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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Secrets to Getting a Killer Six Pack and Great Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

Do you want to have great six-pack abs or did you have them back in the day and you would really like them back? Well, imagine yourself at the beach on a sunny day and taking off your shirt to reveal toned abs for everyone to see. Wouldn't that be nice!

Unfortunately you're going to need to do more than just wish for great abs. If you really want a ripped stomach you need to actually do some work. Getting toned abs is probably not as difficult as you imagine but it will require commitment. The following tips will help you toward achieving the abs you've been dreaming about.

The first and most important thing is to ensure you have a varied workout plan. Plan a workout routine that gives you challenges on a daily basis. Having a routine that makes you comfortable or getting used to a set of exercises will not push your body enough to get the improvements you're after.

Unless your body constantly feels challenged and engaged you are going to plateau very quickly. At the beginning, as your body is getting used to the regimen that you are imposing, you will find that you will see a lot of progress, but you won't maintain it unless you switch up your regimen.

Variety will also help to maintain your interest. Do the same routine over an over again and you'll find yourself bored and lacking motivation very quickly. Mix it up; maintain your own motivation and interest. If you're enjoying your exercise you are far more likely to succeed.

You will also need to consider that you need to do more than just focus on abdominal exercises. Interestingly enough, one of the best ways to get the abs that you want is to consider getting a good full body exercise. The more muscle strength you have supporting your abdominal muscles and helping them work, the better off you are going to be. You'll also find that when you work your whole body that your resting metabolic rate is going to be higher than it would be if you were just working your abs, making your general weight loss much swifter.

Also consider the fact that you are going to need sleep! Sleep is when your body repairs itself, and unless you are getting the sleep that you need, you are not going to be in a great place to move forward. Remember that when you are getting the muscles that you want that you are going to be pushing yourself pretty hard. You may even be doing some damage to your body that needs to heal. Don't short change yourself on sleep; that is a good way to make sure that your progress plateaus and fast!

There are a number of things to remember particularly if you are trying to get the killer six-pack for the first time. To accomplish your goal, you don't have to be all alone. A personal, well-designed program can make it a lot simple for you. There are a number of programs that can help you make your dream come true. Select the perfect one for you and within no time, you are going to get the abs that you always desired! - 17268

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Using Muscle Building Supplements

By Westy

Many body builders supplement their diets with other nutrients. You really do not need supplements to build muscles but supplements will help you build muscles faster. How do you determine what supplements to take there are so many of them? The following is a review of the best muscle building supplements.

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A muscle building supplement is a tool to reach your body's muscular potential. There are too many to choose from, so lets talk about the basic ones. One of the best muscle building supplements is protein. Protein contains amino acids, which are needed for building muscle. Muscle builders recommend using 1-2 grams of protein per body weight. Protein shakes and bars provide enough protein.

Good sources of protein come from whet, egg, soy, low carbohydrate in many different forms. You should make sure that you take your protein through the day.

Some bodybuilders use creatine in their supplementation plan. This is used to create the mass that you need to build the big muscles. Take the creatine after your workouts and you will find that your muscles receive more energy.

Another one of the best muscle building supplements is glutamine. L-glutamine is the largest amino acid in muscles. Glutamine is used to prevent muscle waisting and ease muscle recovery. Glutamine should be taken with creatine but not at the same time. Take glutamine before your workout.

Also, select a good multivitamin for your overall health. If you are bodybuilding, you will need more vitamins than the average person. Choose a multivitamin that is designed for bodybuilders or athletes to get the most nutrition from your vitamin.

Testosterone boosters are also used to help bodybuilders gain the muscle that they want. If you can increase the testosterone in your body, you will increase the ability to build muscles. A woman bodybuilder will most likely not want to add testosterone to their supplements.

