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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Treating Acne Scars

By Gail Jones

Acne scars are an awful reminder of the having suffered pimples or even acne previously. They are unbearable because of their apparent permanence and their non-complimentary look. Generally speaking, acne scars are quite difficult to treat, but tissue regeneration is not impossible these days with all the fantastic technological developments.

In general terms, when referring to acne scars, we mean the healed lesions resulting from an acne infection. While most scarring is temporary and will probably disappear naturally over time, scars from the more severe forms of acne can become permanent.

Acne scars can be prevented if the sufferer sees a doctor when it is in the incipient stage, particularly if nodules or cysts accompany the red pustules on the skin's surface. If the bouts of acne have marked your skin, you will have to approach the problem from a different perspective, which usually involves surgery.

Laser resurfacing is one way of removing the damaged skin areas and stimulating the natural regeneration of the tissue beneath. The procedure requires only local anaesthesia and can last between a few minutes and an hour depending on the extent of the damage.

Fractional laser therapy is one of the most recent methods of removing acne scars. It involves surgical intervention at deep skin layers. The therapy is better than both dermabrasion and laser resurfacing in terms of quality and involves a very reduced healing period. Nevertheless, fractional laser therapy is within the reach of only those few fortunate people, who can afford it, since it is the most expensive acne treatment available so far.

It can happen that other sessions are required to improve the condition of the upper layers of skin, before they can tackle the deep level treatment of the acne scarring. The doctor may inject collagen into the scars in order to elevate the existing skin level or she/he may recommend micro-dermabrasion for the same reason. Trying to carry out chemical peels at home could be a bad policy because of the chance of aggravating the condition by irritating the scars even more.

As for the types of acne scarring, they can be classified by the way they look. Scarring can result because of an increase of tissue or due to a loss of tissue They both have an adverse impact on the way the face looks. Specialists' evaluation of the nature of the scars is a very important factor for the decision of adopting one form of treatment or another. - 17268

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Cellulite Cream Review - Behind the Hype

By El Bilson

A cellulite cream review can help you figure out if a certain product is worth the money you will spend on it. But reviews can be misleading. Since there is nothing that is proven to completely get rid of cellulite, how can you trust various reviews of cellulite products? The products available today will only help you decrease the appearance of cellulite, not get rid of it fully.

Cellulite treatment creams can be a great way to tone the skin and get you ready for summer clothes. Most of these products contain a few specific ingredients that have been shown to improve skin tone. These ingredients include things such as sea minerals, caffeine, collagen and retinol.

Some women mistakenly think that cellulite treatment creams are just like any other moisturizer with a few special ingredients. However, there are two important differences between the cellulite creams and a standard moisturizer: the method and frequency of application.

Regular moisturizers can be applied whenever the skin feels dry. Some women prefer to apply after a shower to keep their skin feeling soft throughout the day. With a cellulite treatment cream however, you need to apply the cream twice a day in order for it to be effective. Some women fail to apply them at this frequency and then write a bad cellulite cream review!

The method used to apply the two different types of cream is another difference between the two With a regular moisturizer, you can just leave the cream on top of the skin to be absorbed. Or you can rub the cream into the skin to help speed up the absorption process. With a cellulite cream, a massage technique is used to rub the cream into the skin. This helps work the product into the skin and helps to loosen the fat cells and trapped fluids.

A frequent problem with using cellulite creams is that women do not use a massaging technique to apply the cream. Also, it is important to give a cellulite cream time to dry and absorb into your skin. These factors can cause negative a cellulite cream review to be written by a women who may not have been using the product correctly!

Reviews of cellulite creams can be helpful, but there are other things to consider before you buy the cellulite product. It is important to make sure you read the label for the ingredients list and the instructions. If the ingredients don't sound convincing, or the instructions sound too complicated, then you probably will not have good success with the product.

