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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ionized Water And The Aid It Provides To Athletes

By Chris Channing

If you could easily improve the health and performance during a game, odds are you wouldn't hesitate. One way athletes are doing so is through ionized water. Ionized water is new to the Western hemisphere, but is quickly becoming the next best secret in doing better against the competition.

If you could have a limitless supply of energy, you could theoretically dominate just about any sport you put your efforts into. The problem is of course that that isn't possible, yet there is always a science behind keeping fatigue at a low point to belittle any negative effects it would otherwise provide. Ionized water helps in this instance by increasing the blood oxygen levels, which helps the body recover more quickly.

Athletes also wash their fruits and vegetables with ionized water to protect their bodies from bacteria and other agents that could take them out of the next big game. An athlete's immune system is vital to their career if they work as professional athletes. In a sense, taking precautions such as this could keep athletes healthy and earning their income with very little down time.

Being nervous is normal; there is no reason to feel ashamed that you are feeling a little queasy before an important show. If you have the tools necessary, you should try to get the effects of your anxiety down as much as possible. Anxiety leads to less concentration and will contribute to errors in your performance. Drinking an alkaline solution aids you in keeping any feeling of nauseousness away, and your confidence higher as a direct result of doing so.

It has already been mentioned that ionized water can be used to decontaminate your eating utensils and food- but you can also use it to ward off intruders when you sustain an injury. Only minor injuries should be treated with ionized water; small burns, cuts, and insect bites are great candidates. The ionized water will promote regeneration of the affected area, yet also kill bacteria that could otherwise infect the wound present.

Athletes have been known to make their own sports drinks. First, it saves money. Beyond that, making your own sports drink allows you to decide what you put into your body- and not let a company do so for you. Talk to a dietary aid to see what ingredients you should add to your ionized water to make it taste great and act even better. Salt and sugar and perhaps some flavoring such as lime to make it go down great.

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of ionized water machines to choose from. Use the Internet to find stores that have a machine in your price range. Do some shopping around and try out a model or two to see what you and your body likes best. - 17268

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Understanding Cold Sores and Genital Herpes

By Cristina Rosch

Aside from the exaggerations they usually get, many also mistake cold sores for genital herpes and vice versa. In fact, these are different ailments although they are both strands of the herpes virus. Those afflicted with either strain may think that paying the doctor a visit is not needed. However, absence of basic knowledge of both diseases can result into ineffective treatment. Worse, treating both as the same can result into consequences that are more adverse.

Oral herpes, which is more commonly called as cold sores, is disease brought about by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Because of its visible indications in the face, cold sores are also called as fever blisters by some people. This can be passed on to a partner if its virus carrier commits oral sex. Persons who have sex regularly are not the only ones that face the risk though. It is said that more than ninety percent of any countrys population have caught it at least once.

Cold sores can be transmitted easily and unknowingly since it does not have visible indications sometimes. The viral spread can be avoided or diminished if the infected person abstains from sexual activities for period of time or from non-sexual close contacts. Parents who have caught it may need to keep distance from their kids, especially the younger and frailer ones.

Herpes pro-genitalis or genital herpes, on the other hand, is one of the most prevalent of the sexually transmitted diseases. The virus HSV-2 or the herpes simplex virus 2 causes it. Indications of such disease include rashes, pain, itches and other similar sensations in the area near the genitalia. Anal, vaginal, and oral sex are the easiest means of transmitting among humans. Since the symptoms are sometimes unnoticeable, anyone can commit such sexual activities and spread the virus unknowingly.

The outbreak of genital herpes occurs if the bodys immune system is weak due to factors such as stress and over-fatigue. Taking urgent steps to boost ones immune system can greatly help to prevent it. A healthy diet habit complemented with vitamin intake and rest can enforce the bodys defenses. Once the outbreak occurs though, it is best to abstain from sexual encounters to limit the spread.

People have wrongly thought that only those who are very sexually liberated commonly suffer herpes. Certainly, though, herpes is not limited to the sexually active. Anyone can get it. It is just that right measures should be taken to avoid a rifer contagion. Isn't it good to know more about cold sore treatment ? - 17268

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Understanding Cold Sores and Genital Herpes

By Cristina Rosch

Aside from the exaggerations they usually get, many also mistake cold sores for genital herpes and vice versa. In fact, these are different ailments although they are both strands of the herpes virus. Those afflicted with either strain may think that paying the doctor a visit is not needed. However, absence of basic knowledge of both diseases can result into ineffective treatment. Worse, treating both as the same can result into consequences that are more adverse.

