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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Breakfast Foods Are The Most Important Foods in a Healthy Diet

By Jamis Hartley

Eating the right breakfast foods at the start of your day is a very important step that should not be excluded regardless of how busy or rushed you might be. Getting a good start in the morning will pay much better dividends in energy levels and possibly reduced waistline.

The highly advertised cereals that are so cheaply made that there are SO MANY extra advertising dollars are nothing but sugar and will not last past mid-morning. Your body needs substance. You need breakfast foods that will give you longer lasting energy or you will find yourself snacking all day long.

Gaining the right balance of nutrients and a food that's going to support your efforts all morning can be a challenge. This is especially true if your morning is hurried, as most are. Given the morning tasks that take place every day in households with two workers and young children, getting things together for breakfast may be the last thing you think of in the morning.

It's quite possible to make the task of getting the right level of nutrition out of every morning a very manageable endeavor. By putting forth a little pre-planning effort you can have ready many great options for healthy breakfast foods making the choice of "what's for breakfast" an easy choice. You will no longer have to worry about whether you ate healthy or not. You simply follow your plan.

Many of us don't do breakfast foods because we simply don't think of it. The best time to worry about breakfast, particularly if you're a busy household, isn't in the morning. Getting breakfast ready may be done on the weekend or the evening when you've got a few minutes to spare.

It can be very helpful at this pre-planning time to ask the kids or other members of the family what they might like to have for breakfast. Helping them choose a healthy lifestyle is much easier taught during the low stress times on a comfortable couch with no deadlines than in the middle of chaos in the morning. After all, healthy living is a family matter.

When the entire family participates in eating healthy the kids are a lot more likely to continue the process long after they have left the home. If they have participated in choosing the breakfast foods that will be on their plate in the morning and particularly if they have helped prepare those foods, they will be happy to eat them too.

The weekend is a great time when the mornings are a little less hurried. So, why not add an extra dozen muffins to the oven and wrap them for Monday and Tuesday? When the evening meal rolls around and you're making that delicious coffee cake for dessert, make it from whole wheat flour and make two. Two pans don't take any longer to mix up than one, and offer you a good choice of breakfast foods for the weekdays when time is at a premium.

Make healthy breakfast foods a priority. Do a little planning and preparing ahead of time. Avoiding the fast and easy high sugar stuff will provide a lot more lasting energy. Seek after whole grains that enter the system a lot slower helping you to maintain your energy longer. It shouldn't take long for you to master a plan that will come naturally and help you and your family live a healthy lifestyle. - 17268

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Muscle Building's Effects on Weight

By Kurt Gardner

The lack of exercise and poor diet is a normal thing for people at this age. Many find it hard to stay healthy and fit, The number of people gaining weight all over the world is alarmingly increasing in a speedy manner.

If you feel you belong to the said demographic, you might have said to yourself that you will lose your weight and stay fit. But people who tried losing weight failed and quit. Shedding pounds is no easy task, even for the determined individual.

However, if you are determined to really succeed, then head to the gym and pick those dumbbells. Bodybuilding is not just an activity that helps you get great muscles, but it is also a proven method to lose weight. Most weight loss programs tend to focus on losing your extra pounds but now on how you look after you lose those pounds.

Researchers and fitness experts agree that bodybuilding routines help in lowering blood pressure greatly, as well as reducing a person's stress levels. This fact aids rapid loss in weight if bodybuilding programs is maintained right from the start. So, if you want to really lose those pounds, do some bodybuilding.

Having said that, diet also remains an important factor in losing weight and building muscles. Most people think that bodybuilding diet programs are loaded with tasteless and bland foods. This is certainly not the case. Bodybuilders stick to diet programs that feature more protein and less in fats and sugars.

Also, a bodybuilding diet regimen reduces a person's risk to certain diseases such as diabetes and some cardiovascular disorders. More than just food and muscles, bodybuilding diet really keeps you healthy inside. That said, most health foods that claim to be all organic are junk. Be wary of these products.

There is no question that bodybuilding can help you lose your weight and at the same time mold your body to muscular perfection. But quitting won't help you one bit. If you want to succeed, you better be ready to toil because your efforts will be needed. It may be a long road but the fruits are worth the efforts. - 17268

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How To Get Thin Arms-Ditch The Fruit Juice!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you really want to learn how to get thin arms and you drink lots of juice, please stop! Fruit juice causes arm fat gain. Period.

