Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Bromelain is a Great Natural Gout Treatments Resource

By Charles Horner

Most gout sufferers do not think of bromelain when they are having an acute attack, but it is an excellent choice for treating gout. Bromelain goes straight to the pain to fix it. This article shows you how it works in treating painful gout symptoms.

Bromelain is an enzyme that reduces inflammation. It is mostly found in pineapples. It is one of the reasons pineapples are one of the really good natural treatments for gout. Because gout pain usually occurs when uric acid crystals cause swelling in your joints, this enzyme is very helpful in treating the most painful symptom of gout.

Just eating pineapples is not sufficient to help you eliminate gout pain. There is not not enough of the potent enzyme in them. You do have an alternative, however. You can buy bromelain in many health food stores. Bromelain can be used for other health problems, such as digestion irritation and different types of arthritis.

Physicians, especially naturopathic doctors have prescribed bromelain for the purpose of reducing blood clots. However, you should ask your physician before taking this supplement or any supplement prior to using it as a therapy.

Sometimes supplements and prescribed medicines can cause very dangerous interactions, so it is very important that you keep your physician in tune to what you are doing so they can help prevent these possible complications.

Too much of this enzyme can pose risks. While moderate doses are not known to have any undesirable side effects, higher doses can increase your heart rate and cause nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea is also possible at higher levels.

If your doctor has prescribed aspirin and Warfarin for you, you should not take bromelain in the supplemental form. Since Warfarin and aspirin are blood thinners this could potentially cause a bleeding problem if you add bromelain to your plan. Pineapples should be safe, though and you can still get at least a little help for your gout symptoms.

Most gout sufferers should be able to take this potent enzyme safely and it is one of the great natural treatments for gout, especially during an acute attack. Reducing inflammation will reduce your gout pain and provide you much needed relief. - 17268

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6 Easy Steps to Put Your Fat Loss on Steroid

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Fruit juice isn't as healthy as most people think. Juice actually has a lot of sugar in it as well. Instead of drink fruit juice, eat more fruit. Fruit provides your body with much needed fiber as well as vitamins.

2. If you are craving a glass of juice, drink fresh fruit juice instead of juice that has artificial flavors and coloring. It is even better if you can make your own fruit juice. Just be sure not to add too much sugar which adds to the calories.

3. Eat fresh fruit instead of processed fruit. Anything that is processed has more sugar. Processed and canned fruits also do not have as much fiber as fresh fruits.

4. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

5. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in your diet always.

6. Be intelligent about what you eat. Don't eat just to eat. Animals eat on instinct; people eat when they know their body really needs it. Don't be an impulse eater. - 17268

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Know The History And Uses Of Acai Berry

By Terry Rossi

The Acai berry is a delicious rainforest fruit that has immeasurable value to the human body. It is also a highly acclaimed super nutritious food that many people have a great liking for. Its nutrient content includes; proteins, as well as naturally occurring Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils. Some benefits of the Acai berry are; it acts as a source of energy for the body, it helps in detoxifying the body, it cleanses the body, it relieves pain that is found in joints and strengthens the heart muscles. Visible results can be seen within a few days when one takes the Acai berry. A regular intake of the Acai berry also hugely boosts one's immunity. Good news for those trying to lose weight is that the Acai berry will help them do it effortlessly.

Research has shown that the Acai berry is laden with huge amounts of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and fiber, essential for attaining and maintaining good health. Health experts now recommend the Acai berry diet as a good way to lose weight. It's a safe and healthy way of losing the pounds without going to the extreme and denying the body nutrients. The Acai berry diet works by reducing appetite while increasing the rate of metabolism. While many diets are said to be fads, the Acai berry diet has gained popularity owing to its quick, positive results, and the added advantage of improving overall health.

Acai berry is an excellent antioxidant. It has been in use for quite some time due to its ability to cleanse toxins that usually accumulate in the body as a result of poor eating lifestyles. Acai products are also being used to clean the digestive system. For you to get the best results with acai products, it is recommended that you do some regular body exercises to quicken the absorption of the elements in the bloodstream and eventually effect the therapeutic process.