Oral herpes, which is more commonly called as cold sores, is disease brought about by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Because of its visible indications in the face, cold sores are also called as fever blisters by some people. This can be passed on to a partner if its virus carrier commits oral sex. Persons who have sex regularly are not the only ones that face the risk though. It is said that more than ninety percent of any countrys population have caught it at least once.

Cold sores can be transmitted easily and unknowingly since it does not have visible indications sometimes. The viral spread can be avoided or diminished if the infected person abstains from sexual activities for period of time or from non-sexual close contacts. Parents who have caught it may need to keep distance from their kids, especially the younger and frailer ones.

While cold sores can be spread through non-sexual contacts, genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted infection. The herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), another herpes strain, is its main culprit. You might have one if you experience itchy and tingling sensations in the genital area. If you perform oral, vaginal, or anal sex, then you could easily spread the virus to your partner. With the indications barely felt or seen sometimes, you may still be passing the virus to your sexual partner unwittingly.

If your immune system is at ebb, it is most likely that you will catch the disease when you encounter someone afflicted with it. You must, therefore, make sure that your bodys defenses are working well. You can strengthen yourself with the correct diet, enough rest and exercise. However, if you still get the virus, make sure that you desist from sexual activities for a period.

People have wrongly thought that only those who are very sexually liberated commonly suffer herpes. Certainly, though, herpes is not limited to the sexually active. Anyone can get it. It is just that right measures should be taken to avoid a rifer contagion. Isn't it good to know more about cold sore blister ? - 17268

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Find Out What is the Cause of Autism

By George Alarcon

Autism is a spectrum disorder which means that there are varying degrees of autism. One person can be mildly affected and may be able to function in society while another individual may be profoundly affected to such a degree that there is no hope of independent living. With such varying degrees of this disorder, one might expect that there are several underlying causes which increase the chance and severity of autism.

So far, research suggests more than one possible cause for the disorder although there does appear to be a genetic component. Siblings of those with autism have an increased chance of developing the disorder. However, the chance of identical twins developing the disorder is not 100%. Because of this, it is thought that environmental factors also play a role in autism. A lot more research is still required to arrive at more certain conclusions on this theory.

The presence of Thimerosal in vaccinations, particularly in the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine, has long been thought to cause some cases of autism. The preservative has been removed from the vaccine due to this belief but many parents remain unconvinced that the vaccine is safe. Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children--if they feel their children may suffer a serious health risk. Other parents argue that autism may be caused by the overload on the immune system by the current vaccine schedule. Many children with autism suffer from asthma, other respiratory ailments and impaired immune systems. It is now hypothesized that exposure to a virus either as a fetus or as an infant might also cause the damage to the immune system which results in autism; of course, this is only a mere theory which tries to search at the core cause of autism.

The diet of the pregnant mother might also contribute to autism. Studies have suggested that retinoids, retinoic acid or too much Vitamin A could increase the chance of a fetus developing autism. It is also believed that environmental toxins or pollutants may contribute to the development of autism although no definitive link has yet been found. An increase in regional cases suggests an environmental trigger and much is being done to study this possibility. Of course, this also is only a mere theory at this time.

The diets of the children have also come under scrutiny. Many autistic children have difficulty digesting gluten, found in wheat, barley and oat products, and casein which is found in dairy products. The elimination of these proteins helps to improve the autistic behaviors in some children although consuming these products does not appear to cause autism. For now, research is focused finding the gene or genes responsible for causing autism with the hope that genetic testing can identify those at risk for the disorder. With early therapy and intervention, the effects of autism can be minimized. So if you plan to have children in the future it may be wise to know the early symptoms of autism in order to identify them as soon as possible. - 17268

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A Great Physique's Number 1 Tool - A Weight Training Program Guide

By Emmanuel Palmer

It's time. You've been sitting by the sidelines long enough, now it's time to get that physique you've always wanted. One of the best tools to reach your goal is an effective weight training program that will work best for your body. Read on to find out more about the best muscle building exercises and information to get you started on your way.

High intensity and periodization are the two main schools of thought used today for weight training. High intensity workouts are short and very physically demanding, with much of the drills executed until failure. Periodization allows you to get to your destination at a somewhat more leisurely pace of around two to three months. You start at light, then proceed to medium and then high level every couple of weeks. The focus here are the collective gains the body earns at the end of training and not at the end of every session.

Nowadays, most people use both philosophies by getting parts of each that works best for them personally. What you need to remember is that sooner or later your body comes to a plateau wherein it becomes accustomed to the drills you are inflicting on it. When this happens, training will cease to be as effective as it once was. To avoid this, vary your exercise drills and weight loads every so often. Push yourself constantly to new levels and see the progress in your physique.

