Peptic Ulcer Disease: It's process and prevention
Peptic ulcer disease occurs when there is a significant increase in the amount of acid in the stomach. This acid is specifically hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid, if excessive in amount, will cause an irritability in the mucus layers that lines the stomach. When the mucous layer can no longer tolerate the excessive amounts of acid in the stomach, the protective layer will be destroyed causing ulcerations in the stomach lining.
A person with peptic ulcer disease will experience a sharp gnawing pain in the epigastric area of the abdomen. This pain is experienced every after eating and is not relieved by food intake, when it is gastric in origin. There are a lot of predisposing factors for the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease, and one of them is stress.
A person who is stressed or is facing a stressful situation has increased gastric motility. Gastric motility is the movement of foods from one part of the stomach to another. Gastric motility is required in the process of digestion. With increased gastric motility, the parietal cells of the intestine release hydrochloric acid that helps in the breakdown of food for the nutrient to be supplied in the bloodstream. Therefore, stress contributes to the increased amount of hydrochloric acid within the stomach.
Alcoholics and chain smokers can't escape peptic ulcer disease because they have a greater risk for developing it. Alcohol is known to be an irritant. This component causes increased irritability in the protective layers of the stomach aside from the increased hydrochloric acid. Alcohol is also a potent vasoconstrictor that causes increased blood pressure and blood flow to the stomach causing increased gastric motility. This in turn causes additional secretion of hydrochloric acid that will add to the stomach's irritability.
For those who are fond of drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages, chances of developing peptic ulcer disease is also very common. This happens because caffeine is a stimulant. Being a stimulant, it causes activation of the parasympathetic nervous system that in turn causes increased gastric motility.
Nausea and vomiting are the first signs and symptoms that a person with peptic ulcer disease experiences. As the diseases progresses, this can lead to gnawing pain felt in the epigastric region. If the disease is left untreated, complications that are likely to occur include perforated and bleeding ulcers. Bleeding will be evident in vomit and stools. Gastric cancer can also occur as a serious complication.
In order to prevent the chances of developing peptic ulcer disease, a person should take necessary precautions and some lifestyle modifications. If a peptic ulcer becomes progressive, it can lead to bleeding ulcers. These ulcers could cause internal hemorrhage which is very harmful if no prompt medical attention is given. Peptic ulcers can also lead to serious illnesses such as gastric cancer. - 17268