Human Growth Hormone is one of the best muscle building supplements and is a natural nutrient in the body. These are just a few of the supplements out there for building muscle. Talk with fellow lifters, nutritionists and owners of stores with supplements. Do your own research. Be careful with supplements they can have side effects too, just like a medication can. - 17268

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Developing Your Body Building Schedule

By Westy

If you are looking for the perfect bodybuilding schedule, you will not find it in the pages of a book or with a particular program. The truth of the matter is that there is no one perfect bodybuilding schedule that will work for everyone. The one schedule that will work for you is the one that fits in with your lifestyle and addresses your bodybuilding needs.

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One thing is common in all successful bodybuilding workouts, however, and that is consistency. You must develop a schedule that fits in with your needs and that you are capable of continuing every day. Your workout days will have to be adhered to no matter how you are feeling on a particular day. Discipline is the key to success with bodybuilding.

For beginners it is better to start off with a lighter load. Gradually work your way up to a heavier schedule as you progress in your abilities. Many people find that a day of rest in between workouts is the best way to go in the beginning.

As to the schedule proper, it is best to start your first day with a workout that is directed towards your upper body. The next day, it is now advisable to have some aerobic exercises to let all oxygen come into your system. On the third day, the opposite of day 1 will follow. This time, the focus will be on working out your lower body. Then the same alternating pattern follows for the entire week.

The muscles must have a full day of rest so that they can begin to build. It is during the rest periods that your muscles grow, not on the days that you are working them.

What you must do in your bodybuilding schedule is use a variety of exercises to work all the muscle groups in your body. The body will begin to adapt to the stress and strain that you are putting on it with your workouts. If you spend too much time on one area of the body, you will not realize as much gain from your efforts. There will be a better chance for growth and development when you use different groups of muscles at different points in your schedule.

This is the basic body building schedule that must be followed. As you progress with your fitness program, it may be necessary to adjust your schedule and increase its intensity. When you will become accustomed to this new schedule, you may even sacrifice your free day and make some short rests on your workout days. - 17268

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Tips For Building Arm Muscles

By Westy

If there is a body part that will put on a really tough fight for it to be toned well, it is definitely the arm muscles. Building the arm muscle, although not impossible, is a very challenging endeavor that often places huge amount of strain on the person. The arms are said to be one of the most difficult areas of the human body to develop.

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The area of your arm muscles that you will want to concentrate on first is the upper arms. You should focus on your triceps and biceps. This should be the area that you work on first to get the kind of tone and definition that you want in your arms. The forearms and the lower part of your arms will be worked out right along with the biceps and triceps so concentrate on these areas first.

So, when you focus on the upper arms, the lower arms will just fall in shape at the same time

In simpler terms, it is basically easier to develop your upper arm muscles first because the lower arm muscles tend to develop almost simultaneously. Developing the forearms solely will not result to upper arm muscle development.

You may think that home-based gym training will do the trick, but oftentimes this strategy fails utterly. Without some professional guide to direct your home-based gym exercises, you will just end up wasting your energy and not developing those humps within your expected time set. The worst part is that this type of gym exercises may prove to be dangerous leading to many types of musculoskeletal injuries especially with the careless or improper use of gym equipment.

Push ups and push downs are two exercises that you can do without the use of weights. The trick to doing successful push ups and push downs is to hold the positions.

Your diet is important in your muscle building workout. If you eat a poor diet, you will not be able to get the results from your muscle building that you want. - 17268

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How To Lose Weight Quickly! 2 Amazing Secrets Divulged.

By Peter Clayton

Two breakthrough secrets showing how to lose weight fast are revealed here.

A doctor named Suzanne Gudakunst has just released information on a discovery that allows anyone, regardless of their particular diet, to do just one simple thing and instantly start shedding unwanted and potentially dangerous fat. Typical weight loss results average 45 lbs. in just the first 30 days alone for most people who are just starting out using her new secret.

Dr. Gudakunst found that foods which contain chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. produce crusty "plaque" that builds up in everyone over the years.

