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Thursday, January 1, 2009

High School Bodybuilders

By Florentina Ryan

One way for a teen to get fit, lose weight, and stay healthy is body building .Starting weight training early will give you lots of confidence . If you are conscious of your body and your health when you are in your teens, you are setting the stage for a healthy adult life. Teen body building is one of the best way to achieve your goal of a healthy body and a healthy life style. Make sure though that you are not pushing yourself beyond your limits and use the advice of adults who have the experience

Teenage bodybuilding has been rising in popularity as many young people decide that they want to get fit and be healthy. Starting an exercise program when you are young is a great way to stay fit for life. Teenage bodybuilding is something which is rising up nowadays. These kids start up with muscle building soon after they enter the sixteen to eighteen age groups. Teenage bodybuilding is a slow process. While adults, especially those who have been athletic in the past, can walk into a gym and progress rather quickly, teenagers must start out slow

Teenage bodybuilding is the same to any age group bodybuilding in crucial aspect. There is no way to get your muscles to grow if you do not eat enough protein. Your workouts could have a harmful effect, because your muscles will not have the right nutrients they need to repair effectively. Teenage bodybuilding is more popular these days. Teenagers always want to impress, and greater numbers than ever are looking to keep doing by having an excellent body, with great muscles to match.

Teenagers learn lessons on nutrition by getting involved in a teenage bodybuilding program. There should be a schedule that involve different muscle groups that will be worked on each time. Teenage bodybuilding can be done without the use of supplements as young people are generally healthy. They get excellent results by following all the natural bodybuilding workout routine and eating the right type of food necessary in muscle building power and energy. Teenage bodybuilding is rising in popularity today because many young people are deciding to get fit and be healthy. Starting an exercise program when you are young is a great way to stay fit for life and live longer.

Teenage bodybuilding is more alike in some aspects to any age group bodybuilding. There is no simple way to get your muscles to grow if you do not eat enough protein. Your workouts could have a damaging effect, as your muscles will not have the nutrients they need to repair properly. Teenage bodybuilding is becoming more popular than ever as they would like to feel good ,healthy, live longer as well as look great. Teenagers have always wanted to impress others, and greater numbers than ever are looking to do this by having a spectacular body and with muscles to match.

Teenage bodybuilding is a very slow process. Adults, who were athletic in the past, can walk into a gym and progress very fast. Teenagers must start out very slow and should take it easy. Teenagers cannot afford to visit the gym regularly, but you do not really have to. You can take the stairs instead of using the elevator when you are in school or kick the ball for ten minutes everyday on your lunch break.

Stick with your training program and keep an eye on your goals and don't miss days or risk your growth by taking testosterone supplements. Teen boys have a large amount of testosterone already in their bodies. - 17268

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Muscle Building After Your 40th Birthday

By Ricardo d Argence

They say that age is just a number, but when it comes to work outs and staying in shape that age factor is a definite factor in how you will approach your fitness regimen. Some people want to say that they are over 40 and they use their age as an excuse for not maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a regular workout routine.

Regular exercise and staying fit are very important no matter what your age. If you approach weight training, diet and work outs the correct way you can maintain a remarkably healthy and fit body for many years, regardless of your age. There are many benefits of both weightlifting and bodybuilding. You can reshape your body, become healthier, increase bone density and weight loss.

It is no secret that people who keep physically fit also feel better about themselves and about life in general. People who exercise also experience the release of endorphins from the brain, which helps, maintain a sense of happiness and well-being.

When you are 40 years old and older you might want to make a couple of changes in your workout, but you do not have to be victim of the publicity about aging. With age, the muscles and joints become less supple, further necessitating appropriate amount of stretching and warm up before exercising.

A fifteen minute stretching and warm up period will help increase your suppleness, and lower the chance of sports injuries. Your muscles will be more conditioned the more you stretch properly and completely.

Next should come a 15 minute cardio session on a treadmill, an elliptical training machine, a stair stepper, or a stationary bike. You are not going for the gusto with this exercise, but you do want to get your heart rate up a little and you want to build upon the limbering and stretching that you just completed. This exercise will let your body know that you are serious about doing some work.

You will want to follow this warm up by doing reps with the correct weights, you should consider light weights for this workout, if in addition to this you are doing circuit training or a free weight routine you will not have the stress of heavy weights.

When using the pyramid system, you add reps but use less weight, then you start adding weight and decreasing the reps, which is how a lot of the bodybuilders do their workouts. Pay constant attention to your posture. This method of weightlifting has great success for those who want to add muscle and bulk to their bodies. Even if it means decreasing the weights or the amount of repititions, correct posture must be your main consideration. This maximizes your results and reduces your risk of injury.

You should be training with weights at least four days per week and each session should be no more than 30 to 45 minutes. One could repeat a cardio workout to wind down after lifting weight. This also give your heart and lungs strength. - 17268

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Eating to Lose Body Fat, How Quality Protein Can Help You

By Ricardo d Argence

Protein is a key factor in the body where it is used in very large quantities. It is called a macronutrient and provides about 4 calories a gram to the body for its health. It is vital for the formation of the body's building blocks. The body uses dietary protein to do many things including growing and maintaining the skin, immune system, eyes and muscles. It's also useful for the body to make enzymes and maintain the health of the blood.

Protein is not manufactured by the human body and so it is important to ensure that the daily diet contains sufficient quantities of it.

Muscles cannot get strong or keep their strength without protein, that's why it is vital for muscle building to have enough protein. The more muscle mass you produce the more effectively your body burns fat also. Remember your heart is a muscle and can be affected by a diet that is deficient in protein.

