Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Considering Weight Loss Supplements And Your Weight Loss Program

By Christine G. Shannon

A lot of people think they eat too much candy, drink too much alcohol and are woefully lacking in fruit and vegetables. These people might be interested in a healthy weight loss plan and trying to work out diet nutrition but they might not know about how many calories they need or which foods are rich in which nutrients. Such people might consider weight loss supplements as something they can add to their diet to cut their appetite or to allow them to lose weight fast.

When it comes to diet nutrition, many people think that just by taking in fewer calories, they might lose weight. It can also depend on the type of calories they are taking in as to whether their metabolism stores them as fat or burns them as energy. Since many people don't really know that much about diet nutrition, they try to make up their own diet plan, not understanding anything about what foods to cut out, limit, or eat more of.

Protein supplements, fiber supplements or other weight loss supplements can help to lose weight and some people will stick to their bad eating habits while taking the supplements and not understand why they have not lost weight, despite not cutting any calories. This is not a good weight loss plan.

When you are looking at weight loss supplements, remember that there are some that will actually cause you to gain weight. If they provide you with energy that your body does not need at that moment, it will be stored for use later. While you may be eating less because the supplement needs to be taken with milk or juice instead of a meal, you will find that you still might need to lose weight. Instead, you may find that your body has gone into starvation mode and has instead decided to hang on to as much weight and fat stores as it can!

The best way to tackle diet nutrition and weight loss supplements is to keep giving your body fat burning calories and also nutritional calories. You need to eat the correct portions at the right intervals to encourage the metabolism to burn fat at a quicker rate than before.

Remember that when you alternate different kinds of food that you can actually trick your brain into believing that it should be burning more calories and not hanging on to it for storage. You will also find that you should think about making taking the time to really make sure that you know what is going on with your body; this process takes some time before you will get used to figuring out what foods you can eat and when you should eat them.

You can add protein by taking a weight loss supplement. This would help to develop muscles and will also help your metabolism to burn calories more quickly. You do not want to replace fat burning foods which stabilize your appetite and burn more calories than the weight loss supplement can.

In understanding diet nutrition and weight loss supplements, it is good to have an expert in diet nutrition give you a diet plan that offers fat burning, nutritional food, in proper portions, numerous times a day, that will be satisfying enough to stay with and help you lose weight. FatLoss4Idiots is the highly recommended at the link below, it has an easy, expert plan you need to lose weight quickly. - 17268

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Body Detoxification - Should You Do It?

By Ira Goldberg

We were designed in a world that was far less polluted than it is today. While your body does have an excellent mechanisms to get rid of unwanted substances, it sometimes needs a little help. Detox is a way to help your body get rid of toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated over time.

The body uses respiratory, dermal, gastrointestinal, urinary, and lymphatic systems to eliminate toxins. Skin, liver, kidneys, and lungs are the mayor detox organs. In today's world, however, they often become overworked and this can result in a toxin accumulation in the body.

Over time this may cause many problems like low energy, headaches, irritability, anxiety, skin problems, aches and pains, high cholesterol, food intolerances, congestion, bad breath, chronic colds, abdominal bloating, immune system problems, and more.

Luckily, there are ways to help our body's natural detoxification processes. Periods of cleansing will give your body a chance to detoxify and focus on more important things like restoring health and repairing the damage.

After a detox diet that cleanses the body of wastes and toxins, people report many positive effects: improved immunity, accelerated healing time, increased energy and concentration, improved digestion, clearer skin, weight loss, reduced bloat, and overall better health just to name a few.

Many detoxification methods are available today, from mild to extreme. One of the most simple and very popular is a method called The Master Cleanser. This method, also known as The Lemonade Diet, was written in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs and continues to be popular and effective to this day.