This plaque is the reason for your extra weight for the following reasons:

Your body starves from lack of needed nutrition, regardless of how much you eat. As a result, you continue to consume more food and gain more weight.

Your hypothalamus regulates your metabolism to process food much more slowly in an attempt to accumulate food, causing you to become even fatter!

Ridding your body of this very harmful "garbage" allows you to naturally begin dissolving the fat that can damage your otherwise healthy and attractive figure.

Also recognized by Dr. Gudakunst were a great many specific types of "parasites" (i.e.--small, worm-like, eyeless, fanged organisms) existing inside 99.964% of everyone's intestinal tract in the United States, and 92.36% of persons globally.

These nasty parasites take from you valuable nutrition, as well as laying millions of eggs. They also emit an unsafe, toxic, jelly-like "sludge" in your intestines. To make matters worse, once deceased, they petrify. This produces a coral-like barrier that stops you from absorbing the correct amount of nutrition.

Parasites also release chemical messengers that make you crave foods you are not supposed to eat. Eliminating them means you no longer desire 1000s of damaging foods.

Without proper nutrition, your health is at risk; and not only will you see a reduction in your quality of life, but your lifespan as well.

Dr. Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery privately with a select group of volunteers for 6 years, with nothing short of fantastic results!

A lady from Chicago who weighed 587 lbs. was able to lose an amazing 449 lbs. in less than 5 months. Now weighing 138 lbs., she looks like a brand new person. She has also added many years to her life as a direct effect of utilizing the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"

There have been many other success stories like this. - 17268

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How Long Will Your Muscle Building Take

By Westy

Most people who are just starting out with bodybuilding will ask the question about how long it will take to see results in their muscles. The ones who are most interested in how long it will take are those that are out to look their best in the shortest possible time. One of the questions that you should ask yourself is why you are building the muscles in the first place.

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The first thing that will determine how long it will take for you to see results from your exercise program is the food and the exercises that you are doing. You should consider how and what you eat as well as when you eat your food.

Next, take a look at your genetics. There may be reasons why you will not be able to build your muscles as quickly as someone else. Everyone is a unique individual and you will have to determine how your body responds to your bodybuilding efforts.

You may also have a body type that is just slow to building muscles. It is this that will determine how quickly you build up the muscles that you desire.

The endomorph is the first body type you should consider. This person gains weight quickly and has a hard time losing it. This person will be able to gain muscle, but it might take some time to find the hidden muscles underneath the fat.

There are others who are lucky enough to have the mesomorph body type. These folks are naturally more athletic and will gain muscle fast. These folks also do not have the problem of gaining fat fast and will usually only have to begin working out to see results.

The ectomorph is the opposite of the endomorph. This person has a hard time putting any weight on their body. They will find it very difficult to gain muscle but it is not impossible. These people often appear very skinny compared to others.

Hence, all of these factors must be carefully understood and evaluated, even at some little degree, so as to build muscles quickly. Muscles don't develop overnight. You have to work hard to earn them. There is no magic spell these days that can give you big and firm muscles with a single swing of a wand. You have to reap what you sow! In short, to build muscles generally takes a long amount of time like a month or even more, although it is dependent on the factors sighted above. - 17268

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Effective Body Acne Treatment

By Lucy Collins

Believe me, finding a suitable treatment for body acne is far easier than what you ever imagined.

Many people only recognize acne as pimples that display on the face, but it is almost as common on other parts of the body. Pores on other parts of the body can become clogged, infected and inflamed just like those on the face, and some people are more susceptible to body acne than facial acne. There are great treatments out there, you just need to look!

As you probably know, that the skin around your body is a lot tougher than the skin on your face, so in order to find the right body acne treatment, you are going to need something a little bit stronger, than you average cleansing soap. Sometimes, you might not even need soap or a lotion, just a change in your fabrics or the deodorant you might be using.

