Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, November 28, 2008

Chair Recliners for Body Builders Betters Performance

By James Knolan

More and more research studies are showing the benefits of regular massage. Some of the benefits show regular massage therapy reduces recover time from injury, increases muscle tone, improves range of motion and increases your flexibility. Just as stretching, diet and exercise are part of your body building routine, regular massage therapy should also be included. It may not always be possible to see a massage therapist. Another viable economic option is a massage chair.

There are many benefits to body builders of receiving regular massage therapy. If you happen to overwork your muscles or sustain an injury, then massage helps to soften and loosen the muscles, tendons and scar tissue. If you periodically have muscles spasms or cramps, massage helps to lessen the incidence of these occurring. If you have aches and pains after working out, then massage therapy releases endorphins which help to reduce pain. If your joints feel stiff or less flexible, then massage helps to improve your range of motion.

Would you like to gain an edge over the competition? Sports massages have become very prevalent in most professional and Olympic venues. Top athletes have been prepared before their events with a massage to decrease muscle stiffness and increase their flexibility. Massage also helps increase your circulation which increases your mental alertness and awareness. If you are looking for an edge, then regular massage therapy may just be the enhancement you need.

One of the biggest obstacles of getting regular massage therapy is having to go to a massage therapist. Making time to get a massage in addition to the strict routine most body builders follow is tough. If the massage therapist is not located in the Gym, then more time is needed to go to their location. This where the convenience of massage chair truly shines. A massage chair is available 24/7. You do not need to make an appointment. You can get very frequent massage therapy very conveniently. The key to getting the benefits of massage therapy is receiving it on a frequent basis.

Massage chairs continue to advance with the unprecedented pace of technology. You can now find massage therapies ranging from Sports massage, acupressure, deep tissue, Shiatsu and Swedish style massages. Each of these massage techniques has particular target areas and specific benefits. These massage chairs also have full body massage capability from head to toe. If you have a specific area you want to target, then you can focus the program exactly where you want.

There are also other therapies included in the more advanced massage chair brands. Some massage recliners have traction systems. These traction systems can provide stretching capabilities. There are stretching functions for the lower body and also for the shoulder and arms. You can find massage recliners with full body heat. Heat is great to reduce swelling and to increase blood circulation. To relax, some massage chairs have integrated music players and headphones. Just slip on the headphones and relax to your favorite music as the chair goes to work on you.

Most people think that massage chairs are expensive. However, if you are getting regular massage therapy, then they really are the most economic way to receive massage therapy. A massage therapist may cost $50 per hour plus tip. Massage chairs can provide an hour massage for as little as $3 per hour. Most massage chairs are rated for 1,000 hours. If you purchased a $3,000 chair, then your cost per hour is $3. This is a big economic advantage.

If you are looking for an edge over the competition, then you owe it to yourself to find out how regular massage therapy can benefit you. The benefits of regular massage therapy are significant. Massage therapy is useful before and after your event. Keep yourself in top condition and get the edge you need with the convenience of a massage chair recliner. - 17268

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How to Lose The Fat and Still Gain Muscle Simultaneously?

By Bob Barrow

Hundreds of products come out every single day claiming to help you burn fat and build muscle in minutes, days or weeks. These products never work! And you know it. You either end up using that product and screwing yourself up, or you listen to others who bought the product and screwed themselves up.

There certainly are good ones out there too but very rarely will you find one that helps you stay lean for over a year while allowing you to actually enjoy your life. Most of these routines are easily adapted by your body in like 5 to 8 sessions of the same workout over and over again. These routines usually provided a plan that will only last for like a month or two. What then?

You should already be aware of the fact that muscle burns fat. The more muscle you gain, the leaner you get quickly. So why not get the double advantage of building muscle by picking exercises that build muscle fast, and also create the largest calorie expenditure that burns fat like crazy?

1. Got for total body exercises that target major muscle groups like Chinups, Squats and Deadlifts. These exercises work the major muscle groups to their greatest potential, and also utilize the smaller muscle fibers in the process. This is a great way to burn fat while building muscle.