Reviews for cellulite creams come into play when you are trying to determine how accurate labels are and things to expect from the product that may not appear on the label. For example, a common comment on a specific cellulite cream may be that it has a distinct smell to it. This may not be an important factor to you and it probably has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the product. However, this could be the factor you use when deciding to purchase one cream over another! - 17268

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4 Wonderful Things About Gaspari Nutrition's Superpump 250

By Nathan Ascalon

Reason #1

The very first reason why you should drink the Superpump 250 by Gaspari Nutrition's is that it can assist you to have muscle mass. Do you know that one trouble that almost all work out specialists have either new or old is how to gain muscle mass? Its not that easy like losing weight or slimming down to achieved a slim figure.

Donning muscle and really going entire bound by durability training is something that's a great deal harder to do comparatively speaking. Comfortably, the Superpump 250 is a recipe that can facilitate you with that, as among the chief cataloged welfares of the product is the truth that it can assist you rapidly work up muscle mass and exercise in durability mode a good deal lengthier.

Reason #2

Another beneficial thing about this new product is that its a pre-workout drink. If you check out all the new energy beverages that come out these days, you'll see that almost all of them are actually recovery drinks. Its basic purpose is to regain the loss energy you used during workout that's why it was designed to be drink after the sessions.

Recovery drinks are alright for people who are just merely interested in working out. But some people wanted to have maximum energy level when they exercise so that they can go on much longer that's why they prefer pre-workout drinks. This kind of drink like the Supepump 250 had the characteristic that can make you last an intense full throttle work out and presumably its one of the best of its kind today.

Reason #3

Also, Superpump 250 reportedly has the power to really make you look like a workout specialist and that's something that a lot of people will love. It can establish you as rather vascular, granting your veins to stick out from underneath the skin.

Such look is one of the many things people took as a guide in order to spot a body builder. But with the Superpump 250, you can actually get different kind of vascular looking appearance. These looks are a bit famous on fitness type individuals.

Best Thing #4

The last reason worth bringing up about the Superpump 250 is the reality that whole data established above can be corroborated by checking up on autonomous branches of knowledge that have been arranged on this specific product. With most of the web products (particularly pre-workout beverages).

Websites of products are quiet convincing in a way, but don't be fooled with all those nonsense because nothing of it mattered if it hasn't been checked and verified. Fortunately, the Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 have undergone such test and came out unscathed. Those test has only ensured that the product is genuine and effective. - 17268

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Lose Weight and Stay Healthy By looking At Your Fat Intake

By Joe Graham

If you are on a body building program or just looking to lose weight and get a ripped look then it is important to also eat healthily. It is easy, when following some programs, to overlook the fact that the foods you may be consuming may not be ideal to stay healthy over the long term.

Dietary fats, or lipids, are very important for two main reasons: fat has more calories per gram than protein or glucose and so are not suited if you are looking to lose body fat; fat is also responsible for increasing the level of cholesterol in the body which may increase the cardiovascular disease risk.

Many people have come to the realization that dietary fats can be bad for you and as such society has seen a general decline in the intake of fats. This is important as fats are the main causes of diseases such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Although there has been a reduction, there is still much uncertainty about the difference between the so called good fats and the bad fats.

Fats in the diet are important for a number of reasons. Some are essential to normal physiological processes that go on in the body, such as linoleic acid. Many are vital for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins through the gastrointestinal tract and into the bloodstream.

Fats come in two main types, saturated and unsaturated. The ones known as bad fats are the saturated fats which are often found in animal fats such as lamb and beef. Foods such as dairy products, fish fried in fat and cheese are also high in these types of fat.

Foods that are commonly cooked in fat, such as fast foods like burgers, contain a lot of saturated fats. These types of fats are one of the biggest culprits in the increase in triglyceride and cholesterol levels causing a rise in the incidence of disease.

Unsaturated fats or the good fats are found in higher level in certain oils such as rapeseed and soyabean oil. Replacing animal fats with these oils can be a successful approach to reducing the intake of your saturated fats. Various cooking methods such as grilling instead of frying can be employed to lower the intake of the fats also.

If you are looking to lose weight or body fat levels then reducing overall fat in the diet is important. However, it is also vital to look at the quality and types of fat you are consuming to reduce the amounts of bad fats you are eating and, therefore, help remain healthy in the long run. Eating more fruit and vegetables is an easy approach to lowering your fat intake whilst still feeling full and satisfied. - 17268

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Hypnosis For Weight Loss- How To Lose Weight Made Easy.