If you wear a lot of tight clothing, this could very well be the reason for you body acne. In order to help clear up that body acne, wear some t-shirts or some looser type clothing until the acne actually clears up. From there, try and wear clothes that are made from natural fibers. Natural fibers help keep the moisture away from your body, which essentially creates unwanted body acne.

As most sufferers know, exercise is a great tool against your fight with acne but if you find you are having frequent outbreaks, it is more than likely due to the increased amount of sweat resulting from the exercise. To combat this, be sure to shower immediately after each exercise session as this will effectively prevent the sweat and body oil from going into your pores.

Try looking into some sort of body acne treatment spray. Usually, these sprays come in bottles that are designed to reach those places in your body that you cannot reach! They are usually inexpensive, and highly effective. Run to the store and see what you can find, or talk to your dermatologist about which ones would work best for you!

If your acne persists, many people turn to topical creams that are applied once or twice daily to treat their body acne. Antibiotic creams for treating body acne can work very well and they have very few side effects if used as recommended. Don't be afraid to try a few over-the-counter from the drugstore.

If all else fails and you have found that these treatments are not working for you, then look to your doctor for something stronger. Usually your doctor, or dermatologist will be able to prescribe a medication that will come in pill form, and you will take it once a day.

Rest assured that while there may be times you doubt it, an effective treatment for your acne is available and it's simply a matter of you finding the one which works best for you. Of course, prices can vary tremendously but be warned, more expensive does not always mean a treatment is more effective so be sure to test a few. - 17268

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A Guide to Essential Oil Making for Beginning Aromatherapists

By Teresa Lewis

New methods of essential oil extraction are entering the mainstream of aromatherapy, offering new choices in oils never before available. With the new labels of 'CO2' and 'SCO2', along with the traditional 'steam' and 'hydro' distillations, 'absolutes', and 'cold pressing', a little education for the aromatherapy enthusiast can go a long way in essential oil selection. Is one process better than another? Does one produce a nicer smelling oil, or one with greater aromatherapeutic value? It turns out that essential oil production, like winemaking, is an art form as well as a science. The value of the newer processing methods depends greatly on the experience of the distiller, as well as the intended application of the final product. Each method is important, and has it's place in the making of aromatherapy-grade essential oils.

Steam and Hydro Distillation Production

Steam distillation, the most common method of essential oil production, involves the flow of steam into a chamber holding the raw plant material (Hydro-distillation uses boiling water directly). The steam causes small sacs containing essential oil to burst. The oil is then carried by the steam out of the chamber and into a chilled condenser, where the steam once again becomes water. The oil and water are then separated - the water, or'hydrosol', is often retained for it's own therapeutic properties.

A number of factors determine the final quality of a steam distilled essential oil. Aside from the plant material itself, most important are time, temperature and pressure, and the quality of the distillation equipment. Essential oils are very complex products; each is made up of many, sometimes hundreds, of distinct molecules which come together to form the oil's aroma and therapeutic properties. Some of these molecules are fairly delicate structures which can be altered or destroyed by adverse environmental conditions. So, much like a fine meal is more flavorful when made with patience, most oils benefit from a long, slow 'cooking' process.

The temperature of the extraction chamber should be maintained within a reasonable range, lest some components of the oil be altered or destroyed. This also applies to the chamber pressure. The essential oil of Lavender flowers, for example, should not be processed at over 245 degrees and three pounds per square inch. Tougher conditions will result in a harsh scent - more chemical than floral.

High temperatures and pressures are often used to produces large quantities of oil in a short period of time. The oils are often destined for use in cosmetic and food products, but can sold as essential oils for use in aromatherapy. These oils will be less expensive, though they are of limited therapeutic value.

What are Absolutes?