2. If you want real muscle growth, you need to work hard in every workout. Go to your max. Compete against yourself in your previous workout. If you did 8 reps Bench Press with 150 lbs last week, go for 9 or 10 reps with the same weight in your next workout. Or increase your weight and train to failure. Keep progressing in every workout.

3. Eat to build lean muscle not fatty jiggle. Focus on feeding your body with low GI carbs, fruits and green fibrous vegetables to build the lean, ripped body you need. Stay away from junk food.

4. If you want to get great results, you need to take a week off every 8 to 10 weeks. This rest is necessary for your body to prevent injury and overtraining. Believe me, you will burn fat and build a lot of muscle even in your week off since your body finally has the chance to repair weeks of intense training.

5. When it comes to machines or bodyweight, always go for bodyweight. You'll be surprised at the results. Unless you want to work the abs using a cable machine for kneeling crunches or cable chops, you are btter off getting super effective results using free weights and body weight movements than using machines no matter how expensive they are!

These 5 tips are all you need to get a jump start in your goal to burn fat and build lean muscular physique in the shortest time possible. All you need is focus and persistence to fight for what you deserve. - 17268

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Health and Fitness-Software eBooks and Information Sites

By Sunny4sky

In todays world it is not enough to take our health for granted. We must all take responsibility for our well being. We all know proper nutrition, exercise and enough sleep are what we need. Although it is easier said than done.

Busy schedules, fast food and just plain day-to-day life get in our way. How many working moms drag themselves home after a long day at work and prefer to pick up dinner on the way? Nothing against working moms. You have to give today's woman a lot of credit. Working, raising a family and running a household is not easy task. Dads too are doing their share more today than in any other time in history.

Exercise is a must to good health. When you are tired you don't feel like exercising. Even though exercise gives you energy! Sound like a vicious circle. You're right. Begin exercising with a short walk and increase the distance a little every day. Walking is one of the best ways to exercise. Just 20 minutes a day will increase your energy and help you sleep better at night. Health and Fitness Information

After a while you could add bowling, dancing, golf or tennis to your schedule. This type of exercise is fun. You can share it with your family and friends. Which makes it even more enjoyable!

Stress is another killer. We are all under some kind of stress. People have many ways of reacting to stress. While one person becomes stronger, another falls apart. Learning how to deal with stress is very important. Again, easier said than done. Stress can strip you of energy and seriously affect your health. What have you done to help yourself cope with stress?

We must not forget there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for us to access it. Don't be in the dark about fat loss secrets, panic attack cures, quit smoking and many more tips for you. Most of us have access to the internet. Knowledge is just a click away. - 17268

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The Secret About Chest Muscle Building - Bench Press

By Westy

The number one concern of those who are bench pressing is the amount that they can bench. When the Muscle Building Program is used you will be able to increase this number in ten short weeks. The program will let you acquire a fifty pound increase in your bench in the ten weeks of the program.

Is it really possible? Oh yes! But be cautious. Its clear that you simply cannot expect such rise by repeating the whole program consecutively. An intense program like this needs to be done properly and it primarily focuses on increasing your bench. But this program also demands time for your body to regroup before you set off again.

The goal of a fifty pound increase might seem a little lofty, but it is possible for most people to achieve this result. Mike, the creator of the program, can bench an impressive four hundred and fifty pounds and has the expertise to tell you how you can increase your bench. There is a great deal of information on what is necessary to reach this goal and the focus is not necessarily on the pectoral muscles. All of the muscles that you will be using are used in the focused compound lift. There are many muscles that are involved in an impressive bench and you will learn how to condition them to get the results that you want.

The program is an overall guide to bench pressing tips and includes every minor technique. You will learn how to position yourself, how to grip the bar, stretching, breathing and many other important factors that will keep you posted. He also devotes time to the mind games played while you are beneath a bench, he pays attention towards one's mindset, which is an added element.

The outlook that you have is a critical factor in your program. You will learn the importance of training your mind and using it to effectively train your body. You will also learn how to set a goal and stick to the plan to reach it. There isn't anything that you cannot do with proper goal setting. The program also helps you with meal plans and information on supplements.

