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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Five To Stay Alive

By Dr. Jason Fowler

It is the rare child who actually wants to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids are bombarded by television and radio ads for cereals, candy, and chips that contain huge amounts of sugar and large quantities of saturated fat. The sugar craving begins in childhood - kids quickly develop a taste for sweets. To a child's sugar-sensitized palette, the complex sugars contained in fruits and vegetables are a poor substitute.

We can carry these habits into adulthood and our long-term health suffers as a result. Twenty-four hours is not enough time in the day for most of us, and many consistently choose fast foods as a means of satisfying our need for food and a method for limiting the amount of precious time we spend on meal preparation.

But fast foods are not really food in the sense that the nutrition they provide is minimal. Fast foods are essentially empty calories.

In the'50s and'60s a well-known health-related slogan was "an apple a day makes the doctor away". This advice represented ancient folk wisdom. Today, decades of research has shown that apples, and all fruits and vegetables, have remarkable health-promoting and disease-fighting properties.

Most fruits and vegetables are packed with magical biochemicals called phytochemicals - "phyto" means plant. Phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color, so the more colorful a food, the more phytochemicals that it contains.

Ongoing research studies have shown that phytochemicals - of which there are thousands of varieties - provide protection against the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.1,2

Many phytochemicals are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals in human cells. Others have anti-inflammatory properties, and these help slow the aging process.

Fruits and vegetables are so important for our health and well-being that many national organizations have promoted the "five to stay alive rule" - the recommendation is to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each and every day.3

Portions could include any of these - an apple, an orange, a banana, a cup of grapes, a cup of blueberries, a yam, a couple of carrots, a couple of tomatoes, and a couple of tablespoons of broccoli.

For many of us, "five to stay alive" would be a radical departure from our old habits. It might take a little effort to develop new shopping and eating habits, but once you're in the groove it's likely you'll be feeling so much better you'll wonder why you didn't start this healthy-eating plan sooner.

Your chiropractor is an expert on nutritional health and will be glad to help you create a food plan that works for you and your family.

1de Kok TM, et al: Mechanisms of combined action of different chemopreventive dietary compounds: a review. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):59-59, 2008 2Ware WR: Nutrition and the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: Association of Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 With the Role of Fruit and Fruit Extracts. Integr Cancer Ther December 2008 3Liu RH: Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr-4(Suppl 12):3479S-3485S, 2004 - 17268

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Thoroughly Check Out Your Home Care Agency Before Signing Anything

By Matthew Elgren

If your loved one needs special medical care, but you are unwilling to put them in a long-term care facility, there are still a couple options for you. If they don't want to use the long-term care, either, you can always contact a home care agency.

These agencies specialize in offering nurses, nursing assistants, physical therapists, and other medical or qualified professionals that can provide the services that are needed. And the best thing is that your loved ones can still remain in their own home.

However, there are sometimes problems with home care agency staff. You have to watch out for those who seem a bit over-helpful. There have been unfortunate experiences when the staff would prey on those who aren't quite psychologically sound. If you notice that things are missing from your loved one's home, or that someone is being very helpful with things they shouldn't even be bothering with like paying the bills, you may have a problem on your hands.

They may have had good motives at first. Maybe they saw that your loved one had an overdue electricity bill. A home health care professional might decide to help out and use the patient's checkbook just to get that bill paid off. But now they see how much money the patient has in the bank. This can end up being too much of a temptation for some people, and they might just start writing out checks that they shouldn't, and giving themselves a little extra "gratuity."

Home care agency personnel have to hold themselves up above regular morals so they are not accused of anything. Billing from the agency should be gone over with a fine tooth comb to make sure your family member isn't being billed for things they never received.

More than that, though, you should make sure the home care agency has done a background check on their employees so you will know your loved one is safe. There is always a threat of fraud, so you should be careful when you make your final decision. These people will have to be reliable enough to help your loved one when it is needed.

Always do your research. Find out about the agency's hiring practices and make sure they only hire qualified professionals. Once they are in the home, though, you should still keep an eye on things to make sure no fraudulent activities are going on.

Home care agency fraud is a real thing and happening much too often. Overall, if you notice anything from your hired staff that is even remotely suspicious, you will be wise to look into it immediately - it may save you a lot of money and time down the road. - 17268

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Informed People Make Healthy Choices

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Being an informed patient is an empowering concept.1 In the modern healthcare marketplace, the doctor-patient relationship has become a two-way street. It's no longer a situation in which the doctor tells the patient what to do. Today, patients can be full partners in managing their care and well-being.2

What does it take to be an informed patient, one who can participate in a meaningful way and not be merely the passive recipient of the doctor's instructions and recommendations?