A detox can help you a great deal in regaining your health and rebalancing your body. All you need is a little determination and willingness. As a wise man once said: "Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." Remember that. - 17268

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Body Solid Equipment for Commercial and Home-gym Use

By Krasen Dell

Body Solid can give you the muscular sculptures in your being with the right equipment and correct exercise regimen on a regular basis. It offers fitness equipment for both home and commercial uses. It also manufactures free weight equipment, institutional equipment, and home-gym facilities which are all made under strict quality standard for long lasting durability.

You can have your regular exercise in the comfort of your home without having to worry on schedules or right outfits to wear like those in the formal workout centers. You can have your physical workouts any time of the day at your most convenient time in the privacy of your comfort zone. Having a fitness corner in your home is truly a great idea and a wonderful experience for you and the entire family.

Body Solid can provide your private home-gym with a state-of-the-art gears that can equate with any regular gym or workout center. You just need to have the most basic tools for your home program. There are gears which especially designed to fit your lifestyle and can fit into your home. Fitness bars, vinyl-coated dumbbells, medicine balls and stability ball are some of those gadgets that you need at home.

Your home-gym accessories are also recommended by expert trainers of Body Solid. Your physical capacity, strength and endurance are very important factor in choosing your fitness equipment. Body Solid can always offer you the proper and appropriate weights and sizes in order for you to gain endurance, strength, stability and flexibility.

Body Solid is found online if you browse and check online for fitness-tools providers on the internet. It really gives you that shape and structure that you want for a solid body. It is the best place where you can find incremental equipment for your complete home-gym needs. - 17268

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Making Diet Shakes

By Jesse Regan

As most Baby Boomers are looking into retirement, Generation X are still a long way from that. Stuck in the time when science has far become larger than what it used to be, people are more wary about themselves, as how they look, and well, how much they weigh. Thus the birth of weight loss pills, South Beach Diet self-help books, 5 in 1 exercise home equipment, and almost anything and everything, including liposuction, as well as those non-surgical operations.

Some spend a lot, thinking they're a great investment, while there are those who couldn't spend so much on them, but would like to, thinking that many of these quick-result schemes would be their solution. But is it? Probably, but then, there's the proven Diet Shakes.

Diet shakes are substitute drinks for those large meals one is accustomed to, counting to at least three meals per day. So you may cut-off some of those meals, and get that blended smoothie of fruit and vegetables, which are very nutritious and energy sustainer, as well.

How are they created? You get in a food processor or blender, one that works really well. You will use this to blend the choices of fruits and vegetables that you have picked from your local groceries and or wet markets. A tip for those vegetables though, as you might get in that strong overriding taste if you get those flavorful ones. Anyhow, with other preferred ingredients, as whole milk, dairy-based ones, and even vanilla, you can mix them all in, and viola, you have your yummy breakfast, in liquidized meal.

Here's some greater news: having the endless liberty to mix in flavors according to what you feel for that day, as well as being able to count and track the intake of calories, sugar, and fat. With a lot of fresh produces around, your selection and option for that diet drink would be near endless.

There are about a lot of favorite recipes in the Internet. You can find an apple cored and diced, mixed with strawberries, sliced bananas and peeled seedless orange in ice that would give you that favored fruit passion.l Accordingly, there's choco-banana shake delight that's a combination of milk, cocoa, banana, vanilla, and crushed ice. Many people add some supplement as protein powders in this mix. These depends greatly on the person on a diet, on how much her goal is in shedding that added weight. It is always wise thought that one seeks professional advice on which better recommendation would be fitting, as one's case can easily vary from another. But generally, it all boils down to preference, and experimenting.

And in this time and age, where people easily getting conscious, these diet shakes are great easy options. With the availability of fool-proof successful recipes that were able to help a lot of people over the Internet, getting slimmer will never be as healthy. But, like other things that has to be worked on for, it would take patience and dedication to commit on this diet shake routine. As much as they are safe, they can easily match those work-outs and exercises, getting in that much needed body nutrition.

Going on a diet? Then diet shakes will be your best bet. These are only a few of invaluable diet tips. - 17268

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Eating While on the Very Low Calorie HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The HCG is one of the most efficient methods of losing weight available. It also depends upon a very strict (and limited) number of calories. You're limited to 500 per day.