You will get an overnight result when you use this program. The problem that some inexperienced bodybuilders have is that they tend to over train. It is important that you recognize the problems that can come with overusing your muscles and not giving them the proper rest and recovery. The program requires you to be methodical and consistent in your training.

Try to look for intelligent ways of using the Critical Bench program; it will help you train your body by emphasizing on the bench. Mike has a 5 days training with 2 days for you to rest. Bench is done only on the first day of workout, the other 4 days are to understand your weak points and help those points develop. Also, do not over train yourself. - 17268

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Do you know these 3 rules for strength training?

By Caleb Lee

Strength training is a skill. Basically, everyone is walking around with a "V8 engine" (their musculature) but only firing on "4 cylinders" - no one is actually using their muscles to their fullest potential.

And for safety measures, your body truly keeps you from utilizing the entire strength of your muscles. For the most part, your strength does not go above 30% of your tendon structural strength. Let's say, when people are electricuted their muscles tighten a lot so hard to the extent that they even crack their bone structures.

For this reason, you can become A LOT stronger by learning how to "fire" more of your muscles and get them to tighten harder with more tension... if you just stick to these three rules for all-out strength training:

Rule #1: Focus On A Few Full Body Exercises

If you want your entire body to be on top form, just give attention to a limited full body exercises. Therefore, you should do it all as one unit. As well as you will find ideal hormone stimulation by training your whole body by way of this. Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, and the Bench Press are perfect.

Second Rule: Give Attention To High Resistance

To create strength your lifts have to be made with great resistance. This is achieved by lifting heavy weights (or performing bodyweight exercises with unfavorable weight distribution and poor control) and by greatly contracting (tensing) your muscles as you lift.

The goal is to obtain additional muscle fibers by:

1. Tensing every muscle as hard as possible throughout the exercise and

2. While keeping high tension lifting the weight as fast as possible.

Rule #3: Focus on Multiple Sets of Low Reps

Since strength is a skill you can't perform "sloppily". Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Therefore, you have to learn being strong. Every rep should be made as entirely as possile (in line with the above guidelines). Maintain the reps at a low level so that you can remain mentally focused. In the same way, this will keep you from getting weary and sloppy.

To sum it all up: Lift as heavy as possible. As often as possible. While staying as fresh as possible. - 17268

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Thousands Now Build Muscle Who Never Thought They Could

By Cathlene

Although I like lifting weights, I can understand that many people do not have the time or money to go to the gym or buy fitness equipment. Do not worry if there are many ways to build muscle even without using a weight? Build muscle without weight is not really hard as many think. With the right training, you will be able to build a large amount of muscle assuming you're not trying to build a body like physics, so you'll need to use weights to provide additional stimulus. But I can assure you that you can build a little muscle just body with exercises alone.
Many have built enormous physical with little or no training at all weight equipment.

Just take a look at the Navy or the Navy Seals, these guys are not only clean but some of the most muscular you will see nowhere and training exercises consist primarily of body. Just like training if building muscle mass without weights will also take a lot of work. Do not let anyone tell you you're going to build muscle works to once a week and take the miracle pill, it does not work that way. You'll need to save time and effort in building your body, but you'll be greatly rewarded.

One of the most effective and time effective ways to build muscles without weight is body circuit training. To do this, you take the body and do exercises one after another with little rest and repeat for several rounds. Training in this way, not only strengthens the muscle burns fat, but at the same time.

Here is an example of training:
Pull-Ups - 10x
-20 Body squats x s
Push-Ups - 15x
Step-Up - 15x
Croquet bike - 30x
* Do one exercise after another non-stop, 1 minute rest after last year and then repeat for 4 to 6 times.
* Is this workout at least 3 times a week?
* You can add more exercises, games, or representatives depending on your strength and fitness.

If you goal is to lose weight or tone then remains as low as possible and do exercises quickly. If you want to gain weight and build more muscle then more rest and representatives a little longer, try to make as the most difficult exercises, like one-legged squats, arm push-ups, dips or wear a jacket with weight exercises.