The first key is to identify a doctor - a chiropractor or family physician, depending on the circumstances - in whom you have confidence. Here are a few essential points you should consider:

The doctor has spent enough time with you on the first visit. The doctor has focused on you, and hasn't been distracted by all the other things happening in the office. The doctor has satisfactorily answered all your questions. The doctor's recommendations are clear, and you understand what the next steps are going to be.

The questions you ask are not just to keep talking and capture more of the doctor's time spent with you. An informed patient does some preparation before the actual office visit. The Internet offers a lot of valuable information on both chiropractic and medical treatment. And, it's important to remember that not all information is accurate and authoritative - consider the source of the "information".

Consider the author's background and affiliations. You should consider the potential for bias. Is the site itself up-to-date - for example, are there "dead links" on the site.

Do your best to evaluate your doctor's recommendations. First, what are the expected results? How quickly should you begin to feel better? Are there potential side-effects of the recommended treatment? What are the alternatives?

Alternatives may include other forms of therapy within the doctor's office and may also include consultation with another specialist. The main point is not to be left with a confusing array of choices. Have enough information to go forward with a treatment plan that makes the most sense, both to your doctor and to you.

If a prescription is involved, make sure you write down the exact spelling of the medication and the exact dosage and frequency. Prescriptions are usually scribbled. Both doctors and pharmacists can make a mistake. Don't let your doctor simply hand you an illegible piece of paper. Insist on ensuring that you understand what is being prescribed, and be sure to ask your doctor about potential side effects, risks, and interactions with any other medicines you may be taking.

As in all your relationships, the doctor-patient relationship is based on clear communication and mutual trust and understanding. You can help your doctor help you by being informed and participating in the decision-making process.

1Informed Consent. "Ethics in Medicine". University of Washington School of Medicine. 2"Be an active healthcare consumer". Agency for Healthcard Research and Quality. - 17268

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How To Care For Your Body While Bodybuilding Over 40

By Ricardo d Argence

Today is a great day to get in shape! People think that only twenty-somethings can have those perfect, muscular bodies, but that's not true in the least; more and more people are discovering the fun of bodybuilding over 40. No matter what your age, there are going to be precautions to take to protect yourself.

Once you have researched bodybuilding and feel you understand the elements of fitness over 40, you should also study the success of other men and women bodybuilders your age. Find several people with body types and fitness goals similar to your own and use them as role models. Use them to create your own training schedule and program. Also, note how gradually they began training, including their reps, weights, and cycles.

When bodybuilding beyond 40, you need a longer cycle that will give your body the rest it needs. Because it's not accustomed to this sudden exercise, your body needs time to recover.

A sample program many people have found useful is: target a muscle group for day 1, rest on days 2-3, target a second muscle group on day 4, rest on days 5-6. On day 7 exercise the rest of your body, and take two more days to recover. As your body gets into better shape you'll find yourself able to cut back on your rest days.

Don't start to work with too much weight. Many younger people begin with a higher weight. This isn't because they're healthier and stronger than you, it's because their bodies can heal from strains and pulls more swiftly. Start at a low weight you feel comfortable with. Starting small gives you extra control while you learn to perform the proper lifts and work with the machines properly.

You should begin bodybuilding over 40 by using higher repetitions with your lighter weights. 15 reps are a good place to start. Some experts recommend a periodized style where every other cycle you use slightly more weight but perform fewer reps. It will be up to you to determine when your body can repair and renew fast enough to begin this type of training. Eventually, you will be able to lower the reps and add weight at every cycle.

In order to prevent getting injuries, you should warm up before you work out. First, stretch, followed by a 5-10 minute cardio routine. Following that you should target the muscle group you intend to concentrate on that day by lifting roughly half your target weight for 10 reps. Perhaps you want to lift 200 pounds this afternoon, so you should lift 100 pounds or less a few times to get those muscles ready.

If you have a prior injury, you will need to protect it. Even if your injury is more than a decade old, you will have to take caution not to re-injure yourself. Always talk to your doctor before beginning a bodybuilding routine, especially if you have been hurt before. Your doctor may recommend you use a brace or avoid certain movements.

