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Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Can My Taking The Prescription Drug Nimodipine Cause Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Prescription Nimodipine is considered to be an effective treatment for a number of conditions, but you will learn that there is a better than average chance that it will also come with the side effect of easy bruising. While you are simply walking along you could suddenly realize that you have a black and purple bruise on your arm or leg that has no reason to be there. If this instance, you need to learn a few basic facts about Nimodipine.

Upon study of the drug, you will learn that Nimodipine is usually used to treat symptoms involving a ruptured blood vessel located in the brain. This type of hemorrhage is not only dangerous but sometimes even deadly, and you will find that Nimodipine helps improve this condition by increasing blood flow to that portion of the brain that is injured.

Nimodipine is a common prescription drug that is prescribed for a number of different conditions besides brain hemorrhages. Because this drug has been proved over time to effectively treat a number of different conditions, it becomes an easy and safe route for your doctor to employ, even though there may be other equally effective drugs available for prescription. You should learn what options you might have regarding prescription Nimodipine and its side effects, as well as any drug that you are going to be taking.

Outside of an emergency situation, you will find that Nimodipine can also be taken in small doses to prevent migraine headaches. It is one of the safer and most popular methods to take care of severe migraines, and if you are in a place where you normally have to deal with migraines, it can be an important treatment.

In almost any dosage or use, this drug will increase blood flow, and you will find that you are more apt to bruise more often and more dramatically. Your easy bruising is likely not being caused from your regular activities, but more likely because of your use of Nimodipine. Using Nimodipine is not allowing normal clotting to occur as fast as it otherwise would, and you are bruising more frequently.

When you bump into something hard, your skin might not be ruptured, but the small blood vessels under your skin might be broken. The result is that blood will pool more freely beneath the skin until it clots; and in a normal situation, you would probably clot quickly enough that you might not get a visible bruise at all.

Taking Nimodipine, however, will cause the clotting action to be much slower and the blood flow to be much more rapid; and depending on the dosage involved, the bruising for a single bump can be dramatic and extreme.

Since Nimodipine is often a short term prescription, you should consider a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned. This unique formula is designed to help existing bruises vanish as quickly as possible; but more importantly, it has been repeatedly proved to help you overcome the normal easy bruising that affects some people and help reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether before it takes place. - 17268

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How to Prevent Gout

By Bart Icles

No one wants to have gout. It is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. People acquire this when there is a huge amount of uric acid in the body. When a lot of uric acid is present in the body, it can crystallize and turn into urate crystals and occupy in some parts of the body, more specifically tissues and joints. The presence of these crystals in the joints could be very painful which is why a lot of people who have this really try to find different ways to avoid or treat gouty arthritis.

To be able to avoid this very painful condition, one should take note of the causes of gout. According to studies, eating food high in purine could really contribute to the formation of urate crystals. With this in mind, one should maintain a gout diet and avoid high amounts of uric acid or avoid food which have a high purine content.

Foods which are high in purine should be eaten in moderation. According to Johns Hopkins, such examples of food which are very high in purine are hearts, herring, mussels, yeast, sardines and sweetbreads. Those who are at risk of having gouty arthritis should try to stay away from these. If you don't want to feel that excruciating pain that gout brings, then you must discipline yourself to not eat these kinds of food.

There are also certain types of food that may have fairly high purine content, yet, can still be eaten in moderation. Such examples of this type of food include anchovies, liver, veal, bacon, goose, scallops, turkey and a lot more.

If you are at high risk of having gout or already have gout, you should really try to maintain a gout diet. A gout diet would probably involve food which

Aside from maintaining a gout diet, people trying to prevent this or trying to relieve gout symptoms should also include exercising in their daily activities. Perhaps a more active lifestyle could help you avoid these joint problems. If you are already experiencing pain almost beyond control, visit your physician right away. Your doctor will probably prescribe you medicine which will help with the pain and control the formation of gout. Prevention, as what they say, is always better than cure. Try different interventions so that you won't have to suffer the irritating symptoms gouty arthritis brings. - 17268

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Forced Reps: The Good and The Bad

By Klint Newton

Well you just finished your last set on the incline bench. You did 6 reps at 160lbs. You had hoped to knock out 8 or 9 reps, but didn't have a spotter and didn't want to risk it. You were pretty tired after number six and decided to quit instead of having a bar in your lap.

