Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Proven Diet To Burn Belly Fat In One Month - It's Unheard of To Lose Weight This Fast!

By Curtis Weber

How would you like to burn belly fat in just 1 month...and keep it off? Well, take just one minute out of your busy day to learn more about a particularly effective and proved diet plan to get a flat midsection and a skinnier waistline in just four weeks....with EASE!

Alright, first things first. If you would like to burn belly fat fast, there are some vital principles you have to acclimatize to if you'd like fast results...getting proper nutrition and increasing your metabolism rate.

With that said, please consider my advice and stay away from those low calorie, low fat, locarb, and starvation diet plans. Those plans are based around unsafe techniques to drop pounds quickly and they're going to cause your base metabolic rate to slow down to a crawl! This is thanks to the fact your body requires an explicit quantity of calories each day, several nutriments, and starving yourself will just flat out put your body in turmoil!!

Now, after investigating all of the best diet plans out here today, the one plan that topped them all to be in a position to burn belly fat as swiftly as possible is the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 fools.

The calorie shifting diet firstly works awfully well to burn belly fat and drop pounds fast since this diet is based precisely around those two principles I discussed above....elevating your metabolic rate and getting correct nutrition!

Besides that, the most important thing that places this diet plan ahead of the rest is the secret diet trick you may learn called "shifting" where you will change around the calories from the meals you consume every day which will cause your constitution to skyrocket to the highest level! With your metabolic rate elevated through the entire day using the "shifting" technique, you'll flatten your belly and drop pounds lightning fast! - 17268

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Lose Belly Fat Diet - Low Carbohydrate Or Low Fat

By Nathaniel Deleon

The general public wrongly believe a low fat diet is the way to lose belly fat. Many research has proven that a low carb diet is indeed better for belly fat loss.

From the early 70s, Americans reduced their fat intake from 40 percent to 34%. Yet, the obesity epidemic has been rising steeply since it commenced in the early 1980's. Why?

Exaggerated consumption of carbohydrates. Our primal ancestors lived on a hunters-gatherers diet of primarily meat, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Grain wasn't even part of human diet till rural started about ten thousand years ago. The rise in human population and dip in hunted large game made it required for humans to take on agriculture.

The development of human diet from generally animal sources to grain products ( refined carbohydrates ) has led straight to a fall in the quantity and quality of human life. Sicknesses and conditions such as diabetes, obesity and heart problems which were once non-existent, are now common.

Take a look at your existing diet. Are you consuming tons of refined carbohydrates such as breads, pastas, cereals, cakes, biscuits and sugar? Excess consumption of refined carbs forestalls stored body fat from being used as energy. The body becomes changed to burning sugar as fuel and forgets the simple way to burn fat.

Everyone needs some carbohydrates. In the body, carbs are converted into glucose as a main source of energy for the brain. Unused glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Only the glycogen in the liver can be converted back to glucose to be used by the brain when necessary.

The body has limited capacity for storing carbohydrates. Although the muscles can store more glycogen than the liver, its reserves cannot be broken down when energy is needed by the brain. Once the glycogen reserves are full, excess carbs are converted into fat.

Eating a high carb meal could cause a spike in glucose levels. This prompts the pancreas to release insulin into the bloodstream to lower the glucose levels. The bad news is insulin is a fat storage hormone. It tells the body to store excess carbs as fat. Fluctuation in blood sugar levels causes cravings for more carbs and hence, more fat storage responding to insulin. - 17268

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How To Get Ripped, Natural Bodybuilding Is The Best Method

By Ricardo d Argence

You will come to know about the large number of options available when you are on the way to build a body of your choice. It seems that there are endless people with endless ideas about the right way to lose weight. As you take the time to learn your needs and the human body, you should be seeing that natural bodybuilding is the best way to get results without hurting your body later in life.

Natural body building is essentially bodybuilding that takes place using natural supplements, without resorting to enhancing drugs like HGH or anabolic steroids. The results that you get are much more permanent and significantly less risky than you would face otherwise.

Natural Bodybuilding is so well integrated with the body's natural processes that it evolves on its own. Over the years now, people have been taking drugs and thinking it will help build them up, but now have realized they made the wrong choice. This has resulted in more and more attention being paid into what goes into our athletes and our star performers and you should think about what this means for your own regimen.

Spend some time considering the many bodybuilding regimens there are to choose from, and you will soon understand the importance of natural body building.