A wide variety of energy giving products has been manufactured with acai berries as the main ingredient. Weight loss products have also not been an exception. Pills made from acai berries have also been used as diet supplements. To those who are not into wine, acai gives a perfect alternative to the red wine since it contains high concentrations of the anthocyanin component that makes drinking a glass of red wine daily healthy without the alcohol. Other products which are made from acai include acai burn, the acai berry detox, UltraPrime Acai, white tea acai among others. There is much information in the internet that can help you get yourself the right acai product for your healthy living. - 17268

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Ab Workouts - Muscle Power vs. Duration

By Jose Loni

Muscular strength is different from muscular endurance when it comes to ab workouts. Both types are very good at helping people lead a healthy, fit lifestyle and keep the body strong. However, if you want ripped abs, your best choice would be muscular strength training. You will get faster results!

People often have an ideal image of how they want to look, which determines what type of exercise program they should follow. If looking lean and muscular is your goal, then going for a long run will not be effective.

Muscular endurance activities will condition your body to perform well for that activity. The long, low intensity activity will require your muscles to be light, lean and sleek to be able to last for long distances or durations.

Training for muscle mass will really help kick start your metabolism. As your muscles grow, you will feel your body become a fat burning machine. The bigger muscle mass causes increased overall activity of the muscles, which in turn forces the body to burn more calories.

The food that we eat and the excess fat on our body are used by the muscles providing energy for muscle function. When this occurs, the fat that is stored in the stomach area is used and the abs underneath the fat is more visible.

By weight training with high weight and low repetitions, the muscles will be forced to increase its size and also work harder to adapt to the increased exercise intensity. The muscles training at a high intensity cause a build up of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles, which will force the body to try to get oxygen to the muscles to replenish, repair and remove the waste products.

When the exercise intensity slows down or stops, the body will then continue to send oxygen to the muscles to remove waste and replenish the muscles to prepare for the next bout of exercise or activity. What also ends up happening is the body continues to replenish and repair the muscles, well after the exercise session and the body ends up burning fat throughout the day and night.

Having muscular endurance is good for general health and fitness. But if you want killer abs, you need to train for muscular strength. Training for strength will turn your body into a fat burning machine that will get you the rock hard abs that you've dreamed of. - 17268

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Body Detox: One Way To Look At It

By Candi B. Mihajlov

If there were a generation to give, en masse and complimentary, decades-long supplies of body detox, it would be those of us who were in between the Generation X-ers and these new Millennial children. The Millenials were born during the era of abstinence education and anti drug commercials that involved tweeners deflating into flattened puddles in the middle of their living rooms. They grew up without having to fight over whether we were descended from apes and have no idea what we mean when we talk about cigars or blue dresses.

The Millenials are safe because we've finally gotten the PR battle about clean living right. The days when it might be outside of the norm to stay virginal till married and to never have touched a cigarette or tasted beer by the time you're fifteen are gone. It was through the trial-and-error phase of the clean living movement-- my generation-- that so many people got the propaganda wrong and, as such, it's my generation who will need these sorts of treatments more often, and soon.

Haven't we learned from the glut of Baby-Boomers clogging up Social Security that the whole "Be fruitful and multiply" thing has gotten way, way out of hand? So you've come onto this site, you realize that we've got food shortages across the globe, that our credit and financial systems are total wrecks, and you have the sheer audacity to look for ways to live LONGER?

That's absolutely counter-productive to your children's futures. You should know better.

Life expectancy across the country is rising, due in large part to the dramatic decrease in infant mortality. On the other hand, obesity, Diabetes, and hypertension are all also on the rise. That means that there will be more people eventually in hospitals for things that-- at least in the three cases mentioned just now-- there will be more people in those hospitals. If you could decrease the possibility of being in that position just by taking a detox treatment, wouldn't you? - 17268

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Fat Loss - What To Avoid And What To Do

By Dan Solaris

With a huge percentage of the population of Western countries overweight and out of shape, it's no wonder that the demand for fitness products is as strong as ever. Diet pills, protein shakes and exercise gadgets are selling like crazy as people try to lose weight and have a better quality life.

More and more people across the globe are becoming obese as the fast food culture reaches other shores. Drive thru burgers and dial-up pizzas are finding more fans and fattening countless bellies.

Overhyped fad diets are also gaining fast popularity because people that over-indulge in high-cholesterol food are looking for a quick solution to their unsightly midsections. The benefits that can be had from cutting back on calorie intake are usually temporary however and the pounds eventually find their way back.