These simple tips will help you practice safe bodybuilding over 40. If you have additional questions or are worried about hurting yourself, ask a certified trainer. A trainer can show you the best way to train your body. You can also visit my website if you want to find more tips and workouts. Remember, using caution and asking for help is the best way to prepare for a more intense workout later and will get you safely started on the path to fitness. - 17268

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Losing Weight - Simple Tips To Use In Your Plan

By Josh Wintrop

Nutrition plays an important role in burning fat in addition to following a regular fitness work out program. Eating a diet made of few calories can improve how the body cuts weight. Taking care of the kinds of food to feed the body can help.

It is advisable to practice to eat only when you are hungry. This can greatly cut on unnecessary calories which lead to filling the body with excess nutrition. Another idea is to snack on foods that contain few calories.

Aim to enjoy small portions of foods through out the day. Including nutritious items in your weight loss plan as options to graze on can help you stick with the program. You can buy nutritious food items to graze on during the day. This provides vital compounds to the body and you also get sufficient energy.

Another idea that can help you cut unnecessary energy fed to the body is substituting sodas or sweetened juices with plain and fresh water. This can significantly bring positive changes when on a weight loss plan. Water contains no calories and hydrates the body. It also cleanses and detoxifies the system. These functions are very important when working on a weight loss diet.

The benefit of keeping away from high calorie junk food and drinks is that it significantly cuts on excess and unnecessary energy fed to the body. It is possible to see positive results with time if the rest of the plan is followed alongside this habit. The best practice to include in your weight loss plan is to have almost all your food sources from nutritious and wholesome foods. This can bring a significant amount of weight loss when followed with a daily fitness routine.

Avoiding eating junk food can bring you good results with time. These substances are packed with energy for a very small portion eaten. Continuous feeding on such a diet while on a weight loss plan is sure to fail your efforts.

It is good plan what to eat so as not to fall back into your old feeding habits. You can do this by buying healthy food options. Get nutritious items to add to your diet and avoid those with high calories. This helps in maintaining the good health of your muscles and body.

By eating a diet from all food sources you can easily achieve proper nutrition. It also allows you to take the right amount of nutrition. Fish, poultry, low fat dairy products whole meal bread, brown rice and whole grain grains are useful to the body. Take water and large servings of fruits and vegetables. Such foods build, repair and maintain the good health of your system which helps in burning fat. - 17268

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More and More People Are Bodybuilding Over 40

By Ricardo d Argence

Now is a great time to turn your chubby or unfit body into an athletic figure. There is no reason to believe that bodybuilding over 40 is less effective than it was 20 years ago. However, there are some precautions you should take to protect your health as you exercise.

When looking to get into bodybuilding over 40, you should look at how other people your age are doing it. Look at men and women with your same basic body type and whose fitness goals are similar to your own and use them as your role models. Consider taking a page from their training schedules and workouts. Notice that they start with a gradual workout.

When bodybuilding beyond 40, you need a longer cycle that will give your body the rest it needs. Because it's not accustomed to this sudden exercise, your body needs time to recover.

A sample program many people have found useful is: target a muscle group for day 1, rest on days 2-3, target a second muscle group on day 4, rest on days 5-6. On day 7 exercise the rest of your body, and take two more days to recover. As your body gets into better shape you'll find yourself able to cut back on your rest days.

Don't start to work with too much weight. Many younger people begin with a higher weight. This isn't because they're healthier and stronger than you, it's because their bodies can heal from strains and pulls more swiftly. Start at a low weight you feel comfortable with. Starting small gives you extra control while you learn to perform the proper lifts and work with the machines properly.

Begin your bodybuilding over 40 with more repetitions of small weights. 15 is a good number to start with. You could consider a periodized style where, every other cycle, you begin to add more weight but do fewer reps. It's really up to you and your body to determine how fast it can recover from these workouts, and when it's ready for the next one. Eventually, though, you will be able to increase the weight.

A good warm up is also critical if you want to prevent injury and get the most benefit from your training. After stretching, many experts recommend a light 5 to 10 minute cardio workout. Afterwards, you should warm up the muscle group you are targeting that day by lifting half the weight for about 10 reps. For example, if your goal is to lift 200 pounds in that training session, you should start by lifting 100 pounds or less.

If you have a prior injury, you will need to protect it. Even if your injury is more than a decade old, you will have to take caution not to re-injure yourself. Always talk to your doctor before beginning a bodybuilding routine, especially if you have been hurt before. Your doctor may recommend you use a brace or avoid certain movements.