After considering a Natural Bodybuilding diet, you will see that emphasis is placed on the items that you consume in your diet. Note the central emphasis on fruit and vegetable freshness along with whole grains choices and fine lean meat cuts. If you are going on a diet and want a healthy meal, you should look for one that has 12-13 calories per pound of your total body weight.

Most meals break down into about 30% protein, 50% carbs, and 20% healthy oils. To make your eating habits healthier, you need to avoid eating foods that are high in sugar content, or processed. You also want to pay special attention to adding more protein to your diet.

The Natural Bodybuilding diet provides a great deal of benefits. The results of this method may be slower, but they are a lot more permanent than you get using drugs or other artificial means. You will discover that since your body is doing this naturally you'll be able to learn what is happening with it.

With Natural Bodybuilding your health will be better than ever and there are lot of different problems you won't have to deal with anymore. Do you know how you can benefit from Natural Bodybuilding? Spend a few minutes to find out. - 17268

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What Is Your Spinal IQ?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Your IQ that's measured in school has to do with problem solving - mental gymnastics. Your spinal IQ also has to do with problem solving. These are "problems" of the physical kind.

How far to bend over to lift those grocery bags out of your car's trunk? How much muscle force is necessary for you to pick up and carry your five-year-old child? What specific muscles are needed to maintain your "downward dog" position for 30 seconds in yoga class? How far can your back muscles stretch when you do a back bend at the ballet barre? These are the problems your spinal IQ tries to solve.

Spinal IQ is an inborn ability. Our bodies were designed for the rigors of physical work - they are very smart and very adaptable. One of our built-in control systems is the specialized set of nerve endings known as proprioceptors.

Proprioception is our internal awareness of position in three-dimensional space.1,2 This three-dimensional positioning allows us to keep our balance when we walk or run. Proprioception tells our muscles and joints how to work together to throw a baseball from third to first, to drive to the basketball hoop and sink a lay-up, or to hit a tennis ball to the corner of the opponent's service box and win the point.

Proprioception is very important in spinal IQ. The spine is a complex system of bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments - a smart proprioception system helps all the parts work together smoothly and seamlessly.

To keep all the parts functioning we need to take an active role. In modern society, if we are not proactive, it's easy for our bodies to break down. Two key strategies for maintaining high levels of spinal IQ are regular strenuous exercise and regular chiropractic check-ups.

Exercise helps our bodies stay smart.3 When we exercise, our joints are mechanically stressed and challenged throughout their complete ranges of motion. This activity stimulates proprioceptors - training them to do their job well and building new and stronger connections between nerve cells. Exercise also builds muscle strength and flexibility. In the process the muscles are getting smarter, too.

Chiropractic care enhances the benefits of your exercise program by helping ensure optimal functioning of your spine and nerve system. With regular chiropractic care, your proprioceptive system is optimized and your body's ability to adapt to physical challenges is restored.

Your chiropractor will be glad to assist you in designed an exercise program that will work for you, helping you to improve your spinal IQ and your health.

1Armstrong B, et al: Head and neck position sense. Sports Med 38(2):101-117, 2008 2Chow DH, et al: Changes in spinal curvature and proprioception of schoolboys carrying different weights of backpack. Ergonomics 50(12):2148-2156, 2007 3Akuthota V, et al: Core stability exercise principles. Curr Sports Med Rep 7(1):39-44, 2 - 17268

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How To Develop Sexy Toned And Large Calves

By Rob Maraby

Large calves are not easy to develop! You either have them or not! Calves are truly stubborn muscles to develop, no matter how hard you train them they do not want to respond. You have done endless set of toe raises, jogged on your toes and tried just about every muscle routine out there that promised to give you large calves but still failed. Why and you are wondering "why does that happen?

Muscle resistance! Your calf muscles are used to every stimulus you give them and they will not grow. You see your calves carry you all day long and well they are used to the overload you give them -that is why a simple set of standing calf raises and seated calf raises will not do much of you when it comes to developing large calves.

So you can increase the amount of weights used on your calf exercises nut nothing will work. It may seem to wok initially but most likely than not it will not.

So what is the solution to breaking this muscle resistance? The answer is synergy! Synergy is what is responsible for developing large calves Synergy is defined as when the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. When you use the principle of synergy all of a sudden you expose your calf muscles to a stimulus they are not accustomed to and you can get large calves. Here is how to apply synergy top get large calves.