But some people hear the caloric limit and run away screaming! Not even the proof that dieters on the HCG diet lose an average of one pound per day throughout their program can make them stick it out. The only thing that does the trick is letting them try a meal that is HCG approved.

By using the cookbook available with the HCG Diet Direct program, dieters have access to many easy recipes and meal suggestions that taste good and satisfy the need for food. Every dieter is different, but the cookbook offers a variety and we find that every dieter is satisfied with the wide array of options. Once you've discovered which recipes you prefer you can depend on them to help you feel full and satisfied even while you stick to the limit of 500 calories per day.

Jody P. of Peoria says, "I love the vegetable soup. And my husband has become quite attached to the roast. He prefers it to the way I used to make it before I stumbled upon the recipe in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook."

Jimmy A. of Gilbert said, "I really like the egg rolls. And I could almost live off the chili. I make a big pot of it and then divide it up into single servings and I'll have it probably 4 or more times per week. I don't think I'll ever stop using it as a staple for lunch and dinner in our household; even after I've completed the diet."

Taking advantage of the tools offered make the HCG diet a uniquely effective and manageable method of weight loss. More and more people are improving their health and their outlook on life by reaching a weight that is natural and healthy for their body type. Don't let the numbers scare you's not as big of a deal to limit your food intake as you might think! - 17268

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Will Starting a Swimming Program Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

Have you noticed several dark blotches on your arms and legs recently? If you can hardly recall where they came from, then you have undoubtedly determined that you don't want to have to deal with this condition. Numerous people discover that they are bruising more readily as they grow older, and if you are seeking a solution to this problem, you might consider the fact that taking up a swimming program may be part of the solution for reducing your easy bruising. Although swimming probably not be the total solution for overcoming your bruising easily, you may very well find that swimming can offer a variety of benefits to you.

To begin with, swimming or any type of aerobic exercise will help your heart stay in better condition, and this, in turn, will certainly improve your overall cardiovascular health. Keep in mind that bruising takes place when blood vessels directly beneath your skin become damaged so that blood seeps out, pools, and then creates the visible bruise. As a result of your exercise program, you will discover that you are improving your cardiovascular health substantially; generally, you are strengthening your veins which causes them to not break so easily.

Also keep in mind that swimming itself is a great reminder to keep your skin moisturized. Whether you swim in the local pool or in the ocean, numerous people discover that the salt or chemicals tend to dry out their skin. The use of a good moisturizer that helps you enhance the flexibility of your skin more effectively is highly recommended. This moisturizer when combined with the more consistent exercise that you are getting from your new swimming program, will certainly make your skin feel tighter yet more elastic, which will increase your resistance to easy bruising.

Drinking the proper amount of water while participating in any form of swimming activity is a necessity. Just being in the water all the time should remind you that you need to drink more of it, and if you desire to perform at your highest level, whether you are doing synchronized swimming, laps, or water aerobics, you will find that you will get thirsty. Make it a conscious effort to drink the appropriate amount of water, and your body's metabolism will be improved which will allow bruises to heal more readily when they do occur.

All that being said, find the bathing suit that you love, grab that swim cap and jump in. Swimming is great fun, and you'll see that it can help your body defend itself against bruising easily as well. You should also consider researching unique, daily supplement programs like Bruises Be Banned that can help you overcome your easy bruising and help to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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4 Fat Arms Myths Exposed

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Fat arm confusion is rampant. Never have women been more confused about how to get toned arms.

How can this happen? Well, I believe the majority of confusion can be traced back to extreme marketing tactics. To complicate things further, sometimes the research isn't even clear!

Now if the gurus have a tough time detangling the research, how is the average women supposed to? Luckily, I have already done this for you.

