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Friday, December 5, 2008

Acai Berry Best Products

By Micheal Vincent

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Best Acai Berry Products.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Best Acai Berry Products to find out more. - 17268

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The World's Best Kept Secret: The Acai Berry

By Larry Stevenson

If you watch TV or read news articles, you will most likely have come across the acai berry. You probably have heard that it is a very healthy fruit, much healthier than other berries, fruits or vegetables. The acai berry has been featured in many TV programs, magazines and news.

The acai berry is not a new type of fruit. It is not a hybrid berry and its nutrients and health benefits are natural, not artificially created. The acai berry is native in low-lit, swamp areas. There are a lot of acai berries in the Brazilian rain forest where it is hard to get to.

The acai berry grows on a tall, large tree called Euterpe oleracea but most people just refer to the tree as the acai palm tree. The acai palm tree can have many trunks. Some of them have just a few trunks but there are some that have 25 trunks. Each acai berry tree can be as tall as 25 meters tall and as wide as six inches in diameter.

Each acai berry tree has many branches dropping down from it like flowing ribbons. The branches cluttered together and on them are the acai berries. Each acai berry is on a branch is very close to the next berry on the same branch.

An acai berry looks very similar to a blueberry when ripe. The acai berry is round and small, similar to most berries. It is dark in color. Some are darker than others but most of them are dark purple in color. Each acai palm tree can produce as much as 20 kgs of acai berries a year.

Like most berries, the acai berry is edible. Many people eat the acai berry as fruit but some make use of other parts of the berry too. The acai pulp is where most of the nutrients are and it is very commonly used in wines, liqueurs, or as food flavoring or colorant. The acai berry has many uses so it is not surprising that there are many acai berry products around.

The acai berry has many healthy and medicinal properties. It is one of the best antioxidant and contains many minerals, essential fatty acids, and lots of other nutrients that the body needs to be healthy. The acai pulp is where most of the nutrients are found so to get the most health benefits of the acai berry, eat the pulp too.

Since people now know that the acai berry is so healthy, the acai berry is more in demand now than ever. In the past, the acai berry used to be hand picked but nowadays many companies have them mass harvested to meet the world demand of the acai berry. Unfortunately, automation will always decrease the effectiveness of the end product. - 17268

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Increasing your Muscle Gain With Bodybuilding Supplements

By Ricardo d Argence

There is more involved in bodybuilding than just lifting weights. A bodybuilder needs to be aware of nuteitional needs also,as to achieve the best results. You will need plenty of protein and complex carbs,that you should have a well-rounded diet.

Protein is the essential building block of muscle tissue. Proteins are directly responsible for repairing muscle damage, because that is what you are doing to a muscle when you lift weights, you tear the muscle then as it is repaired, it grows larger.

Complex carbohydrates. They are slow burning and provide lasting energy and are essential for stamina. They also maintain the enough amount of sugar while you are exercising.

Surprisingly, fats are a much-needed nutrient as well, it might seem counterproductive to add fat to your diet when you are trying to build muscle and lose fat, and however the right fats are crucial. Essential fats are monounsaturated fats, these aid in energy levels and boost the immune system.

Getting as much nutrition from your food as possible is recommended. One way to do this without gorging yourself is to eat six small meals a day instead of three large ones.

When you are bodybuilding, it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need strictly from your die,yhis is where supplements are beneficial.

Omega three fatty acids, reduces insulin resistance and produces healthy growth and development.

The use of creatine, has proven to greatly increase muscle mass in body builders

Sometimes getting adequate supplies of protein is difficult, it then becomes necessary to take it in a supplement form. Some forms are slow acting boosting muscle repair while you sleep.

You may need to take high caloric supplements in order to put on weight,if you are considered underweight. Your muscles need extra calories to grow; while your body uses them for energy to last through your workouts.

Many things go into making your body all that it can be and that will maximize your routine and help you build muscle, are the proper diet and exercise with the right supplements and adequate rest. It is centered good health of the key to any workout whether it is for muscle stamina or weight loss. Take the proper supplements to kick your routine into high gear,and eat a healthy diet high in calories, workout. - 17268

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Achieve Muscle Weight Gain Quickly with HIIT

By Jared Conley

You've been told a hundred times: you can't build muscle up and lose fat concurrently. They say that building mass involves an increase in calories, while fat burning requires a decrease in calories. This conventional wisdom is partially accurate, but the concepts are being tossed on their ears with insights into interval-based workouts. The truth is, you can achieve muscle weight gain while you burn fat provided that you add intervals to your sessions.