Aside from weight training, the two other factors you need to concentrate on are rest and nutrition. Now I know they are an unassuming pair and more often than not, new and overzealous trainers put them at the bottom of their priority list. However, you cannot expect the best results without giving proper attention to them. For instance, when you train and put tears in your muscles-- rest is what repairs and builds up the tissues to be the bigger and stronger than before. If you train 4 times a week, getting good sleep the rest of the days will benefit you.

The best muscle building food are meals that are rich in carbohydrates and protein. Examples of these would be chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, etc. As much as possible, do not pig out on high fat content food to fill your calorie needs. If you prefer, consume protein shakes and muscle building supplements to add to your nutrient requirements for the day.

Before you start your training, always make it a point to warm up and stretch thoroughly. Doing so prepares your body for the upcoming physical strain and furthermore enhances your performance. Stretching increases the body's temperature as well as flexibility and blood flow to vital organs in your body. Stretch before, during and after workout sessions.

Cardiovascular workouts are of utmost importance to your body's health. Of course if you are just beginning and aim to bulk up, you will need to refrain from too intense aerobic exercises. Set aside an hour a week for light running and sports. When you get nearer to your weight goals however, increase your cardiovascular exercises.

A perfect weight training program is the holy grail of all bodybuilders and professional trainers alike- much desired but few take the effort to see it through. And while mistakes may litter the path to the amazing physique of your dreams, with determination and persistence it will not fail to come. - 17268

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Fun Features Of Massage Chairs

By Anthony Roberson

If you haven't tried a massage chair in a while or if you have never tried them, then you are in for a real treat. Massage chairs have continued to advance with the pace of technology. You can now find many advanced features with very specialized massage treatments. These provide excellent therapies and penetrating relief. The features of massage chairs continue to advance with the times.

The remote control on a massage chair can sometimes be a little intimidating. There seem to be so many buttons and even an LCD screen. This is just a glimpse of the types of options that have been integrated into massage chairs.

An LCD screen usually uses an icon of a person. Different symbols are then used to show different massage techniques and areas of coverage. The LCD displays this information in real-time as the massage progresses.

Massage chairs are able to deliver more customized massages. Massage chairs use different types of systems to measure and record the body shape. 3-D technology is used to record the body in the chair in three dimensions.

In this way the 3-D body scan technology knows the precise shape of your body. This information is then used to direct the massage based on your coordinates. This provides a truly customized massage.

You can find many different massage techniques in these advanced recliners. There is shiatsu, Swedish, acupressure, reflexology and even deep tissue. Each of these techniques use specialized mechanical movements directed by sophisticated software.

One thing that is very different with the massage chair compared to a masseuse is how the massage is performed. A masseuse works on one part of the body at a time. They finished apart and then move onto the next. A massage chair works in parallel. It can work on multiple areas at once.

The massage chair is able to massage multiple parts of your body at the same time. A masseuse must work in one area before moving on to the next. This enables you to get a full body massage in a much quicker time. For much more massage in the same period of time.

One of the great new features defined in many massage chairs is a reflexology foot massage. Many people have tired and aching feet at the end of the day. What better way to rejuvenate them then with a reflexology foot massage.

One typical technology found in massage chairs is an air massage system. The air massage system uses an air compressor. The air compressor will inflate air bags located throughout the chair. This is an excellent way to deliver a compression style massage.

Specialized reflexology nodes and plates are used to trigger the reflexology points located on the bottom of the feet. This helps to induce full body relaxation. As you get your feet massage, the rest of your body begins to relax as well.

One really important feature of massage chairs is a music player. It is important for the mind to relax during the massage. Music is a great way to distract the mind and help to relieve tension in the body.

These are just a few of the many great features found in massage chairs. These advanced massage recliners have many unique functions. Massage chairs have a tremendous variety of massage techniques available. They offer tremendous convenience and are always ready and willing to massage you when you need it. If you haven't checked out a massage chairs lately, you should see what wonderful treatments are contained in massage chairs of today. - 17268

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Michael Thurman Makeover - Efficiency is the Key to Staying Disciplined

By James Kim

Many people are shocked by the amount of food that they will eat on the Michael Thurman Makeover program. This always leads to the inevitable statement, "I don't have time to prepare all of these meals." I will go over a few ways to make meals in a hurry.

Go shopping for the whole week and buy everything that you need all at once. That way you won't have to go back and forth to the grocery store. Make sure that you plan out your meals ahead of time and bring your grocery list with you.

Learn to prepare food ahead of time. Start the meal-planning process on Sunday and buy the majority of your groceries ahead of time. Make sure to have your grocery list prepares so that you can efficiently pick up all your items without having to go back to the store.