By Cynthia A Williams

Using Self Hypnosis for weight loss is very easy because we all go in and out of trance regularly on a daily basis. Examples of when you experience trances include watching an interesting movie, finding your way home and not really remembering any part of the journey.

The experience of hypnosis is very similar to these trance states that we already experience on a daily basis but the difference is that we now use it in a conscious way to achieve our dream weight.

I use hypnosis on a daily basis to achieve my goals, see things in a more positive light, and relate better with people. The good thing about hypnosis is that you can use it for just about any aspect of your life that you would like to improve upon.

Self-hypnosis for weight loss has numerous benefits. Firstly it makes losing weight easy and effortless. The reason is because it goes right to the root of the issue, your subconscious mind. It changes the negative programming that has held you back into a more positive one where losing weight becomes easy and enjoyable.

It also helps you develop good long term eating and exercise habits, and let go of all bad habits and false beliefs. So apart from helping you lose weight you will begin to establish new beliefs and habits that will stand you in the stead of time and never to back to the days of yo-yo dieting.

Also using self hypnosis will help you develop a new self-image. One with improved self-esteem and self-confidence. In my experience, I have to say the greatest benefit that I have received from using hypnosis is the feeling of being in control. In control of my life, my weight and my eating habits.

I also find that I look forward to my listening sessions because it helps me relax. With just one session I become more relaxed and therefore get a better night's sleep. But I also get positive mental programming at the same time. Nothing could be easier.

We have looked at how self hypnosis for weight loss is easy to engage in and the benefits we can receive from using is it consistently. There are many so called Hypnosis experts out there, can you tell who is real or not? - 17268

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Does Acai Berry Work?

By Miles Vitnar

The acai berry (ah-sigh-ee) grows in the Amazon Rainforest and looks a bit like a purple grape. The acai fruit is 90% seed pit and 10% acai pulp and must be carefully handled before it can be eaten. During the process the acai fruit berries and water are put into a machine and are agitated. This process separates the pulp from the seed to produce a thick acai fruit pulp puree.

OK I hear you say, but does acai berry work on a nutritional and weight loss level? If anyone can answer that with 100% positivity, they would be a very rich person!

The acai fruit has a unique tropical fruit flavour and provides a high level of nutritional benefits. It contains high levels of antioxidants, omega fatty acids (healthy fats), amino acids, fibre, iron, along with many other vitamins and minerals.

The Amazonian natives from the river region of Northern Brazil have included the acai fruit as part of their diet for many years purely for its nutritional value. So on the nutritional level, does the acai berry work? I would think on that count, it is sound. In addition, it is claimed by many to have healing and wellness powers as it contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic properties as well as benefiting the cardiovascular system.

Acai berries contain very high amounts of the essential fatty acid & omegas proven to lower LDL & maintain HDL cholesterol levels. They also have a remarkable concentration of antioxidants to help combat free radicals and stem premature aging. In fact there are 10 times the antioxidants in acai fruit than can be found in grapes. The ORAC value of acai fruit is higher than any other edible berry in the world so acai is also an excellent source of dietary fibre!

Besides its outstanding content of protein and unsaturated lipids, acai is also rich in carbohydrates which provide your body with the necessary energy while working or practicing any kind of sport. That is why acai is served in most gyms, sport clubs and beaches all over Brazil.

Aside from the energy and fluid replacement, Acai Berries provide a nutrition profile complete with vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), it ranks low on the glycemic index and has just 247 calories per 100 grams.

Does acai berry work? It should. Acai is high in essential fatty acids, essential for a healthy nervous system and necessary to combat heart disease by increasing healthy cell development. They also help rapidly repair and rejuvenate muscles after intense exercise.

The amino acids in acai are vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration and for endurance, strength, sustained energy and muscle development. Natural vitamin E and anti-oxidants help protect against premature aging. Theobromine helps keep air passages open in the lungs thereby increasing endurance, strength, and athletic performance. Photosterols are used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia and also help promote a healthy cardiovascular system and contributes to a healthy digestive tract.