With the right training and diet, you'll be able to see results in the coming weeks, if you want to see how you're progressing well I suggest you take certain measures your body and you weigh before you start your training. To see how much fat you've lost, you must obtain both a skin caliper device. Remember that their are many paths to achieve the same goal, but to achieve this goal, you will need to work hard and be consistent. - 17268

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Can Acai Berry Supplements Help Me To Become Healthier?

By Dawn Z Shillingster

The odds are pretty high that you do not really know a lot about acai berries. If that is the case, you probably are not aware of the benefits of acai berry supplements either. Up until pretty recently, they were a mystery to a lot of us. However, their popularity is growing rapidly. As it does so, information about these rather magical berries is readily available as well. It definitely pays to learn what you can. These berries or supplements made from them can keep you healthy in many ways.

For quite some time, only those intimately familiar with the vegetation found in the Amazon rain forest knew about these amazing fruits. They grow wild there. They are deeply purple in color and they are known to contain a number of vital vitamins and antioxidants. It is mind boggling to realize that a potential curative has been growing all this time, and most of us have been completely unaware.

Local farmers now harvest the berries from where they grow wild in the forests. They have the additional value of remaining nutritious even when frozen. This allows it to be shipped all over the world without losing any of its healthy potency or possible curative powers.

How are acai berries so helpful? How can they positively affect your health? To be honest, the possibilities have only just begun being explored. They may be endless. Right now it is known that they can keep your heart healthy. Acai berries contain very special compounds known as anthocyanins. They are the same things found in red wine which make it healthy. The difference is that the concentration is higher in the berries. You can get all the good stuff without the threat of a hangover!

Acai berries and their supplements are extremely rich in protein and dietary fiber as well. Not only that, but they have a lot of the important fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-9, too. These help the heart too, but they have the added benefit of helping the cardiovascular system in addition. It is even believed that acai berries can benefit high cholesterol levels.

Finally, they are also known for their anti aging properties. There is a strong suggestion that they can help to slow down the aging process. Ask any health food nut, they no doubt know the advantages of these amazing berries. - 17268

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A Review Of Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building

By Westy

Cardio is an integral part of Vince Delmonte's workout routine, but it is not meant for the skinny ones, not at least for the first 4 weeks. It can be implemented thereafter. Cardio are not just meant for fat reduction, it helps you to develop a well-shaped physique as well.

Vince encourages healthy food for well being, eating the right portion at the right time is very essential for maintaining your muscle mass. If you are aiming at productive way to muscle building then you'll have to calculate your calorie consumption. Vince has stated the necessary details that will help you plan your diet chart starting with RMR to the TEF.

It is important that the calories that you consume be used in the most appropriate manner to gain healthy lean muscle.

Supplements are the worst option, according to Vince. He warns all of us against these fancy drugs, it is just a business with zero benefits. Vince has detailed all the probable effects of supplements like that of glutamine and creatine. Go through these details before rushing to a pharmacy. Besides, Vince introduces you to the world of nutritional dense shakes, with proper guidelines about the usage and how much you can gain from it. It's tasty, easily available and quite affordable.

These are add-ons and you will love it. Vince enables a 3 months personal training through email. This is very beneficial. The 52-week Intensive Workout plan, as mentioned above is a great help. The Empowered Nutrition 84 Day Meal plans helps you maintain you diet. This includes a 12 weeks diet plan of 5 calorie each, with levels of 2 to 6K.

The workout portion of the program is called the muscle stimulator and it will show you all of the exercises that you can do to work every part of your body. You will find the program is full of animated illustrations that will help you to determine exactly how to perform the exercises in the program. Vince also offers you some of the pitfalls that some bodybuilders face when they are working on their program.

The upgrades that you can add to your muscle building program, will enhance the experience of the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. Some of the bonuses that you will receive with the upgraded program include:

1. A plan to reduce those extra pounds with the help of No-Nonsense Fat Cutting.

2. Meal plans for vegetarians among all of the different caloric levels.

3. An audio version of the program.

4. The best of the program includes an email consultation with Vince. You will receive real answers to your questions about the program from the person who created it.

Disadvantages of the program are few, but you should consider the following.