Interval training isn't new, but it's more widely understood, accepted, and practiced in recent years. While traditional cardiovascular activities were considered the only efficient ways to shed weight, and the only acceptable workouts for endurance athletes, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be advantageous to athletes in all fields, and for folks with varying goals.

Standard cardio activity is often referred to as "steady state," which essentially means that you work up to a certain intensity level and maintain that level throughout the training session. During the training session, your body gets 50 percent of its energy through your fat stores, and gets the remainder through your oxygen system, and by dipping into your glycogen and muscle deposits.

HIIT sessions, conversely, consist of short high intensity intervals followed by moderate intensity recovery periods. HIIT sessions spare your muscles and are quick, but are killer. A fifteen-minute HIIT workout can raise your resting metabolic rate for a full 24 hours, enabling you to continue burning higher levels of fat for up to a day.

On top of this, because your muscles consume calories during every minute of the day, the more lean mass you have, the more fat you burn, even while you're sleeping. Because HIIT not only spares your muscle, but also helps you build muscle up, your future fat burning ability is increased.

The bottom line is that regardless of your fitness goals, HIIT workouts can help you improve your overall fitness level in very short sessions. Better still, if your goals include muscle gain and fat burning, adding HIIT to your weekly workouts is a no-brainer. - 17268

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Discover Why You Have To Do Spinal Decompressions

By Caleb Lee

Your backbone is perhaps the most essential structure in your body, hence it is critical to take care of it. Your vertebral column get loads of compression from everyday activities, gravity and general life. Plus the added compression you give it with strength training and you better start decompressing it.

Spine health is very important, and I'm willing to bet that the majority of you have backache at this time. I myself hurt my lower back roughly a year ago, and this is one of the methods I enjoyed to take it back to 99% (even at times becomes tight or aching). I'll do an extensive post on why you have backache and how to resolve it later on, however read this right now.

What you want to do is follow a trouble-free decompression technique that helps to keep your backbone strong and mobile by helping it decompress to its original length.

Here's the whole thing you need to ...

How To Execute Spine Decompressions

You'll need a pull-up bar to perform your decompressions. As soon as you have that piece of equipment, there's two ways to do this:

1. Get Gravity Boots: This is the method that I use. These are boots that you strap onto your ankles and have hooks on them so you can hang upside down from your pullup bar safely and allow your spine to decompress. I use Teeter Hang Ups Gravity Boots. An added bonus is that with these boots I can do inverted sit ups for my abs and other cool "upside down" exercises.

2. Hang With Your Hands: This is simple. Basically hang from your pull-up bar and loosen all your muscles-hold it for as long as possible. The longer you hang the better shoot for no less than 5 minutes and build up from there. You most likely can't hang that long, so here's

How To Hang On Longer With Your Hands

The longer you hang the better, though your grip will most likely give out. While I would never suggest making use of lifting straps for your usual lifting, I recommend them for decompressions since it will allow you to grip longer. Prefer nylon-type lifting straps or lifting hook straps since they're extra strong.

How To Relax Your Muscles So Your Spine Decompresses

Your muscles need to be comfortable in order for your backbone to decompress (staying tight won't help). Here's what to do whether you're utilizing the gravity boots method or the hanging from your hands method:

* Hang off the pull-up bar

* Take a deep breath and hold it

* Tighten up your whole body (focus on abs, glutes and make fists)

* Hold your entire body stiff for 5 seconds

* Let it all out, your breath and all the tension. Relax

When you do this you'll sense your whole body relaxing and you'll most likely "drop" down a bit. You'll probably feel your back decompressing, particularly the first few times.