Consuming some kind of protein with each meal leaves you more satisfied in between meals and helps control not only your appetite but also your cravings for certain foods you should not have. Protein takes more energy to digest than other nutrients. In the process of your body digesting protein, it winds up increasing the body's temperature by a few degrees.

This small increase in temperature results in a thermogenic effect that helps the body to more efficiently burn fat calories. This can help you in your quest to lose weight. In addition, by eating the proper amount of protein, it will be easier to refrain from snacking between meals and easier to avoid unhealthy foods that will make you gain weight.

Quality protein is lean protein with low fat content. Certain proteins are high in fat and should only be consumed in moderation.

Some examples of quality protein are:

Skinless chicken breasts are much lower in fat than the dark meat on chicken. The skin with its high fat content should never be consumed. Tuna, Salmon, in fact all kinds of fish are great sources for lean protein as long as they are grilled, broiled, or baked. Avoid heavy breaded fried fish. Skinless turkey breasts are basically similar to the chicken mentioned here.

You should also try with: egg whites are much lower in fat than the yolks. Skim milk and great source of protein and dairy that can be consumed daily. Whey protein powder is a great supplement to use to make sure you are getting enough protein. Tuna, Salmon, in fact all kinds of fish are great sources for lean protein as long as they are grilled, broiled, or baked. - 17268

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The Quickest And Healthiest Way to Gain Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Has become a trend among young individuals,having a well toned and a muscular body. If you are reading my article then you probably want to look like one of those actors with great muscles and tones. But just follow my advice in this article and you will soon look like them. They did not start to look the way they do now over night. It took a while and it was a lot of hard work.

Yes, you heard me right, there are safe and fast ways to gain muscles, but when I say safest and fastest, I don't mean easy way or a shortcut to achieve the same. As they say, there are no shortcuts to success. You have to put in the necessary hard work to get what you want. However, there are ways to build muscles safer and faster than usual for superb results.

In order to give a significant boost to your bodybuilding process it is very important to follow the points mentioned below.

If you really want to get ripped, you will need strong determination and will power. It is very important to have strong will power and determination to build a well toned muscular body. It is common for people to be excited when they first start a workout routine, but the drive to continue the effort subsides as it becomes apparent the goals take hard work to reach. You're not alone in this, but if you work hard and remain focused, you will press on.

You should be aware that routines are a large part of the lifestyle. If you lead a haphazard life you will not help yourself with your bodybuilding process. In order for a workout routine to work, you have have a great routine and stick with it. You have to continue with the routine everyday. And spend the same amount of time everyday working on the same muscles. This you will have to do for the best results possible.

Your muscles will only grow if you have a routine that is structured for each muscle. Each muscle workout program is designed for that muscle. And if you don't have the right routine it will not work. So make sure you join a gym and follow the workout program prescribed to you by your instructor, also remember, practicing the wrong workouts is not going to do you much good.

In case you think not eating and only working out will help you grow your muscles then let me tell you that you are highly mistaken. A proper and healthy diet is as important as a proper workout program. Consult you dietician, who is the right person to prescribe you the right diet plan that will help you enhance your bodybuilding program.

We need to have water for almost everything that we do during life. It also helps in boosting your bodybuilding process. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water per day is very essential. Working out causes your body to sweat, which is a way to keep your body from over heating. And with all this sweating your body can become dehydrated. Just make sure you don't over do it. Water helps to keep your body running the right way.

Sleeping is another factor that you just can't afford to neglect come what may. Your tissues undergo wear and tear while you are working out, therefore, when you are sleeping your body gets the amount of rest that is required for repairing your tissues.

If you follow the above mentioned points you will be happy with the quick muscle growth that you will experience. - 17268

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Earning Money through Bodybuilding

By Mick Hart

Did you know that bodybuilding could give you a lucrative and rewarding lifestyle. You can use your muscle profile to either become a teacher, a gym owner/one to one trainer or set up your own or manage a fitness center.

Although it would be nice if all bodybuilders were able to make a fortune as film stars or models, but realistically you need to look at other areas within the fitness industry and most of you will need specialized training.

You will need information and practical training from home study, further education, school, college or night classes. A gym instructor for example requires practical skills combined with on going work experience. Not only a basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and nutrition, but to have the ability to communicate that knowledge and interact socially with confidence.

You will have to be prepared very physical training over long hours, while continuing to learn plus remaining enthusiastic. You will need to learn how to work out personalized programs, diet necessities and allow for individual pace and capabilities. It is highly recommended that you take out "professional indemnity insurance".

RUN YOUR OWN GYM - It's truly satisfying to just run a gym, but other practitioners are also constantly in great demand, and probably better paid. The career prospects are excellent, with vacancies in the health and fitness field and complementary therapies calling for Aerobics instructors, fitness training instructors, one on one coaches, health club and leisure centre management, gymnasiums, nutrition councilors, recreation activity directors, or back to your own home gym for fitness or hard core lifting for bodybuilding enthusiasts.

TRY SOME MODELING - Also modeling sports clothes, equipment, supplements, various training equipment, running or appearing in physical culture, lifting or bodybuilding shows, or as an Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Remedial gymnast, Massage, Swimming pool attendants, Fitness activities staff both at home or on board ships. Overseas appointments in holiday camps, plus consultants in- Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Chiropractic medicine, Herbalism, Naturopathy and so on. The list is endless and vacancies always occurring. - 17268

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