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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why organic foods?

By Karol Wariala

Get more from: Salad Cesar. The benefits of organic foods become apparent to anyone concerned with the downside of the highly processed food. By the difference between organic and conventional food, we don't necessarily imply that between an apple grown organically and another regular one. What needs to be insisted on consists in the real benefits of organic foods for health first and foremost.

Organic food represents part of the recommended diet for people who suffer from various chronic conditions like cancer for instance. Although lots of people claim that there is little difference in terms of nutrients, the absence of hormones and chemicals from organic food works great for the promotion of a state of well-being. Lots of consumer analyses do not insist on the difference in nutrients value, there are studies however that point out to the superiority and the benefits of organic foods in this sense.

It seems that among the benefits of organic foods we ought to include more vitamin C, higher levels of trace minerals and plenty of anti-oxidant nutrients. A report issued by the US Department of Agriculture indicates that a significant decline has been registered in the level of minerals of the non-organic crops since 1940.

The fact that nowadays we store food extensively and we treat and process the products so much contributes to an alteration of the nutritional value.

Surprising benefits of organic foods include the higher content of dry matter. Under the influence of fertilizers, there is a higher water retention in fruits and vegetables. Thus, a non-organic apple gives less food than an organic one. Nevertheless, besides the superiority of nutrients, more advantages of organic food can be identified.

First of all, there are almost no pesticide residues in organic products. Even if conventional food producers claim that pesticides are no threat to human health, one doesn't have to be an expert to know that the ingestion of anything chemical can't be healthy and positive for the body in terms of effects. The benefits of organic foods are over-emphasized at present, with more and more consumers choosing them instead of conventional foods.

In time this preference will definitely trigger a reorientation of the market and even a reformulation of the standards that define organic food in its essence. - 17268

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Recipes For The South Beach Dieters

By Cathy Maree

Accepted diets like the South Beach diet are certain to have many South beach diet phase 1 recipes. There are many good tasting low-carb foods that are suitable on this diet. From American to Italian, from German to Mexican, the South Beach diet menu selections and recipes take on various forms. Here are just some of the terrific foods you can eat on the South Beach diet.

The first of the South Beach diet phase 1 recipes to examine is known as chicken Marcela. Include chicken broth, minced parsley, half cup of Marcela wine, olive oil, mushroom slices to boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Even out chicken and cook it in the oil until it's ready.

Cook onions plus mushrooms until they're soft, at that moment add the wine and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. If you require further liquid at this point add a little bit of the broth. Now pour the sauce and vegetables over the chicken, and the recipe is complete. It's low calorie and low carbohydrates 336 calories, 3 grams of carbs.

Another of the fantastic South Beach diet recipes takes us to the east, in Thailand. This is Thai style chicken salad. It's a combination of chicken breast with a variety of vegetables and spicy Thailand sauce. Straightforwardly add the chicken to the other ingredients and toss it like a salad. It makes four platefuls and has 8 g of carbohydrates in 297 total calories. It really looks delicious.

How about we go south of the border with South Beach diet phase 1 recipes? This recipe is for fajitas and includes a soy sauce, a recommendation from a cook in a Mexican restaurant. The ingredients are an onion, chili powder, wine juice, bell peppers, soy sauce and two pounds of skirt steak or chicken sliced into strips.

Combine all the liquid ingredients, added to the meat strips to marinade for about 30 minutes. Brown the meat then cook the vegetables for a brief time. Each serving includes only 307 calories and 4.5 grams of carbohydrates.

With South Beach diet recipes like these, anyone would be excused from thinking that you were not even on a diet. As you know most of us relate diet food to very bland food well its definitely not the case on this diet. - 17268

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A One Sided Story Made the Pain Go Away

By Lydia Peru

During a recent visit with my sister we turned our social time into what seems like more of a science experiment. No Weird Science, just a simple little topical treatment for the soreness in her knees. She had been in pain for years, brought on from one accident after another.