Cook large amounts of food, it takes the same amount of effort to cook a large batch of vegetables as it does to cook a couple pieces of corn. Prepare your cooking days during times when you know you won't be busy. If you are already planning meals for your family, take this time to cook additional food for your own diet. Just like a cooking line, you can "prep" your food by cutting, mincing and sauteing vegetables ahead of time. Once cooked or cut, just simply place in a container until you're ready to eat them. The same goes for fruit, just cut up or slice the fruit and grab it out of the refrigerator when you want to eat.

For meats such as chicken, marinate entire chicken breasts and grill at least a dozen breasts on the barbecue. When you're ready to eat, throw the contents in the microwave and you have fast protein. Potatoes are a main staple on this eating program. Bake, boil, or microwave a dozen potatoes and store in a sealed container for later use. These are just a few examples of how to reduce time on the Michael Thurman makeover. - 17268

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Can Starting a Cycling Program Really Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you've decided to make a change in the way you live your life, a change that your doctor would recommend, it is the time to think about adding cycling to your workout program. Whether you use a stationary bike or take to the open road, cycling is an exercise program that will cause your body to get stronger and more fit; and if you have been trying to lose weight for some time, it should certainly be beneficial in that regard as well.

Did you have any idea that cycling can also help you overcome your bruising easily? Why do you think that every time you lightly bump into something, you are likely see a new ugly bruise appear? There are far too many reasons why we bruise more easily as we age, but regardless of why it is happening, it is always unattractive.

Once you have been ruled out your bruising from any medical condition, many people still think that easy bruising is just going a constant situation to deal with, but the facts of the matter are that you have a variety of options. There are a number of approaches that can be taken when you want to reduce the bruising that has become an integral part of your daily existence, and an excellent way to do that is take up physical activities like cycling.

First, cycling is an activity that can be done entirely on your own terms. Perhaps you like the idea of going cross country on your bike, or maybe you are simply going to equip it with baskets and head out for the groceries. On the other hand, what if you prefer the idea of riding a stationary bike that you can use while you watch television? Any of these options are certainly possible.

A good workout from cycling will cause you to build up muscle which will become noticeable to you and to others. Muscle mass is very dense and this density will help protect your body, and this added protective layer will also be readily noticed. If you increase your muscle mass, you your body will be better shielded having light bumps create bruises.

You should always keep in mind that an important aspect of a cycling regimen is that you will be enhancing your cardiovascular functions as well. As your heart capacity increases, the capacity of the blood vessels in your body will also increase. These affected blood vessels are the same ones that can become much more fragile as you age, so you should be looking at any means that will help preserve their strength.

Cycling can be done in a variety of times and venues, and you can also get to choose your environment, so take the time to consider each option that is available to you. You may well find that cycling can be the most fun way to improve your physical condition while preventing bruising all at the same time.

Take some time and make sure that you consider what your options are going to be when you are thinking about using cycling to help you overcome your tendency to bruise easily. For the best results, combine cycling with an all natural, uniquely formulated, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help reduce your bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips, Lack of Sleep Is Not Good For Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are going to the gym everyday and working out then you know how much energy and focus it takes to do so. There are a lot of people out there who do not realize that sleep affects your bodybuilding.

However, when it comes to working out and trying to gain muscle mass, getting good nights rest is very important. Getting a good night's sleep, can help with many different aspects of your health and how your muscles grow is part of that. The worst thing for you to do is change your sleep schedule so you are sleeping at different times during the day.

This article will show you the various reasons why sleep is so important to your workout.

For starters, your body recovers and rebuilds muscle while you are asleep. This is the crucial time when other parts of your body are shut down and not consuming energy or internal resources that your body uses to repair damages from bodybuilding.

With that said you will need to make sure that you stay on a schedule for sleep so that you do not confuse the body, or else it can't heal the old and new muscle properly. If you do not give the body enough rest or enough time to heal then you will risk doing damage that can harm your health.

Another reason that sleep is so important for bodybuilding is that a lack of sleep can cause you to have a lack of focus and a lack of physical energy. A lack of mental focus can destroy your results while you're in the gym.

If you are big into working out, then you know it takes motivation to get in there on a daily basis and get a good workout. You have to be able to get in there and get yourself pumped up so that you can get a hard workout.

Lack of sleep can cause mood swings, where normally at that time of the day you are exciting and ready for a hard workout, now you're tired and unmotivated. Getting little to no sleep will make it so you get behind on other things you do, because you are moving and working slower. This means that some days you may not get to the gym, and that's how a decline starts. Once you take one day off, then you start making excuses for taking more days off.