Thus, here are 4 mistakes you may be making when trying to get rid of fat arms:

1. Assuming supplements are better than food. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most supplements don't work. Let me repeat that, most supplements don't work. Supplement regulation is broken in our country, that's the truth. Besides, whole foods interact with each other in beneficial ways that science doesn't fully understand.

2. Fiber supplementation. Unfortunately, this ever popular supplement has been shown to increase colon cancer rates. The good news is that you probably eat so many vegetables that fiber supplementation is a moot point. Right?

3. Thinking ultra-thinness is the epitome of health. Have you ever seen a thin women undergo heart surgery? I have. Have you ever seen a thin woman with flabby arms? I have.

4. Thinking carbs are the only macronutrients that can mess with insulin. I have some bad news: saturated fat and high protein intakes can also mess up your insulin levels. So make sure you are eating with balance across all foods.

Warning: now you know 4 things to avoid during your quest to get toned arms. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what to do. I know there is a lot of information out there. The key is to look past all the marketing hype and stick to the facts. And don't forget to take action! Without action, information is useless. Good luck! - 17268

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Siberian Chaga Used in Russia as Cancer Drug

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Chaga grows as a black cankerous mass on birch, dead or living. It may rarely be found on beech, elm, ash or hornbeam as well.

In Europe and Asia, chaga has been used for centuries to treat cancers of the heart and liver, digestive ailments, and tuberculosis. [121]

The traditional use was to peel the black skin of the mushroom and then boil it into a tea. Being a compact and easily portable medicinal made it very valuable to healers throughout history.

Modern research on chaga has mainly focused on its potential application as an anti-cancer remedy. In Russia, this usage was already approved as early as 1955 to treat lung, stomach, breast and cervical cancers. [122]

One modern study from 1998 showed that chaga extract did in fact inhibit growth of cervical cancer cell lines under lab conditions. [123] Another study from 1995 reported that an isolate of the active compound betulin first inhibited growth of melanoma cells in a lab, and then killed them. [124, 25]

Additional research has shown cancer cell division to be decreased by some of the active compounds of the chaga mushroom. [125, 126]

Although traditional healers used to peel off the black outside (probably because it looked unappetizing), the skin actually contains 30% betulin, a highly prized medicinal compound, [127] while the inside is rich in fungal lanostanes. So both parts would be valuable in preparing the tea.

Better yet are chaga extracts made with both the mycelium ("root") and the whole mushroom fruit body. The mycelium is richer in medicinally active proteins than the mushroom itself.

Other researchers have found chaga extract to be potently anti-viral. Two studies in 1996 found it to have an inhibitory effect on both influenza [127] and HIV. [128] Perhaps it does so by helping to stimulate the body's natural immune functions, something that was first confirmed in 2002 and then again in 2005, [25, 129] and which may also help explain the historical use of chaga mushroom as an anti-inflammatory. [130]

Alcohol extract of Siberian chaga has been shown to help balance blood sugar. [131] It is also a powerful antioxidant. [132, 133]

As an interesting aside unrelated to human health, a Quebec arborist uses a chaga poultice to cure chestnut blight. The trees later even become immune to the blight and resistant to future infections. [134]

Finally, in the book Mycelium Running, Paul Stamets lists the following additional areas of research on chaga with positive results: Bacteria; uterine cancer; liver conditions. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any herb (or mushroom) except as advised by a licensed medical practitioner.

Credit: Thank you to Paul Stamets for source material. - 17268

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Is It Possible To Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Days?

By Susan M Adams

How to look 10 years younger in 10 days is a skill most of us would like to know. It almost sounds too good to be true. However, according to Dr. Oz and the world famous Dr Perricone it is possible. All you have to do is to adjust your diet slightly to incorporate what they refer to as the "super foods".

What exactly are super foods? Are they hard to find? Are they expensive? The answer is a very pleasant surprise. Almost all of the super foods are common everyday foods. You probably already have some in your cupboard and you have most definitely have eaten at least some of them. These foods are easy to find in your local grocery store or health food store and they are for the most part relatively inexpensive.