The big companies, however, would have you believe that fruit juice is healthy. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. So please don't buy into all those infomercials promoting juice that will solve all your physical ailments.

What's so bad about juice? It's the sugar. What's so bad about sugar? It raises levels of insulin. And once insulin goes up, arm fat burning completely shuts down. There are no exceptions here!

And here are 4 more reasons why you should stay away from fruit juice if you want to get thin arms:

1. It causes your liver to secrete not so good things. What type of things? Excess fatty acids and bad cholesterol! Now you really do NOT want these two floating around within your body if your main goal is to get thin and slim arms.

2. It will increase fat storage. Solid research has clearly demonstrated that small amounts of juice are directly correlated with obesity. Why? It's all about the sugar.

3. There usually isn't any pulp. Most commercial juice is completely devoid of pulp. And pulp is loaded with fiber, the one thing that could potentially slow digestion and control insulin levels.

4. Little nutrition. Most of the nutrition is concentrated in the pulp, and more importantly, the peel. So if all you're having is the juice, don't expect a boost in health. An apple, for instance, loses over 2 times its nutrition without the peel. Not good!

Now I don't recommend going on an all-you-can-eat-fruit-peel-buffet. Some peels taste absolutely horrible, I know because I've tried them! Tip: stay away from banana peels. However, I do recommend staying away from fruit juice. And if you absolutely have to have some, make sure it has lots of pulp, and if possible, peel, and also make sure you only have a very small glass. - 17268

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Acai Berry Supplements, Getting the Real Thing

By Russell Kase

Acai berry fruit harvested in dense tropical jungle in some areas of the Amazon and Brazil. They have come to be recognized as the definite "super food" offering innumerable varieties of vitamins and necessary greasy acids, photo elements and a horde of more dietary paybacks. The downside however, is that the acai berries spoil within a day after it is harvested, so manufacturers had to come up with ingenious ways to process the fruit for distribution, yet retain its natural flavor and all its healthful benefits.

Regarded as the present day generations super food, sensational cure, the crown jewel of the Amazon, the humble acai berry has taken a big leap from the shadows as a palm fruit deep in the Amazon jungle into one of the most reliable health supplements present in the current market With health benefits ranging from natural weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening veins and blood vessels to possible cures for certain cancers, the demand for acai berry supplements have increased a thousand fold over the recent years.

The capsules is directly dependent on the freeze drying process that the fresh acai pulp or acai berry extract is made to go through. Here, the moisture is removed from the acai berries using a very low temperature (-20C) and a vacuum. Preserves are natural deep purple color,and freeze drying keeps the nutty-berry flavors of the acai fruit.

Best of all, the freeze drying procedure ensures us that the acai berry powder and capsules have retained almost all of the acai berry's natural vitamins, enzymes and nutrients, mainly carotene, anthocyanin (antioxidant) vitamin C.

In France, as well as nations such as Italy, Spain and Portugal, red wine practically flows- and is a staple at almost every meal to counteract the effects of fat and sugars and add to their over-all well being and longevity. Acai berry juice is simply the best way to obtain the same health benefits provided by acai berry, it is a concentrated source of a kind of flavonoids which is referred to as anthocyanins - this is generally the same phytochemical that red wine possesses.

Acai berry supplements are admittedly pricey, especially if you go for certified organic acai berry extract capsules or acai liquid and acai powder. But rest assured the products are worth every penny you have spent, as ingesting fake products or those cut down with extenders all but render these acai berry supplements as useless. - 17268

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Know What To Eat And Drink to Receive Sustained Energy? Acai Berries!

By Jeremy Liddle

Well what is it about acai berries that delivers sustained energy?

Carbohydrates and fibre, but not all carbohydrates provide sustained energy. Carbohydrates, when digested, release glucose, or sugar into the blood. Some carbohydrates cause the sugar to be released very quickly, whereas others cause it to be released more slowly. The measure of the extent of the sugar rise caused after a food is eaten is called the Glycemic Index (or GI). The lower the GI of a food, the slower the food is digested and absorbed, producing a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. Foods such as white bread or jelly beans, when eaten, cause blood sugar to rise very quickly.

Blood sugar levels need to be maintained at a normal level in order to keep the body healthy and working efficiently. So if blood sugar levels rise it stimulates the pancreas to deliver insulin into the blood. Insulin is the substance that tells all the cells to absorb more sugar, in turn causing blood sugar to reduce again. When foods that contain or release too much sugar are eaten, the body releases extra insulin. The extra insulin results in too much sugar being absorbed and then the sugar level dropping below the healthy level. This is what happens and what is experienced after a sugar rush. This activity does not deliver sustained energy and can leave the person feeling low on energy.