The secret to fat loss is no secret at all. It's all about using-up the calories that we get from food and the only way to achieve that is through physical activity. Since the days of plowing the field and foraging for roots and berries are long gone- replaced by drive-thrus and dial-a-pizza, it's quite difficult to burn our daily input of calories without regular exercise.

The only real way to lose weight is to burn more calories than we consume each day. This lets our body access the soft, jiggly energy stores around our midsection- thereby reducing it. Constant exercise is the most effective way of burning excess body fat- giving us a more attractive physique and boosting our immune system along the way.

Trying to cut back on calories by passing-up breakfast or lunch can also lead to a feeling of self-deprivation. This only serves to make us vulnerable to loss of self-control and pigging-out the next time we go to a party or a buffet table. Eating too much in one meal if done regularly results in an ugly potbelly after a while.

Experts say it's more effective to eat small portions whenever we get the munchies rather than stuffing ourselves every meal. Doing this can also keep our metabolism high and lets us burn calories more efficiently. It's been discovered that our metabolic rate slows down considerably when our body senses a shortage of food.

Having healthy eating habits and sticking to regular fat-burning exercises (cardio and strength training) will help speed-up fat loss and keep metabolism high. Raising the body's metabolic rate means less calories transformed to fat. - 17268

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Abs Workout - Motivate With A Workout Partner

By Jose Loni

Ab workouts are easier to do with a friend to spur you on. A friend makes the abs workout feel less like work and encourages us to be single-minded about our workout goals. The abs workout becomes easier with a friend whom we can share stories and bond with. It becomes a great stress reliever, which benefits us outside of the training session.

People workout more conscientiously with someone else. They also tend to let themselves down before they let someone else down, so because of our human nature, having a workout partner works well.

Social support encourages physical activity and a workout partner can help achieve and maintain that goal by providing a gentle coercion. Seeing someone like you doing a physical activity makes you believe you can do it too. The greater our self-confidence doing regular activity, the more motivated we become, which allows us to stay with an exercise program beyond the start-up phase.

A workout partner keeps our ab workouts fun and makes it feel less like work. This is because we focus less on every count or minute like we do when we workout alone. Instead, even some conversation with our workout partner can help us dissociate from the discomfort of the activity. When discomfort is better tolerated, we're less likely to stop exercising.

A workout partner can also help us avoid the debate in our head about whether we should go and workout. Good partners never take no for an answer.

A lot of times, a friend will remind us of what we hope to achieve and will try harder than most to help us stay concentrated in order to get results. They serve as a reminder to us to be more responsible with our workout ethic as well as our behaviour towards eating so that we can arrive at what we hope to accomplish.

Working out with a partner also benefits us psychologically because there is a tendency for us to talk about our concerns and personal challenges during the training sessions. The exchange of outlooks and opinions can greatly help us deal with the stress and help us redirect our focus to our end goals.

Finding a workout partner to do our ab workouts with is a wonderful motivator because a workout partner keeps the abs workout fun, keeps us focused on our goals and extends psychological benefits to us. So before giving up, try finding a workout partner - it may be the best thing you can add to your abs workout. - 17268

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Flatter Abs - Strength + Fat Loss

By Dan Solaris

Going through the daily grind nowadays takes up more time compared to the previous generations- more traffic, more work to do, more stress. For most people, it seems like there are just not enough hours in a day to be able to do what they want and that includes going to the gym to get flatter abs.

Seeing as I'm in no position to advise you on financial matters and how to earn more, the best I could do is give some tips on how to exercise for more muscle and less fat on a tight schedule. There are still ways to get flatter abs even for people that are busy balancing work and their personal lives.

In their quest for the almighty dollar, a large portion of society these days find it hard to find time to exercise. The lack of adequate physical activity combined with the potpourri of instant, delicious junk food we have at our disposal have made it all too easy to pack on the pounds and get oversized bellies.

The key to getting flatter abs is to lose as much belly fat as you can. This means focusing on losing on body fat loss by burning more calories than is consumed in a day. The only way to do this quickly is through a smart diet and calorie-busting exercises that also keep the body's metabolic rate high.

Aside from being able to strut around the beach like a Baywatch lifeguard, having a lean, muscular physique also has the lesser-known advantage of keeping a person's metabolism high. A higher metabolic rate means more calories are used-up by the body instead of storing it as fat.