Some plants, and particularly flowers, do not lend themselves to steam distilling. They are too delicate, or their fragrance and therapeutic essences cannot be completely released by water alone. These oils will be produced as 'absolutes' - and while not technically considered essential oils they can still be of therapeutic value. Jasmine oil and Rose oil in particular are delicate flowers who's oils are often found in 'absolute' form. Jasmine oil, in fact, is only found as an absolute, whereas rose is available in both an 'otto' (an expensive steam distilled form) and an absolute.

The processing of an absolute first involves the hydrocarbon solvent extraction of a 'concrete' from the plant material, a semi-solid mixture of typically 50% wax and 50% volatile oil. The concrete is again processed using ethyl alcohol (the same alcohol found in beer, wine, etc.) in which the wax is only slightly soluble. The volatile plant oil separates into the alcohol and this mixture is removed. The alcohol is then evaporated and the result is an almost pure plant extract - depending on the care taken in the evaporation process, sometimes 2% or less of the ethyl alcohol may remain. The use of solvents in the extraction process notwithstanding, absolutes can have incredibly deep and complex aromas.

CO2's and SCO2's - Using Carbon Dioxide as a Solvent

The most modern technologies are Carbon Dioxide and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide distillation. Both methods involve the use of carbon dioxide as the solvent which carries the essential oil away from the raw plant material - though the gas essentially acts as the steam in steam distillation. The only difference between the two are the temperatures and pressures used - though neither uses a temperature greater than 87 degrees. With release of the pressure in either process, the carbon dioxide escapes in its gaseous form, leaving the essential oil behind.

These carbon dioxide methods have noteworthy benefits: Like steam distillation, there are no solvent residues left behind, and the resultant product is quite pure. Like solvent extraction, there is no heat applied to the plant material or essential oil to alter it in any way. The oil produced is very accurate with respect to the original state of the plant. The CO2 methods also are the most efficient, producing the most oil per amount of plant (one of the reasons for the high cost of essential oils is the low yield of oil from most plants - one ton of Rose petals produces less than 1 pound of oil, for example). The efficiency of CO2 extraction is particularly important when rare or endangered plant species are involved, such as Indian Sandalwood oil - less of the precious plant is needed to produce an equivalent amount of oil.

The Simple Cold Press

Cold pressing from the rinds of citrus fruit proudces oils such as Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Lime, and the like. This involves the simple pressing of the peels at about 120 degrees. Little, if any, alteration from the oil's original makup occurs - these oils retain their bright and uplifting aromas, like that of smelling a wonderfully ripe fruit.

Is there a Best Method?

CO2's, with some obvious advantages, are not always the best choice for a particular need. They still are the most expensive, despite their higher yields. The resultant product differs slightly compared to one produced another way - the oils produced by steam distillation of some plants may sometimes be found to have a more agreeable aroma. Patchouli oil, for example, seems to benefit from the steam distillation process by becoming a little warmer and richer. Many other essential oils are quite effectively produced via steam distillation, with little alteration from the original plant state. Oils from other plant species do seem more 'complete' with CO2 processing, with Frankincense oil and most of the 'spice' oils being good examples where a little something special is present in the aroma. This likely translates to greater therapeautic properties.

Producing essential oils of aromatherapeutic grade is skill requiring years of experience. It takes the work of a dedicated artesian at every step, from growing and harvesting to fine-tuning the distillation process, to produce a truly fine oil. The making of a fine essential oil relies far more on knowledge and experience than it does on the particular extraction method. There are, however, legitimate reasons to select one distillation method over another - some plants simply require a particular process to produce a fine oil, and the oil needed for a particular application may only be made by one process. In the end, as is often the case in aromatherapy, your own sense of smell can tell you which oil will work best for you. - 17268

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Nutrition For Building Muscle

By Westy

The center of all muscle building programs is your diet. If you are not eating a good balanced diet, all of the work that you are doing on your muscles will be for nothing. Most of the programs that are designed for building muscle, focus on the protein in your diet, but you have to make sure that you are getting other vitamins and nutrients as well.