You can use the stranding calf raise for your muscle synergy calf exercise.perform a set of donkey calf raises to positive failure, making sure to go deep on the bottom part of the movement and getting a good contraction at the top of the movement. Use an exaggerated range of motion. When you have done as many sets as possible. Jump of the donkey calf raise exercise and stand on the balls of your feet and stay there for 60 seconds. When you are done jump back to the donkey calf raise. This is one set of a muscle synergy calf workout.

You need only one set of this get "large calves" exercise, if done correctly your calves will be aching the next day and if you take measures to ensure recovery your calf muscles will grow and very soon you will have large calves

Having large calves commands respect and envy, it makes any dress look great on a woman and for a man, it commands attention and envy. So do all you can to stick to this large calves building routine and soon you will have big calf muscles you can be proud off - 17268

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How To Lose Arm Fat-5 Things To Focus On

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When learning how to lose arm fat, your first priority should be to understand how the 5 major muscles in your arm work. There are no shortcuts here. You absolutely need to have an intimate understanding on how to properly exercise all your arm muscles.

Now you are probably envisioning a manly pair of arms. The good news is that you will never develop said arms. Let me enlighten you before you have more visions.

You see, glands in the male body produce sixty percent more testosterone (muscle hormone) than glands in the female body. This enormous difference will block your body from producing beastly man-arms. You simply do not have enough testosterone for this to ever happen.

If you want to learn the truth on how to lose arm fat, please do not fall prey to all the outdated myths floating around. And dont even dare obsess over the images of high-level female bodybuilders. Please bear in mind that they train a couple hours every single day and pump exogenous sources of testosterone into their system.

Do not fear picking up a weight just because you think you will end up looking like a Sheman. It has been my experience that far too many women resist weight training because of this misplaced fear. So here are 5 things to consider when learning how to lose arm fat:

1. Proper triceps stimulation. The triceps group in your arm consists of 3 main muscles and forms sixty percent of your arm mass. It has a long, lateral and medial muscle. Reverse grip press-downs is a superb exercise for the lateral muscle.

2. Proper biceps stimulation. The biceps group in your arm consists of 2 main muscles and forms forty percent of your arm mass. It has a long and short muscle. Concentration curls with a dumbbell is a great exercise for the long muscle.

3. Dont count calories. If you restrict yourself of pleasure foods and count calories like a robot, you will be destined to fail. Even worse, once you get off this unrealistic regimen all the floppy arm fat will come right back. A better (and more realistic) approach is to eat high-quality meals and to forget about measuring everything.

4. What you eat. No weird dieting needed here, just make sure each one of your meals has a protein, carbohydrate, fat and vegetable source. Do this and your body will take care of the rest. You see, learning how to lose arm fat is easy!

5. Intake of water. In overly simplified terms, 25% of your arm is muscle and 75% is water. Please pay attention to your water consumption so you do not miss out on seventy five percent of the how to lose arm fat equation! Stick to distilled and/or purified sources of water throughout the entire day, every day.

Learning how to lose arm fat should not give you a migraine. The truth of the matter is that its much easier than you have been led to believe. And when you focus on the 5 areas I have outlined, the arm fat will come off much faster than you can imagine. - 17268

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Dr. Sam Robbins Speaks About A Cholesterol Free Diet

By Dr. Sam Robbins

Some types of cholesterol are not dangerous. Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) forms blocks on the walls of the arteries. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to the heart and brain by the way of blood vessels. When cholesterol blocks the vessels it can cause a stroke or heart attack. When you have a blood test and it shows your LDL cholesterol levels are over 100, you need to change your lifestyle and your diet.

Always avoid foods rich in saturated fat. This type of fat is solid at room temperature and can elevate blood cholesterol levels. Foods that should be avoided and not in your diet are: * Lunch meats * Bacon * Sausage * Fatty red meat * Dairy products made from whole milk * Chicken skin

Do not eat food with trans fatty acids because they will raise your blood cholesterol. This food needs avoided: * Margarine * Fried foods * Fast foods * Processed crackers and cookies

These foods have plain cholesterol in them: * Egg yolks * Shellfish * Liver

Animal products produce cholesterol; therefore, you would think a vegetarian diet would keep cholesterol levels low. There are several food substances that are high is saturated fat and trans fatty acids: * Palm oil * Palm kernel oil * Coconut oil * Cocoa butter Avoid these; however, there are many substitutes for them.