I will admit that I cannot just sit idol when I see someone is in pain. I will offer whatever I can for someone who is not a medical specialist, like an ice pack or warm rice pack. This time I took out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil. I know that sounds strange, but this stuff is topical, and even if it did nothing else she would get a little mini massage of the area, right? I suggested to her that she could apply some to her knee after her shower that evening.

To be honest, I completely forgot about the magnesium oil until my sister mentioned it later that night. She said her leg hurt. Not the leg she put the magnesium oil on, that one didnt hurt at all now, but now she felt the ongoing ache of the leg that she didnt treat.

This idea of applying magnesium oil to the sore spots was a great experiment. After trying many pain relief methods my sister was not expecting much. My next question had to be asked. Why didn't you put it on both legs?

The dermal layer, our skin, can sweat as well as absorb. This is why it is recommended to wear gloves when handling chemicals. Transderma magnesium oil is formulated to be recognizable by the body as easily absorbed.

Eventually my sister did apply the Transderma magnesium oil to her other leg, but she made me wonder. She had a smile on her face as she spoke about her other leg. She didnt realize how much pain she had carried until it was no longer an issue, and she was truly surprised that this application worked. I was surprised too, but mostly pleased that such a simple external use could have such a positive effect. - 17268

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Is there Health Benefits in Dark Chocolate?

By Adaeze Zheng

Everyone loves chocolate show me someone who says thay don't and I will show you a liar. Dark Chocolate is so delicious and good for you. Particularly with the dark varieties of coco. All of this just sounds so scrumptious.

Beans are at the heart of chocolate just like coffee. The art of making chocolate goes back tens of centuries ago in the Southern Hemisphere. Out of all the candy in the world chocolate is the number one seller as it tastes so good.

The shape taste of dark chocolate separates it from the crowd and is highly cherished by chocolate snobs. Making chocolate can be compared to making a good bottle of Shiraz. The beans are crushed into paste and set aside in large receptacles to ferment just like wine. They then undergo a drying process for several days before being sent to the processing factory. Here it is mixed with other fine ingredients.

Different chocolate types go through slightly different processes. Milk chocolate goes through a different process than dark chocolate for instance. Then once the desired taste has been achieved, the chocolate is stored and shipped to its final destination.

Dark chocolate as mentioned before is not only a tasty treat it can be beneficial to different body systems. It has been suggested in medical studies that dark chocolate is particularly good for circulatory health. There have been modest reductions in blood pressure reported by people who regularly ingest dark chocolate products. It has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.

If you are looking for obtaining good results from eating dark chocolate then search for the best. Only pure chocolate made from the finest coco beans will give you the health benefits. When you find a good supply then stock up. There is one other health reason for eating chocolate it keeps you young and ready for love as its also a aphrodisiac! - 17268

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Cellulite and Salt Intake

By El Bilson

Many women realize that a good way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is through proper diet. But most do not realize that the amount of salt in your diet can have an impact on your skin. By reducing fat and salt in your diet and increasing the amount of water you drink, you may find a way to reduce cellulite.

While the causes of cellulite are affected by a genetic predisposition, they can also be affected a great deal by lifestyle. Cellulite can start to appear when the skin starts to lose its elasticity. For permanent reduction of cellulite symptoms, there needs to be a lifestyle change. Dietary changes can help improve the appearance of the skin and give you more energy as well.

Most people know that salt causes fluid retention. However you may not have realized that fluid retention can increase the appearance of cellulite. When your salt intake is high, the areas of cellulite will swell and be more noticeable because of the retention of fluid. Some foods that have high sodium/salt content are easy to identify. These include processed and packaged foods such as potato chips, pickles, soy sauce, and processed meats such as cold cuts.

When buying packaged foods it is a good idea to look at the Nutritional Information box on the food packaging. Salt will be listed as sodium and will be measured by portion size. By becoming more aware of the salt contained in the foods you eat, you can reduce your salt intake on a daily basis.

A reduction of cellulite in the body can be obtained over time with a low sodium, low fat diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to make sure you are not adding additional salt to the foods you eat. When cooking, it is helpful to reduce the amount of salt that a recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt, reduce that to one half teaspoon. Most of the time you won't notice the difference!