Switching to a healthy diet which promotes a younger more youthful looking appearance is what the super food diet is all about. Our society has moved far away from natural, simple foods which contain essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, towards a fast food diet fraught with chemical additives and over processing. Include the following foods in your diet to counteract the aging effects waged by a processed diet: 1) seeds and nuts, 2) barley, 3) sprouts, 4) hot peppers, 5) acai berry, 6) beans and legumes, 7) green foods such as wheat grass, 8) yogurt, 9) buck wheat, and 10) foods in the allium family.

Anything in the allium family means food stuffs such as garlic, chives, onions, leeks, shallots, scallions etc. This food group helps your liver eliminate toxins. It is easy to add some chopped garlic or some diced onion to soups, stews, or sauces. You can even add some to your scrambled eggs in the morning.

Think about how you can include these foods in your meals. Salads can be much more than just lettuce with a few garnishes for color. Why not try making a salad which is 3/4 vegetables (cucumber, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, red and green peppers, zucchini and Juline carrots) and 1/4 greens. Make your salad with spinach or a greens mix (rather than iceberg lettuce). And then sprinkle nuts or seeds on top. Top with a dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a bit of Bragg or soy sauce. This salad will be super healthy as well as filling, so you will eat less of the the bad processed foods that you normally fill up on.

Replacing wheat with buckwheat is a great way to incorporate one of the superfoods, as well as avoid one of the foods that a great majority of people have a sensitivity to anyway. There are plenty of recipes where you can include buckwheat, from appetizers, to breads, to main dishes and even desserts.

If you are looking for a quick fix to combat natures evil aging plan, the best place to look is your diet. Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone say that you can look 10 years younger in just 10 days. If you make a concerted effort to incorporate the superfoods into your diet, and rid yourself of the bad foods, at the very least you will be improving your health, and will probably lose some weight at the same time. And that will definitely make you look younger! - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, How To Get Huge Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

Stick to the basics to increase your arm size in the shortest possible time. I'm referring to the lifts that provide the biggest reward for what you've invested. You should not waste your time in unproductive movements like 90% of the people in the gym.

Let's talk about your triceps, which is the three muscles that are connected at the elbow and shoulder, but work in contrast to your biceps, and the forearm. In this article, I will explain how to train your triceps.

If you're just starting an exercising plan, dips are the easiest and best to try. They will manipulate your chest and shoulders, but mostly they will work your triceps. In order to place the stress on your triceps there are a few tips you need to know. Firstly, do dips between two rods alongside each other. When you begin, your body should be in a position as if you were standing and holding two bars in your hands.

So you do not falter, always grip the bars firmly. To start this movement, lower your body toward the floor, tucking your elbows in close to your body, and keeping your overall form as straight as possible vertically. Leaning forward transfers a large amount of stress to your chest and shoulders, which isn't that bad, but this should be saved for chest day.

Good advice. Don't lock out at the top. To allow the triceps muscles to relax, completely straighten and lock your arms. If you are unable to perform dips using your body weight, try an assisted dip apparatus that utilizes counter-balanced weights to counter your own weight. If your gym doesn't have one, get a spotter to push up on your feet to help you out. Doing three to ten repetitions to start with should be your aim.

Close grip bench press is another movement like dips, in that it is a compound movement. The movement is similar to regular bench press. You need to grip the bar about 8 to 12 inches apart. Grip where you feel comfortable, paying close attention to how your wrists feel. Usually the closer you grip, the more stress there will be on your wrists, so start off more toward a 12 inch spacing and work your way closer as you get more comfortable.

Keeping your elbows in close at your sides, lower the bar to just below nipple level. You don't need to extend your arms all the way out either. You should stop just short of full lockout. This is an excellent exercise for adding mass in your triceps.