Enter the Forced Rep

This situation is the same. You are hurting on your sixth rep, but powered through. Your friend and spotter pushes you to do a seventh. You lower your weight and push six or seven inches off your chest and are powerless. If you didn't have your spotter you would be up a creek, but you do and he lifts about 15lbs of the weight and you blow through.

Now he thinks you should go for an eighth. You reluctantly and slowly lower the bar, but realize you can't get it back up. You simply can't lift the weight by yourself. Your spotter barely lifts the bar with you, only about 10-30lbs worth. After what feels like an hour you finally get the bar up and the set is over. This is a forced rep.

The true definition is: an extension of a particular set of repetitions in which your strength level at the beginning of the set has been reduced to a point of positive failure. This is the point at which you can't possibly move the weight by yourself. Your spotter steps in to barely help and you achieve maximum intensity. He only helps slightly but you are so tired that you feel like he's done all the work and you got nothing out of it. Trust me, you are the one who actually lifted that weight, he only helped.

The Good

The forced rep squeezes out every bit of intensity from your working muscles. When you are faced with a force rep, a physiological reaction occurs. When you are performing a rep and simply can not lift the weight, it's a scary feeling. There are only a few options, drop the weight on yourself or try to tilt the bar to make the weight fall off, or have your spotter help. Those are your mind's options, your body's options are DO or DIE. This releases a surge of adrenaline making you stronger and able to lift the rep. All in all, when one or two forced reps are used in an exercise, you will have no doubt that you have put in maximum intensity. You used all of the force that your muscles could produce at the time.

The Bad

Forced reps are good when used properly, but it's really easy to get carried away. I suggest using one or two forced reps per exercise, not per set. The goal of any size gaining weight training program is to employ maximum intensity. The problem with forced reps can lead to overtraining. When performing a forced rep, your body is lifting a weight that is at its maximum strength capacity, and when intensity increases, duration must decrease. Put simply, the heavier and harder something is, the less you can and should do it. Forced reps are not bad, but doing too many forced reps is bad.

Forced reps are a great way to get the most out of any set. They are a great way of knowing you reached maximum intensity, but within reason. This is why I suggest doing only two forced reps at the end of your last set. If you do more, or on more sets this will lead to muscular exhaustion and actually smaller muscles. - 17268

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Hair Care Secrets

By Cindy Myers

Falling hair, balding scalp, thousands of remedies and confusion on what to use. This is a problem plaguing millions of men and women around the globe. Be it the new hair care product that your favorite multinational giant has introduced, or a simple homemade remedy your grandmother suggested, we need to know what will work for our hair type. In this trial and error process we begin to eliminate what does not work, but at what cost?

To maintain our hair we must first understand what type of hair we have. It can be dry or oily or both in patches. Then we can use hair care products accordingly. If we are already blessed with thick and naturally healthy hair there is no need to use hair care products unnecessarily just because your favorite TV channel advertises so. However maintenance of healthy hair is necessary and can be achieved by keeping scalp clean and using protein based conditioners and also following healthy eating habits and diets.

Sometimes to keep in touch with the joneses, we indulge in hair coloring and streaking. Some use hair irons to give their hair a straight look and some use chemicals to perm their hair. These hair treatments are harmful as they contain chemicals and destroy the hair roots in the long run. Once roots are destroyed re growth become very difficult and are almost impossible. Natural hair care salons warn of the dangers of these products and also encourage the use of natural herbal products.

Natural hair care tips suggests that using dried gooseberry powder with oil and massaging on the scalp gives a shine and is one of the best natural hair care tip to keep hair black .

Healthy nutrition and diet is important for hair care. Dry care is often caused due to unhealthy food habits. Under nourished hair roots makes the hair dry and break. Natural hair care remedy for dry hair recommends weekly conditioning of hair. Egg yolk or yogurt with honey and coconut milk applied to the scalp conditions the hair well.