There is some disorganization in the book because of the unique nature of the program. The training exercises can be a bit complicated, but there is an attempt to help you through the progam to get the most out of the training. In the members area, however, you are able to ask Vince about the exercises as they relate to you and he will work to help you get the most out of the program. Even with the complicated methods it is an effective program.

He has a detailed guide for you, from your diet to your daily weight-training schedule; he expects to take care of all your demands. Learn More About "No-Nonsense Muscle Building - 17268

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Build Muscle Fast: How to Build Muscle Fast

By Carl Winemen

Whether you are looking to bulk up for the first time, or you are simply looking at putting on some tone, you will find that the question of how fast you can build up muscle is one that will often occur to you. While the truth of the matter is that everyone's body is different and that everyone will put on muscle at their own rate, you can build muscle faster if you only keep a few things in mind. Take some time and really consider your options when you are thinking about building muscle fast and remember that these tips can help you out a great deal.

1.Get plenty of rest When you are trying to build up muscle, you will find that one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you don't short yourself any sleep. Sleep is when your body takes the time to heal and repair itself, and if you are not letting it do that, you will find that your muscle building will grind to a slow but unstoppable halt. Really figure out how much sleep you need and make sure that you are going to get it. Even if it means going to sleep early, you will soon see that it is worth it.

2.Change your routine When you are looking to make sure that you are getting the best build that you can in a short amount of time, remember that varying your workout is key. Your body will get used to a workout faster than you believe is possible, and when you stop pushing yourself, you stop growing. Make sure that you do some cross training and make sure that you are keeping your exercises from getting stale and boring.

3.Keep your rep range low When you are looking to build up muscle, take some time and really think about what you can do to move from machine to machine after only a few repetitions. You will find that the more variety your body can enjoy, even during the course of one workout, the better. Remember that if you are using good form that you do not need more than six to nine repetitions for each body part!

4.Eat lot's of protein Protein is the building block that muscles are created on, so make sure that you eat plenty of it. There are protein shakes to make sure that your system gets everything that it needs, and also remember that you can't go wrong with lean red meat. Find ways to cook it that you really enjoy and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be when you are looking at getting the right kind of result!

5.Drink lot's of water When you are working out, you are losing water, so make sure that you take the time to replenish it. Water makes your body process faster, so take some time and really think about what you need to do in order to get the water that you need. - 17268

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Eat and Lose Body Fat, Nutritional Facts About Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Anywhere you look; today you can find someone offering to sell you the latest fat loss plan or gizmo. From pills and shakes too little electro attachments all aimed at one thing the fat on your body. Sounds good, right? Eradicate fat from our bodies by burning it off or eliminating it from our diets. The problem is there is actually some fat that we need in order to remain healthy the body has a required fat content and consumption. Yes, you heard correctly.

It is important that we understand that a small amout of fat is actually good for us, while we are all trying desperately to lose excessive amounts of weight. Fat cells are essential to hormone regulation, storing energy, and providing cushioning for our internal organs. The problem then is not in the presence of fat but the amount. The three percent threshold is when a necessary part of the body becomes dangerous,when we cross.

Your diet basically makes available to your body two kinds of fat: good fat or bad fat. The so-called good fats are the polyinsaturated and monounsaturated types, while the so-called bad fats are the saturated and trans fat types. The latter we need to avoid while the former is an essential part of a balanced diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the processes of the human body, but they have to be ingested, as the body does not manufacture them. Therefore, we must get it from our diet.

In order to get the good fat the body needs you should know what foods contain them. Examples of good fat foods are nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds and fish oil.

In deep fat fried foods and heavily preserved foods,the kind of fat you should avoid will be contained. A diet high in saturated or trans fats, including products such as cheese, french fries, and potato chips, quickly leads to health problems.

Tran's fats are really harmful for your body as they decrease the good cholestrol besides increasing bad cholestrol in your body.

So on top of adding weight to your midsection you can see that the storage of fat can have an adverse effect on your health. Along with high cholesterol, you are flirting with the possibility of diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. The short answer is cut back on the bad fats, exercise more and you will lower you risk of these and other health problems. - 17268

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