Acai berries have been tested by some companies in Australia and have been found to have a Glycemic Load (GL) of 0.5. GL is a more recent and more accurate way to measure the effect of particular carbs in the blood. It gives a more complete picture than GI as it is also calculated taking into account the actual amount of Carbs that have been consumed. A Gl of 11 or less is considered a low level, and so a food with such a result helps to control blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Acai berries have a GL of 0.5, which means it can delver sustained energy.

The dietary fibre in Acai acts like a sponge, mixes with all the digestive juices in our bodies binding to the good eaten, and helps to slow down digestion. Instead of getting a sugar rush after a meal, the sugar is released slowly, providing sustained energy! This also helps control appetite and delays hunger. Which means that it may help prevent weight gain and therefore the risk of obesity.

Most of the energy in Acai actually comes not from sugar but from the healthy omega-6 and omega-9 fats, so acai is one food that can be eaten guilt free! It can help people feel full due to the fibre content, and at the same time provide sustained energy. It is best to mix acai with apple juice, which also has a relative low GI, to delivery sustained energy in a smoothie. - 17268

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 5 - How Using Vitamins Can Help Overcome Easy Bruising!

By Carolyn Cooper

There are a variety of reasons that you desire to be rid of easy bruising, but one of the most significant reasons to think about is that bruising easily can really be a a symptom of medical condition. Easy bruising for most people is simply a function of aging, but it could also be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Even if you do not have a vitamin deficiency, you should consider adding some particular vitamins into your daily regimen to help you overcome bruising easily.

Keep in mind that the reason for adding vitamins to your diet and your daily regimen is to replenish essential nutrients that your body cannot regenerate for itself in essential quantities. If your body cannot replenish these nutrients on its own, your body will require that they be provided from some outside source. Spend the necessary time to consider how well your diet is set up, and consider whether you may be under serving your body of nutrients that it really requires. In your quest to reduce bruising easily, there are a few vitamins that you need to make sure are available in sufficient quantities to your body.

Vitamin C is probably the first vitamin that you need to evaluate when looking for something to help prevent bruising. Many doctors consider vitamin C to be beneficial for a lot of circumstances. I'm sure that you've probably noticed that when you increase your intake orange juice at the onset of a cold, many times the affects of the cold seem to be reduced. Vitamin C is a major contributor in keeping your immune system in its optimum condition. Vitamin C is essential for your body's ability to produce collagen, which provides elasticity to the skin and acts as lubrication for the joints.

If you want to add more vitamin C to your system, increasing your intake of citrus fruits is an excellent way to boost your vitamin C levels. Eating oranges, limes, and grapefruits are all good ways to increase you vitamin C level, and eating these fruits raw will enhance the passage of these nutrients more directly into your system. Considering Vitamin C supplement tablets will increase your vitamin retention as well.

If you are trying to augment your body's strength and prevent your body from its easy bruising, you must consider increasing your vitamin K intake. Vitamin K has a great deal to do with keeping your circulatory system in good working order; after all, the K in vitamin K comes from a German word that means "coagulation". Vitamin K used externally as a serum has been proved to help heal bruises and when taken internally as a supplement to help prevent bruises from forming so readily.

There are several ways to increase vitamin K levels in your body. The easiest way may be to eat increased amounts of vegetables that are high in vitamin K content, which include kale, spinach and collard greens among others. Also understand that vitamin K can be applied externally as a topical salve or ointment, and it can be obtained as a supplement for internal use.

Finally, keep in mind that vitamin E should be considered for external use only, especially if you are trying to heal existing bruises. Seeds like sunflower seeds and nuts like almonds are the primary source for vitamin E. A liquid form of vitamin E can be obtained for external, topical use.

If you are really ready to overcome your tendency to bruise easily, you have to add critical vitamins to be successful. You should consider a daily natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which combines the proper dosage of essential vitamins and other important nutrients to help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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A Healthy Way To Cook Low Fat Recipes

By Fiona Wyresdle

Low fat cooking is a great way to change your life to becoming a healthier you. The first to step to switching to low fat cooking is making sure you have low fat food products to cook with. There are some great low fat recipes that should be used. Low fat food should not be bland and your low fat cooking should use plenty of herbs, seasonings and spices.

