

So you want to know how to lose weight in no time. Most likely you're now sick and tired dealing with all your insecurities and worries about your being over in weight. Good thing now there are so many weight loss programs you can try. They can all teach you how to lose weight in no time.

You can also try losing weight naturally and on your own. You can try doing what the weight loss experts say. You just eat 5-6 small meals every day with a total calorie which is less than the calories you take when you eat 3 meals every day. When you do this, you will feel less hungry between meals. There's lesser possibility that you will overeat during your meals.

Along with eating 5-6 small meals every day with a total calorie which is less than the calories you take when you eat 3 meals every day, you need to be sure the foods in your meals are full of nutrients, they must be healthy foods. Avoid foods that are considered "junk". Go for fruits and vegetables.

Follow also weight loss experts' advice about doing some exercises everyday, increase your daily activity level. Walking is the simplest form of exercise that you can do everyday. Walk instead of riding.

It's really possible to lose weight naturally and on your own, you just have to do the the ways on how to lose weight that we have shared to you. So start now, lose weight and feel better about yourself. - 17268

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It's Time for a Raw Foods Diet

By Thong M. Dao

There are so many individuals that are worried about their well-being. Most people in society can use some improvement to their well-being. It is unfortunate that some people have misconceptions regarding healthy practices.

For instance, the weight loss industry has no shortage of gimmicky diets that will let you quickly and easily drop a few pounds, but which will leave you vulnerable to later well-being problems. This is the reason why individuals move to a healthy style of eating.

A great way to preserve health is to eat a raw food diet. By consuming fruits and vegetables regularly, that are uncooked, numerous individuals have aided their well-being in astonishing ways.

We are often surrounded by wonderful smelling food and that makes it difficult to eat this way. Many of us merely like to eat food that is prepared now and then. How can we enjoy the health benefits of eating in this way yet still, not take it to the extreme?

A form of eating which is very common is known as a high raw diet. It is where somebody will try to eat raw food the maximum time but they won't stop eating cooked food at times, sometimes on a regular basis. You genuinely do get the best of both worlds in this.

Not only are you gaining the benefits from the raw food but you're also consuming some cooked food once in a while. Your life could be reflected on the benefits of the food you eat.

If you turn to eat this way, you will surely recognize the benefits. Even if there were no weight loss benefits to this form of eating, many people like it enough to still continue to eat this way.

That is why they feel the effect on their overall health. Therefore your foremost course to live in today's world and still maintain good health and reduce weight is to commence eating high raw diet. - 17268

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Benefits of drinking water:Find out how water improves your health

By Nicos Stylianou

Some time ago I read a book which was named "Your Body's Many Cries For Water". What was very interesting for me to learn, were the many benefits of drinking water on our general health.

Besides the other very interesting facts which stress the importance of drinking water, the author makes special reference to some common ailments that almost all of us suffer from time to time and shows that their most probable cause is dehydration. Below, I give you some examples:

When our head hurts

Don't you just hate it when, after you had a stressful day, you think that your head will explode? Well, according to scientific evidence, the reason for your headache might be that you didn't drink enough water during the day.

The medical explanation goes like this: When our brain, which is mainly composed of water (75% to be exact), detects that its water level is dangerously low, it generates histamines which cause the familiar symptoms of a headache, i.e. pain and the feeling of being tired. These symptoms intend to force us into reducing our activity level. This will in turn help preserve the minimum water level in our brain that will allow it to function without a problem.

So, the next time you think that your head will explode from a splitting headache, resist the temptation of taking an aspirin and do this: Drink a full glass of fresh, pure water and then sit back and unwind for half an hour. More often than not, you will be amazed. Your headache will just go away!

Back Pain

According to statistics, one out of four adults experiences at least once in his lifetime the pain and anguish associated with a sore back. As the author claims in his book, another one of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps mitigate our suffering.

Permit me to be more clear on what I mean.

The discs which our back consists of, have a hard external surface while inside they are filled with water. Provided that the quantity of the water is maintained at an adequate level, then the discs are performing their function well. This meaning that they are robust enough to help our backbone support the weight of our body.

Now, when we move our body around, we put pressure on our discs. In response, the discs, being flexible enough, are able to expand and contract, depending on the movement. What happens next is that this action creates a suction which forces water from our body, surrounding the area of our backbone, to enter inside the discs. In this way, the hydration level inside is kept fairly constant.

As you realize, when the fluid levels (especially water) in our body are low, then there is not enough to keep the discs properly hydrated. So, most of the weight load of our body is shifted on the outer disc shells. Most of you have experienced the results on your back or neck: Pain, swelling and soreness occurs.

High blood pressure

Believe it or not, deprivation of water is also one of the probable causes of hypertension, better known as high blood pressure.

According to medical experts, hypertension very often happens when our body detects blood volume loss. Since our blood is more than 83% water, then the most common cause of blood volume loss is water deprivation.

In reaction to the reduced volume of blood, our body directs most of the blood flow to the most active organs, shutting off supply to less important ones. This upsetting produces high blood pressure throughout the blood circulatory system.

In summary, the examples I gave you above are just a few of the many health benefits of drinking water, for you and your family as well.

Having said the above, I can't emphasize enough the importance of making sure that the quality of water that you and your family consume at your house, is of the best possible quality. You see, it is not at all guaranteed that the water you get now is what your body should be getting. There are numerous statistics saying that both tap and bottled water maybe of questionable quality. Make sure that you thoroughly investigate your options on what actions to take to have purified, healthy water at your home. - 17268

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How Champions Prepare For Figure Competitions

By Kurt Naulaerts

Want to learn the secrets of successful figure competition winners? This article will offer you some proven secrets to help your preparation for the contest. Learning how to get ready for a contest like this is very important and following these hints should go towards giving you the best possible chance at success.

Diet - there are many aspects to a successful female figure competition eating program. You must know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to consume it. Once again, this needs to be written down and you should keep a journal of your eating habits. It is also recommended that you confer with a seasoned competitor who can work with you to create an eating plan suited to you and your goals. There are many vital components to your diet planning such as how far out from a figure competition do you begin dieting, how much carbohydrates, protein, and fat should you consume, and how much water to drink.

Weight Training - this involves a regular training routine in the gymnasium. Pick Out a time of day that suits your schedule, and get to the gym at least 4 or 5 times a week for your weights workout. Your figure trainer will be able to create a training workout that suits your body shape and your goals for the women's figure competition. Remember not to work out every single day (ie. overtrain). It is nice to be enthusiastic and think you can do it all, but working out every day of the week is not recommended and you shouldn't do it. Your body must have time to recover, so reserve at least 1 full day for your muscles to recover.

Facial Makeup - When you go to a free cosmetic makeup appointment at a department store, it is advisable to bring in your figure contest suit and even go with a part of your arm browned so that the makeup artist can match the foundation to the color of your skin with the tanning product you have on.

Presence on Stage - this covers a lot of items like your walking, your smile, and your posing. With regards to your walking, put on some high heels and practice, practice, practice. To improve your smile, practice standing in front of a mirror and showing those pearly whites. With posing, you need plenty of of practice. You need to learn how to muscle definition, while still looking calm, natural, and relaxed. A difficult thing to do indeed. Work with a seasoned competitor or a figure coach to help you get these things perfected. Take these few tips and use them in your preparation for your next figure competition. You will then be able to feel more confident with your journey into the world of figure competitions. - 17268

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