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To build muscle, most experts recommend that you eat five or six smaller meals all through the day instead of three big ones. You will burn more fat when you eat this way than you will with the traditional meal plan. If you are allowed to go too long between meals your body will begin to use your muscle tissue instead of fat. This means that you could begin to lose muscle.

When you allow your body to get into this state, your body will begin to think that it is starving and will go after the muscle tissue for nutrition. This means that your body could actually become fatter. If you eat your meals every couple of hours, you will avoid this state in your body. The meals that you eat should be nutritionally balanced with forty percent of the food being protein, forty percent carbohydrates and twenty percent fat. The carbohydrates are necessary to absorb the protein in your body.

You should always strive to keep your diet well balanced no matter which stage of your muscle building efforts you are. The foods in your diet should be varied and there has to be enough calories to build your muscles and repair them after your workouts. It is important that you are educated on nutrition and what your body needs and what foods you should stay away from.

The largest meal that you eat should be after your workout. The smallest meal that you eat should be the one closest to your bedtime. You will also have to make sure that you are drinking enough water to keep your body well hydrated. Find some good information on nutrition so that you know what your body needs while you are working your muscles.

A high protein diet is needed if you are trying to build muscle fast and gain some weight with your program. You will have to be sure that you are choosing the right sources of protein for the diet when you are building muscle.

There are some good sources of protein for this type of diet that you can use to get the best results. Egg whites have a great protein value and will help you get the nutrition that you need on this kind of diet. Fish, especially cold water fish is a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Lean meats and poultry are great sources of protein for your bodybuilding diet.

Some of the diets that you will find for muscle building use a cycling method which will vary the amount of calories that your body is receiving so that it does not become accustomed to any one amount. For those who are trying to build their muscle, you should eat fewer calories two days of the week. For people who are trying to lose fat, you should eat more calories two days of the week and fewer on the other five. Do some reading on nutrition and find out which plan will work best for your ultimate goal. - 17268

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Using Food To Build Your Muscles

By Westy

Food is one of the areas that you will have to work on when you are building your muscles. You can work out as much as you like and use supplements, but you must eat a good diet or you will not gain any muscle.

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Protein is the food for muscle building. Some high protein foods include: eggs, skim milk, low fat cottage cheese, fish, lean pork, lean beef, chicken and turkey. The amount of protein you eat depends on your weight; you should eat 1 gm of protein for every pound you weigh.

The foods that you are eating will help your body to recover from your muscle building workouts. When you don't have enough protein in your diet, you will not be able to gain muscle from your workouts. The protein that you are eating will also help you to lose some of the fat on your body.

People who are working out and trying to build muscle are recommended to eat six small meals a day instead of three large meals. It is important that your nutrition be spread out during the day for your muscle building efforts.

Bodybuilders will also use protein bars and shakes to help get the amount of protein that is needed for a day. One shake can bring you up to twenty four grams of protein. This will ensure that you are eating the recommended amount of protein for your bodybuilding needs.

There must also be carbohydrates and fats in your diet. For the best carbohydrates you should stick with vegetables. Foods with fiber are also able to help you to digest the massive amounts of protein that you need in your diet. Fats are used by the body to grow muscles and carbohydrates will give you the energy that you need to get through your workouts.

Fats are also important for helping your body digesting the foods that are eaten as well as making you feel full and satisfied after each meal.

The bottom line though for weight gain is eating more calories. Your diet will be higher in protein but you need to balance that with a certain amount of fat and carbohydrates for each meal. Try to balance your diet and provide variety. Fruits can provide quick carbohydrates. For weight gain you should eat 20 more calories per pound of body weight. There is a lot of information about diets and supplements for bodybuilding. Do your own research. Talk to trainers and other builders. You could also get advice from a nutritionist. - 17268

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How To Plan Fat Loss

By David Moore

Fat loss plans come in every shape and size, just like people. They can work if you follow them exactly and this is perhaps the key point. If you notice carefully you will see that these programs always add something about a proper diet and exercise routine being used in order to succeed. Indeed, if you follow a healthy eating plan and exercise properly you will be able to actually lose your unwanted weight.