These are simple tips for anyone interested in bodybuilding over 40. If you have other questions, or you're worried about hurting yourself, ask for a trainer to help you. A trainer will be able to show you how to get the best out of your body. You can also visit my website if you want to find more tips and workouts. Be careful, and remember that asking for help is a good way to get ready for a stronger workout later, and getting you on the path to fitness the right way. - 17268

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Vitamin D Deficiency

By Stephen Gerrard

A vitamin D deficiency is a serious problem that can lead to weakness in bones, joint pain, and fatigue. For old people this is very serious as they are more prone to break a bone such as the hip.

Not only that, but a deficiency will help the development of hypertension of high amounts of sugar in the blood, in turn increasing the risks of having heart problems and diabetes.

But you'll be wrong if you think only elderly people are the only ones who can have problems with a deficiency of this kind. Children are also big candidates to have problems, especially when they are small.

Lack of good levels of vitamin D, can lead to bone problems such as rickets (bowed legs), but also will make a child candidate to suffer from diabetes, and obesity problems. In many times it is not their fault.

We see it everywhere today: kids that spend too much time in front of the TV and computer and almost never get out there. Outside, the Sun is the giver of vitamin D! Yes, sunlight allows the production of vitamin D, but instead parents pour sunscreen on their kids.

Sunlight is NEEDED to get healthy levels of vitamin D in our bodies. However a lot of stress has been put on the harmful effects of the Sun.

Specialists recommend getting 15 minutes of sunlight each day to improve our health levels. Of course you have to take this responsibly. Do not wear sunscreen as it will hinder the action of sunlight. Supplements are available but they can easily lead to toxicity problems.

Like all things in life, sunlight is to be taken with moderation to reap all of its benefits.

Doctors in charge of vitamin deficiencies will always recommend that you get your vitamins through natural ways. As a matter of fact, our bodies are designed to do just that! So go out there and get some vitamin D in your life! - 17268

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Let the Flu Go Around You

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the "flu season". "It's never too soon to begin fighting this year's bug" they blare. Public health announcements urge us to get our "yearly flu shot", as if this is something we've got permanently scheduled in our Blackberries. All the leading over-the-counter pain medications offer special seasonal "flu" mixtures, and their ads deluge daytime and prime-time broadcasting.

For the health consumer, us, it seems as if this annual "war on the flu" is received wisdom. We're just defenseless human beings at the mercy of the all-powerful flu virus.

What's wrong with this picture?

What's never mentioned in the "flu warning" marketing is the versatility and adaptability of our remarkable immune system. We're the lucky owners of a built-in state-of-the-art biowarfare system, on-the-job 24/7 to combat microscopic foreign invaders of our health and well-being. Once our immune system has detected a foreign protein it mounts an immediate defense, attacking and destroying the alien molecules. And, the memory of that particular invader is permanent, enabling a future immune response to be swift and effective.1

The big issue with influenza is that new strains appear each year. We have never encountered these germs before. But, the whole basis and strength of our immune system is flexibility. It is specially designed to respond quickly to new attackers. And, for the most part, it does this very, very well.

Of course, no one wants their dinner companion to sneeze in their plate of pasta, as Elaine did on an famous episode of "Seinfeld". Through a typical cascade of unfortunate events, Jerry's and George's comedy pilot was almost scuttled because the network executive was Elaine's date, and he got violently ill by being on the receiving end of her blast of micro-bugs.

In the real world, our immune systems can be weakened due to life habits, circumstances, and stress. Stress is a notorious compromiser of immune defenses.2 And, of course, being human, there's plenty of stress from dawn to dusk. If worry and anxiety pile on top of not-enough-sleep or sub-optimal nutrition, getting sick is a pretty likely outcome. So, developing and maintaining healthy habits of living and successful strategies for managing stress is really the key.3

If you do the simple things that keep you healthy and well, in the winter months you can pretty much "let the flu go around you". You can be confident, knowing you have done the work to fight off the latest flu threat. Someone else's germs are their germs, not yours. If your immune system is on the job, you're far less likely to "catch" something.

And, even if you do succumb, you have got a much better chance of getting well again quickly.

1Sompayrac L: How the Immune System Works, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2002. 2Wein H:Stress and disease - new perspectives. NIH Word on Health, October 2000. 3The Truth About Your Immune System - What You Need To Know. Harvard Health Publications, 2007. - 17268

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Poor Nutrition Causes Several Diseases Part 1

By Erik Loebl

An extended life and a solution to disease has been searched for by many a long time. The goal of this article is to address a this issue of prolonged life and longevity, benefits that many have looked for centuries.