The above program is only part of an overall fitness plan, you can visit my site if you want to know more about it. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type C Meal Plan

By Rico Kidd

This article will review the different types of food that a body type c can eat on the 6 Week Body Makeover. To review, a body type C can maintain and build muscles easily, which is a good thing as lean muscle helps burn fat. Also, C people have a higher metabolism and isn't as sluggish as the other body types.

C people are allowed to eat more carbohydrates like white rice and pastas because their bodies have an easier time burning calories than other body types due to their lean muscle mass. However, people with body type c should moderate their red meat consumption as they will gain weight and bulk up.

All of the meals listed here can be found in the Infinite Menu Plan of the body makeover kit. Remember, these meals are only a sample of meals you can eat as a body type c on the Michael Thurmond diet. Here is a sample meal for one day worth of food for an endo-meso.

Breakfast - 1 cup of egg beaters with a half of slice of wheat bagel and cup of mixed berries. Mid-morning snack is 4 oz. of orange and garlic turkey breast and cup of grapefruit. Lunch will consist of grilled shrimp with Cajun spices, a a baked potato and 1 cup of raw broccoli.

Mid afternoon snack will consist of 3 oz. of ground turkey breast patties and cup of mashed rutabagas. Dinner will be 3 oz. of ground beef patties and 1 cup of stir fried rice noodle. The PM snack is strictly option and you don't have to eat it if you don't want to. You can have cup of papaya for your night snack. - 17268

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Benefits of Resveratrol - Live Longer and Healthier

By Jason Hunter

There have been some very important studies conducted regarding the reason why people in certain countries love longer than others, and suffer from less life threatening illnesses. Resveratrol has been attributed as being one of the reasons why some of the oldest people in the world have lived as long as they have.

Emulating what others do is one of the ways in which we learn, having a mentor or role model is generally the best way to do this. In the instance of this wonder substance the same might apply. But how do we do this?

However this might not be the wisest path to take if you look at one of the longest recorded living person on the planet. This was a French woman aged 122, when she died in 2001, she did not exercise or live a clean life, in fact she both smoked and drank alcohol her entire life. Now we are not advocating that you start smoking and drinking like Jean Calumet, but you must admit that there are some good questions to be asked regarding hers, and other centenarian lifestyles.

They obviously realized that centenarians from France and other countries are doing something most of us don't do. They have a culture of drinking wine, but not just any wine, red wine. Both Sardinia and France have high statistics of people living to be centenarians. On Oprah, Dr. Oz told us that high concentrations of resveratrol are found in red wine and both this and the alcohols is what does us so much good.

This substance is an incredibly powerful anti-oxidant, and the best possible source to obtain it is red wine, because this is where you find it in its highest concentrations. Red wine makers use the skin, pips and other grape material when they make red wine, but they don't when they make white wine. So white wine has very little or no resveratrol benefit. This health giving ingredient is found in the skins of the grape, the grape vine, seeds, roots and stalks, but the highest concentration is found in the grape skins.

Not only is resveratrol a powerful anti-oxidant, it has also been found by scientists that it is able to trigger a dormant anti ageing gene found in the human body, into activity. The reason why grapes produce cellular chemistry to protect themselves is because they generally have to live in very hostile environments. The skin of the grape protects the fruit and seeds, and this is what we benefit from too. The cellular and molecular chemistry of plants is fascinating.

To enjoy the full benefits of this substance it is important to drink red wine, the benefit lies 80% in the alcohol and 20% in this active ingredient. It is the combination of these two factors which are best. However if you don't take to alcohol or it doesn't take to you, you are able to receive some benefit from drinking dark grape juice, or taking resevratrol supplements, although these supplements are still undergoing FDA trials.

With alcohol and drinking per se, the key to actually obtaining benefit is moderation. People like me are in trouble, because when I open a bottle of red wine, I have to finish it, and this is where resveratrol supplements may come in handy. To get the benefits of resveratrol - as reviewed on Oprah, Dr. Oz recommends one glass of red wine a day, but he doesn't say how big the glass should be! Men may drink a little more as they have a better ability to metabolize alcohol than women. - 17268

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