Diets are only part of a fat loss program, because you have to figure out a way to help speed up the use of that fat that is already in place if you want to lose more weight faster. Even if you cut your intake down now, it will still mean that you have to burn through about 3500 calories just to lose a pound of fat. Let's consider this a moment, if you decrease your calorie count by 500 calories a day, that will be 500x7 days, in a week you would lose 1 lb of fat from your body.

This is a very hard diet to maintain for weeks and weeks, however, and is not proven to work. There are many other factors at work and you need to be able to target that fat for burning.

You can burn fat quicker if you combine a good diet with exercise. Including 30min-1hr of aerobic exercise daily will help you burn calories much faster. A good exercise routine should be one that targets fat loss - you should exercise at about 70% of your maximum exertion so that your body targets fat to burn.

You can boost your diet efforts by including those foods that have a natural fat burning property to lose weight. Remember to drink a lot of fresh water and unsweetened green tea as well as vitamin supplements in order to increase your ability to burn fat.

Include fresh vegetables and fruits high in fibre and keep processed foods and sugars down to a minimum. You can create a great diet that allows you to eat all kinds of food you can enjoy, you just need to have a plan and stick with it. Eat more meals per day but smaller ones and your body will learn to stop storing fat.

You will need to commit yourself to your diet and exercise regime once you've planned it out and make sure not to cheat too much. Only then will your fat loss plan be successful.

You may also need to find a program that works for you. Some things don't work for everybody, and some people can't keep themselves on some diets. Try to make a diet for yourself that will become part of your lifestyle so you can keep the weight off once you've dropped it. - 17268

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Tighten Up Your Flabby Arms

By Westy

When you get a little older or if you were genetically predisposed, your under arm area becomes less toned. Can you loose weight build muscle in that area? No you cannot target that are for weight loss but there are things you can try. This problem may be more applicable to women. Ever seen a man wave a flabby arm? How can you get rid of loose weight build muscle of upper arms?

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When the body is aging, there is a loss of collagen and elastin and some people just have a greater amount of fat in that area of their body. There are some things that can be done to help you in this area.

First of all, it is the hardest part of the body to get rid of fat. The upper arm loose weight is impossible to target just losing weight. There are gels and cremes that claim they can tone the under arm and get rid of loose flabby loose weight build muscle arms. The jury is still out on the success rate of cremes and gels over the counter. There is a new chemical called Lipodisolve. There have not been enough trials done to prove its efficacy

One extreme option is surgery. The particular procedure is called a brachioplasty or arm lift. It is a same day surgery and it is done under general anesthesia. You will have stitches or a drain that come out the first week. It takes two to six weeks to recover and you will have a scar on the underside of your arm. You wear compression stockings on your arms for a while so you do not get any blood clots.

Liposuction is another, a little less invasive surgical procedure to take the fat out of your under arm. Many times they do a combination surgery with the brachioplasty and liposuction. After surgery you will have pain and be given medication. You will probably be out of the work force for at least a week.

One of the least invasive ways to eliminate the problem of flabby arms is building muscle in this area. There are a number of exercises that you can use that will help you recover some of the tone and muscle in the under arm area.

To work on the muscles in this area, use a push up or a push up that is done against a wall. The forearm extension is another exercise that can work on the muscles in this area. This exercise is done bending forward at the waist while you are standing. Hold onto a chair and extend your forearms while you are keeping the arms straight.

Dips may be another good exercise that will work on this part of your body. You sit on a chair or bench and lift yourself off of the chair with your arms and dip below the chair and then back up again. If you work with these exercises, you might find that you are able to build the muscle under your arms in no time at all. - 17268

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