As a disclaimer, this article is not meant to give medical advice. This article is to inform you of something which can be very powerful and beneficial to your health.

The ideal solution to the supplement situation would have:

To give a high nutritional value.

Be packed with nutritious ingredients.

Be loaded with antioxidants of many different varieties.

It would have a full complement of vitamins and minerals.

It would be an immune booster.

It would build up energy levels and improve memory.

It would improve vision.

Its use would increase physical activity and athletic performance.

Added sugar, preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial flavors would be something that it would not contain.

It would be safe for people of all ages.

People would appreciate its flavor

People's lives would be enhanced by it.

Those without the benefits outlined above risk having chronic diseases, looking older than their years, or dying prematurely.

Bad nutritional habits and little to no exercise are having a impact on many people on a global scale.

Just consider these facts:

Bad nutrition and little physical activity are responsible for an estimated 300k to 600k preventable deaths each year.

Heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis are chronic diseases the Centers for Disease Control say that a good nutritional regimen lowers the risk of.

Bad habits eating often develop during the younger years. More than 60% of youths are eating too much fat, and less than 20% eat the 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day that is recommended. The number of children that are over weight has nearly doubled since'80, and a lifestyle of laziness increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer, depression, anxiety, obesity, weak muscles and bones.

The costs that the society must pay as a result of poor nutrition and physical inactivity are difficult to quantify, and relate to the most directly attributable consequences of poor nutrition such as obesity, diabetes, and coronary heart disease.

The estimated cost for obesity in the year 2000 was $117 billion! Most of this money was associated with the diagnosis and treatment of Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

The direct medical costs related to various levels of physical activity is an interesting study, and the Centers for Disease Control produced a study which had some interesting facts about the topic.

If all the currently inactive American adults changed and began to be active, the American health care system could potentially save around 77 billion US dollars.

Americans, 15 years and older, who engaged in regular physical activity had an average annual direct medical cost of $1000 versus costs of $1300 for those who are physically inactive.

Those that are physically active are in the hospital less and require less physician visits, and use less medication than people who are physically inactive.

There is no wonder with results like these why a person's medical insurance premium is so high, and it takes a while for one to make an appointment to see their doctor.

Adequate vitamins and minerals are simply an irreplaceable component in any liquid nutritional mixture designed to promote good health.

The question remaining is...

"Where do I look to get the juice or supplement that has all the described benefits?"

Good that you asked the question, fortunately there is such an answer to the question that was posed.

A product called "Essential Daily Nutrients", has all the criteria described and meets all the criteria described in this article. In my and the opinion's of others, this is the best liquid vitamin supplement available today.

For more details, please visit: Also see "Diseases Caused By Poor Nutrition Part 2". - 17268

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Adding Fiber To Your Diet

By Wanda McCall

Fiber rich foods should be a major part of your diet. Why? Because, to start with, they give you just what you need to get up and go. The result is, like my grandma recounted, You can feel happy with yourself.

Foods loaded in fiber promote regularity and stop constipation. They melt and increase stool bulk, helping to move waste and toxins more effectively and effectively thru the bowel, which alleviates irregularity and bowel problems. Dietary fiber eliminates the necessity for harmful laxatives and helps prevent hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

But promoting healthy bowel movements is not the only advantage of fiber rich food. They also lower cholesterol reducing risk of heart disease and normalize blood sugar levels preventing the beginning of diabetes. Additionally, fiber, by causing you to feel fuller, is a great help in weight loss and ideal weight maintenance.

In other words, fiber rich food not only help you to feel better. They help you look better too. So what's not to like?

Which foods, then, are the highest in fiber? The answer's simple! Plant foods! Fiber is essentially the eatable but indigestible parts of all plant foods - fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts and seeds. This means you will not find any fiber in beef, fish, birds or dairy foods. You can find categorical foods at this list of high fiber foods.

Unfortunately, the usual American diet of burgers, fries and shakes is fantastically low in dietary fiber. Only about 5% of the population are getting the recommended 22 to 38 grams of daily fiber. That's the reason why millions of people in the U.S. Suffer with frequent trots and spend many millions of greenbacks annually for laxatives and other over the counter relief.

So if you're looking for relief of constipation or want to help prevent hemorrhoids, cancer of the bowel, heart disease and diabetes, begin to eat more fiber rich fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, beans and heaps of seeds and nuts. - 17268

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Bingo Wings-How To Get Rid Of Them With Less Insulin

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you can lower your levels of insulin, you will reduce your bingo wings. So your main goal should be to control this sexy arm gatekeeper.