Does acai berry work? Based on the nutrients it should! Does it help with weight loss is another question. As it is low on the glycemic index and calories it should not hamper weight loss. Celebrities have claimed to kick-start their diets with acai and it is possible that because it improves the feeling of well being, it would decrease the inclination to overeat but that's a personal opinion.

In conclusion, it is believed that acai fruit is at least worth a try. Given the properties it contains it should at least give your body what it needs to be healthy. - 17268

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Intermittent Fasting Experiences for Dropping Weight and Feeling Great

By John D. Harris Samuel M. Lund William R. Brinker Michael Slots Stetson Hazzlitt Mary Stintson

Organic is a weight loss method that has been around for many years.

In our present time it is not uncommon for modern health practitioners to believe that the process of fasting for weight management as being unwise and not healthy for your body. There are some commonly stated arguments against fasting but these arguments do not carry much weight with the most up to date weight loss methods. A few of the arguments against fasting are as follows:

1. When fasting you slow down your individual metabolism so much that you will be unable to lose any weight.

2. Fasting eat up your muscles, leaving you a greater fat to muscle ratio.

3. People that fast for weight loss just gain all the weight back when they complete their fast.

Arguments like these been around for a long time. However, modern science seems to not agree with most of them. Allow me show you some examples of these beliefs being wrong

1. When fasting you decrease your individual metabolism so much that you will not be able to lose any weight.

When you really stop to think about this statement you will realize how incorrect it is. If this were true then people would never starve because their metabolism would just stop. It is clear that not eating will cause you to lose weight. If your body could stop that process then people would not need food at all. A true statement is that your body needs a certain amount of calories a day just to function

When the body is not being given enough energy then it resorts to taking the needed energy in body fat. An average pound of body fat contains thirty-five hundred calories of energy. Because of this, if an individual would like to permanently lose 1 lb of body fat, then need to eat 3500 calories of energy less then their body is calling for.

This is the way that fasting works. Most individuals in this country eat between 2000 and 3000 calories a day. If that same person would cut out just a single day of eating per week, they would most likely lose at least 1 pound per week in body fat.

So, while initially fasting can slow down metabolism, it does not even come close enough to prevent your loosing body fat.

2. Fasting eats up your muscles first, leaving you with a greater fat to muscle ratio.

Another funny statement if you actually look at the science. While initially the energy is pulled from muscles, it is typically a loss of muscle mass, not actual muscle. This means that your individual muscles will decrease slightly in size as your body pulls energy out of them but that following the breaking of the fast your muscles will very quickly revert to their regular size. Therefore there is no real muscle loss, just a very temporary and very slight loss of muscle mass.

A long, long time ago, back when our ancestors survived by hunting and gathering they were not able to eat everyday. Food did not store very well and it was not readily available. Some days they would find food and some days they would not and the bodies of our ancestors adapted just fine to this lifestyle.

Due to this lack of storage and fresh food, when the opportunity came to eat, they would usually eat a lot of food|calories) (I am not recommending binge eating... bad idea). However, with our progenitors, their bodies would simply store the extra calories as body fat, then, when their was a day or two without food

It just does not make any sense to think that human bodies would pull body fat from muscle before they would pull the extra needed calories from body fat. We need our muscle to function, while the main purpose of fat is simply to store energy for our bodies. This is what Intermittent fasting teaches and does.

Since our bodies pull energy from fat first, not muscle, our ancestors were able to function appropriately even if they had not had food for a day or so. It is only when their bodies ran out of fat completely that they started pulling energy from necessary muscle, and this is the definition of "starvation", when your body, after consuming all the available fat, finally turns to the viable muscle for nourishment.

3. People always just regain the weight after fasting.

Again, this is simply an example of calories in, calories out. If you dont eat too many calories then your body will not gain weight again. If you do eat too much then yes, your will gain the weight back, but this is true with any type of weight control regimen. - 17268

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Anyone For Sea Food?.