To maintain regular cleaning and to keep hair healthy hair care products like shampoos are necessary to remove the dirt and sebum. Herbal shampoos and conditioners' are available in the market and are considered safe as it contains natural products. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Dieting Tips, How To Gain Muscle Mass Through The Power Of Nature

By Ricardo d Argence

I have talked to many people in the world who wants to gain mass especially bodybuilders. There are people who want to hit the gym for bodybuilding, but they do not have muscle mass.

There are also several individuals who pay for building them by going to the gym. Now there are ways in which you can build your mass without even paying for advanced machinery.

There are those that believe supplements and other chemicals will help them to gain muscle mass, but what they do not understand is what that can do to the human body. What you want to do is find a way to gain muscle mass naturally. How exactly? Keep reading!

In order to increase that mass, there are a few changes that you will need to make for yourself. Particularly your eating habits. What you eat and when you eat are two very important elements in the whole thing. You need to be able to comprehend the basics, and then you will be able to do this. Believe it or not, it's pretty easy.

It has already been stated that eating is extremely important, and you need to make sure that you can eat six meals per day. You will need to eat three large means and three smaller meals each day. As long as you eat by this schedule, you will be able to continue your workouts and continue through your day easily.

When you eat the larger meals, you will be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner just like always. When you get to the smaller meals you will have protein shakes, protein bars, and various fruits. These will help you to keep your blood sugar up. Make sure you eat these meals to avoid any damage to your body.

The three larger meals must consist of higher levels of complex carbohydrates, lower levels of inclined proteins and lesser healthy fats. It is a good balance diet to spend a healthy day.

To increase your muscle mass, you have to accelerate your caloric intake when having a meal even during the totality of your day. Be sure that you are consuming the above specified levels of macronutrient and boost the intake of calorie by 300 to 500 hundred calories in the first week. If the process will not be successful, then increase your calories by 200 or 300. This process should go on until you stop gaining weight.

Make sure that you balance your diet with a weight lifting routine, as well as some cardiovascular routines. If you lift weights you will increase your muscle growth, and your cardio routines will keep your body fats low. It's a win-win situation all around.

Straying from these directions will lead you down the wrong path. So long as you stick to the instructions you will end up gaining the muscle mass you want. Keep lifting weights, go through your routines, and above all, stick to it. - 17268

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Information On Ways To Reduce Bruising

By Jan Doan

A bruise happens when the blood vessels in our body are damaged or broken. The blood inside of the vessels begins leaking out and goes into the tissue that is found underneath the skin. Because of the blood formation under the skin, discoloration happens and the bruise becomes visible. As the blood begins to fade away while the bruise heals, the bruising colors change to brown, yellow, and sometimes green. Here are some ways that you can reduce bruising.

Consider the type of medications that you may be taking. Antidepressants, steroids, anticoagulants, and sometimes even aspirin can cause bruising. Sometimes bruising is listed as a side effect from these medications, so read carefully. If medications are the cause of your bruising, you should not stop them to try to reduce bruising, but instead, consider talking with your doctor to find out if there are other alternatives or ways to prevent it from happening as often.

Grape seed extract can be a consideration if you are interested in preventing bruises from happening. The extract is supposed to strengthen capillaries, which helps vessels from breaking easily during an injury. But grape seed extract also sometimes can cause interactions with medication and even cause internal bleeding if you have used too much, so you should use it with caution.

Consider using arnica cream to reduce bruising. If you apply it once or twice every day, you will see it can be helpful for bruises you may already have. If you put the cream on early in the development of the bruise, then the bruise will heal quicker than it would usually. There will also be less coloration to the bruise itself and it won't hurt as much anymore.

Take supplements every day to aid in the prevention of bruises. You should take 1000 milligrams of citrus bioflavonoids and vitamin C every day. This has been proven to reduce bruises and is an aid in helping bruises you may already have heal quickly. The results are not instant and you will likely have to take the supplements for a few months before you notice any changes in your body in relation to bruising.

In addition to the previous mention of bioflavonoids, it brings up the topic of fruits and vegetables. Try to bring as many fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible. These are full of bioflavonoids which are important to reduce and prevent bruising. If you are not taking supplements to do this, then eating a reasonable amount of fruits and vegetables can bring the bioflavonoids into your body instead.