This is as much of a mental game, as it is a physical one. You need to make sure that you get the proper amount of sleep so that chemical balances in your body are normal, providing you with a good rhythm.

Sleeping releases some hormones into your bloodstream that are essential for proper metabolism and muscle gain. At the same time, sleep also inhibits other hormones that can lead to fat gain and other unseemly consequences.

The primary thing you have to think about when it comes to sleep is making sure that you have consistency. Only sleeping for 4 hours one night, then trying to make up for it the next night with 12, is not the same thing as sleeping both nights at 8 hours.

So as you can see a good sleeping pattern is very important for bodybuilding. So set yourself up with a plan to sleep the same amount every night and do your best to stick with it, and you should see a significant increase in your workouts. - 17268

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How to Get a Good Bicep Workout

By How to Get a Good Bicep Workout

Typically, a work out serves as a vital element in every person's quest for a healthy and well fit physique. But in order to get the best results, it is extremely vital to give much consideration on the right execution and techniques of these exercises. This is important in order to refrain from any muscle cramps and injuries in the future.

Commonly, a well improved bicep is every persons great source of confidence as it illustrates strength. This then results to a lot of people on the lookout for work outs that can greatly improve their biceps. However, due to lack of important knowledge on this specific work out, only a few are able to achieve the expected results out of their work out. If a person gives much importance on several techniques and factors on a bicep work out, good results are easy to achieve.

One particular technique is give importance on antagonistic muscles. This certain type of muscles is the opposing ones that provide balance for each other. This specific type of muscles include quads and hamstrings, abdominals and the lower back, the chest and the upper back, and the bicep and triceps. Antagonistic muscles should be given equal amount of focus for a more balanced effect. Growth for a maximum potential is the main goal for such technique. And as for your bicep work out, this just simply means that you should not forget on your triceps.

Another technique for a better bicep work out is by giving importance on both direct and indirect movements. Direct training work out refers to isolation exercises while the indirect ones are compound movements. One good example of direct movements is by way of curls while pull-ups and pull-downs make up the indirect movements. This is important to consider as these movements provide a full range of motion for your biceps to achieve better muscle development and more muscle stimulation.

To best define a good bicep work out, Great Guns in 12 Weeks is one of the best programs to be considered in developing those biceps. This is developed by Ian King who used to be a noted trainer of Olympic athletes. From this program, you will be expecting improvements on your arm size literally within 12 weeks. This program is the best choice for those who are in dire need of a well formed bicep to be achieved in the fastest way possible.

Four various phases that give equal importance on both the triceps and the biceps comprise the program. Furthermore, the Great Guns in 12 Weeks program is meant to be a part on other work outs meant for other parts of your body. As a start, you must first be able to choose a weight which is moderately challenging and subsequently add them up on each passing week. An individual must give great importance to this one as it provides nothing but the bust of results on muscle growth and development. Find out more information about workout routine online. - 17268

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Why Health Drinks are Becoming More Popular

By Sandra Ryan

Like any area of dieting, having a good variety of healthy drinks is a good idea. Too many people nowadays rely on unhealthy drinks like energy drinks and various sodas for their fluid intake. These contain many unhealthy additives like caffeine and artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colorings. You cannot expect to be healthy by ingesting these types of drinks.

I have found simple orange juice to be a good substitute for many of these drinks. It is easily available, completely natural and tastes great. As a citrus fruit it contains high levels of Vitamin C which can help in destroying free radicals and fight infectious diseases. It contains high levels of potassium and a large number of phytonutrients. Some studies have also indicated that it can lower your blood pressure too.

Another great drink that is easy to find and make is apple juice. Fresh apple juice has a significant amount of the Vitamins A and C. The old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away is more than just an old saying, it is true. indeed, recent studies have indicated that drinking apple juice can help reduce the process that leads to cardiovascular disease.

Another juice that is very beneficial to health and illness is cranberry juice. its medicinal properties have been know for a long time now. Die to its powerful antioxidant properties and acidity it is often used in the treatment of water infections in the body. These properties make it an inhospitable environment for bugs to grow in.

These are common juices that are easy to find but it is possible to be a bit more exotic with your choices. There are many other fruits and vegetables that have significant health boosting properties such as wheatgrass, mango, tomato, carrot and pineapple. On the shelves in shops you will find smoothies on offer made from these very varieties. These are becoming more and more popular as people become more health conscious.

As you can see, there are many more options available to you than the regular sodas. Once you give these a go you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to feel healthier and you will soon find yourself turning away from sodas and energy drinks altogether. Like anything, it takes will power at first but you will soon lose the taste for the unhealthy varieties. - 17268

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