Most people are unaware of the fact that muscles use-up calories even in while immobile. This means our metabolism is directly proportionate to the amount of muscles we have and the more of it we pack on, the less fat we gain and soon after- voila, flatter abs!

Putting together a workout program that combines the calorie-busting benefits of high intensity aerobic sessions with muscle-building resistance training is the best way for people with a hectic schedule to get flatter abs. The calories burned doing hour's worth of low to moderate intensity exercises can be done in 15-20 minutes of intense exercise.

There are lots of ways to do cardiovascular exercises without getting bored- kickboxing, swimming, basketball, the list goes on. You don't have to limit yourself to dull workouts on spin cycles and Stairmaster machines to get full calorie-burning benefits of an intense aerobic workout. - 17268

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Ab Workout - Your Influence On Your Children

By Jose Loni

Include combating childhood obesity in your ab workout arsenal as childhood obesity is the leading cause of adult abdominal obesity. Children today have lost the balance between the energy they take in and the energy they expend, which is key to a healthy weight. They are faced with more food choices, more processed foods and large food portions. And modern man has engineered physical activity out of our children's lives, replacing it with remote controls, computer and video games. As a result, childhood obesity is on the rise.

The major cause of childhood obesity is a non-active lifestyle and too much inactive behaviour like television-watching and computer/video gaming. Engaging in a lot of sitting activities results in buildup of abdominal fat. Abdominal fat is the layer of fat covering the inner organs that puffs out the stomach area.

We have to be concerned about abdominal fat because this fat enters the bloodstream and affects the liver, blood fats, blood pressure and blood vessels in a negative way. An increase in the waistline means an increased risk of heart disease. Abdominal fat also gradually disables the body's insulin, slowing sugar metabolism.

But these health dangers are manageable with exercises that pulverize abdominal fat. Jungle gym, jogging, walking, dancing or even just playing outdoors at least half an hour 2-3 times a week can prevent childhood obesity. Parents can actively participate in their children's well-being by sharing these activities and more with them and by limiting television and computer/gaming time, greatly reducing 'sitting' time.

Physical education programs in schools can offer more interesting activities like dance, martial arts, team sports and even hiking to inspire more student participation.

Projects that the community, like schools, restaurants and grocery stores can do include wellness and obesity education, as well as, offering a good selection of highly nutritious foods at smaller servings. Parents can do the same in their homes with the addition of role modeling to inspire their kids to choose and eat balanced, better quality meals.

There is a direct connection with too much gaming and the development of childhood obesity. This distraction, along with watching too much television and excessive internet surfing leads to little or no interest at all in the previously usual outdoor play, increasing the incidences of child obesity.

But combating childhood obesity can be done through early exposure to physical activity, healthy food choices and maintaining balance in their food intake and energy expenditure. Making these a part of their ab workout routine will get childhood obesity numbers down again. - 17268

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Fat Loss - Balancing Flexibility And Strength

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture has conquered most of the globe and the world's inhabitants are succumbing to the tasty, mouth-watering drive-thru fare that just so happens to be dripping with LDL cholesterol (yes, the bad kind). Fortunately, there are a gauntlet of exercises proven to combat the surplus of caloric energy stored in love-handles and bouncing bellies.

For fat loss, it's a proven fact that any exercise combined with cardio sessions brings relatively faster results. Still, plenty of people get bored with conventional routines and find it a challenge to keep working-out consistently. The key to speedy fat loss is constant exercise, so going about it in a half-hearted manner will not yield significant results and cause further loss of motivation.

The effectiveness of the Pilates method for fat loss is relatively unknown to the general public, but it just might be the solution to the frustrations of 'physically challenged' masses. Pilates is a low-intensity system of exercises which focuses on the center muscles or the core of the body where most body fat is concentrated.

Pilates exercises can also be light enough to be able to help elderly fitness buffs and those with minor injuries stay in shape. After just a few sessions, one will notice a significant improvement in the body's flexibility, posture and mental alertness.

Cardio combined with strength training is the most common exercise program prescribed for fast and effective fat loss. Incorporating Pilates sessions with these will improve fat-burning efficiency of your workouts even more.

Weight training is essential in a fat-loss program because building muscle improves our metabolism. Resistance training causes stiffness to connective tissue and the joints however. This is where Pilates can come in- the smooth and continuous movements stretch the muscles of the whole body and this regains the lost suppleness lost from lifting weights.