Tran's fatty acids are abundant in fried foods. Food soaks up the oil or butter it is fried in. There are alternative cooking methods that can reduce blood cholesterol. You need to bake, broil or grill food.

Exercising can lower blood cholesterol levels since a sedentary lifestyle is often associated with high cholesterol levels. Exercising regularly improves metabolism and helps you burn fat and increases your energy level. Along with a healthy cholesterol free diet, you need to do keep doing physical activities in order to keep your blood cholesterol levels low. - 17268

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6 Pack Diet -- 3 Tasty Meals that Burn Fat

By Travis Hunt

You might think the 6 pack diet as boring. It's just so hard to avoid those mouthwatering foods, right? Well, you are not alone. I know exactly how that feels. When you are so used to eating heavy meals, munching on carrot sticks is torture.

Don't you just miss eating cheeseburgers, fries, and chocolates? I would give anything to have a taste of those foods again without worrying about getting fat.

If you want to burn belly fat fast you need to evaluate your diet. You can't expect to develop washboard abs without going through the pain. But you can still enjoy eating deliciously rich meals even if you're on a 6 pack diet. You got that right. You can munch on tasty foods without worrying about getting fat!

A good 6 pack diet includes a well-balanced meal. If you want to develop muscles, you have to know which nutrients are needed by your body. Protein is macronutrient that helps you develop lean muscles. Carbs, on the other hand, are great sources of energy. Fats can help you fend off cravings. So, try to incorporate these three nutrients in your diet.

You don't have to go on a hunger strike or go on crazy fads to stick to a good 6 pack diet. All you need is a little creativity with your food. In the end, you'll have great tasting dishes that are healthier.

Let me share with you 3 of the healthiest 6 pack diet recipes I know. These meals are just as delicious as your all time favorite fast food. The only difference is these foods will help you get six pack abs.

Sweet Potato Fries

Nutritional Information Per Serving

Calories- 184 Protein- 4 Carbohydrates- 39 Sugar- 10 Fiber- 6 Fat- 1 Saturated- 0 Trans- 0 Cholesterol- 0 Sodium- 72


4 large sweet potatoes, olive oil, 2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp cayenne pepper

1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

2. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of aluminum foil. Spray a little aluminum foil with nonstick cooking spray.

3. Cut the sweet potatoes into 1/2 inch strips. Line all the potato strips in a single layer on the baking sheet. Season your potatoes with the spices and spray with oil. Cook in oven for 30 minutes. You only need to turn them one time. This recipe is good for 4 people.

Turkey Burgers

Nutritional Information Per Serving

Calories- 208 Protein- 33 Carbohydrates- 7 Sugar- 0 Fiber- 5 Fat- 2 Saturated- 1 Trans- 0 Cholesterol- 81 Sodium- 112


1 pound of ground turkey breast, 1 cup oatmeal (uncooked), 2 cups chopped spinach (frozen), 2 egg whites, black pepper to taste, 2 tsp garlic powder

1. Get a bowl and defrost spinach. Drain water out with a colander.

2. Blend dry oatmeal in blender for half a minute.

3. Combine all the ingredients together. Shape them into patties. Grill the burger patties, 3-4 minutes on each side. Serve and enjoy!

Chocolate Almond Protein Bars

Nutritional Information Per Serving

Calories- 355 Protein- 34 Carbohydrates- 13 Sugar- 1 Fiber- 8 Fat- 16 Saturated- 0 Trans- 0 Cholesterol- 53 Sodium- 141


3 scoops of Chocolate Protein Powder (each scoop should contain 20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs), 1/3 cup flax meal, 2 TBSP Almond Butter, 1 cup water, 1 packet of Splenda

Empty everything in a large bowl and start stirring. At first it will look like you didn't use enough water, but just keep at it. After a while, the batter will turn into a mass of sticky dough. Divide the mixture into 2 equal parts, and put them into separate pieces of plastic wrap. Shape the mixture into a bar while still in the plastic wrap. Put the bars in the refrigerator. Serve them chilled.

Get creative with your 6 pack diet and get six pack abs quick. These foods will definitely make your 6 pack diet tasty.

Getting six pack abs needs hard work, the proper frame of mind, and determination. With these 6 pack diet recipes, you can say bon appetit while getting your body in shape. - 17268

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