By Anastacia Sampson

Although shellfish is not for everyone sea foods are common. Shellfish is taboo for some or allergy causing and deadly for others. The term sea foods cover all foods from the sea, from fish to shellfish to seaweed. It has been recommended that fish is healthier than red meats generally. Fish is more easily digested while providing high levels of protein. Fish in cold current waters have more essential fatty acids. When it comes to essential fatty acids; fish deliver polished wooden furniture to our bodies, with plant sources delivering unpolished wooden furniture to us. Essential fatty acids from plants include sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, their oils, safflower oil, nuts and leafy vegetables. It is from fish and shellfish that we derive types of fatty acids that are more easily used by the body and brain. Beware of the fishy smell as this signifies it is not fresh and has rancid essential fatty acids.

Do be aware that with high amounts of minerals in shellfish this is always healthy, but occasionally eating it may be a great benefit. There are types of shellfish eaten, from crabs to lobsters to oysters.

For the vegetarians we have vegetarian seafood. This is seaweed - that slimy green, brown or reddish algae found floating in the sea waters. Strictly speaking it is not purely plant when seaweed contains plantain; which are minor sea-animals. Usually seaweed is bought in dried form and eaten (after soaking) or added to flavour soups or used in other ways. The seaweed fan should be aware of what types of seaweed are known to be fine to consume, as there are types that are more suitable for consumption. The usefulness of seaweed extends to cosmetic-make-up products and certain carbohydrate sections of it can be incorporated in some processed foods. Living the near the sea provides the benefit of free fertilizer; seaweed!.

Iodine is from seaweed and used to provide the kelp supplement. Land plants near sea spray and seafood have iodine. Sometimes we may need kelp supplements to give iodine. It is needed by our thyroid glands, in our necks, to make thyroid hormones to regulate our metabolism. For our health we need iodine either directly from foods, through kelp supplements or iodinated salt.

As there is potential that they can carry excess toxic metals or minerals, sea foods can be adverse. The reports of tuna fish having high levels of mercury that caused problems have been known. It was due to polluted sea waters where those fish were caught! There have been high levels of arsenic, another poisonous substance, shown in shell fish. It is generally not a problem unless we eat shell fish excessively. Due to absorption of surrounding minerals in the sea, sea foods reflect what the sea has within. Whenever we eat sea foods occasionally they can be healthy. There are international government measures to support safety in quality and quantity of sea foods which ultimately serves our health. - 17268

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Home Remedies For Acne

By Celia Hand

Acne skin care cream, tablets, pills and solutions are among the most common acne skin care remedy. It may cause you hundreds of dollars just to treat your blemishes. Good if you have the means to buy these expensive products but what if you don't have some to buy some?

Your home may have the answer for your dismay. You just don't know it but you may have the best home remedy for acne in your grocery. How convenient would that be to have what you need in the comfort of your own home?

For starters who have mild acne problems; you don't have to worry because you only need warm water and a mild soap. All you need to do is to wash your face with the soap and water twice a day to remove excess oils, dead skin cells and dirt.

For people who have acne on other parts of the body like the neck, back of the neck, shoulders and back, you can bathe with nettle and rosemary. All you need is to blanch (immerse nettle and rosemary leaves in hot water) the ingredients then pour it to your body just like taking a bath. This should reduce the acne.

Avocado may help take off pimples. Get a ripe avocado and mash or put it in a blender. When the avocado is already set, paste it in your face for five minutes. Afterwards, you can rinse it off. You will then notice that your pimples will dry up and eventually go off.

For fruits lovers, if you are thinking of throwing away the orange peel, think again. Orange peel is a great home remedy for acne. Grind the orange peel and put some water on just enough to make a paste and apply it on the affected area like the way you do with facial cream. When the paste sets, you can wash it off with water.

Another option for acne treatment is the mixture of pomegranate skin and fresh lemon juice. Roast the pomegranate skin first, when it has turned to dark brown, pound it until it is powdered then pour some freshly squeezed lemon juice then apply it on the affected area.

All the commercialized acne skin care treatments cost high because of the researches that was made in order to come up with the formulation. The home remedies for acne on the other hand is very inexpensive and yet effective so why rush to the drugstores if you can have the best acne remedy at home? - 17268

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