The focus of Pilates exercises, the core muscles, incorporate the abdominal, lower back buttocks and oblique muscles on our sides. Working these out all in one time means more physical effort, more calories burned, more fat lost in less time. A strong core means a more solid foundation for the body and thus better balance and resistance to sprains and injuries.

A high metabolism is one the best weapons against body fat because it allows for more calories burned throughout the day. Regular stretching of muscle tissue lengthens and tones them up resulting in a longer, leaner physique, higher metabolic rate, and better results from fat loss efforts. - 17268

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The Best Ab Workout Is Not About The Abs

By Jose Loni

The best ab workout is a full body workout. We are always exposed to media ads of ab exercises and machines that promise great looking abs by training the abs directly. The fact of the matter is, the best ab workout is a full body workout that emphasizes increasing the body's metabolism, by training with weights, interval training, monitoring what we eat, and managing our stress.

Spot reducing is not effective when it comes to the abs. Specifically training the abs, will help increase the strength of the abs, and help stabilize the hips and low back, but to get six pack abs, we must train our overall body to burn fat. When we burn the excess fat, the underlying abdominal muscles will become visible and give us the six-pack appearance.

Doing multi-joint exercises with resistance helps to increase the body's metabolism. Not only does our body become more defined and toned, but the increased muscle mass increases the metabolic activity of the body and helps burn excess body fat, which is stored in the belly.

Interval training has shown its effectiveness in increasing metabolism by forcing the body to adapt to the increased demands of the high intensity intervals. The body physiologically increases its metabolic activity to fuel the muscles for the increased physical activity. The body then searches for fuel sources and becomes efficient at burning excess body fat. Fat burning continues well after the training session has ended.

Watching our diet is another effective way to help our metabolism. By eating quality food made of lean protein and complex carbohydrates, we can effectively provide our body with the calories to fuel our physical activity. Avoiding sugar, sodas and fatty foods will help us control our caloric intake and keep from taking in too many calories. When we take in too many calories, our body will convert the excess calories into fat.

Instead of eating 3 large meals per day, we should eat 5-6 smaller portioned meals throughout the day to help us maintain our energy level for our daily activities and to keep our blood sugar levels from fluctuating up or down.

Managing our stress is another way to keep fat from being stored in our body. When we are in a stressful situation, our body produces the hormone Cortisol, which stores fat in the abdominal region of our body.

By understanding that exercising with resistance and intervals, watching our diet and reducing the stress in our lives is much more of an effective ab workout than ab exercises alone. - 17268

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How to Lose Fat Fast

By Matthew Roberts

Many people today are wondering what the fastest way to lose weight happens to be. After all, quite a few of us really want to lose some weight but who wants to end up waiting months to see results? The great thing is that there really are some quick methods to get rid of those pounds quickly.

If you are tired of waiting to get the weight loss results you want, you probably want to find the fastest way to lose weight. If shedding pounds fast is your goal, the following are some excellent tips that will help you quickly slim down and feel amazing.

Looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Exercise is one of the main things you need to start doing. Although exercise may not be at the top of your list, it is one of the best ways that you can start slimming down as fast as possible. If you are going to start exercising, one option is the fastest way to lose weight running. When you run, you can really start burning those calories. You'll burn more off than you will doing exercises like walking.

If it's important that you know the fastest way to lose weight, health options are very important. Sure, you want to lose that weight quickly, but you don't want to end up causing damage to your health along the way. While there are a variety of fast methods of weight loss out there, before you actually start using them, you should ensure that they are options that are healthy.

Another great idea when you are looking for the fastest way to loose weight is to cut back on the calories that you are eating. This is very important. You can't expect to lose if you don't lower the amount of calories that you take in every day.

When you're looking for the fastest way to lose weight diet is going to be a great way that you can lose some of those unwanted pounds. Start cutting the bad foods out of your diet and start incorporating foods that are healthier, such as more fruits and vegetables, as well as lean protein. A healthy diet is an important part of quickly losing weight.

Keep yourself well hydrated as well if you want to take advantage of the fastest way to lose weight. You should have a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water every day. More water is even better when you are working on fast weight loss. Drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins in the body that can lead to fat retention. This is why plenty of water is so important for fast weight loss.

As you can see, there are a variety of great ways that you can take off weight fast. If you want the fastest way to lose weight, then keep these important tips in mind to help you out. - 17268

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