Invest in a book that lists the sodium count of most common foods. You will eventually get used to food being less salty. Most foods in nature are low in sodium to begin with. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables have very little sodium. But those two slices of sausage pizza you had at lunch used up about 88% of your recommended daily allowance of salt.

The recommended daily allowance for sodium is around 2,400 milligrams. While this sounds like a lot, it can be easy to exceed this limit within one meal. If you are serious about reducing the appearance of cellulite on your skin, then a change in diet can be a great start. There is no need to starve yourself. Just make a few adjustments to your diet. Lower salt intake and increase consumption of water. Dont forget to reduce fat intake as well.

Beautiful skin starts on the inside. And the changes you make will not only reduce the appearance of cellulite, but will improve your overall health in many ways! - 17268

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Relieve Low Back Pain with a Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

Do you suffer from low back pain? Pain is a symptom of a musculoskeletal disorder occurring in the lower back. The intensity of the pain felt depends on the extent of the disorder. There are numerous causes such as injury or strains to the lower back. Each case involves issues with the discs, ligaments, soft tissue and muscles in the lower back. Treatments vary depending on the extent and area of damage, but one popular therapy is the use of massage chairs to relieve low back pain.

The importance of the lower back to us getting around is critical. The lower back takes the majority of our weight and more so if we lift something. There are certain conditions that occur in time due to aging of the body. Most low back pain problems are preventable with proper posture, lifting, etc.

Some common disorders affecting the spine are Pagets disease, Ulcers Scheuermanns disorder, Ankylosing spondylitis, Pancreatitis, Pelvic inflammatory disease and Spinal stenosis. These conditions are best treated by a medical doctor. The treatments for these conditions range from medication to surgery and may involve physical therapy as part of the recovery process.

The most unfortunate aspect of low back pain is that most conditions can be prevented. Injuries or strains may happen because of poor posture or not lifting an object correctly. Another common issue is not warming up well before an activity.

The common motion causing low back pain that can be prevented is how the body is used. From an anatomical point of view, the weight being put on the spine tends to be concentrated on a few muscles, ligaments and tendons in the lower back. This concentration of force tends to tire out these muscles causing them to become stiff and more brittle. If the force continues to be applied, then these soft tissues can become further fatigued causing them damage.

Massage chairs have become important treatment instruments in a variety of environments for low back pain. They are used in chiropractic and medical offices for providing therapy to patients. They are also used in physical therapy clinics as part of healing and recovery. They offer a wide range of massage treatments covering the full body along with additional therapies.

For instance, a slow, continuous kneading of the lower back muscles along the ribs helps to stretch them to retain their elasticity. A rolling massage is applied to the whole spine. The rollers of the massage chair move slowly up the spine slightly adjusting each bone in the spinal column. The massage chair comes with a number of settings that can be targeted for effective relief.

One therapy used to help the healing process is the application of heat. Heaters are located throughout the massage chair. Heat can be applied to various areas of the body or the entire body. Heat is thought to help reduce swelling after activities and to help circulation.

Massage chairs have the capability to apply traction. Traction is used to stretch out a given set of muscles. The rolling massage applies traction to the vertebra in the spine. Each vertebra is individually adjusted as the rollers progress up the length of the spine. Massage chairs can apply traction to the lower body and to the arms and shoulders.

If you are getting a massage, you might as well relax. Massage chairs incorporate MP3 Players where you can play soft soothing music. Music helps the mind to relax and to let go. This letting go releases the tension in the muscles that the mind is holding. This provides an important environment of relaxation in what may normally be a busy location in offices today.

As you can see the occurrence of low back pain is high considering all of its many causes. Almost everyone will have some incidence of lower back pain sometime in their life. For some the pain will be mild, but for others the pain can be quite severe. It is good to know your options and be educated in your choices. Find the right treatments for your and consult with your physician. Technology advances and massage chairs have become very sophisticated. Consider a massage chair a multi-faceted asset in your long term back care health. - 17268

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