How You Regular Have To Decompress

Daily is best. I must admit, I don't do it every day consistently. But you really should try to do it as much as possible. If you get bored hanging upside down you can read a book or something. It's best to do these right after your strength training sessions, right after your cooldown-think of it as a part of your cooldown. - 17268

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Bye Bye Beer Belly

By Ryan L. Freeman

I know it's sometimes disappointing to see an annoying bulging belly in the middle. There may be various reasons why people get a beer belly, the most common being excess consumption of alcohol or other sugars. And I'm sure the term 'beer belly' isn't a very appealing designation. Therefore, in order to lose the beer belly requires you to bring healthier changes in to your lifestyle. In recent times, it has been observed that looking good has become almost a necessity and a big beer belly does not help in anyway. Today, when the in trend is to develop tight abdominals, you just can't afford to maintain a beer belly.

It is true that six-pack abdominals look very cool, but that doesn't mean everyone has to have them. A healthy tighter tummy is just what you need if not six pack abs. This article focuses on all those people who are faced with oversized guts and, yet have the dream of developing tight abdominals. Here in this article we have discussed a few points that will help you transform your dream into reality. But let's take one thing at a time. First, you need to lose the beer belly and in order to achieve that we need to work on your diet plan.

Following instructions will help you a great deal to lose your less than flat stomach. Once you see your body losing that unwanted fat and toning up, you know you are half way through. Now, you can take your next step towards developing your long desired 6-pack abs.

If you ask me, I genuinely don't think 6 pack killer abs are required; being in shape is more important than having six pack abs. However, if you still think developing killer tight abdominals is what you want; then let me warn you beforehand, it won't be easy like popping some diet pill. Prepare your mind and body accordingly and set off from the mark towards your goal.

Let's take a quick look at just a couple items that it takes to get to your goal:

Drink enough water everyday, follow a proper workout program, and quit unhealthy habits.

There are some specific exercises that you should follow to lose your big belly and work towards tight abdominals or at least getting rid of your belly.

Of course, having six-pack abdominals is always desirable but do not overstress yourself to get to that ultimate goal. The basic point to lose the beer belly is to be healthy and to look good; and in order to achieve these, tight abdominals aren't required. Having a lean well-toned tummy is what your goal should be. Still, if you think six-pack abdominals are a must then going through the rest of our information (you'll find the link to below), is sure to do you some good. So, go ahead and take your first step towards a leaner and healthy body. - 17268

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The Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Women

By Michael Byrd

Are there advantages of using fish oil on women exclusive to the fairer sex?

In any case, women will always be smarter than men, they are even stronger emotionally and smell a whole lot better too!

In most cases however, men and women suffer from the same health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and depression. But there is one thing where men suffer more than women. It's PMS. (It was OK for my wife to mention it as long as I mentioned it kindly.)

The manner in which we handle these health issues is really up to us.

You have two options, to wait until you get a degenerative disease and seek for medical help (this is what men always love to do), or do something before you see a problem.

If you should choose the second option, you can use fish oil for women. It gives you certain health benefits - like lesser PMS and menopause symptoms and lesser chances of developing breast cancer.

Every top cause of death on women has two common factors, degenerative and preventable.

We won't be pedantic over rankings here. Regardless if you have the most leading cause or not, because after all it is one and the same - degenerative. Certainly not a thing we can be too proud of.

Nevertheless, you will have one dietary adornment that you wish to have in your nutritional clothing, and this happens to be the most amazing form of prevention there is for women ? the omega 3 fatty acids from fish.

Every day, research has been continuously confirming the strength of these simple, natural nutrients.

Reviews tell us that boosting your omega 3 intake helps in the prevention of heart diseases, strokes, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, PMS, memory loss, dry skin and a lot more.

One of the major reasons why fish oil fatty acids is very beneficial is it helps in decreasing and regulating inflammation in the body ? whether you see it or not.

Recent studies have shown that degenerative diseases usually start when the inflammatory cycle of the body has problems, and it can only happen to a person who is deficient with specific omega 3 fatty acids.

Scientist refers to this as an "inverse relationship", but this is actually very simple. If you have more omega 3 fish oil intake, the lesser your chances of developing degenerative diseases.

If men think this only applies to women, they should think twice. Because the lesser omega 3's they get, the higher the chance of developing preventable degenerative disease.

It's that plain

Omega 3 fatty acids are derived from cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring and mackerel.

So to get as many health benefits from fish oil for women (and men), add more omega 3 fish oil in your diet plan and get a daily supplement of pure fish oil capsules from a reputable source.

The ladies will have to prove to us guys how smart they are by making sure they get more fish oil in their diet on a regular basis - 17268

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