The first step to using low fat cooking is to replace all of the high fat foods in your kitchen with low fat alternative. Some good low fat food product choices include oils, canned fish, canned fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains, pasta, soups and stocks, herbs, spices, seasonings, whole grain breads, dried fruits, seeds, nuts, maple syrup, honey, pretzels, popcorn, applesauce, and fat free/sugar free pudding.

The food products that are very high in fat should be avoided or if you do use them then very sparingly. Some products that should be replaced includes coffee creamers, corn chips, sugary cereals, pancake mixes, flavored pasta, boxed macaroni and cheese, chowders, oil packed fish, regular mayonnaise, creamed soups, canned meats, oil based dressings, shortening, oil packed tuna, rice mixes, gravy mixes, cheese sauces, potato chips, white bread and anything that contains partially hydrogenated in the food ingredient lists.

However fat can also be present in other food products that you may normally think of as healthy. For these types of products there are low fat equivalents that can still be used. If you drink whole milk then you should switch to a lower fat milk. You should aim for 1% or skim milk being the best. You also should chose low fat or light diary products such as cheese and yogurt.

Butter and margarine are full of fat and margarine is full of Trans fat. If you still want to use products like butter or margarine try liquid spreads that have no Trans fat or products that blend oils with the butter. Eggs have a lot of cholesterol but they are choke full of good nutrients and vitamins. Instead of using whole eggs, use egg white or egg substitutes and keep your use of whole eggs to a minimum.

Eggs also are good for you but the yolks can be very fattening. You should try to use egg whites or egg substitutes instead of whole eggs. Try to use whole eggs sparingly.

Meat also needs to be lean and there are options you can use instead of eating very fatty meat. Beef hamburgers and hotdogs have a lot of fat and contain high levels of salt. Instead of these items you can have turkey dogs and vegetarian burgers. One of the leanest cuts of meat is pork tenderloin. Chicken instead of beef is also a good option. - 17268

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Thin Arms Are Unobtainable With Trans Fatty Acids!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Your body needs healthy dietary fat to function properly. However, were you aware that one type of fat is hidden in many foods and causes a high amount of deaths every year? This killer is called trans fat.

How was this killer born? Well, during the 1900's a couple chemists figured out that hydrogenation extended the shelf life of vegetable oils. Too bad they didn't know how much damage their new discovery would cause.

And they became the number one nutrient responsible for the largest amount of deaths in U.S. history.

Because of the effect trans fats have on your metabolism, it's almost impossible to get thin and slim arms if they're in your diet. Regardless of how hard you train, they will blunt your efforts.

So just how bad are trans fats? Well, check out the following list:

1. The lowest estimate from Harvard predicts 30,000 annual deaths. That is a lot of death from a single nutrient. The U.S. population, and the rest of the world, has never dealt with such a common yet lethal killer.

2. There is no safe level of intake. The food industry would have you believe that 40 calories per day of trans fat will have NO negative impact on your health or arms. Yet Harvard and Stanford research has clearly proven otherwise.

3. They increase triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are the storage form of arm fat within your body. Do you think increasing their level will help you get thin and slim arms? Absolutely not!

4. They raise the worst type of cholesterol. What's the worst type? Dense LDL particles. In other words, they clog up your arteries which is not good for your heart and they reduce circulation which is not good for getting thin arms.

I hope this article doesn't scare you. You shouldn't be afraid of food! However, I do hope that it educates you and motivates you to stay away from trans fats. It's quite rare for a single nutrient to have such harmful effects on the female body. Usually, a whole range of factors are too blame for excess body fat. Yet trans fat are an exception here. So if you want thin and slim arms, make sure you adopt a zero intake policy! - 17268

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How Asthma Affects Fitness?

By Jesse Regan

For an asthmatic, physical fitness may be something that is next to impossible. Going to a gym for a workout session or even jogging in the park may just be recipe for an asthmatic attack to follow soon. Hence, he may have the notion that, no matter how he wishes that such were not the case, physical fitness is not for him. This leads to the fact that many asthmatics do have another problem besetting them, gaining weight uncontrollably. Unfortunately, being overweight has only given them more risks of asthma attacks instead.

Asthma directly affects a persons breathing passages and, therefore, causes much difficulty in breathing. When suffering an asthma attack, a persons breathing has a wheezing sound both when inhaling and exhaling. He experiences a sensation of tightness in the chest along with coughing and fatigue. This certainly discourages him from doing activities that may demand normal to heavy breathing.