Consider how the bruise is treated when you have one. You should rest the area that has been affected by the bruise and put some ice on it to slow and soothe any swelling that may be occurring. You can also treat swelling bruises by elevating the affected area when you are laying down. If the bruise is large, you can put a compress on it, or also consider wrapping it up gently.

There are many options to reduce bruising. These options can be preventative or simply just forms of treating them after a bruise has formed on your body. If you think that you are getting bruises more often that what is normal, then you should inform your doctor. - 17268

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Sustaining A Healthy Routine through Wholesome Eating Habits And Exercise

By Connor Sullivan

? Losing weight and staying in shape can be a very difficult task for a lot of people. The market is always being flooded with so called miracle products to fix weight or health problems. It can be completely overwhelming to be presented with the most recent in weight loss products and not be confident in which will actually prove to be useful. However, almost any one will agree that the key factor in being healthy and staying in shape is eating healthy and maintaining a balanced diet. Recently, smoothies enriched with vitamins have become a very popular meal substitute to help maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. By investing in a vitamix blender, it is easy to start incorporating these smoothies into one's routine, and it is simple to stop by a nutritional store to pick up ingredients like vitamins, natural energy supplements, or goji berries to add to the more commonplace smoothie ingredients.

There is more to being healthy than just eating wholesome foods, it is vital to incorporate physical activities into daily routine as well. In this culture, leisure time is almost nonexistent; and if one can manage to find a few free moments, it is difficult to rationalize assigning that time to working out. However, it is important to include some sort of exercise into routine to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Becoming physically active requires changes in areas other than just making time to exercise. It can be as easy as choosing to bike to work instead of drive or choosing to take the stairs over the elevator. These are not replacements for exercising regularly, but they are healthy habits.

When attempting to incorporate physical activity into a busy schedule, a lot of people are more motivated to do so if the activity is more exciting than simply running around a track. It is common to become bored with a repetitive exercise routine. One way to beat the monotony and still become more active is to join a local gym or workout facility. Joining a gym allows an individual to choose from a selection of physical activities, which could possibly include classes, cardio equipment (treadmills, ellipiticals, etc.), weight training equipment, and a swimming pool. This provides a number of exercise options within the same facility.

A local gym may not be the best choice for everyone due to budget restrictions or personal appeal; however, there are other options for exercising without professional aid. For most people, it is pretty easy to take a walk or a run around the area they reside in; but if this is not feasible, finding a local park with a trail would be another easy place to work out. If walking or running is too strenuous, there are other activities that are not as strenuous on joints and bones. Riding a bike daily is a low impact, inexpensive method of working out. It is impossible to pinpoint one exercise that is going to be a perfect fit for everyone; it is just important to to be active in some manner. - 17268

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The Male Hair Loss Treatment Explained

By Keith Parkins

Hair loss is something that changes not just the way you look, yet also the way you perceive yourself. If avoiding your hair loss in its tracks and getting more hair than you felt achievable is what motivates you, then why not attempt a useful male hair loss treatment like Provillus?

Most of the hair loss items on the market use various chemicals that could have bad side effects and really damage your hair and scalp. Additionally, nearly all of these substances are not reliable when it pertains to stopping hair loss.

Provillus, a safe and all-natural male hair loss treatment, blocks the hormone DHT, which has been linked to 95 percent of hair loss. It also provides your scalp with nutrients that are essential to stimulating hair growth.

Saw palmetto, a necessary substance in Provillus, is one of several natural elements that the FDA approves for using in male hair loss treatment procedures. When you try these hair loss supplements, DHT levels will be decreased when you use saw palmetto to obstruct the receptor sites of the cell membranes. When DHT amounts drop, hair loss decreases too.

This specific male hair loss treatment uses saw palmetto and vitamins like B6 and some natural extracts that will give the scalp and hair follicles vital nutrients to promote hair growth. In the end, you will not only retain the hair you still have, but actually regrow hair that has already fallen out!

The process is easy and useful. They've had such a lot of achievement with their product that they are prepared to afford you a money back guarantee when you order. Why wait one more day if you can enjoy healthful hair with this male hair loss treatment? - 17268

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