And keep in mind that you could spend all day running, all day lifting weights, all day walking, but if your levels of insulin are high, you will not be able to reduce those bingo wings. There is no way to get around this effect.

So here are some strategies for lowering your insulin to get rid of bingo wings:

1. Stick with legumes and beans. Many health experts recommend whole grains as a healthy source of carbohydrates. The problem here is that whole grains digest very quickly, even the ones with lots of fiber. And fast digestion equals more insulin.

2. Do not leave out any major food groups. And this includes vegetables. After all, vegetables have an immediate effect on lowering digestion. In fact, having a lot of vegetables with every meal is the simplest thing you can do to accelerate bingo wing reduction.

3. Deal with dopamine. If you have become accustomed to a high intake of carbohydrates, your levels of dopamine may be a little skewed. After all, research has shown that high sugar intakes have similar effects like drugs on the dopamine system. Preempt this issue and you will be way ahead of the game.

4. Stay away from the spirits. By spirits I mean alcohol. You see, alcohol is one tricky drink. A little of it is great for you, but a lot is absolutely horrible. Specifically, it increases abdominal fat which has a direct impact on insulin.

5. Squash emotional black holes. If you tend to over eat in order offset negative areas of your life, you have to attack the problem at the root. You should only eat because your body needs the food, not because your mind needs it. This can be a tough feat, however. If you cannot do it alone, then please seek professional help.

Lowering insulin is the only way to get rid of bingo wings. There is absolutely no equivocation with this statement. So make it a priority to master your insulin. - 17268

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Best Treatment For Hair Loss Unveiled

By Jim Stevenson

Are you striving to detect the best treatment for hair loss? The classic causes for hair loss are tension, illness, food intake, heredity, hormones, or merely not taking care of your hair. Food intake, stress, and infection are the temporary reasons, where the hair loss ceases as soon as you grow to be more healthy, control your constant worry and take care of your hair.

Heredity and hormones are different matters, however. Heredity is an irreversible condition - you are a product of your parents, and hair loss is often inherited. Hormones are tricky, hidden things, however, and they have different effects on an individual basis. In a male, testosterone abides abundantly.

Furthermore, testosterone is often altered by enzymes, which results in DHT. DHT causes many things when it circulates in the bloodstream, including the shrinkage of hair follicles. These smaller hair follicles battle to force through new hairs to replace any that are lost, which ultimately leads to hair loss.

Hormonal imbalances are one cause of hair loss in women. The hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause can impact both your physical, emotional, and mental well being. Both temporary and permanent hair loss can be caused by these changes.

Believe it or not, the most effective hair loss treatment has actually been available for centuries. The Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, and American Indians all used oil-based and herbal remedies in ancient times with some effectiveness.

Hair can regrow naturally thanks to modern developments which allow "dead" hair follicles to be re-opened and stimulated without damage occurring to already healthy follicles. As a result, various products (both prescribed and over-the-counter) are available. All a person has to do is query for "hair loss" to find hundreds, if not thousands, of websites and items to check out.

Minoxidil is the one ingredient that is the best treatment for hair loss. Research studies stated that 80% of the products helps in fighting with the hair loss problem and helps in regrowth of the hair. Rogaine is most likely the one most people recognize by name, and it can be found in any drug store, in formulations for either men or women. Due to the differing hormones and hormonal levels between men and women, many products come with a line for each, specifically tailored to that gender.

An additional product containing minoxidil is Provillus, and, again, studies have shown it to be effective. The difference between Provillus and other similar products is that the makers have added Azelaic Acid, an additional ingredient which appears to enhance the follicle repair in both men and women.

Provillus may be the best hair loss remedy; just as other products it has been subjected to vast testing, and its level of effectiveness may be higher. Provillus is available for males and females alike, and the treatment is a mixture of a topical liquid put on the balding areas, and a capsule or pill to be taken in addition to the liquid.

The critical key to effectiveness, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid, however, the correct amount of this acid is most important piece of this treatment. As with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience. It may take from 3-6 months for improvement to occur, however, there is a money-back guarantee up to 90 days if one is not satisfied that it is working for him/her.

Therapeutic research is constant in the topic of preventing the loss of hair and the replenishment of areas of lasting hair loss. Those who make particular products will make changes as more and more guidance is provided. On the hopeful side, big bucks are being used to support research in hopes of discovering the best treatment for hair loss, so if you are a sufferer then take that as good news! - 17268

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