Consciously or not, many people have avoided work or leisurely activities that may cause asthma. Doctors, on the other hand, have pointed out that physical exertion is indeed one of the reasons that could trigger an asthma attack along with environmental factors such as air pollution. With less physical activities, many people with asthma have lost control also of their weight. Asthmatic kids spend more time watching TV or playing with computers instead of outdoor games. The net result is that more and more children with asthma are also suffering obesity.

However, medical studies have also concluded that lack of exercise can also trigger asthma. Being physically inactive, an asthmatic may just quickly suffer shortness of breath with just a few meters of jogging and brisk walking or several minutes of light exercises. With lungs that are not given the exercise it needs, any allergen, polluted air, and second-hand tobacco smoke can indeed be doubly riskier. Therefore, asthmatics also need an amount of physical exercises. Their ailment does not exempt them from physical fitness efforts.

One good preventive measure against asthma is to maintain a fit and healthy body. Until today, asthma remains incurable and the only advance ever made in medicine is the manufacture of certain drugs to alleviate the discomfort. However, the factors that could lead to it have been identified and, therefore, only need to be avoided. A moderate amount of physical workout is good to build up the bodys defenses. It may be lighter compared to other routines but it is just as important.

Of course, some fitness activities may not be good for the asthmatic such as jogging outdoors in cold weather. Doing so can only result in an asthma attack. He should also make sure that he eats food that does not contain allergens and too much fat as well. The fact that he has less physical exertion reduces his ability to burn fat effectively and may cause unwanted weight gain instead.

These are only samples of the best tips about home fitness that you can get online. - 17268

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How to Get Killer Abs: Three Secret Methods to Remember

By Travis Hunt

Several articles from health magazines and blogs posted all over the Internet offer ways on how to build killer abs. Anyone would be anxious to know the real formula to achieve this goal, and I am quite positive many of you have discovered that there are a lot of steps on how to do it. However, did you know that the exact secret to get killer abs is to actually combine not one or two but at least 3 methods to reach your goal?

It is not difficult at all. You only get intimidated because you are not doing it yet. Nevertheless, once you have started it, all your dreams will become reality.

There are 3 key strategies to creating an effective fitness plan. No, it does not involve paying for a personal trainer or signing up for expensive pre-packed food to be delivered to your home. If you want to know how to get killer abs, simply keep in mind these 3 simple points:

1. Healthy Eating

Becoming aware of your total percentage of your body fat can be useful in order to find out what kinds of meals you should include and exclude from your diet. If you do not know how to do it, just ask a doctor or nutritionist.

If you have a very high fat percentage, then you need to revise your dietary program and you should get ready to give extra efforts in your exercise routine towards forming your abdominal muscles.

No amount of sit ups or crunches will get you six pack abs if you have a considerable amount of fat surrounding your abdominal area. How to get killer abs when you?re battling the bulge? Start eating healthy, that is how.

With a low fat diet, you can easily burn stored body fat. Try getting more leafy greens and lean meats into your meals. In the meantime, you need to avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, such as chips, French fries, fried chicken, and processed canned meat.

2. Abs Targeting

Concentrating on abs exercises creates the masterpiece on your abdominal artwork. With all the unnecessary fat eliminated, you can easily form your belly through three abs-concentrated exercises. Now you know what great benefits a healthy diet can do along with your training program.

To begin with, abs-focusing exercises should be 5-10 reps each. Then you can progressively boost your reps as your endurance improves. Workouts like leg crunches, bicycles, and sit ups are only some of the easy and advantageous abs-focusing workouts out there.

3. Strengthen your muscles completely

Although you are working your abs primarily, there are several reasons why you should also pay attention to obtaining strong muscle condition all over your body. Here they are:

You get faster, long-lasting results

You reduce the risk of injury

You give your abdominal muscles a break

It helps the whole body stay physically fit

There are a lot of complete body workout for you to choose from. These include boxing, swimming, running and many more.

See, you have proven that to get killer abs, all you have to do is maintain the correct diet, continue on working those abs, and performing complete body exercises. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, How To Build Muscle Mass at Home

By Ricardo d Argence

Do I need to go to join a gym in order to workout and build muscle? That's a common question often asked. Without a doubt the response is a NO. Of course there are disadvantages and advantages of working out both in a gym and at home. You can easily build muscle home.

Training in a normal fitness centre will give you access to more equipment, professional advice and will likely be safer. However training in a gym can be annoying sometimes if you have to wait for a particular piece of equipment or the other gym users are sat around gossipping and not really interested in getting big.

If you work out at home, you don't have to share equipment or visit with other gym users you don't want to talk to. You don't have to travel or park, there are no fees, and you can listen to whatever you want during your workout. In addition, you can take your shirt off and make all the noise you want when you workout without drawing any stares.

The biggest drawback to a home gym is that you have to buy all the equipment, and that can be pricey. (Although you may be able to resell it in the future if necessary.) The other downside is that other people who live with you may not appreciate all the space it requires.

There's no doubt working out in your own home gym is incredibly convenient. Here are some tips for setting up and working out in your home gym.

1) Find a suitably large space, such as a garage, basement or spare room. You should always have a solid ground floor which means that a ground floor is a much safer option. A bonus would be a well ventilated area. Fully water proof your garage, this will stop them your weights from rusting and becoming damaged.

2) Empty the room out except for your equipment. You don't want to have anything in your home gym that could be damaged by swinging or dropped equipment-like a fish tank, plasma tv, or laptop. It might be amusing to see these things get damaged by someone else's barbells, but it's not all that funny when it's yours.

3) Purchase these pieces of equipment: a normal weights bench, squat stand, a workout mat, a pull up bar and a set of cast iron barbells and dumbells. There is a wide array of home gym equipment around by ensure that you purchase a strong and durable item as it will take an amazing amount of pressure over its lifetime!

4) Create a workout for yourself. Using the equipment you've purchased, design a workout to build your muscles. Do compound exercises that combine squats, pull ups, bench presses, and dead lifts with sets of upright rows, lunges, barbell curls, shoulder presses, bent over rows, and lateral raises, among other exercises.

5) Be safety conscious. You may well be working out on your own, so don't go for any one rep maximums without supervision, save it for when a friend comes to spot you. Fasten tightly weight discs to the barbell. Some weight benches allow you to put a pin in at the bottom of your lift, when the barbell is just above your chest, do this as if you can't press it back up then you can rest it on the pins, do the same on the squat stand too.

A home gym is a great way to go, and you can build a lot of muscle working out right at home. Use these tips to get started today. - 17268

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 4 - The Second Change You Should Consider for Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are considering how you are going to prevent easy bruising, you have already learned that you should avoid eating highly processed foods and those foods that have high fat and sugar content, but do you really know what foods you should be eating? When easy bruising is caused by aging and the breakdown of your skin elasticity and your capillary walls become thinner, you should know that your easy bruising can be overcome by exercising good habits, and one of the most beneficial habits that you can develop is proper eating.

The first thing that you need to think about when you want to change your diet to prevent bruising easily is to look into foods that will nourish your body and that will not raise your blood pressure. Keeping in mind that high blood pressure is something that many people deal with and are unaware of, take a good look at the foods that you eat. Lowering your sodium intake is going to be quite important.

If you want to help prevent bruising by modifying your diet, you should consider the impact that cooking more at home may have. Many people get blindsided about how high their blood pressure level is because they eat out frequently and are not aware how the food that they order is prepared. The amounts of salt and fat that goes into a lot of restaurant food could well surprise you.

In order to make the necessary diet modifications, examine your protein intake first. If you are going to make diet changes to help increase your body's capability to prevent bruising, you are probably going to discover that you need more lean protein added to your diet, rather than having to reduce protein quantities. Sticking to very lean cuts of pork and beef, while increasing your poultry intake, is probably going to give you your best results.

Eggs are an excellent way to increase protein in your diet, but you must consider how this can affect your cholesterol levels. Medical research has proved that the type of cholesterol that is absorbed into your system from eggs, can actually be beneficial to your body's healing processes when taken in moderation.

An ideal way to help prevent easy bruising is to increase the amount of vegetables contained in your diet. The increase of nutrients that the body absorbs from higher levels of vegetables in the diet will help the body heal itself faster, and it can also help you to decrease your sodium intake. Do not use too much fat or salt when preparing your vegetables, and consider eating vegetables raw as an excellent way to improve your healthy lifestyle.

When you are determining which vegetables that you are going to cook, keep in mind that the best vegetables are those with somewhat bright colors. For example, while white potatoes may be fine in moderation, they are essentially just a starch with little nutritional benefit. On the other hand, if you replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes, you now have a great source of beta carotene and fiber.

Take a moment and think about your diet. Cutting all fatty meats out of your diet and including more vegetables can go a long way towards giving you the results to overcome easy bruising that you want to see. You should also consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help overcome your easy bruising and help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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